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Ancient pagan civilizations like the Incas, the Aztecs and the Druids were notorious for child sacrifice. In the Bible the Ammonites and the Canaanites sacrificed children in the Hinnon Valley outside of Jerusalem in the name of “Molech,” which of course is just Satan in disguise. Without God they’re duck soup for Satan.
The answer is embedded in the Bible for all to see. But most people aren’t willing to look for eternal answers and instead only wish to deal with the here and now, to their own peril.
Yet against all odds, somehow Israel repelled the overwhelming forces who came against her, and the new nation began. One of the things they did was drain the swamps, literally, giving Israel much-needed agricultural space.
Mount Moriah is the most important place on the planet to God. It's where Abraham offered Issac, where the first two Jewish Temples were located, where Jesus was crucified, and where Jesus' world throne will be located during His future 1000-year reign.
Since 1967, Israel has allowed the Muslims to use and maintain the Temple Mount area. In addition to the Dome, they have two mosques on the south end--one built above ground and one recently built below the ground.
The End of the Church Age When I bring them back from the peoples and gather them from the lands of their enemies, then I shall be sanctified through them in the sight of the many nations. Ezekiel 39:27 In the not-too-distant future, Israel will again be in the forefront of God’s actions on earth—and […]
Before the cross, those who died who were saved by faith by trusting in a future Messiah went to "Paradise." Scripture says they were in "comfort." That's good because some of them had to be there for thousands of years waiting on the Messiah!
Those who were not saved by faith went to the other side of the "Bottomless Pit" -- "Hades" -- where they were in "agony," "torment," and "flame." Not good! At the end of the age they will all be judged and cast into hell with the devil and his angels. Hell will make Hades look like a weenie roast.
All of our sins, past, present and future, were nailed to the Cross some 2000 years ago. Whatever you did wrong yesterday, whatever you do wrong today and whatever you do wrong in the future was all covered by Jesus blood atonement.
Needless to say, the Communists have stealthily invaded this nation without firing a shot. Everything America has stood for in its first 200 years was being dismantled piece by piece until the Lord allowed Donald Trump to be elected.
In the original Greek, the word "believe" (pisteuo) means to have faith in / to trust in." It's in the aorist tense in the Greek which means it doesn't require future action, just a single decision.
If we are living in the final decades, years or days of the Church Age, the United States, still the #1 power in the world, should logically be in the Bible somewhere. Applying the above principle of "Double Reference," or "DuelFulfillment," there are numerous verses in the Bible that may give us some insight into what ultimately happens to the United States in the future.
When Old Testament Believers died, they went to a place in the center of the earth. It had two parts, "Paradise" and Hades. Here the Old Testament Believers waited on the Messiah to redeem them with His sacrificial shed blood.
The verse begins with the word, "If..." This would mean that for your sin to be forgiven, it is dependent on something that you do, or do not do. It would imply a false works doctrine.... salvation based on what we do, or do not do.
Jesus held the Jews accountable for knowing their Bible, and specifically that He would come into Jerusalem on a
donkey exactly 173,880 days (483 years) from the command to rebuild Jerusalem. Dan 9:24, Ezra 1:2, Zech 9:9
As prophesied, the Lord Jesus is coming again. First in the sky for Rapture, and again seven years later to defeat Satan and rule as King of the Earth from Jerusalem. The simplest way to distinguish between scriptures about the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ, is to determine if the verse in question […]
Eventually this remarkable period, called the "Church Age," will end with the departure of the Holy Spirit and God will again go back to making Israel as His primary focus. But currently, the Church Age, in which we live, began with quite unique and powerful characteristics.
2nd Coming / Day of the Lord Connection
This Second Coming coincides with the much-prophesied conclusion of the "Day of the Lord." It's Jesus' booming climactic conclusion to His "bowls of wrath" judgments that He had been unleashing on a sinful earth.
So it's not wrong to have some savings or even a lot of investments. What's important is to have the right Biblical purpose for which you save. Our life's focus should not be saving money for retirement. Rather, investing in eternity.
Leaven in the Bible is a symbol of sin. The Jews purged their houses of leaven, in conjunction with what the sacrificial lamb had done--removed sin. This is a picture of what Jesus had done on the cross.
There are also other verses that fit this 7000-year template theory. For instance, when Jesus was on the earth, the only time period recorded in the Bible that He went to the non-Jews, the Samaritans, was specifically for “two days.”
Today in Israel about 80% of the population consider themselves as “Secular” Jews. In talking to scores of secular Jewish people on our trips to Israel, I found that they usually observe Passover and Day of Atonement. But for the most part, they don’t go to synagogue on Shabbat (Saturday) and don’t know what to think about the miracles of the Old Testament. And prior to marriage, dating is similar to non-Believers in the U.S.A., with most having sex prior to marriage.
First, it must be noted that the Bible gives us a detailed description of every day of Jesus' last week prior to his crucifixion- VERY detailed. But there are only five days detailed in the Bible, instead of six. The missing day is referred to by Bible scholars as "The missing day." LOL! Not much imagination there. It takes a lot of (guts, pride, ego, take your pick) to say there might be something left out of the Bible narrative.
Backing up to the beginning of the Tribulation, in the wake of the post-Rapture world crisis, a fast-rising and boastful world leader promises peace to Israel (Rev 6:2, Dan 9:27, Dan 7:8). This peace offer will include the right to rebuild their long lost but beloved Temple (Rev 11:1,2), which would allow the Jews to return to animal sacrifices for the first time in almost 2000 years. Israel accepts the ungodly peace offer, against the warnings of the Torah, and ultimately pays dearly for it (Mat 24:21).
When Mormons Knock By Dennis and Rauni Higley What’s the best response to Mormon missionaries when they come knocking at our door? People ask because they know that both Dennis and I have been on that side of the door – (i.e. as LDS missionaries approaching Christians with a plan to convert them to Mormonism).! […]
As often happens in my Bible studies (and I'm sure to many of you too), once I started my study it took a "left turn" in a direction I had never considered. I was surprised to learn that not only is God patient with all of us sinners, we're actually living in a time just before the Rapture that is called "God's patience."
The Passover sacrifice had to be a male lamb without blemish to temporarily cover their sins. So it's quite fascinating that at the exact same time the Jews were slaying their Passover lambs on Mt. Moriah, just a few steps away Jesus was being sacrificed as permanent covering for our sins.
So, with so many Christians intertwining Christmas with Santa, at least when their kids are at an early age, could anything really be wrong with it? I think there's a strong case it's VERY wrong.
American troops were demoralized and were easily defeated in successive battles around the Washington area. The British spent several days looting tons of merchandise from city merchants. In the countryside, farms were looted for food and other provisions. Those who resisted were arrested and taken as prisoners of war.
Under Shari'a law, you can not disagree with the Qur'an. Free speech is not allowed. The word "love" is not in the Qur'an. Neither is "Jerusalem." In 622 Muhammad founded the first Islamic state, a theocracy in Medina, a city in western Saudi Arabia located north of Mecca.
Based on what the Bible says, there is much confusion in the church over the “divorce” issue. Make no bones about it, divorce is horrible. God hates it. That is because God loves us, and divorce always hurts people. ALWAYS. Interestingly, despite God’s vehement language forbidding divorce, it was permitted under the Old Testament law.
"Yahweh" is the personal name of God, much like Abraham and Sarah are personal names. Words like Elohim (God), El (mighty), Shaddai (almighty) and Adonai (master) are titles. And of course "Lord" is a title.
Both the words "angel" in the Hebrew, mal'ak, and in the Greek, angelos, mean "messenger." But angels are also frequently used in the capacity of "guardians." Here are some interesting facts:
5 reasons Why Muslims Want To Kill Us ________________________ CBS News recently posted an interesting comment referring to the two Muslim terrorists who killed 14 in San Bernardino, California. The two terrorists were married and the seemingly innocuous comment was: "How can somebody with a six-month old child have so much hate?" Good question. We […]
Noah's flood really did happen. To deny it's a real event, accurately recorded in scripture, is to deny the trustworthiness of the entire Bible. Noah's Flood is NOT a fable, myth or parable and Christians need to know how to answer the most basic questions that people raise regarding this incredible event. Let's begin with […]
Why then was Jesus telling Nick something he couldn't do? Nick could NOT be Born Again before the Holy Spirit came to earth in Acts 2. No one could be Born Again until Acts 2. And Jesus was talking to Nick three years earlier!
Our public schools have for 40 years poo-pooed capitalism and elevated socialism to the point that today surveys show an astonishing 35% of Americans, and the majority of our youth, think socialism is better than capitalism!(1) This movement defies logic, is built on lies and, worst of all, is anti-biblical. Today’s youth have a distorted […]
Pre-wrathers believe they should plan for the worst-case scenario because if they're wrong, they conclude it won't matter. But if they're right, they'll be prepared.
This is a horrible way to live. Instead of living boldly for the Lord, knowing He is coming to take us home, the pre-wrathers worry about the Antichrist coming!
The Book of Luke records an actual event, not a parable, about two people dying, prior to the cross. One man dies and goes to Paradise, the place where Believers went who died waiting for the Messiah to pay for their sins so they could go to heaven.
Therefore, we believe the Genesis 1 account of God CREATING the heavens and earth in six, literal, 24-hour days, about 6000 years ago. He CREATED all of it out of nothing, speaking it into existence.
In Europe they see no value in marriage. They even have a "Five-Year Marriage" certificate where they only commit to a few years at a time and predetermine how to split money and any kids at the end of five years. 🙁
But the word "Easter" actually comes from the German root word for "Resurrection." And the reformers of Martin Luther's day were the first to use the word, which had zero connection to Astarte the fertility god.
y argument is that if women got married, stayed home, had as many kids as God would bless them with while the dad worked and purchased items as they could save for and pay cash, eternally, ETERNALLY, this couple will be blessed beyond their wildest dreams.
So the Bible is penned by man, but 100% inspired/authored by God. It’s perfect in every way. Perfect in word, doctrine, design… even perfect in number. You can depend on His numbers—there will be BILLIONS who die in the Tribulation.
Why "The SHACK" Is Blasphemous The Shack is a well-written "Christian fiction" book by William P. Young that has sold over 20 million copies since its debut in 2007. Due to the intense story, for most readers it causes a flood of emotions to well up inside, masking the theological errors throughout the book. We […]
The Greek word for "repent" is metanoia (noun) or metanoeo (verb). It means "to change your mind"and the context must determine what is involved in that change of mind. Does it mean repent for salvation (addressing non-Believers) or repent from error or sin (addressing Believers)?
And if you think using a Ouija Board is bad, Pokémon is 1000 times worse! It's like a three dimensional Ouija Board that is not played in one spot, but outside, all over the world as players chase and empower virtual demons. Yes, you read that correctly.
All this Mosque building is tied together in their brazen attempt to take over the world with Islam as the only religion. Don't you think it's odd that no churches or synagogues can be built in Saudi Arabia, yet they demand to build at Ground Zero! There are over 100 Mosques already in New York, so it's not too hard to figure out that there is an ulterior motivation - not to mention they won't even reveal the funding sources for the Ground Zero Mosque.
"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all […]
Each time a dispensation ended, the whole earth was affected. The people alive at the time of those dispensation-ending judgments were affected whether they knew about God's commands or not. God never changed, but He changed how He dealt with humans on the earth.
However, not all the Jews were willing to wait for the Messiah. Between 20 AD and Jesus' death in 33 AD, there were some 60 Jewish insurrections put down by Rome.
Currently the United States is still standing by Israel. At least publicly. In actuality, the U.S. relationship with Israel is hanging by a thread. And as the above verse states, eventually ALL nations, including the U.S., will be against Israel. When the Rapture happens, there will be none left to support Israel. We can only pray that the U.S. won't abandon Israel until after the Rapture!
When you look at all that’s going on in the world, keep in mind that the Bible doesn’t predict the world will get worse and worse and then the Lord comes.
Rather, the Bible says that even though it will be a time of horrible sin, the world will still be constructing houses, planting and harvesting and partying.
“For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Matt. 24:37-39
"...the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations." Col. 1:26 "the mystery which for ages has been hidden" Eph 3:9 The word mystery in the Greek is "mysterion," and it means "truth undiscoverable except by divine revelation." We have the divine Holy Spirit living in us so we should be able […]
The uncomfortable truth about blacks in America today. The book and movie "The Help" was a shocker to a lot of people. So was Rick Santorum's remark about needing to get Blacks true help -- "jobs" instead of "welfare." But he was telling the truth. When I was a young kid in the 1950s in […]
"Human DNA is like a computer program, but far, far more advanced than any software we've ever created." -Bill Gates "The Road Ahead" Bill Gates let the cat out of the bag when he simply stated the obvious. He's well aware that Microsoft uses hundreds of programmers to write and DESIGN the code for […]
God's Rules Rule! Time to point America back to the Bible as our Authority! You would have to be two short of a coaster set not to realize this country is getting deeper in doo-doo every day! How should we Believers respond? Any Christian with two brain cells can see the writing on the wall. […]
10 Unmistakable Signs That We're In The Last Days Of The Last Days Today things are moving so fast it's helpful to just step back, take a breath and look at the numerous Bible prophecies being fulfilled all around us. Here are 10 big prophecies that should convince anyone with 2 brain cells that we're […]
Satan is quite clever. He's had some 6000 years of practice lying to humans about who he is and what he's up to. Too many Christians think of him as a red-tailed, red-faced demonic looking character. Yet the Bible says the world is going to be shocked to actually see him when he is cast to earth in the middle of the Tribulation.
The cold-hearted murders by Muslims in Paris finally exposed to the world what we're actually dealing with in respect to Islamic ideals and goals. Their goal is simple: They fully expect and work toward the world becoming 100% Islamic under Shari'ah Law. You can laugh at Islam's world domination agenda if you want, but this clash […]
The three most often debated times for Rapture to occur are: 1) Prior to the 7 year Tribulation (Pre-Trib). 2) In the middle of the Tribulation (Mid-Trib). 3) At the end of the Tribulation (Post-Trib). We believe Pre-Trib is the only time Rapture can occur if you are using a dispensational approach and interpret scripture […]
So I'm not worried about storing up massive amounts of food, guns, and ammo to survive and/or protect my family and survive for months or years. Neither should you.
Yes, it's possible the electricity might go out for a few weeks like it did during an ice storm here once. So common sense says to always have plenty of firewood.
And it's extremely possible that there will be a new currency in the future as the current one is hanging by a thread--even though most people are unaware of that fact.
Gallup tells us that 2/3's of Americans are overweight. Duh. Look around. Seems higher than that. But is all that extra weight due "lack of exercise" and "poor diet?" I will show you facts that say "no."
What can we learn?
Before the flood, people watched Noah build the ark for over 100 years. He had to be the laughing stock of the world. Noah's detractors believed he was squandering his wealth and wasting his time building a huge boat to survive a flood. And don't forget, up until the flood it had never rained a single drop of water on the earth!
Much like the sin nature was passed down from Adam to each and every human, the weather problems that began after the flood still dog us today.
Because Adam sinned and passed the sin nature down to every human, we live in this life in a corrupted state that remains with us until we discard our earthly containers. And that sinful nature is so bad we can sin with a single glance from our eyes.
In 1 Chronicles 21, God's wrath was abundantly seen when King David disobeyed God and took a census of Israel. As punishment, God sent a pestilence that killed 70,000 Israeli men in one day! In the future Tribulation we know that God will pour out His wrath on all those who take the Mark of the Beast, as well as on the entire earth.
The Big Bang teaches that in the beginning, some 12 to 14 billion years ago, there was "nothingness." Then gravity caused the "nothing" to pack tightly together and a spark caused the "nothing" to explode outwardly as hydrogen and helium.
Therefore, the Big Bang begins with nothing, then gravity appears out of nowhere, followed by a magical spark from nowhere that caused an explosion that somehow CREATED hydrogen (one proton and one electron) and helium (two protons and two electrons) from nothing!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes it takes a visual aid to better understand a problem and/or the solution. For instance: The chart above makes a great visual point that what we've done in this nation via abortion in the last 45 years is unprecedented. Do you think God will overlook […]
Millions Missing? If suddenly, in the blink of an eye, you find that a large number of people all over the earth have vanished into thin air, the following are important facts about what has happened. The Bible Predicted This Would Happen Some 2,000 years ago, God prophesied in the Bible that a time would […]
God will openly humble Russia in the future. Pride comes before the fall. Is the prophesied defeat dead ahead? Why God Gave Us Bible Prophecy With over 25% of the Bible written in prophetic prose, there's apparently a good reason God gave us so much Bible Prophecy to study. Yet for some strange reason […]
Today (6/21/16) was a fascinating day in New York City as over 1000 Christian leaders from all over the U.S. gathered to ask Donald Trump tough specific questions about his policy and intentions should he be elected POTUS. The event organizers originally requested Dallas, Texas as a middle-of-the-nation location to hold a private, get-some-private-time-with-Trump event--hoping […]
Noah's flood really did happen. To deny it's a real event, accurately recorded in scripture, is to deny the trustworthiness of the entire Bible. Noah's Flood is NOT a fable, myth or parable and Christians need to know how to answer the most basic questions that people raise regarding this incredible event. Let's […]
From Gideon to Netanynhu by: Bill Perkins Deut. 14:2 "For you are a holy people to the LORD your God, and the LORD has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth." After Israel's Exodus from Egypt and […]
No one, I mean no one, foresaw the world setting the stage for the post-rapture tribulation in such fast and climactic order! It seems like scores of Bible prophecies are coming together all at once. On just about every front, the world seems to be racing to the Biblical end of the Church Age dispensation...and […]
Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. 1Th. 4:17 The upcoming Rapture, literally the "catching away," is to me the most intriguing of all Biblical doctrine. Nothing could […]
The United States has "negotiated" an unbelievable wind-fall giveaway to Iran that may very well seal America's doom... if not the world's! A lot has been in the press regarding this abominable treaty. Yes, it's worse than bad. Iran got everything, the U.S. got nothing in return. Iran got billions of frozen oil dollar […]
Watching our esteemed politicians jockey for positions to win votes in the Presidential election is always amazing. Truth is often hard to decipher. And the fact is, if you torture the evidence long enough, it will confess to anything. But Christians are called to be discerning of the political rhetoric. We have the Holy Spirit of Truth […]
Ingredients: 1) One large dose of Iranian irrationality. 2) A generous helping of Israel's need for survival. 3) A heaping ego from the American leader. Instructions: Mix together on high heat for 2 years while stirring rapidly 24/7. Whether it's due to design or ignorance, our government is negotiating with Iran as if Iran is […]
"Exodus: Gods and Kings" Movie Reviews by: Bill Perkins & Randall Price The following are Randall's concluding thoughts on a review he wrote on the movie Exodus that was recently released. To read his entire critique, CLICK HERE In the Bible Moses cannot be explained apart from his relationship with God. It is […]
God mixed the languages at the Tower of Babel because He said that if He didn't, nothing would be impossible for mankind. Obviously, God knew it would only slow mankind down, not make it impossible to reach the heavens. (Gen 11:6-9) Fast-forward a few thousand years and here we are again, uniting in one language, […]
And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead, and he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the […]
Dan. 11:41 "He will also enter the Beautiful Land, and many countries will fall; but these will be rescued out of his hand: Edom, Moab and the foremost of the sons of Ammon. The Bible is clear that in the future Tribulation period, Edom, Moab and Ammon, present day Jordan, will escape out of the […]
As we watch the ancient prophetic signs come to pass for the close of this age, most Believers know intrinsically that a huge spiritual change, a huge transition, is dead ahead. We sense things aren’t right. Something’s definitely going on. Many are assuming the Rapture is close. And it may be. However, let’s face […]
The Miracle of Israel A Movie Review by: Bill Perkins Growing up in the south in the 1950s and 60s, I was raised with a lot of prejudices. It’s almost comical looking back at my steeped opinions of the Jewish race. It wasn’t until I was washed in the blood that I began to understand […]
Traditionally it has been taught that the 10 Kings of Daniel and Revelation will be 10 nations from the European Union-- but the Bible says differently! The Bible states clearly that in the latter days there will be ten kings--dead in the center of the events in the 70th Week of Daniel. "As for […]
In the years that followed the civil rights legislation, giving blacks equal rights, America has tried to make up for her wrongs. Since the 1960's, billions of dollars have been spent to improve the lives of black Americans.
Can you say "yuan"? China is moving to incorporate a gold-backed, or partially gold-backed, Chinese yuan. The Chinese government is also encouraging their citizens to buy gold, even to the point of putting in gold coin dispensers in public places.
To repeat, China is encouraging her citizens to trade in their paper for gold!
Book Review "The Shack" by: William P. Young Should you read or recommend this book? by: Bill Perkins We believe that the measure of a good book is not the results it brings, but its scriptural accuracy. The Shack, by William P. Young, is a book we do not recommend reading. At first glance many […]
Constitutional Convention 1787 Benjamin Franklin was asked, as he emerged from the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, what form of government the United States was going to have. Franklin answered matter of factly, "A Republic, if you can keep it." He had fascinating insight into the future! I am totally amazed that both in […]
Christiana Figueres in Doha, Qatar in November 2012 The UN is moving the world, and the United States, toward a legally based agreement to go into effect by 2020. Most of us never heard about the United Nations meetings on "Climate Change" in Doha, Qatar in November, but they will eventually affect every man, woman […]
"... I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God..." Rev 20:4
What most Americans think is impossible in America is actually very possible.
God's Not Dead...(The Movie) A Movie Critique by: Bill Perkins Finally a decent movie made it to the theaters... it's definitely worth seeing! The fictional plot revolves around a college student refusing a professor's request to sign a statement saying "God is dead." Overall it's well produced and holds your interest throughout the movie. The […]
Heaven is for Real...(A Movie Critique) by: Bill Perkins The movie "Heaven is for Real." It's based on the book by the same name and written by an evangelical pastor about his three year old son, Colton. The pastor and his wife believe Colton had an "out-of-body" experience. Based on what Colton […]
Noah...(A Movie Critique) by: Bill Perkins Don't waste your money on this one! 🙁 Produced by Paramount and starring Russell Crowe, it makes a mockery of the Biblical account. In fact, it's so bad that when allowed to be previewed by Bible-believing Christians, they demanded, and got, a disclaimer added to the […]
Jesus' death was both prophetic and well documented. Isaiah 53 is uncomfortable reading for Jews who try to dismiss Jesus as anything but God's Son. But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we […]
In the history of the earth, there has never been a country of Palestine!
For 3000 years the land between the Mediterranean Sea and Persia was conquered and rebuilt many times...
The future Seven Years of Tribulation will usher in the largest and most impacting worldwide sharing of the gospel of all time...
Jesus (is not) Calling by Bill Perkins The Bible promises that scripture is all we need. It's our counselor, our guide, our protector and our shield against evil. When we study the Word, we study God Himself and get to know Him more personally, not to mention learning His incredible plan for the future. […]
Much was written about Mr. Obama bowing to the Saudi King only weeks after becoming U.S. President.
But Obama will bow again in the future to the true King, the Lord Jesus Christ... before or after he dies... whether he likes it or not. Whether he wants to or not.
How to Spot Signs of "Emerging" in YOUR Local Church Commentary by Roger The world is changing. So is the Christian evangelical church. There was a time— not that long ago—when the Bible was considered to be the Word of God by the majority of evangelical Christians. Now that we are well into […]
A wise counselor of mine once told me that it was not as important what they're saying in the news, as it is what they're NOT saying.
We Christians are all standing around in disbelief as one crisis after another unfolds in our government. There are so many that majorly impact Christians that we can't even keep up with all of them!
Mainly due to our free Good Morning Lord! daily Bible study, we receive many questions about Bible prophecy, the Bible and life in general. And when we answer questions, we try to have our answers rooted in scripture, not opinions.To help people deal with this issue, for many years Compass would purchase a case at a time of a book titled Forgiven Forever...
The Democratic Convention in 2012 was openly called a "watershed event" for homosexuals. Really?
Never before have we witnessed such a large number of openly homosexual participants--three members of Congress and more than 8% of the delegates! They are definitely "out of the closet."
Soros loathes America and has been actively working to destroy it for years, backing candidates who support extreme liberal positions like open borders, a one-world foreign policy, legalized drugs, euthanasia and progressive positions supporting rights and entitlements...
Blood Moon? No Big Deal!
In a past eNews article we wrote a piece regarding the timing of the Rapture and the Second Coming.
Even though I said several times why the information was not date-setting, I was inundated with requests to get behind the latest prophecy prediction called the "Blood Moons" theory.
Problems with "The Harbinger" by Bill Perkins "The Harbinger,"written by Jonathan Cahn, is a New York Times best-seller and is accompanied by a companion DVD. The DVD boldly claims:"The #1 Christian Documentary of 2012" Be careful, it's not a documentary, but rather, total fiction. And in his fiction, Cahn takes several scriptures totally out […]
When I watch the news these days, I gravitate between the excitement that we MUST be close to Jesus' return and the horror of watching spineless politicians allow the Obama administration to do as it pleases.
There’s a lot of unnecessary heartbreak in churches today due to a misinterpretation of how to apply the Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to the lives of Believers living in the Church Age.
Should we simply do everything Jesus says to do? Word for word? Or is a closer examination warranted?
Despite all the facts, there is a national effort to ignore the facts and legitimize homosexual behavior. The public deserves honest information about the sexual realities of the homosexual lifestyle, the serious health risks that come with it and the ramifications to a society that embraces such evil.
Do you realize that never in the history of mankind has a single society ever attempted to substitute homosexual relationships for traditional marriage? Marriage has always been universally viewed as a God-ordained arrangement to glorify God and procreate in God's image.
An article in the Jewish newspaper ISRAEL TODAY laments the problems associated with Jews not being able to pray on the only spot God allows for sacrifices. They make the case it's the holiest spot on the earth for Jews and they should be allowed to pray there.
Don't Buy The Lie! by Bill Perkins Obama announces he wants to "cut 1.6 trillion dollars" from the federal budget. Do Obama and the Democrats really want to cut the federal deficit? I have to admit, when I first heard that Obama wanted that large of a tax cut, I was confused. Can a leopard […]
The Hole in Our Gospel By Richard Stearns A book critique by Paul Van Noy “The Hole in our Gospel,” by Richard Stearns, the recent Christian Book of the Year and apparently headed to be a New York Times best seller, is the newest danger to come against true Believers in the Church Age. It […]
Suppose we filled the entire State of Texas with 100 trillion silver dollars. That would make the entire state about two feet deep in coins. Then we mark only one coin.
The arrival and departure of the Holy Spirit on the earth are the bookends of the Church Age. Prior to the Church Age, the time between Jesus' death on the cross and the arrival of God's Holy Spirit, was 50 days. As balanced as God's Word always is, and understanding the incredible importance of the meaning of numbers in scripture, we theorize that there will be another 50 days between Rapture and the beginning of the Tribulation.
Israel Trip Tips “Must” reading for your trip of a lifetime! Please review these overseas travel tips now and 30 days prior to departure. Many require some pre-trip planning and shopping. Packing for the trip of a lifetime Extras To Bring It is always a good idea when traveling to bring along an extra pair […]
Killing O'Reilly 77 Scriptural Errors in O'Reilly's book "Killing Jesus." A book critique by Bill Perkins Bill O'Reilly hosts Fox New's "The O'Reilly Factor" the highest rated cable news show in the country. Coming from a background mix that includes a liberal Yale education and cafeteria Catholicism, O'Reilly uses his sharp egotistical wit and probing, […]
Shush...they don't want you to know this, but....
One of the reasons BHO kept the government shutdown continuing could have been to keep the eyes off a secret free-trade agreement he is negotiating between the U.S. and Australia, Brunei, Chile, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.
It is called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and The New York Times called the multination agreement the "most significant international commercial agreement since the creation of the [hideous] World Trade Organization in 1995."
As the greatest generation and the baby boomers die out, they are replaced primarily by youth with no understanding of capitalism, no understanding of the constitution, no understanding of the Bible and therefore no understanding of their future.
The quote was from the American College of Obstetricians. They said their purpose was to reduce unintended pregnancies. They added:
"Oral contraceptives are very safe, and data show women can make these decisions for themselves"
That's a bald-faced lie. Using birth control pills is NOT safe, according to The Mayo Clinic, The National Cancer Institute and the World Health Organization!
This treaty, we believe, is consummated just after the Rapture of the Church and begins the seven-year period of Tribulation when God goes back to dealing with the Jews as His chosen people.
Since 1993, Compass has been taking pilgrim tours to the holyland. We've organized over 50 group trips to the Holyland because seeing your Bible come alive in God's special place on earth is one of the most impacting things a person can do in this life.
Behind the scenes, western governments have known for sometime that Iran has conducted tests on nuclear trigger devices, worked with Russian scientists on reducing the size of the nuclear device to fit in a medium range warhead, and have experimented with sparking nuclear reactions. The IAEA report makes it official.
The cause of all this pain has been well- documented. Our American dollar was changed in 1971 from gold-backed paper dollars to just paper dollars with nothing backing them. We use the dollar by faith because it's worth only ... ???
1) God created Adam and Eve full grown. They had the appearance of age. He did the same with the trees and animals. So he certainly could have created the universe with the appearance of age.
There is also a third group, according to early Mormon doctrine, designating those that couldn't make up their mind to follow Jesus or Satan. Because of their indecision, God painted their faces black! Remarkably, this was taught up until 1978 when the modern-day Mormon prophet Spencer Kimball received a "divine revelation" that blacks were now ok to be Momons. Their original teaching on polygamy was "updated" in much the same way.
Our nation is now like a ship without a rudder as we shun the Bible and place our hope in man’s wisdom. As Believers, it’s tough to watch the godless decisions being made daily. We know God’s truth will ultimately win out on this planet. But trying to live according to the Bible will get increasingly messy in the meantime.
Our problem is the god of this world who operates in disguise while promoting his relentless list of lies.
Satan lurks behind all things Christians detest. Our shameful public schools, our horrible pornography industry, the deplorable rate of Christian divorce, the low birthrate for Believers, the 60+ million abortions in the U.S., the push for homosexual perversion (God’s definition) to be accepted, our disgraceful national debt, worldwide Christian persecution, etc., all come directly from Satan.
In order to correctly understand your Bible in the correct context, you MUST determine the time period each verse is referencing/discussing. Otherwise, you can very easily take a verse totally out of context.
It’s not surprising that we can learn a lot from the quite specific steps involved in a Jewish wedding. Even a casual observer sees that the events of a Jewish wedding closely parallel the Church’s future wedding with Jesus.
Iran has been in the news a lot over the last few years, most of it dealing with the United States trying to stop Iran’s nuclear development program. But Israel’s not buying it.
The lies through which Satan deceives the non-Christian world are understandable. Satan has been the great deceiver now for some 6000 years, blinding people from the truth.
But what amazes me most is how many Believers have been duped by these lies. And they are lies! Have you been duped?
On every Israel trip Compass takes, we visit the Garden Tomb, the powerful place of Jesus’ resurrection. Even though the overseers of this incredibly beautiful and scripturally accurate location are careful not to claim that this is absolutely the spot, anyone who visits there knows better.
If we are living in the final decades, years or days of the church age, the U.S., as the #1 world power, should logically be in the Bible somewhere. Using the principle of “double reference,” or “duel fulfillment,” there are at least five passages with numerous verses in the Bible that may give us some insight into what ultimately happens to the United States.
It was during those first couple of years in that small Baptist church that my love for Bible prophecy was nurtured. But I never could figure out how the “apostasy” fit in to the last days. How in the world could the church, which was growing by leaps and bounds around the world, “fall away from the faith”?