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Ten years ago, George Soros began paying liberal attorneys big bucks to get elected if they would go soft on crime. Noticed any difference lately?

Jan 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Leadership in the Midst of Storms

Doctor Highlights His Preferred COVID-19 Treatments - Article/Video

While the Omicron variant seems to be causing less severe disease than the Delta variant, it’s still landing some people in hospitals, highlighting the need for effective treatment before cases progress to that stage. Good info to know.

Jan 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Leadership in the Midst of Storms

The Un-Chosen Movie - Article

When we wrote The List Novel, we were extremely careful to be culturally, historically and Biblically accurate. Based on Revelation 22:19 we never added to Jesus' words. This, trust me, made it difficult for Buck to write around His words! But in the end, we published a book that added value to the Bible's stories without compromising scriptural integrity. So when Susie and I watched the first episode of The Chosen, we were sadly disappointed, to say the least. I couldn't even finish the first episode. Not wanting to bash a Christian movie (there are so few anyway) I never critiqued it. But now, more info is coming out about the movie, its inaccuracies and its ties to the Mormon Church. So the link above will give you more information. But hey, if you like the movie, great. Some Christians liked The Shack(1) and Jesus Calling(2), even though they too are quite loose with scripture. To each his own. My two cents. 1) https://compass.org/article-why-the-shack-is-blasphemous/ 2) https://compass.org/article-jesus-is-not-calling/

Jan 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Leadership in the Midst of Storms

The Real Reason A Lot Of People Seem Clueless About Covid Va((ine Dangers - Video

This second link is to Amazing Polly's explanation in layman's terms of how this mass psychosis was achieved. Polly does a great job...probably why she has over 100K subscribers.

Jan 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Leadership in the Midst of Storms

The Real Reason A Lot Of People Seem Clueless About Covid Va((ine Dangers - Article

Last week we linked to the video of Joe Rogan interviewing Dr. David Malone. This was the interview that got the globalists upset and banned Malone from Twitter. In the interview he was discussing how mass psychosis was achieved on a large number of people.

Jan 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Leadership in the Midst of Storms

16,000 Physicians: Don't Va((inate Your Children!!!! - Article

If you're considering va((inating your kids, or know someone who is, this is the article you need to know and/or share.

Jan 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Leadership in the Midst of Storms

The Warning We Ignored - Video

Del Bigtree is really good! Great guests, lots of info on the Globalists'/Satanists' takeover of America and how it happened. 

Jan 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Leadership in the Midst of Storms

Lives Destroyed: 1 in 200 died from the va((ine - Article

20,000+ died from va((ine last year, plus the 90% unreported, just in case you want to see the FACTS! And this doesn't take into account those dying daily from causes related to va((inations. 

Jan 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Leadership in the Midst of Storms

Worldwide Great Reset Soldiers - Article

Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are recruiting positions worldwide for the post-reset world. And their goals are far more than remaking the economy—they want to physically remake you and your children. 

Jan 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Leadership in the Midst of Storms

Censored America - Video

Kim Iversen walks through the dangers of today's media censorship showing we're no different than Russia and/or China.

Jan 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Leadership in the Midst of Storms

Insurance CEO: Deaths Now 40% Higher Per Quarter—And These Are NOT From Covid! - Video

$100 billion OneAmerica Insurance Company CEO Scott Davison, who oversees 2400 employees, says quarterly death rates for 18-62 year olds has skyrocketed 40% per month compared to pre-Covid. When they finally admit these were almost all va((inated people...oh dear!

Jan 5, 2022 • Email Subject: Leadership in the Midst of Storms

Froglegs - Video

This is quite entertaining while making great points about the stupidity of liberals, Globalists, Covid, Va((s, etc. Enjoy! 30-minute video (skip last five minutes).

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

More On Athletes Dying From Va((ine - Article

By Dr. Mercola. Makes you sick to know what these Satanists are doing EVERYDAY! And expect it to get worse. This information is being blocked but it will eventually get out. Then all Hades will break loose as the va((inated will understand they've been duped. Don't get the clot-shot for ANY reason. If you did, don't get any more.

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Austrians Fined and Jailed If Unva((inated - Video

Europe continues its slide toward 100% control. Del Bigtree interviews Dr. Maria Mogg from Austria. 20 minute video.

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Please Turn In Your Neighbor - Video

This was really funny, at first. But then you realize it's probably where we're headed if the Rapture doesn't come first. NYC is voting on this bill January 5...A416. Pay attention!

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Our Post-human Future - Video

This TEDx Talk gives a non-Christian glimpse into what's coming for humans... explained in layman's terms. They call it "hacking life." Oh dear!

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

The Antichrist Is Alive Today - Video

Pastor JD Farag makes a good case!

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Massive Instability In Airline Industry - Article

Based on all Biden is doing, you would think he's hoping for a total collapse of banking, travel, and food supply so he can call a national emergency. So if Democrats aren't intentionally trying to destroy America, they're certainly doing a good job by accident.

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Why Does Trump Keep Promoting the Vaccine? - Video

David Martin on fire... sorta like drinking out of a fire hydrant!

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Mr. Truthbomb #2 - Video

This is a follow-up to an earlier Mr. Truthbomb #1 "Featured Video of the Week." Oh boy! 2 hour video.

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

If you've Had Covid, You're Protected Forever! - Article

Worse, if you take the clot-shot after having recovered from Covid, you've destroyed what God gave you as defense against future Covid strains.

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

150K Dead From Covid - Article

The bald-faced liars at the CDC have yet to admit that anyone has died from the Covid va((ine. But, yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the Covid injections alone, not counting the post-va((ine deaths from blood and heart problems.

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Finland Puts Two Christians On Trial For Their faith - Article

Two Christians are being charged with “hate speech” for publishing a 24-page booklet that explains basic Christian theology about sex and marriage. The booklet, written and published in 2004, teaches Biblical values, regarding sex within marriage only for one man and one woman, for life. The Finnish prosecutor claims Christian teachings about sex “incite hatred” and violate legal preferences for government-privileged identity groups.

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

WEF Releases "How to Lie to the Public" Guide - Article

The World Economic Forum now has a new nifty little booklet to help people want to be va((inated...using lies, manipulation and coercion. Satan is really good at lying...

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Why They're Going After The Kids With Va((inations - Article/Video

These evil Satanists have no conscience!

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

CDC Overcounting Va((inated People By Millions! - Article

Bloomberg is reporting that the CDC has severely over-counted the number of people who have taken the clot-shot. But we already knew they were liars.

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Pharmacist Stymied - Video

Too funny! Woman politely asks a pharmacist to show her the Moderna safety insert. 5 minute video.

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Why So Many Pilots Are Dying - Video

Explains why over 200 pilots have died in 2021 compared to just over 10 last year, Dr. Bryan Artis

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Why Dr. Malone Got Banned From Twitter - Video

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology, was recently permanently banned from Twitter for posting a link to this information. As you will see, there is no untruthful information, just facts. So for the 1000th time, more proof this Covid crisis is not about health, rather, control.

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Why Dr. Malone Got Banned From Twitter - Article

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology, was recently permanently banned from Twitter for posting a link to this information. As you will see, there is no untruthful information, just facts. So for the 1000th time, more proof this Covid crisis is not about health, rather, control.

Dec 30, 2021 • Email Subject: Being Wise Among the Wicked in 2022

Trading Liberty for Safety - Video

Our favorite Jew, Zev Zelenko, was one of the first to figure out the Covid-con. This is a marvelous interview on SGT. 49 minute video.

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

Fauxi On Trial - Video

Bannon talks va((ines, Fauxi, medical tyranny and Robert F. Kennedy Jr's book... really nails Fauxi! If this were a few years back, Fauxi would go to jail. But these days... Hillary, Hunter and more have walked without worry.

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

Since Not Enough People Were Getting Flu Shots, Fauxi Decides To Scare People! - Video Clip

He is a piece of dirt who will burn forever. Watch this short clip from his own mouth...

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

Austria Bombshell - Article

Austria hiring people to hunt down unva((inated people and issue fines up to $3,000 per year.

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

Oxford Study: 1 in 100 Va((inated People Having Heart Problems - Article

This is a shocker. In this Oxford Study of over 38 million people, 1 in 100 va((inated individuals were admitted to hospital or died with heart problems. And they want to give this poop to kids??

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

Wonder About All This Crazy Weather? - Article

Lots of people have been suspicious of what was causing the weird weather over the last 30 years—now we know why. And they'll use these weather controls to make "Climate Change" an issue.

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

Globalist Narratives Failing - Video

I like this guy! It's 40 minutes long but they flew by. Greg Hunter has sort of a folksy low-tech presentation, but you learn a lot and he nails everything.

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

More Nurses Blow Whistle On Heart Attacks, Clotting and Strokes - Article

More nurses have come forward to expose the rise in unexplained heart problems, strokes and blood clotting in local vaccinated patient populations.

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

5G & Covid — Not Good - Video

Top Scientists Confirm 5G Pushes Oxygen Out of Blood & Creates Covid-Like Symptoms in New Major Study—Alex Jones/Info Wars.

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

Winter of Severe Illness for Unvaccinated? Hardly! - Article

Ignoring massive deaths of va((inated people and early treatments of those who contract the Omicron variant (which is more like a cold) the Brandon Administration continues to come after the unva((inated.

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

Hijacking God's Creation - Video

The va((ines hijack our cells and instruct them to manufacture weapons of death. 

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

Lives Destroyed by Not Recognizing Natural Immunity! - Article

This exposes the lies by the CDC about natural immunity.

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

Major Alert: Child Va((ine Damage Is Irreversible - Article/ Video

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA science, issues an urgent warning—we must protect our children!

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

The Famous Joe Rogan / Peter McCullough Interview - Video

This may be the best Peter McCullough interview ever. Joe Rogan has a massive audience and north of 10 million people watched this video, many who are pro-va((ine. So the word is getting out! It took Susie and me three different times to finish this long interview, but we loved every minute! 2 hour video.

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

Depopulation Explained - Video/Podcast

Brannon Howse, past Steeling the Mind Bible Conference speaker, interviews scientist and entrepreneur Mike Adams. They pretty much cover every critical topic regarding what's going on in the world, including the Globalists'/Satanists' depopulation plan, the coming manufactured food crisis and preparing for the planned collapse of the U.S. dollar..

Dec 22, 2021 • Email Subject: More to the Christmas Story... and Thoughts For This Coming Year

Digital Currencies Being Launched Worldwide - Video

Every country in the world is launching a digital currency... why?

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

Where this is all headed - Israel is the Model - Video

10 minute video

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

What Our Government Says About Quarantine Camps - Shielding Article

Shielding Article

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

What Our Government Says About Quarantine Camps - Quarantine Stations

Quarantine Stations

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

What Our Government Says About Quarantine Camps - Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

What Our Government Says About Quarantine Camps - USA Quarantine Map

USA Quarantine Map

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

What Our Government Says About Quarantine Camps - Isolation - Article


Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

Exposing The Government's Faulty Response To Pandemic - Video

Alex Jones interviews Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan -- OSHA insiders spilling the beans!

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

After They Modify You, They'll Own You - Video

These are quite Satanically sinister people...but we're not up against flesh and blood!

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

Austrians Beg For Help! - Article

Austrians are pleading for the world to help end their rapidly emerging police state.

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

Va((ines Prevent You From Acquiring Immunity - Article

Getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) destroys the human immune system and prevents recipients from ever acquiring full, true immunity – even if the person “catches” and later recovers from the Chinese Virus..

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

Covid Va((ines Causing Lower Antibodies Against Omicron - Article

A lower level of antibodies against the Omicron virus variant is triggered by COVID-19 vaccines, researchers said in a new study. Translation: Va((ines not only do not help, they make the situation worse. Now if the first two shots don't work, how in the world does a third do any good?

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

16K Docs Say Kids Shouldn't Get Va((inated - Article

16,000 physicians publicly signed a declaration saying the Covid va((ine was irreversible and potentially permanently damaging to healthy kids. Put Fauxci in jail!

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

CDC: 80% Infected By Omicron In U.S. Are Fully Va((inated - Article

The CDC confirms that the vast majority of the patients infected with the Omicron variant identified in the US so far were fully vaccinated individuals. Hmmmmm.....

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

The New World Order Blueprint - Article

The "Great Reset" is actually an initiative that was started by the World Economic Forum that is designed to get "global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis."

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

Doctors' Orders! - Video

Walks you through what happened to the docs who resisted the directives given by the hospitals, AMA, Big Pharma, etc.

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

Deaths Are Soaring, But Not From Covid! Part 2 - Article

In England, during the last 13 weeks alone, over 100,000 seniors died above the normal rate, mostly from heart attacks and strokes, despite a 98.7% injection rate. I wonder what the connection is?

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

Deaths Are Soaring, But Not From Covid! Part 1 - Article

In England, during the last 13 weeks alone, over 100,000 seniors died above the normal rate, mostly from heart attacks and strokes, despite a 98.7% injection rate. I wonder what the connection is?

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

How They're Killing Us - Video

In two minutes Dr. Artis explains why 90% of so-called "Covid deaths" are not from Covid!

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

Mr. Truthbomb #4 - Video

Oh boy, lots of info here ... depopulation agenda, va((ine industry evils, digital immunity, worldwide protests, media lies, problems with va((inating children, sterility post-va((ines, what's in the va((ine and much more. Has some dirty words scattered throughout...but still worth seeing. Note: There are some references to Trump coming back to fix everything. Unlikely, but whether he does or doesn't, we know our hope is only in Jesus Christ, not a person.

Dec 16, 2021 • Email Subject: How To Witness To Lost Relatives

Australia Implementing "Quantum Dot" Va((ine Identification System - Article

Apparently being the test country for the world, Australia is moving forward with a digital patch ID system that marks people with a QR code tattoo using invisible luciferase ink. We first wrote about this over a year ago— https://compass.org/beware-of-the-band-aid/ (Just to be clear, in the Church Age in which we live, there is nothing Born Again Believers can do, or not do, to change their eternal status. Our salvation is not based on what we do or don't do, but rather, on what Jesus has done on the cross at Calvary.)

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

Pfizer Study Shows 1 In 17 Died After Va((ination - Article

This is unreal! A newly released Pfizer Safety study from April 2021 shows that out of 21,325 known outcomes within 90 days of "vaccination," 1,223 [5.74%] suffered fatal adverse events. Liars!!!

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

The Great Covid Football Analogy - Video

Del Bigtree updated his last year's famous football analogy to show why the va((ines don't work. This explains a lot, even if you don't play football!!

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

American Heart Association Says Va((ines Increase Heart Attacks - Article

This peer-reviewed report was so huge the FDA and NIH immediately demanded retractions. LOL!

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

More Proof Wireless Bio-chips and Graphene Oxide are in Covid Shots - Video

Stew Peters interviews Dr. Ariyana Love who shows what she found in the Moderna Vaccine patents...oh boy. Graphene oxide is the least of our worries! Explains why people are dropping dead all over!

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

Russia Massing Troops On Ukraine Border - Article

Russia has amassed 175,000 troops on the Ukrainian border. Russia has had control of Ukraine off and on for years, so this is really nothing new. However, since the Gog/Magog war erupts after the Rapture, when Russia and Iran invade Israel, it's noteworthy because Ukraine is between Russia and Israel. Also it's noteworthy because the Ukrainians have personally paid the Bidens and the Clintons a wad of cash for protection. A third consideration is the fact the Globalists/Satanists would LOVE a war right about now to take the heat off all their mistakes. Stay tuned... 

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

Rabbis Now Meeting Monthly ON THE TEMPLE MOUNT - Article

Rabbis are now regularly meeting on top of the Temple Mount on Mount Moriah! Wow! Since 1967 Israel has controlled the mountain but has allowed the Muslims to administer activities in and around the Dome of the Rock and the two mosques located up there. These Temple Mount Jewish leaders are currently only dealing with simple issues like what prayers to pray, but we all know where this is headed. The Bible says Israel will return to sacrifices in the Tribulation. And the only place they can sacrifice is on the Temple Mount. So this is movement in that direction.

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

Va((ine Causing the Illnesses and Deaths - Video

Greg Hunter and Dr. Elizabeth Eads in a down-to-earth, wide-ranging interview about what is happening in doctors' offices and with pregnant women. Also explains the va((ine IS the variant and how hospitals are killing people. Unreal.

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

Prince Charles Talking About The Anti-Christ! - Video

Was this intentional? Or just stupidity? Or both?

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

Mother Of All Truth Bombs - Video

Catherine Austin Fitts in one of the most articulate, insightful, fearless Christian Intellectuals on the planet…explains what the Globalists have done, are doing, and want to do…while they depopulate the planet. No graphics so you can just listen.

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

What Hospitals Are Paid To Increase Covid Death Count - Article

Yes, yes, I know, hard to believe, or stomach. But it's true. Just scroll down and peruse the list put out by the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons.

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

Pregnant? Stay Away From Va((inated People! - Video

There's new evidence Big Pharma knew that pregnant women could lose their babies from being around va((inated people. Greg Hunter interviews Karen Kingston. Anyone who is pregnant, or wishing to be, should see this video!

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

The Long List of Dead Athletes - Article

We're now up to 293 heart attacks and 168 dead. And the long detailed list just keeps on growing. But Fauxci says the shot is safe, nothing to see here.

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

Mandatory Injections Were Planned In 2015! - Video

It's 51 minutes and definitely worth investing your time! Oh wow, it blew me away. Dr. David Martin is interviewed by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and it's stand-up-and-yell!

Dec 9, 2021 • Email Subject: 3 Reasons We're Not Already in the Tribulation

What To Do If You've Taken The Shot... - Article

If you've taken the va((ine, you need to be proactive to protect yourself against future health issues. There ARE things you can do!

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

Israel Preparing For Digital Currency - Article

As we said, so blinded...

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

Mandates Now Blocked In All 50 States - Article

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Suffers Another Blow

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

Nanosensors Found In Va((ines - Video

This is quite spooky! Dr. Pablo Compra, part of a Spanish research group, has found evidence of wireless nanosensors in the va((ines. Interviewed by Stew Peters.

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

Sweden: Get Your Covid Va((ine Passport In A Chip In Your Hand - Article

What are they thinking??? Does no one in Sweden have a Bible???

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

Totalitarianism Is Satanic - Video

What these Satanic/Globalist creeps want is to totally control every aspect of every life. Polly explains in a heart-to-heart expose' with some good A. W. Tozer clips. 46 minute video.

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

1/3 Of Healthcare Workers Are Not Va((inated - Article

Well this is interesting. The reasons they give for not va((inating are 1) They don't work, 2) Adverse effects and 3) No viable testing.

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

86 Stillbirths In 6 months, Instead Of The Normal Two - Video

This will break your heart. Pregnant women are getting va((inated to be able to go into restaurants but it's terminating their pregnancies. Hardly worth it! 1 minute video.

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

Fauci Is From The Pit Of Hell - Video

Interviewed by Alex Newman, Robert Kennedy shows Fauci has a dark history—he's been an evil, evil man for decades! Makes you want to scream that he's the one person responsible for this whole Covid mess. 22 minute video.

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

Moderna And NIH Caught Red-Handed! - Video

There are a couple of coarse words embedded around the screen to watch ... FYI ... but the revealed confidential info about a deal between Moderna and the Federal Government in 2015 is incredible! Covid patents are owned by those approving the va((ine! 

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

Medical Proof That The Va((ine Is Murder - Video

Dr. Vernon Coleman: "Now we have the evidence to stop the jabbing!"

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

German Doctor Murdered After Posting Video Of Destructive Graphene Hydroxide In Va((ines - Video

This is huge and shows you the depth of what we're up against. Here's a German doctor trying to warn the world about the va((ine and the Satanists/Globalists promptly murdered him. I'm guessing he must have been flying right over the target!

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

Va((ines Are Ticking Time Bombs - Video

Dr. Jane Ruby interviews Dr. Jessica Rose about the long-term effects of the Covid va((ine. This is unbelievable—the va((ine is literally destroying our immune systems!

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

More Mass Die-off Evidence - Article

The SCIENTIFIC data/evidence shows that in October 2021 va((inated people accounted for 60% of all Covid cases, 67% of all hospitalizations, and 82% of all deaths. Wake up, world!

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

Connecting The Dots— From Va((ination to Total Control - Video

This will wake up a lot of people. Melissa Clummel, a financial investor from Northern Ireland, clearly explains what is taking place in our world. Every person on the planet, Christian or not, needs to take 30 minutes and watch this! 34 minute video.

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

Satanists/Globalists Plan To Take Over America - Video

This is 24 minutes worth watching as it explains in layman's language what the heck is going on in the world. Clear and concise!

Dec 1, 2021 • Email Subject: Is Iran Planning to Attack Israel?

What The Va((ine Actually Does To Your Body - Video

Excellent! A healthcare specialist lays out the problem in layman's terms with great graphics. Brace yourself!

Nov 24, 2021 • Email Subject: The First Thanksgiving

Brandon Administration Removing Religious Liberty Protections - Article

Leaked Memo from HHS reveals plan to undo religious liberty protections.

Nov 24, 2021 • Email Subject: The First Thanksgiving

While People Drop, Africans Thrive - Video

Scientists mystified as people worldwide are dying after va((inations, Africans thrive with low to no Covid problems. Of course, we know why!

Nov 24, 2021 • Email Subject: The First Thanksgiving

Mortality In The Most Va((inated Countries - Article

This is for the avid researcher—21 charts of European countries showing more va((inations make it worse, not better.

Nov 24, 2021 • Email Subject: The First Thanksgiving

How Va((ine Benefits Are Exaggerated - Article

The depth of evil is astonishing...

Nov 24, 2021 • Email Subject: The First Thanksgiving

Controlled Destruction Underway Part 2 - Video

This one (same interview) covers the Afghanistan/Saudi connection to our monetary collapse. The above two videos should be taken as one of several financial inputs before making investment decisions.

Nov 24, 2021 • Email Subject: The First Thanksgiving

Controlled Destruction Underway Part 1 - Video

Sarah Westall interviews Andy Scheckman to give us the big financial picture of what's going on behind the scenes in banking. Topics include the planned bankruptcy of small businesses, moving all public/private banking to the Federal Reserve, the 77K new IRS agents and the future of gold/silver. Start at the 6:20 spot.

Nov 24, 2021 • Email Subject: The First Thanksgiving

Australians Forced Into Camps - Article

The government control in Australia has now crossed the line. The only question is: Do you call these camps "Quarantine" or "Concentration?"

Nov 24, 2021 • Email Subject: The First Thanksgiving

Australians Forced Into Camps - Video

The government control in Australia has now crossed the line. The only question is: Do you call these camps "Quarantine" or "Concentration?"

Nov 24, 2021 • Email Subject: The First Thanksgiving

Where America Is Headed - Video

Mike Adams and Alex Jones... these two are something else!

Nov 24, 2021 • Email Subject: The First Thanksgiving

Are The Globalists Planning A Financial Collapse? - Article/Video

We've continued to question what's behind the Democrats' blatant disregard of constitutional law, self-inflicting monetary policy and eye-opening political extremities. Politically their actions make no sense whatsoever. Now others are also beginning to also question what they're really up to. Click the link above to read what General Flynn suspects is coming for America... and plan accordingly!

Nov 24, 2021 • Email Subject: The First Thanksgiving

Playing Strategically - Video

Mel K lets it rip in this wide-ranging interview. A wealth of information in 30 minutes. Of course, we disagree with the premise of their answer to the problems. The only thing that will make a difference at this point is prayer and revival. So keep the faith—don't give up in the dark what you learned in Light! 36 minute video.

Nov 24, 2021 • Email Subject: The First Thanksgiving

Spartacus Covid Letter - Article

Detailed info on blood, Covid and treatments by an anonymous contributor with medical background. Excellent!

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

Va((ine Death Report - Article

Next time someone tells you that you've lost your mind believing the va((ine is deadly, send them this.

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

Hospitals Are Killing People - Video

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject:

Transhumanism...What You Should Know - Video

An uncomfortable peak into where Satan wants to take the world. Stew Peters and Sheila Zilinsky

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

2,433 Dead Babies Following Covid Injections - Article/Video

This so-called Va((ine is not safe for pregnant moms!

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

Bombs Away -Video

Dr. Judy Mikovits and Mikki Willis, producer and author of the Plandemic Series, are interviewed together at the Health and Freedom Conference—WOW—a wealth of information! 24 minute video.

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

Covid Va((ine Is A SLOW-KILL Bio-Weapon - Video

Confirmed by the Pentagon, the Covid Va((ine is meant to kill people slowly so you can't connect the dots until it's too late.

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

Pfizer — Profits Over Health? - Video

Stew Peters and Michelle Malkin on how Pfizer is killing children...what every parent should know.

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

100s of Va((inated Athletes Dying - Video

This is a different video from last week—it shows 90 of the world's top athletes killed or maimed after being va((inated! Of course, you won't see this on the national news. Send this to every person in sports or to anyone who wants to give the va((ine to a helpless child. 4 minute video.

Nov 18, 2021 • Email Subject: Dealing With Delusion

DELTA Driven by Va((inated - Video

A new study is showing the latest Delta variant is actually being caused by the va((ine itself—per Del Bigtree and the Highwire. 5 Minute Video.

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

Tsunami of mRNA Injuries Have Begun - Article

ERs around the world are overflowing and they're not Covid cases...but they are mostly respiratory, blood issues and heart problems. Don't trade your health for a job!

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

Dr. Zev Zelenko & Depopulation - Video

The latest Dr. Zelenko video on Mike Adams showing covid vaccines are a depopulation weapon against humanity.

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

Mounting Evidence Covid Va((ines Are Deadly - Video

Government data reveals shocking number of deaths by Covid Va((ines—AON Reports

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

VAERS Analysis Reveals Facts That Were Hidden From The Public - Article

New analysis of the CDC's VAERS website shows hundreds of adverse events that were not included by the CDC...over 4,000 adverse event codes!

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

People Double-Jabbed Dying 6-Times Faster! - Article

Recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics reveals people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated.

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!


Karen Kingston says the same thing on Greg Hunter's Show

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!


Dr. David Martin shows proof this bioweapon was engineered to destroy humanity.

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

Athletes Dying DURING Competition! - Video

This is a video compilation of dozens of the world’s most physically trained people, all va((inated, having heart attacks during competition. This kind of sports death usually only happens once every 5-10 years. Still want those shots?

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!


This is a "gotta see" video that the world needs to see! Lots of updated info on what's really going on. Hey, if taking the va((ine/poison doesn’t kill you, and you do catch the Covid-flu and go to the hospital, they won’t give you inexpensive medicine like ivermectin and hydroxyclorquine that are proven to cure Covid. Instead they will give you a drug tested and proven to kill about 30% who take it—Remdesivir. Hugely important info to know before you go to the hospital for any reason!

Nov 12, 2021 • Email Subject: Yes, Martha, They Want To Kill Us!

Va((ine Injured Speak Out! - Article

Injured feel abandoned by government who told them COVID shot was safe.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Biden's Betrayal of Israel - Article

There is a lot more to the "Consulant" move than they want you to know.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

WAKE UP! We Are In A War! - Video

According to Dr. Zeb Zelenko, who was nominated for a Nobel Prize, we are living in a global bio-weapon attack and people better wake up to that fact! Thankfully, jabbed or not jabbed, there are things you can do to protect yourself.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Now Witnessing A 2000 Times Increase In Cancer In Va((inated ... And Rising - Article

This is quite the penalty for taking the va((ine. Va((inated people have no immune system and cancer will kill millions over the next couple of years, according to this quite uncomfortable video by Dr. Ryan Cole.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Those Microbots Are Not Only In The Va((ines—They're Also Been Added To Food For Years! - Article

If we weren't already in a mess with Covid, now we find out those Hybrid Micro/Nanoentities have been added to many of our processed foods... for our safety of course! CQLJ!

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

European Whistleblower Discloses Secret Va((ine Agreements - Video

Here's a Romanian official in a public press conference who is ticked-off because the agreements signed between Big Pharma and the EU say they agree to punish those who are unva((inated with loss of rights. Sound familar?

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Help For The Va((inated - Video

If you've been va((inated, watch this video for great tips on how to detox from the poisons. Also good info on ca((ine and sterility problems.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

CDC Caught Lying (again) About Natural Immunity - Article

Dr. Martin Kulldorf, an epidemiologist at Harvard School of Medicine, totally dismantles the recent CDC Covid natural immunity study. He shows the CDC used flawed research trying to stem the tide of truth coming from Israeli data and scores of other studies that show just the opposite is true. How can Fauci sleep at night!!

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

No Global Warning - Video

Weather Channel founder blitzes CNN about weather FACTS... that there is no global warming... before they can turn him off. They got an earful! LOL

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Here Come The Mutants In The Va((inated - Article

The Globalists are trying to blame the hospital death surges on the unva((inated, but doctors know better. Great read!

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Breaking... Evidence All The Va((ine Deaths Are Coming From A Single Va((ine Lot Group! Part 2 - Video

The only thing worse would be it they find out that the killer va((ines went only to red states. Please not!

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Breaking... Evidence All The Va((ine Deaths Are Coming From A Single Va((ine Lot Group! Part 1 - Video

Stew Peters and Jane Ruby show proof-positive that all the va((ine related deaths are from only 5% of the vials, as traced by lot number.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

The Va((ine-Cancer Atrocity - Article


Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Va((ine Deaths Already Beginning - Video

Greg Hunter interviews Dr. Elizabeth Eads... sit down when you watch this one! Dr. Eads says there have been as many as 500K va((ine deaths due to low or no immune system!

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Japan Boots Va((ine, Uses Ivermectin, Beats Covid In 30 Days! - Article

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has adopted a neutral position, choosing not to recommend for, or against, the use of Ivermectin — a change from its deadly position in January 2021 where it discouraged use of the drug for treatment of COVID. Following on the heels of the India province that beat Covid quickly with Ivermectin, Japan also shows why NIH can no longer hold the Ivermectin genie in the bottle.

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs


If you only have time to watch one video, watch this one! You will see that it's not Christian, but the info is incredible and matches up perfectly with Bible prophecy. NOTE: The answer/conclusion at the end of the video is obviously secular—Believers are not looking for a world "Awaking." We're looking for Jesus!

Nov 4, 2021 • Email Subject: Jesus, Jobs and Jabs

Pregnant? Don't Dare Va((inate! - Article/Video

Dr. Paul Thomas interviews a senior research scientist and a medical journalist about a range of topics, including emerging scientific data on the safety of COVID mRNA therapies, with grave warnings for pregnant women and children.

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Israel Physicians: "Don't Follow What We're Doing!" - Article

Israel tried to do everything quickly and correctly. Now they're paying the price.

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Hospitals Are Killing People With The Covid Protocol - Article

This just makes you wonder how long they can do this!

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Strong Objections To Kids' Va((inations - Article

Experts Say Vaccine for Kids Is ‘Unnecessary, Premature and Will Do More Harm Than Good’ ... i.e. more proof the end game is population reduction.

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Toward Global Reset - Article

Former British Columbia Canada Provincial Premier Bill Vander Zalm calls out COVID tyranny, says ‘end game’ is a global ‘reset.’

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Connecting the Covid Dots - Podcast/Transcipt

Dr. David Martin—What's really at play and who’s behind the fear-mongering? What is the end game? Secular but brilliant man, excellent!

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

Boosters = Death Cocktail - Video

Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby are opening a lot of eyes! 12 minute video.

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days

The Global Battle For Medical Autonomy Part 2 - Video

Bannon/Naomi Wolf on a follow-up segment (First 15 minutes).

Oct 27, 2021 • Email Subject: Hyperinflation In These Last Days
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