Our office will be closed from 9/25 – 10/23. Any orders placed during this time will be shipped upon return by 11/1/23.
Watch this just to balance out what you're hearing about everything eventually getting back to normal. Mike Adams, who is quite smart, discusses food shortages, digital controls, mass deaths, etc. It's worth hearing, but don't get rattled!! Just shows you we might be coming up on our exit.
Eventually all insurance companies will deny payments to those va((inated due to any insured person being a part of a medical experiment. The insurance companies have no choice as they all operate on a tight actuarial table for death. Otherwise they will all have to close.
As most everyone has observed, our groceries are not only far more expensive, but even in America the shelves are beginning to have lots of missing items.
An unnamed doctor (anonymous for obvious reasons) says that based on the number of people he's seeing with problems in his practice, and what he's hearing from colleagues, it is likely that millions of Americans are suffering horribly from the Covid va((ines, but if doctors say anything, they can lose their license to practice.
More evidence is coming in that deaths are skyrocketing since the Covid va((ines have begun.
We've been saying for two years that the numbers of Covid deaths are highly inflated. So now they are backing off the numbers they used to scare the beejeebies out of people in order to increase the demand for the va((ines. Liars. Good luck standing before a righteous Judge.
Evidence now shows that chronic exposure to Covid va((ines and boosters can disrupt your innate immunity which increases the risk of new disease. This is being called VAIDS (va((ine-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).
Tucker Carlson is the lone voice of reason among the reporters in this 24/7 "Poor Ukraine/Russia is bad" media blast.
Could it be that Biden and the Globalists/Satanists NEED a "bad" Russia to blame for all the high va((ine deaths in the U.S., high gas prices, zero border control, hundreds of thousands of va((ine related deaths, etc.?
Laura Logan unleashes on the Ukraine misinformation coming from the Biden and the Globalists/Satanists. It's amazing how brazen they've become. It's almost as if the Globalists/Satanists think there won't be elections in the fall...for some reason.
"Climate Change" is quiet for the moment, the Globalists/Satanists are preferring to use the Ukraine war to scare people. But trust me, Climate Change is not dead. It'll be back sooner than later. So this is an excellent short concise video recap of the FACTS everyone needs to know.
This video is not from the Ukraine, it's from a climate change protest. So even that's a lie. But it does show why you can't trust what you see on major network TV!
This is worth seeing if you've not viewed it—6 million people have already viewed it. It will blow you away with its uncanny truths, especially since it was created six years ago!
WHO's ultimate goal is to seize complete control of world health so they can demand all nations follow their dictates. Both red and blue states would then have no choice but to follow the world in whatever is mandated by those unelected representatives of Satan.
Victoria Nuland, U.S. undersecretary of state for political affairs in the Biden Administration, tries to block Jerusalem from fulfilling Bible prophecy. Good luck with that one!
JP is at it again (humor). Great comebacks you can use with your va((inated friends and family. If you liked JP last week, you'll love this!
Tucker Carlson lets it rip in a way only Tucker can... showing the real reason the Ukraine war is blaring all over the airwaves 24/7.
99-minutes Video (End at 1:39 minute mark) Lots of good info here. Great background/history on what's really going on in Ukraine. At the 1 hour 40 minute mark it gets into some quite speculative theory that may or may not be true. But the first 99 minutes of historical info is amazing.
A mid-west doctor researches and publishes what she found regarding va((inated persons...calls for a halt in va((inations!!!
Nearly 66% of respondents to a survey in Israel claimed that they suffered adverse reactions to the COVID-19 booster shot. Nearly half of those with adverse reactions reported having difficulties performing daily activities as a result.
Well, here we go again... Bill Gates owns a bio-engineering company and has a new genetically-altered male mosquito that he says will mate and destroy the bad mosquitos. What could possibly go wrong with this? And does it bother anyone in California that there are none of those bad mosquitos living in California. Or that no one knows what happens if humans are bitten?
Well, here we go again... Bill Gates owns a bio-engineering company and has a new genetically-altered male mosquito that he says will mate and destroy the bad mosquitos. What could possibly go wrong with this? And does it bother anyone in California that there are none of those bad mosquitos living in California. Or that no one knows what happens if humans are bitten?
While health agencies and mainstream media still insist that side effects from the COVID jab are “rare,” real-world data show a different story...like most side effects come about a month after the jab.
This is actually a 10-minute sneak preview teaser for a movie being made, but this is 10 minutes of packed info! 10 minutes
Do you support the Red Cross? Might want to reconsider after watching this short video! 2 minutes
What are the chances of a naturally-occurring virus being genetically identical to an engineered and patented one? Zero. Liars! Article and/or 2-minute video
Are Globalists setting the stage for a cyber reset?
Like a dog with a bone, Attorney Michael Renz says this is the story of the year—either the military has been covering up massive health problems or the health problems in the military have compromised our ability to defend.
These rats should be convicted of mass murder! Sick.
CDC bribed corporate media with $1 BILLION to push Covid va((ine misinformation. Which, of course, leads to "never bite the hand that feeds you!" And this contributed heavily to inflation as all of it was borrowed money.
90 minutes of excellent information. Kick back and learn a lot. Well edited with video clips to bolster their points. All in layman's language.
Mike Adams and Steve Quayle have a most interesting discussion revealing the truth behind what's going on in Ukraine. 25-Minute Video (Begin at 3:35 mark)
Tucker Carlson has the proof the fact-checkers are lying—Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland just testified under oath that they exist! No surprise to us. Transcription or 16-minute Video
Now this "Blame Russia For Everything" is starting to make sense... 90 seconds
This analyst, JP, is a hoot! He'll make you smile despite the info being intense! 15 minutes
We may be seeing why they wanted to cover up this info for 75 years!! But then again, why would they include this info so early on in the release? Why not hold it until the very end? It was either a mistake or a straw man they can easily explain away.
Well, our Globalists/Satanists are back to planning for a cyber attack that will take down America. Whether or not this happens, no one knows, but since they often telegraph what's coming, here's the link only as an FYI.
Del Bigtree shows the CDC is not working for America.
Most of us have seen the videos of hundreds of va((inated athletes inexplicably collapsing from heart attacks DURING live games. Well, it's about time these athletes began asking why!
If you took the va((ine or if you contracted and recovered from Covid, you probably have spike proteins circulating in your body that can cause future health problems. This article, a bit deep on the scientific side, explains what you can do to filter out those rascals. Worth understanding.
While most assume the va((ine issue is waning, over 200 million Americans in 21 states now have the option of using a digital va((ine passport. Today it's optional, but what about tomorrow???
A gripping testimony of what happened in the hospital to the husband of Judy Mikovits, Phd. 18-minute Video (Begin at 1 hour, 12 min. to 1 hour 30 min.)
Fully vaccinated people account for 8 of 10 COVID deaths. England report demolishes last remaining argument for getting shots.
Klaus Schwab and the RNA-Modifying COVID-19 va((ines agenda, brace yourself. They not only want to control what you do, they want to influence what you think. They want to replace your God.
The major media might ignore the facts but, like the insurance companies looking at death rates, Wall Street also looks at money as their main barometer.
The vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths from Covid are occurring in people who took all three jabs... but, of course, we all know they're safe and effective.
Tucker shows us why we're not far behind Canada. In fact, the situation in Canada is what the collapse of democracy looks like. Uncomfortable.
This is a GREAT & concise overview of Social Security—going from its beginnings to today. Makes you crazy. Both young and old peeps need to understand all this!!
Today if you go to the hospital you're literally risking your life. Most non-profit hospitals are run by for-profit contractors and money is more important than getting you well. That's not an exaggeration! We have had several calls from people who have lost control of a family member to a hospital. So this is an important link to a great article on what to do if you have to go to the hospital. This info could save your life!!
Guns and Butter will blow you away showing the world is being taken down by a handful of people.
Oh dear! CQLJ! 3 minute video.
So much for democracy in Canada. Fidel Castro Jr. has invoked emergency powers act in Canada to quell the harmless truckers.
Ouch! Deborah Tavares walks though the agenda. Not good. This, hopefully, is the worst-case scenario!
Episode 7 shows why blood clots are lucrative for hospitals. Also covers "Normalizing Childhood Va((ine Injury."
Simple and accurate...
David Martin is one ticked-off cowboy and shreds an AP reporter for calling him a liar. In 20 minutes he proves Trudeau gets paid for every shot... worldwide! No wonder Trudeau wants those trucks to leave!!
We first mentioned weird shutdowns and travel restrictions going on in China about three weeks ago.
According to Virologist and CCP whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who first disclosed Covid to be a man-made, gain-of-function, bio-weapon, the CCP is releasing a new bio-weapon at the Olympic games—a wicked hemmorhagic fever virus.
Well, this is interesting. Whistleblower Melissa McAtee reveals that in the agreement made between Pfizer and Israel to supply Israelis with their Covid va((ines, Israel had to agree to allow Pfizer to delete any data that contradicted the Covid narrative. So does this mean the deaths and injuries in Israel are WORSE than what we're being told??? BTW, you will easily notice that McAtee's eschatology leaves a lot to be desired.
An excellent overview of what's at stake with the Canadian truckers and Trudeau declaring martial law.
Attorney Thomas Renz is interviewed by Mike Adams regarding prosecuting those who are carrying out the Covid crimes against humanity.
The list includes studies concerning the adverse reaction from COVID-19 vaccines, such as myocarditis, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, cardiac, Bell’s Palsy, immune-mediated disease, and many more. 😡
Mike Adams unhinged ... this is the worst possible scenario—forced Covid Camps, forced GMTs and more. Don't watch this one late at night! Let's hope we're coming out of a birth pang and it doesn't get to this!
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Clay Clark have a wide-ranging discussion of the lies perpetrated and resulting difficult possibilities ahead.
Part 2: This has the arrest at the end.
The Doc on the video who first exposed this was murdered. The world must know what's going on!
More doctors are coming forward with evidence that the GMTs against the China virus are actually causing significant side effects, including death. But we hear nothing but crickets from the mainstream media. *GMTs = Gene Modification Therapy
Ah, now it makes sense. Guess who will soon control Bagram, the Afghan Air Force Base we left... China! They're expecting the Taliban to invite them! Seems they invested well in the Biden family.
The genetic changes to the human genome are being claimed by patent holders who say those who are modified by GMT are a new human species. Solid interview of an attorney representing 400K military servicemen. *GMTs = Gene Modification Therapy
This is amazing... a direct link to an article from March 2015 warning about the Fed's plan to force GMTs* on the American population. We were asleep at the wheel thinking, "Nah, never here." *GMTs = Gene Modification Therapy
Pathologist Ryan Cole gives an impromptu interview that is eye-opening! What he's dealing with will shock you! *GMTs = Gene Modification Therapy
Did you know that if you're va((inated, you are putting out a signal that 5G can pick up?(1) And do realize that if you're sending out a signal, they can send in a signal...just saying.
Dr. Lee Merritt and Alex Jones walk you through a most interesting expose' of the 5G rollout. If there's anything we've learned since this Covid thing began, it's that we can't trust our government to protect us.
Well, let's just say I'm glad he's on our side! He nails it! 17 minute video.
A heart-breaker for so many families, GMTs have caused over 400K spontaneous pregnancy terminations. *GMTs = Gene Modification Therapy
t's pretty simple, if you got a GMT from a bad lot, you lose. And of the bad batches, some doses are worse than others. And it's so interesting that two of the most heavily hit states are Florida and Texas! Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby. * GMT= Gene Modification Therapy, formally referred to as va((ines
What to do if you got the shot. A good place to start if you check your va((ine batch numbers and find out you got a bad batch.
Two of our March Steeling the Mind Conference speakers, Dr. Mark McDonald and Dr. Peter McCullough, spoke at the Washington "Stop the Mandates" rally last week. This video is from all the speakers.
British pharmaceutical company Astra-Zenaca says their Covid va((ine acts like a magnet and attracts platelets which body mistakes for a threat and attacks. Hmmm... no wonder the Brits dropped all their mandates.
It appears the truth about Covid va((ines is bleeding into mainstream news journals a bit. Check out this article in TownHall
This jaw dropping and horrifying data should be national headline news! That's probably why they're scrambling to cover up this data!
Israel has learned over the years to be a loyal country in order to stay alive. So it's not surprising that they enthusiastically jumped on the Covid va((ine wagon "for the love of country." They're now on their fourth shot (second booster) and things are not working out so well.
Not to mention: Over 1 million adverse events. Over 179 thousand serious injuries. Over 22 thousand deaths. But Fauxi says they're safe and effective... even though you're twice as likely to have a problem if you've been va((inated.
PM Trudeau called the truckers convoy "a small fringe minority." Hmmm... well, seems his peeps didn't like that so much. This short video will get your blood pumping as you watch great drone shots of tens of thousands trucks lined up for over 100 miles being cheered-on by their countrymen.
Scotland’s public health data has gone viral, revealing that the vaccinated are the primary drivers of the pandemic. Del Bigtree and Jeff Jaxen explain how in a fact-filled expose'.
55-Minute Video (Watch the first 12-minutes if you're in a hurry!) Mel K, Leigh Dundas and Charlie Ward discuss the shocking data from military whistleblowers on the federal data collection of vaccine adverse reactions in the military!
Great recap of what's going on...professional, succinct and informative.
What to do if you got the shot. A good place to start if you check your va((ine batch numbers and find out you got a bad batch.
Stew Peters and Attorney Tom Renz on testifying before Congress about the massive number of recent military deaths and catastrophic health complications after being va((inated.
Stew Peters and Attorney Tom Renz on testifying before Congress about the massive number of recent military deaths and catastrophic health complications after being va((inated.
Still more insurance companies see the writing on the wall...when will someone finally admit it's caused by the va((ines?
Investigative reporting by Info Wars shows the WEF released the Covid virus on purpose and the deep reach of the CIA.
Analysis and research on the actual death records and hospital payouts for COVID shows evidence of a massive payout and fraud scheme perpetrated by our Government in collusion with major institutions. Maybe this evidence will be used to indict and prosecute the criminals that are still using this scheme to kill and injure people worldwide.
One thing that Covid has shown us is not to trust the FDA! Here's a long list of foods that include aborted babies as ingredients. Ewwww...
Scott Miller, PA, from Washington State, saved over 2,000 lives using Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. So they suspended his license to practice medicine. His response is to name names and warn hospitalized Covid patients are not actually dying from the virus but are essentially held hostage once admitted—prohibited visitation or going home—and are typically administered Remdesivir and intubated to death.
What an amazing exchange, doctor admits Fauxi and company don't want to hear factual evidence that doesn't support their lying narrative...
Last week we wrote about the coming hyperinflation. Someone brought this article to our attention—an excellent analysis of what happened to five other countries who've experienced hyperinflation.
Well, this is interesting, a call for a new National Bank. Since the Federal Reserve is really bankrupt, this may have something to do with future monetary changes. Time will tell.
You can read the verdict and sentence here.
Well now this is interesting! Gates, Fauxi, Big Pharma, the UK and a host of others have been indicted, tried and sentenced in International Common Law Court of Justice for "crimes against humanity" for all their Covid dealings. The verdict by the court is recognized worldwide and the “judgment and warrants of the Court has full force and effect of the Law and take precedence over all regulations, authorities, and agencies.” Stay tuned for this one....
Well now this is interesting! Gates, Fauxi, Big Pharma, the UK and a host of others have been indicted, tried and sentenced in International Common Law Court of Justice for "crimes against humanity" for all their Covid dealings. The verdict by the court is recognized worldwide and the “judgment and warrants of the Court has full force and effect of the Law and take precedence over all regulations, authorities, and agencies.” Stay tuned for this one....
Dr. Ardis Interviews Dr. Zelenko who reveals the truth about the Covid variants.
Dr. Carrie Madej issues a shocking warning about using supposedly safe Monoclonal antibodies. Don't be fooled! And there are a lot more shockers in this excellent interview! (The interviewer is awful, but Dr. Madej is amazing.)
Click on Moderna, Pfizer or Janssen at the top of the above link/page and enter your lot number for results.
Solid research by Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Head of Respirtory Research at Pfizer, has released hard data showing that only 5% of all va((ines had the really bad toxins in them.
read about Covid treatment cover-ups revealed in newly released documents. Are they that stupid or do they have something else planned? Time will tell. I CAN promise you they're not finished.
read about excess deaths from va((ine. Hopefully all this "pull-back" is because those self-focused dimwits missed a few things rolling out their covert death shot.
I'm not a physician and may be missing something, but I smell a rat. Just saying... If Omicron is not a variant of the originally released virus, and since we know that Covid is a manufactured bio-weapon, then they could've released Omicron as another bio-weapon. This one just happens to be more infectious but less deadly. And if that is true (trying to think all this through) then Omicron could have been released as a distraction to cover for all the excess deaths beginning to show up from the poison in the va((ine. Or at least take our eyes off the problem, which is called a "false flag."
Seems China's President XI is desperately trying to cover up a news release that a new virus has "escaped."
In Europe and at the World Health Organization, regulators call for an end to boosters
Israel's leading immunologist tells Israel's Health Minister that "it's time to admit failure" and to find another strategy besides va((ines.
Not sure why he didn't trust them before. And Dr. Clive Dix, who is ex-head of the UK Va((ine Taskforce and who worked on creating the original va((ines, said, "...va((inating people for protection is now a waste of time... I think the original thinking was very much to stop infection and transmission where clearly these vaccines don’t do that.”
In the past, the Communists/Satanists have pushed as far as they can and then drop back—but nowhere near where they started—always gaining ground—only to start again in the future. That's probably what's happening now. Seems they feel it's time for a pull-back to make people feel better. News out of Israel, Britain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain and even here in the United States are coordinating Covid policy changes. They all are dropping Covid mandates, admitting the va((ines don't work and are even permanently damaging body organs.
The Brandon Administration has begun keeping tabs on everyone who asks for a religious exemption from the federal government's list of mandates, a new report explains. Oh, I'm so hoping I get a chance to explain the difference between those going to heaven and those going to hell!
Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Zeb Zelenko in a most extraordinary reveal. He explains how patents spanning two decades show Covid is a bio-weapon tool to tag people in the future. 63-minute Video, watch the first 2:47 for a good recap
I have no idea who TPN is, but that's all that's on the first screen for acknowledgment of the video. But whoever they are, this is an excellent, and probably accurate, assessment of where we're headed.
This is amazing. Del Bigtree jumped on the Fauxi problems from the very beginning. So he's taken the most explosive statements in his top 100 interviews over the last two years and put them back to back. This is a must see! Awesome!!!!
Heavily credentialed Dr. Suchrit Bhakdi explains how and why the gene-based COVID-“vaccines” trigger the breakdown of immunological defenses against infectious agents that lie dormant (“sleeping”) in our bodies. For instance, if you've recovered from cancer, and get va((inated, expect your cancer to come back. Yikes!
Kim Iversen shows evidence Fauxi was activily working to shut down scientific debate over va((ines. We already know he profits from each va((ine, but thankfully for him he gets his "stay out of jail" advice from Hillary and Hunter.
No wonder! Del Bigtree interviews activist mom who figured all this out. Hint: Follow the (Gov't) dollar.
If you've ever wondered how the world is in lock-step over this fake pandemic, this explains it. You can watch the first 10-minutes and get the gist of the video. Or watch more if you want to beat your head against a wall.
A power company worker shows you what's inside those 5-G contraptions going up in neighborhoods everywhere.
Canada is taking the lead on how to force people to get va((inated. Christians already have few rights left, so an unva((inated Christian should consider all options.
Alex Jones and Mike Adams discuss the Globalist's agenda and what to expect to happen by summer if things don't change.
DARPA, under the umbrella of the U.S. Department of Defense, confirms they rejected Fauxi's proposal to create mRNA "gain of function" Coronavirus due to the existing moratorium on that kind of research. But Fauxi did an "end-around" by funding the lab in Wuhun, China—which Fauxi denied under oath in Senate testimony. If this whole Covid conspiracy falls apart, this little weasel is going to prison in a cell next to HRC. But if the conspiracy doesn't fall apart, Fauxi won't escape God's Judgment Day. Good luck with that...
Mike Adams holds nothing back as he gives his assessment of what's ahead if we don't turn this thing around soon! If he's correct, Rapture may be close.
Paul Schreyer peels back the history of the world conspiracy since 1990. I guess there is something to be said for not knowing all this!
You're going to love Ben Armstrong! Well researched, straight to the point... sorta like Stew Peters with only half the caffeine. 😮 Great recap of proof that the va((ines are worthless, except to kill people.
This is BIG! Project Veritas has released info showing Fauxi coordinated people at the highest levels to murder millions. Yes, you read that correctly. Naomi Wolf, Robert Malone and Steve Bannon discuss the ramifications.
Joe Rogan opened the floodgates to his 2-million plus audience last week as to what's going on. He showed that the Globalists/Satanists are implementing a global plan using FEAR to fan the flames of the Covid narrative. Let's just say Fauxi is scrambling! Building on this, Del Bigtree interviews Dr. Mark McDonald, who summarizes in detail. Amazing!
Ten years ago, George Soros began paying liberal attorneys big bucks to get elected if they would go soft on crime. Noticed any difference lately?
While the Omicron variant seems to be causing less severe disease than the Delta variant, it’s still landing some people in hospitals, highlighting the need for effective treatment before cases progress to that stage. Good info to know.
When we wrote The List Novel, we were extremely careful to be culturally, historically and Biblically accurate. Based on Revelation 22:19 we never added to Jesus' words. This, trust me, made it difficult for Buck to write around His words! But in the end, we published a book that added value to the Bible's stories without compromising scriptural integrity. So when Susie and I watched the first episode of The Chosen, we were sadly disappointed, to say the least. I couldn't even finish the first episode. Not wanting to bash a Christian movie (there are so few anyway) I never critiqued it. But now, more info is coming out about the movie, its inaccuracies and its ties to the Mormon Church. So the link above will give you more information. But hey, if you like the movie, great. Some Christians liked The Shack(1) and Jesus Calling(2), even though they too are quite loose with scripture. To each his own. My two cents. 1) https://compass.org/article-why-the-shack-is-blasphemous/ 2) https://compass.org/article-jesus-is-not-calling/
This second link is to Amazing Polly's explanation in layman's terms of how this mass psychosis was achieved. Polly does a great job...probably why she has over 100K subscribers.
Last week we linked to the video of Joe Rogan interviewing Dr. David Malone. This was the interview that got the globalists upset and banned Malone from Twitter. In the interview he was discussing how mass psychosis was achieved on a large number of people.
If you're considering va((inating your kids, or know someone who is, this is the article you need to know and/or share.
Del Bigtree is really good! Great guests, lots of info on the Globalists'/Satanists' takeover of America and how it happened.
20,000+ died from va((ine last year, plus the 90% unreported, just in case you want to see the FACTS! And this doesn't take into account those dying daily from causes related to va((inations.
Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are recruiting positions worldwide for the post-reset world. And their goals are far more than remaking the economy—they want to physically remake you and your children.
Kim Iversen walks through the dangers of today's media censorship showing we're no different than Russia and/or China.
$100 billion OneAmerica Insurance Company CEO Scott Davison, who oversees 2400 employees, says quarterly death rates for 18-62 year olds has skyrocketed 40% per month compared to pre-Covid. When they finally admit these were almost all va((inated people...oh dear!
This is quite entertaining while making great points about the stupidity of liberals, Globalists, Covid, Va((s, etc. Enjoy! 30-minute video (skip last five minutes).
By Dr. Mercola. Makes you sick to know what these Satanists are doing EVERYDAY! And expect it to get worse. This information is being blocked but it will eventually get out. Then all Hades will break loose as the va((inated will understand they've been duped. Don't get the clot-shot for ANY reason. If you did, don't get any more.
Europe continues its slide toward 100% control. Del Bigtree interviews Dr. Maria Mogg from Austria. 20 minute video.
This was really funny, at first. But then you realize it's probably where we're headed if the Rapture doesn't come first. NYC is voting on this bill January 5...A416. Pay attention!
This TEDx Talk gives a non-Christian glimpse into what's coming for humans... explained in layman's terms. They call it "hacking life." Oh dear!
Pastor JD Farag makes a good case!
Based on all Biden is doing, you would think he's hoping for a total collapse of banking, travel, and food supply so he can call a national emergency. So if Democrats aren't intentionally trying to destroy America, they're certainly doing a good job by accident.