Our office will be closed from 9/25 – 10/23. Any orders placed during this time will be shipped upon return by 11/1/23.
The RESTRICT Act is supposedly aimed at blocking or disrupting transactions and financial holdings linked to foreign adversaries that pose a risk to national security. But is it? When did the Biden Regime get so worried about China's surveillance of the USA? After all, they let China float a balloon over our military facilities for days.
The Federal Reserve Wednesday announced that its FedNow Service, described as an alternative to a central bank digital currency (CBDC), will launch in July. Nothing to see here...other than the fact it allows our Federal government to manage all transactions in the background. July!
But they say both the paper dollar and the digital dollar will co-exist. Yeah, right, but for how long?
Well, that didn't take long!
Experts are saying we're over our heads in developing AI, needs an immediate stop. I guess we're times a million past the Hal days of 2001.
Oh dear, I'm not going to California anytime soon!
This is fun! This guy/girl (whatever) tries to prove that sex is not binary. He ran into trouble when Walsh asked him how he’d respond to a patient with a penis who claims he’s having a miscarriage.
I don't see any way out of this, short of massive inflation. Which, of course, is what they ultimately want.
60-minute video. If you heard Alex Newman at the Steeling the Mind Conference last month, you know you have to listen to this 1/2 speed! He also covers California seeking to steal kids.
I guess when all your va((inated family, friends and coworkers continue to die... you gotta wonder if you were wrong!
The state of Oregon is denying the application of a woman who wants to adopt because she is a Christian and will not agree to support gender transition if the child she adopts ends up being trans.
Dowd does it again. The FACTS and nothing but the FACTS! It's bad. A new report estimates that 26.6 million people were injured, 1.36 million disabled, and 300,000 excess deaths can be attributed to COVID-19 vaccine damages in 2022 alone, which cost the economy nearly $150 billion.
Article & 21-minute video. Well, more and more people are figuring out what's going on. This is a fascinating video and article where a ticked-off doc just about comes unglued as he comes to understand the truth.
The math shows the FDIC has no way out. They have nowhere near enough money to cover what's sure to come...more bank failures. So they are left with only two choices. Let the whole banking system collapse or print more money (causing even more inflation). Can you guess what the Biden Regime will do? I'm guessing inflation.
For whatever reason, these evil people telegraph what they are going to do. Dr. Mike Yeadon says it's important to listen to what they are saying!
Well, well, well. This is a well-explained expose' of the Globalists/Satanists attempt to control the thought processes of the masses in order to bring them under one central control. All this reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock's The Twilight Zone.
22-minute video. Alex Newman says more in 22 minutes than most speakers say in 22 hours! Better to watch this in the morning in place of coffee. He explains how a crisis is always created and then used to trap us.
If you like Alex Newman, here's another great video on how the Globalists/Satanists are using our open boarders.
Short, concise article on how the Globalists/Satanists are using the banks to get to a digital currency...which will lead to 666. The good news is that the Rapture will come first! So, bring it on!
22-minute video. You may not be aware of it, but Israel is practically shut down at the moment from hundreds of thousands protesting. According to the Jerusalem Post, all malls, stores, government, buildings, airport, basically everything, is shut down.
27-minute video. If you wish to get a little more on what's going on in Israel, from a boots on the ground assessment
This is the saddest thing of all... the Globalists/Satanists hate what God loves.
21-minute video. Del Bigtree lets Catherine Austin Fitts unload uninterrupted. Wow. She comes from the inside and knows her stuff!
Well, since so many of us own gold coins, this is a fun read—smart guy makes a good case.
Unless these authors slipped a bunch of decimals somewhere, the data inarguably shows what the data shows. And — as the authors drily noted — because of the time delay, causation seems pretty clear: 2022 excess deaths didn’t travel back in time and cause higher vaccination rates in 2021. Absent a third, unknown factor causing both vaccination rates and excess deaths, this is very strong evidence for causation. Not that logic will stop them. Get ready for the time-travel argument!
Leo Hohmann nails it.
Labor data analyzed by Ed Dowd shows a shocking 50% increase in missed work days following va((ination. Wow, it's not just deaths causing the labor shortage...new disabilities are ramping up.
In 2016 we ran an article making the case that the yuan was seeking to become the world's reserve currency.
Unbelievable! This would be the last act of a desperate regime. Doing this would sink the dollar...but wait, since he's already in bed with China, isn't that what they want? Hmmm...
37-Minute Video (watch at 1.25). This is a fascinating video... and quite scary if you don't have your head screwed on properly. Adams and Quayle discuss the banking catastrophe with a lot of inside information so I found their discussion of where we are mind-blowing. However, they have no peace that the Lord is in control ...and you have to keep in mind they're selling gold and dried food. Don't watch past 37 minutes as that's when they really get into selling gold, satellite phones, etc.
65-minute video. Well, if the above meltdown video didn't send you screaming from room to room, this one might if you watch the whole thing. Sasha Latypova and Robert Kennedy hold nothing back showing how they used healthcare to drive the coup. Also shows you how late in the game we are.
7-minute video. Since there are several people on our list who unfortunately attend churches that avoid Bible prophecy, this is a short, concise explanation of the importance of Bible prophecy. “Behold, the former things have come to pass, now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.” Is. 42:9
A Christian teacher claimed that a so-called “transwoman” was really a “man in woman’s clothing” in a Facebook post. This prompted authorities to refer him to the UK’s counter-terrorism police for fear he was an extremist. This is coming our way, they're only two to three years ahead of us.
55-minute video. Mike Adams and Michael Yon, in the Netherlands cover a variety of critical topics. I learned some fascinating new info in this one.
17-minute video. Well well, the Trilateral Commission actually declared 2023 the beginning of the NWO. Hm....that's bold. Hey, they work for Satan so maybe they got some inside info.
24-minute video. Former CDC Director Robert Redfield should know. On Monday’s broadcast of Hill.TV’s “Rising,” former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield said he believes that the next pandemic will come not from animal spillover, but “from gain-of-function research or intentional bioterrorism.” And that the next pandemic “will be much more brutal to the world than COVID was.” Well now you tell us.
A complete lock-down of speech is planned using AI, Big Tech, Big Media and, of course, your tax dollars for the next big event...and who knows what they will come up with.
This is a great Karen Kingston article about why Ukraine was important to WHO and the Globalists/Satanists. Hint, all the mRNA poisons came from Ukraine.
The UN is 100% from the pit of hell. They hate Israel and everything she stands for. They just passed a resolution calling the founding of modern Israel a “catastrophe.” Good luck when y'all stand before a righteous God. There's a special place in hell for you and your lies!
Peter Halligan gives you the proof. It's a bit hard to read and not well organized, but has the data to prove Europe fell for the Globalists/Satanists lie hook, line and sinker.
1 hour, 40-minute video (start at 60-minutes mark). Mike Adams has a most interesting interview with Adam Schiff.
Yet another study, this one using over 50,000 patients, PROVES the more shots you take, the more likely you are to contract Covid. This is getting old. How in the world can they continue to push this poison? Unless they want you dead.
Check Out This Handy List
Taxing insured bank deposits is the worst way to pay for the bailout.
And That Could Push Us Into The Next Great Depression
Here’s what you need to know
3 minute video & article.
3-minute video. This is hilarious, watch dumbfounded CNN anchors listen to a credentialed investor explain why no one should make investments in blue states. And PTL for Musk and Twitter or none of this would be getting passed around!
All the banking problems cropping up in the last week make me wonder...is all this being done on purpose to provide an excuse to collapse the entire banking system so our brilliant government can take it over?
If you had any doubts about those digital dollars being bad news...
26-minute video. This is really good. Del Bigtree and Jeff Jaxen examine what they're calling the "British Lockdown Files." Seems the UK Health Minister Matt Hancock wanted a book written about how great he was to be published at a later date.
Dr. Robert Malone asks the obvious questions... and no one outside of prophecy-knowledgeable Bible Believers knows the answers.
Where do our thoughts about the world originate with such extraordinary power over open-minded, analytical thinking? Can we have an original thought about the war in Ukraine when we live hundreds or thousands of miles away from the event? He who controls the message is in control. Interesting assessment.
Government officials and medical personnel purposely misled patients and the public by pushing a dangerous drug when much safer, more effective and less expensive alternatives existed.
1-minute video. Stage 4 cancer diagnosis used to be rare on first discovery. Not anymore. Now 2/3s of all cancer diagnoses BEGIN at Stage 4! Good grief. And guess when it all started... yep...same time those safe and effective va((ines were rolled out.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently developing two international legal instruments intended to increase its authority in managing health emergencies, including pandemics.
The Biden Regime wants more money to....manage global health.
2-minute video. Facts are facts, and Dr. Ryan Cole says deal with the truth!
About that 94% effectiveness for their stupid va((ines, they lied through their teeth! They simply deleted adverse events and deaths from their trial data. Scumbags!
Well, they funded BLM here in America, so it's not hard to believe they funded riots in other countries!
The allied forces discovered a copy of these "Rules" in May, 1919, at Dusseldorf, Germany. They were first printed in the United States in the Bartlesville (Oklahoma) Examiner-Enterprise that same year, 1919. Almost 30 years later, in 1946, the Attorney General of Florida obtained them from a known member of the Communist Party USA, who acknowledged that these "Rules" were then still a part of the Communist program for the United States. An amazing read.
12-minute Video (Start at 2-minute mark and end at 16-minute mark). I found this guy to be smart and interesting. He just muses but covers a lot of good stuff. But he, unfortunately, can't figure out why the "courts" aren't doing more. So his conclusions don't connect the scriptural dots.
The video is of Robert Kennedy. More people seem to be figuring out what's going on!
Debbie's belief in the Lord was stronger than the pressures of working at Pfizer...so she walked away and is telling the world the truth.
Tucker Carlson has the lib's panties in a wad. He's showing video footage to the world that demolishes their January 6 narrative. If you missed all this hoopla, here's a video that will give you insight.
This is an important read because it shows you what the Satanists/Globalists will do to you if they perceive you to be a threat to their agenda. Unbelievable!!
Here's one more about our communist government's tactics regarding peacefully protesting abortions: article and/or long video (you can watch the first few minutes of the video to get a good grasp).
Ouch...those who got the clot shot are probably passing on their new DNA coding to their new children.
A Behind-The-Scenes Va((ine Battle— Attorney Robert Barnes is battling Pfizer in court...fascinating, to say the least!
This is a technical article, but readable. Or you could just look at the charts.
“In the immediate aftermath of the pandemic, monthly fertility data from Sweden and Germany show a strong fertility decline in early 2022, with about 10 to 15 % fewer births, respectively, than what was observed during the same period the previous year." Of course, if an enemy was behind all this, they're doing a good job taking us down.
Well, a lot is going on in the world and those churches that don't teach Bible prophecy are like lost balls in the high weeds. Nothing but crickets. But maybe some of those big churches are afraid to talk about the TRUTH because they might lose their access to hundreds of thousands of dollars in government subsidies like they received in 2020. Hmmm....
The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavius Pandemic...health expert says "worst public health mistake in history." But are you sure it was a mistake?
The FBI created a threat tag to target pro-life activists after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, according to whistleblower testimony obtained by Fox News.
Well, you probably know all of these, but it's the New York Post! And now we have them all in one place. 🙂 Here's the list, click above for data/details if you need them.
Scientists last month published studies on the effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and RF radiation on humans, and the epidemiological evidence for cancer due to RF radiation from cellphone use.
53-Minute Video (you can watch at 1.25 speed). Wow wow wow! The whole world needs to see this! Two quite smart people discuss the va((ine FACTS and what they mean to you and me.
75-Minute Video (use 1.25 speed) This is the interview mentioned above in The Missing Link article. If at all possible, put this on your video watching schedule! It is a wealth of information.
Well these girls, who have a large following and call themselves The Resistance Chicks, are a hoot! They make Mike Adams explain the East Palestine, Ohio train toxic spill disaster in layman's terms. It's a tragic situation and the long-term effects are grim.
Del Bigtree and Jaxon Report. This is huge because now it will be almost impossible to have another vaccine mandate and ignore natural immunity. Even the big networks are conceding (see below).
ack Hibbs and Charlie Kirk are on top of their games regarding what's going on around us and what our response should be. Excellent, but watch the other three above first!
We should have known when the fish died. But then 43,000 animals died... hello! Scientists release a "shocking" report. The finding is in direct contrast to the EPA's, who said the air is safe for residents
You watch this and shake your head. Sadly, most likely, nothing will change. But it did seem to make Garland squirm a little.
Steve Kirsch says this may be the most important and impacting article he's ever written. A whistleblower privately releases to him 114,000 Social Security files that show the true toll of the va((ines. Unreal! Vax = death!
44-Minute Video (Start at 3-minutes). Well this one is intense. Alex Jones interviews Stew Peters about all that's going on in the world. Ouch! Note: These guys don't seem to have the balance of knowing that God is totally in control at all times...so keep in mind that God IS in control and Believers should not be fearful.
Steve Bannon interviews Naomi Wolf about the new report that examines 33 autopsies and biopsies. It found that the Covid-19 vaccine causes deadly lesions on the lungs.
In East Palestine dead birds hang upside down on power lines and eventually fall off.
62-Minute Video (stop at 1:02, or watch the whole 2 hours for even more info). Mike Adams shows the toxicity floating in the air after they burned off the toxic chemicals from the train cars. This stuff causes acute liver problems and cancer. It's Adams' opinion that whoever made the decision to burn had to know the death and destruction this would cause. He's calling for a total evacuation of the town.
58 minute-video. Yet another fascinating video—Researcher Katherine Watt is interviewed by Maria Zee and you'll be dumbfounded by what you learn. She takes you through how the Globalists/Satanists are pulling off this New World Order. Creepy.
Tucker Carlson explains how the Deep State removed Nixon, the most popular President ever (by percentage of total vote), to cover up the CIA's murder of JFK. Richard Nixon believed that the CIA was working to undermine the American system of government and had been doing that for a long time. And he was absolutely right.
6 minute video. Those Globalist rascals think if they quietly tell us before they kill us, then we gave them permission. Hmmm... I'm guessing that won't hold water on Judgment Day.
1 minute video. At The World Government Summit 2023 panel discussion, Professor Arturo Bris from the IMD World Competitiveness Center, argued that a “shock” was needed for the transformation to the New World Order. Well, guess what, I think the shocker will be Millions Missing! LOL!
4 minute-video. "I have to apologize on behalf of my profession, physicians have really fallen on our face. They have refused to listen to patients when they come in with vaccine injury symptoms." Interviewed by Laura Ingraham on Ingraham Angle.
The Biden regime has opened a new front in their war on law-abiding gun owners. Leaked ATF documents reveal the Regime plans to shut down gun stores across America by pursuing a “zero tolerance” policy for revoking federal firearm licenses (FFL).
72 minute-video. Kim Iversen interviews Robert Kennedy. The entire interview is a bit slow compared to what we normally post. You don't need to watch the video—all you really need to know here is that Robert Kennedy agrees that the va((ine rollout was a military operation.
He nails it! Look around you!
Interesting, who knows what God's up to.
To help you understand, here is a teenager who explains this in 60 seconds
Steve Kirsch is squarely on top of the Covid lies as deaths from heart attacks, strokes, cancer, etc. continue to climb.
Did you hear about what Biden's handlers have quietly signed off on last month? The jerks. The DNA pretends to care about national security and prosperity. But instead in the fine print the focus is woke diversity, equity, and inclusion that allows Globalists/Satanists to change education, national security, climate change, health, and industry to be more to their liking.
2-minute video. Va((ine injured with asthma, tremors and heart problems, Rep. Nancy Mace from South Carolina scorches Twitter execs for censoring Covid information. Watch 'em squirm.
1- minute video. This is huge. I think Dr. Ryan Cole just tied all the new cancers cropping up to the Covid va((ine!
70-minute video. This is an EXCELLENT video. Ken Ham, who has spoken at Steeling the Mind several times over the last 30 years, nails the root of today's problems. After we watched this, we showed it to our Bible study group. Everyone was glued to the screen. Unfortunately Satan, I mean Youtube, has inserted about 5 commercials you have to deal with during the presentation... be patient, it's worth seeing.
The Jewish Temple will be rebuilt during the Tribulation on Mt. Moriah, the only place on the planet allowed for acceptable sacrifices to the Lord.
80-minute video. Last week we put in the 1-minute recap of this interview with Dr. Michael Yeadon. Some asked us for the link to the entire Mary Holland and Polly Tommey interview on CHD TV. It's an excellent show, just long. But you can watch it on 1.25 or 1.50 speed.
1-minute video. I bet it's frustrating for people like Yeadon, McCullough and scores of others to scream about all this for two years and nothing changed... except their information was blocked by media.
20-minute video. Veronika Kyrylenko of The New American interviews Mary Holland, attorney with Robert Kennedy's Children's Health Defense and she is a wealth of information!
60-minute video. This is an excellent in-depth video that covers a lot of new information. Huff is live in studio with Del Bigtree so you can hear and see everything clearly. Oh boy, worth the time to watch. My only concern is are we backing the Globalists/Satanists into a corner?
Harvey Risch breaks down what this means for you and me. Having these International Classification of Disease codes include whether or not you're va((inated means they're assuming that we'll be using some type of va((ine passport in the future.
To no one's surprise, the Covid shot is being relegated to the flu shot bin. Now your flu shots can maim or kill you.
And they put aluminum in children's va((ines... really?
This is excellent. It was produced about 12 months ago but I'm just now seeing it. Using white-board diagram technology, it expertly explains how the entire world was deceived into willingly taking an injection of poison.
One of the primary reasons why the lab leak theory is being so heavily disputed is because acknowledging it as true would force Congress to rein in the research industry.
This is a trailer from the guy who produced Plandemic, Mikki Willis does a great job of not only showing the incredible health benefits of Ivermectin, but also exposes the government's lies to coverup its use against Covid. He shows how the government went full-press to defame those who disagreed with their lies. Excellent! And this is only the 14-minute trailer!
I know you'll be surprised that not one is the va((ine. They're trying to convince us having a heart attack is a normal event. The media think we're so stupid.
Josh Stirling, a top insurance research analyst, has found a 7% aggregate mortality increase for each COVID vaccine dose received, meaning a “fully vaccinated” individual who took all 5 currently recommended doses increased their risk of [premature] death by 35%.
The future is now. Quietly, behind the scenes, retail shopping is changing the way you pay for goods.
Director of CDC Vaccine Task Force, Tom Shimabukuro, spits out the sad truth...
Despite being one of the biggest pushers of va((ine mandates, there are some interesting things happening down there. Del Bigtree explains...
55-minute Video - begin at 4:30. This link is slow to load, and sometimes gives you a "Too busy" message. But if you can get it to play, oh boy. A great interview that quite candidly ties all the new cancers cropping up directly to the va((ines.
Well this one will put some pep in your step today. On the heals of last week's Shasta interview, Andrew Huff, a whistleblower, has more info on the DOD being behind the va((ine from the beginning. CQLJ! Huff doesn't seem to have a clue about Bible prophecy, so you have to fill in the blanks as you watch.
40-minute video.
Pastor Jonathan Brentner, a staunch defender of the Pre-Trib Rapture doctrine, writes an amazing assessment of where we've been and where we are currently.
Karen Kingston takes you on a virtual ride... who knows what's real and what's fake these days!
Bill Gates’ post-COVID-19 plans for the world include an unprecedented campaign to control the global population in its totality, from cradle to grave. He wants to connect everything together — our identity, finances, medical data, vaccine records and more — is he evil or what!
This story is interesting because some Compass supporters are involved in this lawsuit against United Airlines va((ine mandates. So fire up a prayer if you think about it.
On January 24, 2023 Katherine Watt was an attendee at a press conference that discussed the ongoing emergency use rollout of bio-weapons being marketed as Covid va((ines. She discusses the legal framework they use to circumvent the WHO/BIS/DOD initiatives that undermine sovereignty.
And Shasta, with all her details regarding DOD is the culprit, gets interviewed by the Corona Investigative Committee in Germany. Wow, she had them squirming.
Just shows this is real, our government has been captured behind the scenes by the bad guys. We only see and know what they want us to see and know. CQLJ!
Since they will be beheading Christians in the Tribulation (Rev.20:4) this seems to show they're warming up in Europe.
The ICD (International Classification of Disease) codes are being updated to include several classifications for vaccine status. Interestingly there is no code for "Fully Va((inated"...only various stages of "not fully vaccinated." So it looks like they expect various forms of Covid va((ines to be on going.
If you want more info on the coming va((ine passports, here's a long, slow video that is sprinkled with good info.
This is the video that went viral last week right after we sent out our eNews.
So, if we were at war our enemies would be trying to sneak terrorists into our country for future attacks. We, seems, despite the porous border, they're catching at least SOME of them sneaking in. 17 in December, 38 for the year.
40-minutes. Ok, listening to this you'll see why I stick to writing, not talking! 🙂 The discussion mainly centers around the Day/Age Theory. That's a tough one to explain without pictures!! But JB, who has spoken many times in the past at Steeling the Mind conferences on some gritty subjects, sounds pretty good.
God is continuing to prepare today's Jews to go back to sacrificing on Mt. Moriah, the only place He allows sacrifices.
6-minute video. This is a well-produced video by OANN exposing the so-called fact-checkers. Includes some interesting, all-be-it heartbreaking, videos of people dropping dead from the va((ine.
58-minute video. Great interview of Ed Dowd by CHD TV. Dowd is just fascinating to listen to because he simply lists the unarguable facts to prove his points!
This is sort of a recap of the World Economic Forum's Davos meeting. They have no concept of God...boy are they going to be surprised one day!!
I'm being a little careful, knowing the Satanists/Globalists want to keep our eyes off the huge number of deaths occurring. They may be using Mr. Carlson without him knowing it. I recently watched Gates talk about the next pandemic coming, but why would he do that? Just wondering.
This is a great history lesson that may be being repeated today, least we forget! And, of course, Tucker Carlson minces no words!
The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA), the body responsible for licensing pilots, has quietly changed the criteria for measuring heart damage in pilots.
55-minute video (start at 8-minutes). Well, I came up with that title. They call it, "Not Trump," which is a terrible title considering the information. So this is one of those "Oh Wow!" videos. Todd Calendar point-blank gives hard truths about what's going on in the world. Everyone needs to take the time to watch this without distractions. "A wise man has many counselors." Therefore this is just one side of several we should be considering. CQLJ!
75-minute video. This is a must see... last week we linked to a Shasha video and people are still talking about her. Here she is again, with a complete Power Point presentation laid out in detail. This also dovetails nicely with the video above, "The Worlds Big Picture."
The national liberal media is finally having to deal with the elephant in the room.
8-minute video. Tucker Carlson shows how we've been duped, over and over.
28-minute video. Clip after clip of top docs, scientists, etc., Robert Kennedy, Malone, Tenpenny, and more touching on multiple subjects sew the Covid case shut.
5-minute video. This is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. At Davos, only special reporters were allowed inside. But two alternative media caught Pfizer CEO walking outside the safe confines and filmed themselves asking him questions....I'm crying I'm laughing so hard!!!!!
Excellent article by Joseph Mercola. Covid va((ines ARE gene therapy, but big Pharma doesn't want you to know that. The notion that the COVID-19 shots are a form of gene therapy is so risky for Big Pharma’s bottom line, they’re going to great lengths to make sure people don’t think of them that way