Our office will be closed from 9/25 – 10/23. Any orders placed during this time will be shipped upon return by 11/1/23.
All in one list!
"Gain of function" means, making the virus more deadly. Paid for by your tax dollars.
Docs show concern that vaccinated could shed and spread to non-vaccinated.
Personal short testimonies from 32 physicians pleading not to take the Covid va[[ine. 28 minutes
The Federal Reserve announced it is now purchasing an unlimited amount of Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities in order to support the financial market.(Translation—"We're on board for killing the financial system to bring in a world digital monetary system.")
Israel is the most va[[inated country in the world, to no avail!
Dr. Naomi Wolf: Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever. 15 minutes
Practical questions for everyone to think about! 4 minutes
150 million Indians have received Covid shots but now a wave of Coronavirus infections are hitting India's 1.3 billion population. 3500 are dying per day, 400,000 infections per day. 20% of their population is va[[inated, so why is the virus spreading faster not slower? The $64K question is "How many of those deaths are from the 150 million already va[[inated citizens?"
And this does not include Great Britain!
Dr. Peter McCullough gives a stern warning, Va[[ines are killing people! 30 Minutes
Va[[ine deaths jumped significantly this week in the U.S. Of the 3,544 deaths reported as of April 23, 25% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 17% occurred within 24 hours and 40% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.
Dr Bhakdi, Indian, vax will decimate the world- takes a minute to adjust to his accent but well worth hearing what he says. 30 minutes
This interesting little Jewish physician tells it like it is! 30 Minutes
They're hoping no one remembers! 10 Minutes
Explains why non-va[[inated are infected by va[[inated . 60 minutes - worth every minute!
Instead of Fauci saying they're trying to make viruses more "deadly," he calls it "Gain of Function." Which brings up the elephant in the room...
The COVID \/accine is a killing machine 9 minutes
Report: Pfizer and Moderna COVID “Vaccines” Could Trigger Alzheimer’s, ALS, and Other Neurological Degenerative Diseases - Article
ARTICLE: (Remember how we laughed at the first Green Deal proposal? And now they're actually trying to do it! So don't laugh at this, especially if D.C. becomes a state!) An Oregon ballot initiative proposed for 2022 would effectively criminalize the farming of food animals in the state by classifying their slaughter as aggravated abuse and redefining artificial insemination and castration as sexual assault. CQLJ!
Re: 5G, non-human DNA, chimers, bio-metric data, crypto currency, humans to be a commodity. - 4 minutes
New Video, April 17, 2021- The medical industry has now been weaponized! - 53 minutes
ARTICLE: Study Suggests Six Foot Social Distancing, Limited Occupancy Rules Are Completely Pointless
This is a GREAT analysis of the \/accine by Del Bigtree, and worth seeing all of it. But if you want just the football explanation, fast-forward to about the 1:30 mark. You'll hear the technical explanation followed by the football play explanation in ten minutes. 2 hours, 15 minutes
Biden wants beef cut to one burger per month, per person . - 13 minutes
Orange county smack-down... glad she's on our side! 8 Minutes
Every Believer needs a supply of Ivermectin and HCQ for a worst-case scenario. Here is a list of doctors in each state who understand what's at stake! Save!
If it can happen in Australia, Canada and England, we're probably not far behind!
If you ever doubted this so called "pandemic" was not about health, this one should wake you up. The reason they banned it was because it interfered with their vaccine agenda!
This is an excellent transcript of Dr. McCullough's well-documented lecture on the “catastrophe” of COVID-19 “gene-transfer” vaccines, the “loaded weapon” of the spike protein they produce, and the high effectiveness early treatments. He also detailed the malfeasance, fraud and conflicts of interest committed by U.S. medical officials.
Hard to believe Fox aired this one!! But glad a few things are getting out via FOX News. 7 minute video.
Rothchilds hold Covid patent
Global Genocide
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2 of Syndey Powells Interview
24 nations sign a request for world government
When the Un-vaxxed are Shunned
Dr Pat Morrissey
NYC Doctor
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Dr. Geert Bossche
Dr. Herve Seligmann
Dr. Frank Shallenberger
Dr. Delores Cahill
Dr. Carrie Madej
Dr. Simone Gold
Dr. Judy Mikovits
Dr. David Martin
Dr. Lee Merritt
Dr. Vernon Coleman
Dr. Steven F. Hotze
Dr. Lorraine Day
Dr. Erickson
Professor Delores Cahill blows the doors off the safety of the COVID vaccines. She and Bossche say the same thing but come at it from two different directions.
In case you want to just read about the stupidity of Covid vaccines, here's a good article.
Dr. Hotze professionally shares the dangers of this experimental gene therapy. He shows it's a quite deceptive trade practice. Excellent short video to share!
You won't believe what Teen Vogue Magazine is teaching young girls these days!
Robert David Steele: "One of the most important stories I've covered in my entire career." If 10% of what he says is true, we're in deep doo doo.
Robert David Steele: "One of the most important stories I've covered in my entire career." If 10% of what he says is true, we're in deep doo doo.
If someone dies before taking the vaccine, it's because of COVID. But deaths after the vaccine are labeled as "natural causes."
The deaths in Norway prove the mRNA Covid vaccines' efficacy was not as good as promised.
Between Dec. 14, 2020, and Feb. 18, 2021, 19,907 reports of adverse events were submitted to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), including 1,095 deaths and 3,767 serious injuries. The vaccine is more dangerous than the flu and deaths are mounting. (See VAERS report chart below)
The CDC is in bed with Big Pharma to push a false narrative. Statistics prove they're lying!
Pfizer's mRNA Covid vaccine killed about 40 times more elderly people and 260 times more young people than the virus itself would have claimed.
Israel has been aggressive in her vaccine roll-out with over 50% of the population having been given the mRNA treatment for Covid. And now the deaths are beginning to pile up. "This is a new Holocaust," says Dr. Seligmann
Now you know why they kept Biden in his basement, and why he has not held a single press conference. So will the new VP be Hillary?
Now you know why they kept Biden in his basement, and why he has not held a single press conference. So will the new VP be Hillary?
Even the government is admitting that masks are useless against Covid.
An honest conversation about what's going on—socialism is a stepping stone to communism which is a stepping stone to fascism.
Oh wow, if you want to see some eye-openers, this researcher has compiled where we've been, where we are and where we're headed.
Facebook posts by people who enthusiastically got the vaccine, but have since died, back up VAERS death reports. Reading this list will break your heart.
34 cases of spontaneous miscarriage and stillbirth reported after receiving experimental mRNA vaccines
Aborted baby body parts continue to be harvested and turned into cell lines for the development of vaccines and other pharmaceuticals by Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.
By declaring that "Deaths are a sign that the vaccine is working!" Big Pharma/NWO/Satanists are killing off our elderly and hoping to get away with genocide.
A good 10 minute recap of what's ahead. Food shortages? Monetary Reset? Vaxx?
You should watch this even if you're not planning on getting the COVID vaccine! The CDC is now reporting there have been 40,000 reports of adverse reactions in the first month of the vaccine roll-out. I pray she's wrong but Dr. Tenpenny makes a good case this is only the beginning.
A Virus They Knew Could Be Manipulated
Could the COVID vaccine be used as a bio-weapon?
EXO-CD24 is an Israeli experimental inhaled medication developed at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. It cured all 30 (100%) of moderate-to-severe Covid cases in a clinical trial. This may be huge as WHO and CDC can't keep them quiet.
Doctors in Australia say this works like a miracle drug! On a personal note, my wife and I caught Covid around Christmas and used two doses of Ivermectin to knock it out in two days. Unavailable - Video was removed from all platforms.
This was strangely banned for nine months as a treatment for COVID by CDC and FDA. Then November 1, they quietly and unceremoniously approved the drug. How many people died due to their obviously political actions? But bottom line, you can now legally acquire it in all 50 states.