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The articles in our Compass eNews emails include links to other articles and videos, and we have them here on our site as well.

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Playing Strategically - Video

Mel K lets it rip in this wide-ranging interview. A wealth of information in 30 minutes. Of course, we disagree with the premise of their answer to the problems. The only thing that will make a difference at this point is prayer and revival. So keep the faith—don't give up in the dark what you learned in Light! 36 minute video.

Nov 24, 2021 • Email Subject: The First Thanksgiving

Spartacus Covid Letter - Article

Detailed info on blood, Covid and treatments by an anonymous contributor with medical background. Excellent!

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

Va((ine Death Report - Article

Next time someone tells you that you've lost your mind believing the va((ine is deadly, send them this.

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

Hospitals Are Killing People - Video

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject:

Transhumanism...What You Should Know - Video

An uncomfortable peak into where Satan wants to take the world. Stew Peters and Sheila Zilinsky

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

2,433 Dead Babies Following Covid Injections - Article/Video

This so-called Va((ine is not safe for pregnant moms!

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

Bombs Away -Video

Dr. Judy Mikovits and Mikki Willis, producer and author of the Plandemic Series, are interviewed together at the Health and Freedom Conference—WOW—a wealth of information! 24 minute video.

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

Covid Va((ine Is A SLOW-KILL Bio-Weapon - Video

Confirmed by the Pentagon, the Covid Va((ine is meant to kill people slowly so you can't connect the dots until it's too late.

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

Pfizer — Profits Over Health? - Video

Stew Peters and Michelle Malkin on how Pfizer is killing children...what every parent should know.

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

100s of Va((inated Athletes Dying - Video

This is a different video from last week—it shows 90 of the world's top athletes killed or maimed after being va((inated! Of course, you won't see this on the national news. Send this to every person in sports or to anyone who wants to give the va((ine to a helpless child. 4 minute video.

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

DELTA Driven by Va((inated - Video

A new study is showing the latest Delta variant is actually being caused by the va((ine itself—per Del Bigtree and the Highwire. 5 Minute Video.

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

Tsunami of mRNA Injuries Have Begun - Article

ERs around the world are overflowing and they're not Covid cases...but they are mostly respiratory, blood issues and heart problems. Don't trade your health for a job!

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

Dr. Zev Zelenko & Depopulation - Video

The latest Dr. Zelenko video on Mike Adams showing covid vaccines are a depopulation weapon against humanity.

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

Mounting Evidence Covid Va((ines Are Deadly - Video

Government data reveals shocking number of deaths by Covid Va((ines—AON Reports

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

VAERS Analysis Reveals Facts That Were Hidden From The Public - Article

New analysis of the CDC's VAERS website shows hundreds of adverse events that were not included by the CDC...over 4,000 adverse event codes!

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

People Double-Jabbed Dying 6-Times Faster! - Article

Recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics reveals people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated.

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!


Karen Kingston says the same thing on Greg Hunter's Show

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!


Dr. David Martin shows proof this bioweapon was engineered to destroy humanity.

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

Athletes Dying DURING Competition! - Video

This is a video compilation of dozens of the world’s most physically trained people, all va((inated, having heart attacks during competition. This kind of sports death usually only happens once every 5-10 years. Still want those shots?

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!


This is a "gotta see" video that the world needs to see! Lots of updated info on what's really going on. Hey, if taking the va((ine/poison doesn’t kill you, and you do catch the Covid-flu and go to the hospital, they won’t give you inexpensive medicine like ivermectin and hydroxyclorquine that are proven to cure Covid. Instead they will give you a drug tested and proven to kill about 30% who take it—Remdesivir. Hugely important info to know before you go to the hospital for any reason!

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

Va((ine Injured Speak Out! - Article

Injured feel abandoned by government who told them COVID shot was safe.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Biden's Betrayal of Israel - Article

There is a lot more to the "Consulant" move than they want you to know.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

WAKE UP! We Are In A War! - Video

According to Dr. Zeb Zelenko, who was nominated for a Nobel Prize, we are living in a global bio-weapon attack and people better wake up to that fact! Thankfully, jabbed or not jabbed, there are things you can do to protect yourself.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Now Witnessing A 2000 Times Increase In Cancer In Va((inated ... And Rising - Article

This is quite the penalty for taking the va((ine. Va((inated people have no immune system and cancer will kill millions over the next couple of years, according to this quite uncomfortable video by Dr. Ryan Cole.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Those Microbots Are Not Only In The Va((ines—They're Also Been Added To Food For Years! - Article

If we weren't already in a mess with Covid, now we find out those Hybrid Micro/Nanoentities have been added to many of our processed foods... for our safety of course! CQLJ!

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

European Whistleblower Discloses Secret Va((ine Agreements - Video

Here's a Romanian official in a public press conference who is ticked-off because the agreements signed between Big Pharma and the EU say they agree to punish those who are unva((inated with loss of rights. Sound familar?

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Help For The Va((inated - Video

If you've been va((inated, watch this video for great tips on how to detox from the poisons. Also good info on ca((ine and sterility problems.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

CDC Caught Lying (again) About Natural Immunity - Article

Dr. Martin Kulldorf, an epidemiologist at Harvard School of Medicine, totally dismantles the recent CDC Covid natural immunity study. He shows the CDC used flawed research trying to stem the tide of truth coming from Israeli data and scores of other studies that show just the opposite is true. How can Fauci sleep at night!!

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

No Global Warning - Video

Weather Channel founder blitzes CNN about weather FACTS... that there is no global warming... before they can turn him off. They got an earful! LOL

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Here Come The Mutants In The Va((inated - Article

The Globalists are trying to blame the hospital death surges on the unva((inated, but doctors know better. Great read!

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Breaking... Evidence All The Va((ine Deaths Are Coming From A Single Va((ine Lot Group! Part 2 - Video

The only thing worse would be it they find out that the killer va((ines went only to red states. Please not!

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Breaking... Evidence All The Va((ine Deaths Are Coming From A Single Va((ine Lot Group! Part 1 - Video

Stew Peters and Jane Ruby show proof-positive that all the va((ine related deaths are from only 5% of the vials, as traced by lot number.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

The Va((ine-Cancer Atrocity - Article


Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Va((ine Deaths Already Beginning - Video

Greg Hunter interviews Dr. Elizabeth Eads... sit down when you watch this one! Dr. Eads says there have been as many as 500K va((ine deaths due to low or no immune system!

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Japan Boots Va((ine, Uses Ivermectin, Beats Covid In 30 Days! - Article

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has adopted a neutral position, choosing not to recommend for, or against, the use of Ivermectin — a change from its deadly position in January 2021 where it discouraged use of the drug for treatment of COVID. Following on the heels of the India province that beat Covid quickly with Ivermectin, Japan also shows why NIH can no longer hold the Ivermectin genie in the bottle.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs


If you only have time to watch one video, watch this one! You will see that it's not Christian, but the info is incredible and matches up perfectly with Bible prophecy. NOTE: The answer/conclusion at the end of the video is obviously secular—Believers are not looking for a world "Awaking." We're looking for Jesus!

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Pregnant? Don't Dare Va((inate! - Article/Video

Dr. Paul Thomas interviews a senior research scientist and a medical journalist about a range of topics, including emerging scientific data on the safety of COVID mRNA therapies, with grave warnings for pregnant women and children.

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Israel Physicians: "Don't Follow What We're Doing!" - Article

Israel tried to do everything quickly and correctly. Now they're paying the price.

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Hospitals Are Killing People With The Covid Protocol - Article

This just makes you wonder how long they can do this!

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Strong Objections To Kids' Va((inations - Article

Experts Say Vaccine for Kids Is ‘Unnecessary, Premature and Will Do More Harm Than Good’ ... i.e. more proof the end game is population reduction.

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Toward Global Reset - Article

Former British Columbia Canada Provincial Premier Bill Vander Zalm calls out COVID tyranny, says ‘end game’ is a global ‘reset.’

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Connecting the Covid Dots - Podcast/Transcipt

Dr. David Martin—What's really at play and who’s behind the fear-mongering? What is the end game? Secular but brilliant man, excellent!

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Boosters = Death Cocktail - Video

Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby are opening a lot of eyes! 12 minute video.

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

The Global Battle For Medical Autonomy Part 2 - Video

Bannon/Naomi Wolf on a follow-up segment (First 15 minutes).

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

The Global Battle For Medical Autonomy Part 1 - Video

Steve Bannon and Dr. Naomi Wolf in an eye-opening video!

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Inside Pfizer Va((ines - Video

Stew Peters & Dr. Carrie Madej show not only do these va((ines change your genes, they also contain moving parts, parasite-like beings and delivery devices. Yes, you read that correctly!

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Hello—Ivermectin Works! - Video

In 2015 Ivermectin won a Nobel prize for its use in humans. Fauci's lies have murdered tens of thousands of people... he should be in prison.

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Physicians and Va((ine Tyranny - Article

Physicians, like this one using a fake name, are asking all the right questions... it's encouraging to read things like this!

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide

Va((ine Causes Self-to-Self Attack - Video

German scientists study magnified images of massive vaccine damage and unnatural objects in va((ines. This is long, but useful if you're doing research on what's in the so-called va((ine.

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide

Georgia School Sparking Outrage - Video

A government school in Georgia has been exposed forcing high-school students to develop a business plan for a company that would tackle world hunger by making babies into food.

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide

81 Studies—Natural Immunity Better Than Va((ine - Article

Fauxi (Fake Fauci) is still ignoring the "science" about those who are Covid recovered. Of course he is. More proof it's not about health.

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide

Why The Race To Va((inate Kids?? - Article

Scientists have already expressed worries about the “ticking time bomb” phenomenon of ADE, which makes vaccinated individuals more, not less, susceptible to severe illness. With all the concerns about sterility from Va((ines, why is the FDA rushing to give kids the clot-shot?

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide

Proof Of Media Control - Video

This is hilarious, you'll shake your head in disbelief watching these talking heads read their teleprompters!

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide

The Va((inated Are The Problem - Video

The Vaccinated are the Problem...expect the va((inated to eventually have to be quarantined.

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide

A Resignation Letter That Singed A Few Hairs - Article

This is an awesome resignation letter... 🙂

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide

Nurse Exposes FEMA Replacing Docs and Nurses - Video

A McKinney, Texas nurse catches FEMA bus unloading unva((inated staff to replace those fired for not being va((inated!!!

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide

Why Some 250,000 Va((inated Americans Have Died - Video

Dr. Zev Zelenko explains in detail the truth about what's going on regarding ALL va((ination subjects.

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide

Are We Awake Yet? - Video

Things look bad on some fronts but better on others! Alex Newman shows what happened to our schools. And also after 400,000 protested in France against Va((ine Mandates causing the French government to surrender, more countries are following suit. But you won't hear about any of this in the American media.

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide

Are Va((ines Intentionally Killing Aviation, Healthcare, Business & Military? - Article

Is the sabotage of air travel, high-quality healthcare, first-responder capability and other core services an intentional step designed to further weaken Americans’ resilience and expand governmental controls? Yep.

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide

100% Proven Cure For Covid - Video

Yet another scientist has found a way to treat Covid that is remarkably 100% effective. And now he's scratching his head wondering why the powers that be are doing everything they can to cover up his discovery and erase his existence from the web. 12 minute video.

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide -

Cascade Of Countries Opt Out of Extreme Covid Measures - Video

Del Bigtree goes over a list of countries that are bailing out of mandates—Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, France and more. 5 minute video.

Oct 21, 2021 • Email Subject: Cracks in the Mandates Worldwide -

Proof Va((ine is Obedience Training - Video

Stew Peters interviews former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston showing the agenda for the shots is controlling behavior and forcing OBEDIENCE by injection. Unreal! 15 minute video.

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

Teens More Likely to Be Injured by Vaccines Than by COVID - Article

Christopher Shaw, neuroscientist, Ph.D., says, “We’re beginning to see that the rate of injury in 12- to 17-year-olds is somewhere between five to 20 times higher for mRNA va((ines than it is for the Covid disease itself.”

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

Va((inated Are The Spreaders - Article

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA va((ine, shows in no uncertain terms that the va((inated are the ones now spreading the virus.

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

FDA Approved Ivermectin - Article

If your doctor won't prescribe ivermectin, show him/her this! It's approved right under Remdesviri!

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

New Merck Covid Pill Is Zero Ivermectin - Article/Video

Merck is trying to capitalize on the Ivermectin demand with its own new Covid treatment pill, but they're lying about what's in it! It does NOT have Ivermectin in it! Don't buy the lie!

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

Vaccine Mandates Have Absolutely Nothing to Do With Medical Realities - Article

The number of fully vaccinated people dying from COVID is rising, according to data in most countries.

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

It's NOT the Unva((inated That Are Causing The Hospital Bed Shortages - Video

Not too long ago I read a national article that my local hospital's beds were full due to Covid. When I inquired with friends who worked at our hospital, I found it had nothing to do with Covid, rather a staffing shortage, just not enough nurses. The same thing is happening across America. 3 minute video.

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

People Are Unaware of the War Being Conducted Against Them - Article

"The extent of the propaganda in behalf of a “vaccine” that is known not to protect but to cause death and serious health impairments, and against known proven cures increasingly used world wide, is astounding."

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

Employers committing "Terrorism" Against Employees - Video

Watch the first 30 second recap... Dr. David Martin tells you all you need to know!

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

93 Israeli Docs Say Don't Va((inate Children! - Article

"We believe that not even a handful of children should be endangered through mass vaccination against a disease not dangerous to them."

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

Doctor Horrified Seeing All the Va((ine Injuries - Article

More and more docs are speaking out! "In 20 Years of Practicing Medicine, ‘I’ve Never Witnessed So Many Vaccine-Related Injuries’" says Dr. Patricia Lee in a letter to FDA/CDC.

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

Booster Shots = Mass Death - Video

Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby share troubling information on the purpose of the booster shots. Highly uncomfortable info!

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

10 Reasons The Va((ine Mandate Is A Hoax! - Article

There are a lot of people losing their jobs due to the "Va((ine Mandate" ... here's the proof there is no mandate! Send this one far and wide!

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

Pfizer Admits New Va((ine Not Approved - Video

Pfizer admits their NEW va((ine has not been approved and the only one available is the old one that's under emergency use approval. Biden again is shown to be a liar!

Oct 14, 2021 • Email Subject: Is This Satan’s Plan for World Control?

Attorney Thomas Renz w/Slides - Video

Thomas Renz releases stunning new whistleblower data in a fantastic Power Point Presentation showing facts that Remdesivir kills people.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Transportation Employees Fight Back Against Mandates - Video

50,000+ employees are banding together to fight the va((ine mandates for airlines and other transportation companies. If you fly, watch this video. 11 minute video.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

CDC claims it has authority to use police - Article

It's shocking to see what is happening in other countries, and don't think this can't happen in America....it's where we're headed.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Va((inated People 3-times More Likely To Die From Delta Variant Than Unva((inated - Article/Video

A report published Friday by the UK government agency Public Health England reveals individuals who received a COVID-19 va((ine are more than three times more likely to die from the Delta variant than unva((inated people.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Incorrect Data! - Video

Yet another doc asks all the right questions. These whistleblowers just keep coming! 2 minute video.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Pharmacies that will fill a prescription for Ivermectin - Article 2

Pharmacies that will fill a prescription for Ivermectin Part 2.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Pharmacies that will fill a prescription for Ivermectin - Article 1

Pharmacies that will fill a prescription for Ivermectin

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Your Immune System After the Second Jab - Video

It's amazing what you find in a simple blood analysis test. 16 minute video.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Israel Covid Va((ination Personal Testimonies - Video

Heart-breaker...I could only watch the first five minutes. 60 minute video.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Why The FDA Committee Voted 16-2 Against Boosters - Article

The FDA allowed a whistleblower to testify at the hearings. Youtube blocked the video testimony, but here is the transcript...wow!

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Therapeutic Nihilism - Video

I love this man--Dr. Peter McCollough rips the heart out of the medical industry in a presentation at the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Medical Convention.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

62% of Va((inated Patients Have Blood Clots - Article & Video

A Canadian doctor has found microscopic blood clots in 62% of his va((inated patients. So the Canadian Government issued a gag order against him. Of course!

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Ivermectin Works Part 2 - Article

If you ever needed proof the Globalists are not looking out for your best health interests, just look at the drug Ivermectin. There's plenty of evidence it works well against Covid and is inexpensive. But the FDA demands hospitals use expensive Remdesivir, which causes the same problems as Covid, doubling your chances of getting really sick or dying.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Ivermectin Works Part 1 - Article

If you ever needed proof the Globalists are not looking out for your best health interests, just look at the drug Ivermectin. There's plenty of evidence it works well against Covid and is inexpensive. But the FDA demands hospitals use expensive Remdesivir, which causes the same problems as Covid, doubling your chances of getting really sick or dying.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Tragedy in Rural Alberta - Article

It's hard to read this article but it wakes you up to what we're dealing with!

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Pandemic of the Vaccinated - Article

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson shows more vaccinated Britons died because of COVID than their unvaccinated compatriots, 63 percent vs. 28 percent, and that the Biden Administration is lying about its safety.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

71% of +65 Covid Hospitalizations are Fully Vaccinated - Video

Stew Peters and Attorney Thomas Renz show proof the va((ine is more dangerous than beneficial for those over 65 years of age. 14 minute video.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

What's In Your Blood After A Covid Va((ination - Video

Stew Peters interviews Dr. Zandre Botha, who's examined blood samples of va((inated patients. What she found was scary and no one has been able to figure out what it actually is. 21 minute video.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Leaked Dept. of Defense Covid Files - Article

This is amazing. Attorney Tom Renz exposes DOD files showing the REAL data from Medicare patients who took the clot-shot.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Life-Saving Advice - Video

Based on his clinical experience, emergency room physician Dr. Bartlett shares what you MUST do if you have to go to the hospital due to Covid. 36 minute video.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Pfizer Whistleblower Bombshell - Video

A Pfizer employee releases emails showing high ranking management plotting how to cover up the fact the the va((ines contain aborted fetal cells. Here's your religious exemption! 20 minute video.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

It All Started with Bush! - Article

If there is still any doubt in your mind that Satan wants you dead, check out this Covid timeline of major dates and events.

Oct 7, 2021 • Email Subject: China in the Tribulation

Dr. Ruby Answers Questions - Video

Dr. Ruby answers questions on va((ine-caused miscarriages, flu shots, how to protect yourself from the va((ined shedders and more. Eye-opening, to say the least.

Sep 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Whose God is the True God

Va((ine Links List - Article

Good reference list!

Sep 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Whose God is the True God

Terrifying Va((ine Facts - Video

The Mel K Show interviews Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries — packed with fascinating info.

Sep 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Whose God is the True God

Covid Coercion & Conscience - Video

Dr. Peter McCullough, who has over 600 peer-reviewed publications, gives an excellent updated explanation of the Covid problem.

Sep 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Whose God is the True God

Sidney Powell Explains Election Fraud - Video

Attorney Sidney Powell shows what her investigations have found—they've been fixing elections since 2004.

Sep 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Whose God is the True God

Over 50K Medicare deaths due to Covid - Article

A whistleblower shares what he found in the Medicare database...Covid va((ines have already killed 50K! And Medicare recipients are only 20% of the population!!

Sep 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Whose God is the True God

Lab Examines Va((ine Vials - Video

Stew Peters & Dr. Carrie Madej put the va((ine under a microscope... oh dear...a little bit creepy.

Sep 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Whose God is the True God

God's Name Written in Your DNA—Unless You're Va((inated - Video

This is an interesting tact on what the va((ine does to your "Temple of the Holy Spirit."

Sep 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Whose God is the True God

Motion For Injunction - Article

Knowingly risking her Army career, LTC. Theresa Long, MD, files a motion for a preliminary injunction order regarding Covid va((ines. This is incredible and exposes the problems our fighting forces will be dealing with in the future. She says since "all persons who have received a Covid 19 Vaccine are damaged in their cardiovascular system in an irreparable and irrevocable manner;" all flight crews should be grounded. Send this to any military person you know!

Sep 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Whose God is the True God

Changing Mankind Forever - Video

Stew Peters interviews Dr. Zelenko in an uncomfortable assessment of where the fake Covid pandemic is headed.

Sep 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Whose God is the True God

Covid Va((ine Damages Organs By The Minute - Video

Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby use autopsies to show va((ines cause "damage by the minute."

Sep 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Whose God is the True God

The Covid/Cancer Connection - Video

Del Bigtree shows there is a bizarre rise in cancer cases, and they're, of course, connected to the va((ine! Oncologists are baffled.

Sep 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Whose God is the True God

Funeral Director Comes Clean - Video

38-minute Video

Sep 24, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus in the Tribulation

Megyn Kelly Gets It - Video

7-minute video

Sep 24, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus in the Tribulation

How To Detox From Va((inations - Article

Lots of people we know for various reasons took one or two of the va((ine shots. Here's a place to start to begin to rid your body of the toxins.

Sep 24, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus in the Tribulation

Covid and the Great Reset - Article

Excellent article in the American Thinker Magazine

Sep 24, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus in the Tribulation

"2030 Unmasked": The Documentary - 2 Hour Video

Susie and I watched this together in one sitting and were sky-high as we learned a great deal until the last 6 minutes or so when they gave their suggested response to the problem...which was, unfortunately, God-less. 🙁 So please skip the last 6 minutes. But the rest of the info is excellent, professionally documenting the connection between Covid-19, va((ines, masks, the banking system and the Great Reset. It will help you think through what could be coming in the near future. CQLJ

Sep 24, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus in the Tribulation

Biden: The Cure Will Be Worse Than The Disease - Video

This was in March 2020, right before they started turning off his mic and locking him in his basement.

Sep 24, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus in the Tribulation

Part 2- Confirmation of the Whistleblower - Video

14 minute video.

Sep 24, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus in the Tribulation

Part 1- Hospital Whistleblower Tells All - Video

Using a hidden cell phone camera, a nurse tapes conversations inside her hospital to show what's really going on and what they think about the va((ine... oh dear!

Sep 24, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus in the Tribulation

Remdesivir Murdering Americans? - Video

Last week we gave a link to a 15-minute video that showed how 54% of all Remdesivir patients die. This is another 3-minute snapshot of that info.

Sep 24, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus in the Tribulation

Buck Sexton and Clay Travis w/Epidemiologist - Video

Replacing Rush Limbaugh is no easy task, but these two are making a name for themselves. They not only let a caller, who is an epidemiologist, talk for 10 minutes about the hidden problems with the va((ine, they also let more doctors call-in, who 100% agreed. Their audience is huge, so millions heard this doctor explain why it's the va((inated people who are the problem, not the unva((inated!

Sep 24, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus in the Tribulation

Spain/Canada Researchers Find Va((ines CAUSE Death - Video

Highly informative and worth the time invested. Graphene Oxide, a poison, is in the va((ine and makes people sick. But if you don't get va((inated, Graphene Oxide is also found in face masks and testing swabs. No wonder Biden says get va((inated or get tested once a week! Every Covid va((ine contains enormous doses of Graphene Oxide nanoparticles, a highly toxic poison. It causes blood coagulation and eventually collapses the immune system via cytokine storm. It causes pneumonia, loss of taste and partial loss of smell. And that's what all those forks and spoons are sticking to on people.

Sep 24, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus in the Tribulation

The Covid Math Doesn't Make Sense - Article

With as many as 150,000 dead Americans from the gene therapy treatments, referred to as va((ines, this whole Covid "pandemic" just doesn't add it. With just a cursory review of the data, it's easy to see the king has no clothes.

Sep 24, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus in the Tribulation

Corporate Socialism: The Great Reset - Video

Dr. Michael Rectenwald is interviewed on his research and assessment of where we're likely heading. It's uncomfortable, but worth thinking about ahead of time.

Sep 24, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus in the Tribulation

Video Reveals Hospital Scare Tactics - Article

A leaked Zoom conference reveals a doctor questioning how to increase the count of COVID-19 patient numbers on the hospital’s dashboard report.

Sep 16, 2021 • Email Subject: Anti-Christ vs. New World Leader: What’s the Difference?


15 minute video - do watch if you've not seen it!
Don't let anyone talk you into taking Rendesivir! If Covid doesn't kill you, it probably will.

Sep 16, 2021 • Email Subject: Anti-Christ vs. New World Leader: What’s the Difference?

Mike Flynn Tells It All - Video

This is one great interview! Greg Hunter gets Mike Flynn to explain behind-the-scenes info regarding Afganistan and Arizona's audit. Unbelievable!

Sep 16, 2021 • Email Subject: Anti-Christ vs. New World Leader: What’s the Difference?

IRS Wants To Track EVERY Transaction - Video

Cash transactions are coming to a screeching halt. Stew Peters exposes.

Sep 16, 2021 • Email Subject: Anti-Christ vs. New World Leader: What’s the Difference?

400 RNs Refuse Jab - Video

400 nurses refuse va((ine due to what they are seeing happening to people who are coming into hospitals. Explains why the numbers SOUND like unva((ed are getting infected, but it's the Va((ed. Don't miss this one!

Sep 16, 2021 • Email Subject: Anti-Christ vs. New World Leader: What’s the Difference?

What's the Goal of Making Coronavirus More Deadly? - Article/Video

Dr. Peter McCullough candidly explains in this amazing video.

Sep 16, 2021 • Email Subject: Anti-Christ vs. New World Leader: What’s the Difference?

Grave Warning For Israel - Video

Del Bigtree interviews Dr. Zelenko--excellent. He pulls no punches!

Sep 16, 2021 • Email Subject: Anti-Christ vs. New World Leader: What’s the Difference?

A Question of Ethics - Video

This will break your heart—this educator did what she knew was right, but it cost her her job.

Sep 16, 2021 • Email Subject: Anti-Christ vs. New World Leader: What’s the Difference?

Hospitals Are No Longer Trustworthy - Video

More and more healthcare workers are coming forward to expose what's going on in our hospitals. Stew Peters interviews Tracy Jaros, RN, in an explosive interview.

Sep 16, 2021 • Email Subject: Anti-Christ vs. New World Leader: What’s the Difference?

Biden's Not Incompetent - Article

A cold-water-in-the-face article about our current national situation.

Sep 16, 2021 • Email Subject: Anti-Christ vs. New World Leader: What’s the Difference?

CDC Revises Vaccine Definition - Article

The CDC recently redefined the definition of a vaccine... obviously they were having problem justifying these mRNA treatments as true vaccines 🙁

Sep 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Biden’s Full Court Press

100+ Ontario Youth In Hospital With Heart Problems After Va((ine - Article


Sep 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Biden’s Full Court Press

AMA Teaches Docs To Lie About Covid Deaths - Article

American Medical Association releases stunning document teaching doctors how to lie about Covid deaths.

Sep 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Biden’s Full Court Press

India's Ivermectin Black Out - Article

India started using Ivermectin across the country and knocked out 96% of COVID deaths, but you won't hear about it in the United States.

Sep 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Biden’s Full Court Press

What's Right And What's Wrong - Article

Geert Vanden Bossche explains that the mass vaccination rollout will undoubtedly enter history as the most reckless experiment in the history of medicine.

Sep 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Biden’s Full Court Press

18 Reasons Not To Get The Covid Va((ine - Article

Just in case you know someone who still is not convinced and is thinking they might get the clot shot to keep their job.

Sep 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Biden’s Full Court Press

Remdesivir Is Killing People - Video

If the va((ine doesn't kill you, the hospital might! Eye-opening research by Dr. Bryan Artis!

Sep 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Biden’s Full Court Press

Understanding the Great Reset - Video

You can fast-forward to about 7 minutes in to skip the intros...this guy pretty much nails all that's going on.

Sep 7, 2021 • Email Subject: Millions Missing?

Va[[ine Failing in Israel and UK - Video

Dr. Peter McCullough explains the cold hard facts of what's going on in the two most va[[inated nations. 27 minute video.

Sep 7, 2021 • Email Subject: Millions Missing?

Not Looking Good For The Airlines - Video

Stew Peters and Dr Jane Ruby disclose more about pilots dying.

Sep 7, 2021 • Email Subject: Millions Missing?


Finally a private individual paid to have an autopsy done on after his mom's death–proof the death was caused by va[[ine. 14 minute video.

Sep 7, 2021 • Email Subject: Millions Missing?

Understanding Covid by Dr. Robert Malone - Article/Video

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA technology, on Ivermectin, Escape Mutants, and the Faulty Logic of Vaccine Mandates.

Sep 7, 2021 • Email Subject: Millions Missing?

Va[[ines Now Fully Approved? NOPE! - Article

Explains why Pfizer va[[ines do NOT have full approval!

Sep 7, 2021 • Email Subject: Millions Missing?

Vaccine-Caused Deaths Reported as "Un-Vaxxed" COVID Deaths! - Video

Stew Peters and Deanna Lorraine show how they are lying about who is catching the so-called Delta variant. It's NOT the unva[[inated! 14 minute video.

Sep 7, 2021 • Email Subject: Millions Missing?

Va[[inated Are 13 Times More Likely To Get Delta - Article

Why would anyone want a va[[ine??

Sep 2, 2021 • Email Subject: Millions Missing?

The "OH WOW" Interview with Vanden Bossche - Video

17 minute video.

Sep 2, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccine Passports Will Be the End of Freedom

Here's Why No One Can Force You To Take The Covid Va[[ine - Article


Sep 2, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccine Passports Will Be the End of Freedom

Millions Missing? booklet

The "what to do" guide if you miss the Rapture.

Sep 2, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccine Passports Will Be the End of Freedom
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