Our office will be closed from 9/25 – 10/23. Any orders placed during this time will be shipped upon return by 11/1/23.
7-minute video. This is definitely STEEL ON STEEL... but no Bible verses involved! Don't throw rocks at me, I'm just showing both sides of the equation. To his credit, Greg Hunter let Fitts tell her side of the story.
Why won't Adam Schiff deal with fentanyl in his home state? Is it because he's taking donations from money laundering operators tied to the Chinese drug trade? Inquiring minds want to know!
83-minute video. WOW! It's long but amazing if you have the time. This guy sounds like a GREAT protective pastor of his flock in these last days! (Rock Harbor)
Good article showing why Biden’s actions toward Israel place America on dangerous ground with God.
10-minute video that includes Europe's announcement.
22-minute video. Several weeks ago we linked and discussed David Webb's book "The Great Taking." Alex Newman just released a video that does an incredible job of explaining what's going on in layman's language.
I wonder if these last two are connected? Hmmm...
Well, this is sobering. Harvey Risch, M.D., Ph.D., senior research scientist in epidemiology specializing in chronic diseases at the Yale University School of Public Health, on Monday provided compelling testimony on what he believes accounts for the “crushingly obsessive push to COVID-vaccinate every living person on the planet.”
6-minute Tucker Carlson video. Obama famously once said he would love to have someone else stand in front of the cameras while he orchestrated everything from home, not having to answer to the media.
60-minute video (Watch on 1:25. or 1:5 with coffee).Since WWII, wars have been declared entirely for lining the pockets of politicians. Mike Benz explains the background and how social media and Google plays into the hands of the Deep State/DARPA. It's fascinating to learn how they prosecute uncooperative politicians.
6-minute video. This one got to me. The Globalists/Satanists are just rubbing our faces in the fact they're tearing down our country in every way. Alex Newman is awesome!
Here's what one person experienced using the well-censored Google to search. FYI, duckduckgo.com seems to do a lot better most of the time.
Article and an interesting 19-minute video.
23-minute video. Self-reading va((ines are genetically engineered to spread through the human population like communicable diseases do. This way you can't opt out of receiving new va((ines.
Mark Levin on Fox News pulls back the curtain. And of course, guess who's in China's back pocket—JRB and family.
He may have more to lose than Hunter! Unbelievable. No wonder he's resigning in November!
“The total excess deaths since the rollout of the vaccine in the U.S. is approximately 1.1 million for 2021, 2022 and 2023." - Ed Dowd
Joe Biden and the United Nations are pulling off one of the worst security threats to the United States in its 248-year history.
I am highly suspicious of cancer. It began when I found out that most Oncologists receive a sales commission for prescribing chemotherapy. From what I can find out (seems they hate to admit it) most of their income is from cancer drug sales commissions.
Chances are you've never heard of Chlormequat. But you need to! It's a very dangerous pesticide now found in 80% of people in the U.S. And it comes from eating things like Cheerios and Quaker Oats. Yep.
More and more people are opting out of ALL vaccines, and this Mercola interview of Dr. Suzanne Humphries covers most of the reasons why!
2-hour video (You can stop at 1 hour, 12 minutes and skip to 1:15:30 to miss the 3-minute fund-raiser)
60-minute video. This is the most amazing interview I've ever watched. Good grief! A former insider spills the beans on the Deep State's control of elections... I'm shocked he's still alive!! Take the time to watch this!!!
22-minute video. Alex Newman does a GREAT job of explaining this using several video clips and excellent research. This will blow you away!
41-minute video (watch only the first 5 minutes). This is an amazing 5-minute overview of Russia, Ukraine and our political landscape from someone in the know. Watch only the first five minutes. After that they get into some opinionated anti-Israel stuff that is worthless. But the first five minutes are amazing.
27-minute video. Well, this was way outside my comfort zone! I am perfectly content organizing stuff for great speakers. It'll help you understand why I don't schedule myself to speak at the Steeling the Mind Conferences! 🙂 But duty called....and I did get to mention our million Before/After Rapture mailing.
2-minute video. Son of co-founder of the WEF exposes Klaus Schwab and his Global depopulation agenda via the worldwide va((ine distribution.
11-minute video (start about 1 minute 40 seconds). Sharyl Attkisson interviews a family who volunteered their child for the va((ine trials back in 2020. Not good.
The US government is spending over $1 million of our tax dollars to fund research to make ducks, geese and other fowl more infectious and able to infect humans. But just because it's dangerous is no reason to worry...
Most of these 18-30 year old men are traveling without family. Do you see a problem here? Yikes! More proof JRB is not on our side!
Here come 75 million more Muslim migrants to be ready to behead people in the Tribulation.
According to 60 Minutes, the number of migrants from China that are crossing our southern border has gotten 50 times higher over the past couple of years, and a very large proportion of them are "Chinese males of military age"…
68-minute video. This amazing info came out a while back and over 10 million have viewed it...but it seems a lot of people somehow missed it. Do watch it if you haven't seen it. What's in this video is unsettling for anyone va((inated but is hugely important to never forget what the Globalists/Satanists are doing to us. CQLJ!
14-minute video. Oh Vernon... you British have such a proper way to cut to the chase. But he nails it.
Leo Hohmann royally roasts Gates and his nutso sun blocking attempts.
If the church has replaced Israel then to whom is Hosea 5:15 referring? What offense has the church committed and how can they be the church and not seek His face? Amir Tsarfati asks the tough questions.
A Catholic couple in Indiana is asking the Supreme Court to hold the state accountable for keeping their child out of their home after they declined to use his chosen name and pronouns. Brother.
They have a way to deal with hesitant doctors: "Doctors who don’t want to be part of MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) for the mentally ill will be taught how it’s done. If it’s still difficult for them, the government will “support” them. The message is that this is going to happen, one way or another."
A scheme has been uncovered that apparently would involve announcing - unilaterally - a Palestinian state right away.
Find the interactive V-Safe dashboard and click the DOWNLOAD buttons to obtain exclusive data obtained by ICAN.
So, a couple of years ago ICAN (Del Bigtree) sued to get info from the CDC, the comments made in the V-safe Covid Va((ine data base. Turns out there were 400,000 comments. Most quite revealing. I can see why they didn't want anyone to see them!
25-minute video (Watch at least the first 10 minutes) What this sheriff is announcing is very disturbing. He says the FBI just briefed thousands of sheriffs around the country that it's not a matter of "if" we're attacked from within, but "when." They told them that the illegal border crossings have a purpose and just like what happened in Gaza, local police will be on their own when it starts'
Our favorite investigative journalist has been undercover at the border. What a stitch! He poses as a surveyor and shows the secrets the U.S. Government is hiding at the border.
Well, two thoughts here... First, Russia is likely to attack the USA with nukes when they attack Israel with nuclear weapons in the Ezekiel 37/38 post-Rapture war.
The article looks at four areas (hoofbeats)— Antichrist, nuclear weapons, economic doom and worldwide death.
26-minute video. Tucker is driving the Left bananas.
The DOJ uses KKK-Era charge to extend prison sentences for pro-lifers. Of course they did. Eleven years for praying outside an abortion clinic!
The FDA is useless. Unless they're TRYING to kill us. Hundreds of scientific studies provide strong evidence that consuming ultra-processed foods is linked to early death and serious diseases, including cancer, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, depression, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and chronic kidney disease.
2-hour video (start at 3:35 mark). This is old news to us, but if you missed our original posts, this will help you see what the va((ine is doing to people. These clots are why so many people keep dying...and the deaths will continue.
11-minute video. These guys make a good case that Gaza, or the Gaza strip, was prophesied in Zephaniah to attack Israel in the last days ... and the Gazans are referred to as "running assassins." Hmmm...
The Biden administration is funding research on artificial intelligence (AI) tools to identify and censor “misinformation,” “disinformation” and “malinformation” online, according to a U.S. House of Representatives interim report released Monday.
You can click on the map to see your nearest enemy...sorry, I mean local DA.
Biden is provoking God when he messes with Mt. Moriah. The Temple Mount is sorta like the forbidden fruit.
New Zealand and up to three other countries have rejected controversial amendments, proposed in 2022 by the Biden administration to the World Health Organization’s 2005 International Health Regulations.
With Russian leader Vladimir Putin dominating the news cycle this week due to his interview with Tucker Carlson, it is important to have some context about who Putin is, what he thinks, and how his actions have furthered the globalist agenda.
The Globalists/Satanists have something up their sleeve in order to install a global currency. We just don't know for sure what it will be. Interesting discussion ...
"This is part of the globalist plan to ‘ration’ travel of all kinds — no more unlimited planes, trains or automobiles for the serfs." Leo Hohmann
Just another proof Satan, who hates ALL humans, is behind the ridiculous Climate Change movement! It gets even better, the next best actions are selling your car, avoiding flights and going vegetarian, according to study into true impacts of different green lifestyle choices. (This article is six years old, FYI.)
CLIP: Jesse Watters interview with Michael Shellenberger over Crossfire Hurricane scandal (4:21).
75-second video. What you have to realize here is that Rogan reaches 50 million+, mostly liberals, and half his audience is outside the USA. So this was huge. I'm sure this made every va((inated person quite nervous!
23-minute video. Alex Newman says the invasion coming across the Southern border that is being engineered by the Biden administration is about more than just bringing in more Democrat voters. Oh boy....
Leo Hohmann cuts to the chase: "How can something as abnormal as a country without borders continue to exist?" This will not end well.
14-minute video. Laura Logan pulls back the curtain on what really is going on at the border. And what you find is horrible. Unfortunately they ask the question, why is the U.S. government allowing this to continue? Well, the answer is that we're being invaded.
13-minute video. Chinese migrants are the fastest growing group crossing into U.S. from Mexico. Hmmm....
3-minute video. This short video has a sheriff showing illegals with $1000 pre-paid debit cards given to them, maps of where the border crossings are and hotels where to stay along the way.
"Something strange is going on" and "it's about to get ugly." This is the clearest and most succinct explanation for the [Biblically prophesied] starvation ahead.
At least 1,300 farmers from across Europe lined the streets of Brussels with their tractors at the annual summit of European Union (EU) leaders on Feb. 1 to protest policies they claim threaten to put them out of business, according to Bloomberg and other news sources.
8-minute video. Del Bigtree and Jeffrey Jaxon explain what and why "equity" is being used as an excuse to cut back on food supplies. And why no meat is their ultimate goal.
3-minute video.
2-minute video. I like it! LOL! [SNL]
“Initial results show promising neuron spike detection,” said Musk, later adding that the first Neuralink product is called Telepathy, which enables “control of your phone or computer, and through them almost any device, just by thinking.”
TSA introduced facial recognition technology into the screening process at select airports. The facial recognition technology represents a significant security enhancement and improves traveler convenience . . . liars!
60-second video. "We saw Hamas brutally murder 900+ Israelis, most all civilians. If you want to know what else they're after, a Hamas commander made it clear. He said they want to kill every Jew and every Christian – and take control of the 'entire 510 million sq. kilometers of Planet Earth.' If you think what is happening in Israel is limited to Israel, think again." -Franklin Graham
The Real Nature Of Satan Clubs—To Indoctrinate Children Against A Biblical Worldview. There will be a LOT of shocked people on Judgment Day! Just saying....
38-minute video. This is a fascinating interview by Alex Newman of a highly credentialed European UN employee who is exposing what's going on behind the scenes.
A Christian preacher has been found guilty of breaching a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for holding a sign with a verse from the Bible on it outside of an abortion clinic.
f you think the war on farming which is raging right now in Europe is only intended to affect industrial farms, think again. The establishment is going to try to use the man-made climate change lie to dictate ALL food production, right down to your unassuming backyard garden.
Article and/or 13-minute video. More than 100,000 excess deaths involving cardiovascular conditions occurred in England since February 2020, according to prominent medical commentator John Campbell, Ph.D.
Agenda 2030 stresses the “tyranny of poverty,” but what does it have to say about the corrupt leaders of those 45 countries who are practically stealing food and water out of the mouths of their own people?
14-minute video (watch first 10 minutes). Del Bigtree says Pandemic Treaty won't fly. Hope he's right!
He released this short 4-minute video explaining why...
Here is an interesting short 50-second clip of Putin from June, 2021
The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender’s slave. Prov. 22:7
More on the subject...credit card consumer debt just passed $1 trillion. And the average interest rate is 21.5%. Oh dear.
I am amazed at the number of people who believe the shots are killing people. It's encouraging!
30-second video. At least they're allowed to openly talk about it in their Parliament.
46-minute video. Russell Brand had a large following of left-leaners. So when he began telling people about the problems with the va((ine, the Globalists/Satanists had to shut him down. A GREAT Tucker Carlson interview you're sure to enjoy! Shows Satan's activity is worldwide.
2-minute video (First 2 minutes). Alex Jones interviews Alex Newman (who will be speaking at the Steeling the Mind Conference in Coeur d'Alene next month) covering a plethora of subjects. Watch for the false flags!! The first two minutes are a recap of the entire 46-minute video.
20-minute video (Begin at 1:10:20 and stop at 1:31:00) Well, Laura was really fired up ...seems like she talked 10 minutes without taking a breath. And covered pretty much all the problems of the world. And she's right on!
German data scientist Fabian Spieker makes the case for over 100,000 excess deaths caused by the va((ines in just 3 months' time. He has a LOT of data proving all his assertions.
This is an obvious opportunity for AI censorship and those who control it (Satanic).
11-minute video (Stop at 11 minutes). Another proof the deaths were expected.
When churches leave out studying prophecy, they do so at their own peril.
16-minute video. Tucker Carlson wonders if we are already at war with Iran. He makes a good case.
Would your doctor recommend you take a shot just because he/she is making big bucks in commissions? You bet your sweet bippy.
30-minute Video (start at 4 minutes to skip Bossche credentials). In a nutshell, without herd immunity mass va((ination in the middle of a pandemic causes viral mutation ... which causes death and disability. Brian Hooker interviews Geert Vanden Bossche.
6-minute video. Tucker Carlson interviews Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Don't mess with Texas!
Paul Craig Roberts tries to make sense of a world gone nuts. A world that calls all white people supremacist racists exploiters.
Americans are quickly dumping the lying liberal media in favor of alternative sources. Unable to sell enough advertising to make a profit, the Big Liberal Media is laying off thousands.
“The CDC continues to function as a powerful promoter of vaccines, not as a protector of public health.” Dr. Mary Kelly Sutton
47-minute video. n a major peer-reviewed article in Journal Cureus, scientists tie the mRNA va((ines into post-jab injuries. They concluded, “Federal agency approval of the COVID-19 mRNA injectable products on a blanket-coverage population-wide basis had no support from an honest assessment of all relevant registrational data and commensurate consideration of risks versus benefits” and called for immediate removal from the childhood va((ine schedule.
90-minute video. In case you missed this in the lead article above, this is the link using the Temple to show Adam to the Cross was 4000 years and from the cross to the Second Coming is 2000 years. And you have to subtract the 7-years of Tribulation. 33 AD + 2000 = 2033 - 7 = 2026.
In a chilling letter to congressional leaders dated January 17, former federal law enforcement and national security officials spell out the danger of Biden's open border that "arises from the nature of the threat itself."
1-minute video. Amen!
6-minute video. You have to listen to this Congressional testimony by doctors Peter McCullough, Ryan Cole and Kirk Milhoan. WOW WOW WOW!
Article and/or 60-minute video. The video is Greg Hunter interviewing David Webb who wrote "The Great Taking." Long, but lots of interesting info in this video. There are lots of quotes of the video in the article if you don't have time to watch. Quite eye-opening.
They hate Christians praising their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on air. The nerve of them!
In the 1960s, George Wallace, by law, couldn't run again for Governor of Alabama. So he ran his wife and won. Guess who really ran government? It might happen again, on a much higher level. They refer to Michelle as "Big Mike" ... apparently a dig by those who believe she might have started out as a he. Yikes!
Investigative Journalist James O'Keefe uncovers a "shadowy network of secretive nonprofits" (some funded by taxpayers) that are facilitating the invasion of illegals on the southern border.
47-minute interview. The petrodollar's collapse is accelerating in 2024...has the fuse been lit? Great interview of Andy Schectman by Michelle Makori covering the falling dollar.
If you have babies, small children or youth, take the time to read this.
Jan Markell, a Jew herself, gives a sobering assessment of Jewry in the world.
Scarf Lady is something else. Every woman I know didn't trust her. She said, "Pence told me to do what I needed to do; My 'sleight-of-hand worked, they never seemed to catch this subterfuge'"- Birx
Article and/or 2-minute video.
read more and see more charts about this ... and there's a 6-second video.
Here's an amazing 6-minute video of a funeral director regarding the "wave of death" being seen in the funeral industry.
The results of most studies with GM foods [Genetically Modified] indicate that they may cause some common toxic effects such as hepatic, pancreatic, renal, or reproductive effects and may alter the hematological, biochemical, and immunologic parameters. . . .
Bummer. And they are still recommending va((ines for pregnant moms. Jerks.
24-second video. Cool! Uh, no it was hot.
5-minute video. Well this is sobering....
8-minute video. This, of course, is not getting any press, but could be huge.
Explains how the government closed almost all the churches during Covid lockdowns.
2-minute video. If a woman wants to have a family, don’t marry a va((inated person! Bummer.
16-minute video. While we're distracted with elections, borders, inflation, food supplies, and all the other stuff the Globalists/Satanists throw out daily, people continue to die in shockingly record numbers. And no one is talking about it.
7-minute video. Foreign DNA enters your cells through the mRNA COVID vax and changes your DNA — your humanity — forever. "Absolutely that could happen," says Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the surgeon general of Florida who forbade any more mRNA Covid vax shots to be given in Florida.
68-minute video (watch on 1.25 speed) This movie starts a little slow with a lot of heart-breaking real life va((ine stories. But I ended up glad I watched the whole thing. If you're tight on time, skip the first 30 minutes. It covers some stats I had not heard regarding prego women.
4-minute video. John Beaudoin’s testimony to the New Hampshire Senate Health and Human Services Committee in New Hampshire pinned a few ears back with his blistering expose' of the Covid va((ine rollout. Ouch!
Covid has claimed about 105,000 lives in California since 2020. That's a good place to start. But they need to move on to how many deaths were people who had been va((inated! Hello.
5-minute interview clip. OAN's Alison Steinbery has an interesting interview with Alex Newman regarding the next feared pandemic that WEF says is 20 times more deadly.
Bottom line is this X thing may very well be what the Globalists/Satanists use to close up the country just in time for mail-in ballots. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
9-minute video - Watch only the last 9 minutes, start at 1:54 mark.This is a Steve Kirsch video, it's not a bad interview but kinda slow for a 2-hour listen. So don't. But the Aaron Rogers clip is amazing. It's quite interesting to hear his well-researched reasoning. Start at 1:54 to 2:03 end.
The Wall Street Journal reports that doctors are "baffled" by the sudden rise in cancer among young people. The word "vaccine"is nowhere in the article. I bet those docs would really be baffled to learn that 99% of those getting those turbo cancers were Covid va((inated!
I'll pass.
Yes, it's a long one. If you can't watch this soon I hope you find time later! Oh boy.
8-minute video. Well this is unnerving, but worth the watch!
She also had an interesting interview by Tucker Carlson regarding Germany limiting food.
"Some of the decay is existential and fundamental; some anecdotal and illustrative. But either way, while decline came about gradually over decades, its sudden and abrupt chaos during the three years of Biden’s presidency has shocked Americans.
AI has made it possible for the bad guys to seamlessly connect everything that we do online to everything that we do offline. Ouch. No doubt AI surveillance tools will be abused, and tyranny is on the rise all over the globe. CQLJ!
Islamist militants carried out coordinated attacks on Christian communities in northeastern Nigeria on New Year’s Day, killing at least 14, Barnabas Aid reported Tuesday.
8-minute video, or read article, or look at screen shots below.
Mark Hitchcock does a great job outlining this!
Never forget. And since they got away with it once....
LOL! I still don't trust this guy but like what he says.
4-minute video. (BTW, never forget the pics from Epstein's "death" showed them carrying out a body with different ear lobes. So it's entirely possible he's still alive.)
A Disabled Vet Combed Obituaries for the Words ‘Suddenly’ and ‘Unexpectedly’ ...
5-minute video. (couple of minutes is all you need to watch). The majority of the illegal aliens are military-age men.
25-minute Video. Jay lost 15 of his friends who all "died suddenly." All were vaccinated. Four dropped dead within 24 hours of the shot. 3 of the 4 were under 30 years old, perfectly healthy before their death. Wow, what a story.