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The articles in our Compass eNews emails include links to other articles and videos, and we have them here on our site as well.

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Moving Toward The Mark - Article

They are cleverly inching the world toward the Mark of the Beast by using face and hand recognition to verify credit cards.

Jun 30, 2022 • Email Subject: Food for Flame

More on the coming digital IDs - Article


Jun 30, 2022 • Email Subject: Food for Flame

Zombie Kill Switch - Article

This is weird but interesting...

Jun 30, 2022 • Email Subject: Food for Flame

Biden Says New Pandemic Coming - Article

I'm guessing this NEW pandemic will start about mid-October—just in time to use mail-in ballots.

Jun 30, 2022 • Email Subject: Food for Flame

Takedown Of The USA - Video

Greg Hunter in a classic interview with Catherine Austin Fitts regarding what's dead ahead. If the Rapture doesn't happen in September, you've been warned! It's not inflation, it's war and the prize is world control.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

The Next Planned Pandemic—Engineered To Be Va((ine Resistant - Video

27-minute video (Watch 1st 2 ,minutes, skip to 6-minute mark, watch to the end! Also can choose to listen at 1.25 view speed). David Martin explains the Globalists'/Satanists' plans in place. He also shows in no uncertain terms that the Covid va((ines are the gateway drugs used to gene-edit humans.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

Fauxi Caught Red-handed By Rep. Jim Jordon - Video

9-minute video (Skip first 1 Minute 20 seconds). This is amazing. Rep. Jim Jordan scorches Fauxi with a timeline that shows Fauxi trying to cover up the truth. Unfortunately, nothing will happen to Hillary, Hunter, Fauxi! 😡

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

More "Accidental" Food Production Problems. Read The List—99 In All! - Article

Here's a long list of strange food production problems that have recently happened—99 in all! Eventually, whoever ends up controlling what food is left will control the world. If you want to eat, you'll have to do what they say. Between inflation and food shortages, this will be a mess—coming to a head in the next year.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

Where The Globalists/Satanists Want To Take The World - Article

Their mission is to do away with the democratic process and give all ownership and control to the Deep State.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

Va((ines WILL Kill Healthy Children - Article

An inside-Pharma whistleblower shows proof the Satanists/Globalists KNOW children will die from taking the sinister non-va((ine va((ine. Of course, we already know this from the tissue clots article above, but these demons have now voted to approve the clot-shots. And they knew all this before the vote!!

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

Scientific Journal Admits Va((ine Problems - Article

Well do tell, even the scientists are having to come clean and deal with the Covid va((ine problems. This is not an easy read, but it shows a few cracks in the major media control of information.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

Preparing Mentally For What's Coming Part 2 - Article

And, if you're interested, there's even more bad news for the va((inated from Science magazine

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

Preparing Mentally For What's Coming Part 1 - Video

As people continue to die post-rapture, the massive deaths will collapse everything...food, real estate, energy... not to mention how you bury that many bodies! This is a recording of a Catholic anthropologist, so his eschatology at the end is worthless because Catholics don't believe in the Rapture. But still interesting to hear.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

ABIM Playing Hardball With Dr. Peter McCullough - Video

The American Board of Internal Medicine is threatening to pull the medical license of highly credentialed (and Steeling Conference Speaker) Dr. Peter McCullough. His crime? Advocating early Covid treatment and explaining that the clot-shots were not as safe and effective as the CDC was advertising. And these truths saved thousands of lives. Can't have that!! Del Bigtree explains.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

Why Food Inflation Will Get A Lot Worse - Article

See the sad stats via some great charts.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

What Russia Thinks Will Happen Next—War With USA - Article

Captured communications reveal Russia thinks it's likely a false flag will be dropped as an excuse for the USA to attack Russia.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

Flying The Not-So-Friendly Skies - Video

Biden says due to all the airline flight cancellations he's considering calling in the military. Translation, they want to nationalize the airlines. For our own good, of course. So they want to solve the problem they created in the first place. Almost like it was planned that way all along. Tucker Carlson sums up what's caused all these problems better than anyone...

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Reduces Sperm Count In Men - Article

Another "Don't Look Here" ... Not only are the Globalists/Satanists trying to kill off the world's population with tissue clots and termination of pregnancies, they're also trying to keep the future population down by reducing sperm counts. Satan hates humans.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

Novel Nanoparticle SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Combines Immune Focusing - Article

Now we're understanding more about what Fauxi was talking about. Apparently "self-replicating nano-particles" have been in the development stage for decades. If you look it up on Duckduckgo.com you get pages of information that go back for decades.(6)

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

Embalming Fluid: Don’t Miss What It Is and What It Does - Article

When a person dies, a mortician will usually obtain permission to drain the blood from the body and replace it with embalming fluid. This slows the decomposition process for a week or two so the person can be viewed in an open casket.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

"Clots" That The Morticians Have Pulled out of Dead Va((inated People - Part 4

Where are these tissues coming from? The morticians say none of this showed up until after the Covid va((ines.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

"Clots" That The Morticians Have Pulled out of Dead Va((inated People - Part 3

The implication is that people are not dying from blood clotting but because of tissues blocking the veins and arteries of va((inated people of all ages.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

"Clots" That The Morticians Have Pulled out of Dead Va((inated People - Part 2

What he showed under a live microscope is that these "clots" are NOT blood clots at all. Rather, they're tissues.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

"Clots" That The Morticians Have Pulled out of Dead Va((inated People - Part 1

Mike Adams dissecting some of these "clots" that the morticians have pulled out of dead va((inated people.

Jun 22, 2022 • Email Subject: Self Replicating Tissue Clots in the Vaccinated

Hemorrhagic Fever In China: Should U.S. Athletes Participate In Olympics? - Article

More info on the virus

Jun 16, 2022 • Email Subject: Still Trust Your Doc?

Tampering With Our DNA - Video

This short, creepy video will make your skin crawl. It was made in 2015 and aired in 2016. Proves some people back then knew what was coming.

Jun 15, 2022 • Email Subject: SADS Is Sads

Biden Regime Reversing Trump's Jerusalem Embassy Move - Article

These people have no idea the eternal price they'll have to pay for what they're doing!

Jun 15, 2022 • Email Subject: SADS Is Sad

Is The Variant Attacking Only The Boosted? - Video

Del Bigtree interviews Idor Chudov in an eye-opener! There apparently is a devious Covid variant sweeping through America and may take out a lot of the va((inated. Thank the Lord for Del Bigtree and his reliable research!

Jun 15, 2022 • Email Subject: SADS Is Sad

Food Shortages Are Coming! - Video

Food yields are dropping due to the fertilizer shortage making less food available. The Biden regime says they're working to have other countries grow food... other countries? Why not have us grow our own food? Excellent analysis.

Jun 15, 2022 • Email Subject: SADS Is Sad

Losing Your Rights To Farm - Video

The globalists’ takeover of the food system continues — if you own a farm be aware of the active movement underway to do away with your rights to grow your own food, even if you don't sell the food to someone else. Remember, the Globalists/Satanists want you to own nothing and be happy, even if you're unhappy about it. 

Jun 15, 2022 • Email Subject: SADS Is Sad

Infertility Crisis NOW! - Documentary (Or read transcript)

With 80% of va((inated women's pregnancies terminating, how long can they cover this up???

Jun 15, 2022 • Email Subject: SADS Is Sad

How The Shots Were FDA Approved - Article

The FDA is willing to sacrifice the health of 19 million children to cover up the evidence of a crime. Sick.

Jun 15, 2022 • Email Subject: SADS Is Sad

Digital Handcuffs - Article

China quells protest by turning smart phones red! This is a great example of the people-control that the Globalists/Satanists expect to have in the future in America — it's what's going on in China today. It shows you that with the flip of a switch, they've got you!

Jun 15, 2022 • Email Subject: SADS Is Sad

Global Insanity - Video

This one is an hour long but worth every second! Greg Hunter interviews Dr. Ryan Cole who, among many other things, explains why Fauxi told healthcare workers not to autopsy patients who died of Covid or were va((inated. 68-minute video.

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

Globalists/Satanists Plan To Control You With Food - Article

The globalists’ takeover of the food system is underway — if they control the seeds they control the food, and if they control the food they can use the digital ID to control consumer access to the food.

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

Biden Purposely Destroying America - Article

A sobering outline of the speed and depth of the destruction of America and the U.S. economy by the Biden regime the Globalists/Satanists.

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

Political Revenge In Russia? Nope, America! - Video

Tucker Carlson lays out the uncomfortable details about the Communist tactics now being openly used on Americans.

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

Trump's New Social Network Bans Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - Article

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.... Well, if there are elections this November, they'll not count correctly so it won't matter, but darn that Trump...he can't let go of the va((ine bone. What's with that?!

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

CDC Data Shows Covid-19 Infections Higher in Boosted - Video

This is a hoot.... Two news anchors try to explain away why the fact that the more va((ine shots you take, the more likely you are to get Covid.

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

Last Year Fauxi Spent Millions of Dollars Testing For Monkey Pox - Article

What a coincidence! It wouldn't surprise me if he had a patent claim on the va((ines going around.

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

Edward Dowd Interview - Video

Dowd is the economist and whistleblower, who has been spot on with his predictions, breaks down how to fight the next lock-down and explains the coming coverup of the monetary collapse of the dollar. 43-minute video.

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

Credit Cards Being Maxed Out - Article

The number of credit cards maxed out is growing exponentially—ostensibly to pay for food and gas by those living check to check. Not a good sign. Where do they go from there?

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

Va((ines Linked To Incurable Brain Disease - Article

According to Mayo Clinic, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is a degenerative brain disorder that leads to dementia and, ultimately, death. A study found a direct link between the va((ines and this horrible disease. All 26 people in the study died from a "safe and effective" va((ine. 

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

The Globalists/Satanists Roadmap For Control - Video

Glen Beck explains the ten steps the bad guys are using to get total control away from out constitution. Yeah, he's a deceived non-Christian Mormon, but in this case he nails it.

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

Food Security is National Security and a Crisis is Coming - Article

We need to ensure that America’s food can’t be held hostage by anyone

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

Food Shortages Could be ‘Just as Deadly’ as Global Pandemic - Article

A leading global health figure has warned the next worldwide health crisis could come in the form of food shortages, as the price of basic supplies skyrockets in even the wealthiest of nations.

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

Food Processing Plants Burning Down All Over the World - Article

Food Processing Plants Burning Down All Over the World, as Europe, Australia Prepare for Fuel Rationing

Jun 9, 2022 • Email Subject: Food and the Tribulation

The Power Biden Has Been Given - Article

The power Biden holds and is now using to collapse our country was arranged by George W. Bush...including restricting travel.

Jun 1, 2022 • Email Subject: Off The Rails!

The "Crimson Mist" project - Article

FYI—they also cover the "Crimson Mist" project. I was skeptical listening to what they were claiming but found this on the web to back it up

Jun 1, 2022 • Email Subject: Off The Rails!

5G—The Silent Weapon? - Video

An uncomfortable look into what the 5G network may be being used for in the (near?) future. Let's hope not, but they've got some hard-to-deny facts.

Jun 1, 2022 • Email Subject: Off The Rails!

Uvalde Shooter Timeline Raises Many Questions - Video

This researcher has pieced together a tight timeline that raises a lot of interesting questions.

Jun 1, 2022 • Email Subject: Off The Rails!

Is China Getting Ready To Pounce On Taiwan? Part 2 - Video

This is quite interesting. Reports have been uncovered that China is now experiencing zero growth and is getting ready to invade Taiwan. Hard to argue with Bannon's War Room.

Jun 1, 2022 • Email Subject: Off The Rails!

Is China Getting Ready To Pounce On Taiwan? Part 1 - Video

This is quite interesting. Reports have been uncovered that China is now experiencing zero growth and is getting ready to invade Taiwan. Hard to argue with Bannon's War Room.

Jun 1, 2022 • Email Subject: Off The Rails!

Covid Va((ine Is A "Scary Story" And A "Big Mistake" - Video

Byram Bridle, Ph.D., gained access to Pfizer's biodistribution study from the Japanese regulators showing clear-cut evidence the damage the Covid va((ine is causing. Unreal! 

Jun 1, 2022 • Email Subject: Off The Rails!

Monkeypox: Fear Campaign Coming—Ready Or Not - Video

Great video regarding Monkeypox as Del Bigtree interviews Dr. Peter McCullough. So far the virus only affects homosexuals. And even then it's not deadly. But since the U.S. Government has already purchased millions of Monkeypox va((ines, the media is beginning to drum-roll fear campaigns and Bill Gates is promising another problem is sure to come, we should pay attention because ... (choose your lie).

Jun 1, 2022 • Email Subject: Off The Rails!

Iran Is Only Weeks Away From Finishing Its First Nuclear Bomb - Article

This is prophetically huge because the Ezek. 39-39 invasion of Israel by Russia and Iran includes nuclear bombs. Well, the Bible didn't actually say "nuclear," it just says people's skin melts off before their bones hit the ground (Zech.14:12).

Jun 1, 2022 • Email Subject: Off The Rails!

Is 2022 The Jewish Jubilee Year? - Video

35-Minute Video (but you get the gist in first 15). This is a fun Steel-on-Steel Bible study showing that 2022 is the 70th Jubilee year since Israel entered the Promised Land...wow! Seven is God's number for "completion."

Jun 1, 2022 • Email Subject: Off The Rails!

Will This Guy Become The World Leader And Eventual Antichrist? - Video

The Bible clearly says the identity of the Antichrist will not be revealed until after the Rapture. But if I had to take a wild guess, this guy would be at the top of my list. He's an advisor to evil Klaus Schwab and is quite scary!

Jun 1, 2022 • Email Subject: Off The Rails!

Sorry To Say, It's Genocide - Article

This is a heartbreak. In the 55,000 internal documents that Pfizer wanted to hide for 75 years is information that they knew, in May of 2021, that around 90% of all pregnant women who were va((inated, would lose their babies. Pfizer also knew in May of 2021 that the hearts of under 22-year-olds were being permanently damaged in the first 7 days after injection. And the most incriminating were the documents that show Pfizer knew in December 2020 that a side effect of the va((ine was "Covid." Let me repeat, they knew that the "safe and effective" va((ine would cause Covid. People aren't catching Covid, the va((ine is causing Covid in them! And they knew it! All this proves the purpose of the va((ine is not to keep you healthy but rather to reduce the population of the earth. Satanically sick. These murderers will rot in the hot fires of hell forever.

Jun 1, 2022 • Email Subject: Off The Rails!

FDA Says "Yes," Aborted Cells Are In Va((ines - Article

Because politicians and other high profile individuals are claiming that vaccines do not contain aborted fetal material, ICAN made a simple request to the FDA for “[d]ocuments sufficient to show that the MMR, Varicella and Hepatitis A vaccines contain material from the cell line of aborted fetal tissue.” After 238 days, the FDA finally confirmed/admitted that there is material from aborted fetal tissue in the vaccines. Sounds like those denied a religious exemption from taking the va((ine should be contacting their attorneys.

May 26, 2022 • Email Subject: The Sin of Censor

Catherine Austin Fitts On The Coming CBDC - Video

Great financial insight into the tyranny and push for financial control taking place across the globe. CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) is coming...possibly before the Rapture. So be aware!

May 26, 2022 • Email Subject: The Sin of Censor

Today—Recorded In 1967! - Video

This gives understanding to how the Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations are tied to the New World Order. Just hearing the facts is unnerving. Just saying.

May 26, 2022 • Email Subject: The Sin of Censor

Don't Fall For The Bird Flu Scam - Article

The normal bird flu is normally harmless to humans. But leave it to Gates and Fauxi to fund research to develop a bird flu poison capable of infecting humans. These guys should be arrested for crimes against humanity!

May 26, 2022 • Email Subject: The Sin of Censor

Why More And More Pilots Can't Fly - Video

This breaks your heart. Forced into taking the va((ine or lose their high income, more and more pilots are flying sick but not telling anyone. Not good—a disaster waiting to happen. The Highwire with Del Bigtree. 

May 26, 2022 • Email Subject: The Sin of Censor

Monkeypox was carefully planned in 2021 to be released on May 15, 2022. - Article

Monkeypox was carefully planned in 2021 to be released on May 15, 2022

May 26, 2022 • Email Subject: The Sin of Censor

Proof Monkeypox Had "Gain Of Function" (made more deadly) - Video

A leading Orthopox (Monkeypox) Virus researcher conducted at least 2 rounds of "gain of function" research on viruses related to smallpox. This means they were trying to make it more deadly for humans when released at the right time in the right place. Plus Amazing Polly shares other fascinating revelations about bio-terror 'research.'

May 26, 2022 • Email Subject: The Sin of Censor

The Coming Great Reset - Video

This is a very well-done video excellently explaining what's going on in our world. As you watch it, remember, it's Satan who is behind all of it.

May 26, 2022 • Email Subject: The Sin of Censor

IRAN: Digital Food Rationing Rolled Out After Riots - Video

Iran is set to be the first country to roll out food rationing based on new biometric IDs. The vaccine passports failed but food passports will be eagerly accepted by hungry people who can't afford rapidly inflating food prices.

May 19, 2022 • Email Subject: Luxury & Wickedness

True Dangers of the Spike Protein - Video

This is a concise well-produced video explaining what's going on when you get the Covid Va((ine... and what you can do to rid your body of the poison if you've taken the jab.

May 19, 2022 • Email Subject: Luxury & Wickedness

Silent Weapons Of War - Video

This video is about an "Introduction Programming Manual" that was uncovered accidentally in 1986 by an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. He unwittingly bought an IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale. Inside that copier he found the details of a plan which called for control of the populous utilizing a manipulation of society via traditional pastimes, the educational system and political beliefs. Fascinating! I thank the Lord I knew none of this was going on until recently. God allowed people my age to work hard, have families and worship Him without being burdened by all this.

May 19, 2022 • Email Subject: Luxury & Wickedness

Va((ines Causing Huge Increase In Numerous Kinds Of Cancers - Video

Chris Wark (who beat cancer on his own) interviews Ryan Cole about the increase of cancerous tumors and blood clots since 2021. The audio is slightly challenging but worth the effort. 45 minute video.

May 19, 2022 • Email Subject: Luxury & Wickedness

Doc: 40% Of His 3000 Vaccinated Patients Reported Injury - Article/Video

A veteran rheumatologist says about 40% of the approximately 3,000 vaccinated patients in his practice have reported a vaccine-related injury.

May 19, 2022 • Email Subject: Luxury & Wickedness

Vaccine Causing Staggering Amounts Of Injuries - Video

Jaxen & Bigtree show the unbelievable data... more proof the decisions being made are not about improving your health!

May 19, 2022 • Email Subject: Luxury & Wickedness

Remdesivir Kills, But Government Still Demands Hospitals Use It - Article

Despite its horrible track record of death and damaged organs, the U.S. government pays hospitals a 20% upcharge for sticking to the Remdesivir protocol, plus an additional bonus. They set it up so hospitals must use Remdesivir if they want liability protection. More proof they're working on population control, not good health. 

May 19, 2022 • Email Subject: Luxury & Wickedness

Iran Days Away From Completing Its First Nuke—Israel Preparing To Take It Out? - Video

Amir Tsarfati explains that Israel is preparing to destroy the Iranian nuclear program if Iran doesn't stop. 10 minute video.

May 19, 2022 • Email Subject: Luxury & Wickedness

17K Doctors Sign Covid Demand Declaration - Video

That's a lot of doctors saying enough is enough. They're declaring: 1) The gene therapy injections must end. 2) Don't block Docs from providing medical care. 3) The State of Emergency should be terminated. 4) All travel and social restrictions must cease. 5) Masks offer no protection against Covid. 6) Fund and research all Covid deaths. 7) Drop all penalties for refusing vaccine injections. 8) Cease medical censorship. 9) Pfizer, Moderna, et al., should be indicted for fraud. 10) Gov't. medical agencies must be held accountable. 

May 19, 2022 • Email Subject: Luxury & Wickedness

WHO You Gonna Call? Actual WHO Document laying out their plans - Document

The World Health Organization (WHO) will vote next week on amendments that would give them the decision-making authority to intervene in the United States government policy and any nation of the world without our permission. Yep. And Biden has the authority to do this under the current State of Emergency that he declared. See list in opening article. Oh boy.

May 19, 2022 • Email Subject: Luxury & Wickedness

WHO You Gonna Call? Israel also under WHO delusion - Article

The World Health Organization (WHO) will vote next week on amendments that would give them the decision-making authority to intervene in the United States government policy and any nation of the world without our permission. Yep. And Biden has the authority to do this under the current State of Emergency that he declared. See list in opening article. Oh boy.

May 19, 2022 • Email Subject: Luxury & Wickedness

WHO You Gonna Call? Naomi Wolfe - Video

The World Health Organization (WHO) will vote next week on amendments that would give them the decision-making authority to intervene in the United States government policy and any nation of the world without our permission. Yep. And Biden has the authority to do this under the current State of Emergency that he declared. See list in opening article. Oh boy.

May 19, 2022 • Email Subject: Luxury & Wickedness

WHO You Gonna Call? Michelle Bachmann - Video

The World Health Organization (WHO) will vote next week on amendments that would give them the decision-making authority to intervene in the United States government policy and any nation of the world without our permission. Yep. And Biden has the authority to do this under the current State of Emergency that he declared. See list in opening article. Oh boy.

May 19, 2022 • Email Subject: Luxury & Wickedness

Germany And Switzerland Tell Citizens To Prepare - Video

Quietly they're letting the word out that food and fuel should be stockpiled. Hmmmm.... 

May 11, 2022 • Email Subject: Ramping Up To The Rapture

2000 Mules - Movie

This movie is no longer free, sorry! But you can purchase it through the link. In case you missed seeing this—proof, yet again, that the 2020 Presidential Election was a fraud. This is good to know because there is no reason to believe they won't do it again.

May 11, 2022 • Email Subject: Ramping Up To The Rapture

Latest Doc Dump Shows Criminal Intent To Harm - Article

Pfizer and the FDA fought hard in court to hide these documents and now we know why. They illustrate a clear picture that the mRNA shots would cause considerable harm to patients. The documents show, without a doubt, criminal intent to harm. And that they hid the fact the va((ines only worked 12% of the time, not 90%. Jerks.

May 11, 2022 • Email Subject: Ramping Up To The Rapture

Covid Va((ines Are Causing Blood Clots, Rare Cancers And More - Video

This one will break your heart. Drs. Hooker and Cole explain the long- and short-term effects from va((ination. Do you think a four-foot-long blood clot is normal?

May 11, 2022 • Email Subject: Ramping Up To The Rapture

Edge of Nuclear World War 3 - Video

More WW3 unbelievable information in a Sarah Westall interview of Senator Black...like drinking out of a fire hose! CQLJ!

May 11, 2022 • Email Subject: Ramping Up To The Rapture

Why The Globalists Have To Have A War With Russia - Article

The Globalists/Satanists are doing everything they can to go to war with Russia...because it will give them ultimate control forever...well, at least until the Rapture.

May 11, 2022 • Email Subject: Ramping Up To The Rapture

CDC: Va((inated Are Getting Covid Faster Than Unva((inated!! - Video

In a report that must be sending Big Pharma off-the-rails, Jeff Jaxen shows Del Bigtree the hard facts confirming you're worse off if you're va((inated!

May 11, 2022 • Email Subject: Ramping Up To The Rapture

Doc Castrates WHO In 4-Minutes - Video

In a kicked-back, matter-of-fact explanation, here's everything you need to know about the WHO (World Health Organization).

May 11, 2022 • Email Subject: Ramping Up To The Rapture

Funeral Homes Nationally Reporting Skyrocketing Deaths Unrelated to Covid - Video

Steve Bannon with Ed Dowd show excess deaths without Covid are off the charts! I'm willing to bet most are va((inated, but they won't tell.

May 11, 2022 • Email Subject: Ramping Up To The Rapture

Bigtree/Vander Bossche Interview—"Final Call" - Video

According to Del Bigtree, who has several hundred thousand views of his program each week, this is THE most important video interview he's ever recorded. According to Geert Vanden Bossche, who early nailed the problems with the va((ine, massive deaths will begin occurring in May and June (soon/now) and ultimately reach into the billions—a worldwide culture-ending catastrophe. Jeepers! If this is true, and it may very well be, then no wonder Biden's handlers want a war — to cover up what's coming. Both the crash of the dollar and the impossible-to-hide massive death counts. I cannot tell you how important this video is. Very much worth the time to watch!

May 11, 2022 • Email Subject: Ramping Up To The Rapture

Trust Your Local Library? - Article

Newly appointed President of the American Library Association. She said her job is "queering the library" and "removing genders" from restrooms. She also said: “I am the first Marxist lesbian American Library Association President and can’t wait to direct resources and opportunities to transform our communities through collective organizing for the collective power.” NEVER leave a child alone at your local library.

May 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Travel? Ouch!

Inflation Explained by Catherine Austin Fitts - Video

This excellent interview is chock-full of information about what is going on and what to expect in the future regarding inflation. If the Rapture doesn't happen soon, you'll need this info!!

May 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Travel? Ouch!

Did Moderna Trial Data Predict ‘Pandemic of the Vaccinated?’ - Article

Also, another study shows va((inated are "likely to suffer repeated infections... indefinitely."

May 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Travel? Ouch!

Huge Study Shows Va((ines Cause Myocarditis - Article

A huge new study involving 23 million people proves a COVID-19 vaccine side effect — myocarditis—once labeled “misinformation” — is real.

May 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Travel? Ouch!

FDA Hid Horrible Pregnancy Facts Re: Covid Va((ines - Article/ Video

Now we know why up to 80% of va((inated women are losing their babies—the FDA deliberately excluded pregnant women from the trials. Yet health officials have urged expectant mothers to get the shots anyway, insisting they were safe and effective. Sick! If you ever want to have kids, men or women, stay away from Covid va((ines!!!

May 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Travel? Ouch!

WHO Wants To Make All Health Decisions For Everyone On Earth - Article

Don't laugh, they're dead serious. Remember when we rolled our eyes when the libs called for banning gasoline cars! 25 heads of government and international "leaders” will meet May 22-28 to form a treaty to be administered by WHO. Keep your eye on this one ... it's just our national sovereignty at stake!

May 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Travel? Ouch!

Artificial Sweeteners Linked to Liver Damage - Article

Ok, most people I know already know or suspect this, but 40% of people still use this poison. Now here's the proof. Just like anything with sodium nitrates or Aspartame, don't eat this stuff!

May 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Travel? Ouch!

Central Banks Will Gain Unprecedented Power Over Your Spending Under The New World Order - Article

The New World Order intends to implement a programmable currency that would give the central banks unprecedented and previously unimaginable power over individual spending.

May 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Travel? Ouch!

Signs We're Getting Closer To The Rapture - Video

Brannon Howse and Andy Woods discuss Ezekiel's fascinating prophecies ...including Israel's Coming Riches. If you like Bible prophecy, you'll love this!

May 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Travel? Ouch!

The Rise In Va((ine Hesitancy

Good news! Del Bigtree makes me feel better! Enjoy the push-back!

May 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Travel? Ouch!

The US-Russia War Currently Being Played Out In Ukraine - Video

Well, leave it to Mr. Truthbomb to clear the air over what is, and is not, going on in Ukraine. This is important to know as it probably ties into the Ezekiel/Iran invasion of Israel. There are a couple of F-bombs...but the info is worth it!

May 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Travel? Ouch!

21% Of Va((inated Death Occur Within 48 Hours Of Va((ination - Article

This latest VAERS data makes me sick. Over 27K deaths were recorded on the government's own va((ine injury website. Most in-the-know believe less than 5% of phsyicians actually report deaths on this system, which means the number of deaths are actually north of 500,000 dead, and continuing to die at the hands of a small group of Satanists bent on taking over the earth. 500K is a big number, to say the least. Millions of family members had to needlessly say good-bye to a loved one. Eternal fires almost seem not enough.

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices


Covid case data now comes without the politics from a surprising source…Walgreens. Del Bigtree

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

Why Are Food Processing Plants Burning To The Ground All Over The World? Part 2 - Article

And it's not just fires, most unusual cyber attacks are happening against large farms. What a coincidence!! Tucker Carlson mentions it.

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

Why Are Food Processing Plants Burning To The Ground All Over The World? Part 1 - Video

Well, we know why, don't we. The Globalists/Satanists WANT food shortages! And famine is prophesied to happen at the beginning of the Tribulation as part of what kills 2 billion people.

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

WHO Whistleblower Exposes The Grand Plan Of World Takeover - Article

The United Nations World Health Organization is in the process of usurping ever greater powers over the nations of the world, they want total control over world health by June 1. This is a real threat.

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

With only about half fo America va((inated, the Globalists/Satanists fell way short of their goals - Article

Of course, the fact Soros and Gates just last year purchased the major testing companies shouldn't worry you a bit

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

PCR Test Swabs May be Secretly Va((inating the “Va((ine Hesitant” - Article

COVID-19 testing swabs may be laced with “tiny, star-shaped microdevices” capable of delivering vaccines to people without their knowledge or consent. They're doing everything they can to get more Americans va((inated.

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

CDC Comes Clean, Admits Va((ines Are Causing Heart Attacks - Video

Huge Nordic study confirms what we already know, mRNA Covid shots tied to increased risk of myocarditis. 26 minute video.

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

Just Like In The Bible, A Slain Lamb Saves Part 2- Article

Sheep are equipped with the ability to resist the effects of the bite of a venomous snake. Upon being bitten by a venomous snake, when the poisonous toxins enter the blood stream of the sheep, the sheep has a natural protection written in its DNA that identifies the toxin and an anti-venom is created that neutralizes the toxicity of the venom and the toxins are passed through the sheep's system without any side effects, thus saving the life of the sheep.

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

Just Like In The Bible, A Slain Lamb Saves Part 1- Article

Now this is interesting, most snake anti-venom is made from sheep's blood. What a coincidence!

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

Dr. Jane Ruby on the Snake Venom - Video

Dr. Jane Ruby on the Snake Venom

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

Snake Venom Part 3 - Video

Snake Venom Part 3

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

Snake Venom Part 2 - Video

Snake Venom Video #2

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

Yet Even More On The Snake Venom - Video

First of all, if you've not seen the original three videos by Dr. Ardis and scientist Mike Adams, I urge you to watch them. Im about 95% convinced all of this is true. And 100% that most of it's true.

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

More Mikovits Exposing FDA/NIH - Video

We would have known NONE of this if Trump had not caught them off-guard in 2016.

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

Basic FEMA facts - Article

Basic Fema facts

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

Plans To Scare People Into FEMA CAMPS - Video

I HOPE THIS ISN'T TRUE!!! But if it is, important info to know! A FEMA camp is never your friend, no matter what they tell you, never voluntarily go to one for any reason!!!

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

Connecting MRNA Shots to Brain Disease - Video

Del BigTree and MIT Scientist Stephanie Seneff walk you through the truth about what is happening to brains of those va((inated. Great slides, great short video explanation. Excellent info.

Apr 27, 2022 • Email Subject: Israelis Call For Rebuilding Their Temple and Returning to Animal Sacrifices

More On The SNAKE VENOM - Video

13 facts about about putting snake poison in the va((ines. 1-Hour Video Skip first 12 minutes and 30 seconds

Apr 21, 2022 • Email Subject: The Breath of YHWH

Health Dept. PCR Testing Chickens - Video

What a great way to cut off a lot of people from food....Biden says food shortages are coming to America. Watch 1st 5-minutes.

Apr 21, 2022 • Email Subject: The Breath of YHWH

NYT Mocks Jews, Christians and God - Article

The Bible talks about mockers in the Last Days: Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. Gal. 6:7 Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, 2Pet. 3:3 that they were saying to you, “In the last time there will be mockers, following after their own ungodly lusts.” Jude 18

Apr 21, 2022 • Email Subject: The Breath of YHWH

Yellen Lays Out What's Ahead - Article

Good info on the state of the dollar, but she draws the wrong conclusion—I'm doubtful elections will happen, or if they do, that they'll be fair. I just don't see them giving up the power. More likely to have a false event that they can use to clamp down again. Hope not...time will tell.

Apr 21, 2022 • Email Subject: The Breath of YHWH

More Chinese Citizens Locked (From the outside) In Their Homes! - Article


Apr 21, 2022 • Email Subject: The Breath of YHWH

Chinese Citizens Locked (From the outside) In Their Homes! - Video

2-minute recap

Apr 21, 2022 • Email Subject: The Breath of YHWH

Judy Mikovits Unleashed! - Video

I love Judy Mikovits! Kick-back and learn a lot of what's been going on through the years, it didn't start in 2020! Unreal! 1-hour video.

Apr 21, 2022 • Email Subject: The Breath of YHWH

Va((inated Are 27 Times More Likely to Be Infected, And Boosted Are Far Worse - Video

If you got va((inated, stop! Every shot ups the problem. 1 minute video.

Apr 21, 2022 • Email Subject: The Breath of YHWH

Depopulating the Planet - Video

Drs. Nagase, Merritt, Fleming & Ayoub explain reverse transcription ... which is what's really going on.. and where we're headed. The quotes from Rockefeller, Turner, Gates, et. al, made my skin crawl! 40 minute video.

Apr 21, 2022 • Email Subject: The Breath of YHWH

Disney Gives God The Finger - Article


Apr 14, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Trip Pics

Doc Says Millions Suffering From Va((ination - Video


Apr 14, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Trip Pics

CDC Can't Defend Its Position on No Genetic Manipulation From Va((ines - Article


Apr 14, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Trip Pics

Cardiac Disorders Account for 20% of 1.2 Million Injuries Reported After COVID Vaccines, VAERS Data Show - Article


Apr 14, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Trip Pics

75% Of Va((inated Women Are Miscarrying In 1st Trimester! - Video

Alex Jones exposes the horrifying truth! 9 minute video (watch first 3-minutes).

Apr 14, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Trip Pics

Bombshell Claims About Covid Va((ine - Video

In case you have not seen this, Dr. Ardis, who has correctly exposed what’s going on from the very beginning of the Covid crisis, is claiming the Covid vaccine has DNA/RNA code that looks eerily similar to snake venom. If true, It would be 100% provable that the whole Covid crisis is a Satanic attack on humans to maim and kill. We know that it is, but most everybody else does not. 1 hour 24-minute Video (watch first 20-minutes)

Apr 14, 2022 • Email Subject: Israel Trip Pics

Hacking Humans Moonshadow420 - Video

JP Sears is at it again! Let's just say JP asks all the right questions and makes the elites look more stupid than usual!

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

How Your Beliefs Actually Control Your DNA - Article

This is huge! New fascinating evidence is coming out that our personal chosen beliefs actually affect our DNA, not vice-versa. God designed and created us to function in a body that is interacting with itself. The Globalists/Satanists may reprogram people, but the best they can do is make a robot, not a true human in God's image. This puts a whole new spin on this verse: Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 2Cor. 5:17

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

Pfizer Adds 600 Employees To Deal WIth Va((ine Injured - Article

Well surprise surprise.

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

Preppers Numbers Growing - Article

The number of people preparing for what's likely to be coming is growing.

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

What's In Your Food - Video

Ewwww..... This short video will open your eyes to what they're legally putting in our food.

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

Bummer For The Va((inated - Article

Dr. Robert Malone has some cold water in the face information for the va((inated. And it's not good.

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

Why The Pandemic Will Never End - Article

The purpose of the so called "pandemic" was not about health but to get the world used to being controlled. So now the World Health Organization (WHO) is proposing a new pandemic treaty they’re hoping will be accepted by enough member countries to become a reality by 2024, or sooner. If they get their way, WHO will call the healthcare shots for the entire world.

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

Schools Dosing Out Puberty Blockers Without Parents Knowledge - Video

And if you think that's bad regarding your children, watch this 4-minute video warning about adrenochrome...CQLJ!

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

Schools Dosing Out Puberty Blockers Without Parents Knowledge - Article

Satan is the "god of this world" and he wants your children, who are designed in the image of God, to be dead or physically and/or mentally sick. If you're a parent with kids in Public school, you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Public schools are the most dangerous place on the planet for your kids.

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets


Hear it for yourself—was Fauxi paid off by somebody to change his mind?

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

World Abandoning The Dollar As The Reserve Currency - Article

The Globalists/Satanists are now openly calling for abandoning the dollar and moving to a new world digital currency. If the Rapture doesn't come soon, this new currency will separate the men from the boys, the true Believers from the fakes, because you'll have to be in their system to eat their food, buy their gas, use their healthcare. CQLJ! 

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

Economist at World Government Summit says new financial world order about to shift in dramatic new direction - Video

Whether they can pull this off at this time is up in the air. But they THINK they can and are making plans to rule over your every facet of life.

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

Planning Our New World Government - Article

While we were distracted by Will Smith's sissy-slapping on the Oscars, the Globalists/Satanists met to plan our new world government.

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

The Globalists/Satanists Goal Is To Kill Off Billions Of Humans VIA Va((ine-induced AIDS - Video

I'm warning you—this information almost made me physically sick. This guy is from the inside of the Va((ine and insurance industries and holds nothing back. Death rates from va((inated are continuing to go through the roof and being covered up. The insurance companies originally said unexplained deaths were up 40%, which was called "catastrophic." Now it's 84% and growing. They expect it will increase to 5,000%. Wonder what they'll call that? Find the time to watch this...you'll learn a lot about how the Globalists/Satanists are reaching their goals.

Apr 6, 2022 • Email Subject: God Hiding Scriptural Nuggets

Clinton, DNC Paid Over $1 Million To Purchase Fake Steele Dossier - Article

Quietly they admit what that did, paying a small fine...but it accomplished what they wanted... to slow down President Trump. Sick.

Mar 31, 2022 • Email Subject: Where Are the 3000 Solid Gold Frying Pans?

Ivermectin Cover Up Continues - Article

The Wall Street Journal published an article concluding Ivermectin didn’t reduce COVID-19 hospitalizations. They conveniently ignored news that the individual responsible for covering up a key positive review, had been revealed—a review that showed how Ivermectin could have saved millions of lives. If you murder one person you go to jail... so what if you murder millions?

Mar 31, 2022 • Email Subject: Where Are the 3000 Solid Gold Frying Pans?
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