Our office will be closed from 9/25 – 10/23. Any orders placed during this time will be shipped upon return by 11/1/23.
Mainstream publications and regulatory agencies have buckled to public pressure to admit the COVID-19 vaccine can cause injuries such as myocarditis and pericarditis—but until recently, they’ve published little or nothing about the substantial number of people suffering from autoimmune disease after vaccination. Brace yourself ... if the Rapture doesn't happen soon, the cat will be out of the bag.
In case you missed this last week... this 2-minute video says: 1/3 of va((inated got placebos. 2/3 got moderate side effects. 4% contained cancer-causing SV40, or heart-problem-causing mRNA instructions. SV40 promotes cancer cells while at the same time suppresses God's designed defenses.
If you've been following BRICS, the monetary group wishing to compete with the dollar, this is an interesting read.
The Bible says Israel cannot rebuild her Jewish Temple unless the Lord provides an unblemished solid red heifer. Not having one available meant no plans could be made to rebuild. But now....hmmmm....
The Bible says Israel cannot rebuild her Jewish Temple unless the Lord provides an unblemished solid red heifer. Not having one available meant no plans could be made to rebuild. But now....hmmmm....
60-minute video (can start at 11-minutes and play at 1.25) . This is excellent.Two brilliant physicians, Peter McCullough and Paul Thomas who camped out on the front lines during Covid, cover the last 3 1/2 years in layman's language—ties together gain-of-function, the U.S. government, adverse events, natural immunity, the childhood vaccination schedule, autism, transgender mutilation and more. So much great info I had to watch it twice!
"They can't run from this data." - Ed Dowd
Steve Kirsch doesn't hold back!
Naomi Wolf shows Walensky and CDC are covering up the scene of the crime. They removed 32,000+ records of myocarditis and pericarditis from the VAERS database between September of 2022 and December of 2022. Jerks.
UN Prepares 'Emergency Powers' To Set The Stage For Global Government after a "Global shock" happens.
What's even more interesting is that he received a standing ovation addressing the whole EU Parliament! Hey Trudeau, does that shoe pinch a little bit?
2-minute video. Alex Jones asks all the right questions about SV40, and McCullough gives truthful answers.
Leo Hohmann gives us the straight scoop! Interestingly he says digital use of money will be mandatory. But the Mark of the Beast happens after the Rapture. Hmmm...
"Wuhan Lab Leak Likely" according to messages released by accident by House Members. More deception by Fauxi and his cronies.
Alex Newman explains who controls it all.
But Biden says all is well...so nothing to worry about.
9-minute video. No comment.
3-minute video. Well, the King of Great Britain is calling for a New World Leader. Of course he is. He has no clue what's coming.
According to state-run Russian Television (RT), the Russian Government has confirmed that Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, known as the “BRICS” nations, will introduce a new trading currency backed by gold. And some 30 other nations want to join them...keep your eye on this one!
President Joe Biden doubled down on refusing to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to pay a customary visit to the White House, despite the fact that Netanyahu was elected last year by the Israeli people.
55-minute video. Go Tucker go!
Since 2008, among the 539 banks that have failed, Weiss Ratings has provided advance warning on 535, or 99.3%.” That sure would quickly set up a new monetary system... and guess who would be in charge?
Only the most va((inated countries in the world had very strong excess deaths. The chart above compares jab rates with total excess deaths as a percentage over normal.
12-minute video. This is the guy Biden is trying to shut-up by throwing him in jail. More proof we've basically lost our country unless God does a miracle... or the Rapture rescues us.
Seems Satan didn't like all the prayer, praise and worship going on around in our state capitals...so he's bringing his own followers shouting "Let Us Burn." Boy are they going to be surprised one day!
60-minute video. Craig Bong, who I had never heard of before someone sent this to me, covers a lot of ground about what's going on. He seems to know his stuff and I found myself enthralled with his comments. Long, but quite interesting.
In brief summary, at this demon-driven conference there were 120 world leaders, over 22,000 delegates and some 4000 media representatives who met for two weeks. Sounds like enough to qualify as "many" to me. The result of their agreement was to reaffirm the Paris accords from 2015.
Not a good thing to be doing.... "I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; Rev. 22:18
2-minute video. The French are rioting like crazy and their leaders are not listening...instead they are all-in on the coming "World Control" by the Globalists.
No one reading this is surprised! No telling what all they were hiding.
Next September, 2024, the United Nations wants to be given unprecedented authority over the public and private sectors of huge swaths of the world, all in the name of battling a yet unknown crisis. This emergency control is the biggest attempted power grab in the history of the United Nations.
NOTE: Elon Musk has changed the way you view Twitter Posts and you now have to sign up for Twitter before you can read. It's free. We'll look for alternatives but for now, if you don't have an Twitter account, you can't watch these videos. Sorry!!!!
Faces tell the story of the millions of va((ine death and injuries worldwide. Search by symptom, diagnosis, key word, name, location, etc.
Well, either the Globalists are dumber than a box of rocks or Satan is preparing for Tribulation misery. Let's see, post-Rapture we have a LOT of heat killing people. If they try to block the sun's rays, it may backfire and be what God allows to fry everyone left behind.
The UN Meeting THIS September 2023, regarding the UN 7-Year plan for world control, falls on Monday and Tuesday, September 18-19.
Well, this should put some giddyup into your step....a shocker announcement, to say the least! Any Bible prophecy student knows the Tribulation begins with a 7-Year Peace Treaty. We obviously don't know if this is THE 7-year peace agreement, but could be. Daniel says: “And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week (7 years), Dan. 9:27
This article shows that governments and drug companies “have misled the world to a far greater extent than previously known.”
Two new 10-minute videos
Two new 10-minute videos!
By Dr. Simone Gold
After reading the article above about Genesis 6, I'm not sure there's much difference in changing one's DNA before birth or after.
2-minute video. If you have a weak stomach, skip this one. What's going on is far worse than I could imagine.
13-minute video. What a hoot. Yes, Kennedy is a democrat but he's slaying the liberals. No wonder they hate him so much!
Oh WOW! This is an amazing 60 second video!
They are stand-up-and-yell-worth-hearing!! I also left up the link to last week's videos (in black) in case you missed seeing them.
They are stand-up-and-yell-worth-hearing!! I also left up the link to last week's videos (in black) in case you missed seeing them.
15-minute video. This will blow you away...especially since he's a candidate for the office of the President of the United States. Talk about connecting the dots!!!! I don't agree with everything he says, but I do agree with most! This is a must see!!
22-minute video. Del Bigtree and Jeff Jaxon show how the US Department of Defense worked with the Department of Health and Human Services in the va((ine rollout. Why? Well, we know why, they wanted to scare people into taking the va((ine. And leading the military’s involvement was scarf lady, Colonel Deborah Birx. Unreal!
This is consistent with the Globalists/Satanists wanting to move everyone into smart cities where you walk or bike everywhere in 15-minutes. To be clear, smart cities are nothing more than concentration camps. I'm not sure we'll see these things before the Rapture. And after the Rapture the U.S. is annihilated/burned (assuming nukes) and the world's stage moves to Europe and the Middle East.
These low-lifes foisted this crap on the entire world KNOWING they didn't work but lying and saying they did
7-minute video. This jaw-dropping report confirms that in recent years, there have been a million new Christians in the repressive regime of Iran, which is owned, managed and operated by Islamic extremists.
Most of us have close family or friends who got tricked into taking the Covid clot-shot. If you're in this category, this info may be helpful.
The Biblical Mark of the Beast does NOT show up before the Rapture, but this article shows you the lateness of the hour in which we live! The Rapture may not happen this September, but we're not taking any chances! We're mailing 100,000 Millions Missing booklets over the next two months. Add THAT to your prayer list!
75-minute video. Most of us saw Plandemic and Plandemic 2--well produced videos that opened so many eyes as to what is really going on in the world. This is the third production and is worth taking the time to watch. It had over 1 million views the first day it was released!
Tucker has tens of millions of views ... getting fired is the best thing that's ever happened to him, and us, because now he's totally uncensored!
Tucker has tens of millions of views ... getting fired is the best thing that's ever happened to him, and us, because now he's totally uncensored!
6-minute video and/or article recap. Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence; 76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented, the mortality rate was 97.2%. WHY?
This year's wheat harvest will be the smallest since 1957 while corn is devastated by drought...resulting in food prices continuing to rise.
18-minute video. Del Bigtree and Jeff Jaxon discuss the horrific facts regarding excess deaths in America. Since all major news stations, cable and broadcast, won't talk about this, then it's the scary truth the Globalists/Satanists don't want people to know.
Many were shocked when they heard the WOKE-supporting comments by Chick-fil-A Corporate. But a few years ago, when the son took over, it's been downhill ever since....
1-minute video.
7-minute video. Naomi Wolf and Steve Bannon discuss a HUGE problem that's being ignored.
Hmmm... I wonder why they feel they need all that?
Leo Hohmann holds nothing back in this article!
2-minute video. One upside to enduring all the Covid lies is now people are questioning all the vax shots Big Pharma demands doctors give kids, and even the flu shots. What's in them? Why are they better than God's design?
The last time WHO staged a "simulation" was in October, 2019...just before the virus was released in December, 2019. Hell is not hot enough for these people.
120-minute video. If you've not seen this incredible Matt Walsh documentary, it's worth the time! It has the libs going nuts.
16-minute video. It's coming! If you support the wrong candidate, buy too much steak, post something against the powers that be, you might not be able to fly, buy a car, drive or even have access to the Internet. Del Bigtree does a great job of covering this on the Highwire!
This is scary if they do this before the Rapture. They want to channel human behavior to "protect their health and the health of their families and communities” by monitoring social media sites. WHO cares?
A new University of Iowa study provides the first experimental evidence that exposure to glyphosate, even at officially designated “safe” levels, disrupts the gut microbiome in mammals.
This just shows what a mess our food, water and pharmaceuticals are in. Officials in the FDA have for decades been bought off to approve drugs, foods, additives, whatever.
Four out of five who detransition revert back. But no one wants a man or woman without all their parts. Satan is LHBO.
26-minute video. Watch this! If not now, mark it to watch later. Unreal. Dr. David Martin addresses the European Union members. The 3-year Covid narrative is coming apart at the seams.
Oh boy, Jeff Childers (who spoke at Steeling the Mind this past March) does a deep dive into two peer-reviewed studies just released that tie the recent cancer boom to the va((ines.
German Lawmaker Beatrix Von Storch lays it all out in a deep dive into what's really going on behind the scenes.
Well, a lot of people owe Dr. Bryan Ardis an apology. About a year ago Dr. Ardis was totally ridiculed for saying the Covid va((ines had snake venom in them. Well, guess what...a new peer-reviewed study confirms the snake venom is in the spike protein.
3-minute video. So now that we have proof the va((ine didn't prevent transmission but rather increased your likelihood of catching Covid, where are the apologies from these people? Great short compilation of clips.
30-second video. This is funny! I think....
"The Biden Administration’s approach is intentional. Its continued failure to fight for religious freedom abroad is symptomatic of the progressive ideology to which it subscribes."
An analysis of personal care and cleaning products found the top 10 most hazardous products include a children’s shampoo, JLo Glow perfume, Kaboom with OxiClean, Axe body spray and Organix Shampoo.
This should surprise no one... the FDA is owned by Big Pharma and lies about everything! Read the shocking under oath statements.
10-minute video. You'll never see this on American media...several members of the European Parliament take turns trashing WHO. One said it would be safer to sign an agreement with the Columbia Drug Cartel than WHO. LOL!
120-minute video (you can get the gist of the info in the first 30 minutes). If you have any money invested, you'll find this quite interesting!
15-minute video. The newly vaccinated are overwhelmingly the drivers of the horrible pandemic statistics we hear about. And it's getting worse. Jefferey Jackson and Del Bigtree.
24-minute video. Dr. Buttar was quite vocal about what he saw regarding va((ines. This is sobering but not a surprise if you've been following the friends of Bill and Hillary's body count. And do notice that the pic above is at a "Truth About Cancer" conference. Big Pharma won't let ANYONE kill that cash cow.
The Left is attacking anything and everything that a majority has traditionally done or believed. Objective truths are discredited and thrown onto the proverbial ash-heap of history. The Bible, representing heaven, morality, merit, and the capitalist economic system is losing ground by the day and will be replaced by the New World Government. CQLJ!
5-minute video. Britain is slowly coming around to the truth, as the conspiracy "factualists" are proved correct over and over.
Dr. McCullough shows why we should be concerned about our food...hey, if we're in a war, this is not surprising!! If they lied about everything else, why should we trust them now?
This is interesting...Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch recently sent a no-big-deal order to dismiss a case. But he purposefully added a few extra lines at the end about his thoughts on the lockdowns. Go Gorsuch!
So the Globalists/Satanists promise to use the incredible data-gathering capabilities of 5G for only good reasons...but for some reason I don't trust them.
24-minute video.
Franklin gives a frank assessment of what's coming...regardless of the timing of the Rapture.
Michelle Bachmann reports from Geneva that WHO won't take over USA healthcare until next year.
Attorney Tom Renz is really exposing a lot that was going on in the hospitals during Covid. This will be hard to watch if you had a love one die in the hospital. And like they conclude, if we don't hold people accountable now, when the next fake pandemic comes, they'll do it again.
For more on a related subject
For More On How Much Hospitals Were Paid To Kill Their Patients
Aging hippie Russell Brand let's Kennedy tell his millions of followers things they've never heard...like how the NSA was in charge of Operation Warpspeed's COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
The Globalists/Satanists have been working on this since the French Revolt in the 1800s. This is hard for us to grasp who were raised in the fifties and sixties to love God and country.
57-minute video. You get the meat of the material in the first 15 minutes. Researcher Jessica Rose has the cold hard facts.
Todd Starns, who is a past speaker at Steeling the Mind back before Fox gave him the boot for telling the truth, spells out what happened in 2016.
They're puzzled by the excess deaths but can't mention the va((ines. Their conclusion is that it has to do with obesity. Well, there you have it.
Another article on the same topic as above.
Leading OB-GYN group received $11 million to push Covid shots on pregnant women. There were undoubted a lot more that we haven't found out about yet. So much for your trusted doctor to be looking out for you and your baby's best interest.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world [Satan]. 1John 2:16
One day the walls will close in on Christians. How much of this we'll see before the Rapture is anyone's guess.
Hal Lindsey explains....
Wayne Root was a classmate of Obama at Columbia University. They were taught how to tank the system.
This could be the end of the southern border. It is estimated that some 700k non-Americas are ready to rush the border when Title 42 ends Thursday, May 11, 2023. It may be the beginning of a true national disaster. Read this short article for a quick overview of what is going on. This could be big.
The Globalists/Satanists are trying their best to utilize the control of health to control the world. But experts are raising questions about the One Health concept, including the need for a global surveillance system and va((ine passports that can be used to restrict human travel and behavior. Hmmm….
In case you missed earlier articles!
2-minute video. A study found a spatial relationship between cancer death rates and cell phone towers. The closer people were to the towers, the higher the incidence of death by cancer. “It was quite dramatic.” This video also shows why you should NEVER carry your cell phone against your body.
30-second video. It's hard to believe he is our Commander in Chief.
The Biden regime is send huge amounts of U.S. military supplies in Israel to the Ukraine, depleting our ability to defend Israel if necessary. Taking a stand against Israel will cause many, many, many to burn in hell. They have no clue.
18-minute Video (start at 6-minute mark). There may be a lot more to the story about releasing millions of mosquitos in Florida.
16-minute Video (Watch at 1.5x). Ok, granted, this is near the outer limits. Karen Kingston is screaming about what she's found...and I can only say that she has always been accurate in the past.
30 Minute Video. Now that we have proof Big Pharma lied and covered up the problems with the Covid va((ine, it begs the question—what else have they been covering up? I'll bet one day we'll find out that there are cures for cancer. But remember, Big Pharma is not in the business of trying to get you well, but to manage your sickness.
Dr. Peter McCullough explains in layman's language.
All this so bothered Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), that he has introduced legislation, H.R. 79, to unhook us from WHO (which Trump did but it was reversed under Biden). If Biden has already given away our sovereignty, it will take a miracle to get this undone between now and May 20.
Ed Dowd's recent presentation...excellent charts and easy to follow. I only had to back up twice 🙂
Well, there you have it, the whole world was controlled from the beginning of Covid with the express purpose to jab as many as possible...knowing millions would be maimed. Mercola does a good job. Unbelievable!
43-Minute Video. This video is proof the USA is communist to the core. How can this be happening? An inside account from the prisoner's mom.
This is a really good article on the Rapture covering all the basics!
59-minutes (start at 3-minutes and watch at 1.25 speed). Last week we stirred a lot of hearts with the link to the "What Happened To Our Hospitals?" link. If you missed it, the link is added below. As a follow-up, here's a video interview of a guy who is suing the hospital over the death of his daughter. In the discovery phase of the trial he has uncovered absolutely astounding documents. Keep the tissues close by.
This is a cold-water-in-the-face recap of how the Globalists/Satanists got control of our hospitals during Covid and used them to do what Satan does best.
Unless you had your head in the sand you could easily see Tucker Carlson’s head was on Fox’s chopping block. It was just a matter of time.
This freight train is moving full speed. When it's finally implemented, very possibly before the Rapture, it will spell the end of privacy for everyone in the world. It's supposed to be unleashed in July.
Do you want the government to be tracking how much you give your church? Or telling you that you’re over-saving? The digital dollar, when it arrives, will change our lives. And it’s coming soon.
This is even worse than the digital dollar. Most likely you’ve heard the constant drumming on the news about how dangerous TikTok videos are to national security.
From Jeff Childers' Coffee and Covid 4/23 It seems like the hits just won’t stop for masks lately. The Daily Mail UK ran an explosive story yesterday headlined, “EXCLUSIVE: Face Masks May Raise Risk of Stillbirths, Testicular Dysfunction and Cognitive Decline Due to Build-Up of Carbon Dioxide, Study Warns.”
Sara Westhall does a good job with the background and future problems.
More on IMF's Global Digital Currency called UMU
15-minute video. More proof they're trying to kill us. Highwire video, Del Bigtree and Jeff Jaxen
The Feds are rolling out a digital currency in July, and it's all about control of all payments.
This is a cold-water-in-the-face recap of how the Globalists/Satanists got control of our hospitals during Covid and used them to do what Satan does best.
10 minute video.
90-second video. He is going to be dumbfounded when he comes face to face with the Lord Jesus Christ on Judgment Day!
Never forget what they did, and what they are STILL doing with our elections.
Food prices in Britain have hit their highest level in nearly a half-century amid continued double-digit inflation, while wages fell yet again in real terms.
Dr. Peterson Pierre via his Daily Dose video lays out the truth, point blank.
This is, according to the Bible, where the world is headed. But thankfully, not until after the Rapture.
23-minute video (watch at 1.25x) This is an amazing video. Jeff Jaxen and Del Bigtree have found all the dated documents showing what Fauxi, Biden and clan knew while they were saying the va((ines were 100% safe and effective.
Anyone who has been to Jerusalem has had to listen to the Muslim's Call To Prayers, five times a day, blasted over very loud speakers. It won't be long before they will do this all across America.
The money supply is shrinking, the banking system is in chaos and we're witnessing a tsunami of layoffs unlike anything that we have seen since the Great Recession. 44% of Americans are now working a second job. And most amazingly, 69% of employed professionals either have a side job or want one. Wow!
Of course, we're all so surprised that they are sneaking va((inations into our food supply. Attorney Tom Renz explains.
In 2016 Compass published an article about the strength of the yuan vs. the dollar. Short but interesting read from 7 years ago!