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Rapture in the 2030s?

September 16, 2019

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I’m not a conspiracy theorist! At least I don’t worry about a man-based group that will someday take over the world and begin shooting Christians. I do know that a Satan-based world takeover WILL happen one day, but it’s a post-Rapture event.

But I DO believe we’re living in the last of the last days. And the Bible tells us to watch the signs — fulfilled prophecies… and there are many! So much so that the news these days sounds like a Bible-prophecy recap.

Therefore, we’re obviously getting closer and closer to the end. And since we know the antichrist will show up in the last days and singularly rule the earth, we should very well be seeing things coming together just before the Church departs this earth.

We’re so close that Satan has undoubtedly put people in place who are sold-out for him, setting the stage for his world takeover. No longer behind the scenes, they’ve come out in the open with their lies and deceit. For example:

UN Global Socialism Plan

In 2015, the United Nations had a huge Global Elites meeting in Paris, where all 193 countries of the world met and unanimously approved a plan to “Transform Our World” in the next 15 years.

Dubbed UN Agenda 2030, they proudly outlined how they will use climate and global warming issues to take over the entire globe.

Obama’s administration enthusiastically signed this monstrosity, in which it is specifically called a “plan of action for people, planet and prosperity by the year 2030.”

This, of course, fit nicely with Obama’s original campaign theme in 2008: “We want to fundamentally change America.” They needed to change America because a free country didn’t fit with a one-world government.

So before B.H.O. left office he started a ball rolling that would have ultimately changed the U.S.A. from LEADING the world to FOLLOWING the U.N. The U.S.A. would then be under the U.N.’s direction to purportedly “save the earth.” And if implemented, it would have been a disaster for Christians as it is a godless manifesto.

Realistically, this world “agenda” is really nothing more than Satan ramping up for full control of the planet… and we know that’s what WILL happen post-Rapture. When the Elites do finally reach their goals during the Tribulation, it’ll be deadly to admit you’re a Bible Believer.

But in Steps Donald Trump

Seeing through their Globalist ruse, President Trump is shaking up their agenda. He’s not going along with any of it. Rather, he’s making decisions that benefit America and making everyone else get in line.

This is making the Globalists white-hot mad, and they’re unleashing everything they can to undermine his Presidency. It is unrelenting, and I think it’s only the prayers from Believers that are keeping him alive.

The Elite control most of the media so we see a daily dose of political lies peppering the airwaves. Undeterred, under the prayer cover of millions from his Believer-base, the President continues to put America first.

Trade War or Common Sense?

For instance, the most recent “China Trade War” is simply making China trade fair and equitable with the United States. The past four U.S. Presidents have allowed this trade imbalance to grow to such unhealthy levels that our whole U.S. monetary system is in serious jeopardy.

China’s been taking their $700 billion surplus from the huge trade imbalance and purchasing hard assets like gold and silver, even gold and silver mines. President Trump sees this can’t continue and must stop. And he’s drawn a line in the sand.


Another of President Trump’s shot-over-the-bow salvos is to the Federal Reserve, which is not “Federal” and not a “Reserve.” Rather, it’s a corporation controlled by eight Global Elite families. And President Trump is boldly in their face. Especially after the recent public comment by their Chairman who said, “Trump needs to be defeated.”(2)

This group of Global Elites, under the guise and power of “The Federal Reserve,” has controlled our country’s finances, milking us for over 100 years …without accountability. Since they got control, our dollar has lost 92% of its value. They’ve never been audited so they basically do what they want to do.

President Trump again is just doing what is best for America. He’s seriously looking at changing our dollar to a gold-backed dollar that would be trackable (think Bitcoin backed by gold). That would circumvent and free us from the Global Elite and the Federal Reserve all in one sweep.(1)

Regardless of all the good things our President is doing, we know this reprieve won’t last forever. Most Christians realize that we’re living in Satan’s world. He IS the “god of this world,” and he will one day get un-Holy-Spirit-hindered control.

But, thankfully, we’re also in a God-controlled universe. And just like Nineveh was given an extra grace of time before God lowered the boom, we too are on borrowed time. We’re in what the Bible calls the time of God’s patience.(3)

Ultimately the end will come with the Church’s exhilarating exit, which paves the way for Satan and his Global Elite minions to take over, ruling the earth for a horrific 7-year Tribulation period where literally 1/2 of the earth’s population is murdered.(4)

False Messiah timeline

But the timing of the Devil’s world takeover has been slowed down by God, for His unknown purposes. I personally think President Trump will be reelected to continue to keep America going on a non-global track. But at some point in the future the Elites will get back in power and finish the job.

Now this is what’s interesting

If President Trump is reelected, that would get us to 2024. We might get four, or even eight more years if a staunch conservative is elected following President Trump.

But even if Trump is not re-elected, this reprieve has pushed the Globalist agenda into the 2030s for completion. This is very interesting because that lines up very well with two end-time prophetic projections — the Church Age Prophecy and the One Generation Prophecy.

The 2000-Year Church Age Prophecy

We have taught and defended for years that God’s original creation week is a timeline-template for all human time (see timeline chart below).

The seven 24-hour days of God’s original creation week are a template for 7000 years of time that God assigned to man to complete on this planet. Scripture mentions the correlation between 1000 years and one day in at least two places.

”For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it passes by, or as a watch in the night.”

— Psalm 90:4

”But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.”

— 2 Peter 3:8

So applying this Creation week timeline of 1 day = 1000 years, the length of the Church Age is quite easy to see.

7000 yrs

Looking at the above graphic, notice that no life was created on the first four 24-hour days of God’s Creation week, only non-living things. And we know from the Bible’s genealogy that there are about 4000 years between Adam and the cross.

At the end of the timeline, God’s day of rest on the 7th day of the Creation week would correspond to Jesus’ 1000-year Millennial reign on earth when Satan is bound.

”And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years;”

— Revelation 20:2

“…reigned with Christ for a thousand years.”

— Revelation 20:4

God's creation model over time

That leaves two days, or 2000 years, for the Church Age in which we currently live. Jesus came to earth on the 5th day and brought life.

There is even a prophecy that can’t be fulfilled unless this template-timeline for a 2000 year-old Church Age is true.

“Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us. He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day, that we may live before Him.”

— Hosea 6:1–2

That’s an unfulfilled prophecy that says Israel will be scattered around the world for 2000 years (2 days) hurt and wounded. But after the 2000 years, God will revive them/bring them back to life. And on the third day, which is the last 1000 years, the Jews will literally live before Him in Israel.

It’s also interesting that the only interaction anywhere in the Bible that Jesus had with non-Jews was specifically for TWO DAYS.

So when the Samaritans came to Jesus, they were asking Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days.

— John 4:40

After the two days He went forth from there into Galilee.

— John 4:43

After the “two days,” the “third day,” He returned to the Jews. A perfect fit for the model. See also Ex. 19:10–11 — it will blow your mind.

So life showing up on the 5th and 6th days of the Creation week is a parallel to Jesus bringing life to the Church Age for 2000 years while the Jews are scattered, hurt and wounded.

2000 year Church Age


The Church Age began in 33 AD with the coming of the Holy Spirit and will end with the Rapture, when the Holy Spirit departs. So, if our theory is correct, this would mean the Church Age would last until ROUGHLY 2033. This is not a prediction, just an observation!

There’s also another prophetic application that points to the 2030s:

The “One Generation” Prophecy

Jesus said the generation who saw Israel come together in the latter days will not pass before seeing all the things listed in Matthew 24.

A generation was referred to in varying lengths of times in the Bible — anywhere from 20 years to 100 years. Since seven and multiples of seven are God’s numbers for completion, a 70-year generation isn’t a stretch.

Mt. Moriah is the most important piece of property on earth as far as the Lord is concerned. It’s where Abraham offered Issac and the only place God allowed sacrifices to Him.

Israel didn’t get back control of the Temple Mount/Mt. Moriah until the Six-Day War in 1967. Therefore, the 70-year-generation countdown could not begin until 1967.

That puts us ROUGHLY at 2037. Again, not a prediction, only an observation based on Scripture.

One 70 year Generation

Bottom Line

Therefore, between the Globalists trying to wrap things up in the 2030s, the Creation Week template pointing to the 2030s, and the One Generation Prophecy pointing to the 2030s you can make a good case that God has the Rapture scheduled for the 2030s. Certainly is interesting!

33 to 38 prophecy

Of course (one more time) this is all speculation. We don’t know for sure when the Lord will return. We can and do observe the signs. Hey, as we know, it could happen today! 🙂

“For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.”

— Matthew 24:44

So until that fateful day, use us, Lord! And watch over our President!



(1) https://qz.com/1646318/why-trump-and-judy-shelton-want-the-us-back-on-the-gold-standard/

(1) https://investingnews.com/daily/resource-investing/precious-metals-investing/gold-investing/trump-gold-standard/

(2) https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/08/28/business/u-s-fed-help-defeat-trump-2020-not-enable-trade-war-china-ex-central-bank-official/#.XXlk5SV7lTY

(3) https://compass.org/article-gods-patience-in-the-last-days/

(4) Rev 6:8, 1/4 earth dies; Rev 9:15, 1/3 of balance of earth's population dies. Total—1/2 population of earth dies during the Tribulation.

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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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