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The articles in our Compass eNews emails include links to other articles and videos, and we have them here on our site as well.

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What To Do If You've Taken The Covid Shot - Article


Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

Women Continuing to Report Blood Issues After Covid Shots - Article

Women Continuing to Report Blood Issues After Covid Shots

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

100K+ Covid Va[[ine Deaths!! - Video

How long can they hide the truth?? 52 minutes.

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

Do Va[[inated Still Have Rights? - Video

Drug companies believe they own their patents, including people who have unwitedly changed their genome via va[[ination to a patented genome—here's why they may actually now own people.

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

The Va[[ine's Evil Agenda - Video

Excellent! Dr. Carrie Madaj explains to Mike Adams the Satanic agenda behind the va[[ination campaigns.

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

More Cracks In Canada - Video

An angry Canadian doctor spills his guts. One F word, FYI, but worth seeing!

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

Cracks In Canada - Video

Alberta man sues Canadian Government and wins — no more masks, no more quarantines in Alberta, Stew Peters exposes. 17 minutes.

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

Recovered From Covid Means Natural Immunity for Years - Article

But you lose your immunity if you get a Covid shot!

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

The Stupidity of Blaming the Unva[[ed - Video

Del Bigtree is always on fire!

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

STOP the SHOT Conference - Video

Broken into brief 3- to 6-minute clips, this is one awesome highlight reel. Presenters include Dr. Peter McCullough, Attorney Thomas Renz, Dr. Michael Yeadon and other prominent physicians, scientists, attorneys, and religious leaders who discuss vital information related to the COVID jab, male and female fertility, and more.

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

Coming After the Unva[[inated - Article

Hiding the truth about how many have actually been va[[ed, they are coming after the unva[[inated with a vengeance.

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

Are Vaccines Driving the Surge in New COVID Infections? - Article

Infections in vaccinated people in UK are outpacing infections in the unva[[inated, proving Biden to be a liar.

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

Delta Variant More Deadly For Va[[ed - Article

As of July 25, the CDC reports 6,587 fully vaccinated people with COVID breakthrough cases. Of those, 6,239 people were hospitalized and 1,263 people died. So the CDC decided to quit reporting breakthrough cases.

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

Proof Blood Damaged by Va[[ine - Video

See blood slides of a va[[inated person verses an unva[[inated person. If you get the va[[ine after looking at this there is no help for you.

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

Why Are Globalists And Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates? - Article

Lockdowns, vaccines and mandates were never about safety, they were about control.

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

Va[[ines = Death? - Video

Former Pfizer employee provides indisputable documentation that the inoculation jab called a "COVID Vaccine'" is a poisonous death sentence.

Aug 5, 2021 • Email Subject: Religious Exemption Available to Avoid Employer-Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine

In Case You Missed Seeing This: Bombshell Interview - Video

Stew Peters and Dr. David Martin pinpoint the corruption regarding Covid and the va[[ines.

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

Natural Infection vs Vaccination - Article

Recovered are 40 times less likely to catch Covid

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

Healthcare Providers in Support of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates - PDF

PDF Article

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

Your Right to Decline a Va[[ination - Article


Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

For Unva[[inated, No More Mr. Nice Guy - Video

Del Bigtree and Dr. Peter McCoullough expose the evil tactics of Globalists/Satanists and show that half of all new cases are in the va[[inated, proving again that Biden is a liar.

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

Va[[ine Lawsuit Filed Using Insider Information - Video

38 minute video.

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

How Fauci Controls Big Pharma - Video

48 minute video.

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

Blood Supply Poisoned?? - Video

9 minute video.

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

Just The Facts - Video

Great 15 minute overview sketch-video of where we are...

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

Del Bigtree and Stew Peters - Video

18 minute video.

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

COVID-19: A Weapon to Fundamentally Change America - Video

Dr. Peter Breggin and Dr. Marilyn Singleton. 60 minutes.

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

Fox Viewers Get An Earful! - Video

"Weak leaders live in terror. They lie constantly. They admit nothing. They rule by force because they have no choice. They have lost their legitimacy. When they begin to lose control, as they inevitably do, they panic. Unable to acknowledge the magnitude of their failure, they retreat into delusion. Their behavior becomes irrational. They start to issue bizarre commands." Tucker Carlson

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

45K Va[[ine Deaths Discovered Triggers Lawsuit - Article

Whistleblower comes forward blowing the lid off the CDC's VAERS Reporting System.

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

Brannon Howse / Dr. Peter McCullough - Video

Dangers of the Covid Va[[ine are horrible. 60 minutes.

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

Proof The Vaccine Causes The Virus To Be More Dangerous - Video

War Room with Steve Bannon. 10 minutes.

Jul 29, 2021 • Email Subject: Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Eternal Life

Inflation Coming Part 2 - Video

Clif High has some good info but has some bad theology...

Jul 21, 2021 • Email Subject: IMPORTANT - Watch and Share!

Inflation Coming Part 1 - Video

Clif High has some good info but has some bad theology...

Jul 21, 2021 • Email Subject: IMPORTANT - Watch and Share!

Lawsuit Seeks Halt to Va[[ines - Article


Jul 21, 2021 • Email Subject: IMPORTANT - Watch and Share!

Va[[inated Are Dying, Government Is Lying - Video

38 minute video.

Jul 21, 2021 • Email Subject: IMPORTANT - Watch and Share!

CDC Removes 150K Deaths from VAERS Reports - Article


Jul 21, 2021 • Email Subject: IMPORTANT - Watch and Share!

Dr. David Martin Just Ended COVID, Fauci, ONE INTERVIEW. - Video

Video Interview

Jul 21, 2021 • Email Subject: IMPORTANT - Watch and Share!

Millions of Illegals Transported by Bus and Planes to America's Interior, 24/7 - Video

In case you missed it, this is a doozie! Tucker Carlson lays wide-open what the Globalists/Satanists are doing with our southern border. Unbelievable! This is just more evidence those in power are not trying to defend the constitution, but rather trying to sabotage and collapse this country in order to bring it under a world government. At least that's sure what it looks like. Something must happen soon... either Rapture, or another lock down, or somehow the Globalists/Satanists lose power to the patriots. Not many other choices.

Jul 16, 2021 • Email Subject: WOW--A-Mill & Pre-Mill Doctrines Now Merging!

Dr. Peter McCoullough--What you need to know! - Video

Short and solid video highlights you can forward to your friends regarding the va[[ine. 7 Minutes.

Jul 16, 2021 • Email Subject: WOW--A-Mill & Pre-Mill Doctrines Now Merging!

A Critique of mRNA Va[[ines - Video

Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole discusses the virus & the vaccine including how it works & the spike protein's impact. Plus good info on antibodies present in recovered Covid patients. More information the Globalists/Satanists don't want you to know.

Jul 16, 2021 • Email Subject: WOW--A-Mill & Pre-Mill Doctrines Now Merging!

Censoring Key Facts About Vaccine Safety - Article

Article and/or 37 minute podcast Sharyl Attkisson explains how Big Tech “is censoring factual and truthful information while propagating false information” about the safety of COVID vaccines.

Jul 16, 2021 • Email Subject: WOW--A-Mill & Pre-Mill Doctrines Now Merging!

Big Pharma Pushing For Monthly Covid Shots - Article

This obliterates the false narrative that once claimed a vaccine would earn back your “freedom.” Now they are saying if you survive the shot and don't die from blood clots caused by the shot, you'll be on the hook for a shot-a-month to stay alive.

Jul 16, 2021 • Email Subject: WOW--A-Mill & Pre-Mill Doctrines Now Merging!

Doc says mRNA Va[[ines Will Kill Most People - Article & Video

Dr. Charles Hoffe says due to the spike protein in the Covid va[[ine, it's predictable and inevitable that blood clots will form in every va[[inated person. 62% of his va[[inated patients are already showing signs of microscopic blood clots building.

Jul 16, 2021 • Email Subject: WOW--A-Mill & Pre-Mill Doctrines Now Merging!

Shocker...Look What's In These Va[[ines! - Video

Scientists have now examined the Pfizer "va[[ine" and found it's full of poison. The Globalists are up in arms over this video, and trying to do everything they can to discredit it. But it is consistent with everything else we're finding. Stew Peters interviews Dr. Jane Ruby.

Jul 16, 2021 • Email Subject: WOW--A-Mill & Pre-Mill Doctrines Now Merging!

Dr. David Martin Pulls No Punches - Video

Apparently there are some who follow Compass who are still on the fence about getting the so called "Va[[ine." Every Believer needs to watch this! There is no variant... Corona virus is not novel...there is no pandemic. Dr. David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich.

Jul 16, 2021 • Email Subject: WOW--A-Mill & Pre-Mill Doctrines Now Merging!

Please Wake Up!!! - Video

Alex Newman interviews Dr. Carrie Madej. Madej shows scientific information slides about what the gene modification therapy/va[[ine is actually doing to humans...ultimately they want to monitor our every breath. They believe they can achieve eternal life through nanotechnology... unbelievable!

Jul 16, 2021 • Email Subject: WOW--A-Mill & Pre-Mill Doctrines Now Merging!

Please Wake Up!!! - Video

Alex Newman interviews Dr. Carrie Madej. Madej shows scientific information slides about what the gene modification therapy/va[[ine is actually doing to humans...ultimately they want to monitor our every breath. They believe they can achieve eternal life through nanotechnology... unbelivable!

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Rosh Watch 2021

Think Florida Governor DeSantis is a good guy? Think again! - Article

He just signed a bill that includes this statement: “If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.”

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

The Deep State Is Simply Marxism/Communism - Video

Today your world can change with the flip of a switch...and it's happening every day.

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

The Coming Reset--Making Everyone Renters - Video

The Globalists/Satanists want to control all the real estate in the world. After all, if you own your own house or business, you're harder to control.

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

Va[[ed 8 Times More Likely To Die From Delta Variant - Article

People who took any of the Coronavirus flu shots are up to eight times more likely to test “positive” or have to be hospitalized from the Delta variant.

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

Fauci's Scary Emails - Article

Fauci is even worse than we thought, and even more sinister than we thought! He should be locked up!

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

Va[[ine Deaths Continue To Rise - Video

Amazing that they're able to suppress all this...and it's only the tip of the iceberg.

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

Why Do Va[[ines Glow Under Black Lights? - Video

This one has a couple of bad words, FYI, but the info is good. 10 minutes.

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

What Happens When You're Va[[ed - Video

Scans show proof the human body changes post-va[[ine. And if the Globalists/Satanists are trying to kill-off humans, why stop at va[[ines...what's on those Chinese test swabs?

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

Europe Begins Travel Control Of Citizens - Article

The idea for the EU’s COVID-19 digital certificate is to offer a single system for securely verifying EU citizens’ COVID-19 status — whether vaccination, a recent negative test or proof of recovery from the virus — as they cross borders within the bloc to help facilitate safer travel.

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

Patent Shows Covid Built by Bill Gates & WHO - Article

A patent has emerged to show that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) began nearly two years prior to its public release, proving again that it did not randomly appear in bats at a wet market. The patent, filed in Jan. 23, 2017, was approved November 20, 2018.

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

Red Cross Nixes Blood Plasma Donations From Va[[ed - Video

The Red Cross says those who are Covid va[[inated cannot donate convalescent plasma to be used to fight those sick with Corona because the va[[ine completely destroys their natural antibodies. Duh!

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

Controlling All Humans - Video

This frank conversation with a former insider shows that the Globalists/Satanists are continuing to push for world control of every human and every transaction. She also has information on how Americans can legally opt-out of va[[ines.

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

Most People Now Dying of Covid Are Va[[inated - Article

Short Article

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

mRNA Va[[ine Inventor Says Stop the Vax! - Article

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine gives his honest concerns about why this is the wrong technology to use against Covid-19 and the extreme danger it poses to young people. Excellent interview!

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

EXPECT Another Lock Down? - Article

We don't know exactly what they'll try to use to lock us down again, but the World Economic Forum (WEF) says to fear a "Cyber - Covid" — a global cyber attack. Millions would be off-line in a matter of days.

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

How Big Is the Globalists/Satanists Grip On The Earth? - Video

Medical doctor uncovers connection between companies making magnetic injection particles & PCR tests.

Jul 6, 2021 • Email Subject: Why God’s Holy Spirit MUST Depart Prior to the 7-Year Tribulation

WHO: "Children should not be vaccinated for the moment" - Article


Jun 24, 2021 • Email Subject: One Second Before Rapture

CDC Finds "Likely" Link Between Heart Inflammation and Pfizer, Moderna COVID Vaccines - Article


Jun 24, 2021 • Email Subject: One Second Before Rapture

Fauci Did It! - Article

Now we have the proof! Fauci Financed the Wuhan Research to Genetically Modify Bat Coronaviruses -- the rat.

Jun 24, 2021 • Email Subject: One Second Before Rapture

Is the Globalists end-game world sterilization? - Video

A pretty smart dude makes an eye-opening case that the Globalists are trying to gradually sterilize the population in order to maintain superiority as a ruling class over the dumbed-down masses. 2 minutes

Jun 24, 2021 • Email Subject: One Second Before Rapture

What's Behind the Magnets? - Video

This girl is all over the place, but has some interesting info worth hearing re magnetic nanomaterials. Entertaining, but she has a poor understanding of Jewish phylacteries. 42 minutes

Jun 24, 2021 • Email Subject: One Second Before Rapture

Lutherans Appoint 1st Transgender Bishop -Article

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) takes more steps away from God's instructions as it appoints its first transgender bishop. Sick.

Jun 24, 2021 • Email Subject: One Second Before Rapture

Wiring Brains To Computers - Video

This is not something for the future, but something that is being done now. Is this in the Covid va[[ine? 36 minutes

Jun 24, 2021 • Email Subject: One Second Before Rapture

Is The Next Lock-down Event Being Readied? - Video

In July 2019 the Globalists met to ponder what they would do if a Covid pandemic were to occur. Three months later it happened. Should we be concerned that they are meeting again in July to discuss how to handle a cyber attack and worldwide supply chain shutdown? 9 minutes

Jun 24, 2021 • Email Subject: One Second Before Rapture

Covid Home Based Treatments - PDF

PDF Book

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Covid Home Based Treatments - Article


Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

In Harm's Way - Video

Begin at 1 hr 30 min mark. Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP at Pfizer, tells it all. The whole video by Del Bigtree is excellent, but Yeadon interview begins at 1:30:00 mark.

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Animals died in Covid test trials - Video

How could they approve a va[[ine knowing this!? 2 minutes

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Withholding Hydroxychloroquine caused 400,000 to die unnecessarily - Video

Fauci is roasted by three doctors on Laura Ingram. 2 minutes

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Are the Chinese Swabs Causing Infertility? - Video

If the Chinese developed the Spike protein in Covid to take down America, what else are they doing? Should we trust them on anything? Well, it's on the label! 7 minutes

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Laura Ingram on Fox News - Video

This Covid va[[ine info is slowly getting into the mainstream media. This is an example when Fox's Laura Ingram interviews Dr. Harvey Risch and Peter McCullough. 6 minutes long.

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Russian Army Officer Explains Depopulation - Video

This is unreal, a Russian interview explains the depopulation agenda. 12 minutes with subtitles

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Government Agents Organized Capitol Riots - Video

Tucker Carlson asks all the right questions. Transcript or 15 minute video

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Robert Kennedy, Fauci and "Gain of Function" - Video

Eye-opening discussion of "Gain of Function" / i.e., "Making a virus more deadly" ... which would only be done for military purposes. 30 minutes long.

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

The Spike Protein Is Deadly - Video

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA va[[ine technology, discusses with two others. 15 minutes long.

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Death by Government - Video

A fascinating interview of Dr. Zev Zelenko by Sarah Westhall. 38 Minutes long

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Steve Bannon - Video

Getting to the bottom of key events, goes straight to the heart of the matter. 4 Minutes

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Autopsy of a Covid Va[[inated Man - Article

Proof the Spike Protein in the va[[ine circulates throughout your entire body, damaging everything.

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Del Bigtree: Masks are Horrible + Interview w/Dr. Roger Hodkinson Dealing with Fertility Issues - Video

Dr. Hodkinson interview starts at the 1:08:00 mark. He shares his biggest concerns about Covid va[[ines. Includes infertility issues, shedding, and common sense.

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Mass Murder is the Covid Va[[ine Goal Part 2 - Video

Part 2

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Mass Murder is the Covid Va[[ine Goal Part 1 - Video

37 minutes - Start about the 7:30 mark to skip the ads Dr. Peter Breggin is interviewed by Sarah Westall. Proof this whole Covid thing was planned from the beginning.

Jun 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Major Info to Keep You Alive

Free Access To Stand Your Ground Conference - Video

A great conference with Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. David Martin, Dr. Carrie Madej and more. Free access to all conference videos.

Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

Is The Va[[ine Designed To Be A Bio Weapon? - Video

Steve Bannon's War Room- Exposing China as the partner of Fauci for taking a safe virus and making it more deadly ("gain of function"). They even called it a “bio-weapon.”

Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

Pentagon Funneled Millions to Wuhan Lab - Article


Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

Dead Doctors Who Dared to Speak Truth - Video

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet died of “suicide” (shot in chest) while researching protein-derived macrophages. Kuan Teh-Juang, Editor in Chief of Retrovirology who died of “suicide” after discovering the legitimacy of Mikovits’ XMRV research. Dr. Timothy Cunningham who died of “suicide” after complaining that flu shots were killing his patients. He was found tangled in a fishing net. Official cause of death—suicide.

Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

Are Spike Proteins Bio-weapons? - Video

This is probably more than you want to know!

Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

The Mother of All Covid Discussions - Video

Could it be that the whole COVID-19 pandemic was about the vaccine and getting a global mass vaccination campaign underway for population control purposes?

Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

Cleveland Clinic Study: Natural Immunity as Effective as Vaccination - Article


Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

Five Doctors Advise On How To Protect Yourself And Boost Your Immune System - Video


Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

Robert F. Kennedy Jr says Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates stand to profit from COVID-19 vaccine - Article

Robert F. Kennedy's son claims that Dr. Tony Fauci and the Gates Foundation stand to make a hefty profit from the manufacture of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

Mild COVID-19 induces lasting antibody protection - Article

Months after recovering from mild cases of COVID-19, people still have immune cells in their body pumping out antibodies against the virus that causes COVID-19, according to a study from researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Such cells could persist for a lifetime, churning out antibodies all the while.

Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

COVID Fraud - Article

Lawyers & Medical Experts start legal proceedings against W.H.O and World Leaders for ‘Crimes against Humanity’

Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

Mike Lindell Presents: Absolutely 9-0 - Video


Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

2 Million Children Must Be Jabbed to Prevent 1 ICU Admission - Video


Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

3 Ways Fauci Emails Expose Trail of Manipulation and Deception - Article


Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

Fauci Defends U.S. Grants to Wuhan Lab - Article


Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

'Rare' Genome Sequencing - Article

almost certainly proves COVID WAS deliberately made in a Chinese lab before it leaked to the world: Another expert study makes bombshell claim.

Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

An Orchestrated Hoax - Article


Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

Va[[ine Blood issues figured out...it's the “spike!”- Video

Most of us have heard about all the well-documented blood issues in people who’ve been va[[inated. Well, now we unfortunately know what the problem is. There is now a report out of Japan explaining why there are so many blood-clotting issues with people who’ve been vaccinated. This video is uncomfortable, to say the least. (7 minutes)

Jun 10, 2021 • Email Subject: Vaccines, Voting & Vices

Va[[ine Miscarriages and Stillbirths - Article

Women worldwide are horrified at the number of miscarriages, stillbirths and insanely painful periods.

May 27, 2021 • Email Subject: God Comes From Edom?

Take the Covid Brain Test

10 questions to see what you know about COVID. At the end, it shows you any wrong answers and why they were wrong. (I made 7 of 10 😠 BP)

May 27, 2021 • Email Subject: God Comes From Edom?

Papadopoulos Exposes Deep State - Video

This is a fascinating inside view of what went on during Trumps Presidency. God dropped a good guy right in the middle of Satan's playground!

May 27, 2021 • Email Subject: God Comes From Edom?

More Shortages Coming? - Article

Why do all kind of shortages keep getting worse? Because the government is paying farmers not to plant.

May 27, 2021 • Email Subject: God Comes From Edom?

Nobel Prize Winner Says Don't Va[[inate! - Article

Nobel Prize Winner warns va[[ines facilitate development of deadlier COVID variants, urges public to reject va[[.

May 27, 2021 • Email Subject: God Comes From Edom?

Billions In Tax Dollars Spent To Fight Va[[ine Skepticism - Article

Why is our government selling va[[ines for Big Pharma?

May 27, 2021 • Email Subject: God Comes From Edom?

Fake Research Used To Justify Child Va[[ines - Article

Keeping kids in masks and out of the classroom for more than a year was totally unnecessary, if not cruel.

May 27, 2021 • Email Subject: God Comes From Edom?

Your Brain Connected to Internet? - Video

Brain-machine interface is coming faster than you think. This video shows how close we are to Rev. 13:15-16

May 27, 2021 • Email Subject: God Comes From Edom?

If You've Already Had Covid, DON'T Get the Va[[ine!! - Article

You can't improve on God's immunity system in your body, and trying may disable or kill you!

May 27, 2021 • Email Subject: God Comes From Edom?

The Best "Don't Get The Va[[ine" Movie Yet! - Video

EXCELLENT VIDEO!!!!!!! Clear, concise, professional—everything you need to know—if someone watches this video, they won't get the va[[ine! 16 Minutes

May 27, 2021 • Email Subject: God Comes From Edom?

Tucker Carlson/Dr. Peter McCullough - Video


May 21, 2021 • Email Subject: If You’re Unva((inated, You’re Not Alone

Va[[ines Linked To Mad Cow Disease - Article


May 21, 2021 • Email Subject: If You’re Unva((inated, You’re Not Alone

Pfizer Va[[ine Confirmed To Cause Brain Injuries - Article


May 21, 2021 • Email Subject: If You’re Unva((inated, You’re Not Alone

Vaccine Skepticism Growing - Article


May 21, 2021 • Email Subject: If You’re Unva((inated, You’re Not Alone

Physicians Against Mandatory Va[[ine - Video


May 21, 2021 • Email Subject: If You’re Unva((inated, You’re Not Alone

CDC: Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Va[[ine Linked to More Blood Clot Cases - Article


May 21, 2021 • Email Subject: If You’re Unva((inated, You’re Not Alone

Worst Case Scenario - Video

Dr. Lee Merritt and Mike Adams discuss uncomfortable questions like "What's really going on in our world?" If you watch/listen to the first 10 minutes, you'll watch/listen to the whole video.

May 21, 2021 • Email Subject: If You’re Unva((inated, You’re Not Alone

Masks Don't Work—The Evidence - Article

Just in case you need this info to give a science denier... 

May 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

More National Internet Censorship Coming - Article

Claiming it's for our own safety, digital companies are moving toward more control.

May 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

Lockdowns Didn't Help - Article


May 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Nervous? What A Great Time To Be Alive!

COVID “\/A [ [ ines” Killing Large Numbers - Video

In case you missed it .... worth seeing! Dr. Peter McCullough gives a stern warning, Va[[ines are killing people! 30 Minutes

May 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Nervous? What A Great Time To Be Alive!

Genocide Continues - Article

GENOCIDE in the U.S. continues—shocking figures- Va[[ines are killing people

May 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Nervous? What A Great Time To Be Alive!

If I get vaccinated…. - Video

This guy nails all the reasons not to get the gene modification shot. 3 Minutes

May 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Nervous? What A Great Time To Be Alive!

Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies - Article

Fauci is evil. He's been funding gruesome University of Pittsburgh study skinning scalps off of aborted babies and growing on lab rats.

May 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Nervous? What A Great Time To Be Alive!

Doc not taking Vaxxed patients - Video

This doc gets it... he won't let a vaxxed patients in the door of his practice. Doesn't want them infecting his non-vaxxed patients!

May 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Nervous? What A Great Time To Be Alive!

“Vaccine Passports are a gateway to mass killing” - Article

Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former vice-president and chief scientific officer of the Allergy and Respiratory department at Pfizer, who has also provided a simple explanation of why lockdowns could never have worked, went on to explain that there is "zero" chance of incessantly reported new variants escaping immunity.

May 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Nervous? What A Great Time To Be Alive!

Bill Gates Lied to Protect Vaccine Makers’ Profits Over Public Health - Article

Well, OK, most of us know Gates is evil. Even his wife doesn't trust him anymore. But this is a good read.

May 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Nervous? What A Great Time To Be Alive!

Tucker Carlson/Fox News—How Many Have Died Taking Va[[ines? - Video

He's risking being thrown off the air!

May 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Nervous? What A Great Time To Be Alive!

18 Reasons Not To Get The Va[[ine - Article

All in one list!

May 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Nervous? What A Great Time To Be Alive!

Fauci Behind COVID "Gain of Function" - Article

"Gain of function" means, making the virus more deadly. Paid for by your tax dollars.

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

Pfizer Knew Va[[ine Problems - Article

Docs show concern that vaccinated could shed and spread to non-vaccinated.

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

32 Doctors from 11 Countries Warn against Taking the COVID-19 Vaccine - Video

Personal short testimonies from 32 physicians pleading not to take the Covid va[[ine. 28 minutes

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

Fed Begins Unlimited Quantitative Easing - Article

The Federal Reserve announced it is now purchasing an unlimited amount of Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities in order to support the financial market.(Translation—"We're on board for killing the financial system to bring in a world digital monetary system.")

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel After Va[[ines - Article

Israel is the most va[[inated country in the world, to no avail!

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

Va[[ine Passports = Slavery - Video

Dr. Naomi Wolf: Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever. 
15 minutes

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

Dan Monroe -Video

Practical questions for everyone to think about! 4 minutes

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

India Covid Deaths Overwhelm Health Facilities - Article

150 million Indians have received Covid shots but now a wave of Coronavirus infections are hitting India's 1.3 billion population. 3500 are dying per day, 400,000 infections per day. 20% of their population is va[[inated, so why is the virus spreading faster not slower? The $64K question is "How many of those deaths are from the 150 million already va[[inated citizens?"

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

European Va[[ine Deaths Climbing - Article

And this does not include Great Britain!

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

COVID “\/A [ [ ines” Killing Large Numbers - Video

Dr. Peter McCullough gives a stern warning, Va[[ines are killing people!
 30 Minutes

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

Va[[ine Deaths Climb in the U.S. - Article

Va[[ine deaths jumped significantly this week in the U.S. Of the 3,544 deaths reported as of April 23, 25% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 17% occurred within 24 hours and 40% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

Va[[ine Will Decimate World Population - Video

Dr Bhakdi, Indian, vax will decimate the world- takes a minute to adjust to his accent but well worth hearing what he says. 30 minutes

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

Brannon Howse Interviews Jewish Doc - Video

This interesting little Jewish physician tells it like it is! 30 Minutes

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

60 Minutes - Swine Flu -Video

They're hoping no one remembers!
 10 Minutes

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture

5 Docs—Va[[ines are Bioweapons - Video

Explains why non-va[[inated are infected by va[[inated
. 60 minutes - worth every minute!

May 3, 2021 • Email Subject: The USA Post-Rapture
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