Dear Compass Supporters:
I can hardly wait for January 20! We'll finally know for sure if President Trump will have the keys to the Oval office. God's taken us this far and I don't want to act like the worried Israelites after witnessing all of God's miracles.
So my guess is President Trump will get sworn in. PTL! The article below covers more on what he'll be dealing with.
Immediately below are our upcoming Compass events. If you have the time and the shekels, pick one (or more!) and join us!
The article this week is about what President Trump will be up against trying to right ship USA. And in the Additional Resources, check out the links copy in red regarding the the LA fires...weird stuff!

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The Coming Collision Between Trump And The Globalists
The naïve believes everything, but the sensible man considers his steps. Prov. 14:15
As we wind down to our last few days before President Trump’s swearing-in ceremony, rumors are swirling everywhere about what’s ahead for America.
The rumors are so preposterous that in a sane world you wouldn’t give them a second thought. But, of course, today is anything but sane.
Probably a lot of the rumors are fake news meant to instill fear to keep our minds off the fact that people are continuing to die in increasingly large numbers from an injected poison jabbed into three-fourth’s of the earth’s population. But we’ll set that topic aside for now.
And rather than deal with the wild rumors, we have to deal with the known facts, and new facts as they’re revealed to us.
Once Trump gets sworn in and starts on his attempt to right the American ship, time will finally shed some light on what the Globalists/Satanists have up their sleeve for America.
As we move closer to the Rapture, no one in their right mind thinks it will be clear sailing ahead for President Trump—here or abroad.
But from a prophetic standpoint, realistically we should be more interested in what’s going on in Europe than the United States. I believe the United States is wiped out in one hour right after the Rapture—then all eyes will be on Europe and the Middle East.

And, of course, Revelation 6 starts out post-Rapture with the New World leader taking over Europe and the Middle East.
I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he [the New World Leader] went out conquering and to conquer. Rev 6:2
Therefore, as would be expected if we're close to our exhilarating exit, things in Europe are just as crazy as they are in the United States. Maybe even more so.
For instance, in Romania a majority of the citizens just voted for a new government along the lines of the United States electing Trump.
But the Globalists/Satanists in power said, “Sorry Romanians, we can’t have a new conservative government come in here and mess up our Globalist world takeover, so we’re going have to vote again. And this time you have to vote for the correct party."
I’m not making this up! One Romanian citizen summed it up this way: "At this rate we won't be voting anymore; they will impose a leader like in the old days."
As hard as this is to believe, the Globalists/Satanists have enough power that they literally will not allow a conservative group to be in charge, even if the popular vote demands it. The Romanians are white-hot over all of this. Here’s a 2-minute clip of the Romanians taking to the streets to voice their opposition. See how important our constitution is!
Germany is headed in the same direction. And as would be expected, the Globalists/Satanists are also saying no-no to electing a conservative German government.
They’re even telling Germans up-front that if you vote as a nation for the wrong party, we will have to re-vote. Again, I am not making this up! CLICK HERE

Censorship in Germany is off the charts. Check out this headline:

So Europe is continuing to be prepared for the post-Rapture New World Order run by a New World Leader.
In the meantime, some of the swirling rumors about what's in store for President Trump to deal with in his first few weeks and months of his administration will probably come to fruition.
I keep wondering about those drones! There's something awfully suspicious about them. And now we find China just removed all the fly-over restrictions built into their software. Drones can now fly-over airports! (REF.)
If drones weren't enough, our nation’s financial health is an even bigger problem. President Trump will have a hard time getting a handle on it. It's a mess!
Let’s face the facts... we don’t have control of our own monetary system. Our Federal Reserve is neither ours, nor federal, nor a reserve. It's a privately owned monetary system run by eight or 10 families in Europe. That’s probably news to a lot of Americans, but it is true.(2)
And the Biden administration, who I believe is personally led by the devil himself, has spent four years spending money like it was going out of style trying to collapse our dollar in hopes to be able to fold the USA into the New World Order.
They did a really good job at spending money. Every time we read Biden is sending $500 billion here or there, you have to realize we first have to borrow the money.

Last year we spent $1.8 trillion more than we took in in taxes, tariffs, etc. So we’re already set up (by Biden) to have a $5 Trillion deficit in 2025.(1)
Due to Biden’s inflation catching banks off guard, our banking system is already teetering on collapse. A couple of bank failures could easily trigger a financial upheaval.
If the current banking system breaks down, Trump’s reforms would have to take second place to figuring out how to save the dollar or implementing a new currency. No easy task.

Historian Niall Ferguson:
"Any great power that spends more on debt service (interest payments on the national debt) than on defense will not stay great for very long.
It was true of Habsburg Spain, true of ancient France, true of the Ottoman Empire, true of the British Empire... this law is about to be put to the test by the US beginning this very year."
It won't be easy to return this country to its designed Constitutional Republic. President Trump's options are not good—either keep printing money and inflation will skyrocket. Or, radically cut spending in everything—Defense, Social Security, Medicare, Veterans' benefits and Welfare.
Or maybe he has something else, like a debasement of the dollar where everyone basically takes a financial haircut. Israel did that in 1985. Israelis woke up one morning and their shekels were worth 10% as much as the night before. But everyone dealt with it and it stabilized their monetary system.
In 2012 Cyprus had what is known as a bank "bail-in." The money stayed the same but varying degrees of restructuring left bank investors and junior creditors losing everything. Senior creditors got 100%. Depositors took a 30% haircut...meaning if you had 1000 euros deposited, you now had only 700.
But where the Israeli financial restructuring pared down the debt, the Cyprus bail-in didn't affect the euro.
Alex Newman, who is one of the speakers at the upcoming Steeling the Mind conference March 15 in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, interviewed David Webb who wrote the book "The Great Taking."
If you're unfamiliar with this subject, watching the video for 15 or 20 minutes will be informative, and shocking. CLICK HERE
The fires in Southern California have the potential to economically reverberate across the nation. Insurance companies, normally financially stable, may be unable to pay all the claims.
So the perfect storm is coming together both in the U.S. and Europe. 2025 should be most interesting.
Thankfully, there is one fact that should greatly comfort Believers as we watch these last days unfold: Nothing has happened, is happening, or is going to happen, unless God allows it to happen. He is the one in control, not the Globalists/Satanists.
We’re on God‘s timetable. As long as His Holy Spirit Restrainer is on this earth, “greater is He [God the Holy Spirit] who is in us than he [Satan] who is in the world.” 1John 1:9
And if I understand scripture correctly, as I’ve said many times in the past: Up until the Rapture, for most of us, the lights will be on, the economy will continue operating and food will be on the table(3).
Scripture did not say the world would be without problems, nor that Christians would be without problems. In fact, the Bible says “when,” not “if,” we encounter problems.
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials. James 1:2
Southern California is a perfect example. There are a lot of Christians down there who just lost their houses, businesses, and churches. What a mess! No telling how that will ultimately play-out nationwide. Hopefully it'll remain a regional issue and the problems not reverberate nationwide.
So in the future, as we watch Trump take on the problems of the world, we want to act wisely as we plod onward toward our fascinating and soon disappearing act.
We should all be praying not only for our families, friends and co-workers, but also praying daily for President Trump and his administrators:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phil. 4:6
And most importantly, until we depart this earth we should ask the Lord to give us witnessing opportunities.
praying … that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, Col. 4:3
Every day could be our last day to leave a lasting impression on the lost world.
- Matthew 24:37-41; Luke 17:26-28

The links in the Additional Resources below are meant to help us be wise and aware as we live and make decisions living in the concluding moments of the Church Age.
Because the bad guys continue to threaten to weaponize healthcare in order to force obedience, we continue to follow the problems with the v-shots.
Now, with RFKJr taking over the HHS, more eyes will be opened to the travesty of our Big Food and Big Pharma-controlled healthcare. But like Trump, he's up against a bevy of Satan's minions.
So this section is to offer more insight into our adversary's worldwide actions to help us make good decisions in these last days. Hey, these nut-cases are still pushing the va((ines! And some deluded people are still taking them!
---Clicking on any fuzzy picture below usually clears it up---

Tucker Carlson: I'm Going To Reveal Everything Jan. 20
2-hour video (This video begin half-way through the interview, watch the first 10-12 minutes for overview. )
(If you wish to see the first half of this video where they talk about UFOs and the LA fires CLICK HERE
This is a fascinating interview Carlson did with journalist and author Michael Shellenberger, who he calls "the best reporter in America." They cover a wide range of fascinating topics regarding what will be released after January 20.
Or, it's a good list of all the things the Deep State doesn't want revealed ... in case President Trump is marginalized.

Unrest In Iran Growing
According to Benny Sabti, who researches for the Institute for National Security Studies, the Iranian public views this as "a regime failure." There is growing frustration among the Iranian population. "People are very angry with the regime for squandering funds, oil revenues, and resources on Syria, which fell alongside Hezbollah." "The regime has poured $50 billion into Syria from 2000 until now, all of which vanished into thin air, along with funds sent to Lebanon and other places."
"There are daily power outages lasting six to seven hours in Tehran and across the country, with even longer outages in remote areas. Water shortages follow the power cuts, and air pollution worsens because there isn’t enough clean gas to heat factories and homes. Instead, they burn ship fuel, which causes severe pollution until it’s stopped. The result is freezing temperatures and city shutdowns." He added: "On some days, people are forbidden to leave their homes—children, adults, government offices, and banks alike."
And I will bless those who bless you [your descendants - Israel], and the one who curses you I will curse. Gen. 12:3

UN Renews Push For MARK of the Beast
The Globalists/Satanists are undeterred by the USA electing President Trump and other European countries moving to be more conservative. They just plod on toward their 2030 goals.

Did Justin Trudeau Actually Resign? Nope!
42-minute video (watch the first 10 minutes for overview)
While government/corporate controlled media are reporting that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has stated his intent to resign, instead he has seized control of the Canadian government. Lisa Miron, known as Lawyer Lisa, explains.

Religious Breakdown Of House & Senate
According to Pew's faith survey of the new Congress -- something they've been doing since 2009 -- Christianity isn't as rare in the House and Senate as the media and Left would have you believe.
Nearly every single Republican (265 out of 270) identifies as a Believer. And while that won't come as a surprise, the breakdown of Democrats is guaranteed to be.
In a trend that's continued for 16 years, there's actually a greater percentage of Christians in the Hill's Democratic Party than the American population at large.
An astonishing 75% of the men and women in Joe Biden's party subscribe to the Christian faith -- a whopping 13 points more than the U.S. average (62%). All told, Christians make up "the lion's share" of Congress at 87%.
It's notable that the percentage of Democrats who identify as Christian (75%) has dropped to the lowest percentage on record, a fact that shouldn't surprise those who follow politics. Increasingly, Democrats have taken positions on creation-order issues like marriage and abortion that are opposite what the Bible teaches.

Ultraprocessed Foods
MedPage Today reported:
Ultraprocessed foods (UPFs) are having a real moment. Few recent issues in public health and nutrition science have caused such a stir within the research community — and now, in the news, on social media, and in Congress — like these ubiquitous industrial formulations.
President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for HHS secretary, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has made UPFs a central focus of his agenda to “make America healthy again.” Earlier in 2024, lawmakers from the other side of the political spectrum — led by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) — proposed legislation to put warning labels on UPFs, restrict the way they’re marketed to children, and increase funding for scientific research on UPFs and health.
It was the first time the use of the term “ultraprocessed food” was recorded in Congress (a rudimentary search within the legislative record for the terms “sodium,” “sugar,” and “saturated fat,” which are often highly concentrated within UPFs, yielded nearly 1,500 unique results since the early 1970s).
Historically, support for government interventions to reduce chronic diseases by regulating the food system was concentrated among those left of center, though it seems now that that ideological distinction may have partially eroded. Indeed, liberal Democrats and Trump nominees make unusual bedfellows, but the topic of UPF regulation may be just as irresistible as the foods it targets. Whether this will lead to any real policy change, however, is a different story.

Below are some LA fire links— interesting questions remain unanswered.

Did The Fires Originate From A Sky Weapon?
> Watch this 5-minute video first: CLICK HERE
> Then watch 4 minutes of this drone video of LA- CLICK HERE
Hmmmm.... Why didn't all the trees burn? Why did all the glass melt?
This link might explain some of these questions: CLICK HERE
And Steve Bannon thinks something's up: CLICK HERE

What Did A $750K A Year Salary Buy? CLICK HERE
DEI At The LA Fire Department CLICK HERE
Below is the leadership of the Los Angeles Fire Department...

I'm sure everyone in LA trusts the decisions of this group of lovely "ladies."

Hmmmm..... Insurance Carriers Who've Recently Cancelled or Reduced Coverage In LA
Insurance giant AllState paused its sales of new home insurance policies in California in 2022 due to wildfires and higher costs of doing business in the state.
American National
Texas-based American National announced last year it would stop offering homeowners insurance in the California market.
AmGUARD, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway-owned GUARD Insurance Companies, stopped writing homeowners policies in California in 2023.
Chubb Chairman and CEO Evan Greenberg announced in a 2021 earnings call that the company would significantly reduce homeowners coverage in California, pointing to wildfire risks and the state's insurance regulations, according to S&P.
Falls Lake Insurance
Falls Lake informed California's Department of Insurance in 2023 it would be pulling out of the state completely because the company could not obtain reinsurance, PropertyCasualty360 reported that year.
Farmer's Insurance Group
Farmers Insurance Group began limiting coverage in California in 2023, and later that year, one of its subsidiaries, Farmers Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Company, withdrew from the state entirely.
Nationwide Private Client, a subsidiary of Nationwide, informed California last year that it would stop renewing all its homeowners insurance policies in the state by June of 2025, according to The San Francisco Chronicle.
State Farm
State Farm, California's largest home insurance provider, announced in 2023 that it would no longer accept applications for property insurance and other policies in California, citing "historic" increases in construction costs and inflation."
About 1,600 policies in Pacific Palisades were dropped by State Farm in July, California Department of Insurance spokesman Michael Soller said in an Thursday email to CBS MoneyWatch. An analysis of insurance data by CBS San Francisco last year found that State Farm also dropped more than 2,000 policies in two other Los Angeles ZIP codes. (Ref. Here)
Then in March of last year, the company said that it would cut 72,000 home and apartment policies starting in the summer.
The Hartford
The Hartford Financial Services Group stopped writing new homeowners insurance policies in California in early 2024.
Tokio Marine Insurance Co., Trans Pacific Insurance Co.
Tokio Marine America Insurance Co. and Trans Pacific Insurance Co., both owned by Japanese firm Tokio Marine Holdings Inc., filed notices to California's Department of Insurance in April 2024 saying the companies would cease offering homeowners insurance and umbrella policies in the state.
The San Francisco Chronicle reported Travelers Insurance announced it would not renew homeowners policies for thousands of California properties from 2022 and 2023 due to wildfire risk.
New rules enacted in September 2024 for the insurer of last resort in California—the Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) plan—could leave homeowners insurance policyholders on the hook for fire losses in the Los Angeles area if totals exceed the plan’s ability to pay.
“The bottom line is, the FAIR plan will have enough money to pay claims, but the way it will make sure it has enough money is by assessing all California policyholders, eventually,” Dave Jones, former commissioner of the California Department of Insurance, told host Siyamak Khorrami during a recent episode on EpochTV’s “
California Insider.”
“If it gets there, that’s what will happen. People will get an additional bill ... which will come as a big surprise to Californians.”

Harnessing Mosquitos To Va((inate Without Consent
33-minute video
Peter McCullough interviewed by Grant Stinchfield.
It seems the world of va((inology has ramped up to a feverish pitch with amplified research, massive funding, and no limit to the extent in which vaccines could be injected into humans.
And to get around "va((ine hesitancy," they're putting the va((ine in mosquitos.
Lamers et al described experiments where mosquitos were laced with a malaria vaccine and then normal human volunteers went through three session of 50 bites each to get “vaccinated.” It took only five bites to give the subjects a case of controlled malaria infection.
I'm hoping RFKJr will put a stop to this nonsense!

New Evidence Shows Va((ines Do Cause Autism!
The CDC’s claim that “vaccines do not cause autism” is based on studies that don’t adequately support that claim. The CDC’s claim is contradicted by its own cited sources. Indeed, we reveal how no studies have been done that were designed to test that hypothesis, and therefore it cannot possibly have been falsified.”

One in every eight Christians around the world faces persecution, ranging from imprisonment and censorship to extra-judicial and government-sanctioned martyrdom, according to a new report.
"Each year, an estimated 300 million Christians around the world are persecuted because of their faith in Jesus. Our brothers and sisters in Christ are beaten, imprisoned, and even killed for their faith," said the International Christian Concern's 2025 Global Persecution Index, released last Friday, which documents instances of governments denying rights to a share of the world's estimated 2.38 billion Christians. "In many countries, it is illegal for them to share the Gospel." More info

What Happens When Mice Are Injected With mRNA Va((ines
New study shows lots of major organs are infiltrated.
Systemic distribution of LNPs and translated mRNA was measurable. These data demonstrate that COVID-19 mRNA injection LNPs systemically circulate and are taken up into vital organ systems resulting in body-wide toxic Spike protein production.

Houston, we have a problem... More info HERE
MMR Va((ine is NOT Safer Than Measles, Mumps or Rubella: CLICK HERE
And now a renowned scientist is sounding the alarm because he's found traces of Covid va((ines in turbo cancer tumors. CLICK HERE
"Biodistribution studies should have been performed BEFORE mass ‘vaccination’ of the entire world’s population. These invasive gene therapy injections must be pulled from global markets immediately." - Nicolas Hulscher

Well, 35 years ago scientists found Red Dye No. 3 to cause who's been paying off FDA peeps all this time??? (Ref.)
“I have failed in things in my life, and thankfully I’m redeemed by my Lord and Savior Jesus.”
Pete Hegseth quote during the confirmation hearings in the Senate for Secretary of Defense.
Love it!
Pete also embarrassed Elizabeth Warren during the hearings and had the whole room laughing! CLICK HERE for a 20-second video clip

AI Ranks the Top 19 Terminal Cancer Repurposed Drugs— Ivermectin is #1

UN to Flex Muscles on “Climate Change”
While the ruling expected from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) later this year is officially considered “advisory,” it will have profound economic and political implications for the entire world. The UN is calling this the “largest ever case before the UN world court.”

What's Behind Plummeting Fertility Rates?
U.S. couples trying to conceive children are struggling. In the U.K., fertility rates have dropped to their lowest point since the depression.

The Vitamin D No-Brainer!
In case you missed it, Vitamin D, especially in the winter, is hugely important to take. You can get large bottle at Costco for next to nothing!

So Much For "Green Energy"
60-second Video
Amazon electric trucks are charged up by a gas generator. Hmmm...
END, Compass eNews, January 16, 2025