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The articles in our Compass eNews emails include links to other articles and videos, and we have them here on our site as well.

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Israel To Flood Gaza's Tunnels With Seawater - Video

1-minute video. Too funny. Of course they're checking the tunnels first for hostages etc., but there is some downside risk of buildings falling in... sorry... I mean an upside in urban renewal.

Dec 7, 2023 • Email Subject: God’s 7 World Judgments

Brought To You By Pifzer - Video

1-minute video. Yes, they dubbed in the sound/announcements. But the videos are real. Makes a point.

Dec 7, 2023 • Email Subject: God’s 7 World Judgments

973% Increase In British Military Pilots' Heart Attacks - Video

8-minute video. Russell Brand is unique and different and a good communicator. He let's his hair down, so to speak. This clip is one of his best ever.

Dec 7, 2023 • Email Subject: God’s 7 World Judgments

Del Bigtree Tangles With Elon Musk - Video

14-minute video. So Big Pharma has had it easy rebuking moms about their kids getting autism right after a round of childhood va((ines. They've even duped normally skeptic elon Musk. But it's a horse of a different color when they go against the like of the Highwire. Sic 'em Del!

Dec 7, 2023 • Email Subject: God’s 7 World Judgments

Call To Assassinate Trump? - Article

There's a lot of news about a recent article in the Washington Post that could easily be read, someone has to do something or Donald Trump could get elected and become Hitler. Rep. Gaetz thinks so.

Dec 7, 2023 • Email Subject: God’s 7 World Judgments

2o% Of Vaxed New Zealanders Have Died - Article

This is an interesting story. In New Zealand, a database administrator just went public revealing that some va((ine batches have killed nearly one of every four of the recipients who took them. This guy was just trying to tell the world what he could clearly see that was being covered up. And they are continuing to die.

Dec 7, 2023 • Email Subject: God’s 7 World Judgments

Today's Antisemitism is Tomorrows Antichristian - Article

Mohler identified the root cause of anti-Semitism in the Jews’ special status as God’s chosen, or “elect,” people. But we know this is actually from Satan. And Believers are also chosen, grafted into the promises of Abraham. So we're next.

Dec 7, 2023 • Email Subject: God’s 7 World Judgments

Money Supply Collapse Continues - Article

Good financial info for those inclined...

Dec 7, 2023 • Email Subject: God’s 7 World Judgments

Tucker Destroys John Kerry - Video

15-minute video. A fun watch with lots of info.

Dec 7, 2023 • Email Subject: God’s 7 World Judgments

Straight-talking Tucker - Video

30-minute video. I think it's very possible that God has gifted Tucker Carlson as a seer. I do realize that he is a Catholic. This video is fun to watch and he points out what no one else will talk about.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Biden is the Primary Obstacle to Israeli Victory - Article

Polling shows that the overwhelming majority of Americans support Israel in this war and want it to destroy Hamas; the overwhelming majority of lawmakers from both parties share that view. Israel needs the complete backing by the USA. But curiously, Biden seems to favor Iran in all decisions.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Ireland's People Not Buying The Globalists' Lies Anymore - Video

2-minute video. There are massive protests by the people of Ireland over Globalists' immigration policies. Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon explain.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Masks Again Linked to Covid Infections - Article

In the raw data, regular mask-wearers had a 74-75% higher risk of testing positive for Covid. They knew these facts but demanded everyone wear a mask anyway.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

"Satan's Touch." - Video

I could only watch about 8-10 minutes....out of 90.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

WHO calling for masking and physical distancing - Article

info about WHO calling for masking and physical distancing.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Moderna's Disinformation Team - Article

This explains how Moderna monitors 150 million websites for the purpose of censoring speech that undermines the company’s COVID-19 vaccine narrative and actively shaping public discourse to benefit Moderna’s bottom line. So now you understand my weird spelling of va((ine.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Haunted Forever - Video

3-minute video. The video is not being made public but is being shown to world leaders, US House and Senate members, etc. The video above contains reactions of people seeing the Israeli video. Must be bad.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush


11-minute video, watch to the end! The CDC has recently announced that exemptions to vaccinations have hit record highs in the United States. Del Bigtree takes a look at the reasons why parents are choosing to forgo vaccinations for their young children.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

VAERS Intentionally Undercounting, Obscuring Vaccine Injury Data - Article

Article (there is also a 60-minute video that is unnecessary to watch... just read the article). This guy analyzed numerous deficiencies in the VAERS system that he said contribute to the significant underreporting of deaths and serious adverse events. He also explains how two parallel VAERS systems operate — with only one of these systems available to the public.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

No More Air Marshalls In The Sky!!! - Video

3-minute video. This is crazy. We used to have air marshals flying undercover on lots of flights to help keep our skies safe. Not anymore. the Biden Regime has pulled them all off to track "domestic terrorists" who visited Washington on January 6. Even if you didn't attend the rally of go in the Capitol. This is another proof the Globalists/Satanists are doing everything they can to bring down our country.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Va((ine Documentary - Video

90-minute video (I recommend you only watch 5- minutes or less). This is another break-your-heart video about va((ine injuries and the toll it has taken.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Who's Behind The Deep State? - Video

60-minute video. Alex Newman, who'll be speaking at the Steeling the Mind Conference in March in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. In this video he shares a LOT of info on the deep state subject. Fascinating!

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

More on the Shadow Government - Article

More on the Shadow Government

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush


This is a very frank article about our quickly diminishing dollar. Not investment advice.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Von Greyerz: The Financial System Has Reached The End - Article

Beware of the rush for the exits....

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Va((ines Promote ‘Hyperprogressive’ Cancers - Article

Even more confirmation of the coloration between va((ines and "turbo cancers." This one is highly scientific and I found it a bit hard to understand, but if you want more proof, here it is!

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

UFO's Captured? Nope! - Article

There are a lot of UFO stories lately. For starters, there are no beings coming from a foreign world with excess intelligence, or any intelligence. What is likely happening is they are preparing the public to blame the Rapture on "out of this world creatures."

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Major Travel Restrictions Coming - Article

Your travel will be restricted if you exceed your carbon allowances! Thankfully I see this as not happening before the Rapture!

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Natural Immunity Best - Article

Well, this is a little late to the party as most of us figured out God's immune system works just fine. IN FACT, most of us figured out the va((ine scam and not interested in ANY future shots.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

DNA Contamination In Shots Explains A LOT! - Article

DNA contamination in Covid Va((ines may explain the skyrocketing rise in cancer, clots and autoimmune diseases.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Gun Ownership Way Up - Article

Between the open U.S. borders and watching Hamas kill babies, Americans are waking up to reality.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Collecting Fees In Britain - Video

1-minute video. This collector says he has the right to enter in though the unlocked window. Don't laugh too hard, we could be them in the future!

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

Staring at a Woman's Chest in now a Crime in Britain - Article

No comment... however, God did make women's breasts attractive and warned guys to stick with their spouses pair.

Nov 30, 2023 • Email Subject: Strait Flush

The Final Goal Is To Eradicate Humanity - Video

4-minute video. Lauri Aboli says all that's been going on for the last 60 years has been preparation for a few Globalists/Satanists to rule the world. And the end game is Trans-humanism. She made the hair stand up on the back of my neck! Jeepers!

Nov 22, 2023 • Email Subject: Revelation 3:10 ????

Israel's Real Enemy - Video


Nov 22, 2023 • Email Subject: Revelation 3:10 ????

NY Court Paves Way For Quarantine Camps - Video

This has not yet reached the Supreme Court of New York, but the fact that it has been ruled OK to proceed should make all of us nervous. The only thing you can depend on these days is the Word of God!

Nov 22, 2023 • Email Subject: Revelation 3:10 ????

The Sobering Border Truth - Video

8-minute video. This sums up the southern border including what's ahead. Excellent footage.

Nov 22, 2023 • Email Subject: Revelation 3:10 ????

There Goes The Internet - Article

We all knew this would eventually happen. You have to do all the right things to use the Internet. It'll be interesting if this happens before the Rapture. Probably not, but could.

Nov 22, 2023 • Email Subject: Revelation 3:10 ????

January 6 And The Death of Matthew Perna - Video

1-minute Video. Newly released footage of Matthew Perna (seen in red sweatshirt in video) shows Matthew walking calmly into the capital on January 6, 2021. The Department of Justice led him to believe he would get 6 to 12 months in jail if he pleaded guilty. After he pleaded guilty, the DOJ decided to enhance the charge adding a TERRORISM enhancement to his sentencing. Now he could get 10 years plus. Hearing what was ahead for him, he committed suicide. Hell is not hot enough for some people.

Nov 22, 2023 • Email Subject: Revelation 3:10 ????

The John Kennedy Magic Bullet - Article/ Short Video

This info is offered because last week I apparently raised some eyebrows saying we'd been living in a managed world for 60+ years. Now we find out that doctors who treated President Kennedy after he was assassinated knew full well that there was more than one shooter. But they were censored.

Nov 22, 2023 • Email Subject: Revelation 3:10 ????

CitizenFour — Snowden 10 Years Later — He Warned Us! - Article/Video

Article and/or 2-hour movie. “CITIZENFOUR” is a documentary about NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden who exposed what the NSA was doing. It was so embarrassing that he had to flee the USA and now lives overseas looking over his shoulder 24/7. CitizenFour came out in 2014, but it’s even more pertinent today than it was then. This documentary is not for everyone. But if this is of interest to you, watch 10 or 15 minutes to get the gist of it, more if you want.

Nov 22, 2023 • Email Subject: Revelation 3:10 ????

Gates Foundation Funds Patch-Style Vaccine Technology - Article

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has given $23.6 million to U.S.-based life science company Micron Biomedical to fund the first-ever mass production of needle-free vaccine technology.

Nov 22, 2023 • Email Subject: Revelation 3:10 ????

The Spike in Mortality Among Young People - Video

This CHD video goes deep into the relationship between CDC data, life insurance statistics, excess mortality and sudden deaths in young people. Host Michael Nevradakis interviews Mathew Crawford. Very good excess death slides.

Nov 22, 2023 • Email Subject: Revelation 3:10 ????

How Switzerland Affects The World - Video

This video says Bill Gates, Clown Schwab and the rest of the New World Globalists/Satanists should be arrested. Nice to hear, but of course it'll never happen. It's an interesting 4-minute video, but unlikely this guy is a Believer.

Nov 22, 2023 • Email Subject: Revelation 3:10 ????

11 Signs U.S. Consumers Are In Financial Straits! - Article

Debt levels have risen to unprecedented heights, but thanks to roaring inflation our standard of living has been steadily going down. As we come to the end of 2023, Bidenomics is not making it better, but worse.

Nov 22, 2023 • Email Subject: Revelation 3:10 ????

After School Satan Clubs - Article

This is not funny nor harmless. This godless movement shouldn't be ignored. The Satanic Temple (TST) has more than 266,000 followers on Facebook and posted a colorful flyer saying "Hey Kids! Let's have Fun at After School Satan Club!" Don't let your children or grandchildren near this.

Nov 22, 2023 • Email Subject: Revelation 3:10 ????

Pending Housing Market Crash? - Video

4-minute video. This is a very important and frank discussion of the state of the housing market based on cold hard facts.

Nov 16, 2023 • Email Subject: Hospitals And Your Health

Regarding Those News Photojournalists Who Accompanied The Hamas Slaughter - Article

In perhaps the most surreal news since Hamas entered Israel on October 7th, slaughtering 1,400 people, it was revealed on Wednesday that multiple "photojournalists" accompanied the terrorists as they attacked.

Nov 16, 2023 • Email Subject: Hospitals And Your Health

Nervous Banking? - Article

Our banking system, the heartbeat of our economy, has gotten into deep financial trouble due to several reasons. This makes our economy only one bank run from disaster.

Nov 16, 2023 • Email Subject: Hospitals And Your Health

Free Palestine? - Video

1-minute video. This is a hilarious "Man on the street interview." Our youth has no clue when asked specific questions about Hamas.

Nov 16, 2023 • Email Subject: Hospitals And Your Health

Excess Death Facts From Great Britain - Article

The biggest and most continuous fake news spin is that people aren't dying in droves from taking the va((ine. This article exposes the false narrative.

Nov 16, 2023 • Email Subject: Hospitals And Your Health

1.5 Degree Increase Is NOT Climate Change! - Article

As the next UN climate conference nears, a number of mainstream media outlets are hyping a study claiming the Earth faces a climate emergency because it is approaching the 1.5 degree Celsius warming threshold set by the Paris Agreement.

Nov 16, 2023 • Email Subject: Hospitals And Your Health

NY CPS Forces Chemo On Cancer-Free Child - Article

This should scare the heebeegeebees out of all of us. And do realize that chemotherapy is the only drug that pays a commission (huge) to doctors who prescribe it.

Nov 16, 2023 • Email Subject: Hospitals And Your Health

Ouija Boards Online—Beware! - Article

This is just an awareness FYI ... keep your kids and grandkids out of Satan's grasp!

Nov 16, 2023 • Email Subject: Hospitals And Your Health

Yale Studies Chronic Symptoms After COVID-19 Va((ination - Article

A new study shows some of the most common chronic symptoms among people who began experiencing the problems after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

Nov 16, 2023 • Email Subject: Hospitals And Your Health

What WHO Is Up To Worldwide - Article

Save this as a resource for background on who runs WHO and where they are trying to go.

Nov 16, 2023 • Email Subject: Hospitals And Your Health

Ukraine Winning The War Is Not Possible - Video

8-minute video. This is a cold-water-in-the-face video showing that the Globalists/Satanists have been fleecing America to save Ukraine, Europe's most corrupt nation.

Nov 16, 2023 • Email Subject: Hospitals And Your Health

Europe Moves Quickly On Digital ID - Article

The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union reached a final agreement this week on the establishment of "European Digital Identity Wallets," the first central and fully digital identification system for all Europeans. And guess who's next to lose their privacy?

Nov 16, 2023 • Email Subject: Hospitals And Your Health

Europe Moves Quickly On Digital ID - Video

Of course the elephant-in-the-room question for Believers is how much of the Mark of the Beast system will we see before our Great Escape? Inquiring minds would love to know!

Nov 16, 2023 • Email Subject: Hospitals And Your Health

Video of the Hamas Slaughter Aftermath - Video

5- Minute video. Because of the continued ridiculous one-sided worldwide support rising for "The poor Palestinian People," here is a video camera on an IDF soldier looking for anyone alive after the Hamas attacked and killed 300 youth at a Peace Dance Party. The images are tough to watch. You only need to watch a few seconds to understand the evil that Israel is facing.

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

Digital ID Will Be Mandatory By 2030 - Article

50 Countries have been bribed to begin setting up this system to control EVERYTHING. The United States is not yet one of them. Maybe the Globalist/Satanists know it will fully collapse right after the Rapture and be meaningless.

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

Demand Surges for Unva((inated Sperm - Article

What woman in her right mind would want to marry a man whose DNA would likely damage her babies?

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

Biden's (Globalist's/Satanists) Plan To Takeover Internet - Video

6-minute video. The Biden administration's new plan for "digital equity" is a way to control every aspect of the internet. Glen Beck says this will end his digitally-dependent show...and any other conservative voice.

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

"No DNA In Vax"? Whoops, Sorry, Billions In Each Shot - Video

19-minute video (Watch at least the first 5 1/2 minutes). As the mRNA va((ination contamination issue worsens, it's interesting to see Del Bigtree getting ticked off. Yo Del, you still dont' get it, they're trying to kill 80% of us on the planet. And it's all been prophesied 2000 years ago in the Bible! Wake up to reality!

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?


(Watch from 47:30 to 54:30 of this Fitts/Mercola interview)

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

Bigtree and Jaxon explaining the history of population control - Video

16-minute video. it's not just a recent thing.

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

New Families Homeschooling Off-The-Charts - Article

More families are willing to rather sacrifice more income to keep their kids out of the Satanists/Globalists grasp 8 hours a day. What's most important to the Lord?

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

Mainstream News Questioning Va((ine - Video

5-minute video. This was on CNBC of all places. We can have hope!

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

Police State Movie - Video

Two people sent donations of $24.95 for me to watch Police State. So I did, and yes I was wrong, it's worth the money.

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

Why People Are Dropping Dead In Their Sleep - Video

2-minute video. In case there is any doubt in your mind why people a dropping dead all over the world....Dr. Peter McCullough explains that folks dying in their sleep between 1am and 3am is one of two ‘patterns’ of death from mRNA injury.

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

WHO's Global Grasp Continues - Article

While the world deals with Ukraine, Israel, Hamas, borders, security, digital dollars, people dropping dead all over the place, WHO continues its push to enslave the world through healthcare.

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

More on the future WHO Pandemic Treaty - Video

16-minute video. And we know these scumbags knew all of this before the shots were rolled out. Their lies fooled a lot of Believers into taking the poison.

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

Killing Off Africa - Article

Gates is funding $600 million for a plan to va((inate 86 million girls against HPV... if he gets this done, few will be able to bear kids in the future...and likely their goal.

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

The Truth About HPV Vaccination - Article

How safe is this va((ine?

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

Controlling Your Truthful Information Access - Video

Don't believe a word Newsguard says about "facts." It's in place to delude the masses.

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

Americans In Debt Slavery - Article

It's not just the federal government that is in massive un-repayable debt, American citizens are also over their heads. Of course, all this is by design as another clog in the wheel to take down the USA.

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

The COVID Lie Will Be Talked About For 100 Years - Video

2-minute video. Russel Brands interviews Ed Dowd who says: "The damage by the Covid Shots will be talked about for the next 100 years." Well, yes, the Bible says after the Tribulation, in the Millennium, people will still remember what Satan did to the world.

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

Starting To Notice A Pattern? - Video

13-minute video. Tucker Carlson says, "Here we go again, start another war (Hamas/Israel) send millions of anti-Western refuges to the West... starting to notice a pattern?"

Nov 9, 2023 • Email Subject: What Happens to Our Clothes at Rapture?

Israel's Right To The Land - Article

There’s never been a more urgent need for Believers to proclaim Israel’s right to the Land. The war in the Middle East has exposed the cancer of anti-Semitism and we must not keep silent.

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

Speaker Johnson Attacked For Believing The Bible - Article

We've said it often, today it's God versus Satan. You either stand on the infallible Word of God or you're standing on Satan's sinking sand.

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

Musk: They're Propagating the Extinction of Humanity - Video

2-minute video. Joe Rogan and Elon Musk. "The mind virus is a death cult and the end of civilization." Elon Musk

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

Right Out Of Ezek. 38 - Article

Well, there you have it. It's prophesied Russia invades Israel in the last days.

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

Latest Tucker Video... Excellent! - Video

13-minute video covering a wide range of topics, Tucker nails the coffin shut!

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

Police State, D'Souza, Trailer Only - Video

4-minutes - this trailer is all you need to watch to get the gist of the movie. It will scare you to death. I didn't buy the video because they wanted $24.95. Too rich for my blood!

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

The 1700 New Millionaires in the West Bank and Gaza - Article

Of course they all cropped up under Biden's watch... or lack thereof. I wonder how many EARNED their millions due to hard work?

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

Empty UK Chamber Debate—At LEAST Goes On The Record - Article

British MP Andrew Bridgen last week lectured Parliament on the concerning increase of excess deaths since the introduction of the COVID vaccines in early 2021. Bridgen is not the first to suggest a connection between the COVID vaccine campaign and excess deaths, but he is the first to present this information formally before a governmental body.

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

Who Actually Controls The House of Reps? - Video

General Michael Flynn calls a spade a spade. Flynn, who Trump says would have a prominent position in his next Admin, says that members of the House and Senate are compromised by globalists who have blackmail on them because they had sex with children.

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

Soap Stars Dropping Like Flies - Article

I counted around 14 who were in their 70s or less. Like Annie Wersching, age 45, pictured above. Many didn't give their age so I didn't count them. I wonder what's killing all those nice people? Hmmm....

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

Cutting Off the Head of the Snake - Article

In a bold new documentary titled “Cutting off the Head of the Snake,” Pascal Najadi, a former Swiss banker, and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, a seasoned health expert from Geneva, delve into the dark underbelly of global organizations headquartered in the serene city of Geneva, Switzerland.

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

Biden is Obstructing Israel’s Fight Against Hamas - Article

After the Hamas massacre of over 1,000 Israeli men, women and children, President Biden and members of his administration appeared to be saying all the right things about the attack.

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

Why are Western Leaders so Eager to go to War? - Video

1-minute video. Why are Western leaders so eager to go to war with nuclear-armed Russia and China? In a word: depopulation.

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

How Pfizer Hid 80% COVID Trial Deaths - Article

According to an analysis, published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data, the vaccine makers hid fatality data from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization.

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

Video of Jewish and Arab Believers singing in Hebrew about the coming Messiah - Video

A video of Jewish and Arab Believers singing in Hebrew about the coming Messiah. (English subtitles)

Nov 2, 2023 • Email Subject: Understanding Israel and the Last Days

SCOTUS Says OK For US Government To Censor Americans News - Article

This is proof our Supreme Court is in on the world ruse. Unbelievable.

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

US Population Rate Declines - Video

2-minute video. What they couldn't do through birth control, abortion and killer baby food, they are achieving through va((inations.

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

2% of Israeli Citizens Own Guns - Article

Israeli gun ownership is low at about 2% of the population. It compares to about 30% of the population owning a gun in the US.

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

INTENT TO DECEIVE: COVID Shot Contamination With Kevin McKernan - Video

And a good 50-minute video on the subject (but it's a bit slow, maybe watch it on 1.5 speed?)

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

Del Bigtree video on DNA Contamination - Video

13-minute video.

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

More info on DNA contamination - Article

Yet another major peer-reviewed report confirms the original Covid va((ine will kill or maim you. And that they haven't changed what's in ... yet they keep running those ads.

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

Seizures Increasing In Va((inated Children - Article

The FDA admits seizures in 2 to 5-year-old children are skyrocketing after mRNA va((ines. Well, at least they admit it. But why are they still approved? I wonder.... hmmm.

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

Hamas Massacres—The New Face Of Gun Control - Article

Don’t believe someone who tells you to give up your guns to make society safe. The Second Amendment allows us to keep and bear arms to keep us safe, not to take our arms to keep us safe.

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

The Drug Hamas Gave Their Soldiers Before The Israeli Invasion - Article

How could humans cut off multiple heads of babies with swords? Turns out they took pills that deadened their senses.

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

Nightmare Scenario - Article

An expanded Israel/Hamas war could spark global financial crisis.

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

The George Floyd Lie - Twitter Link

In case you still thought George was killed by police.

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

The George Floyd Lie - Article

In case you still thought George was killed by police.

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

Excess Deaths Continue - Article

Proof is there, but you can't talk about it.

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

Vaxxed? Check Your Batch Code - Article

This is still available for those who got duped into taking the shots(s).

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

More Americans Rejecting Constitution Validity - Article

Trust in the Constitution is gone, and now an "increasing number of citizens … view violence as warranted to silence those with opposing views."

Oct 26, 2023 • Email Subject: The Coming Collapse

COVID Vax IS Causing Turbo Cancer - Video

22-minute video. This is a must see (at least the first 7 minutes) for every breathing Believer. Del Bigtree interviews oncologist and cancer researcher, Dr William Makis, who tells it like it is. Everyone needs to know this info, vaxxed or not.

Sep 25, 2023 • Email Subject: Compass eNews Lite, 9/28

Another article here by Dr. Harvey Risch - Article

Article by Dr. Harvey Risch

Sep 25, 2023 • Email Subject: Compass eNews Lite, 9/28

UN Leaders Make A 7-Year Agreement - Article

The Daniel 9:27 prophecy says the world "confirms" the agreement for 7 years. So this does not start the clock on the Tribulation. But it does put it place an agreement that can be confirmed! Fascinating, to say the least!

Sep 25, 2023 • Email Subject: Compass eNews Lite, 9/28


Tucker Carlson gives this bombshell interview and says, "They're all afraid."

Sep 25, 2023 • Email Subject: Compass eNews Lite, 9/28

Spike Transfection - Video

54-minute video. This is an amazing video of two scientists explaining what's going on as a result of the jabs. Admittedly, I only understood about 60-70% of what they're talking about, but what I did understand was fascinating. Again, this only makes sense if all that's transpiring is connected with POST-Rapture scenarios.

Sep 25, 2023 • Email Subject: Compass eNews Lite, 9/28

About That Food Shortage - Article


Sep 25, 2023 • Email Subject: Compass eNews Lite, 9/28

Ed Dowd Makes Chilling Prediction...The Same As Tucker Carlson - Article

What both Dowd and Carlson are saying is simply common sense. Those in power cannot give up power or they will go to jail because they're complicit in allowing the depopulation and collapse of the United States. So they certainly cannot risk elections.

Sep 25, 2023 • Email Subject: Compass eNews Lite, 9/28

Ed Dowd Makes Chilling Prediction...The Same As Tucker Carlson - Video

They'll have to cause something that will enable them to declare war so they can suspend all checks and balances of power, national elections, whatever they want. They have no choice. We just don't yet know what they'll do. Or if we'll be Raptured first.

Sep 25, 2023 • Email Subject: Compass eNews Lite, 9/28

FedNow Is Up And Running - Article

The new digital currency, AKA the new digital slavery, is now live. Its purpose is to prepare everyone for a Central Bank Digital Currency.

Sep 25, 2023 • Email Subject: Compass eNews Lite, 9/28

Push For Global Government - Article

Leo Hohmann lists 20 things the government wants to ban or heavily restrict. CQLJ!

Sep 25, 2023 • Email Subject: Compass eNews Lite, 9/28

COVID Is A Government Biological Weapon - Video

66-minute video. Karen Kingston has the research showing gene editing is the Globalists'/Satanists' plan.

Sep 25, 2023 • Email Subject: Compass eNews Lite, 9/28

Only 1 to 2% Of COVID Deaths Were Actually From COVID - Article

The entire COVID operation was a scam. Lie about the deaths, pump the fake numbers 24/7 to create fear, roll out the poison disguised as a cure but meant to reduce the world's population. I wholeheartedly believe this.

Sep 25, 2023 • Email Subject: Compass eNews Lite, 9/28

Definite Link Between Va((ines and 17 Million Deaths Worldwide - Article

Researchers estimated the COVID-19 vaccines led to approximately 17 million deaths worldwide, with the most deaths occurring among the elderly. Sounds like "euthanasia" to me, but Satan's not that bad...is he?

Sep 21, 2023 • Email Subject: The Believer’s Jewishness

The Prophetic Significance of Yom Kippur - Article

This is a great outline by Olivier Melnick of how the Fall Feasts line up with/foreshadow future events.

Sep 21, 2023 • Email Subject: The Believer’s Jewishness

Who's Behind The Deep State? - Video

Alex Newman talks as fast as Chuck Missler used to talk. And his information is just as interesting! There really is a DEEP STATE and a SHADOW GOVERNMENT! Interviewed by Jan Markell/Olive Tree Ministries.

Sep 21, 2023 • Email Subject: The Believer’s Jewishness

Why Non-Believers Are Asking Questions About The 666 Mark - Article

Mark Hitchcock points out excellent observations regarding Joe Rogan's show comments regarding the Mark of the Beast.

Sep 21, 2023 • Email Subject: The Believer’s Jewishness

Don't Bank On Banking - Video

30-minute video (watch at 1.25 playback speed). Brannon Howse asks all the right questions of insider Rebecca Walser. I watched this one twice it was so mesmerizing! And learned a lot!

Sep 21, 2023 • Email Subject: The Believer’s Jewishness

Collapse Coming? - Article

A lot of really smart people are calling our monetary system a 100% ponzi scheme. The Fed's own numbers reveal there's no way out of this mess. It's just a matter of time. Will we get a new money system before Rapture? Fascinating times.

Sep 21, 2023 • Email Subject: The Believer’s Jewishness

Blue Cities Sing The Blues - Article

Goodbye New York City

Sep 21, 2023 • Email Subject: The Believer’s Jewishness

The AI Big Picture - Video

25-minute video. Imagine not being able to unplug "Hal" in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. Well, that's where we are today. This AI thing is horrible...we're at the point it's a speeding train coming at us with no time to jump off the tracks. This is a great info/update/explanation video of AI.

Sep 21, 2023 • Email Subject: The Believer’s Jewishness

Dr. McCullough's Speech To The European Parliament - Video

17-minute video. Dr. Peter McCullough delivered a speech to the European Union Parliament on September 13, 2023, in a session dedicated to the World Health Organization and Pandemic response.

Sep 21, 2023 • Email Subject: The Believer’s Jewishness

Thinking About EV? Don't Go There - Article

You would think that trying to get the world to substitute burning a fuel to make a fuel, in place of a fuel you could just burn, would make no investment sense. Well...apparently it does makes sense if you're trying to limit travel.

Sep 21, 2023 • Email Subject: The Believer’s Jewishness

10 Red Flags Of Looming Recession - Article

Interesting with a lot of good graphs.

Sep 21, 2023 • Email Subject: The Believer's Jewishness

No Off-Switch For Covid Jab Spike Protein - Article

How long will your body produce modified spike protein after the COVID jab? That’s been a question people have been asking ever since the rollout of the first mRNA shots. Two years ago we linked videos by doctors that said the Spike Protein in the covid va((ine would be manufactured forever. Now research is unfortunately confirming it was true in an article by Mercola.

Sep 14, 2023 • Email Subject: When the Last Trumpet Blows

New Tucker Carlson Video - Video

4-minute video. Tucker Carlson explains why Whitmer and Greg Abbot are two peas in a pod ...only Tucker could get away with this...

Sep 14, 2023 • Email Subject: When the Last Trumpet Blows

RFK Takes Apart Journalist - Video

4-minute video. RFK is driving the Democrats crazy. Fun to watch!

Sep 14, 2023 • Email Subject: When the Last Trumpet Blows

Bigtree And Dowd On Children Dying Worldwide - Video

12-minute video. These guys are upset, and you should be too. This is a cold-water-in-the-face video of solid facts that, once again, proves the bad guys are trying to reduce the world's population.

Sep 14, 2023 • Email Subject: When the Last Trumpet Blows

Boosted People Sicker - Article

A new study finds that boosted people more likely than unvaccinated to be infected with COVID.

Sep 14, 2023 • Email Subject: When the Last Trumpet Blows

Truth Bombs - Video

3-minute video. I don't know who Dr. Tess Lawrie is, and she's hard to understand with her English accent, but she nails everything in three minutes.

Sep 14, 2023 • Email Subject: When the Last Trumpet Blows

IRS Partners With AI - Article

Imagine trying to argue or present your defense to a computer who can close your account at its discretion.

Sep 14, 2023 • Email Subject: When the Last Trumpet Blows

Scientists Knowingly Submitted False Papers For Cash - Video

37-minute video. No one is surprised, but they offered cash to write what they needed to push their false science narratives.

Sep 14, 2023 • Email Subject: When the Last Trumpet Blows

100 Nations Working On Digital Currencies - Article

It's just a matter of time. And only time will tell if this gets implemented before or after the Rapture.

Sep 14, 2023 • Email Subject: When the Last Trumpet Blows

Brazil advances digital currency with asset-freeze capability - Article

Brazil is blazing ahead.

Sep 14, 2023 • Email Subject: When the Last Trumpet Blows

Is Marburg On The Way? - Video

12-minute video. Sit down to watch this one. It's probably the most eye-opening video I've watched this year. You might even say it's scary. I certainly hope they're wrong, but if they are right, and they may very well be right, it will arguably have to come about post-Rapture.

Sep 14, 2023 • Email Subject: When the Last Trumpet Blows

Fires That Are Not Fires - Video

60-minute video. This is one amazing interview. How did wood not burn but metal did? Why did plastic not melt? By the time you get to the pics of the nails burning in the wooden post but not the wood, you'll be convinced this was not a natural fire. And if what he is saying is true, and I suspect it is, the "fire" and "heat" that people are so upset about in the Tribulation may very well be coming from this laser weapon. CQLJ!

Sep 7, 2023 • Email Subject: How Long Do The Last Days Last?

Peter McCullough On All The Va((ine Deaths Happening - Video

2-minute video & a 4-minute video. "the next athlete who has a cardiac arrest, the next actor or actress that has a stroke, or the next loved one that suddenly develops a heart attack or cardiac problem out of the blue it is likely due to the vaccine." --Dr. Peter McCullough

Sep 7, 2023 • Email Subject: How Long Do The Last Days Last?

DOD Whistleblower Goes Public, Calls for Investigation Into New COVID Vaccine Injury Data - Article

Article with more info

Sep 7, 2023 • Email Subject: How Long Do The Last Days Last?

Megyn Kelly Announces She Has An Autoimmune Disease—And Regrets Taking The Va((ine - Video

“For the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical. And I went to the best Rheumatologist in New York, and I asked her, do you think this could have to do with the fact that got the damn booster and then got COVID within three weeks? And she said yes. Yes. I wasn't the only one she'd seen that with.” Megyn Kelly

Sep 7, 2023 • Email Subject: How Long Do The Last Days Last?

Tucker Says Trump's Life Is In Danger - Video

2-minute video. In this Adam Carolla interview Tucker Carlson calls a spade a spade. They can't let Trump win, or the Globalists will go to jail. So they either take care of the problem or start WW3 so they can stay in power.

Sep 7, 2023 • Email Subject: How Long Do The Last Days Last?

"Ban the Jab" Forum - Video

2-hour video (can watch at 1.25 or 1.5 speed). I found this long video worth watching. Not a whole lot of new stuff, but quite interesting hearing six different highly educated people telling it like it is.

Sep 7, 2023 • Email Subject: How Long Do The Last Days Last?

Va((ines Were Loaded With DNA - Video

37-minute video. Dr Jim Meehan talks to scientific researcher, Kevin McKernan about his groundbreaking discovery of plasmid derived dsDNA contamination in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and lays out the proven dangers of injecting foreign DNA into the body.

Sep 7, 2023 • Email Subject: How Long Do The Last Days Last?

Businessman Denied Loan Due To Political Views - Article

Swiss insurance firm Swiss Re denied a business loan to politician Richard Tice over his political views. This will eventually come to our side of the Atlantic...if the Rapture doesn't come first. CQLJ!

Sep 7, 2023 • Email Subject: How Long Do The Last Days Last?
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