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Last Year No Rosh Rapture. This Year????

October 2, 2024

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Last Year No Rosh Rapture. This year?? Next Year??

Last year, a few days before Rosh Hashanah, we gave three reasons why we didn’t believe the Rapture would happen at the blowing of the last trump.(1) This is what we said in September 2023:

“…there are three major reasons to think Rapture won’t happen this year (2023):

  1. “The vast $100 trillion temple treasures of gold and silver have not been discovered.
  2. “Israel doesn’t yet seem to be the burdensome stone to the world.
  3. “The Believers didn’t receive a 7-day warning direct from God.”

That was an interesting list last year. But this year, all three of those reasons have basically evaporated.

1) Solomon’s Treasures Not Found

…'Have you come to capture spoil? Have you assembled your company to seize plunder, to carry away silver and gold, … to capture great spoil?’”’ Ezek. 38:13

We know Russia, Iran, and other nations WILL ATTACK ISRAEL to capture a vast treasure of gold and silver. There IS a humongous $150 trillion hoard of Solomon's gold and silver hidden somewhere in Israel, but it's yet to be found.(2)

We believe the huge treasure, once found, will be the “hook” God uses to lure Russia, Iran, et al., to invade Israel.

But last week we explained why we no longer believe Solomon’s treasures had to be found pre-Rapture. Under careful scriptural scrutiny it appears the Rosh/Russia, Iran/Persia, et al., invasion happens during the 6th Seal of Revelation 6—which comes about well into the Tribulation.

So finding the treasure is now unnecessary to take place prior to our mind-bending skyward exit.

2) Israel as a “Heavy Stone” to the World

It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it. Zech 12:3

Up until last year Israel had been a pain for a few countries in the Middle East, but nothing more. Then, just a couple of weeks after Rosh Hashanah last year, Israel was terrorized by Hamas murdering 1400 mostly unarmed men, women and children.

Justifiably,(3) Israel has spent the last 12 months “taking no prisoners” as she has been wiping out Hamas terrorists in Gaza and now Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria. Those who came against God’s stone, Israel, are paying a heavy price.

The targeted killing of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders with exploding pagers and massive bombs would be two examples of being “severely injured.”

This week Iran fired some 200 missiles at Israeli neighborhoods. Although most missiles were shot down by Israeli defenses, two or three did get through.

How would you feel if Canada fired a deadly missile at your own neighborhood? Or at hundreds of American neighborhoods all at the same time? And cheered wildly over killing 1400 in one day?

Arabs only stop their Satanic tactics when they feel pain so Israel has no choice but to respond militarily. She has become a burdensome stone to the world.

Israel’s actions have pushed the world into taking sides for or against Israel (most are against). Ultimately the entire world will be against Israel.

3) The 7-Day Warning

For after seven more days, I will send rain on the earth forty days and forty nights. Gen. 7:4

The third reason we gave last year to say Rapture was not likely in 2023 had to do with an interesting verse about God warning Noah when he only had seven more days until the flood began.

Because Jesus said that the days leading up to the Rapture would be “just like” the days of Noah (Matt 24:37-42/Luke 17:26-30). Jesus point-blank says before the Rapture the world will be carrying on as usual and those left behind will be caught off-guard.

Jesus said the world as a whole will have food and drink, have normal building and social events and activities going on before the Rapture.

So we theorized that just like God gave Noah a seven-day warning before the flood would begin, that He might also give the Church a seven-day warning before the Rapture happened.

But we also noted that to assume God might warn the Church may be a stretch. We simply don’t know if “just like”(Matt 24) or "just the same" (Luke 17) also includes God’s warning to Noah.

So of the three reasons we gave that the Rapture would NOT happen last year, two are no longer viable and the third one is not in stone.

Therefore, with the pace the world is fulfilling Biblical prophecies, this year could easily be the time of our exhilarating and loud exit. We, of course, don’t know for sure. Could be years away.

But measuring 2000 years from Jesus’ crucifixion in 33 AD for the total time of the Church Age, the case could be made that the Rapture might likely be between now and 2033.

So if we’re still in our shoes after Rosh Hashanah this year, it will be one wild year ahead. Elon Musk recently said:

“…if Trump is not elected, this will be the last election. Everywhere in America will be like the nightmare that is downtown San Francisco.”

Sadly he’s right. But rest assured that even if Harris is sworn in, God will still be in control. And as best we can tell, we should have food, water, social events and an economy available right up to our exciting big exit.



1) https://compass.org/when-the-last-trumpet-blows/
2) https://compass.org/israels-coming-mind-blowing-gold-riches/

3) There are still over 100 Jewish hostages being held in Gaza.


I feel sorry for anyone trying to understand what's going on in the world today without having the Bible as a guide!

We are living at a time when 2000-year-old prophecies are falling into place. Believers living today have a GREAT chance of avoiding physical death and instead being instantly transported to heaven. Sort of like "Beam me up, Scotty" in the Star Trek series.

But as the world turns closer to that amazing moment, it may very well get uncomfortable for Believers. If we try to live first for the Lord we're promised persecution (2Tim. 3:12) but not God's wrath (1Thess. 5:9).

Thankfully we know Who's really in control, and we know all things work together for us Believers in the long run.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Rom. 8:28

So we can trust the Bible over all else. We don't seek man's answers via drugs. We try to do nothing to compromise our God-designed immune system.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The links in the Additional Resources below are meant to help us be wise and aware as we live and make decisions living in the concluding moments of the Church Age.

And for the Lord to use us to illuminate truth to those who are deceived and/or lost.

Use us, Lord!


---Clicking on any fuzzy picture below usually clears it up---

Dems Say Border Crossings Are Down Since Trump... Obviously A Big Lie!

Embalmers' Tissue-Clots Analyzed

13-minute Video
This was first discovered two years ago...finally it's getting some traction!
Dr. Philip McMillan asks the hard questions and finds it's not just the dead who have these tissue clots growing inside them, but the living also. "There's something very strange happening!... It's no longer just a theory."
A 19-inch "tissue clot" (not a blood clot) pulled from a cadaver. These clots are not attached to the wall of the veins or arteries, but are unattached and self-replicating.

Embalmers have always encountered blood clots as a part of the embalming process. Midway through 2021, however, a new normal seemed to emerge. That’s when embalmers started routinely finding long, fibrous, rubbery, white colored tissue clots in many of their subjects.

These new clots were never seen before 2021. And they are only found in the va((inated.

"I Found Clots"

7-minute video

So here's just a regular guy curiously asking questions of local embalmers ...like "what-cha seeing these days?" Oh boy.
And one more tissue-clot resource—watch the first 2 minutes and 30 seconds: CLICK HERE

Nicotine: Not What You've Been Told!

Overview: 1 minute
This will blow you away. I heard early in the Covid fiasco that smokers were far less likely to get sick with Covid.
Well, now we know why. The bad guys didn't want us to have hydroxychloriquine and Ivermectin because it cured Covid and there would be no need to lock us down. Now we can add nicotine to the list. Just don't smoke it!!
We continue to uncover the depth of the lies from Fauxi and his buds. What we're finding out is almost too hard to believe.
Big Pharma's drugs are not to make us better, but to manage the disease, whatever it is, and for us to continue to buy drugs our entire life. Nicotine is on par with Ivermectin!
To watch a longer version of this information (45 minutes) CLICK HERE
Most docs are just drug salesmen. CLICK HERE to read how we got to this point.

About The Dock Worker's Strike....

2-minute video

Everything you need to know in two minutes... from the head union guy who makes about $900K per year. If it's not settled soon, it will be a mess.

More than 45,000 International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) members from over three dozen facilities across 14 Gulf and East Coast ports went on strike early Tuesday, marking the largest labor action at US ports in nearly 50 years. The labor action, driven by disputes over automation and wages in a new multi-year labor contract, threatens to disrupt supply chains nationwide. If the strike persists for more than a week, retailers could face shortages of certain goods (read: here), potentially sparking another wave of inflation.

Stomach Paralysis Linked to Ozempic

Diet Today, Cancer Tomorrow?

Should we really be treating obesity without addressing its root causes??

Becker’s Hospital Review reported

Dana Filmore, a grandmother from Columbus, Ohio, is among thousands of plaintiffs filing a federal lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly, alleging Ozempic and Mounjaro caused gastroparesis, USA Today reported Sept. 27.

Gastroparesis, a condition characterized by stomach paralysis that severely impacts digestion, caused Filmore, who turned to the medication to control her blood sugar to have persistent nausea and bowel issues.

The lawsuit alleges that the drug manufacturers failed to adequately warn patients about the risks associated with the medications and central to the lawsuit were claims of gastroparesis, according to the USA Today report.

Regardless of the lawsuit’s outcome, Fillmore told the news outlet that she wants others to reconsider taking the drug she believes upended her life.

The federal lawsuit is expected to go to trial in 2025.

Pact For The Future Fallout

20-minute audio


Alex explains to Glenn Beck how the recently UN emergency censorship power grab will affect everyone on the planet.

Illegal aliens are being arrested in the eastern part of Tennessee for looting following the tropical system that unleashed flash floods.
"The looting has picked up major steam," adding, "I was advised by a county sheriff to make sure that anybody out and about is 'carrying' and in his words 'carrying with the safety off.'"

Risk of Severe Heart Failure Higher in Heart Attack Patients Who Had COVID Vaccine and COVID Infection

The combination of COVID-19 vaccination and COVID-19 infection was linked to severe heart failure and cardiogenic shock. Well, better late to figure this out than never. Stats have been available from Dr. Peter McCullough since 2021.

Observation By A Long-Time First Responder

“Working as a first responder on my mid-day/early evening shift, I used to (prior to Covid) respond to 1-2 deaths a year and now respond to an average of 1-2 deaths per week. I know there is a problem. Some weeks no response and the next 3-5. Not normal as I've been doing this for 2 decades."
So we have people continuing to die at excessive rates from heart problems, cancer, autoimmune disease... but ONLY IN THE VA((INATED!!!! And the excess deaths are growing, not slowing. But the Globalists/Satanists won't let anyone talk about this publicly. CQLJ!

Filibuster Fight

(OSV News) — In one of her strongest statements on restoring a national right to abortion as it existed under the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade ruling of 1973, Vice President Kamala Harris has said she would support eliminating the filibuster in the U.S. Senate in order to bring back federal protections for a woman’s right to an abortion as they existed under Roe.
Senator Ted Cruz was recently asked about his Senate opponent's promise to end the filibuster if elected. Cruz responded:
If the Dems sweep (the House, Senate, and Presidency) and have at least 50 Senate seats (51 votes with VP), Chuck Schumer will end the filibuster. 
With that, they will make DC and Puerto Rico States in order to gain four additional Democratic senators, giving them an unbeatable majority.  
They will pack the Supreme Court with a liberal super majority. 
They will give amnesty and voting rights to millions of illegal aliens.
They will pass laws so the federal government will take over state elections. 
With the take over of the Supreme Court, basic rights such as free speech, guns, etc. will be in jeopardy. 
Anyone notice how John Kerry said the other day that with enough votes they can overcome the hurdle of free speech and finally put an end to misinformation?
I think Kerry was referring to Schumer's plan when he said that. 
No wonder Musk said if Harris is sworn in, America's finished. And Dinesh d'Souza just put out a documentary called "America's Socialist Future." He says that under a Harris-Walz administration America will move further down the road to socialism, eventually becoming a police state.
And for further proof, Minneapolis is now allowing non-US citizens to arrest citizens. Bummer.

John Kerry Says First Amendment A “Major Block” To World Government

Article and/or 2-minute video
Speaking at the meeting, far-left elitist and former presidential climate envoy John Kerry expressed frustration to fellow globalists, stating that the First Amendment frequently obstructs their agenda.

"Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence. What we need is to win...the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you're free to be able to implement change," Kerry said.

Kerry noted, "It's very hard to govern today."

Well, Mr. Kerry, that will be the least of your worries in the future when you're screaming your head off in hot, dark Hades.

The Biden-Harris administration is asking a court to dismiss a lawsuit against former UN employees who participated in the October 7th massacre in Israel, arguing they should be immune from prosecution.

The lawsuit was filed in a New York court in June on behalf of 101 victims of the mass slaughter. It accuses the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) of genocide and crimes against humanity for helping Hamas perpetrate the attack.

According to the complaint, UNRWA gave Hamas access to its sites for weapons storage and command centers. The UN agency also helped funnel US dollars to Hamas via its employees, many of whom are Hamas members.

Housing Snapshot, September 2024

Buyers need to earn $115,000 to afford the typical home in the U.S., according to a new report by Redfin, an online real estate brokerage firm.
The typical household earns 27% less than what they need to afford a home, about $84,000 a year, per Redfin data.
The median asking price for newly listed homes for sale is $398,475, up 5.4% from a year ago.
The median mortgage payment was $2,534 per month, plus taxes and insurance, during the four weeks ending Sept. 15, down 2.7% from a year ago.

UPDATE On "Pact For The Future"



Hailed as a “blueprint for the future,” the United Nations (U.N.) last week passed the Pact for the Future — a set of 11 policy briefs and “56 pledges to action seeking to protect the needs and interests of present and future generations amid the climate change crisis and conflict currently gripping the globe.”
Thankfully, the final version of the pact excludes a proposal that would have granted the secretary-general emergency powers to respond to “global shocks.”
The United Nations Pact for the Future is an unconstitutional attempt to pass a treaty that allows international organizations to violate the sovereignty of the United States of America by declaring a global state of emergency without our consent. It is not good for the U.S. and it is not good for the rest of the world." - Robt. Kennedy

Signs In The Heavens?

This is interesting. However, when God does something that’s meaningful it’s generally mind blowing to a large number of people…so I’m not sure that these "signs" are what God is using to warn us about what’s coming. Seems like there would be something more spectacular worldwide… just saying.

The Secular World Is Cheering For The Arrival Of "The Man Of Lawlessness"

Article by Jan Markell
Much has been written about the 2024 Olympics in Paris, France. They opened with a rider on a white horse seeming to announce the arrival of the Antichrist. The organizers, and not the athletes, seemed to cheer him on.
Clearly, the brains behind the outfit are a bunch of one-worlders who see the world as a global entity. They see us hurtling towards a sinister agenda.

Among other things!

Soros Buys Up Conservative Radio Stations



Law requires that foreign companies may not own more than 25% of U.S. radio stations. In unprecedented move, FCC is colluding with George Soros to bypass the law and take control of 220 conservative radio networks and stations.

The networks include Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and lots of religious programming. Hmmm.... I'm guessing he didn't turn over a new leaf, but rather, has a more sinister plan for programming.

The Unsung Hero Who Called Out The ‘Plandemic’


As the West descends into the abyss of totalitarianism, Western governments are increasingly silencing, persecuting and imprisoning those heroes of truth and liberty who speak out against the degradation of our liberties and the proliferation of false narratives designed by a globalist oligarchy intent on destroying Western civilization.

Among the valiant paladins of the resistance who have suffered incarceration in the USA are former White House chief strategist and media executive Steven K. Bannon; former law school professor and dean John Eastman; and former aide to President Trump Peter Navarro.

Those grandmothers who were persecuted for traveling to hear Trump in Washington D.C. on January 6 are no different. And it's not just here in the USA...the police state is taking control in other countries around the world.

Back in 2022 we posted links to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in Germany who was exposing the truth behind the va((ines. Today he's paying a big price for standing up for truth.

What Happened To My Church?



This topic is a bit personal to Susie and me. About 20 years ago our church changed pastors and after a few months I realized the new pastor was teaching some unbiblical doctrines.

After meeting with the pastor several times and getting nowhere, I met with each of the seven elders one-on-one, giving them my scriptural reasons the pastor's teaching was not biblical. Their answer was to kick me out of the church.

Obviously we were stunned. Over the next six months, as the reasons for my concerns were known, the church went from 1200 a week attendance to about 400 and the elders fired the pastor—who promptly began a new church and took half of the remaining members with him.

What happened to our solid church? Satan. The last thing he wants is a solid Bible-armoring church teaching the deep life-changing truths of the Bible. So if you're attending a good church, pray for it as much as you pray for your kids!

The article is excellently penned by Jan Markell about wolves inside the church.

“I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; Acts 20:29 

Progesterone Linked To Brain Cancer

I wonder how many ladies were told about the risks associated with taking this drug?

Forcing School Kids To Share Showers With Opposite Sex



Colorado was taken over by liberals through a political coup a good number of years ago. Leftists with hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank strategically donated to key state legislative races to defeat conservatives, and the result now is a legislature dominated by Democrats and other extremists.

So it's no surprise that the Globalists/Satanists are taking advantage of this state with a governor I heard is homosexual.

In Summary...

Covid was an artificially constructed flu variant, mainly affecting the very old, very sick, and very overweight. The vaccine is useless in preventing Covid but has caused significant increases in morbidity and mortality among healthy recipients. Was it a trial run to cleanse the world of useless eaters? I don’t know. But, based on what people like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot—among many others—have done in recent years, I don’t think it’s out of the question. 

Doug Casey

 Well, that headline should read:

Breast cancer rising among "va((inated" younger women...

Marburg Virus

From CBS:

Ten people have died in Rwanda from the highly contagious Marburg virus, and 29 cases have been confirmed, the country's health ministry reported Tuesday, just days after the country declared an outbreak of the deadly hemorrhagic fever that has no authorized vaccine or treatment.

"Marburg is a rare disease," health minister Sabin Nsanzimana said Sunday. "We are intensifying contact tracing and testing to help stop the spread."

He said the source of the disease has not been determined yet.

The Marburg virus originates in fruit bats. It can spread between people through close contact with the bodily fluids of infected individuals or with surfaces, such as contaminated bed sheets, clothing, needles or medical equipment.

Without treatment, Marburg can be fatal in up to 88% of people who fall ill with the disease. There are currently no approved vaccines or treatments specifically for this virus. 

The World Health Organization notes that Marburg virus does not spread through the air.

The rare virus was first identified in 1967 after it caused simultaneous outbreaks of disease in laboratories in Marburg, Germany, and Belgrade, Serbia. Seven people died who were exposed to the virus while conducting research on monkeys.

(There is something fishy about this virus....)

Signs In The October Skies?

"The night sky is enduring, so vast it’s timeless on a human scale, and so empty that decades can go by without much seeming to change. Sometimes, however, a lot happens all at once — and that’s exactly what’s going on this coming week."
What's really interesting is that this is a non-Christian article in Forbes Magazine!



15-minute video

Alex Newman with a fascinating interview about what’s coming for your pocketbook via a President Harris administration. And where gold might end up. The last of the video is a gold pitch, ignore unless you're comparing prices.

END, Compass eNews, October 3, 2024

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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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