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Chances for Rapture This September

January 29, 2025

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Dear Compass Supporters:

President Trump's dizzying number of (much needed) Executive Orders to begin removing all the ungodliness in the government has the Globalists/Satanists all up in arms. And fun to watch.

But the billion dollar drug and defense industries are beginning to show their claws.

If RFKJr is approved and he keeps his word, and I think he will, the mRNA treatments will fade into the sunset because they can't hold up to a bare minimum of scrutiny. Billions of dollars are at stake.

The fight is just beginning and only the Lord knows how this will end. Consider how much Big Pharma has invested in congressional votes:

TOP 7 All-time Senate Pharma Cash Recipients: (1)

Harris Kamala (D)

Biden Joe (D)

Obama Barack (D)

Clinton Hillary (D-NY)

Romney Mitt (R-UT)

Hatch Orrin G (R-UT)

Casey Bob (D-PA)

2025 In-Office Senate Pharma Cash Recipients: (1)

(Over $50K only)

McConnell Mitch (R-KY), Kentucky, 1984

Sanders Bernie (I-VT), Vermont, 2006

Warnock Raphael (D-GA), Georgia, 2021

Murray Patty (D-WA), Washington, 1992

Schumer Charles E (D-NY), New York, 1998

Blackburn Marsha (R-TN), Tennessee, 2018

Cassidy Bill (R-LA), Louisiana, 2014

Warren Elizabeth (D-MA), Massachusetts, 2012

Wyden Ron (D-OR), Oregon, 1996

Cornyn John (R-TX), Texas, 2002

Scott Tim (R-SC), South Carolina, 2013

Ossoff Jon (D-GA), Georgia, 2021

Kelly Mark (D-AZ), Arizona, 2020

Grassley Chuck (R-IA), Iowa, 1980

Crapo Mike (R-ID), Idaho, 1998

Young Todd (R-IN), Indiana, 2016

Tillis Thom (R-NC), North Carolina, 2014

Barrasso John (R-WY), Wyoming, 2007

Klobuchar Amy (D-MN), Minnesota, 2006

Peters Gary (D-MI), Michigan, 2014

Coons Chris (D-DE), Delaware, 2010

Cruz Ted (R-TX), Texas, 2012

Bennet Michael (D-CO), Colorado, 2009

Graham Lindsey (R-SC), South Carolina, 2002

Thune John (R-SD), South Dakota, 2004

Markey Ed (D-MA), Massachusetts, 2013

Warner Mark (D-VA), Virginia, 2008

Gillibrand Kirsten (D-NY), New York, 2009

Booker Cory (D-NJ), New Jersey, 2013

Rosen Jacky (D-NV), Nevada, 2018

Curtis John (R-UT), Utah, 2020

Kaine Tim (D-VA), Virginia, 2012

Collins Susan M (R-ME), Maine, 1996

Baldwin Tammy (D-WI), Wisconsin, 2012

Masto Catherine Cortez (D-NV), Nevada, 2016

Heinrich Martin (D-NM), New Mexico, 2012

Daines Steven (R-MT), Montana, 2014

Hassan Maggie (D-NH), New Hampshire, 2016

Mullin Markwayne (R-OK), Oklahoma, 2022

Shaheen Jeanne (D-NH), New Hampshire, 2008

Schiff Adam (D-CA), California, 2024

Lee Mike (R-UT), Utah, 2010

Fetterman John (D-PA), Pennsylvania, 2022

Van Hollen Chris (D-MD), Maryland, 2016

Ernst Joni (R-IA), Iowa, 2014

Capito Shelley Moore (R-WV), West Virginia, 2014

Lujan Ben Ray (D-NM), New Mexico, 2020

Johnson Ron (R-WI), Wisconsin, 2010

Duckworth Tammy (D-IL), Illinois, 2016

Durbin Dick (D-IL), Illinois, 1996

Blumenthal Richard (D-CT), Connecticut, 2010

Murphy Christopher S (D-CT), Connecticut, 2012

Whitehouse Sheldon (D-RI), Rhode Island, 2006

Murkowski Lisa (R-AK), Alaska, 2002

Cantwell Maria (D-WA), Washington, 2000

Slotkin Elissa (D-MI), Michigan, 2024

Kim Andy (D-NJ), New Jersey, 2024

Hickenlooper John (D-CO), Colorado, 2020

Gallego Ruben (D-AZ), Arizona, 2024

Wicker Roger (R-MS), Mississippi, 2007

Moran Jerry (R-KS), Kansas, 2010

Paul Rand (R-KY), Kentucky, 2010

Lankford James (R-OK), Oklahoma, 2014

Kennedy John (R-LA), Louisiana, 2016

Fischer Deb (R-NE), Nebraska, 2012

Hoeven John (R-ND), North Dakota, 2010

Banks Jim (R-IN), Indiana, 2024

Smith Tina (D-MN), Minnesota, 2018

Marshall Roger (R-KS), Kansas, 2020

Hirono Mazie K (D-HI), Hawaii, 2012

Hagerty Bill (R-TN), Tennessee, 2020

Scott Rick (R-FL), Florida, 2018

Boozman John (R-AR), Arkansas, 2010

Padilla Alex (D-CA), California, 2021

Cotton Tom (R-AR), Arkansas, 2014

Welch Peter (D-VT), Vermont, 2023

Reed Jack (D-RI), Rhode Island, 1996

Budd Ted (R-NC), North Carolina, 2022

Sullivan Dan (R-AK), Alaska, 2014

Hawley Josh (R-MO), Missouri, 2018

Merkley Jeff (D-OR), Oregon, 2008

Rounds Mike (R-SD), South Dakota, 2014

McCormick Dave (R-PA), Pennsylvania, 2024

Cramer Kevin (R-ND), North Dakota, 2018

King Angus (I-ME), Maine, 2012

Britt Katie Boyd (R-AL), Alabama, 2022

Alsobrooks Angela (D-MD), Maryland, 2024

Schatz Brian (D-HI), Hawaii, 2012

Moreno Bernie (R-OH), Ohio, 2024

Sheehy Tim (R-MT), Montana, 2024

Risch James E (R-ID), Idaho, 2008

Schmitt Eric (R-MO), Missouri, 2022

Hyde-Smith Cindy (R-MS), Mississippi, 2018

Can you spot the Big Pharma influence?

All this begs the question—now that President Trump has the reins, where are we on our prophetic timeline? Our article below looks closely at the most interesting possibilities.

And just to confirm, we believe the Rapture/Rescue of the Church could happen anytime...



  1. https://www.brokentruth.tv/p/big-data-how-much-do-senators-cost

Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground. Psa. 143:10 

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Scroll down for our article and always informative Additional Resources!

Chances for Rapture This September

After President Trump’s exciting “take-back” of our Republic, this article takes a close look at the most likely Rapture/Rescue dates and why it's OK to search scripture for latter-day prophecy clues.

Does Jesus Know When He’s Coming?

Examining scripture for Rapture date "hints" may be new to some of those who are recent sign-ups to Compass eNews. But yes, we believe we can study possible dates for the Rapture/Rescue of the Church. 

And yes, Jesus did say:

“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” Matt. 24:36

But notice that in this verse Jesus was addressing the Jews living before the cross who were under the Law.

Jesus said things before the cross that are not true for you and me living after the cross in the Church Age.(1)

After the cross in Revelation 5 we see Jesus receiving all knowledge. Therefore, today Jesus knows when He’s returning. So He can’t make that same statement today. It was true when He said it, but not true today. 

And yes, Paul said Jesus will come like “a thief in the night.” But a careful reading of the verse shows Paul was addressing unbelievers regarding coming as a surprise in the night. 

But for Believers, we’re to be “alert” to the scriptural signs of His coming.

…the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober. 1Th. 5:3b-5

So the surprise will be for the non-believers. Born-again Believers are to be “Alert” to the scriptural clues God has given us. 

Prophetic Signs 

Every student of Bible prophecy knows this verse:

Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 1Cor. 15:51

Yet most Believers miss the connection of this verse to the Jewish Feast of Rosh Hashanah.

In Israel at the time of Christ, life mostly revolved around two things, blood sacrifices and the seven feasts commanded to be celebrated by the Lord. 

The first four mandatory Jewish feasts are in the spring, the last three are in the fall. Notice the 5th feast is labeled as “The Feast of Trumpets.” 

It’s also referred to as Rosh Hashanah—the birthday of the Universe when God created Adam and Eve. It’s the first day of the new year, as Rosh Hashanah actually means “head of the year.”

Rosh Hashanah is a two-day celebration blowing a lot of trumpets/Ram’s horns/shofars. Jewish days begin and end at sunset (as opposed to midnight).

The Feast of Trumpets is a day of celebration, lighting candles at night, big family meals and offering prayers of thanksgiving. 

It’s also a day where many Jews go to a nearby body of water to perform what’s referred to as a Tashlich ceremony. It's like a baptism and the idea is they are washing away their sins in the water as they quote the prophet Micah:

He will again have compassion on us; He will tread our iniquities under foot. Yes, You will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. Mic. 7:19

All throughout the celebration the sounds of multiple shofar blowing fills the air in Jerusalem—30 blasts are blown each morning and up to 70 more throughout the afternoon and evening. 

At the end of the second day, sunset, the end of the feast is marked by one long, loud blast of the trumpet, referred to as the last shofar blowing.(2)

So when Paul wrote at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound,” every Jewish person would know what he was referring to—the last trumpet blowing of the Feasts of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah.

Paul was saying that Rapture will take place at sunset, Israel time on the second and last day of Rosh Hashanah—at the last blowing of the shofar.

Can We Know The Year Of Rapture?

The answer is “maybe.” Here are the clues God gives us... 

We believe the six 24-hour days of creation and one 24-hour day of rest is a template for all human history. And it fits like a glove. 

God equates a single 24-hour day to 1000 years in two places in scripture. 

But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. 2Pet. 3:8

For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it passes by, Psa. 90:4

Think about it, on the first four days of God’s creation, no life was created. On the 5th and 6th days life was created. And on the 7th day He rested.

And looking at history, we know that after 4000 years, Jesus came to earth and brought life, matching up perfectly with our days of creation template. The day God rested lines up perfectly with the 1000-year reign of Christ.(3)

It’s been about 2000 years since Jesus died on the cross in March, 33 AD. The specific beginning of the Church Age began with the arrival of the Holy Spirit 50 days later in May, 33 AD.

So if you simply add 2000 years to 33 AD, you get 2033. Here's what it looks like on a timeline:

However, since we believe the Rapture will take place on Rosh Hashanah, which is always in the fall, we have to back up to 2032 in order to stay within the 2000-year window. 

So our timeline would look like this:

IF (BIG "IF") that is correct, Believers are about 7 years away from one exciting exit. Like I said a few weeks ago, it IS interesting that Trump’s “right the ship” policies could reset the USA’s economy giving the USA 7 years of prosperity followed by 7 years of God’s Wrath. And we do have a scriptural precedent with Joseph in Egypt.

But there is one more important thing to consider—where does the 7-year Tribulation factor into the timeline? In the above graphic, it’s wedged between the Church Age and Jesus’ Reign. 

But that adds 7 more total years and may be throwing off our timeline. So the 7 years should come out of either the 1000-year Millennium or the 2000-year Church Age.

We know for a fact that the 7-year Tribulation can’t be part of the 1000-year Reign of Christ because Rev. 20 clearly states six times in six straight verses that Jesus will REIGN for 1000 years as King of the Earth. Not 1007, not 993.

...they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. Rev. 20:2-7

So you could make a case that our only choice is to subtract 7 years from the Church Age. So now our timeline looks like this:

Well, that should raise a few eyebrows! I’ve always thought that 2026 was the first really solid scripturally-based time of our boisterous exit. But I was not taking into account we needed to back up 8 months for Rosh Hashanah.

So this upcoming Rosh Hashanah in September could be quite interesting. It will begin at sundown in Israel, Monday, September 22. It will conclude at sundown in Israel, Wednesday, September 24, which is roughly 8:30 AM Pacific Time here in the US, 11:30 Eastern Time.

Keep in mind that our specific goal is not to figure out the exact time of the Rapture. Rather, if we do determine the Rapture's close, we need to be warning people who will be left behind that they can still go to heaven after we disappear into thin air.

This verse show unequivocally millions will be saved after the Rapture in the Tribulation:

I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands;..."These who are clothed in the white robes, who are they, and where have they come from?"... “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Rev. 7:10-14

There are people you see every day who will be left behind after our Rapture/rescue. If the situation were reversed, would you want them to tell you? Asking for a friend...

“In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you," Matt. 7:12a

Now, as a balance, keep in mind that it's God Who opens the door for us to witness.

praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, Col. 4:3 

So the point is, pray, be patient and be ready for the Lord to open a door to share what you know! It's usually obvious when the Lord opens a door of opportunity. And if you do, you may be planting a seed that will bloom in the Tribulation.




1) https://compass.org/product/satans-top-ten-lies-lie-5-do-everything-jesus-says-to-do-bill-perkins/

2) https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/4762/jewish/What-Is-Rosh-Hashanah.htm

3) https://compass.org/2-days-in-scripture/

The links in the Additional Resources below are meant to help us be wise and aware as we live and make decisions living in the concluding moments of the Church Age.

So this section is to offer more insight into our adversary's worldwide actions to help us make good decisions between now and our exciting exit. Hey, a lot of nut-cases are still pushing the va((ines! And some deluded people are still taking them!


---Clicking on any fuzzy picture below usually clears it up---

European Leaders Following Trump's Success



Alex Newman shows that European anti-globalist forces are attempting to take advantage of the political momentum of President Donald Trump’s MAGA movement by gathering some of Europe’s brightest leaders for the second annual Make Europe Great Again (MEGA) international conference.

In Brussels, Belgium, on January 28-29, 2025, the summit welcomed over 500 leaders from countries including the U.K., Spain, Italy, France, Romania, Argentina, Sweden, Poland, and more.



Argentinian President Bashes WEF

Article and/or 23-minute video


In Argentinian President Milei's speech to the WEF, he accused Davos’ elite attendees of destroying the West with their globalist woke agenda.

“Forums like this one have been protagonists and promoters of the sinister agenda of wokeism that is doing so much damage to the Western world,” Milei said, adding how the “absolute global hegemony of the woke Left” in Davos has begun to crumble.

In his 23-minute speech he lashed out at abortion, climate change, feminism, gender ideology, diversity and more. It sounded like Trump wrote his speech!

President Trump is resonating with more than just the USA.

5 Conspiracy Theories Debunked

Bobby Kennedy's HHS confirmation hearings had his detractors accusing him of believing "conspiracy theories." But there's scientific evidence proving they're not conspiracies.
> COVID-19 Va((ines Don’t Prevent Infection — True!
> Synthetic Red Dye Causes Cancer — True!
> Fluoride Lowers IQ — True!
> SSRIs Increase Homicidal Behavior & Violent Crime — True!
> 60% of Americans have at least one chronic disease — True!
If you want the scientific proof of each of the above, CLICK HERE. 
So who was the purveyor of these lies? Is the the entire department HHS working for the Globalists, Big Pharma, or both?
And for what purpose are they so blatantly lying? If you say for "world population reduction" then you're labeled as believing in conspiracy theories. But if we're living close to the end of the Church Age, it's not a conspiracy theory, it's a Biblical truth. Consider this...
Half the world dies in the first 3 1/2 years after the Rapture/Rescue due to drugs/vaccines.
"Sorcery" in the Bible is the Greek word Pharmakeia, which is a pharmaceutical medication tied to witchcraft.

5331.  pharmakeia, far-mak-i´-ah; from 5332; medication (“pharmacy”), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively): — sorcery, witchcraft.

Rev. 6:2— Post-Rapture, the New World Leader conquers with a poison, not bullets.  (CLICK HERE)
Why the USA is the latter-day BabylonCLICK HERE.
Rev. 9:21— Countries were judged because they did not repent of their drugs.
Is. 47:9— The USA is the sensual one who dwells securely before being destroyed... DESPITE her many drugs.
Nah. 3:4— The USA is primary purveyor of drugs/va((ines to nations worldwide.
Rev. 18:23—God cites worldwide distribution of drugs/va((ines as one of His reasons He will destroy America in one hour.
Fascinating, don't you think!

Irrefutable Evidence



Peer-reviewed study finds irrefutable evidence for immediate market withdrawal of COVID-19 "Va((ines."

More than 81,000 physicians, scientists, researchers, and concerned citizens, 240 elected government officials, 17 professional public health and physician organizations, 2 State Republican Parties, 17 Republican Party County Committees, and 6 scientific studies from across the world have called for the market withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines.

Covid Va((ines Travel To Vital Organs



How many studies do we need?

A new study of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in mice found that lipid nanoparticles containing the spike protein dispersed to major vital organs, including the heart. Scientists say this type of research should have been done before the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out to the global population.




Here ya go, a link to a free big book full of all the research by top scientists showing you have to be dumb as dirt to take any future mRNA shots. 

“The harms caused by Covid shots are inherent in the mRNA technology—which means that any and all future mRNA 'va((ines' will be equally toxic and unsafe….We want to help you understand that this harm is built right into the mRNA technology, and that you must do everything you can in order to protect your children and yourself from these future poisons dressed up as medicines.”

Dangerous Secrets

90-minute video


Donald Trump is releasing more secrets than any president in history. It's hard to keep up. Tucker Carlson interviews Matt Taibbi on the top ten mysteries we’re likely to solve while President Trump is in office. Excellent!!!

Hopefully you can find the time to kick back and watch the entire interview. But if not, here are the individual segments from which to choose:

(0:00) Fauci’s Pardon

(7:32) The J6 Committee's Pardon

(11:02) The Golden Age of Journalism Has Begun

(17:44) The Major Questions We Should Be Asking Now That Trump Is President

(29:00) The Destruction of Nord Stream Will Kill the EU

(33:57) The Key Players of COVID That Have Yet to Be Investigated

(36:20) The New Media Landscape

(45:17) Trump’s Mass Disclosure Will Make Certain People Very Dangerous

(51:13) Will We Ever Truly Know the Purpose of the COVID Regime?

(58:45) Russiagate and the Leaked DNC Emails

(1:03:28) Kash Patel and Political Espionage (1:20:30) The Intel Agencies That Control Wikipedia

(1:33:47) How They Try to Brainwash Us Into Submission

Claims That Childhood Vaccines ‘Saved Millions of Lives’ Is Based on Flawed Models



In a paper recently published, all-cause mortality expert Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., said claims by public health agencies and top medical journals that childhood vaccination prevents millions of deaths annually are based on “tentative and untethered models of epidemiological forecasting” that produce “unlikely results.”

No surprise there...but now we have the evidence.

More On Trump And The mRNA Va((ines

8-minute video (Start at 18-minute mark) (Ellison's 45-second stunning mRNA remark begins at 20:44)


Gene sequencing might be useful in the future. It might have potential. But Larry Ellison using the words "mRNA," "cancer," "va((ines," and "available in 48 hours" all in the same sentence raised a lot of eyebrows!

More analysis from Jefferey Jaxen and Del Bigtree HERE

I got this from my youngest daughter who is a stay-at-home homeschool mom for her four young kids (Ok, she knows it's not exactly Biblically accurate, but it sometimes feels that way).

The Temple Mount, on Mt. Moriah in the Old City of Jerusalem, is the raised platform treed area with its prominent Muslim golden Dome of the Rock. Mt. Moriah is where Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice. Centuries later, Israel built their 1st and 2nd Jewish Temples there.

After the Rapture, the Jews will again build their 3rd Jewish Temple there. In the Millennium Jesus will reign as King of the Earth from that same sacred spot.

And, we have a few slots left to join us March 30th for our life-changing Israel trip and you can see it for yourself! CLICK HERE for details.

FYI— we need a female roommate for a 21-year old. Pray about it!

Trump’s Win Sparks Hope For Jewish Sovereignty On The Temple Mount



The Temple Mount is God's special place on earth...and when the prophetically famous 7-year peace treaty is signed after the Rapture, it will allow the Jews to rebuild their sacrificial temple. So reading articles like this shows things are continuing to fall into place!

President Trump Obliterates the WHO's Plans for an H5N1 Bird Flu Pandemic 

.Trump ordered that the CDC stop collaborating (communicating) with the WHO immediately and shut down USAID's funding of the WHO's biowarfare pandemic-planning global surveillance system.

January 28, 2025: It’s no secret that the World Health Organization (WHO) has been working with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and other federal agencies (i.e. the CDC and USAID) to create a pandemic and food shortage using H5N1 for RFK Jr. and President Trump using H5N1.

Trump stops the WHO from Conducting H5N1 Cow and Chicken Surveillance out of the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia

WHO animal influenza surveillance labs are also located in Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, France, South Korea, Germany, Italy, Canada, Egypt, Brazil, and the US - including an office at the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia!

Yesterday, Nicolas Hulscher, MPH of Courageous Discourses and the Associated Press, broke the news that Trump ordered that the CDC stop collaborating (communicating) with the WHO immediately, delivering a proverbial wrench into the WHO’s H5N1 pandemic plans.

Reference: Here

Those that stood their ground not to take a va((ine that changes one's DNA are finally being compensated. PTL!

The Green Agenda Is About Getting Rid Of As Many Humans As Possible



Nothing like trying to justify your sins.

For those that are attempting to fight climate change, fighting population growth is one of their number one goals.  They tell us that on average each additional human produces approximately 4 tons of carbon dioxide per year.  So many true believers in this agenda are convinced that reducing population growth is the most important thing that they can do for the environment.

If you think "Climate Change" is real, CLICK HERE


President Donald Trump issued pardons for 23 pro-life activists, fulfilling a promise he made during the presidential campaign.

Trump signed the pardons in the Oval Office of the White House on the day before the March for Life to be held in Washington, D.C., according to the Thomas More Society.

Several of those convicted and imprisoned were elderly and in poor health.

Why The Next Generation Will Accept The Antichrist



A recent study has found that over half of Gen Z (ages 13-27) believe they would be better off with a leader who does not have to bother with parliament or elections.

Faced with disillusionment and distrust in government, the media, and even the church, youth today are searching for someone strong enough to take control—regardless of the cost to personal freedoms.

The seeds of authoritarianism are being sown, and the stage is being set for a leader who will exploit this longing for radical change.

The Danger of Digital Currencies

4-minute video


Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are being piloted by many governments throughout the world. In this video, Catherine Austin Fitts explains the dangers of digitizing currency and what we can do to preserve our freedom.

Also see The End Of Money video HERE (2-minutes)

CIA Comes Clean Regarding Wuhan



CIA reports COVID likely leaked from lab in Wuhan, as Trump prepares to shut down gain-of-function research.

The CIA believes the most plausible source of the COVID-19 virus was a lab in Wuhan, China, according to a report released Saturday.

The CIA investigated the possible origins of the virus at the request of the Biden administration. However, the administration declined to make the CIA’s assessment public, according to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

On his first day as the CIA director for the incoming Trump administration, John Ratcliffe ordered the report be declassified and released, according to The Associated Press.

More Texas Families Opting Out Of Va((ines

U.S. News reported:

When speech pathologist Rebecca Hardy recalls her up-close seat to lawmaking during the 2015 state legislative session, she remembers how tough it was to find anyone interested in what she wanted: more choice for Texans when it came to getting vaccinated.

After forming Texans For Vaccine Choice the year before, she came to Austin to see if she could find lawmakers interested in policies to help parents who believe it’s their responsibility, not the government’s, to decide if and when a vaccination is administered to their child. “We were on the scene far before COVID was even a word that anybody knew, and 10 years ago we did kind of have to sneak around the Capitol, have these conversations about vaccine mandates in the shadows,” the Keller resident now recalls. “And it was really hard to find people willing to put their names on protective pieces of legislation.”

Today, Hardy’s group and others in the vaccine hesitancy or anti-vaccine space have the ears of state lawmakers, especially on the heels of Texans for Vaccine Choice’s successful push back on mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations in the workplace in 2023.

While most of the vaccine bills 10 years ago were filed by Democrats to strengthen vaccine use, the opposite is now true — Republicans are filing most of the bills which aim to claw back vaccine requirements. There is even a House joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Texas Constitution that would preserve Texans’ right to refuse a vaccination.

How To Spot A Democrat?

I was traveling this week and noticed there are occasionally people on planes who still are masking up. I hope it's because they are sick and don't want to spread their germs. Otherwise they didn't get the memo that research now shows masks make you sicker.

President Trump's Bold Idea For Gaza



I almost fell out of my chair when I read this! President Donald Trump, who has previously brokered historic agreements in the region, suggested that Gaza could be cleared out after the devastation of the war started by Hamas on October 7, 2023, with Palestinians resettled in neighboring Arab nations for humanitarian reasons..."Only real way to achieve peace." Problem Solved! LOL!

Was Biden China's Manchurian Candidate The Entire Time?



It's certainly possible! It sure would explain a lot of things!

67-minute video


I used to pooh-pooh the chem-trails theory. I still don't believe the bad guys are using commercial aircraft to spray America with poison. But it seems SOMETHING is going on with a lot of non-commercial aircraft.

Siri & Glimstad Attorney, Catherine Ybarra, Esq., presents ICAN’s assessment of the science behind geoengineering and transmissible vaccines. Discover the lengths the research team went to, to uncover the government agencies involved in current and future weather modification, and a few surprising discoveries they made along the way.

Pediatricians Try New Tactics to Win Over Vaccine Skeptics

New York Times reported:

In pediatricians’ offices across the country, doctors are increasingly confronting concerns from parents about vaccines that for decades have protected children from serious and sometimes deadly diseases.

Vaccine hesitancy is nothing new. But physicians say this skepticism has gained new momentum in recent years as vaccine misinformation has become widespread on social media, and as more Americans have become distrustful of the medical establishment.

The New York Times spoke to pediatricians across the country who said they were looking for better ways to address these concerns and, ultimately, get more children va((inated.

Some have focused on explaining the immediate risks of foregoing specific va((ines, or have started sharing nongovernment resources that parents may be more likely to trust. Others are now scheduling additional appointments in their already-crammed days in order to continue these difficult conversations.

(Or, people are figuring out the truth and nothing will change their mind!)


Bill Gates Caught Funding A Fraudulent Petition Filled With 17,000 Fake Doctor Signatures To Try To Derail RFKJr Nomination

15-minute video
Major Breaking Bill Gates Scandal! Gates Foundation Dark Money Group, Arabella Caught Secretly Running A Fake Medical Petition With Over 17K Signatures Of Fake Doctors Targeting The Conformation of RFK Jr As HHS Secretary.

This new bombshell revelation dwarfs Gates latest scandal from October of last year when he was caught secretly giving $50 million to the Harris-Walz campaign, after Gates publicly claimed he was non partizan and not supporting either party.

“You are of your father the devil..." John 8:44a

LOCKDOWN 2.0: UK Quietly Launches Largest Ever Pandemic Response Exercise

"Labour minister Pat McFadden announced that the exercises, involving thousands of participants across various regions in the UK, are scheduled for the autumn and will span several days."


"What’s in my arm?! Why are you taking a pardon? What’s in my arm?!” Schulz said, referring to the Covid injection that he, like millions of other Americans, took because Fauxi told them it was “safe and effective.”

“If I put something in my arm, you’re not allowed to get a pardon,” he said, addressing Fauxi.

“You told me I need to put something in my arm, now you can’t go get pardoned."


The Dark Side Of Antidepressants

Article and/or 6-minute Tucker Carlson video

There’s a dirty secret of the SSRI antidepressants — they cause psychotic violence which typically results in suicide and sometimes in horrific homicide (e.g., mass shootings). Remarkably, this side effect was discovered throughout their clinical trials, covered up by the drug companies, and then covered up by the FDA after the agency received a deluge of complaints1 (39,000 in the first nine years) once the first SSRI, Prozac, hit the market.

Initially, the media would report on the prescriptions (SSRIs) mass shooters took. However, a gag order went out, it became impossible to know what medications shooters were on, and the topic became taboo to discuss. But that's changing...

California Quietly Promoting The Occult

Article by Alex Newman
An official “mental health” app backed by the state of California is targeting vulnerable children with controversial propaganda involving the occult, the New Age, homosexuality, transgenderism, fornication, and more. The attack on biblical principles and precepts is clear.
Under the guise of helping California teens with self-esteem and emotions, the new program, known as “Soluna,” features blatantly pagan and occult themes. From magicians and Tarot cards to channeling “that high priestess” and touting lesbian characters, the controversial topics are everywhere.
Alex Newman is speaking at the Steeling the Mind Conference in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Saturday, March 15. CLICK HERE for more details.

President Trump has said he's going to review the licenses of ABC, CBS, NBC because they violated their contracts. Yes!

Sad...and I just heard Fox reporting that the person running the control tower was a DEI hire. If that's true, they hired a less-qualified person just because of their race or sexual preference.

END, Compass eNews, January 30, 2025

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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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