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Israel In The Tribulation, Part 2

February 13, 2025

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Dear Compass Supporters:

Every new day brings more "WOW" stuff from President Trump's Team. If they keep exposing the Deep State's shenanigans, we may truly be in for "7 years of plenty" before the "7 years of Tribulation." Time will tell.

Regardless of how much time we have before the Rapture befuddles the world, God has all Believers on planet earth here for His purposes. And His main purpose is to share what we know about the Bible, what's coming, and how to miss the wrath. And all that President Trump is doing should put a little pep in our step.

Our article this week is the Part 2 of Israel in the Tribulation. Hope you find it useful!



Below: On one of our past Israel trips, while we were standing on the Mount of Olives we were greeted with the rare sight of a rainbow arching over the Old City of Jerusalem.

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Israel In The Tribulation, Part 2

Last week we tackled the first half of this topic. If you missed it, it would be best to read it first. CLICK HERE


In Part 1 we covered Israel entering into the Tribulation with a 7-year Peace Treaty (Dan. 9:24) backed by 10 nations from the former Roman Empire (10 toes of Dan. 2). 

The world will be having a very, very tough time post-Rapture. People will be dying by the tens of millions per month from the New World Leader’s world war (Rev. 6:2). 

Apparently the deaths will also come from drugs/va((ines) (Rev. 6:3-5) and all of this will result in horrible, worldwide starvation (Rev. 6:8).

The world’s food distribution will be in shambles and inflation will be so bad it will take an entire day’s wage just to buy food for the day (Rev. 6:6), leaving nothing for housing, fuel, etc.   

But Israel’s Not Suffering

The world will be quite envious of Israel. She will have water, food and energy, all produced from inside her own borders. 

At some point Israel discovers Solomon’s massive treasures— roughly $150 trillion in gold and silver(1). The world will be stunned at the trove of riches. 

Their land has also been filled with silver and gold and there is no end to their treasures; Their land has also been filled with horses and there is no end to their chariots. Is. 2:7

The contrast of "everything is wonderful in Israel" to the plight of other nations in deep despair will be awkwardly obvious. Israel will be living well while the world’s falling apart, with half the world’s population dying in the first 3 1/2 years:

Rev. 6:8—1/4 of the earth’s population dies 

Rev. 9:18—Another 1/3 of the earth’s remaining population dies

Due to the 10-nation peace treaty and the massive gold and silver from Solomon’s treasures, Israel will be like a safe island in the midst of a storm.

But their hearts will be far from God.

Their land has also been filled with idols; They worship the work of their hands, that which their fingers have made. Is. 2:7-8

The Bible says they feel secure trusting their peace treaty and new wealth. The Bible describes it this way:

in the latter years the land that is restored from the sword, whose inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which had been a continual waste; but its people were brought out from the nations, and they are living securely, all of them. Ezek. 38:8

those who are at rest, that live securely, Ezek. 38:11b

Russia won’t be able to stand seeing tiny little Israel doing so well and God easily entices her to lead a massive multi-nation invasion of Israel (Ezek. 38:4) to capture the gold and silver treasures and the food surpluses (Ezek. 38:12).

I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them splendidly attired, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them wielding swords; Ezek. 38:4

With God’s divine intervention that includes a gigantic worldwide earthquake (Ezek 38:18-22), the massive invasion will fail and Israel will repel the invaders with a shocking victory.  

Of course this means Israel becomes even more of a burdensome stone to the world. And, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the world will know that it is the Lord who is protecting Israel.

I will magnify Myself, sanctify Myself, and make Myself known in the sight of many nations; and they will know that I am the LORD. Ezek. 38:23


But the good times in Israel come to a screeching halt. Midway through the Tribulation the New World Leader breaks the peace treaty, surrounds Jerusalem, and attempts to kill all of the Jews. 

The Jews were clearly warned this would happen and were even given a sign to know when to drop everything and run for the hills. 

Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. Whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get the things out that are in his house. Whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak. Matt. 24:15-18

It’s a massacre beyond description. Two-thirds of the Jews in Jerusalem are murdered by the Antichrist’s army in one day. That’s roughly 6 million Jews dying in 24 hours. 

The one-third (2 million Jews) that heeded the scriptural warnings will escape the hand of the Antichrist by immediately dropping everything and running for their lives. 

The 144,000

It’s important to back up here and explain that at the beginning of the Tribulation Jesus comes to the earth, stands on Mount Zion—technically His Second Coming—and has His angels mark 144,000 Jewish men with His and His Father’s name.

Then I looked, and behold, the Lamb [Jesus] was standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads. Rev. 14:1

That sorta makes you stand out in a crowd. It’s also interesting to note that Satan puts the Mark of the Beast on people’s forehead. 

The Biblical description of these 144K also puts to rest the ridiculous argument that America contains the 10 lost tribes. They were never lost from God’s perspective. 

...saying, “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the bond-servants of our God on their foreheads.” And I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel: Rev. 7:3-4 

In the next verse, the Bible lists all 12 Jewish tribes, and says 12,000 from each tribe were sealed who make up the 144,000 (Rev. 7:5-8). 

The purpose of these 144K Jews being marked will be to protect them from harm.

They were told not to hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. Rev. 9:4

Although scripture doesn’t actually say it, the purpose of God choosing the 144K will be to teach the Jews, at least those who will listen, that Jesus is the Messiah. And, sadly, explain that 2000 years ago the Jews murdered Him on the cross at Calvary. 

As we’ve said many times in the past, the only thing that really matters in this life is who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. So these 144K will share with their brethren how to be eternally saved via Jesus their Messiah.

Having personally met Jesus on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, and seen the scars in His hands, feet and side, these 144K will be quite motivated to share what they’ve learned. Therefore many Bible scholars refer to this group as “Jewish evangelists.” 

And since they’ll be using both the OLD and the NEW Testaments, they’ll undoubtedly teach about the Abomination of Desolation passages in Dan. 11 and Matt. 24. 

They will teach that two-thirds of the Jews will be murdered in one day. And that day will begin when they see/hear the Abomination of Desolation standing in the Jewish Temple and halting the sacrifices.

in the middle of the week [the middle of the Tribulation] he [the Antichrist] will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; Dan 9:27b 

This also proves the Temple will be rebuilt and animal blood sacrifices will have resumed on the Temple Mount. 

When the Abomination of Desolation takes place, when they see the Antichrist stand in the Holy Temple claiming to be God, this group of 144K chosen Jews will lead the hurried exodus from the Antichrist to the mountains in Edom in the area of Bozrah (Petra). 

We know it’s Bozrah from this verse…

Who is this who comes from Edom, with garments of glowing colors from Bozrah, Is. 63:1a 

The fleeing Jews, led by the 144K, eventually make their way to the Bozrah area of Edom where Petra is located. It’s been unoccupied and desolate for some 1800 years.

About a century or two before Jesus’ earthly ministry, the Nabateans built Petra, a major city, whose unique claim to fame was they carved their houses, businesses and even graves into the numerous soft sandstone walls. 

Then one day these Nabateans simply disappeared. People only speculate what happened to them. Nobody knows for sure. But they left all the caves and holes they had dug over the years that are still there today.

Apparently God prepared this amazing place for his beloved Jews to live after fleeing the death clutches of the Antichrist. 

Having been stripped of all their worldly possessions, the Jews will arrive with only their clothes on their back. In the dirt-floor houses and empty tombs, the 144K will continue to teach and exhort the Jews for three and a half years. 

As many Christians know, sometimes God has to take everything away to get people’s attention. In this case, the Jews will be able to learn the deep truths of God with no worldly distractions.

Enter the rock and hide in the dust from the terror of the LORD and from the splendor of His majesty. The proud look of man will be abased and the loftiness of man will be humbled, and the LORD alone will be exalted in that day. Is. 2:10-11 

For three and a half years the 144K will teach their Jewish brethren about the grace of God and how the New Testament ties to the Old. It’s likely God will miraculously supply food and water.

Their new faith will be put to the test when they hear the Antichrist is gathering the armies of the world in the Valley of Armageddon/Megiddo…with the intention of
finishing the job of killing the Jews.

And they gathered them together to the place which in Hebrew is called Armageddon. Rev. 16:16 

Imagine the Jews in Petra hearing the Antichrist’s army marching toward them. And when the hostile troops get close they can even see the dust rising from the armies from their mountaintop lookout over eastern Israel. 

And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. Rev. 19:19

The Jews will know full well the Antichrist’s army is coming to wipe them out. The Antichrist will have convinced the world the Jews are the problem and they need to finish the job. 

It’s at that time the Jews cry out to their newly discovered Messiah to come save them. And He does.

This One who is majestic in His apparel, marching in the greatness of His strength? “It is I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Is. 63:1

Their prayers are answered as Jesus comes from heaven riding on a white horse. 

And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. Rev. 19:11-14

Imagine those marching in the Antichrist’s army, looking up and seeing Jesus and His army coming in the sky (I would wet my pants!). Most of them would immediately know they were in deep doo-doo. They won’t even have a chance to give up, or run. Much less change their underwear.

From His mouth comes a sharp sword, Rev. 19:15

In short order Jesus annihilates the Antichrist’s army. Just like Jesus had the power to speak the earth and heavens into existence, this time He speaks the Antichrist’s army out of existence. And the birds have a tasty meal. 

And the rest were killed with the sword which came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse, and all the birds were filled with their flesh. Rev. 19:21

Following the Antichrist’s army’s defeat, the Beast/NWL/Antichrist—and his sidekick False Prophet—are seized and thrown into the Lake of Fire.

And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet …these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone. Rev. 19:20

Satan also gets his due…

Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were completed; after these things he must be released for a short time. Rev. 20:1-2

He is not yet thrown into the Lake of Fire as the Lord will use him one more time for one last filtering of sinful people at the end of the 1000 years of Jesus’ reign.

When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison, and will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war; the number of them is like the sand of the seashore. Rev. 20:8

A thousand years is a long time ...long enough some people will forget, even with Jesus reigning as King of the Earth!

And they came up on the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, and fire came down from heaven and devoured them. Rev. 20:7-9

This seems to be God allowing Satan one last rebellion to draw out those who are not fully sold-out to Jesus before the New Heaven and Earth are made. 

Satan will not be a part of the New Heaven and Earth so this time he’s thrown into eternal flames. 

And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Rev. 20:10

This confirms that hell is torment forever. This is consistent with what the guy said in the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.

In Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham far away and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried out and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame.’ But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that during your life you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus bad things; but now he is being comforted here, and you are in agony.’ Luke 16:23-25

That poor guy is still in agony hoping for a single drop of water to touch his tongue.

Believers are spared from this because God loved the world and used the Jews to provide a way for humans to escape via Jesus' shed blood. Thankfully we get in on the Jews' coattails. Never forget that!

All Jews are sinners, just as all Gentiles are sinners. But all humans are in the same boat— born destined to hell and saved only through trusting the sacrificial blood of Jesus to pay for their sins.  




  1. Solomon’s gold and silver article
  2. https://compass.org/israels-coming-mind-blowing-gold-riches/
  3. The Identity of the 144k Jews


The links in the Additional Resources below are meant to help us be wise and aware as we live and make decisions living in the concluding moments of the Church Age.

So this section is to offer more insight into our adversary's worldwide actions to help us make good decisions between now and our exciting exit. Hey, a lot of nut-cases are still pushing the va((ines! And some deluded people are still taking them!


---Clicking on any fuzzy picture below usually clears it up---

Everything Changed In January

11-minute video


This is a GREAT interview of  Rasmussen's Pollster Mark Mitchell looking at what's changed since Trump took office. Despite what you hear from the fake news media, Elon Musk is just as popular as President Trump. And all this was polled BEFORE exposing USAIDS payments to the world.

And here's an interesting 3-minute video regarding the USAID atrocity.

“We knew that the US Government runs a $2 trillion dollar deficit every year and we're in debt almost $40 trillion... and every time someone tries to cut something in Washington the whole city screams bloody murder. The question is why? Now we know -- everyone was getting paid!”  -David Sachs

New Task Force On The Declassification Of Federal Secrets

2-minute video


Rep. Paulina Luna (Rep. FL) announces declassification of Federal Secrets, in March 2025. WOW!

— The Kennedy Assassination / two shooters

— The Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination.

— Senator Robert Kennedy’s assassination.

— The 9/11 files

— UFO files

— Covid-19 Origins files

— The Jeffrey Epstein client list

Well, that should be interesting!

Surprise, surprise, the FBI "Just Discovered" 2,400 Undisclosed records tied to the JFK assassination never provided to the Review Board. CLICK HERE

Despite all the good news coming from President Trump's Team, there are still two huge unanswered questions: 

  1. How many of the 5 billion va((inated people will die in the future?
  2. How will Trump solve inflation and the $30+ trillion debt/banking/Fed Reserve problem? (Ed Dowd says he can't. But I don't think he's taking God into the equation. CLICK HERE for some interesting financial STEEL ON STEEL.) (Also, I heard some discussion this week that Trump is considering reducing the debt by going to the major holders of the debt, like China, etc., and restructuring it to be paid over 50 years instead of on demand. Sort of like Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection. Interesting, but unconfirmed.

USAID Gave $472 Million to "Internews Network" NGO

Have you ever heard of this “network”? This is probably why we hear things like “This is a threat to our democracy” at the same time on the same day on the local nightly news stations across the nation.

USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, "Internews Network" (IN), which has “worked with” 4,291 media outlets, producing in one year 4,799 hours of broadcasts reaching up to 778 million people and "training” over 9000 journalists (2023 figures). 

IN has also supported social media censorship initiatives. The operation claims “offices” in over 30 countries, including main offices in US, London, Paris and regional HQs in Kiev, Bangkok and Nairobi. It is headed up by Jeanne Bourgault, who pays herself $451k a year. 

Bourgault worked out of the US embassy in Moscow during the early 1990s, where she was in charge of a $250m budget, and in other revolts or conflicts at critical times, before formally rotating out of six years at USAID to IN. Bourgault’s IN bio and those of its other key people and board members have been recently scrubbed from its website but remain accessible at archive.org
Records show the board being co-chaired by Democrat securocrat Richard J. Kessler and Simone Otus Coxe, wife of NVIDIA billionaire Trench Coxe, both major Democratic donors. 

In 2023, supported by Hillary Clinton, Bourgault launched a $10m IN fund at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). The IN page showing a picture of Bourgault at the CGI has also been deleted. IN has at least six captive subsidiaries under unrelated names including one based out of the Cayman Islands. Since 2008, when electronic records begin, more than 95% of IN's budget has been supplied by the US government.

WikiLeaks@wikileaks post on X


Kentucky Is Added To The Growing List Of States Trying To Ban mRNA Injections

I'm shocked that my birth state, Alabama, is not on this list! They must be asleep at the wheel.

Here's the Kentucky bill's verbiage ... in case anyone in Alabama wants to forward it to their legislator.

Kentucky House Bill 469
Actions v
Last Action 02/12/25: to Committee on Committees (H)
Title AN ACT relating to human gene therapy products and declaring an emergency.
Bill Documents Introduced A
Bill Request Number 1582

T. Roberts, E. Callaway, J. Calloway, S. Doan, M. Hart, K. Holloway, S. Maddox, C. Massaroni, M. Proctor, F. Rabourn

Summary of Original Version Create a new section of KRS Chapter 214 to establish legislative intent; define terms; establish that a person in the Commonwealth shall not administer, by any route or modality, any human gene therapy product for any infectious disease indication, regardless of whether the administration is termed an immunization, vaccine, or any other term; exempt human gene therapy products used to treat cancer or genetic disorders; sunset the provisions on July 1, 2035, unless extended by the General Assembly; EMERGENCY.

Index Headings of Original Version
Diseases - Human gene therapy products, restrictions, exemptions Effective Dates, Emergency - Human gene therapy products, restrictions, exemptions Health and Medical Services - Human gene therapy products, restrictions, exemptions
Pharmacists - Human gene therapy products, restrictions, exemptions
Physicians and Practitioners - Human gene therapy products, restrictions, exemptions
Public Health - Human gene therapy products, restrictions, exemptions
Sunset Legislation - Human gene therapy products, restrictions, exemptions July 1, 2035
I guarantee you Big Pharma is pulling out all the stops trying to halt this movement. They have deep tentacles into the state of Alabama or they would already be on this list.

Did the Covid Va((ines Come From Bat, Pangolins or Snakes?

1-minute video (It's a Facebook video but I didn't have to sign in to watch)


Dr. Bryan Ardis has this nailed. Ewww....

Judge Rules Child's Church Must Be Approved By Spouse



In a stunning legal decision in Maine, a judge has ruled that a mother is forbidden from taking her daughter to church (currently attending Calvary Chapel Bangor)--unless it is a church approved by her ex-boyfriend.

The judge spent nearly half of her 11-page opinion excoriating Calvary Chapel’s ministers and members for having the audacity to pray over Elizabeth and Andrea. As a result, she is now banned from taking her daughter to Calvary Chapel or any other church the father does not approve.


President Donald Trump last week announced a new task force dedicated to eradicating anti-Christian bias in the federal government.
Trump noted that the federal government under President Joe Biden "engaged in an egregious pattern of targeting peaceful Christians while ignoring violent, anti-Christian offenses." The new president pledged not to "tolerate this abuse of government" and announced what he called the Task Force to Eradicate Anti-Christian Bias.
On cue, the Left condemned the new task force, ignoring the many instances of anti-Christian bias Trump cited in a fact sheet.


DOGE Acronym ...

The USDS was an Obamacare office created to make government software better. This group was essentially software development for the bureaucracy. Trump renamed the United States Digital Service (USDS) to be the United States DOGE Service which even kept the acronym the same. Not only did repurposing an appropriate existing department allow Trump to ensure there was funding for DOGE without having to fight with Congress - it also ensured its legality. Love it!

Joann Fabrics Plans on Closing Hundreds of Stores Across More Than 40 States 

Joann Inc., the parent company of Joann Fabrics, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware last month seeks approval to shutter hundreds of underperforming stores across more than 40 states as part of bankruptcy restructuring.

Costco's "Organic" Meat Is Legally Va((inated

50-second video


Attorney Tom Renz has posted:

This is a big deal for me. My family uses Costco a lot and the fact that they are poisoning their “organic” beef with “vaccines” is both misleading and horrific.
BTW - did you know that there is an exemption to the Organic Food Act that allows meat to be labeled organic even if it is exposed to mRNA gene therapy “vaccines”? mRNA vaccines are approved and in use in pork in the United States and we have now approved DNA vaccines that are even worse for use in salmon.
Will Costco label their “organic” food that has been exposed to gene therapy poisons so consumers can decide whether to eat it or not? If you care enough to buy organic wouldn’t you want to know if the food you are paying extra for is laden with gene therapy poisons?

Costco's meat supplier says on their website:

I'm guessing Costco will fix this, eventually, when they see their meat and salmon sales continue to drop.

Danish Petition Seeks to Buy California

A satirical Danish petition to “buy California” from the U.S. has gained nearly 200,000 signatures, responding to President Trump’s renewed interest in acquiring Greenland.

The campaign, titled Denmarkification, proposes raising $1 trillion to purchase the state, promising to introduce Danish values, rename Disneyland to “Hans Christian Andersenland,” and bring “hygge to Hollywood.”

Under the tongue-in-cheek plan, California would be renamed “New Denmark,” and Los Angeles would become “Løs Ångeles.” The campaign also suggests changing California’s flag by replacing the bear with a mermaid.

To sweeten the deal, Denmark has offered Trump a lifetime supply of Danish pastries, which “Hollywood would pay for.”

Obviously, there is no reason for the EPA to pay Politico magazine $450K a year for ANYTHING. The new sheriff in town is just exposing how deep the corruption is.


LOL... Israel is considering bypassing Egypt! Brilliant!


Can you spot the trend?


Gen Z Turns Conservative on Marriage

New research suggests that Generation Z may be significantly more conservative than millennials, particularly in their views on marriage.

Approximately two-thirds of Gen Z consider marriage important, with only 23% engaging in casual hookups, a significant decrease from the 78% reported among millennials two decades ago.

This shift aligns with a broader generational pendulum swing, where values tend to cycle between liberal and conservative over time.

-Sara Carter


Samantha Powers's Net Worth Increased $24 Million In 3 Years Working As Chief Of USAID

Article and short video


Hmmm... she was able to save $24 million in 3 years from her $180K per year salary. That's her story and she's sticking to it. Go Musk.

Merck, FDA Knew Gardasil HPV Vaccine Was Contaminated With DNA

landmark lawsuit against Merck is underway in a Los Angeles courtroom, marking the company’s first jury trial over claims it misrepresented the safety of its highly profitable Gardasil HPV vaccine.

Newly declassified documents in the trial have revealed troubling details about Merck’s failure to conduct key safety tests.

Internal emails reveal that Merck knew its Gardasil vaccine was contaminated with HPV DNA fragments from the vaccine‘s manufacturing process and lobbied regulators to bypass testing requirements.

- Children's Health Defense

USAID Funded 'Family Planning' Sterilization Programs Abroad To Fight "Climate Change." With Less Kids



The the words ‘family planning’ imply population control with eugenic roots in some circles. ‘Climate change’ also implies top-down consolidation of power for control of everything from society, industry and again, population.

Even the ‘USAID’ abbreviation has become synonymous with duel-use CIA operations abroad.

Thus, under the guise of offering family planing and reproductive services, USAID gave countries U.S. taxpayer dollars to control population growth abroad. This fact, in and of itself, is not a new revelation. USAID’s own documentation states:

USAID Policy governing the use of Agency funds for sterilization provides that USAID funds can only be used to support voluntary sterilization activities ... but it's a lie.

Sydney Nurses Caught On Video Vowing to Kill Jewish Patients, Sparking Probe

Two Sydney, Australia nurses were suspended after a viral video showed them threatening to kill Jewish patients and suggesting they already have. This sparked a police investigation and condemnation from the Australian prime minister. Australian Jews question safety at hospitals.

AJA CEO Robert Gregory told The Jerusalem Post that they were aware of Jewish patients who have decided to hide their identity while visiting the hospital.

Trump Orders US to Ditch 1-Cent Coin



The lowly penny, the forgotten mainstay of coin jars and car cupholders everywhere, may soon be no more.

President Donald Trump announced Sunday he’s ordered his administration to cease production of the 1-cent coin, whose buying power is long past its prime.

Advocates for ditching the penny cite its high production cost — currently almost 4 cents per penny, according to the U.S. Mint — and limited utility.



Former Wall Street money manager and financial analyst Ed Dowd of PhinanceTechnologies.com is back with a new report called “Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025.”

The new report shows how a weak economy was propped up under the Biden Administration and how a crash, this year, is inevitable.

Dowd says,

We are seeing a recession in 2025.  The rest of the globe is already starting to roll over.  It’s going to be a worldwide recession.  There is going to be a mini housing crisis.  Housing has been stagnant for the better part of the year.  There is no transaction volume, and nobody can afford homes.  We are hitting the 18-year housing cycle.  The last housing cycle was in 2007, and you add 18 years and you get 2025...

The economy for the middle-class is going down. . . . As time goes on, we are going to see GDP numbers go lower and lower and lower. . . . It’s kind of a perfect storm for the Trump Administration.  There is no way to avoid the pain.”

(Ed Dowd is an excellent economy analyst… But he is not always 100% correct. He predicted a recession in 2023 and 2024, but was burned by Biden‘s ridiculous money distribution. Point is, he may or may not be correct, but it’s worth hearing what he says.)

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors, there is victory. Proverbs 11:14

Autism Diagnosis Rises 175%

Autism Diagnosis on the Rise
November 1, 2024 A new study published in JAMA Network Open shows that the number of children and adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased by 175% over a decade.
Researchers analyzed electronic health records and insurance claims data from over 12.2 million people from 2011 to 2022. Over that period, autism prevalence across the lifespan rose from 2.3 per 1,000 people to 6.3 per
1,000 people.
Why is autism increasing? Results showed that ASD prevalence was highest among children aged 5 to 8, reaching 30.3 per 1,000 children in 2022—about the same as the most recent CDC prevalence rate.
Young adults aged 26 to 34 saw the sharpest rise in diagnoses, with rates increasing by 450% over the study.
But never forget, an unva((inated kid has about one-in-a-million chance to be diagnosed with Autism. Any questions?

Bill Gates Is Up To His Eyeballs In USAID

21-minute video


Del Bigtree and Jeffery Jaxon do an excellent overview of what Musk is uncovering. It's bad and may actually cripple the Deep State...something few people thought possible.


WikiLeaks reports that USAID has been funding 6,200 journalists across over 700 media outlets (and 279 media NGOs). Did you know that USAID is funding 9 out of 10 media outlets in Ukraine? And it has given millions to news outlets like Politico, the BBC, the New York Times and The Associated Press. My colleague, Sayer Ji, calls it “the global censorship machine behind the veil of journalism.”

  • The GAVI Alliance, formed originally by the Gates Foundation, has been a recipient of USAID grants for 25 years. Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, has vaccinated more than half the world’s children. In fact, GAVI was one of the top 2024 recipients of USAID grants in 2024, according to the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons.

Jeff Childers explains USAID
It’s impossible to overestimate the revolutionary significance of the abolition of USAID and its poisonous children.
Never before has a single entity —a chimeric entity known by many names: the Swamp, the MIC, the Blob, the Deep State— managed to harm the entire world for decades, its barbed tentacles poisonously caressing every man, woman, and child on the planet.
The more we learn, the clearer it becomes: the scandalous, quasi-governmental USAID agency might be the most audacious and destructive fraud in human history. That is not hyperbole.


Worldwide Births Dropping 

It’s pretty obvious what this chart is showing. When God made humans “in his image “it is a privilege beyond description. And even more amazing is that Jesus became a human so we could identify with him. Today He, God the Son, looks like us.

Therefore, Satan hates looking at humans who remind him of the Creator God of the universe and that’s why he wants them all sick, dead, maimed and/or disfigured.

It’s especially concerning that, according to Dr. Ardis, what they put in the vaccine was DNA from snakes… and that DNA is wreaking havoc in the bodies of va((inated humans. Satan’s fingerprints are all over that va((ine.

A group of top scientists in Saudi Arabia is warning that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are having a devastating impact on male fertility.

The warning comes as several nations around the world have reported birth rate plunges that are way below sustainable levels.

The United States, the UKCanadaEurope, the PhilippinesJapan, and others have all reported sinking birth rates amid soaring excess deaths.

So it is easy to deduce thatreducing the population is one of Satan‘s top priorities. In the Tribulation, when Satan gets unhindered control of the Earth, the world’s population will be reduced about 90% …or more.

So when we see charts like the one above, he’s just getting warmed up.

Thanks Biden... who were you working for?

Peer-Reviewed Study Links Covid Va((ine to Death 555 Days After Injection

This autopsy case report is the first published instance of a fatal adverse event occurring more than one year after a COVID-19 mRNA injection, highlighting the potential for serious long-term adverse effects. Healthcare providers are encouraged to be aware of and monitor for any long-term cardiopulmonary complications that may arise after COVID-19 "vaccination."

Translation: The Covid mRNA shots are still killing people—heart, cancer, you name it. 

More info HERE

Exposing Big Pharma's fake MAHA Scare Tactic to Distract from Va((ine Risks

It looks like a fake "MAHA" pharma front group is being formed and will try to eclipse the real MAHA movement. The tell is that they will all talk about food safety and never talk about va((ines.

This is a pharma front that wants to shift the focus away from jabs and dump all MAHA concerns onto the food manufacturers. Don't buy their B.S. Any so-called MAHA "activists" who refuse to talk about vaccine dangers -- especially after the RFK Jr.'s confirmation -- is an infiltrator and a fake. - Mike Adams.





This is a fascinating read about how the Trump Team is finding all the graft.

In Treasury's basement, fluorescent lights hummed above four young coders. Their screens cast blue light across government-issue desks, illuminating energy drink cans and agency badges. As their algorithms crawled through decades of payment data, one number kept growing: $17 billion in redundant programs. And counting.

"We're in," Akash Bobba messaged the team. "All of it."

New Report Says Wireless Radiation Is NOT Safe



The telecom industry has consistently claimed that non-ionizing radiation is harmless to human health. But a new peer-reviewed scientific report outlines a mechanism by which non-ionizing radiation can disrupt the biology of living systems, even at levels much lower than what’s needed to heat tissues.

Understanding the Foundations of Health



Genuine "health care" is not just a set of steps or pills. It involves your choices, your beliefs and your willingness to understand what your body truly needs.

99 times out of 100 it seems like you describe your problem to the physician and he gives you a pill to solve it. I remember at one point in my life going to a group of Canadian doctors in my town. The doc took my blood pressure and it was supposedly "high." The doctor immediately wrote me a prescription for high blood pressure medication.
I thought it was odd that it was high because it had never been high before so I purchased a blood pressure monitor device and check my blood pressure for two straight weeks and it was normal.
I never took the blood pressure medication and my blood pressure has been normal ever since.
I quit going to that practice after calling them on a Friday afternoon and telling them I didn’t realize I was out of my hypothyroidism medicine and needed a quick extension prescription so I could take it with me on my flight out of the country on Sunday.
They said I had to come in, but they didn’t have anything available until Monday. I tried to explain my situation to three different women at this doctors office and all of them basically said if you don’t come in on Monday, you won’t get your pills.
So I called a friend and got my RX, and never went back to those crazy Canadians.
At the time, I thought it was just those crazy Canadians, but as it’s turned out, pretty much all physician practices revolve around their training by the medical schools that are run by Big Pharma.
When Susie and I were living in Colorado was when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. My physician said there’s nothing I could do but to take these pills the rest of my life.
He said they’re not expensive and it won’t hurt your life expectancy. This doctor had won Physician of the Year in Colorado so I wasn’t about to argue with the diagnosis or the treatment. Today I look back and wonder why didn’t he try to figure out what caused the hypothyroidism?
So this article is a bit personal for me, in essence it says the same thing I learned by experience. You have to do your own research outside of a physician before taking pills. Doctors are human and make mistakes.

BIRD FLU Can Be Used Against You



This is why we needed RFKjr to be confirmed. Yea!

The article has a great spreadsheet on the 1188 farms the USDA made "cull" (KILL) 100 million chickens.

Culling is MurderCLICK HERE

It seems that the red lines against legalized killing just keep getting widened all the time. In Canada, you can now kill healthy adults whose only disorder is a mental health diagnosis (and those can be pinned on anyone—even a child.)




In the past, we have posted numerous charts showing polio was on its way to being eradicated on its own when the polio va((ines were rolled out. To this day, big Pharma uses polio as it’s proof of vaccines work, and then use that to launch today 72 mandatory vaccine shots that has resulted in our children having a 50% rate of lifelong health problems.

Having said that, here is a recent ICAN article.

They told you polio was eradicated.

They said the polio vaccine saved the world.

They showed you grainy black-and-white photos of children in iron lungs, terrified parents, and long lines of kids getting their shots.

They framed it as a historic victory for science—the ultimate proof that vaccines are mankind’s greatest invention.

Only problem is, none of it is true.

ICAN is under fire for exposing the truth, and the medical establishment is doing everything it can to silence. Polio is a forgery–created by our government and covered up by the media and gullible non-profits who had not reviewed the data or the science.

While the world was told the polio vaccine healed children, prevented polio, and was safe and effective, the truth is…

Paralysis didn’t disappear—it was reclassified under different names…

The polio vaccine caused further outbreaks…and, more concerning–

The FDA approved the currently-used polio vaccine after only a three-day safety trial.

And now, because ICAN dared to file a petition exposing this fraud, the New York Times and the rest of the media are in a feeding frenzy. Their recent headline made it sound like ICAN wanted to bring polio back.

But what they refuse to acknowledge is this: A polio vaccine injected into our children was never adequately tested.

Think about that. A vaccine injected into millions—billions—of children was approved based on a study that lasted just THREE DAYS!

All adverse reactions after the first 72 hours were ignored. That’s not safety.

Yet, it gets worse.

Before any polio vaccine, doctors classified all sorts of paralysis as “polio.” If a child lost the ability to walk or move their limbs, it was polio. If someone’s legs suddenly gave out, it was polio.

Then, after the vaccine was introduced, the medical establishment did something truly devious: they split polio into multiple different conditions.

They stopped calling it polio and started calling it Acute Flaccid Paralysis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Transverse Myelitis, Bell’s Palsy, Enteroviral Encephalitis, and Traumatic Neuritis.

They didn't cure the disease—they simply rebranded it.

And here’s the horrifying reality: Many of those same conditions are now listed as side effects of vaccines.

The “miracle” of the polio vaccine wasn’t a scientific breakthrough—it was a masterclass in public relations.

I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist for saying this. I’ve been censored, ridiculed, and attacked.

But here’s the truth.

The iron lung never went away. It just got smaller.

Today, vaccine-injured children rely on portable ventilators that they carry in backpacks, strapped around their necks, with a tube running straight into their throats. These are today’s “iron lungs.”

This is the part of the story they never tell you.

The mainstream media doesn’t care about these children. They don’t care that vaccine injuries are real, that lawsuits have been won against health agencies, or that ICAN has uncovered documents proving the entire vaccine program is built on a foundation of fraud and manipulation.

They only care about protecting the lie.

That’s why they’re attacking ICAN instead of investigating the three-day safety trial behind the polio vaccine that is the subject of ICAN’s petition. That’s why they’re trying to frame our petition as reckless.

But here’s the question they won’t ask: Why is the FDA afraid of reviewing the evidence? If this vaccine is as safe and effective as it claims, what does it have to hide?

ICAN is taking on the entire vaccine establishment—the FDA, the CDC, the NIH—and demanding accountability. We are forcing them to answer the questions they don’t want to answer.

The truth is on our side. But exposing it requires relentless legal action, investigations, and lawsuits—all of which ICAN is leading.

This is a battle we can win.


Are Va((ine Passports Just Around The Corner?



The short answer is no, not if RFKjr gets approved as head of HHS!


 Steve Bannon Interview

2-hour video


NOTE: This link takes you about the 13-minute mark of the 2-hour interview… but it’s worth backing up to the beginning and watching the first 18 minutes. It's one fascinating interview!

Bannon said, “If you’re not prepared to go to prison. If you’re not prepared to sacrifice your life, you’re in the wrong line of work. This is all out political warfare between two sides of the United States that can’t stand each other. Each side thinks they think we’re barbarians. We think they’ve destroyed the country.

END, Compass eNews, February 13, 2025

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