Our office will be closed from 9/25 – 10/23. Any orders placed during this time will be shipped upon return by 11/1/23.
I am amazed at the number of people who believe the shots are killing people. It's encouraging!
30-second video. At least they're allowed to openly talk about it in their Parliament.
46-minute video. Russell Brand had a large following of left-leaners. So when he began telling people about the problems with the va((ine, the Globalists/Satanists had to shut him down. A GREAT Tucker Carlson interview you're sure to enjoy! Shows Satan's activity is worldwide.
2-minute video (First 2 minutes). Alex Jones interviews Alex Newman (who will be speaking at the Steeling the Mind Conference in Coeur d'Alene next month) covering a plethora of subjects. Watch for the false flags!! The first two minutes are a recap of the entire 46-minute video.
20-minute video (Begin at 1:10:20 and stop at 1:31:00) Well, Laura was really fired up ...seems like she talked 10 minutes without taking a breath. And covered pretty much all the problems of the world. And she's right on!
German data scientist Fabian Spieker makes the case for over 100,000 excess deaths caused by the va((ines in just 3 months' time. He has a LOT of data proving all his assertions.
This is an obvious opportunity for AI censorship and those who control it (Satanic).
11-minute video (Stop at 11 minutes). Another proof the deaths were expected.
When churches leave out studying prophecy, they do so at their own peril.
16-minute video. Tucker Carlson wonders if we are already at war with Iran. He makes a good case.
Would your doctor recommend you take a shot just because he/she is making big bucks in commissions? You bet your sweet bippy.
30-minute Video (start at 4 minutes to skip Bossche credentials). In a nutshell, without herd immunity mass va((ination in the middle of a pandemic causes viral mutation ... which causes death and disability. Brian Hooker interviews Geert Vanden Bossche.
6-minute video. Tucker Carlson interviews Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Don't mess with Texas!
Paul Craig Roberts tries to make sense of a world gone nuts. A world that calls all white people supremacist racists exploiters.
Americans are quickly dumping the lying liberal media in favor of alternative sources. Unable to sell enough advertising to make a profit, the Big Liberal Media is laying off thousands.
“The CDC continues to function as a powerful promoter of vaccines, not as a protector of public health.” Dr. Mary Kelly Sutton
47-minute video. n a major peer-reviewed article in Journal Cureus, scientists tie the mRNA va((ines into post-jab injuries. They concluded, “Federal agency approval of the COVID-19 mRNA injectable products on a blanket-coverage population-wide basis had no support from an honest assessment of all relevant registrational data and commensurate consideration of risks versus benefits” and called for immediate removal from the childhood va((ine schedule.
90-minute video. In case you missed this in the lead article above, this is the link using the Temple to show Adam to the Cross was 4000 years and from the cross to the Second Coming is 2000 years. And you have to subtract the 7-years of Tribulation. 33 AD + 2000 = 2033 - 7 = 2026.
In a chilling letter to congressional leaders dated January 17, former federal law enforcement and national security officials spell out the danger of Biden's open border that "arises from the nature of the threat itself."
1-minute video. Amen!
6-minute video. You have to listen to this Congressional testimony by doctors Peter McCullough, Ryan Cole and Kirk Milhoan. WOW WOW WOW!
Article and/or 60-minute video. The video is Greg Hunter interviewing David Webb who wrote "The Great Taking." Long, but lots of interesting info in this video. There are lots of quotes of the video in the article if you don't have time to watch. Quite eye-opening.
They hate Christians praising their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on air. The nerve of them!
In the 1960s, George Wallace, by law, couldn't run again for Governor of Alabama. So he ran his wife and won. Guess who really ran government? It might happen again, on a much higher level. They refer to Michelle as "Big Mike" ... apparently a dig by those who believe she might have started out as a he. Yikes!
Investigative Journalist James O'Keefe uncovers a "shadowy network of secretive nonprofits" (some funded by taxpayers) that are facilitating the invasion of illegals on the southern border.
47-minute interview. The petrodollar's collapse is accelerating in 2024...has the fuse been lit? Great interview of Andy Schectman by Michelle Makori covering the falling dollar.
If you have babies, small children or youth, take the time to read this.
Jan Markell, a Jew herself, gives a sobering assessment of Jewry in the world.
Scarf Lady is something else. Every woman I know didn't trust her. She said, "Pence told me to do what I needed to do; My 'sleight-of-hand worked, they never seemed to catch this subterfuge'"- Birx
Article and/or 2-minute video.
read more and see more charts about this ... and there's a 6-second video.
Here's an amazing 6-minute video of a funeral director regarding the "wave of death" being seen in the funeral industry.
The results of most studies with GM foods [Genetically Modified] indicate that they may cause some common toxic effects such as hepatic, pancreatic, renal, or reproductive effects and may alter the hematological, biochemical, and immunologic parameters. . . .
Bummer. And they are still recommending va((ines for pregnant moms. Jerks.
24-second video. Cool! Uh, no it was hot.
5-minute video. Well this is sobering....
8-minute video. This, of course, is not getting any press, but could be huge.
Explains how the government closed almost all the churches during Covid lockdowns.
2-minute video. If a woman wants to have a family, don’t marry a va((inated person! Bummer.
16-minute video. While we're distracted with elections, borders, inflation, food supplies, and all the other stuff the Globalists/Satanists throw out daily, people continue to die in shockingly record numbers. And no one is talking about it.
7-minute video. Foreign DNA enters your cells through the mRNA COVID vax and changes your DNA — your humanity — forever. "Absolutely that could happen," says Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the surgeon general of Florida who forbade any more mRNA Covid vax shots to be given in Florida.
68-minute video (watch on 1.25 speed) This movie starts a little slow with a lot of heart-breaking real life va((ine stories. But I ended up glad I watched the whole thing. If you're tight on time, skip the first 30 minutes. It covers some stats I had not heard regarding prego women.
4-minute video. John Beaudoin’s testimony to the New Hampshire Senate Health and Human Services Committee in New Hampshire pinned a few ears back with his blistering expose' of the Covid va((ine rollout. Ouch!
Covid has claimed about 105,000 lives in California since 2020. That's a good place to start. But they need to move on to how many deaths were people who had been va((inated! Hello.
5-minute interview clip. OAN's Alison Steinbery has an interesting interview with Alex Newman regarding the next feared pandemic that WEF says is 20 times more deadly.
Bottom line is this X thing may very well be what the Globalists/Satanists use to close up the country just in time for mail-in ballots. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
9-minute video - Watch only the last 9 minutes, start at 1:54 mark.This is a Steve Kirsch video, it's not a bad interview but kinda slow for a 2-hour listen. So don't. But the Aaron Rogers clip is amazing. It's quite interesting to hear his well-researched reasoning. Start at 1:54 to 2:03 end.
The Wall Street Journal reports that doctors are "baffled" by the sudden rise in cancer among young people. The word "vaccine"is nowhere in the article. I bet those docs would really be baffled to learn that 99% of those getting those turbo cancers were Covid va((inated!
I'll pass.
Yes, it's a long one. If you can't watch this soon I hope you find time later! Oh boy.
8-minute video. Well this is unnerving, but worth the watch!
She also had an interesting interview by Tucker Carlson regarding Germany limiting food.
"Some of the decay is existential and fundamental; some anecdotal and illustrative. But either way, while decline came about gradually over decades, its sudden and abrupt chaos during the three years of Biden’s presidency has shocked Americans.
AI has made it possible for the bad guys to seamlessly connect everything that we do online to everything that we do offline. Ouch. No doubt AI surveillance tools will be abused, and tyranny is on the rise all over the globe. CQLJ!
Islamist militants carried out coordinated attacks on Christian communities in northeastern Nigeria on New Year’s Day, killing at least 14, Barnabas Aid reported Tuesday.
8-minute video, or read article, or look at screen shots below.
Mark Hitchcock does a great job outlining this!
Never forget. And since they got away with it once....
LOL! I still don't trust this guy but like what he says.
4-minute video. (BTW, never forget the pics from Epstein's "death" showed them carrying out a body with different ear lobes. So it's entirely possible he's still alive.)
A Disabled Vet Combed Obituaries for the Words ‘Suddenly’ and ‘Unexpectedly’ ...
5-minute video. (couple of minutes is all you need to watch). The majority of the illegal aliens are military-age men.
25-minute Video. Jay lost 15 of his friends who all "died suddenly." All were vaccinated. Four dropped dead within 24 hours of the shot. 3 of the 4 were under 30 years old, perfectly healthy before their death. Wow, what a story.
Rasmussen survey also finds 42% say that, if there was a major class-action lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies for vaccine side effects, they would be likely to join the lawsuit.
Coming April 8, America will have a total solar eclipse across much of the nation.
Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, M.D., Ph.D., said the FDA failed to adequately respond to questions he raised in a letter last month about mRNA va((ines delivering DNA contaminants into people’s cells and compromising one's God-given immunity.
2-minute video. Wow! No wonder Big Fake Pharma didn't want people going anywhere near Ivermectin for Covid! A LOT of people have been suspicious of the billion dollar cancer industry for a long time. And oncologists receive big commissions for prescribing chemotherapy.
More on Big Pharma profit motives
n 2o23, people started to realize that it is kill or be killed. We have to push back because there is no going along with this. They are trying to kill us. And they're trying to take all our stuff...and we can't let them. -Catherine Austin Fitts
This article is not God-centered, but the stats are quite compelling from a Biblical perspective. The Bible teaches that being a wife and mom is far more important than a high-income career.
A couple weeks ago we put a link to a short video of Kaiser nurse Gail Macrae explaining what happened in hospitals around the country during the Covid lockdowns. Steve Kirsch now has done a 90-minute in-depth interview... oh boy.
New research is showing that the latest Covid variant could cause global heart failures. Well, let's think about this... what is really going on? Most likely that their trying to cover up the continuing rise in heart attacks caused by the va((ines. And I'm guessing they won't mention that only the va((inated are dropping!
3-minute video. Hey, Gov. Newsom is probably our future President.
Biden has allowed the Houthis (Iranian proxy) to win battle after battle by making the U.S. play defense.
No surprise—the Hamas attack seems to have hit a spiritual nerve in Israel!
Good review!
58-second video. watch to the end!
The dollar's demise has been written about for decades...the reason this fairly short article is worth reading is that it has good succinct background on WHY it will happen. I don't THINK it will happen before the Rapture.
30-second video. Saudia Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Iran and Ethiopia officially joined the alternative-currency BRICS group of nations.
25-minute video. Alex Newman makes the case that what has happened, and is happening in Africa, is eerily similar to where it looks like we're headed in the USA. Tough to watch.
A former police detective claimed that around 50% of the 250 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) cases she investigated over seven years happened within 48 hours after the infant received a vaccine. About 70% happened within one week.
30-minute video. Yet another study showing mRNA va((ines will kill you! Yet they advertise getting more jabs 24/7.
A COVID-19 vaccine ingredient may improve the product’s effectiveness against a single targeted virus strain but could raise the risk of serious respiratory illness after exposure to new virus strains, according to a preprint study. CHD
The Democrats are destroying America’s economy, energy sector, military, law enforcement, election integrity, national security, Constitution and overall national well-being as rapidly as possible. Next he'll come after Believers. January 6 was just the beginning.
3-minute video. This is indicative of just about ALL public universities. CQLJ!
12-minute video. Regarding va((ine problems, Del Bigtree, "This is a big one!"
(FYI — the 90-second video at the top of the page is about Trump). This is old news for you and me, but guess where this article was posted—THE HILL—a totally secular and mainstream publication! Of course they still don't touch va((ines as the culprit, but the door is beginning to open.
22-minute video. As we learn how much deceitful news propaganda has been filling our brains over the last 70 years, we're discovering just how bad we've been deceived. I was glued to this video for 22 minutes... it's just amazing what they covered up.
Rewritten by Globalists/Satanists of course to form a One World Religion.
2-minute video. Geert Vanden Bossche says it's only the va((inated who have to worry about getting sick.
Article/9-minute video. Joel Rosenberg and Mike Huckabee led a Christian delegation to Israel to view the ruins of a kibbutz destroyed by Hamas.
Gates has a new wafer-like mRNA film that can be stored at room temperature and taken under the tongue for needle-free vaccine delivery. Of course he does.
Well, statically, if you exercise a lot, and you've been Covid va((inated, you are at risk of dying. But no one is allowed to figure out what's going on. It seems to me that if they wanted to save people from dying...oh wait, they don't.
Included in the 1969 plan to suppress the USA birth rate by restructuring the family was to 1) promote postponing or avoiding marriage and 2) alter the image of the ideal family size. There goes that controlled media again. Jerks.
Who is paying for all this? Oh, that's right, we know! GS and associates.
Let's just say the Academy's emphasis is not on training our military to protect our country.
The Biden Regime (Obama Regime) policies have the the entire Middle East energy shipping lanes all screwed up. Australia, Spain, Italy, and France and others have rejected Biden's plan to secure the area.
15-minute video. Del Bigtree and Jeff Jaxen look at how the bad guys use fear to achieve their goals. Excellent.
45-second video. Hey, in some places people way over-react to losing a vote over a pay raise... just saying!
4-minute video. Alex Newman is one of the top alternate media researchers in America, and he slays the "science"!
And there is a great article by Jonathan Brentner exposing the climate emergency hoax being used to bring in a New World Order
28-minute video. Dave Reagan, Nathan Jones and Dennis Pollock discuss 8 of the 108 fulfilled prophecies of Jesus' first coming.
The UK has been mystified for months over the increase in unexplained deaths, which has academics and media operatives searching for answers. Since all this began in 2021, I wonder what in the world could cause this? Interestingly, they're telling us it has nothing to do with the Covid va((ines. Why would they think we'd be concerned that the Covid va((ines would cause this??
10-minute video (watch a 2-minute highlight at the very beginning or start at 14-minute mark) Leave it to Analyst Ed Dowd to summarize where we are. He breaks down the destructive plans of the Globalists/Satanists to cover the massive death numbers from the COVID vaccine.
In the US, the birth rate has been falling since the Great Recession, dropping almost 23 percent between 2007 and 2022. Today, the average American woman has about 1.6 children, down from three in 1950, and significantly below the “replacement rate” of 2.1 children needed to sustain a stable population.
8-minute video. How Big Pharma got approval knowing the va((ine causes "Unintended Proteins." The first few minutes explains everything in layman's terms. Then it gets a bit technical... at least for me. Hey, I majored in Business Administration but Susie majored in Pre-Med so often I have to get her to explain this stuff!
In case you were wondering what was going on in the hospitals during the Covid lock downs, when they wouldn't let anyone inside, this nurse spills the beans and it's not good! It's tough truth, but well worth the watch!
You won't hear this in the mainstream media. But everyone knows it in their gut.
3-minute video. Tucker summarizes a situation better than anyone!
12-minute video. An excellent video... John Fredricks lets Dr. McCullough talk with few interruptions and he covers a lot of ground! Excellent!
6-minute video (start at 5 minutes and end at 11 minutes--the rest is pretty slow. Watch at 1.25 speed) So now the Globalists/Satanists want to own 30% of all the land in the USA by 3030.
70-minute video or download the book, both free. I hope you can watch either the video or read the short book. It's an eye-opener!
Anti-Semitism has grown to its highest percent in about three decades. Since the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel, the question many are asking is, did the attacks spark this outburst in anti-Semitism, or did it expose what had already been building for some time?
If you want to read an interesting article written from the other side of Vaccine Bully Sees the Light.
Of course he is.
Hamas has never made a secret of the fact that its goal of destroying Israel is just part of a larger jihad to conquer the entire world for Islam.
The United Nations COP28 meeting of world leaders concluded last week in Dubai with an agreement which is being heralded as the "beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era." The agreement was reached by nearly 200 nations who signaled support for ending dependence on fossil fuel products, as well as committing to a "just and equitable transition" which will see "deep emissions cuts."
5-minute video. This is hilarious! CNN does their best to shut up Ramaswamy teaching the CNN audience about the lies being circulated. If Ramaswamy didn't have Soros ties, and wasn't a committed non-Christian, I would put him in 2nd place as my fav candidate.
14-second video.
AI is on its way to fulfilling Bible prophecy...
What a hoot! Susie and I marveled that this kind of information is being seen by millions of people for the first time. Alex Jones was just reinstated on X (Twitter) after being one of the first to be banned in 2017. Fascinating!
What a hoot! Susie and I marveled that this kind of information is being seen by millions of people for the first time. Alex Jones was just reinstated on X (Twitter) after being one of the first to be banned in 2017. Fascinating!
As life expectancy plummets in Canada, a new government report claims “unspecified causes” have become the fifth leading cause of death in the country after cancer, heart disease, COVID-19 and accidents. I wonder what could be causing all those excess deaths? I'm guessing 99% of them are va((inated... just a wild guess.
They promise to root out all the disinformation. You know...hide the truth.
Globalist billionaires including George Soros and Pierre Omidyar are joining forces with the Biden administration to ensure AI development serves the “public interest.” I don't see why/how there could be a problem, do you?
Here's an interesting Maria Zeee discussion about NZ programmer Barry Young and what he released last week that has the Globalists/Satanists so upset...if you're keeping up with this one.(Stop at 38 minutes and play at 1.25)
As it turns out, nearly $2 billion in federal funding went to abortion advocacy groups between 2019 and 2021, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report requested by Republican lawmakers. That's a great way to spend our tax dollars.
You wonder whose side Mr. Biden is on... naw, we know!
Six if you count the United States.
Six if you count the United States.
Over 10 years ago we had a Steeling speaker talk about the "North American Union" ...the merging of Canada, Mexico and the United States. It seemed a little far-fetched at the time. Not anymore!
Building a North American Community.
UN Report Condemns U.S., Demanding Speech Control, Constitution Change & More Abortion
6-minute video. The big shocker here is that this was CNN! Hmmm.... what are they up to?
This is just pure harassment! The country’s largest Christian university is being fined $37.7 million by the federal government amid accusations that it misled students about the cost of its graduate programs.
Oh dear....
You have to love Jeff Childress' analogies! You can read his entire analysis toward the end of Thursday’s issue
1-minute video. Too funny. Of course they're checking the tunnels first for hostages etc., but there is some downside risk of buildings falling in... sorry... I mean an upside in urban renewal.
1-minute video. Yes, they dubbed in the sound/announcements. But the videos are real. Makes a point.
8-minute video. Russell Brand is unique and different and a good communicator. He let's his hair down, so to speak. This clip is one of his best ever.
14-minute video. So Big Pharma has had it easy rebuking moms about their kids getting autism right after a round of childhood va((ines. They've even duped normally skeptic elon Musk. But it's a horse of a different color when they go against the like of the Highwire. Sic 'em Del!
There's a lot of news about a recent article in the Washington Post that could easily be read, someone has to do something or Donald Trump could get elected and become Hitler. Rep. Gaetz thinks so.
This is an interesting story. In New Zealand, a database administrator just went public revealing that some va((ine batches have killed nearly one of every four of the recipients who took them. This guy was just trying to tell the world what he could clearly see that was being covered up. And they are continuing to die.
Mohler identified the root cause of anti-Semitism in the Jews’ special status as God’s chosen, or “elect,” people. But we know this is actually from Satan. And Believers are also chosen, grafted into the promises of Abraham. So we're next.
Good financial info for those inclined...
15-minute video. A fun watch with lots of info.
30-minute video. I think it's very possible that God has gifted Tucker Carlson as a seer. I do realize that he is a Catholic. This video is fun to watch and he points out what no one else will talk about.
Polling shows that the overwhelming majority of Americans support Israel in this war and want it to destroy Hamas; the overwhelming majority of lawmakers from both parties share that view. Israel needs the complete backing by the USA. But curiously, Biden seems to favor Iran in all decisions.