Our office will be closed from 9/25 – 10/23. Any orders placed during this time will be shipped upon return by 11/1/23.
by Bill Perkins
When Adam and Eve sinned and were banished from the Garden of Eden, they also lost their direct Spiritual access to the Lord.
It would be 4000 years before that Spiritual union would be restored. But during those years God set up a blood-sacrifice system for the Jewish people so God could live in their midst in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple.
The concept was simple. God had chosen sacrificial life-blood of an animal as the ransom price for a person’s life—i.e., the life of another is given up for TEMPORARY access to God.
For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement. Lev. 17:11
Paul put it more bluntly:
without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. Heb. 9:22b
The animal’s blood is associated with its life. This is the reason the Jews were told seven times not to eat the blood of animals.
Only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. Gen. 9:4
(See also Lev. 3:17; 7:26-27; 17:10-14; 19:26; Deut. 12:15-16, 23-24; 15:23)
So God made blood a symbol of the reality of atonement and forgiveness. By refraining from eating the blood of animals, it showed respect for God’s method of sacred atonement.
There were five different sacrifices outlined in the OT scripture.
The Sin Sacrifice
You made this offering for breaking one of the first five of the Ten Commandments that governed man’s relationship to God.
The Guilt Sacrifice
You had to make this offering for breaking one of the last five of the Ten Commandments that governed man’s relationship to man.
The Burnt Sacrifice - This was a sacrifice of a bull, ram or bird (depending on what you could afford) that was totally burned to a crisp (the hide was first removed and given to the Levites to sell). It was offered to express one’s commitment to God and/or for unintentional sin.
The Grain Sacrifice - Here the fruit of the field was offered in the form of a cake or baked bread along with a quart of wine. It was offered to express thanks to the Lord for unmerited blessings.
The Peace Sacrifice - This was an offering of any unblemished animal from his herd, grains or bread (depending on what you could afford). It was a sacrifice of thanksgiving and fellowship. It was followed by a shared meal.
The high priest was given the breast, the officiating priest the right foreleg and the fat, kidneys and liver were given to God (burned). The rest of the animal was eaten by the participants symbolizing God’s provision.
The Vow, Thanksgiving and Freewill Offerings were different names for the Peace Sacrifice.
Sacrifices began outside the Tabernacle as the Israelites wandered for 40 years. Once in the Promised Land they continued in Shilo where the Tabernacle sat.
Once Solomon’s Temple was built (over the exact spot Abraham offered Isaac), sacrifices could only be made at the Temple on Mt. Moriah.
Solomon’s Temple was destroyed and the sacrifices stopped for 70 years while the Jews were in captivity in Babylon. When they returned, sacrifices began again in what is know as the Second Temple.
Sacrifices continued in the Second Temple through the time of Jesus and up to 70 AD when the Temple was destroyed by the Roman Army.
Today, there is only one place a sacrifice can be made and that is on Mt. Moriah, on the Temple Mount. The Rabbinical Jews who study the Old Testament KNOW they cannot get right with God without making a blood sacrifice to cover their sins.
So there's a movement in Israel today to rebuild their Temple and go back to sacrifices. But currently, in order to keep peace, Israel allows the Muslims to administer all activities on the Temple Mount. That will immediately change after the Rapture.
In our Biblically accurate Christian historical novel, The List, we described what it was like participating in the 20,000+ Passover sacrifices done in one day.
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Sunset would mark the beginning of Passover week, and every minute would be spoken for. Even the hours leading up to sunset would be an unbelievably detailed tapestry of timing and organization, all centered around the Temple Mount.
Thousands upon thousands of men flowing through the gates to hand their animals over to the priests for sacrifice to Yahweh. So much blood would flow down from Jerusalem it would touch the Dead Sea, twenty-five miles away, with red fingers.
It was the law that he be here at this time — along with every Jewish male over age 20 — something Joseph took seriously.
It was a joyous thing, to remember God’s miraculous hand in emancipating His people from four hundred years of Egyptian slavery.
Outside the walls, Joseph knew, his countrymen, shoulder to shoulder, filled every road and approach to the city and its Temple, waiting for the sacrifices to begin.
Most brought lambs, carefully inspected and blemish free, never led, but carried over shoulders, to make sure the objects of sacrifice had no chance of accidental defilement.
All in all, Passover meant a seething, bleating mass of humanity, animal, fire and blood. A cacophony of the beautiful and tragic.
Ariella approached the low wall and looked down. “You know, I’ve seen every Passover celebration in Jerusalem since I was a child and I still marvel at the spectacle.
“Two million people in one place is quite a sight. The priests will have their hands full.”
Page 32—
Though sacrificing had started only minutes ago, the priests’ robes and sleeves were already blood-soaked as they quickly and efficiently drew sharp knives across the lambs’ throats. Other priests caught the blood beneath the lambs and passed the cup on to be splashed against the base of the altar. Joseph’s foot slipped a bit on the wet stone.
It was over in seconds. A slash, then another as the entrails spilled and were collected to be burned on the adjacent massive Altar outside the Temple. The priest handed the small carcass back to Davi, who wrapped it in a clean, lined sack he’d brought.
There are more references to sacrifices in The List. The whole book opens up what it was like living in Jerusalem at the time of Christ.
If you wish to read the entire 100% Biblically and historically accurate novel, CLICK HERE.
The point is, the Jewish life revolved around sacrifices. And after some 1450 years of making those animal blood-sacrifices to atone for their sins, the Jews who were gathered at the Jordon River (a day’s walk away) would not have missed what John the Baptist meant when he boldly said:
The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29
Three years later, after 173,880 days of waiting for the Daniel 9 prophecy to be fulfilled, Jesus comes across the top of the Mount of Olives on a donkey as prophesied—the exact day and the exact situation, riding on a foal.
But rather than accepting Him as their promised Messiah filling myriads of exact prophecies, they murdered Him, also prophesied in Daniel 9:27.
For murdering God’s Son, the Jews have paid a steep price for the last couple thousand years. But God is not finished with Israel yet. If you ever doubt that, just go read Romans chapters 9, 10 and 11 straight through like a short story.
He promised to regather them in their homeland with an awesome army.
breath came into them, and they came to life and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army. Ezek. 37:10b
Since Israel became a nation again in 1948, this is what we’ve been watching… Israel coming back to their homeland.
The Bible also prophesies that Israel, not yet understanding Jesus was her Messiah, will go back to offering blood sacrifices.
Mt. Moriah is where Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice. It’s where the first two Jewish temples stood and where the Israelites made hundreds of thousands of sacrifices.
We don’t know when they will start sacrificing again, but we assume it will be after soon the Rapture when they take back control over the Temple Mount area. They don't have to have the Temple finished to make sacrifices.
John the Revelator tells us that the two witnesses, of which he is one, show up and show the Jews where to build their temple so that they can go back to making sacrifices.
Then there was given me a measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, “Get up and measure the temple of God and the altar [where the sacrificed animals' entrails were burned], and those who worship in it.“Leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; Rev. 11:1-2a
We know that they will be offering sacrifices because the Bible says that the sacrifices are stopped by the Antichrist at the midpoint of the tribulation.
in the middle of the [seven years of tribulation] he [the Antichrist] will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; Dan. 9:27b
The fate of the Jews ultimately ends in glory as the Jews who are alive at the end of the Tribulation finally trust Jesus as their Messiah and enter into the Millennium.
Understanding God's sacrificial system is so important to Believers—both what God instituted in the Old Testament and what will be going on in the future.
The fact that animal blood sacrifices will also be done in the Millennium is somewhat offending to a lot of Christians.
The personification of animals, i.e., Bambi, prohibits many Believers from properly understanding what in the world God is doing with sacrifices in the Millennium. But they cannot be denied, blood and all.
Even those I will bring to My holy mountain and make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar; Is. 56:7
The most extensive details of Millennial sacrifices—who, what, when—are in Ezekiel 43:18 - 46:24, a fascinating read. You could actually start in Chapter 40 if you have the time.
Bottom line, Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice was so great…the creator God of the universe loving us so much... He sent His only Son as a sacrifice to save us… and He wants the world to never forget.
Scroll down for our always edgy Additional Resources!
Join us Saturday, March 15th in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho for a great day of Bible teaching by top Bible teachers who understand the lateness of the hour. CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS and / or MORE INFO
Speakers confirmed are Alex Newman, Andy Woods, Dave Reagan, Russ Miller and Patrick Wood.
So if you love the Lord, love your Bible and love great steel-on-steel Bible teaching, join us March 15 in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Invest a day, reap rewards for a lifetime!
28 have signed up
We have an opening for a female roommate!
Call Tracy for roommate details! 800-977-2177
.CLICK HERE for details for this awesome small-group Bible study mission trip to God's favorite place on earth! The sights, sounds and smells will stay with you for eternity!!
Our guide for this trip is our favorite, Ido Keynan. None better. A tour with him is like a year in seminary! He is pictured here with Susie a couple years ago.
Flying into and out of Amman, Jordan, scheduled sites include:
Valley of Armageddon
Ancient Boat
Sea of Galilee boat ride and Bible study
Mt. of Beatitudes
Golan Heights
Baptisms in the Jordan River
Bet Shen
Bethlehem overlook
Temple Mount
Southern Steps
Temple Institute
Old City of Jerusalem's Jewish Quarter
David’s City
Mount of Olives
Palm Sunday Road
Garden of Gethsemane
Caiphas House
Solomon’s Quarry
Dead Sea
Qumran (where Solomon's treasures could be buried)
Red Sea lunch cruise on private yacht
Mt. Nebo
This trip sells out each year, so if you want to really understand Noah's flood and evolution vs. creation from a Biblical perspective, and be taught by one of the top Biblical apologists on Grand Canyon, Russ Miller. Register early for either the South Rim Tour (3 days) or North Rim Tour (4 days)!
Either tour is great. They are just two perspectives that show God's visible proof of a global flood 4500 years ago.
(Currently 28 of 50 seats sold)
South Rim And Raft — May 29 - June 1, 2025
$1295 PP, double occupancy
Arrive Thursday, depart Sunday, includes 15-mile raft trip up and down the Colorado River. Includes hotels, travel meals away from Phoenix, raft trip and entrance fees.
(Currently 37 of 50 seats sold)
North Rim and Grand Staircase — June 4 - June 8, 2025
$1595 PP, double occupancy
Arrive Wednesday, depart Sunday, includes ATV-off-road tour, hotels, transportation, travel meals away from Vegas, and entrance fees to Zion, Bryce and Grand Canyon National Parks.
The links in the Additional Resources below are meant to help us be wise and aware as we live and make decisions living in the concluding moments of the Church Age.
Because the bad guys continue to threaten to weaponize healthcare in order to force obedience, we continue to follow the problems with the v-shots.
Now, with RFKJr taking over the HHS, more eyes will be opened to the travesty of our Big Food and Big Pharma-controlled healthcare. But like Trump, he's up against a bevy of Satan's minions.
So this section is to offer more insight into our adversary's worldwide actions to help us make good decision in these last days. Hey, these nut-cases are still pushing the va((ines! And some deluded people are still taking them!
---Clicking on any fuzzy picture below usually clears it up---
Hmmm... I wonder how much "the big guy" gets? And is the released Hunter still in the loop? They seem to be raiding the Treasury on the way out the door.
2-hour video (try to watch at least 10 to 15 minutes, incredibly informative!)
The “safe and effective” lie takes center stage in a recent documentary produced by Gary Null, Ph.D. entitled “Deadly Deception.” This film seeks to get to the bottom of childhood health epidemics facing our world today — from asthma to autism, immune dysfunction and beyond.
As time goes on, more and more toxins are introduced to the human population, at younger and younger ages. Instead of working to mask the symptoms, we have the opportunity to root out the culprits via RFK Jr.
Today, Dr. Null and Mary Holland, Esq. provide details about va((ines, the movie and tease other screenings planned on CHD.TV in the coming year! At the end is a special viewing of “Deadly Deception.”
Below is a sobering read, with an even more sobering video...
Article and 3 videos
Watch the first 40-minute video, as much of it as you can right now. Maria Zeee is the first 5 minutes or so and what she says will blow you away. And if you can do 10 or 15 minutes ...that will seal the deal.
The video is a compiled collage of six or eight people's best 5 minutes on the subject of "the va((ines are lab-created bioweapons being used to not-so-slowly depopulate the planet."
Once you watch the first video, you can then peruse the rest of the links and the three other excellent videos.
Best of all, that link is a resource to send to anyone who still believes the shots aren't harmful. People are waking up and this will give them the unadulterated FACTS.
Here's a 24-minute video about how Mike Pence and Deborah Birx sabotaged President Trump's Covid response instructions. CLICK HERE
Here's a 60-second video of Tucker Carlson on Birx, while he was still at FOX. CLICK HERE
Here's one just on simple vx facts, not "bio-weapons." CLICK HERE
You already have the Florida Surgeon calling for a halt in all mRNA injections. CLICK HERE
Here's an open letter to President Trump (He'll never read it, but it's a good letter with a lot of info!) CLICK HERE
2-minute Video
This local news station in Florida is reporting calls to stop the injections because the shots are "bioweapons. " Amazing!
Turns out that the HPV va((ine, demanded to be taken by almost all pediatricians, was a blueprint for the Covid-19 bioweapon. Here's a 2-minute shocker explanation video: CLICK HERE
There is a reason the Lord want's us to pray DAILY for protection from the evil one...he wants you dead, or maimed (Matt. 6:13).
44 statistics from 2024 that are almost too crazy to believe...
According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, fentanyl is “about 100 times more potent” than morphine, and the illicit drug also appears “to be the primary driver of the increase in total drug overdose deaths” in America.
And yet, fentanyl has almost become a joke compared to a new, far deadlier drug that is creeping into America.
“Last year, nearly 70% of all U.S. overdose deaths were attributed to illegally manufactured fentanyls (IMFs),” Fox News reported. “One of those was carfentanil, an altered version of fentanyl that is said to be 100 times more potent, the CDC warned.”
“Deaths from carfentanil rose by more than 700%"
A new survey shows that as of October 2024, all confirmed US bird flu cases have been very mild with zero hospitalizations or deaths.
The most concerning finding from this study is that “all the case patients who were exposed to infected poultry were involved in depopulation activities.”
More info click HERE
Credit Card Defaults Jump
The financial pressures on American consumers have reached a boiling point as defaults on credit card loans hit their highest levels since the 2008 financial crisis. The combination of persistent inflation, rising interest rates, and diminishing savings has created a perfect storm as we enter 2025.
Trumps Inherits Failing Economy
48-minute Video
Dowd says, “We had 10% deficit to GDP during the Great Financial Crisis (2008 – 2009) when we actually had a crisis. We had 8% deficit to GDP during this election year. You have to ask yourself, what was the crisis?"
"The crisis was to get the Biden Administration (and Kamala) re-elected. So, they went on binge spending. They borrowed from the future to try to ensure they won.
They did it two ways: They hired massive amounts of government personnel to float the economy, and they also did illegal immigration.
We are thinking it was 10 million to 15 million illegal immigrants that came in the last four years. The majority of the illegal immigrants came in the last two years. That stimulated the economy and raised the velocity of money as those people were given money.
All the NGO’s that facilitated the illegal immigration also got money, and that stimulated the economy. This deficit added $2 trillion, and that was unproductive assets. So, we borrowed from the future to create more government jobs and imported unprecedented amounts of illegal immigrants that don’t add to the economy.
That’s what we have, and President Trump’s policies are going to reverse all that sugar juice. There are going to be mass deportations and reduced government spending.
That short term juice is going away, and it was not sustainable anyway. The bond markets are revolting, and that could not have gone on much longer.”
But it was not just massive money printing and debt creation that hid how bad the real economy was, it was very crooked data. Dowd says,
“We also had bureaucratic incompetence or fraud or whatever you want to call it. They were padding the non-farm payroll numbers to the tune of 1.25 million jobs...
If you look at the chart, which we don’t have here, it’s insane.
It’s one of the biggest misses between reality and estimates we have ever seen.
It’s a seven-sigma event. It’s 1.25 million jobs. It’s already started downward revisions...
The 3rd quarter GDP of 3% will be revised down, and when we get . . . the data in February, there will be more GDP economic revisions down. . . . The capital markets made bad decisions on this data. The Fed made bad decisions on this data, and corporations made bad decisions on this data. The price tag is coming due in 2025. Not only that, but we have a slowing economy across the globe...
The amount of foreign assets in our stock market has never been higher, and this is all going to reverse. The price will be paid in 2025. . . .What’s coming is coming. It’s how low do we go, and when do the animal spirits kick in? So, there is pain coming, and it’s up to the Trump Administration to get all their policies enacted. Then we have a hope and a prayer coming out the other side that we will be way better off.
The bottom line is there is pain coming regardless. The question is how fast can we restart with Trump’s policies?”
The Fed is cutting its rates, but mortgages are still going up...what's with that? Hmmmm.... would you want to lend money at 6% for 30 years, fixed? Or would you rather own something tangible?
2-minute video
What a hoot! We have one CNN host trying to tow the narrative while the other tells the truth—this would make for a good sitcom! Things are sure changing!!
Imaging the CNN audience listening to that!!
Alex Newman and Dr. Peter Breggin examine the known drone info.
What they did not discuss was the potential for this to be drones spraying "self-spreading" Covid va((ines for large area inoculation of humans. It's not as unlikely as it should be! CLICK HERE for more info.
Those in the know seem to believe taking low doses of Chlorine Dioxide (protocol 1000 two or three days per week) stimulates the body to up regulate the production of antioxidants.
With no telling what's ahead from the Globalists/Satanists, this may be a great antidote to have...along with Ivermectin. Never forget, they're still trying to kill us! So we have to be smart.
Think of it like a workout for your mitochondria. Two or three days per week like a workout is sufficient for the stress that it puts on the mitochondria.
This is a great basic/get started article.
Today, ice coverage is up 26% larger than 2012. Climate change is not about the climate, it's about controlling people.
The Deep State’s favorite tool is the color revolution. A "color revolution" is the non-kinetic military overthrow of a foreign government.
It begins with the Deep State destabilizing an entire society, resulting in massive protests, riots, and factional violence. This produces anger at the undesired foreign government and makes it unstable.
When the targeted government finally falls, U.S. security and military personnel are ready to move in and establish a new, U.S.-friendly regime in the ashes of the government the people who live there democratically elected.
Read the entire amazing post HERE
END, Compass eNews, January 2, 2025