It's quite likely we're living so close to the end of the Church Age that you'll witness all 12 of these prophecies being fulfilled! How cool is that!
Our office will be closed from 9/25 – 10/23. Any orders placed during this time will be shipped upon return by 11/1/23.
It's quite likely we're living so close to the end of the Church Age that you'll witness all 12 of these prophecies being fulfilled! How cool is that!
Last summer I, like most people, thought the USA was dying a slow death. Every facet of our government was in an unbiblical and unapologetic state of decline.
I was hopeful Trump could get elected to slow down some of the Satanic influence and ungodly principles being shoved down our throats. I have to admit I prayed prayers that the Lord would give us a reprieve.
In my wildest imagination I never dreamed the Lord would answer our prayers with this much happening so fast! We can only marvel at all the decisions President Trump is making.
When Jesus walked on the earth there were two major, and one minor, political parties. The two major parties, the Pharisees and the Sadducees, made up the majority of the 70-member supreme court of Israel, called the Sanhedrin. The Essenes were the third group—they separated themselves from the rest of Israel, living down near present-day Qumran on the northwestern edge of the Dead Sea.
Who were Biblically the most accurate?
In Part 1 we covered Israel entering into the Tribulation with a 7-year Peace Treaty. In Part 2, midway through the Tribulation the New World Leader breaks the peace treaty, surrounds Jerusalem, and attempts to kill all of the Jews.
The Jews were clearly warned this would happen and were even given a sign to know when to drop everything and run for the hills...
As Chuck Missler often said, “If you want to know where we are on God’s world time clock, watch Israel.” Indeed!
Once God brings the Church Age to an end with the Believers' “Great Whoosh,” Israel will return as His main world emphasis...
Can we know the year of Rapture? The answer is “maybe.” Here are the clues God gives us... We believe the six 24-hour days of creation and one 24-hour day of rest is a template for all human history. And it fits like a glove.
God equates a single 24-hour day to 1000 years in two places in scripture. Think about it, on the first four days of God’s creation, no life was created. On the 5th and 6th days life was created. And on the 7th day He rested...
Heaven is the eternal residence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Currently God the Father and Jesus are in heaven, and the Holy Spirit resides in Believers on earth, but will depart at the Rapture so Jesus can come again to the earth.
When Believers die in the Church Age, they go straight to be with Jesus in heaven. So where IS Heaven?
Once Trump gets sworn in and starts on his attempt to right the American ship, time will finally shed some light on what the Globalists/Satanists have up their sleeve for America.
As we move closer to the Rapture, no one in their right mind thinks it will be clear sailing ahead for President Trump—here or abroad.
The Bible says the U.S. is 100% destroyed in one day, even in one hour, immediately following the Rapture.
To prove this you first must confirm that the U.S. in the Bible. Here are 7 verses that are hard to argue with!
All have to do with an end-time nation in existence just before the Rapture. Who is this nation?
Sacrifices to atone for sins started outside the Tabernacle and continued in the Temple (except during the 70-year captivity) through the time of Jesus and up to 70 AD when the Temple was destroyed by the Roman Army.
Today, there is only one place a sacrifice can be made and that is on Mt. Moriah, on the Temple Mount. The Rabbinical Jews who study the Old Testament KNOW they cannot get right with God without making a blood sacrifice to cover their sins.
So there's a movement in Israel today to rebuild their Temple and go back to sacrifices. But currently, in order to keep peace, Israel allows the Muslims to administer all activities on the Temple Mount. That will immediately change after the Rapture...
I recently had a conversation with someone I’m pretty certain is a Believer. She, in no uncertain terms, let me know how much she detested Israel.
She rattled off several points in fast succession to defend her hatred of God’s chosen—none of which were true but all are making the rounds on social media and from deceived Bible teachers. All these lies are coming from our adversary, not God.
I was recently dismayed to read an article published by a respected online ministry.
The author was lamenting how the Church as a whole seems to be doing more entertaining instead of evangelizing.
The idea that bright lights, secular-sounding music and watered-down sermons will keep people in the pews simply misses the purpose of going to Church...What is the purpose of Church?
Big Pharma’s total revenue from the Covid va((ine was in the hundreds of billions of dollars; it probably now has exceeded over a trillion dollars.
So what does God think about all this death and disability from all the drugs, not just the Covid va((ines, distributed by mostly American companies?
Apparently He is not happy. There is a country in the Bible that in the last days of the Church Age distributes drugs worldwide.
This nation, obviously the USA, distributes drugs to all the nations of the world...and she is severely punished/wiped out in one day...
Compass was founded on the principle that every word of the Bible was inspired by God as recorded in their original languages.
We defend all scriptures from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 using a literal hermeneutic from a pre-millennial, pre-tribulational doctrinal perspective. So when it says in Ezekiel 38:13 that cattle will be captured along with gold and silver, it literally means cattle!
The article this week is quite interesting and eye-opening. It's a book critique of Naomi Wolf's new book, The Pfizer Papers.
The author does an incredible job and shares statistics that boggle the mind as well as points out the obvious conclusions about what's going on behind the scenes that are beginning to be revealed.
Behold, the Lord came with many thousands of His holy ones, to execute judgment upon all, Jude 14b-15a
Jesus returns at the end of the Tribulation to defeat Satan’s armies who had gathered at the valley of Har-Meggido (Tel Megiddo), what today is referred to as the Valley of Armageddon.
So the question is, who are these “Holy Ones" who come with the Lord?”
Petra is 99% likely to be the place described in Isaiah 2, Matthew 24 and Revelation 12, where the Jews flee to safety from the Antichrist at the mid-point of the 7-year Tribulation.
If you've never been to Petra, and/or wish to see it again, we'll be heading to Israel in April (March 30 to April 10) to see incredible Biblical sites AND tour Petra also.
It’s fascinating to contrast the Book of Genesis with the Book of Revelation!
With all the evil we see going on around us, it’s easy to forget how close we are to a TRUE world peace.
It won’t be long before Jesus rescues His born again Believers from the horror that’s coming. And we’ll return with Him at His Second Coming to reign with Him on an earth. It will be an earth totally transformed from what we have today.
Why do the Arabs do what they do? To understand the reason, we have to go back to the time of Abram, who God later renamed Abraham.
The Bible gives us some insight into the Arabs...
The most interesting question is: Is the Lord now allowing Trump to take office so we could have four years of conservative prosperity... followed by another three years or so of whoever succeeds Trump? THEN the Rapture happens followed by the Tribulation?
Only the Lord knows the timing of all the prophesied last days events. As unlikely a scenario it is that Trump will be allowed back in office, it IS a possibility.
So we can have hope for the next three weeks that the Lord will answer our prayers. Not that we deserve a conservative leader, but because He is a merciful God.
It won’t be long until the Internet will be worthless for information due to so many AI fakes. It’s coming faster than you can imagine. Already we have to second guess just about everything on the web. We don’t know if what we’re seeing is real or fake.
You have to admit, this is an exciting time to be alive! Before the foundation of the earth was laid, God chose you and me to be here on this earth at this time—knowing the pending dispensational change from the Church Age to God's horrible wrath in the Tribulation is about to take place.
He chose us to warn others that we expect the Rapture (our rescue from God's wrath) to happen. We don't know when, but it could be soon!
Some 2600 years ago the Prophet Ezekiel wrote three remarkable chapters about Israel returning to her God-given land (Ezekiel 37) and later being invaded by several nations (Ezekiel 38, 39).
There’s probably not one Bible prophecy lover alive today who hasn’t read and researched these verses and noticed that God is in control of the invasion.
For us today, the question is when will all this occur?
For those relatively new to Compass, we’ve already established in past articles that the United States IS in the Bible as the latter-day Babylon. This article dives into the timing of America’s fall and the Rapture. We’ll answer the question “Has America already fallen?”
Rosh Hashanah is one of the seven mandatory feasts when the Jews blow the ram’s horn 100 times over the two-day feast celebration and end with a final last blowing of the shofar... Find out why!
Join us Friday, October 4, 2024, 8 AM Pacific Time.
We'll be live online celebrating the last trumpet blowing of the Jewish Feast of Rosh Hashanah. Will the Rapture be this year?
Hidden in scripture: When you read the meanings of the names in order, in a sentence, it reveals a knock-your-socks-off hidden message.
As Believers, we know that in the end we win. And the bad guys will all eventually burn in the lake of fire for eternity. But if we’re in the last act of their worldwide show, what’s their current end-game? They can’t lie like this forever.
Luke 3:4-6 quotes Isaiah the prophet who says the purpose of the earth being shook so badly is for the entire earth to see the glory and power of God.
Was John Darby first to teach Pre-Trib Rapture doctrine? Hardly. Know the facts to ward off those non-dispensational ding-a-lings.
It’s interesting that red often represents sinful things like Santa Claus, Satan, the whore of Babylon, Buddhist Monks, high Catholic priests (Cardinals), the robe the Romans put on Jesus, and the Crimson Tide.
We’re left to wonder, do the bad guys want us to believe that they are in complete disarray and are running in circles so they can spring their next trap? Or are they actually losing their power grip?
Before beginning His earthly ministry around the age of 30, Jesus would have worked with His dad, Joseph, learning a trade. It’s not likely he was a carpenter as trees were scarce and rotted quickly in the dense humidity of Galilee.
These are three Rapture scenarios to consider... but no one knows for sure!
The Antichrist, or false-Christ, shows up halfway through the Tribulation when Satan is thrown to the Earth. Since Satan is a spirit being, he will need a body, so he takes over the slain body of the New World Leader.
All this is painfully obvious to any Believer with two brain cells. It’s clearly laid out in the Bible for those who have Holy Spirit illumination. The rest of the non-Believing world (and even some Believers) will be caught totally flat-footed.
Russ Miller is one incredible teacher. He's a gifted communicator. The theme for the entire trip might be summed up with the words, "by grain size, weight and density"... which is how the layers were formed all over the earth.
They were laid down by Noah's flood's swirling waters... the heaviest settling first, then the next heaviest, and so on until the last and lightest layer was formed at the top.
Observe the global nature of the pandemic response. The new religion of Science took the world in its iron grip, and over a few days, every single world government signed a legal loyalty oath requiring them all to respond in exactly the same way.
But universal agreement is not human. Humans never easily agree on anything.
How then did the entire world fall into line in a few days? How did they achieve universal agreement to supplant the long-standing, inarguable goods of truth, transparency, and trust with a brand-new lodestar, a new universal faith offering redemption to the human race — Science?
We must look for a non-human cause.
The coming 7-year peace treaty sets in motion God's horrific wrath on earth. So if we're close to the Rapture, we should be seeing the world moving toward peace with Israel as the heavy/burdensome stone.
Last week, for the second week in a row, when we sent out the link to our eNews we had posted on, there were so many people clicking on it that it crashed our server!
To keep this from happening in the future, we had to upgrade/increase our server RAM and it should be fine in the future. I have to say it's quite humbling to have so many people trying to open our eNews that the server couldn't handle it! Amazing! But it's good to go now!
Just as Jesus had 3 1/2 years on the earth to glorify God, heal people, and do good things, Satan will have 3 1/2 years on earth to glorify Satan, make people sick, and do horrible things.
Jesus would have followed the Old Testament Law including the dietary laws in Leviticus 11. So He would have eaten only clean animals. In those days, few people were fat.
This is proof that the Dome of the Rock is NOT built over the site of the previous two Jewish Temples.
"...for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived." Rev. 18:23b, could be translated, "for by your drugs all nations were deceived." Rev. 18:23b
This will be an eye-opener for a lot of people—great STEEL ON STEEL! Many will not have heard this explanation of this key prophetic verse!
One of the most incredible privileges of being a believer is having direct access to God. The creator God of the universe, Who spoke all things into existence, allows us to communicate directly, one on one, with Him 24/7.
The Believers in the Church Age are the Bride of Christ—and the Old Testament Believers are the “invited” and “blessed” guests.
I suspect those who die as martyrs in the Tribulation will also be invited. But the Bride of Christ is ONLY for the Church Age Believers.
Today humans are limited to experience life through five senses. We can see, smell, hear, touch and taste. But when we get to heaven God can give us new eyes that can see the entire spectrum. With new eyes we’ll be able to see trillions of brand-new colors we’ve never seen.
On Easter, most decent churches teach various scriptures regarding Jesus' last week before His crucifixion. So we backed up a week to see what was going on the week before the last week to understand the events leading up to the Passion Week in 33 AD.
God instituted the sacrifices as a key part of Israel’s Theocracy. He wanted to personally fellowship with His Chosen People and could only do so if they were cleansed by the blood of specific sacrificial animals.
31 years of STEEL ON STEEL by the best and brightest Bible teachers in America sets the Steeling the Mind Conference apart from all others.
God has obviously blessed America since its inception. Our success peaked in 1948 when we came to Israel’s aid just after WWII when Israel became a nation again after being scattered around the earth for 1900 years. If for no other reason, God raised up America for that singular purpose.
The original KJV, including all its additional updates, modifications and corrections, were translated based on one manuscript called the Textus Receptus.— a Latin, word-for-word, New Testament translation that was compiled by several scholars in the 16th century using eight Byzantine manuscripts.
Being under authority of the government is a command from God. When we obey, we’re showing respect to the Lord Who put them in place as they are God’s servants.
That statement only makes sense if you believe the Bible is without error and God is in control of everything at all times. Today we Believers have specific instructions that have not changed. We are not to obey authorities only if we agree with them.
It sure helps when you know God is in control of JRB!
"I was duped into taking the vax. Since the Covid va((ine is actually changing my DNA, am I still going to heaven or have I forfeited my right to entrance?”
There are many examples in the Bible where God prompted Believers to "get up and go."
As we live in these last days before our rescue, there may be many situations that arise where we can’t afford to be indecisive. It’s likely we’ll have to step out of our past American comfort zone in one way or another.
We should all be scripturally prepared if the Lord says “Get up and go.”
From the very beginning, God wanted to fellowship with His creation, but sin torpedoed the original creation. So God set up a way to redeem mankind. He began by promising a Savior would be sent.
Until the Savior came, He set up a blood-sacrifice system to cover sin because "Life is in the blood."
God set up a specific system for sacrifices and what to do with the blood from the sacrifices. All sacrifices were to be made at the Tabernacle, and later at the Temple, both minutely designed by God.
Not surprisingly we find buried in the Tabernacle and Temple design fascinating Bible prophecy truths.
Most of our nation’s major problems—border, healthcare, va((ine deaths, monetary, legal, military, woke culture, political—have almost assuredly been intentionally created by our enemies in order to collapse us. Thankfully many red cities and states are holding on to capitalistic ideals.
Could Donald Trump ride this conservative wave to get back into the White House? Is this a real shift or are the Globalists/Satanists just letting some air out of the balloon before it pops?
As we mentioned last month, we’ve been busy working on a new direct mail piece that we are planning to send to 500,000 people over this year. Maybe more...
Our purpose is to communicate that there are two huge events about to happen that will shake the world to its core.
Everyone needs to know how close we are to this prophetically documented time of God’s wrath on earth. And Satan is doing a masterful job keeping this info out of sight. So we want to be proactive in getting the word out.
Can we add anything to the finished work of the cross?
I have often said there is nothing a person can do or not do to make themselves any more or less acceptable to God, more or less holy. It’s not about us, rather, it’s all about what He did 2000 years ago.
But this teaching is at odds with some great Bible teachers who have taught that when you get saved, you are only sanctified positionally. Then throughout your life your good works somehow add to your sanctification. And that when a Believer dies, they then enter into heaven fully sanctified.
As we inch closer to the end of this age, there may be a lot of people wondering about who is, and who is not, a Christian.
Some may have lingering doubts put in their minds by our adversary. He'll make you wonder how in the world you think you're a Christian knowing all the things you know you're doing wrong.
Since there’s a good possibility of weird stuff happening in the world between now and the Rapture, the opportunities to witness to nervous people will undoubtedly increase.
Therefore, this will be a simple review of the scriptural basics of salvation...
Before discussing what may be coming in 2024, it’s imperative to have a firm grasp on the fact that God is in 100% control. So when you read the rest of this article, there is no reason to fear the future because God’s predetermined where we are and where we’re going. Our job is simply to line up with God’s Word.
Micah 5:2 is an amazing prophecy of Israel's coming King. It specifically states Israel's Messiah will be born in Bethlehem. The verse also states the Messiah will bring lasting security and His rule will be eternal.
God wanted to make sure the prophecy about the coming Messiah being born in Bethlehem was understood to be the city located just five miles south of Jerusalem...
We’ve written before about Jesus being born in Bethlehem in the middle of all those sheep being birthed and raised for the Jewish Temple sacrifices. Jesus was even referred to by John the Baptist as “The Lamb of God.”
But to the shepherds in the fields, why did the angel of the Lord say the baby “wrapped in cloths” would be a sign? As it turns out, it was a HUGE sign!
Last week I mentioned we were working on a new mail piece. As the idea and copy came together, I decided to use it this week as an article. So read it as if you just got some unsolicited mail.
It's just a portion of the mailer but should be interesting to see what you think of where we're's meant to be a cold-water-in-the-face reality of what's ahead...
The Strait of Hormuz is a very narrow strip of water that links the Persian Gulf to the Oman and Arabian Seas.
For Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Qatar, this strait must be navigated in order for their ships to supply 40% of the earth’s oil exports to world markets. This is over 20 million barrels a day!
Iran is saying that if Israel and/or the United States attacks her, she will close the strait. And she could as Iran borders the strait on three sides.
An Iranian blockade, of course, would be shooting herself in the foot regarding her oil revenue but she would cause instant global economic chaos.
We had a Compass subscriber write us that he disagreed with the once saved always saved theology. He based his theory on Rev. 3:10. It's a confusing verse.
At first glance, based on the way that verse has been traditionally translated, it would seem to support a works doctrine. However, careful examination of the Greek shows that it was improperly punctuated...
A recent article on discussed why more than 600 rural hospitals in the United States are either at immediate or high risk of closure. In the article it stated:
“…according to a report by the Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform, based in Pittsburgh, in more than half of the states, 25% or more of the rural hospitals are at risk of closing, and in 12 states, 40% or more are at risk."
With that in mind, I want you to read a recent quote by Dr. Simone Gold (pictured speaking at a Steeling the Mind Conference). She’s very close to being spot on.
The Rapture of the Church is a special event when New Testament Believers, who are alive at the end of the Church Age, bypass physical death and go straight to heaven.
The Doctrine of The Rapture brings up lots of interesting questions, like...
What happens to our clothes?
The horrific Hamas invasion that massacred some 1400 Israelis, almost all unarmed, innocent family members, brought Israel front and center on the world’s stage…just as prophesied.
Currently there is a media war going on trying to position “poor Palestine” as getting the short end of the stick. But like most other mainstream news these days, that simply isn’t true.
To best understand what’s going on in the Middle East, you first must understand the TRUE history of Israel and their miraculous rebirth as a nation in 1948...
To get the whole world to obey and follow instructions, the Globalists/Satanists have to control 1) the money, 2) the food and 3) the energy.
The Globalists have been for some time using fake/false climate issues to dismantle our energy supplies. This will reduce the amount of food available, cause inflation, which will give them more control when they come to full power over the world—albeit post-Rapture.
That leaves our current banking system to be “reimagined.” It will be purposely collapsed so the Globalists can “save the day” with a new “digital only” system...
Jeepers creepers—Israel was totally surprised by Hamas! Few
saw Satan coming boldly door-to-door to kill and maim God's people.
We're still traveling in the Holyland. But we wanted to keep everyone up on a couple of links worth seeing!
Dear Compass Supporters:
For the next four weeks we're traveling to the Holyland. But over the weekend there were too many bombshell links that I wanted to share...unreal what's all going on.
Few Believers understand the depth of their Jewish roots or even appreciate getting into heaven via Abraham’s coattails/God’s promises to the Jews. We don’t replace the Jews, we’re just co-heirs with them.
According to Leviticus 23, one of the holiest days of the year is Yom Teruah, also referred to as the Feast of Trumpets. It is one of the seven Jewish feasts God commanded the Jews to celebrate each year.
This year the Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah begins on September 16 and ends on September 17. Sunset in Israel Sunday, September 17, is at 6:42 PM. So here in the United States the time the Israelis will be blowing the long last trump on Sunday morning...
I’m guessing most of the people reading these Compass eNews emails sense we’re living in the very last of the last days. It’s almost surreal gleaning the news from a Biblical perspective.
We refer to the last days a lot because 17 out of the 18 times the Bible says “last days” or “latter days” it’s referring to what’s going on at the end of the age.
So just what are the “last days”? When did that time period start? How long does it last? How many days are in the “last days”? When do the “last days” end?
The Book of Revelation is a critical source to understand prophecy today. It’s sort of an organized outline of most of the major Old Testament prophecies of the latter days. Plus it adds critical info that helps make more sense of the 2600-year-old prophecies...Yet only 2% of churches even attempt to try to understand the thrust of the Bible’s teaching in hundreds of Bible prophecy verses.
I love the lyrics of the song, I Can Only Imagine. Bart Milard wrote the lyrics when he was inspired by his dad’s death—wondering what it must be like meeting the Lord in heaven.
The song strikes a chord with a lot of people, including me.
I too wonder what it’ll be like the first time I’m surrounded in heaven by the glory of Jesus Christ, our Creator God.
I do know, whether I transition at the Rapture or because my appointed time is completed on this earth, it’ll take just a nano-second to move from this life to the next.
Since 70 AD, with the exception of the Bar Kokhba Revolt in the years 132-136 AD, Israel has been in a God-ordained "timeout."
But since the late 1800s, God's been waking Israel up again. And when the Rapture happens, she'll be back as God's primary focus on earth. And let's just say, there's good news, bad news, and good news!
Sadly there’s a horrific, false, works-oriented teaching circulating today regarding 2Thes. 2:11.
This clearly scripturally distorted teaching says that if someone hears the gospel and rejects it prior to the Rapture, then God will send the deluding influence on them and therefore they can never get saved…which is ridiculous.
That dog won’t hunt.
I wonder how Isaiah wearing no clothes worked when he and his wife had people over for dinner. That had to be a bit awkward. Or at Passover, when he and his family shared a lamb. I bet no one wanted to sit where he just sat!
Does it make sense that God would pre-plan to drag His bride through the mud, the blood, and the beer just before He marries her? Hardly!
A new eye-opening movie has just been released that exposes what is going on with child trafficking...which is taking place all around us…no matter what state or city you live. It brings to light a shocking underworld I knew little about. Some of what I learned was tough to watch.
Hopefully you can find time to see this movie.
The 70 Weeks of Daniel Bible prophecy, Daniel 9:24-27, is the most important prophecy in the Bible regarding the last days before and after the Rapture.
No article this week due to the 4th of July holiday.
But there are some interesting notes and links that I had to share! And this is exciting:
About That 7-Year Plan The UN Announced Last Week....
The UN Meeting THIS September 2023, regarding the UN 7-Year plan for world control, falls on Monday and Tuesday, September 18-19.
Well it sure is interesting that Rosh Hashanna falls on Saturday/Sunday September 16/17, with the "last trump" sounding Sunday at sunset the day before they meet.
Well, I've been waiting since the 1970s for news of a 7-year peace treaty, so we may be getting CLOSE!
After Tribulation the 1000-year reign of Jesus as King of Earth begins. And boy will things be different! Compared to today, it's almost incomprehensible.
One of the things Jews and Christians can agree on is that one day there will be a Jew on the earthly throne in Jerusalem. There's probably not a Jew alive that doesn't know that last-days prophecy!
Watching the signs of the times, or as Chuck Missler liked to say, the “times of the signs,” it sure is exciting these days watching so much Bible prophecy being fulfilled. It confirms we’re really close to our exhilarating exit!
Lots of information is suddenly being released by the government, which should make us leery of any of it being true.
What’s with this major push of the Godless homosexual agenda around the world in these last days? It’s being heavily rolled out in schools, government, businesses, everywhere. Well, it's not really surprising, this proliferation of woke sin was actually prophesied.
During the Tribulation, all the religions of the world will end up worshiping a single, one-world religion. It’s discussed in general in Revelation 17 and has some specifics in Revelation 13.
It's a hard one to understand. Think about it—how could humans, as diverse as they are today, end up with everyone worshiping the same thing?
According to Revelation, what's important to understand is that the devil worked through the New World Leader to make the earth a wilderness and overthrow its cities in the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation.
That means right after Rapture he’ll be unleashed to ruin the earth, and half the world dies in that 3 1/2 year period following our exit—4 billion people; 2 billion die the first year or two (Rev. 6:8; 9:18).
What that means to you and me is that just before the Rapture we should begin seeing the beginnings of Satan's destruction of cities around the world.
I keep hearing the same question about how people can get saved in the Tribulation if there is no Holy Spirit on the earth. I’ve discussed this in the past but apparently need to hit the highlights again.
The answer is pretty simple… After the Rapture, they get saved the same way people got saved before the Rapture—by faith. Read Hebrews 11.
They get saved the same way they did prior to the cross (a different dispensation), people had faith that the Lord would save them with a future Messiah/Redeemer. After the cross people had faith that the Lord would save them via Jesus the Messiah Who came and paid for their sins.
According to Revelation 6, first on the scene after the Rapture is the New World Leader coming to power by war and controlling the world's food, money and healthcare.
We've dealt with the Tribulation wars in the past so today we'll concentrate on famine, money and healthcare.
Censorship is a strange growing phenomenon in America because for her entire existence her citizens were given the BIBLICAL right to free speech. God says it's important to hear both sides of an argument (Prov. 18:17).
Having control of most of the major media, the Globalists/Satanists are able to distract Americans with lies and a constant dribble of fearful news...
Going forward in our ministry, no one knows how much time we have left before our most exhilarating exodus. But in the time we have left, I believe the Lord wants us to keep the main thing, the main thing.
Last weekend, while out of town, I found myself in the hospital with chest pains that resulted in a stent being inserted to deal with a blockage of the LAD vessel that feeds the left ventricle of my heart… commonly referred to as the “Widow-maker.“
Last week we covered Armageddon and the Ezekiel 38/39, the Russian/Iranian et. al., invasion of Israel. This week we’ll look at the United States in Bible prophecy, disguised as Babylon.
We’ve covered much of this subject in the past 20 years, but since we have so many new readers it’s important to hit the highlights so we’re all up to speed.
Armageddon is not where the "battle" will take place. It's the place where the Antichrist's armies "gather" at tel Magiddo in preparation for the attempt to wipe out the Jews holed up in Petra.
A “bail-out” is when someone puts money in to cover the losses. But in this case, no one was willing, or maybe able, to bail out the bank. So they used a “bail-in” by defaulting on $13 billion of bondholders’ money.
There are several theories as to why people lived longer before the flood. Some scientists speculate that there was some kind of vapor canopy around the earth (loosely based on Genesis 1:7) and that it fell to the earth at Noah's flood.
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Prov. 27:17
This is our 30th year of ministry via Compass! The Steeling conference has been held somewhere in the world each year since 1993.
Our conference this Saturday, March 11, is sold out. However, you can watch it LIVE online for FREE, thanks to our Compass Pointe supporters!
You simply cannot understand what’s taking place in the world today without using the Bible as a resource. Yet it’s there for anyone to read.
By consulting the Bible and its thousands of Bible prophecies, we have solid guidance to understand all that’s going on in the world today.
The Bible explains the key link the non-Believers are missing—that God is now allowing Satan to prepare to take over planet earth post-Rapture. And with that comes God’s wrath—7 years of Tribulation.
As we watch the many prophesied end-time events unfold, we can all agree that this is a most amazing time to be alive. God in His divine providence has placed us here at this very moment for His purposes. How exciting is that!
Big Pharma argues the gene therapy just changes some of the software in the mRNA cells to better fight disease. But that’s a lie. Several physicians and scientists have proved that this new software is causing lots of people to die.
Whether it’s blood clots, heart damage, fast replicating cancers, or aging organs, using this new software is killing and maiming a large number of people.
But there’s more to the why-we-shouldn’t-mess-with-our-DNA story...
We're sending 100K Millions Missing booklets worldwide, pray for us!
Just how bad will it be immediately following our breath-taking exodus? Will things be normal for a while or will everything immediately change for the worse?
Every year around Christmas I have one or two people who will contact us about December 25 not being the date Jesus was born.
I usually politely explain that it doesn’t really matter when we celebrate His birthday, and it’s certainly wonderful that the entire world pauses on this date each year.
A growing number of people now understand that the va((ines are the direct cause of all these deaths and disabilities.
As we get close to the end of the Church Age, it’s important to understand the exact date Jesus died on the cross because knowing this date helps us narrow down the time of His return.
In pro football, they have a two-minute warning to make sure everyone knows it's close to the end of the game. It's likely we'll get a two-minute warning from God about the Rapture—just like Noah received.
Because snowflakes deteriorate and melt so quickly, it's hard to photograph the quite intricate details that last only a few seconds. But with new photography techniques, wow! God's intricate design shows up even in snowflakes!
Our adversary must really hate Christmas. After all, the entire world shuts down to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Can’t let that happen. So he’s been working hard for 6000 years to do everything possible to degrade and dilute the meaning of Christmas.
So let’s step back a bit and think about what we’re really celebrating, what the devil is really upset about...
As we’ve often said, Satan absolutely loathes all humans. His goal is to kill as many people as possible until he's locked up. Christians and Jews are his most hated humans and are directly in his cross-hairs.
But the worst of the worst of what Satan is doing continues to fly under the radar: Satan is coming after our kids. It’s been happening for a long time, and now the devil's ramping up his efforts.
Satan doesn’t want children, created in God’s image, to be born at all...
We know from Scripture there’s an abyss in the center of the earth called the bottomless pit. This is where the really bad demons from Noah’s day are locked. It has an entrance/exit shaft somewhere on earth.
This shaft will be unlocked in the Tribulation, releasing those awful demons to wreak more havoc on the earth.
This begs the question, can we know the location of this shaft/entrance/exit?
Immediately after the Born Again Believers are rescued from planet earth and taken to heaven, the 7-year Tribulation begins with the release of God's wrath in the form of Seven Seals of Judgment. The first four of these Seals each has a rider on a different color horse...
They are usually referred to as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because they usher in a new dispensation— the time of a future 7 years of horrible judgment on those left behind post-rapture.
Originally we were not going to send out an eNews this week, but a couple things popped up that we felt would be worth viewing if you have some free time over the Thanksgiving holiday...
Well, as we feared, the cheating in the last election was huge. For example, in Pennsylvania they’re saying the big Red Wave was cancelled out by a big White Wave…referring to the tens of thousands of early votes that came in by mail—80% for Fetterman to only for 20% Oz.
And that’s the difference in the race. Without that ridiculous number of mail-in votes, Oz would have easily won.
And of course they explain this by saying the Dems did a better job at getting the early vote out. Really?
I’m betting that if they closely examined those mail-in ballots they would find most of them to be fake. But we’ll never know…it’s Amerika.
2Kings 25 is the story of the Babylonian invasion and conquest of Jerusalem in 586 BC. It’s a pretty brutal description about the Babylonians building a “siege wall” surrounding the city in order to hem them in so they would slowly starve—making it easy to conquer them.
But when King Zedekiah realized that the Babylonians were going to breach the walls of Jerusalem and take the city, he and his Israeli soldiers fled in the middle of the night...and were caught near Jericho--18 miles away! How?
We're praying the upcoming election will expose the massive number of lies being perpetrated on the American people.
But if they steal this election in the middle of the night, we shouldn’t be surprised. They’re famous for telegraphing what’s coming by accusing others of what they’re doing, or about to do.
Should be an interesting week ahead. But regardless of what happens, react Godly!
In the account of Noah and the worldwide flood, after construction of the ark was completed, God told Noah and his family the flood would begin in 7 days.
Today, I believe the Bible teaches Noah and family illustratively represent the Church (Matt. 24:37). Just as God promised Noah and his family He would rescue them PRIOR to the flood, He promises us today we’ll also be rescued from God’s wrath that’s coming on this earth.
Therefore, since Noah and his family knew they were down to 7 days, it shouldn’t surprise us that God is revealing to Believers on this earth that our rapturous rescue is near.
We know there will be a nuclear war between Russia, Iran and Israel. We know Russia and Israel have nukes, and probably Iran does also (or is close). So this Biblically prophesied war could happen at any time.
But there’s one more thing—I, and many other Bible prophecy readers, believe this Ezekiel 38/39 battle happens post-Rapture...
Recently I've had several people ask me how I know the identity of the 144K Jewish male virgins mentioned in Revelation 7 and 14. Three different people said they've been studying Bible prophecy for decades and have never heard them identified. Well, let's just take the Bible to mean what it says...
We're at-sea today on our Biblelands Cruise heading back to Rome. We've been to Cyprus, Galilee, Jerusalem, Ephesus, Athens, Corinth and Olympia. Once we get to Rome, over half of us will head up to Florence, Pisa and Venice.
These trips are soooo spiritually impacting... I wish every Believer could make this trek! Talk about making your Bible come alive! I pasted in some pics below... and some interesting links.
I was not intending to send out an eNews for a while ... just too covered-up with traveling and tours duties. However, I ran across some really interesting links, had a minute so thought I would just paste them in below without comment for you to peruse.
But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not asleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober. 1Th. 5:4-6
As the world grows more leery of and sees the holes in the Climate Change agenda, the Globalist/Satanists are
trotting out more stupid stuff to herd people. The most stupid idea is getting rid of “fossil fuels.”
Dear Compass:
My 34-year-old son got married at 19. His wife cheated on him throughout their 8-year marriage. They were divorced some years ago. He has been dating a very nice Christian girl for over a year now who is also divorced with 2 kids. He told me he can't get married because of Matthew 5:31. Please help!
Our goal in life is not to survive as long as possible in fear of death. Rather, it’s to serve the Lord by being used in the lives of those around us, knowing that our days have already been numbered.
Chuck Missler often said, “If you want to know where we are on God’s world-clock, look at what’s happening in Israel.”
The world as a whole has no clue what you and I know to be factually true…that Israel is what’s important to God and Satan is doing everything possible to destroy her.
There is a country, a quite powerful country, that is trying to conquer us. And the facts are beginning to emerge.
Naomi Wolf, a Clinton policy-lover and liberal feminist blogger who voted for Biden, has been researching the Pfizer document dumps and has assembled an astonishing picture. And she's found that China is in the middle of all of this—their fingerprints are on everything.
The Bottomless Pit is in the center of the earth. If you are in the Bottomless Pit, no matter which direction you look, you’re looking up. Therefore it is bottomless.
The Bottomless Pit is prominent in the account (not a parable) of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16. There we find that prior to the cross, the bottomless pit had two sides...
When we constantly deal with the subject of God's wrath, it can get a bit dark. So to balance it out this week, I decided to share about Susie and me getting totally, and I mean totally, duped. It was so well done that I have to tell you at the beginning, not the end. I wouldn't want you to go through the same heart palpitations that I did! Enjoy!
God is very emphatic regarding not taking the Mark of the Beast during the 7-year post-Rapture Tribulation. In no uncertain terms He clearly states that if you take the Mark you will receive His undiluted wrath on earth and go to hell…forever.
And the immediate pressure to take this Mark will be immense. Those left behind after the Rapture will be told that to survive they’ll have no choice but to join the system that controls everything, including food.
When a person dies, a mortician will usually obtain permission to drain the blood from the body and replace it with embalming fluid. This slows the decomposition process for a week or two so the person can be viewed in an open casket.
Since the Covid va((ines have been circulating, we've often heard that morticians are having problems draining the blood because the veins and arteries are clogged up...why?
As a way to cover the fact that 3500 babies a year were dying in their cribs for unknown reasons, the FDA came up with a category called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). SIDS deaths usually happen to babies age 1 to 6 months old. (No one has ever tracked how many babies had va((ine shots before they died. I wonder why? I would not be surprised if there was a correlation.)
Now, because of all the unexplained deaths happening all over the globe (it's not just athletes and movie stars that you're hearing about), the CDC has come up with another death category—Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).
One out of every four people on the earth will die in the first months of the Tribulation, mainly from mass starvation.
Few will have access to enough food and water to keep themselves alive and will die a horrible death. Or they can't afford to purchase food due to severe inflation (Rev. 6:5).
The silver lining in all of this mess is that all the death listed in Rev. 6:1-8, the first four seals released by Jesus, is followed by an uncountable number who are martyred for their faith.
Jesus left to receive his Kingdom and gave us the Holy Spirit while He was gone. We're to stay busy while He's gone.
He's coming back and will evaluate our works, not for salvation but for rewards. And he'll slay His enemies in the Tribulation.
But the point is, Jesus wants us to stay busy until He comes. Even though we see the end of the Church Age coming, we have to live as if the Rapture were not near.
It's hard to believe what's going on around us. Perversion is defended by law while millions of babies in the womb are still legally murdered.
If that weren't bad enough, now it's gone off the rails. Our public schools are actually teaching that a man can get pregnant!
The Globalists, of course, have no clue that God's in control. They've been duped by Satan, who is pure evil, and will be stunned when he discards them like dirty dishrags and bring His Holy wrath down on this earth.
In the meantime, expect to have fewer and fewer avenues to hear truth. I'm guessing 70% of the news is fake. And 95% of news about deadly va((ines, the 2020 election, the Ukraine war, border, etc., is total lies.
Does Amos' 2700-year-old prophecy have a direct bearing on the USA?
Do wickedness and corruption during prosperous times sound familiar? Yep, we’re where Israel was when Amos began his warnings about God’s impending wrath. It didn't end well for Israel and it won't end well for the USA, but we appear to fall post-Rapture.
The chart above shows what we know from scripture is coming after the Rapture. So it makes perfect sense that if the Rapture is close then we should be seeing all of those prophecies beginning to come together.
It may get a little nerve-wracking as we get closer to that fateful day, seeing the noose tightening all around us. But God has promised us and we have to trust Him.
There’s a reason the Globalists/Satanists don’t want you to travel in the USA, much less travel overseas. Travel represents freedom to come and go as you please. And the Globalists/Satanists who are determined to run this world just can’t allow that kind of freedom!
Having just returned from a trip to Israel and Jordan, Susie and I had a first-hand glimpse of what traveling is like in other parts of the world.
While we were in Israel recently, calls to rebuild the third Jewish Temple began being openly discussed in major publications like the Jerusalem Post.
Going back to making blood sacrifices will further distance her from every other nation. But now it’s in the mainstream Jewish Media. This is another one of those things I never thought I would see in print pre-Rapture!
God is The Great “I Am” Who always was and always will be. What power that name has!
Someone recently sent me an anonymous article on the name of God, which I think you'll find fascinating...
Dear Compass Supporters:
This is an abbreviated Compass e-News as we're traveling in Israel and Jordan this week.
May you have a wonderful and blessed Resurrection weekend!