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Compass eNews Lite, 10/19/23

October 19, 2023

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Couple of trip pics...

Above, orange bus (1 of 4 buses) at the Colosseum and Trevi Fountain in Rome.

Above--Orange Bus 1 standing on the Bema Seat in ancient Corinth, Greece

Above, Library in Ephesus, Turkey

Above, Mars Hill in Athens, Greece. Acropolis in the background.

Above-- I took this pic myself, from a pod they hoist up from the ship on an arm. Amazing views!

Dear Compass Supporters:

We're finishing the final leg of our journey today and the last group of Compass Biblelands passengers are suppose to return home on Friday....but we're experiencing a wave of flight cancellations due to airline strikes in Europe... so not sure when we'll actually get home. Patience is the key to overseas travel these days.

This trip has been surreal in many ways. Obviously Israel going to war as we were about to arrive in Galilee tops the list. But we've also had amazing success in our missionary outreach. We are using our new tract that includes:

  1. The link to "The Bible's Big Picture"  (This is the entire Bible in 30 minutes)
  2. The link to the digital version of our "Millions Missing?" Rapture pamphlet.
  3. A just-big-enough-to-read picture of the "Before and After" Rapture scenarios. (See Below)

It seems hardly anyone in Europe or the Middle East has heard of the Rapture, much less knows that an amazing number of latter-day Bible prophecies are falling into place. So witnessing when God opened a door in Europe was quite fun. Most people were dumbfounded all this was in the Bible.


As people begin to ask more hard questions, the smoke is beginning to clear regarding the Hamas invasion of Israel from Gaza.

I listened to an unnerving podcast of JB Hixon interviewing Leo Hohmann. They were calling the Hamas attack "Israel's 9-11." Using this comparison they were arguing that they thought it would be impossible for Israel, who has the world's top intelligence network, not to know that Hamas was about to strike. Hmmmm......

If you believe it's possible that people knew 9-11 was about to happen, you have to also think it's also possible for the same thing to happen to Israel.

(You can listen to the 45-minute Hixson/Hohmann podcast HERE. I offer it as steel-on-steel ... who knows how much Satan is actually controlling.)

This is how silly the official explanation sounds: CLICK HERE

"...ever since covid, media’s constant lying has become especially obvious and irritating. Remember all the Italian covid hospital pictures with the hallways clogged by bloody gurneys that turned out to be from a 2006 soap opera or something? Corporate Media is so unreliable it’s truly a miracle — mirabilia dei — that anyone still believes anything corporate media says." - Jeff Childers

But whether it was true or not that the Globalists/Satanists set up 9-11 airline attacks and/or Israel's Hamas attack, it's not as important as the fact that the question was even being asked.

This is the state of the world in which we live. You can't believe anything any more. The bad guys are trying their best to censor out alternative views.

Yet many Americans are finally coming to grips with the fact that we live on Satan's highjacked planet.

the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 2Cor 4:4

Believers are finally beginning to see from what and why we'll be rescued when the Rapture does happen.

Until that fateful moment, the devil is limited as to what God will let him do. But all death since Adam is attributable to Satan and his lies. Also all disease, all pain and grief. Everything not of God IS of Satan.

The ONLY thing you can trust today is the Word of  God. And in the Word of God Believers have this off-the-charts promise:

You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He (Jesus) who is in you than he (Satan) who is in the world. 1John 4:4

God is in control... and where we will end up for eternity will be beyond imagination!

“Things which the eye has not seen and the the ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1Cor. 2:9

This is a fantastic time to be alive... if you keep your eyes up, not down.

And don't miss a couple of interesting links below in Additional Resources.



For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Rom. 1:16

Turbo Cancer — Scary and Case Count Growing

Article and 34-minute video


Story at a glance:

  • Oncologists are reporting an alarming rise in post-jab “turbo cancers,” a term coined to describe incredibly rapid-growing cancers in people who have received one or more COVID-19 jabs.
  • Turbo cancers are showing up in young people, many under the age of 30, with no family history of cancer. They’re also showing up in pregnant women and young children.
  • Most turbo cancers are Stage 3 or 4 by the time they’re diagnosed, yet symptoms only arose days or weeks before. They grow and spread so rapidly, that many patients die before treatment can even begin. Most turbo cancers are also resistant to conventional treatment.
  • There are several possible mechanisms of the COVID-19 shots that can lead to cancer in susceptible individuals. The primary one is the modification of the mRNA used. Pseudouridine was inserted to stabilize the RNA. The resulting protein can easily get misfolded, and protein misfolding is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and heart failure.
  • The pseudouridine insertion can also suppress your innate immune surveillance by dampening the activity of toll-like receptors, and reduced cancer surveillance is a downstream effect of that.

In a Sept. 22, Del Bigtree on Highwire interviews (video link above), Canadian oncologist and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis discussed the alarming rise in post-jab “turbo cancers,” a term coined to describe incredibly rapid-growing cancers in people who have received one or more COVID-19 jabs. It's bad! The Globalists/Satanists continue to cover up all the rising post-jab deaths.

4 Prophecies Christians Should Know About Israel



This is a good read regardless of how deep you're into Biblical prophecy.

(FYI - I took the "Rainbow over the Temple Mount" pic roughly 15 years ago.)



At the beginning of the Covid va((ine rollout, Fauxi and Company trotted out a Lancet study (formerly a reliable health publication) claiming the va((ines were saving millions of lives.

Turns out Big Pharma paid for the study and now a new study exposes the lies propagated.

Not one single person reading this should be shocked!

The Rise Of Global Police



The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals claim to advance “peaceful and inclusive societies” and “justice for all,” but a closer look reveals the goals are really about consolidating authority and implementing a centrally controlled global system of digital identity system. Let's just hope they don't reach their goals 'til after our exhilarating exit!

This article has a LOT of worthwhile info!

8 Spooky Predictions For 2030--By The World Economic Forum

2-minute video


In January 2021, the Globalist/Satanist World Economic Forum — hosted by Prince Charles and sponsored by Blackrock and JPMorgan — held its 50th annual meeting from the Alpine slopes of Davos, Switzerland.

The theme was The Great Reset, a proposal to rebuild the economy “sustainably” in the wake of COVID-19.

Even Forbes Magazine admitted their agenda was “another example of wealthy, powerful elites salving their consciences with faux efforts to help the masses, and in the process make themselves even wealthier and more powerful.”

The above link is their predictive video.

To me, what's interesting is that these Globalists don't know they're being used by Satan. Post-Rapture they'll find themselves in the "useless eaters" category...and dying from war, starvation, drugs and wild animals. Touche'!

I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth. Rev. 6:8 

France's recent ban on sales of the iPhone 12 due to radiation concerns has sparked apprehension throughout Europe about the health risks of cellphone radiation exposure. American regulators focus narrowly on whether phones heat tissue, but some experts argue that such tests fail to show the whole picture.

“The way they're tested is to see whether or not they heat you up, and not for the chronic long-term effects that have been demonstrated,” Devra Davis, a cancer epidemiologist who holds a doctorate in science studies and a master's in public health in epidemiology, told The Epoch Times. “Particularly the effects on sperm and lower testosterone, among others.”Cellphone Radiation Tests Are ‘Rigged’: Expert

According to Ms. Davis, the biggest problem with U.S. testing is that it’s not conducted with the phone against the body—the tests are set up with spacers, as if phones were in holsters or other holders. She compared it to the "Dieselgate” scandal involving Volkswagen, when the company rigged its tests to show lower exhaust emissions than the vehicle actually produced.

When the French government tests cellphones as they are actually used, “like in your hand [or] next to your body,” Ms. Davis said, the phones exceed European Union (EU) radiation limits. France has pulled or required software updates for 42 other cellphone models that emit excessive radiation since 2017.

The telecommunications industry has almost complete control of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), according to a report published by Harvard University's Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics. A telecom lobbying group executive boasted that its lobbyists meet FCC officials 500 times annually. It's the fox guarding the hen house.

Protect Your Child From Transgender Lies

  • While it seems the transgender ideology came out of nowhere, schools have been teaching children that their identity is separate from their biology, and that gender is a choice, for a long time. Today, transgender ideology is being taught to children as early as preschool
  • Transgenderism is primarily a social contagion, although exposure to synthetic chemicals, in utero and in early life, may play a role in some cases, especially in boys identifying as girls
  • Classic gender dysphoria primarily affected boys, and always presented at a very early age. Now, teens and young adults claim they’re transgender, which was never the case before. Girls identifying as boys now make up about 60% of cases
  • Many in the affirmative care field insist that you can block puberty without negative effects and that hormone therapy effects are reversible, neither of which is true. Proponents of transgender ideology also claim that unless trans kids are armed in their new identities and provided medical and surgical treatment to transition, they’re at high risk of suicide, and that’s not true either
  • “Lost in Trans Nation,” written by Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and board-certified medical doctor, provides parents with the required knowledge and tools to protect their children from the transgender ideology contagion
  • Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and board-certified medical doctor, has a new book dealing with the dangers of transgender ideology, which is her specialty, and more importantly, how to protect your children from it.

"Lost in Trans Nation, A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness."

For the casual observer, it may seem that transgender ideology sprang up from nowhere, overnight, but that's not the case. Book excerpt:

"The explosion in cases did actually happen quite rapidly, but the teachings, the ideology that says our identities can be separate from our biology — which is not based in science — and the belief that we can be someone different than what our body says we are, that's been taught to kids in sex education for a long time," Grossman says.

"I became aware of it in the mid 2000s when I was writing my book, 'You're Teaching My Child What?' I was a psychiatrist for students at UCLA, and a lot of the kids coming to see me with anxiety and depression, especially the young women, were there as a result of unhealthy sexual behaviors.

"A lot of them, an alarming number, had a sexual transmitted disease, an STD. They had herpes or genital warts, and these diseases are caused by viruses that are incurable essentially. Once you have a diagnosis of genital warts, the human papillomavirus or the herpes virus, you've got that for life.

"It can be controlled, but not eliminated. So these are serious diseases ... These were smart kids, and these were kids who were ambitious, yet they had made these foolish sexual decisions of hooking up with random strangers ...

"So I started looking into what kids are being taught in sex education, and I discovered that sex education ... is not about health. It's not about staying healthy. It's about ... promoting sexual freedom — all sorts of risky behaviors — and it's about changing society."

Prego Women Saying "No Thanks!" To More Shots


Can you spot the trend?

Is A New World War About To Begin?


This link will disappear in a couple of days. If you miss out, here is the recap.

Story at-a-glance

  • The globalist cabal behind The Great Reset plan desperately wants war — the bigger the better — as this will facilitate the transition into their “new world order”
  • War destroys supply chains, the energy sector, food supply and the workforce, which creates dependency on government, which in turn will be taken over by private interests and central banks through the collapse of the global economy
  • Putting an end to the Ukraine war could go a long way toward thwarting that plan, but instead, American leaders are adding fuel to yet another war
  • October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israeli civilians. American war hawks are calling for retaliatory strikes not only against Palestinian civilians in Gaza but also Iran, suspected of funding Hamas forces
  • October 8, 2023, a top Hezbollah official, Hashem Safi al-Din, warned that Lebanon will join the Palestinian resistance unless the U.S. and Israel cease to “violate” Muslim holy sites. Evidence suggests Hezbollah has been using Mexican cartels to smuggle terrorists into the U.S. for well over a decade, raising the possibility of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, should we enter the war in the Middle East

END, Compass eNews Lite, Oct. 19, 2023


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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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