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Lifeline For The Left Behind

February 8, 2023

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Lifeline for the Left Behind

We're sending 100K Millions Missing booklets worldwide

We don’t know when the Lord will return to rescue His church. All we know for sure is that it will be before the ravages of God’s wrath begins the 7-year Tribulation.

That could happen at any time. It could be in the next second… or 10 years from now. But we do know the Bible says we should be able to discern the times…the equivalent of seeing the animals being loaded onto the ark.

And the way things are shaping up this year, who knows? The Lord might come back this September! It’s certainly a possibility. With that in mind as we survey prophetic scripture, we think it’s prudent to find ways to warn those who might be left behind.

We’ll all know people who sadly will miss the Rapture. Family, friends and coworkers who just couldn’t pull the salvation trigger. In all the ensuing post-Rapture chaos, they’ll need to know their options.

As most of you know, 7 years ago we created a little blue booklet titled “Millions Missing?” The idea is that it would be valuable instructions for someone who was left behind.

The booklet explains what just happened at the Rapture and what the Bible says about the time in which they’re now living.

And more importantly, that despite missing the Rapture, they can still go to heaven, showing them Bible verses as proof.

After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands; …“These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Rev. 7:9,13

This verse promises they can get saved in the Tribulation. Salvation is still open to anyone who believes by faith that Jesus is their only option, that He is their Savior. You're saved by faith in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and also in the Tribulation.

But post-Rapture they also have to refuse to worship the beast and not take the mark of his name.

And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. Rev. 20:4b

So Compass is embarking on a campaign to mail out 100,000 of these Millions Missing? booklets in early August to people around the world. The vast majority, 90,000 or so, will be mailed to people in the United States and roughly 10,000 to people in other countries.

We think a written/printed booklet might be more valuable than an Internet link, at least for the initial period following the Rapture. Who knows if electricity will even be working. Or if it is, who'll be controlling the Internet or what they will require to be able to use it?

If you’ve not seen this booklet, CLICK HERE to read the current edition. You can download a digital copy for free.

We hope you will help us by participating in this project in one (or more) of three ways:

1) Prayer

First and foremost, please pray for us to have the wisdom to pull this off. Pray that all the right people will receive the booklet. And if it be God’s will, that He will use it mightily post-rapture—this year or in the future.

God hears our prayers and it’s His desire that none should perish. Realistically, in the long run it doesn’t really matter if someone gets saved before or after the Rapture. One is just more painful than the other. But 100 years from now it will make little difference.

So we would be grateful if you put this on your prayer list, or just fire up a prayer right now that we will be wise in our planning, who we mail to, and that God will use this to His glory. Thank you!!!

2) Send Us Addresses

You can probably think of a few people who might be interested in the booklet post-rapture. So send us addresses of whomever you think should receive one of these booklets anonymously in August.

It could be family, friends or coworkers. We’ve already decided to send one to the White House, all members of the United States House, Senate and Judiciary, Cabinet officials, State governors and upper-echelon officials.

Or just send us names selected from your personal mailing list, Christmas or otherwise. Email them to staff@compass.org and use this format:

Postal mailing address
City, State, Zip

If you have several names, or a list, and you know how to put them in a spreadsheet, that would be extremely helpful. Straight across:

First name - last name - full street address - city - state - zip

All in separate columns.

Thanks if you can do the spreadsheet, but if you can’t, just send us the names and we’ll get ’er done.

3) Support

And if the Lord has blessed you with the ability to participate by financially supporting this project, CLICK HERE. Eternal thanks!

If we receive more money than we’re spending for the 100K list, we’ll add more names. This is a net-zero project. Whatever we receive above our cost of printing, collating and mailing the original 100K, we’ll invest it in more addresses to be mailed.

We would love to send 200K! Or more! Maybe, but just want you to know we’re committed to mailing whatever support we receive over our initial 100K.

And whether the Rapture happens this September or next, or even in the next 10 years, we know we’re sowing salvation seeds.

This year just seems interesting, more than most. Who knows, we may be doing this every year for 10 years. 🙂 But we’re gearing up for this year NOW.

Huge thanks and hugs for any prayers, names or support!!



Toxic By Design

1-minute video


Dr. Mike Yeadon told us this would happen.

I bet it's frustrating for people like  Yeadon, McCullough and scores of others to scream about all this for two years and nothing changed... except their information was blocked by media.

CDC Withholding Vital Va((ine Info on Va((ine Deaths & Injuries

20-minute Video


Veronika Kyrylenko of The New American interviews Mary Holland, attorney with Robert Kennedy's Children's Health Defense and she is a wealth of information!

English is obviously Veronika's second language but after a few seconds you will be able to understand every word. Mary's depth of knowledge of this whole Covid va((ine mess is amazing and she is an excellent communicator.

EcoHealth Alliance Whistleblower Huff

60-minute video


This is an excellent in-depth video that covers a lot of new information. Huff is live in studio with Del Bigtree so you can hear and see everything clearly. Oh boy, worth the time to watch. My only concern is are we backing the Globalists/Satanists into a corner?

New ICD Codes Docs Must Now Use



Harvey Risch breaks down what this means for you and me. Having these International Classification of Disease codes include whether or not you're va((inated means they're assuming that we'll be using some type of va((ine passport in the future. 😡

In a nutshell:

Risch says: "The CDC recently codified International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes for Covid-19 vaccine status. ICD codes are extensively used in medical records, medical insurance data and health research to classify precisely disease states as well as injuries from exogenous agents such as accidents, medication and medical device injuries, toxic chemicals, etc. Vaccination status is not a disease or an injury state, yet CDC has rationalized creating ICD codes for it. The coding is set to become effective on April 1, 2023."

The complete chart can be seen if you click HERE

Del Bigtree covered this from a slightly different angle. CLICK HERE (10-minute video)

But this gets even worse—all this started in 1979 when the CDC redesigned the ICD coding list – International Classification of Diseases – and erased any possibility for the world’s coroners to label a cause of death related to vaccination! Yep, a coroner has no code to input if he/she believes someone died of a vaccine. For over fifty years, Big Brothers WHO and CDC have been forcing coroners to mislabel vaccination deaths. Beyond the fact it is likely a crime, this suppression means that “Informed Consent” has been totally corrupt for decades.

Flu Shot Being Changed To Covid Shot

Covid Shot Is Being Changed To Flu Shot

11-minute Video


To no one's surprise, the Covid shot is being relegated to the flu shot bin. Now your flu shots can maim or kill you.

Hmmm.... maybe this is like when it dawned on us that SIDS and SADS are related. They came out with SADS and it woke us up to the roots of SIDS. And moms began shying away from childhood va((ines. No more assuming 72 shots before the age of 18 was a good idea since we have the sickest kids on the planet.

And now we find out aluminum causes Alzheimer's (CLICK HERE). And they put aluminum in children's va((ines... really?

Just like it was hard to believe the bad guys were trying to literally kill off a large segment of the population, it's also hard to believe Big Pharma would deliberately tell docs to prescribe drugs that don't cure but maintain poor health conditions.

It seems like they think it's better to have a patient buying their drugs for life than to be cured. However, the Bible says it's better to think and act long-term because one day everyone on the planet has to stand before a righteous judge who knows all and can't be fooled.

How The Masses Were Deceived

20-minute video


This is excellent. It was produced about 12 months ago but I'm just now seeing it. Using white-board diagram technology, it expertly explains how the entire world was deceived into willingly taking an injection of poison.

Lab Leak Cover-up Is Dying On The Vine



One of the primary reasons why the lab leak theory is being so heavily disputed is because acknowledging it as true would force Congress to rein in the research industry.

But emails sent to and from the National Institutes of Health reveal no one on the "science" side believed that SARS-CoV-2 was an accident. Rather, the email showed they admitted Covid was a genetically engineered virus that somehow escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. So Fauxi lied. Again.

The Truth About Ivermectin

14-minute video


This is a trailer from the guy who produced Plandemic, Mikki Willis does a great job of not only showing the incredible health benefits of Ivermectin, but also exposes the government's lies to coverup its use against Covid. He shows how the government went full-press to defame those who disagreed with their lies. Excellent! And this is only the 14-minute trailer!


30 Ridiculous Things Causing Heart Attacks These Days



I know you'll be surprised that not one is the va((ine. They're trying to convince us having a heart attack is a normal event. The media think we're so stupid. Grrrr....


Va((ines Cause A 35% Increase In Death



Josh Stirling, a top insurance research analyst, has found a 7% aggregate mortality increase for each COVID vaccine dose received, meaning a “fully vaccinated” individual who took all 5 currently recommended doses increased their risk of [premature] death by 35%.

Stirling used CDC data and compared the vaccination status, ranked by the number of doses across regions in the US, and compared that to the amount of increase or decrease in mortality 2022 versus 2021.

He explained that if vaccines actually reduced all-cause mortality, then the data from “highly vaccinated” states would show “lower levels of mortality” in those areas. Instead, data is showing the opposite. Stirling previously noted that overall, all-cause mortality in the US rose in 2022 from 2021 by about 15%.


Shopping Without Cashiers

2-minute video


The future is now. Quietly, behind the scenes, retail shopping is changing the way you pay for goods.

Actually, coming to your area one day soon, you don't have to go to a cashier at all.

Can you say Rev. 13:16,17?

Missouri vs. The U.S. Government

If you've not heard about this, it's worth understanding this lightning-rod case. It's the lawsuit of lawsuits. Might be a game-changer.

Our government is doing everything possible to squash it, so you know it has potential to expose and embarrass.

The Feds have the money advantage for sure, but so far the States of Missouri and Louisiana are not backing down.

The case was filed on May 5th, 2022 and these two states are suing (in their official capacities) Joe Biden, Jen Psaki, Vivek Murthy, Xavier Bacerra, the Department of HHS, the Department of Homeland Security, Anthony Fauci, NIAID, CDC, Alejandro Mayorkas, Jen Easterly, the CISA, and Nina Jankowicz. They've since added a few more.

Missouri and Louisiana are basically taking on the government for violating American's First Amendment rights by unconstitutionally censoring people during the pandemic.

They are suing (1) the federal government to  cease and desist from its attempts to control Americans’ speech, and (2) there must be accountability for past violations to discourage future actors from similar excesses.

The lawsuit begins:

In 1783, George Washington warned that if “the Freedom of Speech may be taken away,” then “dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.” George Washington, Address to the Officers of the Army (March 15, 1783). The freedom of speech in the United States now faces one of its greatest assaults by federal government officials in the Nation’s history.

Tracy Beanz describes it this way:

"This case has brought to the fore[front] a wide-reaching, insidious plot to weaponize private business in a fascist attempt to stifle the speech of American citizens. Not only is it the stifling of speech, but it is a weaponization to ensure the American people are DECEIVED by government-sponsored propaganda.

"This isn’t surface level; these actions have swayed elections and caused the DEATH of untold numbers of Americans. It has polarized our society. It is evil. It must be stopped."

Still in the discovery phase, which has survived numerous attempts by the government to throw out or delay evidence, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has already had to admit that the DOJ, FBI, ODNI and the DHS colluded with social media platforms. Under oath!!

Stay tuned...



Just pics, no links

>>>>>If image is blurry, click image to read<<<<<

Look who funded these startup companies...IQT, In-Q-Tel, is a venture capital firm owned by the CIA! Well there you have it.

More info here:


I apologize ahead of time for this...just couldn't resist.

In case you didn't recognize him, that's a pic of Hunter Biden.


Can you spot the trend?


So they use 8 mice to test the Covid va((ine for the entire world. Then the chart below shows they IGNORED obvious death and disease markers as they rolled out the va((ines. And now Cancer is taking off. Screaming in hell forever seems like it's not enough! CQLJ!

Is it just me, or does it look like the Biden Administration is now trying to gin up a war with China? I am hearing some pretty wild stuff from active military service members. Jeff Childers, Covid & Coffee 2/7/23

A widely used COVID-19 treatment drug could be linked to mutations that create new variants of the disease, according to researchers in a new pre-print study.

Published in Medrxiv (pdf), researchers cited an analysis of more than 13 million viral genomes in worldwide databases and found that the drug Lagevrio, also known as molnupiravir, that there were mutations linked to the drug.

Great Britain Excess Deaths Charted...

The institutions on which we used to depend to defend our liberties and rights—nonprofits, courts, intellectuals, academia, tech, and media—have failed spectacularly.

We had no idea just how many of them had long ago been already captured. We didn’t know that the feds were deeply embedded at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. We didn’t know that they’d already captured the news pages of The New York Times and so on. We thought that these institutions were merely ideologically biased. We didn’t know that they had become tools of the regime.

When the intellectuals and nonprofits went silent when lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates came along, we thought that they were merely afraid to speak. We hadn’t considered that their silence was evidence of a much deeper corruption. They were either being paid for silence or blackmailed into it. 

[T]he communities that resisted … weren’t the secular elites much less the academy or corporations. They were religious communities: the Hasidim, the Amish, the Mormons, the traditionalist Catholics, and later, the Evangelicals.

It turns out, just speaking empirically, holding to a hard faith and living in a community of others who also hold that faith turned out to be the greatest single mental and intellectual protection against [mental] infection[.] My humble suggestion, then, is that if you don’t have a faith, get one immediately.

You need it to protect you against the lies of the secular elites, who are selling their own false version of religion.

Excerpted From  “Leviathan Must Be Stopped.” Epoch Times, Jeffrey Tucker, Founder of the Brownstone Institute. (Bold emphasis mine)

MIAMI , Feb. 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- A 2021 lawsuit filed by Baylor Scott and White Health system against world-renowned internist, cardiologist, and COVID-19 expert Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, has been dismissed by the 191st Judicial District Court, Dallas County, Texas. Associate Judge Tahira Khan Merritt granted the nonsuit and dismissed with prejudice all claims asserted or that could have been asserted in the case. Dr. McCullough stated, "This is a strong victory for freedom of speech and fair balanced publication and media presentation of clinical data as it has emerged over the course of the pandemic crisis. My analyses and conclusions have been accurate, consistent, and have always been my own, not those of any institution."

In the US alone, in the past 25 years, nearly $5 billion has been awarded to 9,946 victims of vaccination, or to their families. Obviously, ten thousand people represent the tip of a much larger iceberg. Those who had the clairvoyance to acknowledge vaccination harm, who had the fortitude and resources to fight for compensation, and who benefited from the good fortune to win in court are a happy few in the tens of millions of vaccines injured, most of whom lived through their pain and health drama never knowing the vaccination was the cause of their Parkinson’s disease or their cancer.


Show Me The Money

During Covid in 2020-2021 Doctors were incredibly hesitant to write any medical exemptions for va((ines, for fear of the threatened repercussions...i.e. losing your license to practice or being fired from your high-paying job.

“I remember one patient of mine, a young man who went to his rheumatologist and this doctor told him, ‘Given your autoimmune condition, given what I’ve seen of the va((ine data so far, I recommend that you don’t get the va((ine because I think you’re young and otherwise healthy. You’re not at high risk of COVID, but the va((ine could exacerbate your autoimmune condition.’

“The patient then turned to him and said, ‘OK, can you write me a medical exemption because there’s a mandate at my place of employment?’ The same doctor that just recommended against the vaccine said, ‘No, I’m sorry, I can’t do that because I might lose my medical license.’"

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

"A physician with a gag order is not a physician that you can trust."

Joseph Mercola

I hope you missed this...
“This…is…evil,” Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas posted, responding to a Liz Wheeler post that said, "... [d]emons are teaching your kids to worship Satan.”
And to make matters worse, look who sponsored this trash. Pfizer.
Our government gives Pfizer billions of our tax dollars and they use it advertise and promote unbiblical principles. Tells you who is really in charge of Washington.

Do tell, Big Phama has been selling worthless va((ines for a LONG time!

This is an ad from yesterday. They're still at it! But why are they still pushing products for Big Pharma that cause death and disability? Of course we know.


END, Compass eNews February 9, 2023


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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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