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Can We Know Who The Antichrist Will Be Prior To The Rapture?

July 2, 2024

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As we have pointed out in the past, there's a difference between the New World Leader (NWL) and the Antichrist (AC). The New World Leader is a man referred to as the Beast in Revelation.
The NWL shows up out of nowhere immediately after the Rapture and orchestrates a peace treaty between Israel and 10 nations for seven years.
This New World Leader appears to die at the midpoint of the 7-year Tribulation from a fatal head wound.
I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; Rev. 13:3
The Antichrist, or false-Christ, shows up halfway through the Tribulation when Satan is thrown to the Earth. Since Satan is a spirit being, he will need a body, so he takes over the slain body of the New World Leader.
The New World Leader will have lain dead for three days for the world to see. So when he rises from the dead, indwelled by Satan, he will claim to be the true Messiah, thus becoming the false Messiah. He will then kill the two witnesses and the people of earth will rejoice.
And their dead bodies will lie in the street of a great city [Jerusalem]. Those from the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their dead bodies for three and a half days, and will not permit their dead bodies to be laid in a tomb. And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them and celebrate; and they will send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth. Rev.11:8-10
There has always been great speculation as to who will be the New World Leader, the forerunner of the Antichrist. A recent hypothesis that's been making the rounds on social media is that Barack Obama will be the New World Leader.
CLICK HERE to watch what they suggest about Obama, but watch just the three minutes between the 6-minute and 9-minute mark.
The video has major flaws, but it does correctly explain that one of the characteristics of the Antichrist is that he's a homosexual.
He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all. But instead he will honor a god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know; Dan. 11:37-38a
 It has long been rumored that Obama is homosexual. And there is evidence that would lend credibility to that hypothesis.
But the most interesting connection that the video claims is how Obama got his name. At one time Obama was Barry Soetoro.
No comment on the "Foreign Student" ID card.
Somewhere along the line Barry Soetoro changed his name to Barack Hussein Obama. The video, in a stretch, connects his new name to scripture. They use this verse as their proof-text:
And He (Jesus) said to them, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning." Luke 10:18
The video claims that when translated into Hebrew/Aramaic, Jesus would have said Satan will "...fall from heaven like Barack Obama."
Close, but no cigar.
The Hebrew word for “lightning” is “baraq.” It does sound like "Barack."
The Hebrew word for “high place” is “bamah.” But "heaven" is a different word.
In Hebrew, “Waw" is used as a conjunction, but never "o."
So the video is inaccurate and misleading at best.
And there are other reasons the Antichrist is not likely to be Obama. A characteristic of the New World leader is that he will be a great military genius. Obama is no military genius. He didn’t even know how to pronounce “military corps.”
And the best reason is the Bible says we will not know who the AC is until he is revealed AFTER the Rapture.
… with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, (the Rapture) 2Th. 2:1b
Let no one in any way deceive you, for it (the Day of the Lord) will not come unless the apostasy (the Rapture) comes first, and the man of lawlessness (the New World Leader) is revealed, the son of destruction, 2Th. 2:3
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains (Gods Holy Spirit) will do so until He is taken out of the way (VIA the Rapture). Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; 2Th. 2:7-8
Clearly, we won’t know who the New World Leader will be prior to the Rapture, and all speculation is fruitless.




Compass Grand Canyon Trip Options 2025

This trip sells out each year, so if you want to really understand Noah's flood and evolution vs. creation from a Biblical perspective, register early!

It's a great pick-me-up if the Rapture doesn't happen this fall, and it might not! 🙂

Southern Rim From Phoenix, AZ


South Rim And Raft — May 29 - June 1, 2025

$1295 PP, double occupancy

Arrive Thursday, depart Sunday, includes 15-mile raft trip up and down the Colorado River. Includes hotels, travel meals away from Phoenix, raft trip and entrance fees.

Northern Rim From Las Vegas, NV


North Rim and Grand Staircase — June 4 - June 8, 2025

$1595 PP, double occupancy

Arrive Wednesday, depart Sunday, includes ATV-off-road tour, hotels, transportation, travel meals away from Vegas, and entrance fees to Zion, Bryce and Grand Canyon National Parks.


I feel sorry for anyone trying to understand what's going on in the world today without having the Bible as a guide!

But we know Who is really in control, and we know all things work together for us Believers.

The links below are to help us be wise and aware as we live and make decisions living in the concluding moments of the Church Age. Use us, Lord! BP

---Clicking on any fuzzy picture below usually clears it up---

47-minute video


Alex Newman at his best! The war on farmers waged by globalist would-be tyrants has been raging for well over a decade under various pretexts, with the ultimate objective being total control of humanity.


German researchers published a study, “Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” showing the strongest statistical facts linking Covid jab rates to untimely deaths.

They compared health and mortality data from Germany’s sixteen states, including vaccination records.

Europe is more transparent than the USA and more and more nations are figuring out the truth.

Well, that's good, except:

It's almost as if they are tied together!

And there's also Italy...

Peter McCullough reports:

Suppression of COVID-19 vaccine safety information on the Internet, social media, and the peer-reviewed literature has made it difficult to discern what the real risks have been for beleaguered citizens who have capitulated with the global, never-ending, COVID-19 mass vaccination program.

Steve Kirsch reports:

Alessandria and colleagues analyzed data from the Italian National Healthcare System. They found the Covid shot caused a 37% loss of life expectancy!


Not an easy read, but I trust McCullough's and Kirsch's conclusions.



Slowly the ship is turning, but the Globalists/Satanists scared 70% of the world into taking their poison.


Israel's Third Temple

Israel is continuing to be burdened to rebuild her sacrificial Temple on Mt. Moriah.  A former Israeli politician is working on building the stones for the outside of the Temple.
There is another group called the Temple Institute who is making all the items to go inside once it is rebuilt.
But the main thing to understand is that the Bible says Israel will go back to animal sacrifices immediately after the Rapture.
And he will make a firm covenant [treaty] with the many for one week [7 years], but in the middle of the week [after 3 1/2 years] he [the Antichrist] will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; Dan. 9:27
To stop the sacrifice means they first have to start sacrificing. To be able to do this is proof that Israel will negotiate the "7-year peace treaty" from a strength position. They will dictate most of the terms.
To understand where/when this is taking place, Israel, post-Rapture, will have just wiped out Russia, Iran, Turkey and others in the Ezekiel 38/39 invasion, shocking the world. They then begin taking out the surrounding nations (probably Lebanon, Syria, etc.) using nukes.
In that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot among pieces of wood and a flaming torch among sheaves, so they will consume on the right hand and on the left all the surrounding peoples, while the inhabitants of Jerusalem again dwell on their own sites in Jerusalem. Zech. 12:6  
So the whole Middle East will be at war, with Israel taking out one enemy after another, until one man comes up with a plan.
He coaxes a reluctant Israel to make peace because 10 nations will back the deal. Israel uses her leverage to demand, and receive, control of her beloved Mt. Moriah and immediately begins rebuilding her Temple.
The picture at the top of this correctly shows Israel's temple next to the Dome of the Rock. This is because the two witnesses show them where to build the Temple and not to worry about the areas on either side.
Then there was given me [John] a measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, “Get up and measure the temple of God and the altar, and those who worship in it. Leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; Rev. 11:1-2a
So the Jews are beginning to seek their Jewish roots. Their renewed interest in the Bible and their Jewish roots will continue to grow... and they're right on schedule!

Alex Jones Interviews Dr. David Martin—WOW!

One incredible 5 minutes--must watch!!!!!
Well this is definitely a "must watch"! Oh boy. Covers the government's depopulation agenda and some states who have figured that fact out...and what they're doing about it.

8-minute video (Begin at 8-minute mark and stop at the 11-minute mark)
The FDA is hiding deaths in the VAERS system. Some things never change…they don’t want people knowing that people are continuing to die in record numbers.

Snaky Swift...keep your kids and grandkids away from Satan's reps.

Still Pushing Covid Va((ines During Pregnancy

"Greatest Ethical Breach in the History of Medicine" - Peter McCullough
In the past, we have posted articles showing that 80% of women who had taken the vaccine just before or during pregnancy lost their babies. This study just confirms our research.
Now a major study exposes the harms of COVID-19 to pregnant women, babies in the womb, and infants. The project was led by obstetrician/gynecologists Dr. James Thorp, Dr. Daniel McDyer, and Dr. Kimberly Biss.
Conclusions: "We found unacceptably high breaches in safety signals for 37 adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women. An immediate global moratorium on COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is warranted. The United States government, medical organizations, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies have misled and/or deceived the public regarding the safety of COVID-19 vaccination."
In the picture below are three separate pregnant women's ultrasound images in the third trimester documenting the problems including placental calcifications, placental insufficiency, placental infarction, placental thrombosis, placental accreta, placental disorders, reduced amniotic fluid volume, and fetal growth restriction. The images represent calcifications (c), lacunae (L), and infarcts (i).

64-minute video
Steve Bannon's fiery criticism of conservatives who "don't have the balls" to take action and fight is evident throughout his interview with GB News America's Steven Edginton. Bannon warns of the dangers of a third world war with the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, and urges conservatives to "take action" and defeat the woke Left. 
Bannon says the assassination of JFK was one of the most important events of the 20th century, describes Lydon Johnson as a "demon" and discusses lessons from Russian revolutionary Lenin.
All I can say is that watching this video you know why they want him in jail. Please add him to your prayer list …pray for his safety!! He reported to prison today.

The Biden administration pressured the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to “change its procedures, cut corners, and lower agency standards,” to approve Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines and authorize boosters, according to a congressional report released earlier this week.

Breakthrough Study Uncovers 'Off Switch' for COVID mRNA Shots

"Long vax" symptoms, similar to long COVID, have been reported following vaccination, including fatigue, brain fog, numbness, and cardiovascular issues, highlighting the need for effective treatments for those affected. This is promising help if you've been va((inated!

ISIS Is Streaming Over Our Southern Border

Millions of illegals, mostly men between the ages of 18 and 30, are simply walking across our southern border or being flown secretly in the middle of the night into cities in the heart of America.
But it's comforting to know that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas stated that “we have no evidence that they are individuals plotting to harm the United States." Wake up and smell the coffee...

Terror Threat on U.S. Soil Has Risen Dramatically under Biden, Experts Say

Amid a rise in terrorist attacks across the globe in the wake of the October 7 massacre in Israel, national security experts are warning that the threat of attacks on U.S. soil has risen dramatically even as the Biden administration enacts policies that exacerbate the danger.

In December, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee, remarking that before October 7, “we were already in a heightened threat environment.”

But since the Hamas attack, he went on, “we’ve seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole other level.”

Wray also highlighted the porous southern border as a primary security risk to the country, drawing attention to “a particular network [operating on the southern border]” with “ISIS ties that we are very concerned about.”

Liberal Reporter Gets It From Tucker

Article or quite enjoyable 5-minute video
Too funny!

10 Signs The Economy Is Tanking

From Prophecy News Watch:
Joe Biden and his minions insist that everything is just booming. But a new fed report says one in three Americans earning over $150K per year are struggling to pay bills.
1) Credit card delinquencies have now reached the highest level that we have seen in more than 10 years...with no end in sight.
2) The commercial real estate crisis just continues to escalate. Wall Street banks are beginning to "off-load" their portfolios of commercial real estate hoping to cut losses.
3) So far this year, U.S. banks have closed more than 400 branches all over the country, 51 in the last 3 weeks.
4) Big retail chains are laying off workers or going bankrupt from coast to coast.
5) The "restaurant apocalypse" just continues to intensify due to the harsh realities of inflation causing changing consumer habits.
6) The consumer confidence index continues to drop.
7) Housing costs have risen 47% since 2020.
8) Homeless populations continue to grow in big cities.
9) Basic food items have more than doubled since 2019.
10) Gasoline prices averaged $4.59 per gallon in June.

Gender Activism Is Satanic

What's happening to our children under the control of gender activists is nothing short of criminal. These are not just unnecessary medical procedures; they are irreversible, life-altering or life-destroying surgeries, with no basis in medical necessity, and absolutely contraindicated for children.

This perverse agenda transforming our children into mutilated and sterile beings must be stopped. It’s an assault on their bodies and minds under the distorted banner of activists–it is an affront to our oath as doctors to “Do No Harm.”

- Dr. Simone Gold

Well, maybe not consciously, but that's the essence. More on that line of thinking HERE


The Summer Sun Is Not Your Enemy

If you use sunscreen, read this! Again, Big Pharma is not doing everything possible to get you well. Rather, they appear to be profit motivated... so if using sunscreen causes cancer, they would look at that as a win.
Remember this ad that ran years after they knew tobacco caused cancer and lung damage.

This will continue to be a major problem until we admit that the blood supply is infected with vaccinated blood… which is the last thing big Pharma wants to admit.

In the meantime, people will die.

The 63-year-old Emser died of blood clots in the lungs and leg five days after a blood transfusion. The case was reported to Sanquin, but the blood bank covered up the report, writes The Other Newspaper. " I am convinced that the embolism in her lungs and leg was a direct result of the transfusion," nurse Jenny Marskamp told the newspaper.

When she needed a blood transfusion, she asked the doctors and Sanquin for a transfusion with unvaccinated blood. The doctors and the blood bank did not want to cooperate. "All blood is safe," they said.

Supreme Court Kicks Social Media Censorship Cases Back to Lower Courts

Compass has been following this particular lawsuit because our posts have been restricted in the past on social media.  That’s part of our reasoning for simply sending emails direct to our supporters rather than posting them for the world to see. So far, so good.
I’m not sure what we would change if the results of this case forbid restriction of social media users, but it's majorly impacting on all of our lives if we can’t share information openly or privately, regardless of its content. It's possible that the SCOTUS knows how it will eventually rule, but kicked the can down the road past the elections. Yes, I think they are just as corrupt as the other two branches.
Therefore, in the meantime we get unrestricted censorship from our own government:

Secretary of State Antony Blinken Admits in the Wide Open Federal Government's plans to use AI to Censor Americans' Speech

With no more censorship restrictions, the bad guys are no longer hiding their agenda of total control over what type of news Americans have access to on the Internet.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken admitted last week that the State Department is preparing to use artificial intelligence to “combat disinformation,” amidst a massive government-wide AI rollout that will involved the cooperation of Big Tech and other private-sector partners.

At a speaking engagement streamed last week with the State Department’s chief data and AI officer, Matthew Graviss, Blinken gushed about the “extraordinary potential” and “extraordinary benefit” AI has on our society, and “how AI could be used to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals which are, for the most part, stalled.”

This is our future! I can see it now...if we have a problem or question for our government, we'll get a faceless computer rather than a live person:

  • Press “1” if you wish to talk to the computer about your increase in taxes.
  • Press “2” if you wish to talk to the computer about regaining permission to use the Internet.
  • Press “3” if you wish to register your mostly confidential vote.
  • Press “4” if you wish to talk to the computer about regaining permission to use your digital dollars.
  • Press “5” if you wish to talk to the computer to regain permission to use the hospital.
  • Press "6" to request an emergency meat allocation, etc.
And all this is aided by the world's thirst for digital everything. The graphic below from the Biometric Prism Project breaks the global digitization process down by function and shows the corporations/programs involved.
Being able to digitize every person’s identity marks the cornerstone of the globalists’ craving for complete control of all human activity. 
They tout digital IDs as the wave of the future in terms of payment systems for all goods and services, as well as for all travel, all dispensing of healthcare, government benefits, and financial services. And, of course, you have to be in compliance with the globalized national-security state at airports, train stations and other points of entry.

Digitalized IDs based on personal biometric data are advancing rapidly across the world. We would be naive to think it will remain voluntary. Some nations are already making participation mandatory.

Vietnam is the latest country to implement a mandatory biometric digital ID. The iris biometric details of citizens will be collected along with fingerprints and facial images when citizens apply for an ID card, according to an article by BiometricUpdate.com, a website that tracks the global movement toward digitization of all things, including human beings. - Leo Hohmann

END, Compass eNews, July 3, 2024

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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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