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When The Last Trumpet Blows

September 13, 2023

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(The above chart has some challenges but I included it because it has all the necessary scripture references.)

According to Leviticus 23, one of the holiest days of the year, next to Yom Kippur, is Yom Teruah—also referred to as the Feast of Trumpets. It's one of the seven Jewish feasts God commanded the Jews to celebrate each year.

Again the LORD [Yahweh] spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘In the seventh month on the first of the month you shall have a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. You shall not do any laborious work, but you shall present an offering by fire to the LORD.’” Lev. 23:23-25

So the Feast of Trumpets is a day of blowing trumpets. This feast is also referred to as Rosh Hashanah. In the Hebrew, Rosh means “Head” and Hashanah means “the year.”

The Israelis call it this because they believe it was at this time that the Lord began creating the world and all that is in it. So they celebrate this feast as the beginning of the Jewish New Year.

But God says to celebrate this feast in the seventh month as the 5th of 7 feasts. So the Jews celebrate the new year twice… once on the first day of the first month of Aviv, and again on the first day of the seventh month of Tishri.

10 Days of Awe

The Jews also celebrate Rosh Hashanah as being the beginning of the “10 Days of Awe.”

This declaration is quite interesting and tells us that as a whole, they take their Old Testament scriptures literally. Here’s why…

Between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur there are 10 days. They refer to them as “Days of Awe” because Jewish people know the Holiest day of the year— Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement— is now only 10 days away.

All Jews know that when the Temple was on Mt. Moriah, once a year on Yom Kippur the blood of a sacrificed bull and goat was brought into the Holy of Holies by the High Priest of Israel.

The High Priest was the only one who could go into the Holy of Holies, and he would pour the animals' blood onto the Mercy Seat which contained the two stone tablets with the 10 commandments written by the finger of God.

So on Yom Kippur the blood from innocent animals would be shed to cleanse the nation’s transgressions against those 10 commandments.

For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement. Lev. 17:11

…all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. Heb. 9:22b

So these 10 Days of Awe were the time for Israel to be aware of the solemn time that was just ahead. It was time to repent of any known sin as the Day of Atonement approached.

This was the time for the Jews to humbly admit they were sinners who needed atonement for their sins. God was providing atonement, and humility was what was expected in the Days of Awe:

If there is any person who will not humble himself on this same day, he shall be cut off from his people. Lev. 23:29

The Days of Awe were also a reminder of Israel's need for a Savior. When the Savior finally came, the Day of Atonement would no longer be necessary.

Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, "In the seventh month on the first of the month you shall have a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation." Lev. 23:24

Therefore the Feast of Trumpets was a reminder that the day was approaching when God would cover all their sin. Having their sins taken away was incredible and only bestowed on those Jews participating in Yom Kippur. They were in awe of that fact.

Jewish scribes have long associated the Feast of Trumpets with the arrival of their Messiah. So this "reminder" is both for the Jews to prepare for Yom Kippur AND the future arrival of their Messiah.

(Well, OK, they missed Him the first time, and now most will miss Him again at the Rapture! But they will welcome Him at the 2nd Coming. All part of God's plan for the ages. Also, you can see why they want to rebuild their Temple as currently they have no sacrifice. This WILL happen in the Tribulation—Dan. 9:27.)

Believers should also associate this feast with the arrival of Jesus. We can easily see the Rapture in Exodus 20 when the Lord came down from the top of Mt. Sinai on the third day. Israelites were at the bottom of the mountain and were greeted with a very loud trumpet sound.

So it came about on the third day, when it was morning, that there were thunder and lightning flashes and a thick cloud upon the mountain and a very loud trumpet sound, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled. Ex. 19:16

The people of Israel had gathered in the desert at the bottom of Mount Sinai to meet God.

And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Ex. 19:17

Here we see a fascinating foreshadowing of the Rapture. Paul describes the Rapture this way in his very first letter he ever wrote to the churches he planted.

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 1Th. 4:16

Just as God descended on Mt. Sinai with the sound of the trumpet, Jesus will also have his angels call us with the heavenly trumpet to meet our Lord Jesus in the air.

And just like when the Holy Spirit came to the earth in Acts 2, the Holy Spirit departing at the Rapture will also be quite loud.

And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, Acts 2:2 

The Holy Spirit was loud coming at Pentecost to just a few men. Imagine how loud it will be when He leaves the earth with millions in tow. The entire earth will know something just happened and that this mind-blowing noise was supernatural in origin.

So the yearly Jewish celebration of the Feast of Trumpets points to the Rapture…but few Jews understand this…at least they don’t understand today.

But a lot of Jews WILL understand after the Rapture because Jesus Himself will train 144,000 Rabbinical Jews to evangelize and teach the truth about Jesus the Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach.(1)

With that background, this next verse makes a lot more sense:

The Last Trumpet

Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 1Cor. 15:51-52

The word “mystery” in the Greek is "mysterion," and it means "truth undiscoverable except by divine revelation.”

This "mystery" parallels the prophetic book of Daniel that deemed what was being recorded would not to be understood until the latter days.

“But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time;" Dan. 12:4

Today any grounded Bible Believer understands Daniel 2 and 7 are about events that are occurring today. God is revealing this mystery in the last days in which we live.

He [God] has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will take place in the latter days. Dan.2:28

But even more interesting is that Rosh Hashanah is celebrated by blowing trumpets for two days. There’s that two day period again!

And at the end of the two days, technically the third day, the Jews end the Feast of Trumpets celebration with a special blowing of the trumpet seven times. And the 7th blow is one very long and loud blast.

So when Paul said the Rapture will happen “at the last trumpet,” he’s referring to the last trumpet blowing at the Feast of Trumpets. I believe God has revealed this truth to us!

This year the Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah begins on September 16 and ends on September 17. We, of course, start and end our day at midnight.

But in Israel, the day ends and begins at sunset. So Rosh Hashanah begins on Friday night at sunset, and ends two days/48 hours later at sunset.

Sunset in Israel Sunday, September 17, is at 6:42 PM. So here in the United States the time the Israelis will be blowing the long last trump on Sunday morning is:

8:42 AM Pacific Time
9:42 AM Mountain Time
10:42 AM Central Time
11:42 AM Eastern Time

If the Rapture happens this year, I personally believe it will have been disclosed in scripture that it will happen at the end of the Feast of Trumpets, which in the USA is this Sunday morning.

Obviously I could be wrong. Or the calendar could be wrong. Or I've got the wrong year. Or maybe the mid-trib Rapture position could be right...nah, not a snowball’s chance for that one!

Anyway, there are other reasons to think it could be this year. We all can see what looks like “the writing on the wall” going on all over the world. The list is ridiculously long! I'll bet everyone reading this could easily name 10 reasons the Rapture's close off the top of their head.

But there are three major reasons to think Rapture won’t happen this year.

  1. The vast $100 trillion temple treasures of gold and silver have not been discovered.(2)
  2. Israel doesn’t seem to yet be the burdensome stone to the world.(3)
  3. The Believers didn’t receive a 7-day warning direct from God.(4)

But I could be wrong about that warning too.

All things considered, no doubt it sure SEEMS like it could be this year. Hey, we think it’s so doggone possible that we sent out 100,000 Millions Missing? booklets all over the world last month—made possible by our donors.

And we sent another 10,000 Millions Missing? booklets to people who speak and read Spanish. Hey, we’re not taking any chances this late in the game. It's possible!

However, if I take out my emotion, I honestly have to say “not likely.” But it’s the closest we’ve come so far! 🙂



Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; Heb. 10:23




3-Zech. 12:3


No Off-Switch For Covid Jab Spike Protein



How long will your body produce modified spike protein after the COVID jab? That’s been a question people have been asking ever since the rollout of the first mRNA shots. Two years ago we linked videos by doctors that said the Spike Protein in the covid va((ine would be manufactured forever. Now research is unfortunately confirming it was true in an article by Mercola.
  • According to recent research, there may be no off switch for spike protein production in some individuals who got the COVID jab.
  • Recombinant spike protein was detectable in half the blood samples of jabbed individuals for at least 69 days, and up to 187 days (about six months, which was the end of the study period.)
  • The authors present three “likely” mechanisms behind the persistent spike production: mRNA may be integrated into cells; the spike protein may remain constitutively active; or the mRNA may be integrated into bacteria present in the blood, which then continuously produce spike protein. All three mechanisms could result in never-ending spike production (or spike activity).
  • In-vitro research published in 2022 found the mRNA in Pfizer’s COVID jab could integrate into human cellular DNA by reverse transcription.
  • By producing spike protein for months and perhaps years on end, your body starts to view the SARS-CoV-2 virus as an environmental irritant rather than the potentially lethal invader that it is. This is called immune tolerance. Your body basically ignores the irritant. However, this can become deadly when your body is assaulted by replicating pathogens.

This is just more proof they are using the va((ines to reduce the world's population. Consider this quote from Dr. Robert Malone regarding the NEGATIVE effectiveness of the new COVID Booster:

The only way this makes sense is looking at it from a Biblical perspective.

New Tucker Carlson Video

4-minute video


Tucker Carlson explains why Gretchen Whitmer and Greg Abbot are two peas in a pod ...only Tucker could get away with this...

RFK Takes Apart Journalist

4-minute video


RFK is driving the Democrats crazy. Fun to watch!

Bigtree And Dowd On Children Dying Worldwide

12-minute video


These guys are upset, and you should be too. This is a cold-water-in-the-face video of solid facts that, once again, proves the bad guys are trying to reduce the world's population.

Interestingly, after the Rapture, most of these Globalists/Satanists who are currently carrying water for this global takeover will be tossed out and left starving like the rest of the world.

Boosted People Sicker


A new study finds that boosted people more likely than unvaccinated to be infected with COVID.


Truth Bombs

3-minute video


I don't know who Dr. Tess Lawrie is, and she's hard to understand with her English accent, but she nails everything in three minutes.

IRS Partners With AI



Imagine trying to argue or present your defense to a computer who can close your account at its discretion.

Scientists Knowingly Submitted False Papers For Cash

37-minute video


No one is surprised, but they offered cash to write what they needed to push their false science narratives.


100 Nations Working On Digital Currencies



It's just a matter of time. And only time will tell if this gets implemented before or after the Rapture. And Brazil is blazing ahead. CLICK HERE

Is Marburg On The Way?

12-minute video
Sit down to watch this one. It's probably the most eye-opening video I've watched this year. You might even say it's scary. I certainly hope they're wrong, but if they are right, and they may very well be right, it will arguably have to come about post-Rapture.


Mostly just pics and quotes...

The Bible says a wise man has many counselors (Prov.15:22; 11:14; 24:6). It also says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Prov. 27:17. Great advice but don't miss the fact that this helps you understand who is right and who is wrong.

The first to plead his case seems right, until another comes and examines him. Prov. 18:17 

You have to look at both sides, or multiple sides, of a question to guide you to the best answer.

So it's a big deal when Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, etc., keep alternative information from being considered. It means we're living in a communist country and are being controlled. If you don't "do what they say," you'll pay the price.

So we offer all this additional information each week to give Believers more information as alternative reading.

If an image below is blurry, click the image to read<<<<<

Well this is a sign of the times for sure... today you can be a millionaire and not be considered wealthy!

Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the Surgeon General of Florida, and Governor Ron Desantis on Thursday held a press conference on COVID at Culhane’s Irish Pub and Restaurant in Jacksonville, Florida. Dr. Ladapo warned Americans not to take the new Covid booster shots.

Three Separate Coin Shop Owners Shocked as Their Bank Accounts Suddenly Shut Down with No Reason Given

Bank Shuts Down ‘Silver Stackers and Gold Stackers’ Shop’s Business and Personal Accounts

An Ohio-based coin shop owner recently took to YouTube to share alarming news: His regional bank, with whom he has been a customer for years, has suddenly decided to sever ties by closing all six of his business and personal accounts.

The coin shop owner, who operates a coin shop dealing in silver and gold, received certified letters from his bank stating, “After a recent review, we have decided to end our relationship with you and close your accounts… As stated in your account agreement, we can close your account at any time, for any reason, with or without notice. We will begin our closing process on September 6, 2023.”

(This had 2.5 million views)

Rise in Aggressive 'Turbo Cancers'–Especially In Youth

“What clinicians have been seeing,” says Dr. Harvey Risch, “is very strange things: For example, 25-year-olds with colon cancer, who don't have family histories of the disease—that's basically impossible along the known paradigm for how colon cancer works—and other long-latency cancers that they're seeing in very young people.”
Dr. Risch is Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine. His research has focused extensively on the causes of cancer as well as prevention and early detection.
“Some of these cancers are so aggressive that between the time that they're first seen and when they come back for treatment after a few weeks, they've grown dramatically compared to what oncologists would have expected for the way cancer normally progresses,” Dr. Risch says.

These evil people know that the more people take the clot shot, the more people will die or be disabled. So never forget what's actually going on.

U.S. drug regulators on Sept. 11 cleared new COVID-19 vaccines to try to counter the poor effectiveness the current options provide.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared shots from Moderna and Pfizer that will be available to Americans as young as 6 months old later this month.

"Vaccination remains critical to public health and continued protection against serious consequences of COVID-19, including hospitalization and death," Dr. Peter Marks, a top FDA official, said in a statement. "We very much encourage those who are eligible to consider getting vaccinated."

(Don't buy the lie!)

From 9/11 to Domestic Threat Actors — Control Is the Goal

By Mercola
  • The United States has been unique in its dedication to free speech, but that Constitutional right has been slowly eroded in the name of national security and protecting public health.
  • In 1950, Sen. Joseph McCarthy claimed to have proof of a communist spy ring within the U.S. State Department. The lesson from that time was the destructive power of accusation.
  • In 2017, an organization called Hamilton 68 claimed to have proof showing hundreds of Russian-affiliated Twitter accounts manipulated the U.S. election to get Trump into the White House. It turned out to be a complete hoax, but media never updated the public with that truth.
  • In 1948, the same year the CIA launched Project Mockingbird, the U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act (aka the Smith-Mundt Act) became law, which forbade the U.S. government from pushing propaganda onto the U.S. population. President Barrack Obama repealed this law in 2013, thereby legalizing the propagandizing of Americans.
  • For propaganda to be truly successful, especially in the long term, you also need censorship, and in the U.S., this requires the undermining of free speech rights. The undermining of free speech took off at the end of 2016, when Obama signed into law the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act, which opened the door to an offensive information war against the public

In a March 28, 2023, article titled "A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century,"1,2 Jacob Siegel, senior editor of Tablet magazine’s afternoon news digest, News and The Scroll, discusses the emergence of the "disinformation industrial complex," which is the topic of his forthcoming book.

Siegel traces the early days of the information war to Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who in 1950 claimed to have proof of a communist spy ring within the U.S. State Department. Initially, he claimed to have the names of 205 communist spies. A day later, he revised it to 57. However, the inconsistency is not the point.

"The point was the power of the accusation," Siegel says. "For more than half a century, McCarthyism stood as a defining chapter in the worldview of American liberals: a warning about the dangerous allure of blacklists, witch hunts, and demagogues."

Paid To Write False Papers

Researchers who want to be published in scientific journals often adjust science to fit the publishers’ preferred narratives, admitted a climate scientist Tuesday.

In an article for The Free Press, Breakthrough Institute Climate and Energy Co-Director Patrick Brown revealed that he recently submitted a paper along with seven other researchers which he knew was not “the full truth.”

While COVID-19 vaccination is not required for young children attending public school anywhere in the U.S., it appears that concerns over that shot may be fueling broader vaccine skepticism among a relatively small but growing number of parents — though that trend certainly existed before the pandemic.

Go Idaho!

(I could take a wild guess....)

Germany’s government funded a study published last month on how to persuade people to eat insects.

UK researchers were awarded several grants for the study, one of them from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation which is funded by the German government.

The researchers conducted two experiments involving 665 participants to test whether they could increase the participants’ willingness to eat bugs through utility-value intervention (UVI). UVI is an interactive exercise which is geared to make the subject think about how a particular concept is relevant to their life. The technique has been used successfully in education, where UVI has students contemplate their personal relevance to a variety of concepts, thereby promoting value and triggering their interest in closing the knowledge gap.

(This reminds me of the first time I heard they wanted to do away with gasoline engines...I laughed and thought it was a joke.)

Banks Closing Gold Dealers?

Click Here

Three separate coin shop owners have found their bank accounts suddenly shut down without any prior notice or explanation from their financial institutions. Obviously this could be a precursor to making gold (not silver) illegal like they did in 1933. Or, they're just trying to stir up the conservatives to keep our eyes off all the people dying around the world. Time will tell.

Biden List Of Corruption


This is the official list from the impeachment inquiry.

END, Compass eNews, September 14, 2023


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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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