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Satan's War On "Misinformation"

October 9, 2024

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Above: Idaho Senator Ben Toews wraps up Rosh Hashanah with his message: "Christians and Politics in the Last Days."

Dear Compass Supporters:

Last week was fun! 

My 2000-year-long Church Age theory still has a few years to go* before the Rapture, but my goodness, it sure SEEMED like our loud and boisterous exit could happen last Friday on the last trumpet blowing of Rosh Hashanah 2024, at sunset in Israel.

But as it turned out, not this year.

The good news is we were able to spread the Word far and wide that the Rapture WILL happen one day in the future. Sadly, some were learning about the Rapture for the first time. Better late than never! So we press onward!

The upside is that lots of friends, family and coworkers will get saved this coming year. They'll be extremely grateful the Lord tarried.

The article below is on the coming worldwide censorship, which has already begun.

And the Additional Resources section has some amazing links!!! Enjoy!




Satan's War On "Misinformation"

YouTube sent us a message last week that one of our videos had music in it that was unlicensed and therefore it had been removed from our YouTube channel.

The video in question was in the video tape of the entire 8 hours of our 2024 Steeling the Mind Conference last March.

One of our speakers had played a 7-second video clip in his presentation of someone speaking that unknowingly included BACKGROUND MUSIC that YouTube censors had deemed "unlicensed use.”

So we had to find and edit out the “unauthorized” segment. Not too hard to do, but the fact YouTube found 7 seconds in an 8-hour conference video was astonishing.

This impressively tight oversight is being done using AI bots. They scour their vast trove of videos to make sure no one is out of bounds… and they get to make the rules and pick the boundaries.

This should be a huge wake-up call as to what might be coming.

So please watch this 4-minute video now before you continue reading:


What's presented, as you will see, is a 2000-year-old Bible prophecy being fulfilled right in front of us.

It won’t be long until the Internet will be worthless for information due to so many AI fakes. It’s coming faster than you can imagine. Already we have to second guess just about everything on the web. We don’t know if what we’re seeing is real or fake.

So that 4-minute video explains the possibility (maybe even a probability) that the bad guys will use this fake image/information problem to usher in a mandatory digital identity verification system for all humans. Problem solved.

Fact or Fiction?

If this is, in fact, part of the coming censorship, we’ll likely see this being implemented pre-Rapture, but they first need an excuse... they first need a crisis to have people begging for a solution to the AI problem.

Think back how the Covid virus was purposefully created, released and media propagated so that most of the world waited in line for a va((ine that they thought would keep them from dying.

For instance, the bad guys could cleverly plant a very real-looking news story that sends Believers and non-believers alike into a tizzy. Pick your topic, no matter how outlandish. Maybe an updated version of Orson Wells’ 1938 War of the Worlds.

Whatever it might be, imagine the whole world thinking it’s true... causing the world to come to a standstill.

Imagine the fake information causing banks to close and stores to accept only cash. There would be food riots breaking out everywhere. A horrible situation.

Then, having set up the problem that caused people of the world great distress, the bad guys release proof that the information was not true after all.

As Saul Alinsky once opined, "Never let a crisis go to waste.”  The Globalists/Satanists know how to use a crisis!

So those who think they are in charge of the world must DO SOMETHING to keep that horrible thing (that they set up) from ever happening again.

The answer that people will cheer for is a digital ID. If everyone had a digital identity, no one can anonymously post anything on the Internet. They could control the Internet by restricting it to be accessed only by those with the new digital ID.

Everything posted could be “fact-checked.” We know how well that works.

On the heels of this new ID that everyone must use would come a new mandatory digital currency. That would mean total world control of everything.

Of course, to make sure you don't lose your ID number, they'll conveniently, probably for no charge, inscribe it on your hand or forehead.

That’s just one way it could happen. But a 100% controlled world WILL happen one day. Only information found on the web will be approved by… wait for it… Satan.

We’re already living in Satan’s world.

[Satan is] “…the god of this world...” 2Cor.4:4

Thankfully, Satan is currently restrained from total wholesale evil by God's Holy Spirit’s presence in Believers on the earth. But one day the Restrainer will depart with all Believers in tow. God will then pummel the earth with 7 years of His wrath.

Yet few churches mention how close this is.



You could be in this pic next May/June!

Two Compass Grand Canyon Trip Options For 2025!

This trip sells out each year, so if you want to really understand Noah's flood and evolution vs. creation from a Biblical perspective, register early for either the South (3 days) or North Rim (4 days)!

It will be a great pick-me-up if the Rapture doesn't happen this October, and it might not! 🙂

Southern Rim From Phoenix, AZ

(Currently 32 of 50 seats sold)


South Rim And Raft — May 29 - June 1, 2025

$1295 PP, double occupancy

Arrive Thursday, depart Sunday, includes 15-mile raft trip up and down the Colorado River. Includes hotels, travel meals away from Phoenix, raft trip and entrance fees.

Northern Rim From Las Vegas, NV

(Currently 18 of 50 seats sold)


North Rim and Grand Staircase — June 4 - June 8, 2025

$1595 PP, double occupancy

Arrive Wednesday, depart Sunday, includes ATV-off-road tour, hotels, transportation, travel meals away from Vegas, and entrance fees to Zion, Bryce and Grand Canyon National Parks.

I feel sorry for anyone trying to understand what's going on in the world today without having the Bible as a guide!

We are living at a time when 2000-year-old prophecies are falling into place. Believers living today have a GREAT chance of avoiding physical death and instead being instantly transported to heaven. Sort of like "Beam me up, Scotty" in the Star Trek series.

But as the world turns closer to that amazing moment, it may very well get uncomfortable for Believers. If we try to live first for the Lord we're promised persecution (2Tim. 3:12) but not God's wrath (1Thess. 5:9).

Thankfully we know Who's really in control, and we know all things work together for us Believers in the long run.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Rom. 8:28

So we can trust the Bible over all else. We don't seek man's answers via drugs. We try to do nothing to compromise our God-designed immune system.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The links in the Additional Resources below are meant to help us be wise and aware as we live and make decisions living in the concluding moments of the Church Age.

And for the Lord to use us to illuminate truth to those who are deceived and/or lost.

Use us, Lord!


---Clicking on any fuzzy picture below usually clears it up---

Kuwait's Biometric Banking Mandate

The Kuwaiti government has mandated that all citizens undergo biometric fingerprinting. This process is crucial for maintaining updated digital identities and enhancing security measures in the country.

> The Kuwait Banking Association is taking swift action against non-compliant citizens:

> Banks are freezing accounts of unregistered individuals.

> By mid-October, bank cards (Knet, Visa, and MasterCard) will be deactivated for those who haven't registered.

> Starting November 1, even in-person withdrawals at banks will be prohibited for non-compliant individuals.

Is this a trial run for an all-digital world monetary system? Non-compliance with their Biometric Verification results in frozen bank accounts. Hmmm....

Info from Silver Academy

Unfortunately, this is not surprising. People continue to die excessively from heart problems, cancer, and scores of other reasons. And they're ALL va((inated. But you can't talk about THAT!!!


Another "Conspiracy Theory" Bites the Dust...

On Sept. 24, U.S. Federal Judge Edward Chen ordered the EPA to strengthen its rules around fluoride in drinking water.

The decision was made in light of The National Toxicology Program’s report in August. It found 1.5 milligrams of fluoride in drinking water is sufficient to pose neurodevelopmental risks in children.

Currently, the EPA sets the maximum level for fluoride at 4 milligrams per liter, significantly higher than the risk level cited in the recent study — Epoch Times

The docs that treat neurodevelopmental problems in children would like to give a second opinion.

Not An Accident!

10-second video


In 1970 I was trained as a Crew Chief on a Huey helicopter. I can assure you this was no accident. Pilots wearing military headgear sabotage those providing Hurricane Helene supplies at North Carolina distribution site. (Ref.)

So not only are the bad guys ignoring the devastation in West North Carolina (80% conservative) they're doing everything they can to make matters worse!

Here is one person's heartbreaking account of how bad it's gotten:

@Bill_StebbinsJR: Eyewitness NC Hurricane damage update: From a fellow active duty brother in arms in the path of destruction in NC. He finally established coms with me via Starlink @elonmusk. It is FAR worse than you are being told. Share widely. "This entire area is a war zone, even if not directly 'destroye' by flood waters. There are men, women and children starving. . .

"The majority of federal and state assets are being diverted to incorporated areas of Asheville, Black Mtn, etc. and with no deliberate effort yet into the rural unincorporated areas… There are bodies floating down the rivers. There are bodies stuck in the tops of trees. Linemen entering destroyed areas find dozens of children young as 3 walking thru the mud… crying for their parents...

"Entire communities are gone… Just bodies, with a stench increasing daily. The death count WILL be in the thousands. Desperation increases and vets are lying on their roofs with rifles. Rural gas stations, markets, etc. have militias formed with men in hodgepodge gear and rifles patrolling. We self-police now… Talked to a lineman who’s finding heads and limbs every time debris is removed. Pray for these people. The devastation is far worse than what you are being told and the federal and state response is largely ineffective.”

Hillary Wants Jail Time For Anyone Who Posts Anything She Disagrees With

20-second video


But that's not all...Hillary also says "We'll lose total control if social media stops censoring content." (Ref.)

Hillary might just be on a first-name basis with Satan himself. Purely a guess.

You get the feeling the bad guys are concerned about losing control. All of a sudden Kamala's being allowed to talk to the media and do photo ops. I bet that decision was painful!

Check this out:

"We Owned the News"

Wall Street Journal Editor-in-Chief Emma Tucker admitted to Davos elites that legacy media outlets no longer had a monopoly on information and narratives. In other words, misinformation and disinformation campaigns to brainwash the masses were no longer working.

"We owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well ... Nowadays, people can go to all sorts of different sources for the news.”

These days you have to be one short of a coaster set to believe ANYTHING on major mainstream news stations. Everything they report is controlled by the Globalists/Satanists.

But could they actually lose control like they did the first time Trump was elected? I'm still skeptical. I don't think they've used all their bullets, no pun intended.

Tucker Carlson / Elon Musk Interview

2-hour video (see interview breakdown below)


"If Trump loses, I really fear for what's going to be left of democracy in America," Elon Musk

(0:00) Elon Musk Is All In on Donald Trump

(6:35) Providing Starlink to Victims of Hurricane Helene

(9:22) If Trump Loses, This Is the Last Election

(21:49) The Epstein and Diddy Client List

(33:38) Vaccines

(35:49) The Movement to Decriminalize Crime

(50:22) Gavin Newsom

(53:11) Europe’s Declining Birthrate

(57:02) We Need Religion

(1:08:04) Why Is There So Much Anti-Human Messaging?

(1:19:33) AI and the Woke Mind Virus

(1:43:01) Musk’s Role in a Trump Administration

Europe's Digital Va((ine Card Means Total Control!



The EU’s digital vaccination card, planned long before the pandemic, is quietly creating a global surveillance network that strips citizens of their rights, invades their privacy, and hands control over to unelected communist bodies like the WHO—all while the public remains in the dark.

This is most interesting because after the Rapture, and with the USA defeated, the New World Leader puts together a coalition of ten nations to make a treaty with Israel—five from Europe and five from the Middle East. So this fits like a glove.

Can you spot the trend?

The Republican National Committee (RNC), along with the Georgia Republican Party and the Fulton County Republican Party, has filed a lawsuit against Nadine Williams, the Director of Fulton County (Atlanta) Department of Registration & Elections.

The lawsuit alleges that Williams intentionally excluded qualified Republican poll workers from the hiring process for the upcoming November 2024 election, hiring only 15 Republicans out of 804 total election staff.

Surely they won’t cheat to win…again...would they?

Russia Wants More Gold And Silver...In The Next Three Years!! Hmmmm

According to news reports published last week, the Russian government is considering spending 51 billion rubles over the next three years to replenish its precious metals reserves.
Well, that’s interesting. The Bible says in the latter days Russia will be Israel’s enemy and will be enthralled with and wish to steal her yet-to-be-discovered gold and silver treasures. And that was written some 2600 years ago.

CBS Completely Edits/Changes Harris Interview

When asked by host Bill Whitaker why it seemed like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasn't listening to the United States, Harris originally replied:

"Well Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by, or a result of, many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region."

But in the version that aired, Harris' answer was:
"We are not going to stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end."
You can watch the before and after interview section HERE

Severe Geomagnetic Storm Headed To Earth

6-second video


Our government's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) warned Wednseday that a super fast Earth-facing coronal mass ejection (CME) erupted from the sun at a speed of 1200 to 1300 km/s and would spark a severe (G4) geomagnetic storm on Thursday, potentially disrupting critical assets on the grid that are crucial for powering modern society.

Whether or not this is true is up for debate.

A New Va((ine That Won't Turn Off



Japan will offer a self-amplifying (no turn-off switch) mRNA COVID-19 vaccine to people 65 and over, and 60- to 64-year-olds with severe underlying conditions beginning this fall. Experts warn the technology — also being developed in the U.S. — is untested, risky, and potentially dangerous.

Who sees a problem with this?

(Satan is god of the whole world)

Ever-Increasing Currency Debasement Is Inevitable

The skyrocketing interest expense has forced the Fed to implement interest cost control policies, which inflate the money supply and debase the currency.

As that happens, prices rise.

That causes the US government to spend even more on Social Security and welfare to keep up with the cost of living increases. The same is true of defense and other government spending, which adjusts upward for rising prices.

This compounds the problem because as government spending rises to account for rising prices, that increased spending can only be financed with more currency debasement.

That’s why ever-increasing currency debasement is the inevitable outcome of the US government’s debt spiral.

It’s a self-perpetuating doom loop from which they cannot escape.

In short, the only way the US government can continue to finance itself is for the Fed to create ever-increasing amounts of fake money.

Ludwig von Mises, the godfather of free-market Austrian economics, summed up the Fed’s dilemma:

"There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion.

The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved."

The US government will not voluntarily "abandon credit expansion," as Mises puts it, because Washington is dependent on issuing increasing amounts of debt to pay for the ever-growing costs of Social Security, national defense, welfare, and interest on the federal debt.

That means their only choice is to debase the US dollar by ever-increasing amounts until, as Mises puts it, the "final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved."

I believe rampant currency debasement will be the most important investment trend of this decade, and it will devastate most people.

The worst of it could go down soon… and it won’t be pretty.

It will result in an enormous wealth transfer from savers and regular people to the parasitic class—politicians, central bankers, and those connected to them.

— Doug Casey


Already in Recession

New research by a pair of prominent economists suggests that the U.S. economy has been in a recession for the last two years after inflation adjustments are taken into account.

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, cumulative inflation since 2019 has totaled nearly 25 percent. But inflation figures have been understated by nearly half, resulting in cumulative growth to be “overstated by roughly 15%,” say economists EJ Antoni and Peter St. Onge.

“Moreover, these adjustments indicate that the American economy has actually been in recession since 2022,” they wrote in a new study published in Brownstone Journal. Under-counting inflation has implications for economic growth because rapid price changes have bolstered the nominal values of a wide array of economic metrics “without resulting in any real change.”

Epoch Times

A great DEI hire....

Officials are investigating the circumstances that led to the sinking of a $100 million naval ship that was under the command of a lesbian captain with no previous ship command experience.

The incident is New Zealand's first naval loss since World War II. 'Now we have an environmental disaster on our hands, caused by the very people who are always crying about the environment.'

— Blaze Media

Aaron Siri, Esq., lead Counsel of Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) has obtained emails showing that, in 2019, Facebook was collaborating with CDC on combating so-called “vaccine misinformation.”

In the emails, Facebook sends CDC language on vaccines and requests that CDC add it to its website so that Facebook could cite CDC as the source!

Worse yet, the emails reveal a Facebook employee actively trying to avoid disclosure of their scheme under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

China Targeting U.S. Ports

The House Homeland Security Committee and the Select Committee on the CCP recently released a report highlighting the growing threat to U.S. security from China’s dominance in the global maritime industry.

The report focuses on Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries (ZPMC), a Chinese state-owned company that manufactures about 80 percent of the ship-to-shore (STS) cranes used at U.S. ports. The investigation found that these cranes pose cybersecurity and national security risks due to embedded technology that could allow the CCP to access or disrupt U.S. port operations. Additionally, ZPMC has pressured some U.S. port operators to grant remote access for maintenance and diagnostics, raising concerns about potential espionage and sabotage.

China’s control over maritime infrastructure and data collection poses serious vulnerabilities for the United States and its allies. Lawmakers are pushing for U.S. ports to switch to alternative crane manufacturers, but ZPMC’s market dominance complicates this effort. The CCP’s national security and intelligence laws require companies like ZPMC to support intelligence activities, further heightening the threat to U.S. infrastructure.

A recent report revealed that ZPMC cranes contain cellular modems that are unnecessary for their operation, which could be used for intelligence gathering, and were not part of the purchase agreements with U.S. port authorities. ZPMC’s close ties to China’s security apparatus are also a concern, with its base located near a warship-building shipyard. Moreover, ZPMC’s chairman, Liu Chengyun, leads the company’s internal Communist Party committee, making the company vulnerable to CCP influence.

Don't be surprised if one day we find out that lots of Chinese controlled companies contributed to Dems' campaigns.

The Real Reason Unemployment Is Going Down

Seems our not-so-honest government has been hiring people like crazy to make the employment numbers look good. Of course most of these hires were illegal aliens. And the bad guys also like the fact it adds to our federal deficit.

Check out this chart:


Helene vs. Ukraine

At present the average amount approved in North Carolina per HOUSEHOLD impacted by Hurricane Helene is $894.

Compare that to Ukraine. Ukraine has a total population of 38 million and we’ve allocated $175 billion to them for about $4605 PER PERSON - not per household.

We are spending roughly 5 times more on Ukrainians than Americans because Americans are not in control of our government!

The Health Ministry has decided to phase out vaccinating with the bOPV component against polio, which is given orally as part of the routine vaccinations, due to concerns over the development of resistant polio strains.

The decision was based on the fact that strain 3 of polio, against which the oral vaccine protects, has been mutated worldwide, and there is a possible risk that the oral component will lead to the development of resistant strains of strain 1 or 3.

It was also found that the oral vaccine component does not protect against the VDPV2 strain that is currently common worldwide.

Here in the Big Pharma-controlled USA, the polio va((ines continue.

Kids On Pills—The Long Term Impacts



Rates of mental illness in children have risen at an alarming rate, and the conventional solution is to prescribe Psychotropic drugs. Today, it’s not uncommon for children to receive a cocktail of medications to manage their mental health. But are the potential side effects worth it? Hardly!

Majdov was accused of violating the International Judo Federation’s religious code for “having shown a clear religious sign when entering the field of play” and was barred from participating in “all tournaments, camps, and preparations for five months.”




This is a pretty good/concise summary of the Covid va((ine with links.

  1. It made you more likely you’d get a COVID infection
  2. Didn’t reduce your risk of hospitalization
  3. Didn’t reduce your risk of dying from COVID
  4. Made you more likely to die of all causes.

The biggest problem was that the Globalists/Satanists knew all this as they lined people up to take the poison.

Which begs the question:

Why Did So Many Smart People Fall For The Covid Scam?



  • A century ago, American education was hijacked by oligarchs like Rockefeller who replaced cultivating critical thinking and deep knowledge with training widespread compliance. And if our intelligence remains unbalanced, our knowledge will almost always be patchy and incomplete and our best and brightest often miss critical details of the broader picture.

Dozens Of Meat Processing Plants Being Forced To Close

Food prices—especially meat and poultry—have skyrocketed in the past four years and could be exacerbated further next year when new EPA rules for meat processors go into effect.

Right on time....

No surprise there....

Can you spot the trend?

Shocking Evidence Covid Shots Increase Risk Of Asthma

A new analysis of over 200,000 U.S. children’s health records suggests that mRNA COVID-19 vaccination increases the risk of asthma, Alex Berenson reported.

A new analysis of over 200,000 U.S. children’s health records shows that mRNA COVID-19 vaccination increases children’s risk of asthma.

The analysis shows “striking evidence” that the shots themselves are tied to asthma, which leads to lung damage.

END, Compass eNews, October 10, 2024

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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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