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The articles in our Compass eNews emails include links to other articles and videos, and we have them here on our site as well.

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2 Days in Scripture - Article

Does Scripture say the Church Age lasts "2 Days" or 2000 years?

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

Jessica's Story - Video

16-minute video. Jessica Sutta was a member of the Pussycat Dolls, a quite successful burlesque dance ensemble that Sutta starred in between 2003 to 2010 when the group disbanded. In 2019 she married Mickey Marquart and had a baby in 2021. In 2021 Jessica began a regiment of Moderna COVID shots, thinking it was “the right thing” to do. But what was intended to be an act of altruism ultimately ended up with Jessica “on the brink of death.”

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

Why "Queers For Palestine" Support Those Who Want To Kill Them - Article

It makes no sense. If a homosexual went to a Middle Eastern Muslim nation, and someone found out he/she was homosexual, they would be immediately killed. So what's really going on?

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

U.S. Infant Mortality Rate "Disproportionately" Higher Than 16 Other Countries - Article

If you've been following Compass eNews, you already knew about all the excess deaths that are now growing so large major media have to say something about the elephant in the room. But this is an NBC article and, of course, they're blaming the infant deaths on everything but the va((ines!

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

Globalists' Bird Flu Summit, Oct. 2-4 - Article

Before Covid was unleashed, the Globalists/Satanists had a summit to get all the demons singing off the same song sheet. Well, here we go again...just in time for paper ballots.

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

Pilots With Heart Trouble Can Now Fly - Article

Since all the pilots had to get vaxxed to keep their jobs, guess what...some 25% of pilots can't pass their physicals to be able to fly. So the only thing the FAA could do was lower the standards so more pilots could pass their physicals!

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

About That Bad Vaxxed Blood... - Article

Last week we shared a link about the tainted blood supply... and that they still haven't begun checking to see who was donating non-spike protein blood and who is not. We had a reader contact us that there ARE some places to get clean blood. One is Safeblood. I have not done any research on them but they SOUND like what I would need if I needed a blood transfusion! Also, these days you can use your own blood if it's not an emergency. (Thanks K. in OR!)

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

10 Signs That Global War Is Close - Article

Politico is reporting that Israel and Hezbollah have both “drafted battle plans,” and the Biden administration is convinced that “intense fighting is likely to break out”… Read the articles with links for all 10 Signs

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

The Bible in 6 Minutes - Video

6-minute video. Comedian Robert G. Lee will make you smile. Not that accurate, but hey....

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

Gaza Food Lies - Article

You probably have heard all the media attention that people are starving in Gaza, due to Israel's military control. Nope, not true. It's just meant to put pressure on Israel to quit their military attacks on the group that attacked them first.

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

More Proof CDC Vaccine Schedule Harms Children - Video

60-minute video. Good ammunition for parents or grandparents to defend not va((inating kids. You can watch the first 10-15 minutes to get the overview... or the whole thing to get the details.

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

Doctors in the Cross-Hairs - Article

Our medical community has a lot of good docs who are finally putting on the big boy pants and telling the truth about the influence, control and marketing tactics of Big Pharma. They are also publishing the ingredients in the Covid 19 va((inations.

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

The Globalist One Health Agenda - Article

Threats to sovereignty & health freedom These numbskulls have plans for post-Rapture earthlings when the food shortages begin in earnest…they want doctors to write grocery prescriptions. Even if you think this sounds good, you must realize that the prescriptions will be based not just on what is good for you, but on what the medical establishment determines would benefit the planet. Mull over what the elites are actively eliminating from the food supply (i.e., meat), as well as the food-adjacent substances they are adding.

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

"Scary Experiment": Denmark to Tax Livestock Emissions - Article

As Denmark prepares to become the first country in the world to tax farmers for greenhouse gasses emitted by their livestock, critics say the real goal is to consolidate control over the food supply and shift to corporate-controlled “Pharma Food.”

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

New GOP 2024 Platform Waters Down Support for Life, Marriage - Article

This is considered a win for liberals. And we thought the platform would be a push back on globalism. Nope. Satan is relentless. Just saying....

Jul 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Rapture Scenarios

Alex Jones Interviews Dr. David Martin—WOW! - Video

1 hour video - watch first 5 minutes. Well this is definitely a "must watch! Oh boy. Covers the government's depopulation agenda and some states who have figured that fact out...and what they're doing about it.

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who The Antichrist Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

Steve Bannon: Britain Betrayed, World War 3 & How to Destroy the Left - Video

60-minute video. Steve Bannon's fiery criticism of conservatives who "don't have the balls" to take action and fight is evident throughout his interview with GB News America's Steven Edginton. Bannon warns of the dangers of a third world war with the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, and urges conservatives to "take action" and defeat the woke Left.

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who The Antichrist Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

UN War on Farmers: Target, YOU - Video

47-minute video. Alex Newman at his best! The war on farmers waged by globalist would-be tyrants has been raging for well over a decade under various pretexts, with the ultimate objective being total control of humanity.

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who the Antichirst Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

They found the Covid shot caused a 37% loss of life expectancy! - Article

Not an easy read, but I trust McCullough's and Kirsch's conclusions.

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who the Antichirst Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

Woman of faith fired for refusing COVID jab wins massive payday - Article

Slowly the ship is turning, but the Globalists/Satanists scared 70% of the world into taking their poison.

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who the Antichirst Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

538 Dead Children - Video

8-minute video (Begin at 8-minute mark and stop at the 11-minute mark). The FDA is hiding deaths in the VAERS system. Some things never change…they don’t want people knowing that people are continuing to die in record numbers. .

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who the Antichirst Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

Still Pushing Covid Va((ines During Pregnancy - Article

In the past, we have posted articles showing that 80% of women who had taken the vaccine just before or during pregnancy lost their babies. This study just confirms our research.

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who the Antichirst Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

‘Stunning Admissions’: White House Pressured FDA to Cut Corners on COVID Vaccine Approvals in Order to Push Mandates - Article

The Biden administration pressured the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to “change its procedures, cut corners, and lower agency standards,” to approve Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines and authorize boosters, according to a congressional report released earlier this week.

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who the Antichirst Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

Breakthrough Study Uncovers 'Off Switch' for COVID mRNA Shots - Article

"Long vax" symptoms, similar to long COVID, have been reported following vaccination, including fatigue, brain fog, numbness, and cardiovascular issues, highlighting the need for effective treatments for those affected. This is promising help if you've been va((inated!

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who the Antichirst Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

ISIS Is Streaming Over Our Southern Border - Article

Millions of illegals, mostly men between the ages of 18 and 30, are simply walking across our southern border or being flown secretly in the middle of the night into cities in the heart of America.

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who the Antichirst Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

Liberal Reporter Gets It From Tucker - Article/Video

Article or quite enjoyable 5-minute video.

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who the Antichirst Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

Tolerance Is A Polite Way Of Saying, ‘I’m Ok That People Will Spend Eternity In Hell’ - Article

Well, maybe not consciously, but that's the essence.

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who the Antichirst Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

The Summer Sun Is Not Your Enemy - Article

If you use sunscreen, read this! Again, Big Pharma is not doing everything possible to get you well. Rather, they appear to be profit motivated... so if using sunscreen causes cancer, they would look at that as a win.

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who the Antichirst Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

Supreme Court Kicks Social Media Censorship Cases Back to Lower Courts - Article

Compass has been following this particular lawsuit because our posts have been restricted in the past on social media. That’s part of our reasoning for simply sending emails direct to our supporters rather than posting them for the world to see. So far, so good.

Jul 3, 2024 • Email Subject: Can We Know Who the Antichirst Will Be Prior to the Rapture?

Alex Newman Interviews Ron Paul - Video

27-minute video (the good stuff ends in about 23 minutes)

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

Faith and Freedom - Video

7-minute video. This one is worth every second to see. A positive light in a dark world.

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

Shocking—What The Government Hid From Us - Video

6-minute video. The German health officials knew that the flu was worse than COVID, they knew masks didn’t work, they knew the AstraZeneca vaccine was deadly.

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

Autopsy Study Finally Published - Article

A systematic review of autopsy-related literature following COVID-19 vaccination found that 73.9% of the 325 deaths were linked to the Covid va((ines, proving “a high likelihood" between the shots and death.

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

Trump Promises To Shut Down Department Of Education - Video

30-second video. "I will send it back to the states." Love it!

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

The Bird Flu Drumbeats Continue - Video

12-minute video. This is following the same script as Covid...but Del Bigtree and Jefferey Jaxen expose the truth. They explain how to tell the difference between news and propaganda.

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

Behind The Hidden Hand - Video

24-minute video. Alex Newman explains the powerful hidden forces behind the seemingly spontaneous anti-Israel uprisings on college campuses. George Soros, the Rockefeller dynasty, the Communist and jihadists are all working together. .

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

Lying Media Murdered Millions - Video

64-minute video, but just watch the first 19.5 minutes

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

Not Investment Advice...FYI Only - Article

Gold continues to churn in a narrow range between $2,300 and $2,350. However, this consolidation is also removing froth from the market and helping us focus on the broader landscape.

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

Welfare Offices Providing Voter Registration Forms To Illegals Without Proof Of Citizenship - Article

I personally just can't believe the bad guys would take any chance they might lose. But if somehow Trump gets in, that could get us to 2026.

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

Biden (Obama?) Is No John Kennedy! - Article

The arrival of four Russian military vessels in Cuba has people wondering about a Cuban missile crisis 2.0. Let's hope not!! But it is setting up to be a possible launch pad for nukes in the post-Rapture Tribulation takedown of the United States (in one hour). CQLJ!

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

Japan's Norinchukin Bank to sell $63 Billion of U.S. and European bonds - Article

Not Good—Japan banking giant Norinchukin is having to liquidate $63 billion in US Treasuries and European bonds over the next 9 months to plug a massive hole of unrealized losses. This could affect our fragile banking system.

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

If You Don't Look, You Don't See - Article

New Mexico ignored hundreds of public comments alleging smart utility meters were harming residents. This is an interesting article with good info about this subject.

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

What's Ahead - Video

37-minut video. Excellent! Peter McCullough interviewed by Dr. Dave Janda. Fascinating overview of where we've been and what's ahead.

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

Protocol 7 - Trailer

Oh boy, this is a good one! It's a new movie that dramatizes a whistleblower story about Merck doctoring the MMR Va((ine data. Watch the 2-minute trailer HERE

Jun 27, 2024 • Email Subject: The Rescue of Rapture

18% Increase in Excess Deaths - Article

Officials in Maine yawn over proof of an 18% increase in excess deaths. Apparently killing us slowly via va((ination is ok.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

The Seven Raptures - Article

The Rapture is not a Biblically unprecedented event.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

First-hand Heartbreaking Account Of October 7 - Video

19-minute video. An American visiting Israel went to the music festival with friends. She tells her story of how she survived, barely escaping death as people were dying all around her.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Freed Israeli hostage Mia Schem in first interview since her release from Hamas captivity in Gaza - Video

30-minute video. If you can take it, here's one more account by a girl who had her arm shot off, was captured, but released in the first group.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

"Obsessed With Targeting Reproduction" - Video

Not recommended, but the painfully long 3-hour video In a nutshell, 84% of women who were va((inated while pregnant lost their babies via miscarriage or stillbirth. Unreal. And they KNEW it was going to happen. Apparently HOPED it would happen.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Bird Flu Facts - Video

25-minute video (watch at 1:25 speed). This is really important information on the "Bird Flu." It is well-produced and edited by the McCullough Foundation (Peter McCullough).

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

How The Globalists Plan To End U.S. Sovereignty - Video

48-minute video. This is quite good. Glenn Beck looks at what they're doing to end US sovereignty before Trump can get in office to change anything. He calls it the greatest world power grab in history, and they are pushing to conclude this year.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Guess Who's OK With Adultery? - Article

A growing number of Democrats are softening their stance on the concept of marital infidelity, a new survey reveals. In 2000, 85% of Republicans and 77% of Democrats found sex with someone other than your spouse to be “always wrong,” according to data from the General Social Survey (GSS), the leading barometer for Americans’ views on social issues.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

The Government Raid On Nourish Cooperative - Video

6-minute video. Unfortunately this is not unbelievable, but rather, believable. This is more proof the Globalists/Satanists are trying to get control of the food supply, and the key word is control. Makes no sense. It's also more proof they're not worried about elections in November.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Is Bird Flu The Next World Control Tool? - Video

9-minute video. Del Bigtree and Jeff Jaxen investigate the media excitement surrounding the Bird Flu.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Climate Change Control - Article

“These computer models are all based on evolutionary assumptions,and if those evolutionary assumptions are not true, their computer models are certainly not true.”

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Energy Drinks Linked To Heart Attacks - Article

Who is surprised?

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Louisiana Votes To Display 10 Commandments In All Public School Classrooms - Article


Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

The Truth Behind The Israel/Hamas War - Video

Dave Reagan is always 100% on the mark! A great 40-minute video explaining God, Israel and the Muslims. Kick back and enjoy, you'll be blessed by a man God is using greatly in these last days! Jan Markell adds some additional comments at the end of the video about Israel, Trump and Biden—why we're the laughing-stock of the world.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

New Zealand Has 27% Increase In All-Cause Mortality For Va((inated - Article

WOW! The truth continues to get out. If you were age 65-69 and you were one of the 4M people who opted to get one or more jabs in New Zealand, on average, your mortality over a 1 year period from when you got your first shot was elevated by at least 27% from the official baseline mortality rates published by the New Zealand authorities for 2021 as well as 2022.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Proof Vax Had Zero Benefit - Article

Here's official US government data, all in plain sight, so you can decide for yourself. If the vaccine reduced the risk of death, this data is simply impossible to explain. Unfortunately, the estimated 21 million people who were killed or seriously injured by the va((ine now know it was all for nothing.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Vax Had Transhuman Purpose - Video

49-minute video (You get the gist in the first 10 minutes or so, skip the first 60 seconds. Investigative Researcher Karen Kingston: Pfizer Charged with Conspiracy, mRNA Shots Have Transhuman Purpose. Yep.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Brutal Violence Against Teachers At Crisis Levels - Article/Video

Article/ 7-minute video. By Alex Newman. According to the survey of over 8,000 teachers in 34 states, over 70 percent reported having been subjected to physical violence by a student. Over half of the respondents said they were attacked more than once or even “many times.”

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Biden Pulling Support Away From Israel - Article

On Monday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chastised the White House in a rare video message, calling President Biden's withholding of some defense aid to Israel "inconceivable."

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Ireland Is Ticked Off Over Migrants - Video

9-minute video (couple of F-bombs). Countries in Europe are being flooded with Muslim immigrants just like the United States and other European countries. They are using this to divide countries and the collapse their economies. The Irish people are NOT HAPPY!

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Ryanair CEO: "It's A Complete Scam, These People Are Not Refugees" - Video

5-minute video. More on the European refuge scam

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Mass Contamination of Blood Supply - Article

Blood contaminated with the spike protein from va((inated blood donors raises the risk of inducing fatal neurodegenerative diseases in recipients.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

Why Does The World Hate Israel And Not Hamas? - article

Well, actually we know the answer.

Jun 20, 2024 • Email Subject: Grain Size, Weight & Density

No Wonder God's Not Happy With The USA - Video

23-minute video. Guess who's the largest purveyor of sex trafficking in the world? The United States Government. Your tax dollars are being used for the worst of the worst. Hard to believe, but it's true. And it's more proof the Globalists/Satanists are running the U.S.

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

The Price Of Truth In Healthcare - Article/Video

Article/ 4-minute video. (If prompted, click on the "No thanks" re: subscribing.) Oh boy, this is a fascinating account of one doc's Covid observations.

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

DOJ Charges TX Whistleblower Doc - Video

4-minute video. Laura Ingram interviews Texas doctor Eithan Haim. The DOJ is charging him with four felony chargers because he exposed a Texas hospital secretly conducting gender-affirming care on minors.

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

10 Million Illegals Have Entered Under Biden - Article

A record 7.3 million illegal aliens have crossed the southwest border under President Biden's watch, a number which according to Fox News is greater than the population of 36 individual states. And you have to add 1.8 million gotaways — 10+ million.

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

Taking Back The Temple Mount - Video

Two short video clips (50 seconds and 2 minutes). These are two colorized video clips of the Jews taking over the Temple Mount in 1967. Shows Jewish warriors storming the Old City of Jerusalem and returning the Temple Mount back to Jewish sovereignty for the first time since the Bar Kochba Revolt in 134 AD.

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

Biden Lies About Jobs Created - Article

All jobs in the past year have gone to illegal aliens. And check out this chart...

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

Covid Va((ines Disrupting Human Immune Systems - Article

Dr. Margaret Christensen said the contents of the COVID-19 shots, including the spike proteins and lipid nanoparticles, "severely impact our immune system’s ability to regulate itself correctly.”

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

International Court of Criminals Threatens Humanity - Video

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a dangerous fraud that recognizes none of the protections for rights and due process that Western peoples fought to secure over many centuries, and is in fact a criminal operation, warns investigative journalist and author of books on the UN William Jasper in this interview with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman.

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

ICC Power Grab Has Us In The Crosshairs - Video

Neither the U.S. government nor the Israeli government are signatories to the Rome Statute that created the controversial court. And yet, under the guise of pursuing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for “genocide,” the court is claiming it has the power to prosecute him despite the State of Israel never offering its consent.

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

Microplastics Found In Plastic Water Bottles and Face Masks - Video

5-minute video. They've obviously been implementing this for years. No wonder so many couples are having trouble having kids! Between the plastics and the horrendous va((ines, it's a miracle anyone is getting pregnant.

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

The Agenda Behind Healthcare Misinformation - Video

25-minute video (start at 4 minutes). David Fiorazo interviews Dr. Lee Merritt who explains how we know the goal of the health industry is not to keep people well, but rather, enslavement. This is quite the eye-opener!

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

A Retail Bloodbath - Article

More than 2,600 store closings have been announced so far in 2024. And this year will be 40% higher than last year.

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

What The Bad Guys Control - Video

25-minute video— but what you need to know is in the first 15-minutes. Key corporations control all mainstream media, shaping the public narrative.

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

Rep. Thomas Massie (KY) On Debt - Video

2-hour video. This is a typical fun Tucker Carlson interview, but long. The first 10 minutes is great explanation of our massive Federal debt problem.

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

Food For Thought - Article

The stage is being set for the global food crisis and mass starvation outlined in Revelation 6.

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

Support For Israel Declines Among Younger Believers - Article

Support for dispensationalism and Israel has plummeted more that 50% among evangelicals under 30 as they increasingly embrace amillennialism and postmillennialism doctrines. In other words, they are not taught Bible basics.

Jun 11, 2024 • Email Subject: Gone: Truth, Transparency and Trust

MTG Unloads - Video

90-second video. Where are the real men? MTG explains the problem in 90 seconds. "Democrats have turned President Trump into a political prisoner and have gone to war with America without firing a single shot."

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

Va((inated Covid Patients Died At Twice The Rate Of Unva((inated - Article

A two-and-a-half-year peer-reviewed study by Ohio State University researchers found that among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, those who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines had a significantly higher mortality rate than unvaccinated patients, even when accounting for age and comorbidities.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

The Deaths From Covid Va((ines Continue Upward In Australia - Article

The Mass Mortality Event is Clearly Ongoing as Excess Deaths Continue. 2024 COD Data shows a Clear Increase in Cancer and Respiratory deaths.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

Fauxi on the hot seat for five minutes of grilling by a doctor who was shut down for doing his job - Video

5-minute video. This one is really good.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

Fauxi's NIAID Institute Received $690 Million In Secret Royalty Payments - Video

19-minute video. 260 scientists employed by Fauci’s NIAID during the pandemic received these funds. Fauxi says there's no law that says he has to disclose who got what. Plus he's complaining people are being mean to him.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

Minutes after being thrown out for speaking out about medical ethics at Fauci's testimony, I recorded this message for you - Video

And one more doc, about 60 seconds,

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

Major study Finds All Risk and Zero Benefit - Article

A groundbreaking study by researchers from Oxford, Leeds, Harvard, and Bristol has confirmed that myocarditis and pericarditis only appear in children and adolescents following COVID-19 vaccination, not after infection.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

30% Excess Deaths Info Leaking Out In Cyprus - Article

Huge excess deaths are still being covered up in the U.S., Canada, Australia and Europe. But other nations are starting to notice the obvious trends.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

47 Countries Noticing Excess Deaths - Article

‘The Dam Has Broken’: Mainstream Media Reports on Study Showing COVID Vaccines Likely Fueled Rise in Excess Deaths Data from 47 countries in the Western world showed excess mortality has remained high for the last three consecutive years, according to a study published Monday in BMJ Public Health. The authors called for a thorough investigation.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

Is America Becoming An Anti-Christ Nation? - Article

For most of our history, the population of the United States was overwhelmingly Christian, and the values that governed our society were primarily Christian values. But of course everything has changed in recent decades.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

New International Health Regulations (IHR) Passed - Article

Bichelle Bachmann explains that while we were high-fiving that the WHO pandemic controls were defeated, they did an end-around in another area.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

Ukraine Is NOT A Democracy! - Video

29-minute video. Tucker Carlson is adamant that the Ukraine is the single most repressive country in the world. He recently interviewed Bob Amsterdam who is an international human rights lawyer who said, “The idea that [Ukraine] is a democracy is a farce... they’re lying to you and making you pay for it."

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

Whites Fight Back - Article

Those who pay the bills in the Big Apple are on the hook for millions of dollars after three European-descent educators sued over anti-white discrimination schemes. The lawsuit was a response to an obsession by far-left city leaders with “diversity” and ending what officials view as “toxic whiteness” in education.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

McCullough Destroys Fauxi - Video

Fun to watch. Lots of clips of Fauxi's being "arrogant and delusional" despite 17 million va((ine deaths worldwide.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

Is Your House Safe? - Video

Glenn Beck looks at the push to use second mortgages to pay bills and it's long term (or short term) ramifications.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

Israel Prepares For Lebanon War - Article

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited troops and firefighters in the northern border town of Kiryat Shmona on Wednesday in a display of solidarity as Israel prepares for a likely war with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

The Scientific Case For Eating Lots Of Meat - Article

Trying to get the world to eat little or no meat ranks right up there with worrying about cow farts causing climate change. Leo Hohmann dissects the claims to find its all nonsense! Check out just one pic that destroys "Climate Change."

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

Carbon Credit Scam - Article

An article exposing the carbon nonsense...in case there's someone who still believes it's real.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

Welcome To The 'New Morality' - Dramatic Worldview Shift In Americans - Article

According to new data, 2024 shows a dramatic shift in morals. Adults holding a biblical worldview has plummeted to an all time low of 4% and the shift is affecting our morality, and it's ultimately showing up in how we look at policy and politics.

Jun 6, 2024 • Email Subject: The Coming World Peace Treaty

WHO Pandemic Treaty on Hold, For Now... - Article

The New York Times reported that negotiators failed to submit final texts of the two documents before the May 24 deadline for consideration and a vote at this year’s World Health Assembly taking place this week in Geneva, Switzerland.

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

Connecting Our Brains To The Internet By 2030 - Article

We Are Being Warned That Nanobots Will Be Flowing Through Our Bodies “By 2030” And Will Be Used To Connect Our Brains To The Internet.

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

Va((ine Deaths - Video

10-minute video. This is a great unbiased video on the Covid vaccines, who took them and why, by an unbiased surveyor on the Covid va((ines.

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

Va((inated Blood Via Transfusion Can Kill You - Article

Be aware—the global blood supply is massively contaminated. If you get a blood transfusion from someone who has been va((inated, you lose!

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

How Digital Money Will Affect Your Credit Scores - Article

At the recent WEF forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, as Frontline News reported, Khalid Humaidan, Bahrain's chief central banker who spoke during the session, stated that people's acquiescence to “going cashless by necessity” during COVID showed trust and that people will not have a problem adopting a cashless system.

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

Punishing Pro-lifers - Article

The Globalists/Satanists loathe Christians and Jews. The Biden administration is suing seven taxpayers and two pro-life organizations in a continued crackdown on pro-life Americans. Last week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) brought a lawsuit against the seven taxpayers and their organizations, Red Rose Rescue and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society.

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

6 Potential Triggers for the Next Global Financial Crisis - Article

In the aftermath of the pandemic, governments and central banks around the world over-stimulated the economy with cash giveaways and ultra-low interest rates. In doing so, they created bubbles in multiple asset classes throughout the world.

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

Prophecy Is A Sure Sign Of The Bible’s Divine Origin - Article

Ray Comfort is a past Steeling speaker. Excellent short article. "No other religion has specific, repeated, and unfailing fulfillment of predictions many years in advance of events over which the predictor had no control. The writings of Buddhism, Islam, Confucius, etc., are all missing the element of proven prophecy. These kinds of predictions are unique to the Bible."

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

Hiding The Evidence - Article

A new trove of emails released by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic reveal that top researchers involved in manipulating bat coronaviruses to better-infect humans then conspired to delete email evidence of their communications surrounding the Covid-19 outbreak.

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

The Biggest Lie Ever Sold - Trailer

The 2-minute trailer is all you need to watch. The rest you should know. If the bad guys come out with another FEAR disease, never forget. Don't give up in the dark what you learned in the light!

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

CIA's Secret Effort To Control Social Media - Article

The CIA is strictly prohibited from spying on or running clandestine operations against American citizens on US soil, but guess what... they did anyway. To the surprise of no one.

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

What's Happening In America - Video

22-minute video. Well it's not a shocker anymore, but it's still an eye-opener to see it first-hand.

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

AI Will "Do Everything Better" - Article

This train will be hard to stop. Elon Musk warns that AI will do everything better and make employment obsolete.

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

The Growing Rich/Poor Gap - Article

“The entire system is designed to get you deep into debt and keep you paying on that debt until you die.“

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

The End Goal of Mass Migration - Video

31-minute video. The border crisis has reached unprecedented levels. Over 7.2 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States since President Joe Biden took office.

May 30, 2024 • Email Subject: Our Server Crashed!

Banking Collapse Coming Means Digit Dollars Are Coming - Video

21-minute video. These two seem to have a great grasp of what’s actually going on in the financial world, and they present their knowledge in a conversational manner that's easy to understand!

May 23, 2024 • Email Subject: Satan the Beast and the False Prophet

Financial Incentives to Kill Kids - Video

5-minute video. Unreal. Shocking. Makes me furious. No wonder God is so mad at the United States…between the tens of millions of baby in the womb murders and the maiming and killing of little kids, I’m surprised we still have a country. Again, only thanks to the patience of God.

May 23, 2024 • Email Subject: Satan the Beast and the False Prophet

Commencement Speech Causes Outrage For Challenging Progressive Norms - Article

This guy, a Catholic, has a great grasp of his God-outlined priorities in life. He honors his wife as a well-satisfied stay-at-home mom and it is driving the libs nuts. Few people, even Believers, understand his stance. I suspect he's a Believer and if so, God will greatly reward him on judgment day!

May 23, 2024 • Email Subject: Satan the Beast and the False Prophet

Europe Moving To Universal Income - Article

Universal basic income is a social welfare system in which the government provides every citizen with a standard minimum income. These payments are unconditional and transferred to citizens on a regular basis without any pre-qualification. The concept is in keeping with the Marxist ideal of wealth redistribution.

May 23, 2024 • Email Subject: Satan the Beast and the False Prophet

Fanning The Flames Of Bird Flu Hysteria - Video

25-minute video. Alex Newman dissects in a great 25-minute video full of info.

May 23, 2024 • Email Subject: Satan the Beast and the False Prophet

Drugstores Paid To Be Pushers - Article

A “cartel” led by the U.S. government allegedly bribed large pharmacy chains like Walgreens and CVS with billions of dollars in contracts to promote COVID-19 vaccines and not fill prescriptions for ivermectin. The depth of the Covid ruse runs deeper than most people can comprehend.

May 23, 2024 • Email Subject: Satan the Beast and the False Prophet

Deadly Drug Combo Used to Treat Elderly COVID Patients in Scotland - Article

"The elderly were administered an end-of-life protocol when they were still active and only mildly ill. They all subsequently died." There was also a Japanese study presented by Dr. Bridle that basically said the same thing, but it's been taken down off the web... wonder why?

May 23, 2024 • Email Subject: Satan the Beast and the False Prophet

A Digital ID Tracking System Is Being Set Up—To Fight "Climate Change" - Article

They must think we're all dumber than a box of rocks. The Globalists/Satanists behind the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), last week said they believe governments need to roll out digital identity programs to fight climate change.

May 23, 2024 • Email Subject: Satan the Beast and the False Prophet

This Is Their Plan! - Video

29-minute video. Topics they cover are all over the globe. And they hammer churches trying to just cruise along and not deal with prophetic Biblical reality. These guys have a great grasp of what't happening!

May 23, 2024 • Email Subject: Satan the Beast and the False Prophet

Go Sasha! - Video

1 hour, 45 minute video (Watch the first 10 minutes). Shasha is from Ukraine with a Big Pharma background and always has incredible insight into what the bad guys are doing via drugs.

May 23, 2024 • Email Subject: Satan the Beast and the False Prophet

Debunking Pre-Trib/Pre-Mill Lies - Article

Bottom line, when studying Bible prophecy, take a literal translation of the Bible when ever possible. All past prophecies have been fulfilled WORD FOR WORD. If God says that Jesus will reign as King of the Earth for 1000 years, especially if He says it 6 times in 6 straight verses (Rev. 20:2-7), you can rest assured that's what He means!

May 23, 2024 • Email Subject: Satan the Beast and the False Prophet

Banning Christian Symbols In Europe - Article

The mayor of Warsaw Rafa Trzaskowski has banned the display of religious symbols such as crosses in public buildings, making it the first city in Poland to do so.

May 23, 2024 • Email Subject: Satan the Beast and the False Prophet

It Takes 177K For A Family Of Four To Live - Article

"I never imagined that we would ever see a time when it takes $177,798 for a family of four to live comfortably in the United States. Unfortunately, that day has arrived. Sadly, this is just the beginning and we are in far more trouble than most people realize."

May 23, 2024 • Email Subject: Satan the Beast and the False Prophet

The Image Of The Beast - Video

25-minute video. Just watching the first few minutes will make your skin crawl.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

74,000 Excess Cancer Deaths Due To Va((ine—So Far - Article

Take a long hard look at that graphic above. Notice there is NOT a one-time spike in cancer deaths due to the va((ine. Rather, there is a continuous climbing death count due to cancer, with no slowing down in sight. And this is just cancer. Tissue clots, heart attacks, and literally scores of other problems are cropping up in va((inated peeps. Which means, if you got va((inated you need to immediately consider looking into ways you can boost your immune system. If it were me, I would be checking out Peter McCullough's how to detox in the article a few links down.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

The Test For Taking Any Future Drugs - Video

1-minute video. Dr. Pierre Kory: "At this point, having studied the pharmaceutical industry, seeing literally the crimes that they did in Covid and the crimes all over the place. I mean, the war on Ivermectin, the war on hydroxychloroquine, all of the early treatment suppressed drugs, the promotion of ineffective medicines.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

All Cause Mortality Up 40% - Video

2-minute video (Facebook link, sorry!). Joe Rogan acts like the coin dropped.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

How To Detox If Vaccinated - Video

1 hour, 35-minute video or read the written transcript. Well, if they are censoring this one, it must have something huge in it that the Globalists/Satanists really really hate. Probably what McCullough has to combat the vax works. We certainly can't have people getting well! Anyone who is Covid va((inated needs to see this.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

1600 Actual Scientists Say "NO CLIMATE CRISIS" - Article

To the surprise of no one, more proof the CLIMATE CRISIS is a HOAX being used to control people.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

Time Magazine Calls For World Peace - Article

The only reason I put this link in is because one day there WILL BE a world peace agreement between Israel and 10 nations for 7 years. So as we watch the "Calls For World Peace" grow, we know our thrilling exit grows closer. Cool!

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

Dr. Phil Interviews Benjamin Netanyahu - Video

49-minute video. After watching this interview you'll never again believe anything the news media says about Israel or Netanyahu.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

The Soft Landing Lie - Article

Central banks and their private international counterparts are in control; political leaders are simply pawns. A global economic slowdown has already begun.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

More On Dealing With The Debt - Article

Elon Musk: "If we do nothing, the dollar will be worth nothing."

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

Canada's Justin Trudeau Introduced Law To Imprison Anyone Who Ever Posted Hate Speech? - Article

The best summation of this is with, believe it or not, Snopes. It uses a lot of double-speak trying to explain why this is not true, but really confirms that it is

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

Dr. Robert Redfield spills the beans in interview with NewsNation - Video

2-minute video. Former CDC director warns scientists are likely creating the next pandemic right now and it's going to be a strain of bird flu designed to attack the human immune system.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

How Kids Get Hooked On Junk Food - Article

This article, believe it or not, was written by Ralph Nader. I thought he was long gone. But he says parents are protectors of their children. They have to be especially on guard to protect their children from pervasive direct mass marketing, using influencers, peer groups and abduction of their youngsters into the Internet Gulag.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

Demographic Winter Dead Ahead - Article

Back in the 1990s, Susie penned an article for Chuck Missler entitled "Where Have All The Children Gone?" I based Chapter 13 of Steel On Steel Book 5 on her article. In Chapter 4 of Steel On Steel Book 1 we have a chapter entitled "America's Birthrate Nightmare." Not to mention the numerous past articles in Compass eNews about couples struggling to have kids. So this info has been percolating for a long time and finally reaching the mainstream.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

Wearable AI To Track You And Everyone Around You - Article

Article by Leo Hohmann...'Smart Earphones' and other 'wearables' are designed to transition humans into the next stage of the surveillance state, which will be even more invasive and potentially linked to Mark of the Beast.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

Wearable AI To Track You And Everyone Around You - Video

1-minute video. That video by Yuval Harari is 2 years old, but ouch! He is still my best guess as to who the False Prophet might be. But it's a moot point. We won't know who he'll be because we won't be here when he is revealed!

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

Restaurant Apocalypse Sweeping Across America - Article

Who can afford to go out to eat these days?? We used to like to go to Red Lobster because it was good food reasonably priced. Now their prices are off the charts and they're closing stores.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

Biden's Betrayal of Israel Is Worse Than We Thought - Article

It looks like Joe Biden's betrayal of Israel is worse than we thought. According to a new report, Joe Biden has been withholding intelligence from Israel regarding the whereabouts of Hamas leaders and their underground command tunnels.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

Covid Made Me A Full-On Anti-Vaxer - Article

Great piece, I can relate!

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast

400 Critical Vaccine Studies - Article

Comparing vaccination rates in 34 developed nations revealed a significant correlation between infant mortality rates and the number of vaccine doses infants receive. The U.S. requires the most vaccines and has the highest infant mortality.

May 21, 2024 • Email Subject: What Did Jesus Eat For Breakfast
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