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June 10, 2020
Are We in the Millennium?

Others joined his protest and it continued to grow into a large number of protesters. Eventually they became known as the “Protesters”—what we call Protestants today. These enlightened Believers basically spent 100 years fighting the Catholic Church over how you get saved, by works or faith. The Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Anglicans and a few others were the initial denominations that grew out of the protest.

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February 6, 2020
Creation, Noah and Jonah

Kent Hovind, a past speaker at Steeling the Mind Bible Conferences, was once debating evolution and his opponent stated that there are hundreds, maybe thousands,  of kinds of dogs on the earth. And he asked Kent if he really believed that all those different kinds of dogs came from only two dogs on Noah's ark. Kent answered, "yes i do believe they came form only two dogs. But let me point out that you think they came from a rock!" The audience roared!

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January 30, 2020
The Eight Stages of Armageddon

In this phase the Antichrist will be slain by the true Christ. Beginning at Bozrah and moving back to Jerusalem and the Kidron Valley (also known as the Valley of Jehoshaphat), Jesus,  the Messiah and Kind of the Jews, will miraculously engage and destroy the Antichrist's forces.

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January 30, 2020
The Last Supper: Who Sat Where?

Luke gives us valuable information as to who sat where. the disciples were having an argument as to who was the greatest as they came into the room. This was because these tables all had a seating order indication the importance or rank of the guests. There was a specific place for the most important guest to sit and a place for the least important guest.

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January 30, 2020
Major Myths of Homeschooling

As a home school teacher, you don't stand over your children and lecture them all day long. A good curriculum will walk them through the lessons and explain every step of the way.

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June 10, 2019
Did God Once Flood The Entire Earth?

If you believe in the Biblical doctrine of divine inspiration, that God inspired every word in the Bible, you WILL find yourself having to defend it. It just comes with the territory.

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December 5, 2018
Biblical Dispensations

  If you’re not a dispensationalist, you’ve got big problems regarding how you understand your Bible! Biblical Dispensations are divinely ordained and easily distinguishable time periods prevailing throughout the Bible. In a nutshell, a dispensationalist believes God doesn’t change, but He does change how He deals with people on the earth. So when you read […]

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July 18, 2018
2 Days in Scripture
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May 18, 2018
Should Christians Fast?

Fasting didn’t help these men make a better decision or make them better attuned to the Lord’s direction. The decision they made was disastrous, but it had nothing to do with them fasting or not fasting. These well-meaning and otherwise Godly men were simply incorrectly applying statements in the Gospels, things Jesus said to the Jews under the Law, to people living post-cross in the Church Age.

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March 12, 2018
Einstein's "Fudge"

You could easily argue that Albert Einstein was the world’s most brilliant theorist. Yet at a critical juncture of his life, he used his human reasoning instead of God’s Word and it turned out to be quite the embarrassment! In 1917, Einstein was completing his famous theory of relativity, E = mc2. But he had a problem.

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September 6, 2017
The United States in Bible Prophecy

If we are living in the final decades, years or days of the Church Age, the United States, still the #1 power in the world, should logically be in the Bible somewhere. Applying the above principle of "Double Reference," or "DuelFulfillment," there are numerous verses in the Bible that may give us some insight into what ultimately happens to the United States in the future.

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August 31, 2017
How to Distinguish Between Rapture & the 2nd Coming

As prophesied, the Lord Jesus is coming again. First in the sky for Rapture, and again seven years later to defeat Satan and rule as King of the Earth from Jerusalem. The simplest way to distinguish between scriptures about the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ, is to determine if the verse in question […]

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August 27, 2017
Is Retirement Biblical?

So it's not wrong to have some savings or even a lot of investments. What's important is to have the right Biblical purpose for which you save. Our life's focus should not be saving money for retirement. Rather, investing in eternity.

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August 24, 2017
Who are the 144,000 in Revelation?

Today in Israel about 80% of the population consider themselves as “Secular” Jews. In talking to scores of secular Jewish people on our trips to Israel, I found that they usually observe Passover and Day of Atonement. But for the most part, they don’t go to synagogue on Shabbat (Saturday) and don’t know what to think about the miracles of the Old Testament. And prior to marriage, dating is similar to non-Believers in the U.S.A., with most having sex prior to marriage.

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August 17, 2017
Christians & Divorce

Based on what the Bible says, there is much confusion in the church over the “divorce” issue. Make no bones about it, divorce is horrible. God hates it. That is because God loves us, and divorce always hurts people. ALWAYS. Interestingly, despite God’s vehement language forbidding divorce, it was permitted under the Old Testament law.

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August 12, 2017
Israel's Ticking Time Clock

So the Bible is penned by man, but 100% inspired/authored by God. It’s perfect in every way. Perfect in word, doctrine, design… even perfect in number. You can depend on His numbers—there will be BILLIONS who die in the Tribulation.

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August 9, 2017
The Last of the Last Days

10 Unmistakable Signs That We're In The Last Days Of The Last Days Today things are moving so fast it's helpful to just step back, take a breath and look at the numerous Bible prophecies being fulfilled all around us. Here are 10 big prophecies that should convince anyone with 2 brain cells that we're […]

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August 6, 2017
What Jesus Said About the Timing of the Rapture

The three most often debated times for Rapture to occur are: 1) Prior to the 7 year Tribulation (Pre-Trib). 2) In the middle of the Tribulation (Mid-Trib). 3) At the end of the Tribulation (Post-Trib). We believe Pre-Trib is the only time Rapture can occur if you are using a dispensational approach and interpret scripture […]

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December 21, 2016
The Magic of 666

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead, and he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the […]

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December 21, 2016
Satan's Swan Song

  As we watch the ancient prophetic signs come to pass for the close of this age, most Believers know intrinsically that a huge spiritual change, a huge transition, is dead ahead. We sense things aren’t right. Something’s definitely going on. Many are assuming the Rapture is close. And it may be. However, let’s face […]

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December 21, 2016
Article: The Shack - Book Review

Book Review "The Shack" by: William P. Young Should you read or recommend this book? by: Bill Perkins We believe that the measure of a good book is not the results it brings, but its scriptural accuracy. The Shack, by William P. Young, is a book we do not recommend reading. At first glance many […]

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