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May 5, 2022
Israel Travel? Ouch!

There’s a reason the Globalists/Satanists don’t want you to travel in the USA, much less travel overseas. Travel represents freedom to come and go as you please. And the Globalists/Satanists who are determined to run this world just can’t allow that kind of freedom!

Having just returned from a trip to Israel and Jordan, Susie and I had a first-hand glimpse of what traveling is like in other parts of the world.

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April 27, 2022
Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

While we were in Israel recently, calls to rebuild the third Jewish Temple began being openly discussed in major publications like the Jerusalem Post.

Going back to making blood sacrifices will further distance her from every other nation. But now it’s in the mainstream Jewish Media. This is another one of those things I never thought I would see in print pre-Rapture!

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April 21, 2022
The Breath of YHWH

God is The Great “I Am” Who always was and always will be. What power that name has!

Someone recently sent me an anonymous article on the name of God, which I think you'll find fascinating...

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April 14, 2022
Israel Trip Pics

Dear Compass Supporters:

This is an abbreviated Compass e-News as we're traveling in Israel and Jordan this week.

May you have a wonderful and blessed Resurrection weekend!

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April 6, 2022
God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. Prov. 25:2 

The above verse frankly tells us that God conceals things in His Word, the Bible. It's a challenge to Believers to probe and uncover God's mysteries He's hidden in scripture...

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March 31, 2022
Where Are the 3000 Solid Gold Frying Pans?

As promised last week, I was able to talk to my archaeology friend and past Steeling Conference speaker Randall Price about Qumran and the Copper Scroll Project.
Randall did say the Copper Scroll found in Qumran was dated around the time of Jesus. But he also admitted that my theory of Solomon's treasures being buried before the Babylonian Captivity could be true.

After all, where are those ten solid gold, six-foot, seven-branch Menorahs and ten solid gold Tables of Showbread? That alone is tons of gold. Not counting all those 3000 solid gold frying pans...

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March 24, 2022
Israel's Riches Found?

Someone sent me a video about someone claiming they've located where all of King Solomon's gold and silver riches are buried. Their video about where it's located is certainly provocative.

Also interesting is their claim that the riches are located in Qumran, a place I'm touring soon. Pinch me! Can't wait to see that site!

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March 16, 2022
The Essenes

Recently I was interviewed by a liberal Christian Internet Magazine regarding our Steeling the Mind Bible Conference.
I agreed to the interview knowing it was possible the interviewer, Cassy Benefield, could rake me over the coals. But duty calls...

In our preliminary discussions, I judged she was probably a Believer, just not into the same fundamentals of Biblical faith that I teach. So I was expecting some steel-on-steel as I defended Compass's doctrinal parameters.

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March 10, 2022
7 Signs For Rapture

Watching the news is quite exciting these days. The Bible has very specific prophecies to watch for in the latter days as Jesus' return grows closer. Is this exciting or what!

There are actually numerous prophecies about this time in which we live, but there are seven big ones that stand out...

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March 3, 2022
Play It Again Sam

Haven't we heard this before?
I'm pretty sure if you take all the headlines from two years ago and insert "Russia" in place of "Covid," you have the latest fear-flaming tactics by the Globalists/Satanists.
As Believers we can never ignore or condone the tragic suffering of innocent people. But that makes it even more incumbent on us to seek to investigate and understand all the factors that contribute to this war.

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March 3, 2022
Two Trees and a Thief

In Satan’s futile 6000-year attempt to wage war against God, his strategy has never changed. Knowing he could never conquer God, he turned his hatred and rage to the next best option—to steal God’s greatest treasure—the pinnacle of God’s Creation.
When the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge was eaten, mankind’s innocence was lost and the entire human race was infected with sin.
But there was a second tree in the Garden—The Tree of Life.

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February 23, 2022
Judgments in the Bible

Our righteous Creator God of the universe is a God of judgment. God has judged people throughout the history of man, and judgment is coming in the future. No one will escape standing before Him and accounting for their actions.
Thankfully, as Born Again Believers, our sins were atoned for at the cross and are not held against us on Judgment Day. But for all others...

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February 22, 2022
Hospital Covid Guide 1.0

Many have experienced a scenario where a loved-one has been admitted to the hospital, diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection, often attached to a ventilator, and has become concerned about their course of treatment.
In many cases the hospitals have refused to release the patient, citing their unstable condition, meaning that at some point, it can become impossible to get off the Covid express.
Here are some suggestions, starting with the time before admission. You should read this now and you might want to bookmark it for later. It could save your life.

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February 16, 2022
Still Trust Your Doc?

Remember when doctors used to walk on water? You had complete trust in whatever they said. Rarely would you question any health treatment recommendations.

However, over the last two years as our entire nation has had to deal with the so-called “Covid Crisis,” our respect for doctors has plummeted into the toilet. And hospitals have already been flushed.

What caused this total reversal from being the most trusted profession to being so mistrusted? Well, to understand we have to look back and trace what transpired in medicine from America’s early years.

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February 9, 2022
Tracking the Coming Collision of Heaven and Hell

We are at another crossroads on our way to the collision between heaven and hell.

Since the Globalists/Satanists have an agenda and the fruits of that agenda are outlined in scripture, it’s helpful to look at what’s going on from their perspective.

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February 2, 2022
Snakes on a Plain

"The LORD sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died." Num. 21:6

They quickly repented of their sinful disobedience and pleaded with Moses to intercede with God on their behalf to stop the snakes from killing them.

The Lord heard their prayers and instructed Moses to symbolically place a snake on a flagstaff and lift it up. God explained that if a snake bit a person, all they had to do was look at the snake on the pole and the person would live...

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January 27, 2022
Behold, A Pale Horse

"I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth." Rev. 6:8

Last week we looked at the Black Horse of Revelation 6 and its associated inflation. This week we’ll look at the Ashen horse that follows.

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January 19, 2022
Are the Covid Winds Shifting...and Why?

There may be a shift coming in the Brandon Administration's va((ine rollout. In the past, the Communists/Satanists have pushed as far as they can and then drop back—but nowhere near where they started—always gaining ground—only to start again in the future.

That's probably what's happening now. Seems they feel it's time for a pull-back to make people feel better.

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January 19, 2022
Satan's Inflation

The Black Horse in Revelation 6 speaks of death and the death is caused by inflation-driven famine. This is where our current inflation will end up, albeit after the Rapture.

But before the Rapture, you can make a case that crushing inflation is apparently beginning. The first thing to know is that the inflation rate today compared to the 1970s is a complete lie...

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January 12, 2022
The Shechinah Glory's Departure

Looking at the world's craziness from a prophetic Biblical perspective, we know it’s all rooted in Satan’s evil.
So viewing all that’s going on from a last-days perspective and understanding the behind-the-scenes evil, what else can we find in the Bible that might shed some light on the weirdness we see today?

Well, there may be some insight in what Ezekiel the prophet wrote some 2600 years ago.

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January 5, 2022
Leadership in the Midst of Storms

So as Believers, we need to be ready to react to the many changes that will be coming between now and the Rapture. We need to be ready to adapt and lead our families, neighbors, coworkers and our friends to God’s truth.
Christian men will have to step up and make some tough decisions even in the middle of any howling winds. We’ll have to have confidence in what God has disclosed to us in His Word and bravely stand on what we know to be true.

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December 30, 2021
Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Only the Lord knows what's ahead for Believers this year. But regardless of what circumstances we find ourselves in, our response should be the same: Faithfully represent God while looking for opportunities to share the Gospel.

For the Lord to use us, we'll need to be well-armored with God's Word. We'll also have to "Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em." Yes, that's a quote from a Kenny Rogers song, not scripture. But it IS in the Bible, even though not word-for-word.

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December 22, 2021
More to the Christmas Story...

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. Phil. 4:8

These are both challenging and exciting times to live, to say the least. But God gave us that awesome verse above. We’re commanded to not keep our eyes on the turbulent waters around us, but rather on the pure and lovely things of God.

And if you do keep your eyes on Him, you’ll sleep a lot better in this coming year!

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December 16, 2021
How To Witness To Lost Relatives

Recently we’ve received a few questions about what’s the best way, before the Rapture, to plan to leave our personal assets to those left behind in the Tribulation?

How should you decide who and how to divide up your worldly assets? The short answer is that you’re not clearly understanding what it will be like after the Rapture of the Church.

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December 9, 2021
3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

There are a lot of false prophets in the world that are trying to tie the Seals unveiled in Revelation 6 to events happening today.

They insist we’re already living in the 7-year Tribulation and the world is experiencing Seal number whatever. That is so NOT true.

If we were in the Tribulation, you would definitely know it!

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December 1, 2021
Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

According to several sources in Israel, the Israeli Defense Minister, Benny Gantz, is publicly telling citizens on PUBLIC TELEVISION that they need to prepare for war with Iran.
A public warning like this has never been given in the history of modern Israel.

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November 24, 2021
The First Thanksgiving

This is an excerpt I've read to our kids, and now grand-kids, before our big Thanksgiving meal for years. Repetition is key.
I believe this account succinctly and accurately captures the years that led up to the first Thanksgiving celebration in America.

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November 18, 2021
Dealing With Delusion

Today, deluded people are a dime a dozen. You see them on TV, radio and in newspaper and Internet articles—all saying the weirdest things.

The latest is that the media are reporting that heart attacks and strokes are happening to dozens of well-conditioned athletes all over the earth.

Then they turn right around and attribute this phenomenon to "climate change" or eating too many snacks at home during the Covid lockdowns. Really?

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November 12, 2021
Yes, Martha, They Want to Kill Us!

It’s hard to believe it, but it’s really happening— America is being conquered. Slowly, surely, steadily.

Like it or not, what we’re witnessing going on today is a last-days Luciferian-rooted takeover of the world.

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November 4, 2021
Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

As we watch the Virginia election results we see a glimmer of hope of turning this Globalist/Satanist world government freight train around, or at least slowing it down. PTL!

But we still have a lot of Believers about to lose their jobs. The stories we hear range from heart-breaking to valiant and Godly.

So, regarding the employee va((ine mandates, we decided to answer a question we get a lot lately with verses and references.

Hope you find it helpful.

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October 27, 2021
Hyperinflation In These Last Days

The post-Rapture Tribulation dispensation begins with four horsemen galloping onto the scene.
The black horse carries one with a pair of scales in his hand. With all the world’s devastation and destruction, the “pair of scales” indicate the resulting economic calamity. The fragile food supply-lines operating today will completely collapse. This will cause severe hyperinflation.

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October 21, 2021
Where Are We Headed?

By now you have to be two short of a coaster set to think the va((ine has anything to do with health.

So what is really going on? What's the purpose of making all these people leave their jobs and financial security instead of taking a clot-shot that is at best dangerous, and at worst, deadly?

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October 21, 2021
Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide

The following articles and videos are what keeps me hopeful for a reprieve so we can travel overseas again! You won't see any of this in the major media. It's not over til it's over!

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October 14, 2021
Is This Satan's Plan for World Control?

Lately I've been wondering how much Satan knows about what's dead ahead?

Watching Satan’s people, the Globalists, unabashedly work in the open these days makes you wonder how much Satan knows about the timing of the Rapture.

Could he know a close approximation of the timing of the Rapture? Maybe that would explain why he’s pressing forward without regard to known consequences. 

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October 7, 2021
China in the Tribulation

Since the invasion is prior to the mother of all earthquakes, the huge number of troops is certainly within range.

So the Kings of the East will jointly bring the massive army east toward Jerusalem. When they reach the Euphrates River, God’s angel dries up the river to make it easy to cross.

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September 30, 2021
Whose God Is the True God?

How do we know the words in our Bible are the ones we should believe over all the other religions?

What is the difference between the writings of Muhammad and the Jewish/Christian Bible we have today?

Or between the Hindu or Buddhist writings and the Jewish/Christian Bible?

Since all religions basically talk about who goes to heaven and who goes to hell, what separates our Bible from all the rest?

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September 24, 2021
Jesus in the Tribulation

I apparently raised a few eyebrows in a previous eNews because the above chart shows Jesus coming to earth during the Tribulation. He does. We know Jesus comes to earth at the beginning of the Tribulation because scripture says He teaches the 144,000 Jewish Witnesses who've received a special mark on their foreheads by the four angels.

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September 16, 2021
Biden's Not Incompetent

Joe Biden is not incompetent: He is doing exactly what he was hired to do — collapse America
Joe Biden is a man in obvious cognitive decline. But he is not crazy, stupid or incompetent.
Biden knows who he is and for whom he works. He is a stooge for the global Great Reset and he is doing his job exactly as it was assigned to him by his superiors.

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September 16, 2021
Anti-Christ vs. New World Leader: What's the Difference?

Immediately after the world-astonishing Rapture of the Church, with the Holy Spirit no longer present restraining wholesale evil, Russia, Iran and several other nations will invade Israel seeking to capture her gold and silver riches.

It's at this point in time, seemingly out of nowhere, a man who is brilliant and a military genius will burst onto the world scene...

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September 10, 2021
Biden's Full-Court Press

Back in my younger days, I played both basketball and golf in college.

One of the things I learned was when it was late in a basketball game or a golf match and you were probably going to lose, you'd try anything, even take drastic measures, to win.

Well, surveying the landscape of the push toward a New World Order by the Globalists/Satanists, it must be near the end of the game because it looks to me like they've begun to take desperate measures.

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September 7, 2021
Millions Missing?

If all of the sudden, in the blink of an eye, you find that a large number of people all over the earth have vanished into thin air, the following are important facts about what has happened.

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September 2, 2021
Vaccine Passports Will Be the End of Freedom

If the Great Rapturous Escape bails out Believers this month, we’ll have been spared a scary Satanic world takeover scenario that seems to be quite quickly falling into place.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has just released their specifications for a digital vac[[ine certificate. Released August 27, 2021, it’s a monster, to say the least.

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August 27, 2021
Is This the Prophesied Worldwide Lie?

We have said from the beginning of this so-called "Covid Crisis" that it has to be Satanically driven because it's the only way any of this makes sense to be going on worldwide.
One of the most interesting latter-days prophecies is that there will come a time when the entire world will be deceived into believing a whopping lie.
The tie-in gets even more credible when you realize one of Satan's many flaming arrows is sorcery...

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August 24, 2021
Staying Alive

The “will to live” is an amazing gift from the Lord to humans. As believers we also live our lives daily making decisions that keep us breathing. Yet we live knowing God is in complete control of all things, at all times. He promises our days are numbered before we’re born.
Knowing all that, it’s fascinating to watch the entire world be preoccupied with staying alive.

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August 19, 2021
September Rapture? 4 Reasons For and 4 Reasons Against

To most who understand only a little bit of Bible prophecy, it seems clear that what’s going on today was prophesied in detail some 2000 years ago.

Things like the Mark of the Beast and a Single World Government are not conspiracy theories, they’re vividly outlined in scripture for anyone to read.

The only thing the Bible is unclear about is the timing of the next big dispensational change—the Rapture—when God ends the time on earth we refer to as the Church Age and begins anew with Israel as His earthly focus and attention.

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August 11, 2021
A Bow Without Arrows?

The context of these Four Horsemen in Rev. 6:1-8 implies they’re all bearing deadly weapons because they’re portrayed as mortal threats to mankind.

God’s Holy Spirit inspired John the Revelator to describe the first horseman with only a bow in his hand. And the reason he doesn’t need arrows may surprise you!

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August 5, 2021
Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) says employers are legally able to mandate Covid-19 vaccines to employees.

However, the EEOC also says employees may refuse to get the vaccine based on their “sincerely held” religious beliefs and may request a religious exemption. So claiming a religious exemption boils down to one thing…do you have a “sincerely held belief”?

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July 29, 2021
Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

Did you know the ultimate goal of artificial intelligence is to reach the point where humans can have eternal life? Yep, Satan is so good with his lies that he has all these Globalists believing they can avoid hell altogether.

These people are planning to go from hooking our bodies directly into the Internet to measure health, location and bank accounts, to hooking our brains up to machines where we think commands into action.

It's not a stretch to go from there to having everything in your brain copied and living forever in a robot.

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July 21, 2021
IMPORTANT - Watch and Share!

I believe this video may be a game-changer for a lot of reasons. I implore every Believer to watch it and share it with your private email lists.

It is a succinct and factual explanation showing that the purpose of the man-made Covid scare was to get as much of the world as possible to be injected with a pathogen (poison) for the purpose of killing over a billion people. Yes, you read that correctly.

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July 16, 2021
WOW--A-Mill & Pre-Mill Doctrines Now Merging!

Why This Is Important To Us Today
Like premills, the next big thing on the amill church event calendar is the Rapture. And amills believe the Rapture will be preceded by Satanic activity on the earth.

Amills look at what's happening on the earth today and believe Satan has obviously been released…therefore the Rapture must be close. Today’s world events fit like a glove into their eschatology.

Premills look at what’s happening on in the earth and also think the Rapture must be close, followed by the Tribulation. That’s incredible!

Therefore, amazingly, God has allowed both pre- and amill theologies, despite their major differences in the order of events, to believe we’re getting close to the Rapture!!!

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July 6, 2021

Any way you look at it, things are continuing to be heating-up globally this summer. This makes September's Rosh Hashanah a possible date of our exhilarating exit.

I personally think we still have a few years to go...still hoping we're in a birth pang. Oh how I would enjoy watching the Globalists/Satanists exposed for the liars they are! It's definitely still a possibility.

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July 6, 2021
Why God's Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

When Jesus was just hours away from His crucifixion, He taught His last Bible study with His Apostles at what is referred to as the Last Supper. Based on the content Jesus covered that night, it was probably the greatest Bible study He ever taught. Most of the doctrinal points He espoused are well-known to Believers today, but most Christians don’t realize all this was from His last Bible study.

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June 24, 2021
One Second Before the Rapture

This week someone I thought was fairly solid sent me info proclaiming that Dr. Fauci was one of the horsemen in Revelation 6. Oh boy… Satan has another one twisted in knots because the Believer doesn’t understand BASIC prophecy doctrine in his Bible!

So knowing there’s so much prophetic trash still floating around these days in Christian circles, I think it’s time to review a couple of basic prophecy facts before jumping into the time period just before the Rapture. So here goes...

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June 18, 2021
Major Info to Keep You Alive

I am seeing more and more evidence of the wheels coming off the train of Covid lies. More and more people are coming out, risking their professional careers to expose truth.

I'm working on a new article entitled "One Second Before Rapture." But there is so much happening I wanted to send out these links today in case you had time to peruse them.

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June 10, 2021
Vaccines, Voting & Vices

How long can they hide the truth? We hope not much longer!

It’s hard to believe how much is going on at the moment in the world of Vaccines and Voting.

It’s amazing that the Globalists/Communists/Satanists have kept so many lies perpetrated for so long. How much longer can they hide the facts?

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May 27, 2021
God Comes From Edom?

Buried in the short book of Habakkuk is a most interesting prophecy.

"God comes from Teman, And the Holy One from Mount Paran. His splendor covers the heavens, and the earth is full of His praise." Hab.3:3

What’s fascinating is the reference to God coming from “Teman.” Teman was the capital of Edom, which is today in the southwest part of Jordan. "Seir" refers to a mountainous area in southwest Edom. What’s that about? Why is God coming from Edom?

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May 21, 2021
If You're Unva[[inated, You're Not Alone

The demand for vaccines is waning. Actually, it’s dropping like a rock. They’ve tried to put a nice spin label on this, calling it “Vaccine Hesitancy.”

But people are not “hesitant”; rather, it's more like they're “vaccine knowledgeable.” Look at this chart—the other half of Americans don't want the poison!

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May 12, 2021
Nervous? What A Great Time To Be Alive!

It seems lots of Christians are nervous about what they see happening today in our country.

Some are so nervous they’ve called Compass about finding the best place to purchase survival food. Shades of Y2K.

But there IS a lot going on. So should we be worried about having enough food stored? Should we be worried about Believers being rounded up into detention camps for reeducation? Or having our bank accounts frozen because our social credit score was too low?

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May 3, 2021
The USA Post-Rapture

...Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!… Revelation 18:2

We have previously identified the United States in scripture as Babylon, or the daughter of Babylon…showing some 20 plus Bible verses that the USA is the only country on the planet that can fulfill all the characteristics of this end-time nation.(1)

Now we look to see what happens to our country immediately after the Rapture. It's not good... the carnage described is quite sobering. I can’t really imagine this happening to the USA, but it will.

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April 26, 2021
Women & \/accines

Despite a massive cover-up by major media, it’s apparent that COVID \/accines are causing women around the world all kinds of problems regarding their menstrual cycles and pregnancy.

Thousands, and maybe tens of thousands of women worldwide are reporting abnormal and horribly painful periods after having taken the C19 \/accine. Many others have reported miscarriages.

Is Satan so evil he would purposefully be inducing population control/reduction through \/accines? Yes, he would. And this is a very real possibility, if not a probability.

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April 8, 2021
The Covid Playbook Revealed

Watch this video before it's taken down! This is unbelievable! This may be the most important video we've ever recommended!

In 2017, two months after President Trump took office, Anthony Fauci commissioned Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to publish a most amazing paper on how to handle a future "surprise" virus pandemic.

The report, which includes a disclaimer saying the report is "hypothetical" and "purely fictional," is set in the years 2025-2028.

But it lays out the EXACT COVID-19 world scenario we've been going through since the (fake) pandemic began. Impossibly EXACT.

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March 29, 2021
Palms and Vaccines

It feels like the world is in some sort of slow-motion change... changing to a One-World everything and there's nothing we can do to slow or stop it. Here in the United States things are changing almost by the minute.

Take Amazon's new Palm Reader. They advertise it this way:

"Meet Amazon One, the fast, convenient, contactless identity service that uses your palm – just hover to enter, identify, and pay."

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March 19, 2021
Bill Gates' Top Virologist Says "Don't Take the COVID Vaccine!"

Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DMV, who is about as credentialed as one can be, says under no circumstances should you take the COVID vaccine.

Calling it an “Emergency of Global Concern,” Bossche is insisting on cancellation of all ongoing COVID-19 mass vaccination campaigns because it’s an “acute health emergency of international concern” that “threatens mankind.” Strong words to say the least!

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March 8, 2021
The Day of the Lord

Many Jewish Bible scholars believe the Bible lays out the human timeline to be 7000 years. They believe their promised Messiah will return after 6000 years of human history and reign from Jerusalem as King of the earth for 1000 years.

They base this on what's referred to as the Day/Age Theory. They use the 7 days of Creation & Rest as a model, not only for our 6 days of work and 1 day of rest, but also as a template of the entire length of human history.

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February 23, 2021
Changing Our Minds...

As we move into full-blown communism in America, our freedoms are blatantly being stripped awayl You can see big tech's movements over the last few months escalating their censorship. Conservative and Christian posts and even complete social accounts are "fact-checked" or deleted. The influence these tech giants have is enormous. So they simply suppress information, helping to shape a narrative that does not represent the full picture of what’s going on. Conservative and/or Christian videos just disappear...deemed inaccurate when they are not. But do realize our thoughts and actions are also being manipulated.

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February 23, 2021
Will Our Pets Be Raptured With Us?

Most Believers have, or have had, pets. They often become dearly beloved parts of our families.
So the elephant-in-the-room question for Believers is “What’s going to happen to our pets after we’re beamed up?” No one wants to think about blasting out of here leaving behind our pets to deal with the ravages of the Tribulation. So what can we find in Scripture to give us some insight?

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February 11, 2021
Known Cures/Treatments For Covid-19

The mRNA molecule is vulnerable to destruction. So, in order to protect the fragile mRNA strands while they are being inserted into our DNA [cells], they are coated with PEGylated lipid nanoparticles.

This coating hides the mRNA from our immune system which ordinarily would kill any foreign material injected into the body.
PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been used in several different drugs for years.

Because of their effect on immune system balance, several studies have shown them to induce allergies and autoimmune diseases.

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January 27, 2021
Our Worst Nightmare! But the best is yet to come!

It's hard to stomach that the Globalists/Satanists were able to literally steal both the office of the President and the last two Senate seats. The bad news is that, realistically, you might as well assume we're living in a communist-run country. The good news is that the Rapture may be closer than we expected.

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January 18, 2021
7 Reasons Not to Vaccinate

In the midst of all the commotion regarding Biden’s inauguration, or whatever President Trump is doing, the unbelievable push for people to take the COVID vaccination continues.

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January 13, 2021
Left or Right?

The Globalists' ultimate goal is to fold the United States under the authority of the United Nations. If this happens, obviously our Republic will be lost. Christians and conservatives would have zero protection. We would be living under pure Communism.

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December 31, 2020
Dead Ahead

Today, using the whole counsel of God's Bible prophecies, it’s easy to see that Satan is readying for world control. He can read Scripture like we can so he already knows he’ll one day be able to control all buying and selling WORLDWIDE (Rev. 13:16-17).
We’re seeing those prophetic pieces falling into place, so just how close are we to our exhilarating exit?

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December 22, 2020
How to Buy Hydroxychloroquine

You simply go to their web site, click on "Book your consultation now" in the red box and fill out the patient information and submit. A physician will call you, ask a few questions and then a pharmacy ships the HCQ directly to your home.

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December 16, 2020
Dicey Days Ahead

There is no doubt if Biden and his China/communist backers take over, our Republican form of government is totally over. In ten years, tops, there will be no middle class, no private property ownership, no stock ownership (stakeholders not stockholders), and no chance of ever getting back our Republic.

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December 9, 2020
The World Waits

Are we approaching the final battle between heaven and hell or will we dodge this election death-bullet?

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November 20, 2020
Beware of the Band-aid

In the 1980s, if you didn’t want someone to see something you were doing, you would jokingly point up to the sky and say, “Look—it’s Halley’s Comet.” The point was, if you don’t want someone to see what you’re doing, you get them to look in a different direction.

Today, due to all the misinformation, I’ve become so jaded I’m wondering if Satan has us all up-in-arms over the election so he can do an end-around regarding implementing a worldwide vaccine.

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November 10, 2020
Long Odds, Big God

Between what President Trump has done in the Middle East, for blacks and Latinos, oil and gas, small businesses, our economy, and a long list of other things, the proof was there.

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October 23, 2020
America Holds Its Breath

In just a few days our national elections will be over. It's so important to vote... especially since 1/2 the evangelicals did not vote in the last election—and every vote is critical.

James Dobson is calling this election "A breath-taking moment in the history of the United States." He gets what's at stake. We are not choosing a leader as much as we are choosing a way of life.

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October 23, 2020
Moving the Goal Line

Imagine if a football team drove 99 yards to the one-yard line only to have the refs add another 100 yards to the end of the field. Yes, that's absurd. But that's what's happened with COVID-19.

We were told we had to shut down the country for two weeks to keep from having 2 million deaths. The purpose was to "flatten the curve" to keep our hospitals from being overwhelmed.

But now the curve is flattened and we've come up with medicine to treat C-19 so that today a person has a 99% chance of surviving Covid-19. So they've changed from worrying about "deaths" to worrying about "infections."

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October 8, 2020
Why White Is Not Right

Why are some elected officials not stopping the riots, violence, flag burning and even forest fires? Where on earth did the idea of getting rid of police come from? Is it deep-seated racism in America, or something else? The answer is not a "conspiracy theory" as it's openly available for anyone to see.

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September 16, 2020
The Berisheet Prophecy

The very first word spoken by the Lord that is recorded in scripture is the single word Berisheet. It means “In beginning” (“the” is added in English). Berisheet is composed of six Hebrew letters. Read from right to left, “Berisheet” looks like this when written today:

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September 8, 2020
Human 2.0 by Carrie Madej

Some things make sense, like blood pressure, temperature, diseases, etc. But it also has capacity for delivering much more information—like your physical location, bank account information and health status. This also means it's a two-way communicative device.

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August 26, 2020
What Makes Us Human?

Just as scientists have learned to genetically modify food (GMO), they are now doing the same with human DNA. Instead of releasing a small dose of a disease to trigger our antibodies for defense, the new vaccines work by adding new instructions to our DNA.

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August 17, 2020
The Chaotic Conclusion to the Church Age

They know a Biden Administration can be bought and controlled, opening the door to change our democracy to socialism, then to fascism and ultimately under a one-world government. We are at war, whether we admit it or not.

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August 6, 2020
Digital Money & Forced Vaccines

Even Facebook is getting into the act with their libra e-money. Affectionately called "Zuck Bucks," just the size of Facebook's audience could launch a major digital currency. Ultimately, Facebook backed down but won't admit who pressured them. Probably they've been promised to be a key part of the future digital system.

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August 6, 2020
Big Time Deception

It has been shown that Antifa and BLM are both Marxist-run organizations that are engaged in a war to take down this country.(1)(2) The World Elites are happily funding all of this as the United States, led by President Trump, is not buying into their world agenda.

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July 28, 2020
The Return of the Nephilim?

Scientists have figured out how to insert a different DNA sequence, called an “engineered cell line,” to literally change who they are, how they think and even how they respond.

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July 28, 2020
Dr. Carrie Madej Video Transcription

Vaccine trials are being fast-tracked at a level and rate that I have never seen in my life, nor did I ever expect to see. They are skipping over the animal trials and going directly to human trials. They are not using good scientific methodology at all. They have no randomized placebo-controlled trials for any vaccine, which is the gold standard for any therapy to be approved by the FDA. They’re not following any sound scientific protocol to make sure this is safe for us, to make sure it would work for us, or to know anything about it—and they want to inject it into everybody.

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July 9, 2020
Trump's Deal of the Century

Under the Trump proposal, Israel would take about 30% of the West Bank area, formally called Judea and Samaria. This is land that Israel already controls and uses for agriculture. It also connects key defensive land segments on the Jordanian border from just south of the Sea of Galilee to the south end of the Dead Sea.

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July 1, 2020
The Coming World Reset?

If in fact we’re close to the Rapture and the end of the Church Age, it’s not surprising to see attempts like the World Economic Forum pushing for a world government. The WEF is just another attempt by the godless Elites, who think they’re already in control, to do everything possible to make “one world” come about—ASAP.

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June 10, 2020
Are We in the Millennium?

Others joined his protest and it continued to grow into a large number of protesters. Eventually they became known as the “Protesters”—what we call Protestants today. These enlightened Believers basically spent 100 years fighting the Catholic Church over how you get saved, by works or faith. The Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Anglicans and a few others were the initial denominations that grew out of the protest.

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June 9, 2020
Fear of the Future

For many of us, there was a real threat to people we love—those who are elderly or already compromised, and we pray for those families who have had to deal with those very real concerns.

And ironically, the fearmongers made that situation even worse by forcing many to face illness and fear alone in isolation, without their family members present. That pain is real and tragic.

But for us as individual Believers, the fear of dying should not be embraced. When Believers die, we win. We shed this earthly shell and receive a new container fashioned just like Jesus' new post-cross body.

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May 19, 2020
God's Wrath vs. Satan's Persecution — Globalism's Perfect Storm

The globalists have waited for a crisis—but who knew it would be health-related? Health is our most cherished value. If you lose it, you lose everything. It can involve pain and suffering. If you scare enough people with health-related problems, they will melt like warm butter in your hand. They will welcome anyone—even a Mr. Fix-It—who can guarantee them the basics in life, including a vaccine that will forever protect them and spare them pain and suffering.

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May 13, 2020
Moving Toward A New World Order?

Think about it, we can go to Costco or Home Depot and put our hands on anything but we can't go to a beach or park to walk without getting arrested! The inconsistencies are obvious and numerous.

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May 13, 2020
Risk Management: Perspectives on COVID-19

The combination of flu season hospitalizations (153 per 100,000) plus COVID-19 hospitalizations per (29 per 100,000) add to a combined rate of 182 per 100,000. A hospitalization rate of 182 per 100,000 would be approximately 76% of the peak hospitalization rate for flu alone managed during the 2017-2018 season. COVID-19 hospitalization rates to-date do not appear to represent an exceptional challenge to hospital capacity utilization in the aggregate.

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April 29, 2020
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear!

What an exciting time to be alive! Believers have been watching and preparing for something like this, and now it's here! So much is coming to light. So don't be fearful, God's in control. He wants us to be bold!

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April 29, 2020
Coronavirus Hot Links

If you haven't noticed, anyone who tries to offer evidence that contradicts the Big Pharma position is crucified in the media. They want a world vaccine at all costs.
I personally believe this whole shutdown is not about a virus, but rather it's about control of people and getting the world back on track for Satan's coming New World Order.

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April 23, 2020
Truth & Lies About Coronavirus - by Nine Physicians

There is so much fake stuff being circulated, it's important to read something trustworthy. The article below was compiled by several doctors who are ticked off at what they're seeing. I think you'll find it to be good info in an easy-to-read, true/false format.

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April 10, 2020
IS THIS THE END? Just How Close Are We?

Americans have historically weathered financial problems from time to time but were spared from the devastation of cities during World War I and II. More recently, Korea, Vietnam and the Middle Eastern conflicts were a LONG way away. So even a “stay home order” is new to most Americans.

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April 1, 2020
Regarding Ibuprofen/Advil and the Coronavirus

This has to do with coronavirus and the use of ibuprofen/Advil. Before Coronavirus began killing people, the use of ibuprofen has been receiving more and more debate about problems with its use. Dr. OZ has long railed against its use(2). So this will not be new info for some.

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March 25, 2020
What the Bible Says About Stopping the Coronavirus

The Jewish priests were rarely physicians, but they did basically function as public health officers. Being under the Levitical Law, the priests would judiciously institute all 613 Biblical Laws and Commandments found in the Old Testament, which included dealing with leprosy, a highly infectious disease.

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March 9, 2020
Being Wise in a Wicked World

If that IS the case, that they’ve been knowingly lying to docs, eventually whistleblowers will come forward and expose them. I certainly hope the pharmaceutical companies are not blatantly hiding research in order to sell more drugs.

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February 6, 2020
Creation, Noah and Jonah

Kent Hovind, a past speaker at Steeling the Mind Bible Conferences, was once debating evolution and his opponent stated that there are hundreds, maybe thousands,  of kinds of dogs on the earth. And he asked Kent if he really believed that all those different kinds of dogs came from only two dogs on Noah's ark. Kent answered, "yes i do believe they came form only two dogs. But let me point out that you think they came from a rock!" The audience roared!

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February 5, 2020
The Identity of the Two Witnesses

They have the ability to cause droughts and plagues in specific places around the earth, and even turn fresh water into blood (Rev. 11:6).

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January 30, 2020
The Eight Stages of Armageddon

In this phase the Antichrist will be slain by the true Christ. Beginning at Bozrah and moving back to Jerusalem and the Kidron Valley (also known as the Valley of Jehoshaphat), Jesus,  the Messiah and Kind of the Jews, will miraculously engage and destroy the Antichrist's forces.

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January 30, 2020
The Last Supper: Who Sat Where?

Luke gives us valuable information as to who sat where. the disciples were having an argument as to who was the greatest as they came into the room. This was because these tables all had a seating order indication the importance or rank of the guests. There was a specific place for the most important guest to sit and a place for the least important guest.

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January 30, 2020
Major Myths of Homeschooling

As a home school teacher, you don't stand over your children and lecture them all day long. A good curriculum will walk them through the lessons and explain every step of the way.

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January 21, 2020
The Coming Shake, Rattle and Roll

When God flooded the earth, mostly from water below, it caused the earth’s crust to become unstable resulting in earthquakes, volcanoes, etc. It’s estimated today that over 80% of the earth’s surface material is of volcanic origin.

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December 10, 2019
Israel's Coming Mind-Blowing Gold Riches

How much gold and silver would it take for Russia to be enticed to invade Israel to steal it all? A bunch. It would have to be a tantalizing amount, probably in the mega billions, if not trillions, of dollars.

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November 18, 2019
Climate Change is Real!!!

Now they're blaming all the world’s problems on man’s impact on the planet. They say there are “over 1000 research studies” that prove Climate Change is real... which is a bald-faced lie.

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October 28, 2019
Quit Pretending!

The 32,000 was now down to 300 men. Now the battle would not be won by might, but could only be won because God orchestrated the victory.

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September 16, 2019
Rapture in the 2030s?

We're so close that Satan has undoubtedly put people in place who are sold-out for him, setting the stage for his world takeover. No longer behind the scenes, they've come out in the open with their lies and deceit. For example:

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August 22, 2019
Terms and Conditions of Biblelands Cruise 2020

Click here to download Terms and Conditions for the 2020 Biblelands Cruise (PDF) : For all the details on this trip, click here!

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August 8, 2019
Is Joshua Harris Now Going To Hell?

In a nutshell, Harris is clearly saying he no longer believes the Bible, pretty much giving God the finger. So this begs the question, does this mean he’s now going to hell?

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July 9, 2019
Are You Being Watched… Yet?

Everything you do, or don’t do, is monitored and scored. Your score also affects your family by causing your Internet to run more slowly, and keeping you (and/or your kids) from the best schools and the best jobs. A low score could even land you in jail!

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June 10, 2019
Did God Once Flood The Entire Earth?

If you believe in the Biblical doctrine of divine inspiration, that God inspired every word in the Bible, you WILL find yourself having to defend it. It just comes with the territory.

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June 5, 2019
UFOs and the Big Post-Rapture Lie

The oldest known recorded incident of a UFO comes from the Bible. Twenty-eight hundred years ago, Elijah the prophet exited this earth on what is best described as a UFO—an “unidentified flying object.” “As they were going along and talking, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the two […]

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June 2, 2019
Believers and The Parable of the Sower

If you’ve been a Christian for any length of time, you’ve probably run across the four responses in the Parable of the Sower. There have been many explanations and debates in the Christian community as to whom these four situations apply.

And even though Jesus is speaking pre-Cross to people in Israel under the Law, not to people in the Church Age, there’s a lot for Spirit-indwelled Believers to consider and apply—especially in the area of Biblical maturity.

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May 8, 2019
The Pool of Siloam & the Messiah

In a nutshell, Jesus was leaving the Temple compound, saw the blind beggar, picked up some dirt, spit into the dirt and applied it to the beggar’s eyes. He told the beggar to go wash the dirt out of his eyes in the Pool of Siloam. And once he did, he could instantly see for the first time in his life.

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April 8, 2019
When The 300 Foot Wave Swamps America

When the 300 Foot Waves Swamps America "YET ONCE MORE I WILL SHAKE NOT ONLY THE EARTH, BUT ALSO THE HEAVEN." Heb. 12:26   One of the most incredible prophecies ever described in the Bible regarding mass destruction on this earth takes place during the future 7-year Tribulation. In 1450 BC, back during Israel’s Egyptian […]

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April 1, 2019
The List - Sample Chapter

The following excerpt is from our exciting new historical novel THE LIST. Culturally and Biblically accurate, this excerpt covers the time Nicodemus comes to see Jesus at night (John 3). You’ll be amazed by what you learn!

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March 12, 2019
Station Listings — Christ in Prophecy

Below are the television networks and web listings that air the Christ in Bible Prophecy show hosted by Dave Reagan/Lion and Lamb Ministry.    The interview with Bill Perkins and Buck Storm regarding the new novel THE LIST will air the week of April 14. Lamb & Lion Weekly TV Outreach  National Networks: (10 – […]

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February 6, 2019
Why Capitalism vs. Socialism Is Really God vs. Satan

Listening to some of our elected officials push Communistic ideas while using the foulest language imaginable shows the depth of our depravity here in the United States. And the rhetoric will only get worse as our public schools continue to poison our kids' minds with non-biblical trash.

For 50 years the liberals have been entirely in control of our public universities across our nation. They've replaced rigorous disciplines with social justice indoctrination.

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January 22, 2019
A Clear And Present Danger

A Clear And Present Danger Future Active Shooters are Present Among Us! "...be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." 1Pet 5:8   It's sad that today we're pretty much unfazed when someone starts shooting people in a public area, unless it's close to our […]

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January 11, 2019
Borders, Walls & Leadership

And do realize, when you start messing with borders, you’re actually messing with God. Good luck with that. Even though Great Britain was the undisputed leader of the world in WWI and God used her to raise up the State of Israel in her ancient homeland, the Brit's world dominance quickly diminished after she carved up Israel’s boundaries giving 70% of her designated land to the Palestinians (today called Jordan).

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December 11, 2018
Signs For The Shepherds

      Signs For The Shepherds--More to the Christmas Story Luke 2:7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. The birth of Jesus is a story most of us know well. […]

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December 5, 2018
Biblical Dispensations

  If you’re not a dispensationalist, you’ve got big problems regarding how you understand your Bible! Biblical Dispensations are divinely ordained and easily distinguishable time periods prevailing throughout the Bible. In a nutshell, a dispensationalist believes God doesn’t change, but He does change how He deals with people on the earth. So when you read […]

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November 20, 2018
The First Thanksgiving

The First Thanksgiving After the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, the Church of England became the official church in England and was headed by the King and Queen of England. All those with religious convictions were under the authority of the bishops of the Church. These bishops began to create power positions and […]

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October 18, 2018
Tying Tassels To Truth

Above: In Hebrew "Yahweh" is read from right to left. You're going to love what the letters spell out! Tying Tassels To Truth Believers today pretty much take for granted living their lives with access to their Bible to study and learn God’s Word. But for most of the world's history, that was not the case! […]

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September 28, 2018
Satan's Crosshairs

Satan’s Crosshairs They are coming after you, not Trump! In June of 2016 I was probably the last one invited to New York City to be a part of some 1000 evangelical Christian leaders who met and asked questions of then-Presidential-candidate Donald Trump. It was an amazing experience and pretty much everyone there could sense […]

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September 6, 2018
All That Blood

WOW—ALL THAT BLOOD! Understanding Your Jewishness as a Believer .    “But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, […]

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August 24, 2018
The Internet of Things

It’s likely many have never heard the expression or phrase the “Internet of Things.” But it's an integral part of your life today whether you realize it or not. And where it's headed is a bit scary. The concept is quite simple—the Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to the use of sensors to both […]

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July 25, 2018
SOS Vol. 1 Graphics: Chapter 14

Steel on Steel Vol. 1 Graphics for Audio Book Ch. 14 Home of the Brave      

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July 25, 2018
SOS Vol. 1 Graphics: Chapter 13

Steel on Steel Vol. 1 Graphics for Audio Book Ch. 13 Russia's Future Humiliating Defeat

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July 25, 2018
SOS Vol. 1 Graphics: Chapter 19

Steel on Steel Vol. 1 Graphics for Audio Book Ch. 19 Satan’s Lie: Do Everything Jesus Says

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July 18, 2018
2 Days in Scripture
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July 18, 2018
The Stones Cry Out!

For instance, did you know that the 10 Commandments are pictured above the eastern entrance to the Supreme Court building? The inscription reads: “JUSTICE - THE GUARDIAN OF LIBERTY.” And above that inscription, carved in stone and prominently located front and center of the world's most famous law givers, is Moses holding the two tablets with the 10 Commandments

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June 14, 2018
Are There Restrooms In Heaven?

So with all my "imagination" I have some questions. For instance, what age will we be in heaven? If we live to 100, will we look like that forever? Or will the men all look about 25 and the women 20?

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June 1, 2018
SOS Vol. 1 Graphics: Chapter 11

Steel on Steel Vol. 1 - Graphics for Audio Book For chapter eleven. Double Click to Enlarge

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June 1, 2018
SOS Vol. 1 Graphics: Chapter 9

Steel on Steel Vol. 1 - Graphics for Audio Book For chapter nine. Double Click to Enlarge

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June 1, 2018
SOS Vol. 1 Graphics: Chapter 8

Steel on Steel Vol. 1 - Graphics for Audio Book For chapter eight. Double Click to Enlarge

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June 1, 2018
SOS Vol. 1 Graphics: Chapter 7

Steel on Steel Vol. 1 - Graphics for Audio Book For chapter seven. Double Click to Enlarge

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June 1, 2018
SOS Vol. 1 Graphics: Chapter 5

Steel on Steel Vol. 1 - Graphics for Audio Book For chapter five. Double Click to Enlarge

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June 1, 2018
SOS Vol. 1 Graphics: Chapter 4

Steel on Steel Vol. 1 - Graphics for Audio Book For chapter four. Double Click to Enlarge

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June 1, 2018
SOS Vol. 1 Graphics: Chapter 3

Steel on Steel Vol. 1 Graphics for Audio Book For chapter three. Double Click to Enlarge

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June 1, 2018
SOS Vol. 1 Graphics: Chapter 1

Steel on Steel Vol. 1 Graphics for Audio Book For chapter one. Double Click to Enlarge Jordan River 1913 (Above) Jordan River Today (Above)

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June 1, 2018
SOS Vol. 1 Graphics Inside Cover & Preface

Steel on Steel Vol. 1 Graphics for Audio Book For inside cover. Double Click to Enlarge SOS inside cover

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May 18, 2018
Should Christians Fast?

Fasting didn’t help these men make a better decision or make them better attuned to the Lord’s direction. The decision they made was disastrous, but it had nothing to do with them fasting or not fasting. These well-meaning and otherwise Godly men were simply incorrectly applying statements in the Gospels, things Jesus said to the Jews under the Law, to people living post-cross in the Church Age.

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May 10, 2018

In all probability, due to the electromagnetic polarity of the earth being temporarily disrupted, electricity will cease to work. This means cars and phones won’t work, planes will fall from the sky and communication will be limited, at least for a while, to how far you can holler or walk.

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April 18, 2018
USA - God's War Club

The Hebrew definition of “war-club” is “shatterer.” This is interesting as the U.S. pretty much shattered Germany in World War I and then shattered Germany and Japan in World War II. When there is no political restraint, the USA can take out anybody.

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March 12, 2018
Einstein's "Fudge"

You could easily argue that Albert Einstein was the world’s most brilliant theorist. Yet at a critical juncture of his life, he used his human reasoning instead of God’s Word and it turned out to be quite the embarrassment! In 1917, Einstein was completing his famous theory of relativity, E = mc2. But he had a problem.

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