Our office will be closed from 9/25 – 10/23. Any orders placed during this time will be shipped upon return by 11/1/23.
27-minute video. O'Keefe does it again, this time exposing the CIA for what it really is. It's a fascinating hidden interview with someone on the inside of the CIA showing off for a pretty girl.
The United Nations/NWO member states will vote in NYC September 22-25 to decide if they want to radically alter the UN itself, what some are calling UN 2.0, and the very nature of how nation-states make decisions regarding the future of the planet.
Medical professionals are beginning to take a closer look at the potential adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines, particularly following a series of health complications among younger adults.
2-minute video. OnlyFans creator and TikTok star Farha Khalidi says that the Biden administration paid her to push "full on political propaganda," and asked her not to disclose that she was advertising for them.
Utah and Florida passed laws intended to prevent the WHO from overriding states’ authority on matters of public health policy, and Louisiana and Oklahoma have legislation set to take effect soon pending final votes. Several other states are considering similar bills. This will be very interesting to see how this plays out...NEXT MONTH!
“The evidence on excess deaths, injuries from vaccines, and the reality of long COVID is becoming undeniable to most, regardless of where they might have stood on these issues a few months ago.
It's not the kill switch that bothers me... it's who controls the kill switch.
"Sadly, American culture is increasingly hostile to traditional Christian beliefs. It's shocking to see Western countries — the same ones we think of as free and open societies — take authoritarian measures against Christians simply trying to live out their faith."
1-hour, 45-minute movie. This is quite good. Good to check out because you might want to use it as a family movie night.
Levites recently gathered in Jerusalem to reenact their musical role in the Temple. A group of about two dozen Levites gathered in the Old City to practice their singing while wearing garments designed for use by the Temple musicians in the Third Temple.
We're only a few weeks away from knowing how this will pan out.
Public schools transforming into 'full-service community schools' that address far more than 'education.'
Some believe our enemies plan to take down our power grid. But I think, based on Matt 24 and Rev 18, it's more likely that we'll have power right up till the Rapture.
3-minute video. Dancing into the sunset! I hope this video opens... Epoch Times usually makes you sign up so that's why we don't share their links.
24-minute video. This video is eye-opening and worthwhile to see the whole thing, but watch at least the first 10 minutes. Believers need to be aware what's happening around them and how the Globalists/Satanists are trying to use "Christian Nationalism" to make conservative Believers "Domestic Terrorists" and a threat to democracy.
You can't deny the persecution of Christians is blatantly happening. In this article you'll see how the government is suing Grand Canyon University and Liberty University because they teach according to Christian Principles.
A popular US convenience store chain, Sheetz, has been hit with a civil rights lawsuit accusing it of discriminating against minority job seekers because it requires applicants to have no criminal record.
We know that right after the Rapture, within 50 days, Ezek. 38/39 says Russia, Iran, Turkey and China invade Israel.
16-minute video (20-minutes total but the last four is an update). This is a great video that has been banned from YouTube, Facebook, etc. You can't argue with facts, and the facts are quite alarming. I'm guessing after you watch this video you'll send the link to anyone you know who still thinks va((ines have any benefit whatsoever.
This falls under the "A wise person seeks a multitude of counselors." It's a fascinating article for Believers to read...but warning, this guy gives you a major dose of “cold water in the face“ reality.
38-minute video (Start at 2:40 mark and watch at least the first 10 minutes on 1.25 speed, but the whole video is amazing!).
"That 30%+ increase in food that Americans have been dealing with - that's not going away, it's just not climbing as fast as it was. And, as we've seen in the past couple months, inflation has the ability to return just as quickly to add even more gasoline to the fire.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing new limits on how much nitrogen, phosphate and other pollutants meat processing facilities can discharge into surface waters.
45-minute video. Research has found a link between artificially sweetened beverages and atrial fibrillation (AFib). No surprise there.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has sounded the alarm on the Biden administration’s high deficit spending, warning that its fiscal stance and ballooning public debt threaten to stoke inflation and possibly even spark financial chaos.
In the entire history of the United States, we have never witnessed an urban collapse of this magnitude. During the pandemic, millions of Americans started working from home, and many of them have never returned to the office.
Young people who received multiple COVID-19 jabs were significantly more likely to die than those who skipped the shots, according to data from the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics (ONS).
26-second video. For those moving to Florida, something you may need to know. But be sure to take your shoes off for a fair fight and always carry duct tape!
Allison Neitzel pretended to be a physician as she poo-pooed people, calling them "Conspiracy theorists" for not believing Big Pharma lies. Turns out she too was a liar.
2-minute video (couple of cuss words). Powerful words..."Members of Congress are terrified of the intel agencies. I'm not guessing at that..." He goes on to say the Deep State has dirt on every politician that they use to threaten them. Ouch!
22-minute video. Fascinating statistics are disclosed. Slowly the word is getting out. Too late for a lot of people.
The study and announcements come amid recent news exposing the presence of PFAS in Band-Aids, plastic food containers, firefighter gear and artificial turf, raising concerns about the ubiquity of these substances and their effect on human health.
Chloe Cole, a detransitioner who is in court in a case against the doctors who pushed her and her parents into a radical chemical regime and mutilating surgery when she was young, now is charging that there is evidence of malice, oppression and fraud by the doctors who "treated" her.
22-minute video. This is interesting... during the height of Covid in the United States, the hospitals were given an extra 20% kickback if they prescribed Remdesivir to a patient to treat Covid. 50% of the people who took it died.
3-minute video. I only put in this link because it's POSSIBLE that the government will use "UFOs GOT THEM" as a coverup of the Rapture.
2-minute video. Dr. Peter McCullough unleashes on what we've learned about ALL the childhood va((ines. "Unavoidable harm!"
45-minute video (You can watch at 1.25 and fast-forward past the early 3-minute commercial from about 2:15 minutes to 4:50). Well this is a fascinating video from a guy who calls his site "Monkey Werx." He says only 3.7% of the 11 million containers arriving in the U.S. are scanned.
The interview was a clear endorsement of Munther Isaac and the Palestinian narrative, and it was laced with lies and based on false premises. Something rarely seen, Tucker seemed to be completely out of his lane, unprepared and unresponsive.
A private citizen may soon be ordered to roll up their sleeves for an injection, or go into quarantine, because a politician in Geneva says so, Principia Scientific International reports.
Article and 30-second drone video.According to reports coming from Israel and Turkey, the Biden Administration provided guidance to Iran in its missile and drone strike against Israel.
Let's see, if you get the va((ination, the spike protein inhibits your God-designed immune defense. We all have cancer cells that are normally filtered out by our immune system. But when our defense is compromised, cancer can spread like crazy.
8-minute video. Can you think of anything that happened in 2021 that could cause all this?? Hmmm...Well, this guy says he knows.
Seems that Mr. Satan wants to change everything on the planet. CQLJ!
8-minute video. Oh boy, this is so good they use it as a teaser to get you to sign up to see the rest. I didn't bite. But it has a great concise video montage at the beginning of "It’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated!"
Great article on why the Lord gave us so much Bible prophecy.
This is a very interesting prophecy article but there is a major dispensational problem with it. The author takes verses that should be applied to Israel (Matt. 24) and ascribes them to those living in the Church Age.
20-minute video. Inflation is robbing people blind. Alex nails it with his always excellent background info.
20-minute video. What would you do if tomorrow you woke up to find your money had been converted to a digital, government-regulated central bank digital currency? All privacy would be eradicated, and your payments would be approved through a digital ID, microchip, or biometric authentication. This nightmare isn't fiction, and it might be coming to America VERY soon.
Oh boy. In an April 16 post to X, Snowden drew attention to a thread originally posted by Elizabeth Goitein — the co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice — that warned of a new bill that could see the U.S. government surveillance powers amplified to new levels.
According to the foreword to the full WEF report, “The metaverse will act as a conduit to blend the digital world with the physical world and transform how people interact with information, others and their surroundings” and digital ID will be “a cornerstone in metaverse identity.”
The Coastal Atmospheric Aerosol Research and Engagement, or CAARE, project is using specially built sprayers to shoot trillions of sea salt particles into the sky in an effort to increase the density — and reflective capacity — of marine clouds.
90-second video. Well, this "Signs of the Times" situation should tell you all you need to know about where our schools fit in the scheme of things. In a nutshell, the schools today let some students come to school pretending to be cats. They let them act like cats, even using litter boxes in the bathrooms. But when the Furries began scratching and biting other students, that was the last straw and the normal students walked out to protest. Hard to believe, but true.
8-minute video. Del Bigtree examines the off-the-chart cancer trends. Of course, no one asks the elephant in the room question, "Did you get va((inated."
The study stated that of the 40 bandages from 18 different brands that were tested, 26 had detectable levels of organic fluorine, an indicator of harmful “forever chemicals,” also known as PFAS.
The study, led by microbiologist and immunologist Muazzam M. Sheriff and colleagues at Ibn Sina National College for Medical Studies and King Faisal General Hospital, revealed that 27.11% of the surveyed individuals experienced heart-related issues post-COVID-19 vaccination.
Since 2021, many have been waiting for the "Other Shoe" to drop regarding the economy. If the shoe fits... it's going to be wild between now and October.
More than 70% of 269 embalmers surveyed found fibrous white tissue clots — tissues in blood veins and arteries that they weren’t finding pre-pandemic — before 2021.
He calls these tissues "white clots," and that makes them sound like white blood clots. But they are NOT blood clots, they're tissue clots. Self-replicating and free-floating tissue clots attached to nothing. Yet they're continually growing in size. Eventually they cause strokes and/or heart attacks.
You can't deny it any longer, the Border Crisis is "Absolutely Deliberate." The tsunami coming across borders in the United States and Europe represents an engineered invasion designed to undermine Christianity, the nation-state, and liberty. Top government officials shed light on this in interviews with Alex Newman.
Interesting. Costco is selling one-ounce bars made of nearly pure 24-karat gold. While the price is not disclosed online to nonmembers, it’s estimated that the product generally sells for about 2% above the spot price, which as of Tuesday morning was around $2,357 an ounce. That would put the price at Costco just over $2,400.
Pregnant women are told to get an increasing number of vaccinations, even though there’s a shocking lack of studies to confirm the safety for mother and child.
Virtually all national governments and central banks around the world are working on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), according to the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland that is helping to guide and coordinate the rolling out of such currencies worldwide. As cash is sidelined and then disappears, CBDCs will create a permanent record of all transactions.
It's a well-kept secret...but the United Nations World Health Organization is secretly negotiating a set of amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that would impose an invasive testing, vaccination and quarantine regimen on international travelers. And it will be voted on in May at the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.
Good explanation of what's actually in the treaty they are trying to get passed!
57-minute video. Alex Newman and Jan Markell discuss the Master Plan for Humanity in place by 2030.
5-minute video. (Has the F-word four times) The word is getting out, despite the censorship. Rogan has millions of subscribers and these clips have already been seen hundreds of thousands of times.
Article and 25-second video. Don't you feel better that they have a va((ine all ready for us to take just as soon as it shows up?
In the latest obvious attack on God, believers, and the biblical worldview, the Biden Democrats used a high-profile opportunity to offend Christians.
58-minute audio podcast. I reluctantly add this link for those who want to beat their head with a hammer. Although early in the interview something weird happened. I had my computer on and all the sudden our website began getting attacked by hundreds of bot orders.
Not long! If you need life insurance, and you're va((inated, get it while you can!
Unreal. They apparently have all the doctors indoctrinated.
2-minute video. Why did the medical establishment push the Covid vax on the world even when they knew it didn’t work? Tucker Carlson interviews molecular geneticist and immunologist Dr. Michael Nehls who says it wasn’t about money. It was about conquering the human mind.
2-minute video. Back in the early days of Covid this Nun warned us about the Globalist/Satanist takeover, the Reset, the coming global economy, the One World Order, the Covid va((ine, the depopulation agenda, Soros and Gates, and that the Pope was involved. She concludes with "I think our time is limited." And this was in November 2021.
Belgian virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche says for the va((inated a "massive tsunami" of Covid-related illnesses is on the horizon. "When this begins, it will collapse hospitals and cause financial, economic and social chaos."
1-minute video. A rancher warns that mRNA va((ines are being used on livestock. Guess what... the vax is in the vaxxed animal meat we eat. 30% of the va((inated animals have died or are near death.
3-minute video. Dr. Robert Redfield outs the CDC. He says "gain of function" research (making viruses more deadly) should be halted. Duh!
Today's Central Intelligence Agency seems to be America's version of "Big Brother." By multiple reliable accounts, the CIA has been involved in everything from manipulating the media, trafficking drugs, and flipping governments, to controlling Hollywood, even participating in the assassination of a U.S. president. And of course, spying on Americans.
It's getting harder and harder to realize when we're watching fake videos.
Well, this is a no-brainer. We know the Globalists/Satanists are trying to kill as many of us as possible. And we know that the software instructions in the Covid va((inations are staying in the blood and killing people. So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the last thing you want is to have a va((inated person's blood injected into your veins.
30-minute podcast. I normally wouldn't put a link to something that is incorrect, but since this is such a hot topic, I felt it needed addressing.
21-minute video. Del Bigtree has an interesting interview with Catherine Austin Fitts about the squeezing-out of the Middle Class. She calls it the Debt Trap and the Great Poisoning.
1-minute video. “If you hurt someone unintentionally, you have to say, ‘I’m sorry.’”
38-minute video. The CERN Hadron Collider will be fired up on April 8th in an effort to create dark matter and discover the history of the universe…they are admittedly looking to open a door to the dark side. If they get it open, let's hope they can close it.
Nicole Shanahan is RFK's running mate for President of the United States. I do not support them, but I like what she says about va((ines. They are the root of all our healthcare problems!
6-minute video. Ron Paul sums everything up nicely....
We knew this was coming. But I naively figured the USA would remain behind Israel until the Rapture. Bummer.
5-minute video. Tucker Carlson, as always, asks the right questions!
12-minute video. It's now being implemented in Australia and Alex Newman explains where we stand here in America. Not on solid ground.
6-minute video. This is enlightening but a bit scary. This is a Muslim propaganda video. Fascinating what they say about what's going on...
Private property isn't so private anymore. The left has been cultivating squatters' rights for years. Woke cities are giving them legal backup by consolidating COVID-19-era no-eviction rules into free housing for months or years. The problem is so bad I heard on Hannity about a guy who's booming business is to run off squatters. 🙁
More info.
Before giving a va((ine to your kids, take some quality time and research the ramification of va((ines!
16-minute video. The United Nations World Health Organization is secretly negotiating a set of amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that would impose an invasive testing, vaccination and quarantine regimen on international travelers.
Regarding future travel
24-minute video. This sounds absurd, but something is amiss....
14-minute video. This is a rough one. It's true but watch only if you need to understand more about this horrible subject.
2-hour "Gotta See" documentary. Wow, wow, wow! Find the time to watch this and you'll be dumbfounded...to say the least. This is a documentary that reveals how a “shadow government” is manipulating society from behind the scenes and using psychological warfare tactics against the American public.
Children are overtly being targeted with occultic entertainment. Several Satanic-themed shows will be released in the coming months with stories that try to make witchcraft, demons, and even sex with the devil look appealing. Parents and grandparents need to be aware.
Liberal state declares war on small farmers and homesteaders: War on food is spreading in U.S. through land-use restrictions, geoengineering and waves of propaganda.
20-minute video. We know it's all about depopulation. But when you hear what's actually going on, wow wow wow!
7-minute video (watch at 1.25 speed). Ron Paul is beside himself! He says we're at the point of anarchy. But again, he misses what's really going on. Few people realize all that we're seeing happening on this planet is part of a dispensation transition.
12-minute video analysis of the eclipse by little-known or followed Lisa Haven. But she asks interesting questions.
Under terms of a settlement reached Thursday in a lawsuit alleging the agency exceeded its authority when it directed health professionals and patients not to use Ivermectin, the FDA, while denying any wrongdoing, said it will remove content warning people not to use Ivermectin to treat COVID.
The artificial boom and then meltdown of the EV market is a modern industrial calamity. It was created by government, social media, wild disease frenzy, far-flung thinking, and the irrational chasing of utopia, followed by a rude awakening by facts and reality.
It’s unconscionable that the man in the White House should have the power to force Americans to abandon clean, efficient, affordable, reliable, and low-polluting cars in favor of cars that are filthy, inconvenient, dangerous, and expensive. The Founders, who valued individual liberty, would never have tolerated a chief executive who, with the stroke of a pen, can enact regulations that affect at a micro level every American’s safety, convenience, and finances.
Having used up their reserves on last year's bank failures, the FDIC is as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. Another bad year will basically tank the back-up system...so don't think you can depend on them to bail you out. More likely, they'll bail you in!
The U.S. Government is issuing $1 trillion in debt every 100 days. Think about that. It's important to let that sink in. When the rush for the exits begin, it will be too late to do anything about protecting your cash.
Article/11-minute video. Laura Logan smells a rat. She uses a video that APPEARS to show the ship turning directly into the support beam. She says: "Multiple intel sources say the Baltimore bridge collapse was an 'absolutely brilliant strategic attack' on US critical infrastructure — most likely cyber — & our intel agencies know it. In information warfare terms, they just divided the US along the Mason Dixon line exactly like the Civil War.”
29-minute video. EXCLUSIVE: General Flynn Calls Baltimore Barge Disaster A Black Swan Event
15-minute video. Children ages 2-5 who received the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine faced an increased risk of febrile seizures immediately following vaccination, according to a new study led by researchers at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
60-second video. She's British so they have to add the subtitles for us to understand their English! LOL
Thousands of physicians have adopted direct primary care to avoid government and insurers’ obstruction of quality, personalized health care.
20-minute video. Alex Newman shares SOME of the many reasons we have to get out.
If you're going to NYC, be careful. People have no incentive to be rational, much less Godly.
33-minute video (Winds down at 26, stop before 27 to avoid F-bomb). Ed Dowd gives his latest update on the excess cancer deaths, and it's a doozy.
11-minute video. Alex Newman says if the World Health Organization (WHO) gets its way, it can take over your healthcare in case of a pandemic, including mask mandates, forced vaccination, quarantines, and lockdowns.
2-minute video. This dude has full conversations with people. And does the dishes to boot! I want one of these!!!!!
4-minute video. Well now this is interesting... remember the video "Watch The Water" from about 2 years ago? It said the amount of drugs going into our lakes, rivers and ultimately our oceans are polluted. And now we're seeing millions of fish losing their minds, swimming in circles, etc.
Something fishy may be going on that will play out in the Tribulation.
10-minute video. This could get traction. Lawyer Curt Olsen methodically lays out to Steve Bannon what was just presented to the Supreme Court. Not sure they can ignore this!
Article and/or 49-minute video. Tucker Carlson interviews Dr. Pierre Kory, who saw through the ruse early in 2020. They recognize factually that the experimental Covid va((ines were government-funded as an aggressive, global campaign using U.S. dollars to coerce billions of people to inject themselves with the poisonous shot.
A recent congressional hearing is opening a lot of eyes. We've learned that Treasury Department officials told financial institutions that buying religious texts like a Bible, supporting former President Donald Trump, or shopping at sporting goods stores flags law-abiding Americans as potential domestic terrorists.
4-minute video. Good Jan Markell Short Video
15-minute video (watch at 1.25 speed). Mark Levin explains what the Globalists/Satanists are doing to Trump, Netanyahu and Israel.
Article and/or 120-minute video. Kooky Russell Brand interviews Mike Benz re censorship...oh wow. The CHD article does a good job of recapping the video if you're short on time.
Lab meat is not God's food He provided! And it causes cancer. There you have it.
The latest elephant-in-the-room is what happens when they give the green light to millions of military age illegals to cause widespread chaos in America? And when? It's a bit unnerving to think about, but unfortunately necessary as we have no idea what might happen between now and the Rapture.
Well, if we're close to the Ezekiel 38/39 war, this is what we should be seeing. And that war, I believe, comes right after the Rapture. So when you see Christmas lights, know Thanksgiving is close.
31-minute video. Based on her experience at the clinic, Deanna doesn't recommend the COVID vaccine for anyone.
15-minute video. Excellent Tucker Carlson video that shows how Communist this country has become. Sad.
8-second video. Oh, help me Rhonda!
California schools give tax cash to children to push far left activism. -Alex Newman
On Monday, April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Begins about 12:30 PM CDT in Texas and ends in Maine about 3:30 PM EDT/
There is a huge nationwide push to convince the world that “Christian nationalists” are bad, are trying to take over the nation and turn it into something we were never intended to be.
We're in Ramadan, this year going from March 10 until April 10. Muslims historically have done their worst deeds during this time.
"The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. One’s right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections." Supreme Court Justice Jackson, 1943
57-minute video. Alex Newman beautifully articulates America’s exceptional Christian, moral, and constitutional heritage.
12-minute video. They initially ruled John Barnett's death a suicide. But since he was in the middle of testifying against Boeing and he was found with his finger still on the trigger(?), did he get silenced?
In recent years, the Chinese have been feverishly upgrading and expanding their strategic nuclear arsenal. And Chinese shipyards are churning out military vessels at a pace that the U.S. simply cannot match...
Doctors, hospitals, and healthcare systems used to be held in high esteem, but no more. Aren’t these the “experts” in white coats? What happened to that trust? Why do only 1 in 3 Americans trust what was once a sacred healing profession?
An ingredient commonly found in many baked goods and processed foods — including school lunches — may cause oxidative stress, DNA damage and decreased testosterone levels and sperm counts in male mammals, according to Dr. Naomi Wolf.
3-minute video. What happened with COVID, claiming shots were the answer, has changed how we think about docs recommending ANYTHING!
To commemorate the Islamic period of Ramadan, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris reached out to Muslims to express sympathy for the pain they’re feeling at having failed to kill all the Jews.
18-minute video (1st 18 minutes). Alex Newman video....I thought this is interesting since so many people WILL DIE of starvation in the first couple of years of the 7-Year Tribulation. It shows Satan is using the same tricks today.
They're trying to cover up the excess deaths by changing the data. But what's really interesting is that this cover-up is happening worldwide. More proof we're living on Satan's planet in the latter days!
Podcaster Joe Rogan recently aired a startling interview with Dr. Phil confirming that a lot of the border nonsense is sex-trafficking of children.
60-second video. WOW! He also mentioned Jesus returning to earth. At first I thought someone had edited in words he didn't say, but apparently not.
A Freedom of Information Act lawsuit has revealed that the Biden administration has flown at least 320,000 migrants into the United States in an effort to reduce the number of crossings at the southern border. Treason?
31-minute video. Safe and effective—NOT!!!
This article answers the uncomfortable question of how bad it would be if Biden signs us into the WHO Health Agreement... let's just say it can do us in.