All Eight Steeling Spokane DVDs shipped to you!
Can Trump Trump The U.N. World Agenda?
Andy Woods
The Bible says a time will come when a one-world government will begin a worldwide persecution of Christians. Andy compares the latest U.N. goals with Biblical passages and what a Trump Administration will be up against. Unbelievable!
The Evolution Lie
Russ Miller
The God-less theory of evolution is taught as fact to millions of unsuspecting children each day in public schools. Russ uses scientific facts to show why taking a Biblical stand does not undermine science, but rather illuminates science!
Why Jesus is Pre-Trib
Dave Reagan
Some 80-85% of Christians in the world do not believe in a future pre-tribulational Rapture of true Believers. Yet Jesus Himself taught this truth. Dave shows the ridiculous doctrinal inconsistencies of believing anything but a mass removal of Believers just prior to the coming Tribulation.
10 Unmistakable Signs
J.B. Hixson
This one will be stand-up-and-yell! J.B. will blaze through the top 10 Biblical signs that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that we’re living in the very last of the last days. Goosebumps galore!
It's About Time
Russ Miller
Using myriads of scientific facts, Russ dismantles the “billions of years” that secular science uses to “prove” evolution. Once you debunk “billions of years,” you can build your science foundation on scriptural truths!
Is Trump Our Nineveh Moment?
Dave Reagan
God has allowed a wrench to be thrown into the liberal’s march toward a New World Order. What does that mean for Believers? Dave explains!
Beware of the "Rush for the Exits"
Tom Cloud
Are we at the end of the bear market in precious metals? What does the Brexit and Trump victories mean for metals? Tom has some surprising answers with this quite informative precious metals update!
Trump, Islam & the U.S. Constitution
Shahram Hadian
As we nervously look at Europe’s economic and social problems due to open borders and the influence of millions of Muslims, Shahram shows what to watch for in a Trump Administration as our Constitution still hangs in the balance!