Our office will be closed from 9/25 – 10/23. Any orders placed during this time will be shipped upon return by 11/1/23.
Myrna Mantaring, MT, MCI, MS, MBA, CLSp MB (ASCP), is a Micro and Molecular Biologist who studies Immunology. Using government data, she shows cancer is off the charts and no one is allowed to talk about it. Naturally she's dumbfounded they're still pushing the cancer-causing-shots.
The WEF recently released a warning that we must prepare for "an era of shock events" in the near future. Somehow this is a reason for global censorship. Hmmm.... The Globalists/Satanists just arrested the owner/founder of Telegram, a free and open social media platform (similar to Facebook or YouTube, used mainly in Europe) because he won't restrict or censor people. They're calling for Musk to be arrested for the same reasons. They also tried to murder Trump because he won't bend the knee. Now they're trying to put him in jail before the election. If they're willing to go after people like Trump and Musk, we must be pretty far down the line toward a police state. And they EXPECT a shock event...to complete the task. A shock event IS coming, but it’s not what they think. It's our exciting exit. In a nutshell, the anti-God ding-a-lings boil the coming judgment down to three possibilities for a huge shock event coming soon.
The recent CrowdStrike situation is perhaps the worst web disruption of all time, and that was just a bug in a software update. Imagine if someone wanted to deliberately damage internet functions for an extended period of time? The results would be catastrophic.
In an interview with Sarah Westhall, Naomi Wolf says a coup has already taken place and Trump will never get back into office. She says we won't even have elections. The interview is interesting and covers a lot of ground. But has some F-words and they don't seem to be Believers, or at least they don't act like it. And you have to skip the first 11 minutes of Westhall's pictures and promos. Ugh. The whole video is 60 minutes, but you'll get the ideas she's proclaiming in about 12 to 15 minutes... good inside info... but start a the 11-minute mark and play it at 1.25 speed.
No surprise there.... Walz is poised to make similar bigoted, totalitarian, and unconstitutional policies across the United States should he be elected vice president.
Car makers hoping for another government-funded bailout because they followed government mandates and produced cars nobody wanted. GM announces layoffs of 1,000 tech workers who wasted time and money designing expensive EVs and self-driving autonomous vehicles that average American consumer can't afford and doesn't want. Analysis by Leo Hohmann.
Censorship continues to increase. And if Kamala gets in, and it's likely she will if the big exit doesn't happen, it’s going to get really sticky for conservative Christians and Jews.
Greg Laurie shares great verses of hope as we watch the curtain close on the Church Age.
Watch the best 12 minutes of Tucker Carlson's interview with Bobby Kennedy.
This was a quite interesting discussion of censorship, va((ines and the Trump assassination attempt.
The Koran is FULL of references to "Children of Israel." Hmmm... that would mean....
"Injections carry such a high risk of dangerous adverse events, it would be safer to catch the virus without being vaccinated than to take one of the shots" But less than half of all peeps believe this... 🙁
"It's time we commit to understanding and addressing the role of pharmaceutical influence in public policy." Nothing new, but it's the way he says it....
The Lancet paper claimed 20M lives have been saved by the COVID shots. Two data sources (both in public view for years) show the shots were all downside risk. The COVID shots didn’t save any lives. They did not reduce mortality. They lied.
While it may seem as if childhood immunizations are required for school attendance, that is not necessarily the case. Many states have exemptions. Dr. Paul Thomas interviews NVIC Executive Director Theresa Wrangham. If you have kids or grandkids, this is excellent info about refusing the clot shots.
A new migrant/illegal immigrant wave is heading to the US. It includes many Middle Easterners. Why are so many Chinese nationals and Middle Easterners being allowed to pour through the Darien Gap on their way to America? I wonder if it has anything to do with all the beheadings that take place after the Rapture? And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. Rev. 20:4b These beheadings will mostly be done in Europe, not the USA, as the USA will be wiped out just after our Big Exit. But there could be a few weeks between the Rapture and the Wipe-out.
US Jobs Revised Down By 818,000 In Election Year Shocker, Second Worst Revision In US History Not only were they not real jobs (they were part-time jobs that were being mostly filled by illegal aliens), but now we’re finding out that even most of those were fake numbers.
As many as a million jobs could vanish from US jobs data in revised numbers released this week. Jobs growth in the year through March was likely much lower than initially estimated, top bankers are warning. This could refuel concerns that the US economy is not as robust as it has appeared, and that the Federal Reserve is falling behind in its aim to lower interest rates.
This may prove to be one of the most important video links we've posted yet... Casey Means is a Stanford-educated surgeon. Her brother Calley was a Big Pharma lobbyist. Both quit their jobs in horror when they realized how many people were being killed by the systems in which they participated. It's worth watching every minute. Yes, it's long. Susie and I watched it on and off over the weekend. Odds are you'll share the link with friends, family and coworkers. You'll be blessed watching as much as you can. BTW—they mention evolution in their interview. Obviously we believe the Biblical account of creation, not Satan's theory of evolution. No one has all their doctrine correct. THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NOT EVEN ONE; Rom. 3:10 The Bible says a wise person has many counselors. So not every link we put in the Compass eNews has perfect doctrine. No one goes to heaven because they have the correct doctrine. We'll all get our doctrine corrected when we graduate to the next level. So here on earth you have to be discerning for at least the basics.
Well, there you have it... 🙂
A team of leading scientific researchers in Germany has just issued a warning to the public after finding direct links between Covid mRNA shots and vital organ damage among children.
This is an amazing 2-minute video. You'll want to show it to your kids and grandkids. You have trillions of these things going 24/7 in your body...and it all wreaks of design. And if you have design, you have to have a designer. And if you're designed, you didn't evolve. For those who still believe in the SATANIC theory of evolution, wake up to the truth of God's Word. He spoke the entire universe into existence in six days—heaven, earth, man, fish, fowl, animals, plants, stars, planets and all.
Here's a video on DNA Replication. You have to be one short of a coaster set to think any of this happened by chance. Just saying...
Of course not. But that doesn't keep people from saying that. The reality is no lives were saved which is why there aren't any success anecdotes. - Steve Kirsch
Top exec at election-integrity group tells Alex Newman every swing state has 500,000 to 1.4 million illegitimate voters on the rolls — and he can prove it. This must be addressed or Trump loses 2024.
Some diapers are linked to numerous health issues, including reduced immunity, allergies, developmental problems, and increased cancer risk. Pregnant women and babies are particularly vulnerable to these effects. In a nutshell, the study recommends staying away from certain brands certified by OEKO-TEX. Best to look for diapers that use total chlorine-free (TCF) processing, avoid fragrances and lotions, and for cloth diapers, use natural materials like organic cotton or hemp instead of synthetic waterproofing.
WHO declared the Monkeypox (Mpox) outbreak in Africa a "Global Health Emergency" and signed off on the Emergency Use Listing process so there is no liability from Big Pharma's Mpox va((ine. The emergency designation also gives an excuse for most world governments to move millions to Big Pharma without having to get approval.
Mpox ‘Not the New COVID’ — But Vaccines Still The Answer, WHO Claims The World Health Organization said the current mpox outbreak is a “test for global equity,” but a critic told The Defender the WHO’s response is more about “selling more stuff” than about health equity.
‘No Justification’: South African Vaccine Injury Group Warns Against Mpox Vaccine The South Africa Vaccine Injury Medico-Legal Study-Group this week issued a statement criticizing public health officials for declaring mpox a global health emergency and warning against “experimental” mpox vaccines.
The U.S. birth rate has dropped to an all-time low. Recent insights from the National Center for Health Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveal there were only 54.5 births for every 1,000 females aged 15 to 44 in 2023, the lowest figure on record and 3 percent down from the 2022 birth rate. Since the most recent birth rate high in 2007, the number of births per year has steadily declined. The supposed COVID-19 “baby bump” raised theories that the birth rate would increase, but this has been disproved by the latest data. In fact, since 2007 the birth rate has dwindled by 17 percent with fertility rates also falling by 21 percent.
A quarterly report published this month by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on household credit and debt found that between the first quarter of 2021 and the second quarter of 2024, credit card debt surged 48.1% while household debt -- which includes mortgages and auto loans -- rose by 21.6%. Credit card delinquencies have risen to 9.1% and car loans to 8%. 44% of the survey respondents say they're not making enough take-home pay to cover their daily expenses. The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender’s slave. Prov. 22:7
Nine out of the 13 original colonies required you to be a professing Christian to work in the government.
When all the latter-day dust finally settles, the world will find itself trapped in a system indistinguishable in both capability and function from the mark of the beast system outlined in Revelation 13:16-17. And this will have set the stage for the rollout of the actual mark of the beast system.
The problem is that the Pandemic Influenza Plan public health officials would likely turn to in the event H5N1 bird flu jumps to humans is the same as the playbook used for Covid-19. It didn’t work then for K-12 schools, and won’t work now. If your kids are in public school, pray for the Lord to show you a way to get them out of Satan's grasp... while you still can.
The number of excess deaths in Australia was positively correlated with the number of COVID-19 booster vaccinations, according to a new peer-reviewed study. Well duh....
Alex Newman dives into how family courts are incentivized to use kids to receive cash from the Feds. Unreal. The reason this video is important to watch is it warns parents what can happen if their kids go to Satan's public schools.
An article with more background info on this tragedy...
We're fast approaching a repeat of the Jewish Holocaust of the 1930s. And you can guess who's next on the list?
So we have huge eye issues sky-rocketing following the Covid va((ination rollout. I wonder what the chart would look like for unva((inated peeps. We'll never know... If something else is causing such a profound increase, what is it?
He nails it.
.The J6 pipe bombs were the insurance policy, in the event the feds (Ray Epps, et al.) couldn’t get the crowd to comply with the FBI provocations. In essence, if no one stormed the Capitol, the finding of the two pipe bombs would have then been the emergency needed to stop the electoral process, evacuate Congress and trigger the emergency session. Which explains why the FBI had/has no interest in the DC pipe bomb suspects.
Multiple governmental sources associated with U.S. allies across the Mideast confirm the Islamic regime in Iran is trying to assassinate former President Donald Trump, with hopes of doing so by Nov. 5, Election Day. But we know our God is bigger than their god.
This article made it into our Steel On Steel, Book One, Chapter 11 and points to a lot of scriptures that show the massive earthquake activity that takes place after the Rapture in the 7-year Tribulation. Obviously it’s likely that before the Rapture we’ll be seeing an increase in earthquake activity as we get closer to our loud and boisterous exit.
We have twice written about earthquakes in the latter days. One made it into our Steel On Steel, Book One, Chapter 11. But both articles are available to read online. Both point to a lot of scripture that tie immense ground shakes to the last days after Rapture. If you're new to this subject, hopefully you can read these articles to supplement this essay.
This is fun. How, where and when did humanity develop the ability to communicate through the written word? Who can be credited with "inventing" the alphabet? God created the Hebrew language and it was probably the language first used by the world beginning in the Garden of Eden since those who spoke Hebrew didn't have to scatter in the aftermath of the Tower of Babel. And Hebrew is the only time a particular language was mentioned that God was speaking: I heard a voice saying to me in the Hebrew dialect, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" Acts 26:14b And you're going to be amazed what some Jewish scribes are finding that connects Hebrew to creation and the Bible!
This is the proverbial eye-opener! 50% of teens and 80% of adults in the USA are overweight. 50% of adults and 30% of teens are pre-diabetic. All due to what choices we make about what we eat. Big Pharma is excited about the size of the market (LOL!). Are the drug companies and food companies in cahoots? Tucker Carlson dives in...watch the first five minutes for a great overview!
Iran has been boosting Biden-Harris while doing everything possible to undermine Trump.
Fifty years to the day after Richard Nixon’s resignation, newly-unearthed documents show Watergate was a scam from start to finish. Geoff Shepard saw it happen. The parallels to what’s currently happening to Trump are remarkable.
This could be just seasonal scaremongering, or maybe we’re about to discover how many new pandemic powers the W.H.O. managed to grab this time. But more likely, big pharma is about to swallow up a giant serving of our tax dollars as governments rush to buy a bunch of unsafe and ineffective emergency-use-authorized vaccines.
We’re counting down to the November 5 elections that everyone (Dems and Repubs alike) is declaring that this is the last chance to save our democracy. But keep in mind that this is all a show. They want us to believe we have a choice of leaders. As much as I hope and pray Trump will turn the tables on them again, it’s my belief they’ll not give up their power ever again because Satan knows his time is getting close.
Naomi Wolf Issues Emergency Warning To Trump Regarding Ongoing Deep State Coup
This article was published following the controversial incident where Ben-Gvir visited Temple Mount on Tisha B’Av. In an editorial, the newspaper wrote, "Urgently, padlocks for the Temple Mount." The author, Israel Friedman, compared Jewish visits to the Temple Mount to "throwing a match into an oil well," warning that the Temple Mount could become a volcano that would cover the entire Middle East with its ash and smoke.
2-hour interview edited down to about 65 minutes (but there is an index to choose topics to watch). Over one billion people listened to this on X (Twitter)
Entire 2+ hour interview/conversation between Elon Musk and Donald Trump.
Doctors are admitting, privately, that mRNA vaccines are to blame for the recent emergence of aggressive cancers that often don’t respond to conventional treatments.
The European Union, which pioneered the development of digital “vaccine passports,” will next month launch a test run of its new European Va((ine Card (EVC) in five countries — Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Portugal. But it's really about controlling your money!
Between encouraging kids to change their sex without telling their parents and now this, are you sure you want to send your child to public school? The first three minutes are a great overview.
In the early 1800s, American families averaged 8 to 9 kids. Today it's less than 2, which is less then the replacement rate.
We originally posted a link to a video about this issue in 1999, 25 years ago.
Leo Hohmann says eliminating free speech is the Globalists/Satanists model to collapse U.S. and all of western civilization, and his proof is what's happening in Great Britain. He's probably correct that it's one of the ways. But they're also using the "death by a thousand small cuts" approach...coming at it from all directions—border, deficit, inflation, va((ines, food, fuel... HOWEVER, all that just means we're getting that much closer to being sky-high happy!
Andy Woods has the best 5-minute recap of why Pre-trib is the only possible way to understand scripture. Stand up and yell!
Well, this is a fun, 5-minute eye-opening video. Jewish scholars have discovered some fascinating insights regarding Pi. We all learned in school that the ratio for a circle's circumference to its diameter is 3.14. Turns out it's buried in Genesis 1:1, big time!
She nails it. But realistically, it was not a recent invasion... just saying...
Couple of article quotes: "...one Secret Service agent may have appeared to be clearing people out of the way for the kill shot—before he got himself out of the way." "It’s ludicrous that we are now being asked to believe this young, disaffected person with mental problems somehow managed to defeat the Secret Service and the entire security team. Listen, that young person is not responsible for all these security lapses. Four minutes is way too long a period for no one to act while bystanders scream, 'There's a shooter on the roof.'"
Alex Newman interviews Peter Navarro, who is fresh out of prison due to the DOJ weaponization against anyone they can find who supports Trump. What Navarro says is at least hopeful. From economic strategies and border security to addressing the weaponization of the justice system, Navarro provides a comprehensive overview of the path forward for the Trump administration. We all hope he's right.
What they're not telling you, of course, is that 96% of these new cancer cases are in those who were Covid va((inated. The beat goes on... Imagine if you had a product that everyone on earth had to purchase... and when they used the product, 50% of the time it caused them need to buy more of your products. Point is, Big Pharma is not making money off getting people well.
Steve Kirsch: "It doesn’t get any more clear than this. The COVID va((ines didn’t provide any protection against hospitalization or death: they were nothing but death shots." Well, he gets it.
In the U.S., 1 in 9 children between the ages of 3 and 17, or 7.1 million, have been diagnosed with ADHD. Among them, 58.1% had moderate or severe cases. And now there's evidence that it's not only the va((ines causing the problems.
The paper shows that the COVID and flu vaccines don’t reduce hospitalization at all. Zero. Zip. Nada. It uses VA data published in JAMA by a top epidemiologist to expose the truth. No hospitalization benefit implies no death benefit because there is no precedent in medicine for no hospitalization benefit yielding a death benefit. So they lied to us about the benefits. It was ALL downside risk with the shots.
Now the CDC changed it again...And it is not a small, inconsequential tweak. It is massive disinformation. Per January 2024 Merriam-Webster: for the very first time, introducing a “preparation of genetic material (such as mRNA) is included in the definition of a vaccine. The CDC’s new definition of vaccination is a deliberate attempt to radically redefine what it means to be "vaccinated" and to obscure the severe risks and evolving nature of current vaccine technologies. It changes the contents of the product. It changes the goals of the product. It changes everything except the name of the product.
The Globalists/Satanists want to use police and even NATO to force vaccination on people. Well, we know where this eventually leads...but not until after we're ejected out of here.
Attorney Ray Flores: “This paves the way for more EUA vaccines, devices and products to possibly be effective against these new and unknown viruses, “Just as EUA PCR tests exaggerated the COVID-19 pandemic, the detection of avian influenza and influenza A viruses with pandemic potential via unlicensed PCR tests is destined to justify lockdowns, masking, invasive nasal swabs, and wide-scale vaccination with experimental mRNA technology. “The stage is set for RT-PCR tests to take the pivotal role of determining false positives with amped up cycle thresholds designed to declare asymptomatic, otherwise healthy people to be infected — just like last time.”
The World Federation of Advertisers (WFA), which includes global corporations like IBM, Mastercard, PepsiCo, AB InBev, Nestlé, and L'Oréal, forces media and other corporations to embrace woke narratives and ideologies. It's just more proof the world is being run by Globalists/Satanists as they ready for world control.
This project sounds good on the surface, but it has nothing to do with bulking up against an EMP attack by Russia or China. Rather, it will supply AI with the power needed to surveil everyone 24/7.
The wolves have control of the hen houses. Universities across America offer radical courses on witchcraft and divination but won't allow the Bible to be taught. Yale’s History of the Night course features “a cross-disciplinary approach to examine how the night became the abode of the ghost, the devil, the witch, and the dead.” Duke University’s Radical Magic course culminates in making a personal “spell book” and includes students giving each other psychic readings. One of Georgetown University’s courses is all about “rituals, symbols, shamanism, expanded states of consciousness, spirit possession, magic, divination and witchcraft.” - Ken Ham, AIG
Wall Street Is Starting To Freak Out About The Horrendous State Of The Economy
Some believe the powers that be will hold up the American economy until after the national elections. Others think it's too late, the big one is coming.
A group of religious Israelis have been pictured practicing the ritual of the red heifer, which is meant to herald the building of a new Jewish temple on the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Isn't it interesting that the world is focused on one tiny spot, God's special place on earth—Mount Moriah! It's where Abraham offered Issac, the first two Jewish Temples were built, and where Jesus will reign as King of the Earth for 1000 years.
If the Rapture doesn't happen in October, it's going to be a wild ride.
Department of Justice (DOJ) data reveals how the Biden administration has used the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act to specifically target pro-life activists, despite the statute’s original intent of protecting abortion clinics as well as pro-life pregnancy centers and houses of worship.
The commandment of the red heifer—sprinkling its ashes upon the impure to purify them—is most unusual. One of its laws, however, expresses an important and powerful lesson. When the ashes of a new red heifer are prepared, the ashes of the new cow are mixed with the old ones. This was done with all the red heifers—from the first red heifer of Moses to the heifer to be prepared by Messiah in the near future.
The Mishnah 2 list of Israel’s hidden treasures says the buried treasures include: ...the holy vessels and the vessels of the Temple that were in Jerusalem… all the Vessels of the Holy of Holies Oh boy, this means some of the ashes of the red heifer are probably still in the special pitcher/jar even though the water would have evaporated long ago.
In September the United Nations’ 79th General Assembly will host the highly-anticipated “Summit of the Future” where nations will sign the “Pact of the Future,” representing a major step towards the creation of a world government. The stated purpose is to “forge a new global consensus on readying ourselves for a future that is rife with risks but also opportunities.” Can you say "Daniel 9?"
In an attempt to make the Olympics opening ceremonies the “gayest ever,” Parisian Olympics officials featured an LGBTQ parody of the “Last Supper” played by men dressed in women's attire. It also included a woke fashion show featuring gender-bending fashions and transgender models. ("They're practically begging for a lightning bolt" — Jeff Childers)
The presumptive Democrat nominee wants to "upend the system," defund the police, enable baby murder, and indoctrinate the remaining children in government "schools." - Alex Newman “ The same people who brought you vaccines, masks, and men competing in women’s sports are bringing in Kamala Harris… it’s a total psyop.” - Alex Newman
Kamala Harris brags about becoming the ‘First Indian Senator in American History’ but now she claims to be black. Her birth certificate identifies her mother as a CAUCASIAN BORN IN INDIA and her father as Jamaican, just saying...
Exposing Colorado's election fraud brings murder and maybe prison. None of this should surprise you. Tina Peters faces 20 years in prison for daring to speak up and protect the voters in Colorado as the county clerk. She witnessed the federal government and the Dominion Machine company wipe the files that should have been kept by law for 24 months.
Germany ignored its own scientists in order to impose strict COVID va((ines and mask mandates.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, an avowed Islamist and one of the loudest world leaders supporting the Hamas jihadist terror organization, just threatened to invade Israel. Considering Turkey is one of the horde of nations that invade Israel (Ezek. 38/39), this is getting interesting!
The region was already teetering on the brink of disaster, and now the head of Hamas has been assassinated. It would be difficult to overstate the anger the Islamic world is experiencing right now, and the Iranians are particularly mad because it happened on their territory.
Hamas’ political leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated by Israel early Wednesday morning in the heart of the Iranian capital. The world is watching for Iran's response.
Switzerland is set to use the Suicide Pod, and it won't require "medical supervision." Satan is making it easy to murder yourself. You get in, push the button and die. Once the button is pushed, you can't change your mind—you're toast! This sounds like a Saturday Night Live skit from the 1970s.
For decades, mainstream medicine has promoted the idea that estrogen is protective for the brain, particularly in post-menopausal women. The conventional wisdom has been that the increased risk of dementia in older women is due to the "deficiency" of estrogen that occurs during menopause. However, a groundbreaking new study published in JAMA Neurology challenges this long-held belief, providing compelling evidence that blocking estrogen may lower the risk of dementia.
This is a good overview to understand the largest global cyber incident in history...when millions of computers were infected all at once with the dreaded blue screen. How could this impossible event happen? Was this a test run? Why is the public being aggressively prepped for a cyberattack? Jefferey Jaxen and Del Bigtree dive in.
Worth watching... especially considering they're not done with the va((inations...
Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Portugal will test the new vaccination card in a variety of formats, including printed cards, mailed copies and digital versions for smartphones. Critics called it a “direct threat to freedom.” I call it a forerunner to the Mark of the Beast.
A great link to tons of va((ine studies: Save for future reference!
When a government borrows money which must be paid back later, prosperity in the future is being sacrificed for more prosperity in the present. This is what the final stages of a bubble economy looks like just before an economic collapse happens.
At least she recognizes her mistake.
A peer-reviewed study of 9.2 million South Koreans published in Nature Communications uncovered a 620% increased risk of myocarditis and 175% higher risk of pericarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. Researchers also noted increased risks of several autoimmune conditions, especially after booster doses.
These planes may not be meant to actually turn the tide of the war in Ukraine's favor as much as they are to gin up a Russian response against a NATO member state, thereby widening the war. - Leo Hohmann
The boxing competition at the Paris Olympics is being regulated for the first time by the woke Paris Boxing Unit (PBU). The PBU is advising the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and have made the decision to ignore the rules of the past Olympic Games and allow biological men to fight women in the boxing event this year.
Researchers looked at over a half million South Korean patients aged 65+, and found statistically significant higher rates of Alzheimer’s in the vaccinated group —within the first three months of getting the jab. If the study had continued past three months it would have even been far worse.
FBI Director Christopher Wray told the House Judiciary Committee that the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, flew the drone over the area as late as around 3:50 p.m. to 4 p.m. on the day of the shooting. Trump was originally scheduled to begin speaking at 5 p.m.
Brighteon: Secret Service director confirms shooter given 16 SECONDS to fire off rounds at Trump
Was there more than one shooter involved in the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania?
When Michigan Republican Rep. Lisa McClain pressed Cheatle on how many shell casings were found on the roof from which the would-be assassin opened fire, Cheatle refused to answer.
Senator Johnson: I saw an extremely convincing video online. I know it’s all over the place. There were three distinct shots early on, followed by another five in more staccato, more rapidly fired, and then the final one, which we believe took the shooter out. How do you explain that? I don’t know. I’m not an expert. But the individual putting that video out says it clearly shows that there were at least three different weapons fired that day.
Could one of the cards the bad guys will play to stay in power involve a food crisis? At any given time we're only 9 meals from riots...and they did build all those detention camps in every state...
What has happened and why is Windows down? Hundreds of thousands of computers around the world have suddenly shut down, impacting businesses, transport links and TV broadcasts globally.
Looking at the reality of what the political landscape is showing, Zelenskyy said, “We have to end the war ASAP…to save lives…”
Three minutes of Trump clips regarding his view of God.
A 2019 GovTrack score that ranked Vice President Kamala Harris as the “most liberal senator” was recently deleted.
Potential Harris Presidency Could Turn The Screws On Israel
From a Biblical perspective, she is horrible.
A 2019 GovTrack score that ranked Vice President Kamala Harris as the “most liberal senator” was recently deleted.
Excellent article by Dave Reagan on this special generation that is witnessing God getting ready to end the Church Age and go back to Israel being His primary focus.
This is an important look into one more thing China is doing to defeat us.
Despite objections! Praise the Lord for Oklahoma!
ICAN’s legal team discovered two companies that are engineering viruses designed to “hijack” our God-given immune systems, force our cells to become factories of these “therapies,” and spread person-to-person. ICAN sounded the alarm and now the company claims it is simply developing “precision medicines” that are “disease-activated.” We are not fooled.
Alex Newman interviewed close Trump confident Roger Stone in 2017 before the FBI stormed his house and arrested him for allegedly lying to Congress. (Trump pardoned Stone before he left office.) . In the 2017 interview, Roger Stone predicted Donald Trump may be targeted for assassination and several other eye-opening suggestions, all of which have now come true. This is truly an interesting follow-up interview with great inside information!
In the past 7 days, 19 nurses have "died suddenly" in the USA. But it's not just the USA, it's happening also around the world. Crickets from the Globalist-controlled media.
Sales of new homes have moved back down to pandemic lows.
More inside info regarding the inside job set-up to assassinate Trump. Just watch the first 13 minutes.
Andy Schectman discusses the incredible take-down activity of the western financial system by the Globalists/Satanists. Just watch the first 90 seconds of this video for a good recap.
Two, maybe three. More on the reduced security for the event, and the fact that most of Trump's security was NOT Secret Service.
ICAN obtained records showing the US Military sprays toxic pesticides in US residential areas.
Yet another country figures out the shot kills people...
Chicken culling, disposal raise concern as Bird Flu spreads. They're trying their best to make this a problem so lock-downs can hide election cheating.
It causes cancer.
I'm surprised Israel is just now figuring this out...
One of the best recaps of the assassination attempt, and this page has a 10-second video of Trump being shot with the police behind him waiting to take out the shooter... but only after he shoots five times at Trump:
Is the Rapture this year? It might be! Barry Awe, DoC, makes a good case that our mind-blowing exit could be this year at the last trump of Rosh Hashanah (Just ignore Mr. Bones!). He uses a lot of scripture we've used in the past so his presentation is quite interesting.
The Ninth Circuit Court made a groundbreaking decision that will have profound legal ramifications for Covid va((ines now and the future. They ruled that because the Covid shots do not stop the spread of disease, they therefore cannot be classified as va((ines. This means it was illegal for the US Government, via their health agencies, to force anyone to take the clot shots because liability protection under US law is granted only to valid vaccines.
You have to be one short of a coaster set to think that there was a lone gunman who got past all the security to shoot at Trump. It’s more likely that the same people who took out JFK in 1963 tried to take out DJT. God was in control of both of those situations, and by His grace DJT is still breathing. Naturally, that begs the question, what is their next play?
Video has emerged showing that for at least two minutes law enforcement knew someone with a gun was on a roof aiming at the former President and no one communicated the need to pull Trump from the stage.
What if the Bible was made illegal? This is a well-produced Christian movie running for the next few days. Definitely worth seeing! One verse was taken completely out of dispensational context, but overall it was well done. . Coeur d'Alene's own Micah Lynn Hanson was awesome as one of two female leads.
Mumps…when I was a kid everyone I knew got the mumps and that was the end of it. No harm, no foul. But now for decades, Merck misrepresented the efficacy of its mumps vaccine, marketing an “adulterated” drug without proven efficacy to millions of American children, according to a recently released expert report by Dr. David Kessler, former head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Life expectancy in the United States declined for the third consecutive year in 2022, a trend not seen since World War I. Simultaneously, chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer continue to rise, with the CDC reporting that 6 in 10 adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease, and 4 in 10 have two or more.
More of the same from Big Pharma. Even though it was known that RSV shots could be a problem, the drug companies “incompletely assessed” the potential in their pre-clinical trials... i.e. "they lied" to make more money.
Alex Newman explains how the GOP has watered down the party’s platform on key issues, including abortion and marriage, as a new peer-reviewed study exposes the horrific damage to children caused by the CDC and Big Pharma vaccine schedule.
Most Christians today don’t have a solid foundation in the Bible’s teaching on the Pre-Trib subject, even if they attend churches that professedly believe in it. They haven’t been systematically taught the various arguments that can be made for a pre-trib Rapture.
An interview with JJ Carrell. Watch the first 7 minutes for an excellent overview of the subject. CQLJ!
Steve Kirsch reports that VAERS data shows Moderna causes 30% more deaths per dose than Pfizer. This must have turned on the sirens at Moderna as they are now in full defense mode and they're coming after Kirsch.
Not sure Moderna can stop the unbelievably bad publicity.
This is a short 80-second video clip of a reporter asking CNN big wigs a question about the unmentionable topic. Too funny....
Does Scripture say the Church Age lasts "2 Days" or 2000 years?
16-minute video. Jessica Sutta was a member of the Pussycat Dolls, a quite successful burlesque dance ensemble that Sutta starred in between 2003 to 2010 when the group disbanded. In 2019 she married Mickey Marquart and had a baby in 2021. In 2021 Jessica began a regiment of Moderna COVID shots, thinking it was “the right thing” to do. But what was intended to be an act of altruism ultimately ended up with Jessica “on the brink of death.”
It makes no sense. If a homosexual went to a Middle Eastern Muslim nation, and someone found out he/she was homosexual, they would be immediately killed. So what's really going on?