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Where Is Heaven?

January 22, 2025

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Dear Compass Supporters:

Trump 2: Feels like a new day has dawned! 

I almost felt sorry for Biden, Harris, Clinton, Bush, et. al. All these long faces sitting to President Trump's left as he tossed out zinger after zinger of what they had done wrong and/or illegal. The list was long and accurate. Biden and his Globalist/Satanist handlers were laid wide open.

But those to Trump's right, which included several former democrats, his supporters and future Cabinet members were hooting and hollering. On the surface, things look pretty bright. Hope so!

But something is taking place that "affects every human on the earth." The top link in the Additional Resources section below, "Trump Backs Stargate," is an eye-opener, to say the least. It's a "gotta read!"

So at the moment we don't know if God wants to slow the pace of the eventual Satanic world takeover with Trump's new "Golden Age." Or if this Stargate AI start-up is part of the plan all along. It's a must read!!!

We have Patrick Wood, Editor-in-Chief of Technocracy News and Trends speaking at Steeling the Mind March 15. He'll give further explanation of where all this is going.

We also have added Brandon Holthaus to our Steeling the Mind Conference speaker line-up. He'll dive deep into the Deep State. Oh wow.

This will be one wild and woolly Steeling Conference! CLICK HERE for all the details and registration.


For those new to Compass, for over a year we've had in our sights to anonymously postal mail one million of our uniquely designed Before and After Rapture (BAR) warning flyers to people across our nation.

This month we surpassed 700,000! If you wish to view the flyer, CLICK HERE.

Imagine if you were a non-believer receiving that flyer in your mailbox? Or a Christian who has no clue that everything going on today has been prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago.

The flyer makes a lot of people think! It describes the horror that's coming, how to miss it and how to be saved if they're left behind.

We'll also send anyone 100 flyers for free to mail or hand out (you pay the postage!). You can order the flyers at the above web link.

We can't thank enough those who have donated to make this incredible mailing happen. We are humbled, to say the least!

Next week, considering all that's going on, we'll take a fresh look at where we are on God's prophetic timeline. This week we're looking at where heaven is located...since we're getting close to going there! Enjoy!



God has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men to see if there is anyone who understands, who seeks after God. Psa. 53:2 

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Scroll down for our article and always informative Additional Resources!

Where Is Heaven?

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; Phil 3:20

Life on earth is all about the future…we’re either headed to eternal bliss in heaven (1Cor. 2:9) or to the “eternal fires” of hell (Matt. 25:41).

Satan does his best to keep non-believers from thinking that way, but that’s the bottom line. If you don’t go to heaven, you burn in flames for eternity. So nothing in this life is more important than understanding what's at stake. 

God has promised us we’ll go to heaven if we “believe” the Gospel.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, Rom. 1:16

Believing the Gospel (Greek word means “good message”) means to Believe the Good News that Jesus came from heaven, lived a sinless life, gave His life for us on the cross, which paid for our sins, and defeated death by rising from the grave—so we can go to heaven. 

If you believe the Gospel, you’re a Believer and you’re headed to heaven when your time is up on this earth.

The Bible is full of references to heaven. The word “heaven” is used in 23 of the 43(1) Old Testament books and 21 of the 27 New Testament books. 

There are over 500 references to heaven throughout the Bible. If you count all references to eternity and the afterlife they total over 700.

Jesus taught us that we should keep our eyes on heaven and not on this earth.

Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Col. 3:2

Jesus came from heaven to earth… was born as a human…and lived a sinless life so He could shed His blood and die to redeem born-again Believers to heaven.

I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. John 6:38

When He left this earth He went back to heaven and lives there now.

He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them. They also said,“Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.Acts 1:9b-11

Paul says Jesus is currently seated in heaven at the right hand of the Father.

These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly placesEph. 1:19b-20

Interestingly, Jesus said it was important for Him to go back to heaven after the cross so the Holy Spirit could come to earth. He made the fascinating statement that if He didn’t go back to heaven, the Holy Spirit could not come to earth. 

But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. John 16:7

In the future, the reverse will be true. The Holy Spirit must go back to heaven before Jesus can come back to the earth. 

God said He will never leave us (Heb. 13:5). Therefore, when the Holy Spirit, who is permanently living in us, departs the earth, Believers will depart with Him. 

And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time he will be revealed. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way2Thes. 2:6-7

Heaven is the eternal residence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Currently God the Father and Jesus are in heaven, and the Holy Spirit resides in Believers on earth, but will depart at the Rapture so Jesus can come again to the earth. 

When Believers die in the Church Age, they go straight to be with Jesus in heaven.

we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord. 2Cor. 5:8

So Where is Heaven?

Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. John 14:1-3

We Believers long to begin our everlasting relationship in heaven with God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. While we’re alive on the earth, we look forward to Jesus coming at the Rapture to take us to heaven.

Heaven will accommodate all the Believers in history. And heaven must be pretty awesome because God only spent six days creating the earth, which is amazing. Now He’s had some 2000 years preparing a new heaven and earth for us. Let’s just say that no one will be disappointed!

But where exactly IS heaven? The answer depends on what part of heaven you’re referring to as there are three levels of “heaven” mentioned in the Bible.

1st Heaven 

The area of breathable atmosphere around the earth.

The earth is covered with a blanket of air. When we look up at the sky we can see birds flying, clouds moving and planes taking off. All this is taking place in the 1st heaven. This 1st heaven was mentioned here:

…the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky [1st Heaven] were opened. Gen. 7:11b

2nd Heaven 

The area of the sun, moon, and the stars above the atmosphere.

When we launch rockets into space, they’re leaving the 1st heaven and entering the 2nd heaven…barely. The 2nd heaven is estimated to be about 93 billion lights years across. But that’s just what we can see. 

It’s estimated that if you add to that what we can’t see it would be around 7 trillion light years across. But that’s just what scientists are guessing.

All of this expanse enclosing the trillions of suns, moons and stars is the 2nd heaven. 

God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also. God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, Gen. 1:16-17

3rd Heaven

The Father’s House - above the Second Heaven

This is located beyond the 2nd heaven and is what Paul called the "3rd heaven."

caught up to the third heaven. 2Cor 12:2

Paul said he heard words that were inexpressible and that he was not permitted to explain.

The 3rd heaven is also called “My Father’s House.”

In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; John 14:2

The 3rd heaven is where Jesus is seated today. Here are some notable quotes regarding the 3rd heaven:

[The 3rd] Heaven is not confined to one locality marked off by visible or measurable boundaries. It transcends the confines of time space dimensions…. It is a real place where people with physical bodies will dwell in God‘s presence for all of eternity and it is also a room that surpasses our finite concept of what a ‘place’ is.” John MacArthur, The Glory of the Heavens, p. 60

[The 3rd] Heaven is more than a mystical notion, imaginary dreamland, or philosophical concept. It is a real and present place in which God, the creator of all things lives. It is the [future] home to all Christians.” Tommy Ice, Heaven: Our Future Home (Pre-Trib. presentation video)

“The 3rd heaven exists in some type of unique, spiritual reality, unseen by human eyes or telescopes, yet has been revealed to the writers of scripture in the visions to offer us a small glimpse of what awaits those who believe. It may exist in another dimension or in the vast “super void,” which is 1.8 billion light years across.” Ed Hindson, Future Glory, p.56

Our Future Heaven 

The Bible says the location of heaven is “high above” the heavens (Ps. 103:11).

Elijah went up to heaven in a UFO (unidentified flying object).

Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven. 2Kings 2:11b

Jesus prayed looking up to heaven (Mark 6:41). And the Lord looks down to the earth…

The LORD has looked down from heaven … Psa. 14:2  

We know heaven is north, “above the stars,” and above the second heaven.

But you said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north.” Is. 14:13  

Of course, “up” is a hard direction to ascertain. Believers in America look up assuming heaven is in that direction. But Believers in China also look up but it's a totally opposite direction.

However, if we look north, and the Chinese look north, we're looking in the same direction. So to be precise, to look to heaven you must look north.

A New Heaven and Earth

At the end of the Millennial Reign of Jesus, the current earth and heaven will be destroyed and the new and our future heaven will be revealed. 

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, Rev. 21:1a

And with a new earth comes a New Jerusalem where Believers will live. 

…the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, … Rev. 3:12

We're even given the dimensions—and it's huge! 

The city is laid out as a square, and its length is as great as the width; and he measured the city with the rod, fifteen hundred miles; its length and width and height are equal. Rev. 21:16

The following is from one of our Good Morning Lord! Bible studies:

Laid out in a square, it will have walls that are approximately 1500 miles wide, 1500 miles high, and over 200 feet thick.

The size of the new Jerusalem is larger than you realize. The most liberal estimates (they assume millions of years of evolution, which is, of course, not true, etc.) of the population of the world for all time put it around 100 billion.

Using that figure (although we believe it to be far less), if ten percent were actually true Believers (very generous estimate), each person would have about one-third of a cubic mile of space. That's the equivalent of having a 3 million square foot house with walls 1700 feet high. Now that's a cathedral ceiling!

The New Heaven and Earth will be brand NEW, not a second heaven and earth. The original corrupted sinful earth will be burned up.

the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly. …the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. 2Pet. 3:7, 10b

So at the end of the 1000-year earthly reign of Jesus, the heavens, the suns, moons and stars will all burn up. That will be quite the fireworks show. 

Then the New Jerusalem will come down to a new earth.

And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. Rev. 21:2

Even though the first two heavens are burned up, God's "Third Heaven" will still be there as New Jerusalem comes down from there. So the 3rd heaven will remain, yet we'll be living in our own heaven on earth.

God's Purpose For Heaven On Earth

Back in the Garden of Eden, God had to withdraw from His created humans when they sinned. Now, 7000 years later, He will have paved the way for that fellowship to be restored. 

Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, Rev. 21:3b

God says our human minds can’t even imagine how wonderful this will be. 

Things which the eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him. 1 Cor. 2:9b

Things That Will Be Absent in Heaven

Past Steeling speaker Ron Rhodes spoke about heaven and made a great list of things that won't be found in our new home as we live in our new resurrected bodies in an environment of perfect holiness.

• NO GUILT OR SHAME: With sin erased, guilt and shame will have no place.

• NO REPAIRS NEEDED: Nothing will deteriorate; our homes and possessions will remain flawless.

• NO NEED FOR SELF-DEFENSE: Relationships will be marked by perfect harmony and trust.

• NO ISOLATION OR LONELINESS: The redeemed will share an unbroken bond of perfect love.

• NO REHABILITATION OR RECOVERY: We will enjoy eternal wholeness, free from addiction or frailty.

• NO DEPRESSION OR DISCOURAGEMENT: Life will overflow with joy and fulfillment.

• NO FATIGUE: Our resurrected/glorified bodies will never tire or need rest.

• NO OFFENSE OR CONFLICT: Words will be pure, and grace will govern every conversation.

• NO ENVY OR JEALOUSY: Love will flow freely, untainted by selfishness.

• NO INFIDELITY: Faithfulness and purity will define every relationship.

• NO LUST: Our hearts will be entirely pure, reflecting God’s holiness.

• NO MISUNDERSTANDINGS: Communication will be flawless, and relationships unbreakable.

• NO DEPRIVATION: Abundance will replace every earthly worry about provision.

• NO WARS OR VIOLENCE: Peace will reign, as the sinful roots of conflict are forever eradicated.

Imagine what it will be like to be free from sin’s grasp, free from Satan and his demonic forces as they will be banished forever.

This sublime reality will make certain earthly experiences forever foreign to us.

"...the first things have passed away." Rev. 21:4b

These are just glimpses of the glories to come. The absence of sin and all its effects will amplify our joy and well-being beyond measure.

Truly, we cannot begin to fathom the wonder and beauty of heaven.

So ultimately our new heaven will be located on a new earth in the New Jerusalem…living with the Lord.

those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life. Rev 21:27b

Just incredible, huh! It’s quite a contrast to where those who did NOT believe the Gospel while on the earth will end up.

But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Rev. 21:8

"unquenchable fire" Matt. 3:12; Mark 9:43; Luke 3:17

It’s fascinating that in that list of those burning for eternity are “liars.” We’ve seen a lot of lying lately, and those unsaved liars will have a gruesomely hot eternity. 

Also on that list not making it to heaven are “sorcerers.” The Greek word is Pharmakos, where we get the word pharmacy. So in that list of all the evil people who will be burning in hell are the drug sellers—both small and large, local and worldwide. 

Now if you lie about your drugs….that's a double-whammy! Ouch! 

And earthly pardons will be of no help!




1) To get 43 books in the OT you have to count Psalms as five books. See Preface in Steel on Steel, Book 1


 All About Heaven, Dave Reagan

 How Big Is The Universe? (Secular)

The links in the Additional Resources below are meant to help us be wise and aware as we live and make decisions living in the concluding moments of the Church Age.

So this section is to offer more insight into our adversary's worldwide actions to help us make good decisions in these last days. Hey, these nut-cases are still pushing the va((ines! And some deluded people are still taking them!


---Clicking on any fuzzy picture below usually clears it up---

Trump Backs Stargate



This is the scariest thing I’ve ever read. Talk about fulfilling Bible prophecy!

President Trump is promising "emergency declarations" to speed up this $500 billion project. The world has yet to fully recognize the extent of change artificial intelligence will bring to every aspect of human life, the CEO of the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund Mubadala told CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos Tuesday.

World Economic Forum? Hmmm....

Larry Ellison talked about combining the forces of AI and mRNA gene therapy to create a “cancer vaccine in 48 hours.” He didn't use the word "mandatory" in connection with va((ines but you can see where they are headed.

Ellison also mentioned setting up a digital National Health Registry. No one could ... unless... we can see where this is headed.

Let's all agree that the last time Trump sped up drug production, termed Warp Speed, it didn't turn out so well.

A Fox News article about what this project will do quotes Larry Ellison: "This is a very large investment that affects all of humanity.” All of humanity? Can you say Rev. 13:16-17?

They're actually saying they expect to produce "mRNA va((ines) for countless diseases." Is Trump being used, again? Asking for a friend...

Jeff Childers said this in his 1/22/25 C&C post:

The more I’ve learned about mRNA technology, the more it seems like the dumbest idea science has ever had, a wormhole of stupidity. The basic idea is to genetically engineer a shot forcing your cells to create some kind of protein, so that your natural immune system then mounts a response, killing all the transfected cells (which used to be healthy) as well as the targeted cancer itself.

That’s the idea anyhow.

But … if the goal is spurring the immune system with cancer proteins, why do we need the whole mRNA process in the first place? Why not just inject the protein that spurs the immune response, and leave the risky transfection process out of it? After all, that’s how traditional vaccines work. And in Ellison’s scenario, if detectable cancer proteins are already present in the blood, it’s not completely clear how forcing cells to produce more of the same proteins could solve the problem instead of making it worse.

Sadly, I think the answer to “why mRNA” has more to do with things like patents and profit potentials rather than the mRNA platform supporting any stargate to a health paradise. We’ll see. But unfortunately for the mRNA scientists, we are all onto them now. We know too much.

Trump Pushes Stargate At World Economic Forum


Saving the Planet or Slowly Killing Cows?



A recent FDA approval for U.S. dairy cattle in May 2024 reveals the expanding corporate agenda. Now Big Ag pushes a new synthetic additive Bovaer to “fix” cow burp methane emissions while sidelining sustainable farming solutions.
Altering cow digestion disrupts God’s design of a balanced carbon cycle. This new synthetic feed additive introduces risks we don’t fully understand. Who knows where this is headed…follow the Globalists/Satanists dollar.

Fasting From Make Up

For Piper Kathryn Bond, choosing to go makeup-free has been life-changing.

The 23-year-old Australian says she grew up feeling “quite insecure” because her belief system around appearance compelled her to constantly upkeep and manage her looks—but never for the right reasons.

She used to do her full makeup and hair every day, but felt called to fast from what she now sees as an addiction. “I needed to fast from it,” she said. “I would have never known the freedom on the other side unless I did so. It showed me how dependent I was on it.”

Today, Piper says she can’t even imagine going back to the way she once was.

“It feels so freeing,” she said. “I definitely wasn’t always like this—I really thought that one of the most important things in life was my appearance. I felt I wasn’t, maybe, looking professional enough—like I couldn’t walk into a corporate type of office without a full face of makeup on.

More Here

Important note... we're not against women wearing makeup. In fact, the Bible suggests women naturally try to be attractive in every respect.

Your adornment must not be merely external — braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. 1Pet. 3:3-4

Even Jesus had a nice coat that was made "without seam" (John 19:23-25). The problem comes when you are more concerned with your outer beauty than your inner beauty—a gentle and quiet spirit.

25 Photos Of The Last Four Years' Misery


Painful to remember.

Place Your Hope In God, Not Trump

Article by Ken Ham


Yes, we can be thankful for the results of the election. We can and should praise God for His mercy in sparing us another term of rabidly pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ, and anti-freedom leaders.

We should be thankful for the changes we’re already seeing in our culture and in major corporations as they walk back their woke policies.

But we must always view everything through the Biblical lens of the God who is sovereign over all and who calls us, whether things are “good” or “bad” in this nation, to be about his business until he returns. CQLJ!

The Trump administration’s State Department has implemented a “One Flag Policy” that prohibits U.S. buildings both at home and abroad from flying any other flag except for the Stars and Stripes, the Washington Free Beacon reports.
The order comes after U.S. government buildings displayed flags affiliated with left-wing movements, including the pride and Black Lives Matter flags, under the Biden administration.

Zuckerberg Is Lying About Biden's Pressure ...

Recently Facebook claimed it was the Biden Administration that pressured them into censoring conservatives. But Simone Gold points out that while Trump was still President in July, 2020 she led the White Coat Summit on the steps of the Supreme Court.

"I led a group of courageous doctors to the steps of the Supreme Court to tell Americans the truth: lockdowns, school closures, and masking were both harmful and ineffective, early treatments worked — we didn’t have to live in fear. This was the first AFLDS White Coat Summit.

"The video of our remarks went viral with over 20 million views in just eight hours. Within an hour, all major social media platforms erased it in a stunning, coordinated act of censorship. That moment ignited AFLDS as a force for medical freedom.

"Since then, we’ve faced relentless suppression for speaking truth to power:

  • Facebook censored our medical information and deplatformed dissenters.
  • Google buried AFLDS in search results.
  • PayPal blocked donations, crippling our funding.
  • Amazon Web Services shut down our website.

So Zuckerberg is lying about who was pressuring Facebook to censor lifesaving va((ine information. I wonder who it could have been... surely not Big Pharma!

Vx For Pregnant Moms—All Risk, No Benefit 



More evidence that Covid va((nations are NOT safe for pregnant mom's babies!

The Trump Administration is preparing to halt funding for "gain-of-function" research (making something more deadly). EcoHealth and Peter Daszak have been disbarred.

More here

Cars Melted, But The Trees Didn't Burn

47-minute video


This is one more interesting analysis of the California fires last week. If the cars are melted, why didn’t the trees burn? That means it was not a forest fire, so was it a directed laser weapon from the sky?

Article by Alex Newman


New Jersey is fast becoming an international laughingstock as news of its recent decision to end the basic-skills testing requirement for teachers makes international headlines. But of course, this should not be surprising: reading, writing, and math are hardly important when the goal is to dumb-down and indoctrinate rather than educate children.

More on gun ownership HERE

The United States has more guns than people, with nearly 400 million firearms owned by civilians.

Longtime Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards Dies of Brain Cancer Aged 67

Article HERE

Richards family confirmed that she had died at home from an aggressive form of brain cancer. During her 12 years at the helm of Planned Parenthood, Richards oversaw the performance of millions of abortions, solidifying the organization as the largest abortion provider in the United States.

If she didn't know Jesus as Lord of heaven and earth before she died, she does now.

President Trump Withdraws the US AGAIN From the Crippling Paris Climate Accord

Biden Grants Fauci a ‘Preemptive Pardon’

The pardon, retroactive to Jan. 1, 2014, addresses “any offenses” Fauci committed during this period, including in his former capacities as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, member of the White House COVID-19 Response Team and chief medical adviser to Biden.

The fact that Fauci's pardon specifically and explicitly addresses his Covid-related offenses, while being backdated to 2014—the year the gain-of-function ban took effect, which Fauci circumvented by outsourcing experiments to China—speaks volumes as to what this is really about. - Hans Mahneke

Biden’s Sweeping Last-Minute Pardons Could Come Back To Haunt His Family - Alan Dershowitz

2-minute video

CLICK HERE for Facebook link

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I couldn't find any other links, but the video is interesting review of when America began having heart attacks!


Trump Removes All Biden's Weapons Shipment Restrictions



President Donald Trump signed an executive order today removing all restrictions on U.S. weapons shipments to Israel that were previously imposed by the Biden administration. The move was hailed by Israeli leaders as a significant step in safety and security for Israel.

Delta set to resume NYC to Tel Aviv, Israel flights in April. We're touring Israel in April...like I said, it's a window of opportunity and we're taking it!

END, Compass eNews, January 23, 2025

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