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China in the Tribulation

October 7, 2021

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A little-discussed part of the Tribulation is the massive invasion into the Middle East by the “Kings of the East.”

“But rumors from the East and from the North will disturb him, and he will go forth with great wrath to destroy and annihilate many." Dan. 11:44

What’s that all about? How does all this fit into the end-time prophecy scenario?

...Kings from the east...Rev. 16:12b

First notice that the word used, “Kings,” is plural, meaning more than one. So it’s not only China but also would include at least one other Far East nation, and probably multiple.

We also know from Revelation 16 that the invasion happens during God’s Bowls of Wrath judgments in Revelation 16.

These horrible judgments come after the Mark of the Beast (Rev. 13:16-17) has been instituted and before the monstrous earthquake flattens the entire world. (Rev. 16:20)

These eastern nations will have endured the same wrathful judgments from God for close to seven years—so they’ll apparently figure enough is enough and it’s time to take matters into their own hands.

Also, as an additional incentive, the Anti-Christ will finally have gained control of all Israel's newly found gold and silver riches that caused the Russian/Persian invasion coalition doom. (Dan.11:43)

But he [the Antichrist] will gain control over the hidden treasures of gold and silver... Dan. 11:43

So it's possible that the Kings of the East could also be motivated to invade to capture these riches.

With limited time because the whole earth is starving, China will rally other eastern nations' armies to join her to march on the Middle East to wipe out the Jews and the Antichrist’s armies— thinking that will put an end to all of their problems.

The number of the armies of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. Rev. 9:16

That’s one massive invasion force! That amazing number has been debated for 2000 years. But certainly possible as the population of China, Pakistan, Indonesia, India, Japan and Mongolia is currently about 3 1/2 billion.

Since the invasion is prior to the mother of all earthquakes, the huge number of troops is certainly within range.

So the Kings of the East will jointly bring the massive army east toward Jerusalem. When they reach the Euphrates River, God’s angel dries up the river to make it easy to cross.

The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river, the Euphrates; and its water was dried up, so that the way would be prepared for the kings from the east. Rev. 16:12b

All this makes it awfully interesting that today China is currently building a massively long road from Xiam, located in the middle of China’s productivity sectors, to Europe.

And most interesting that it actually goes through the Middle East and Israel.

Referred to as the "Belt and Road Initiative" (BRI) it’s a multitrillion-dollar infrastructure program that will link China with more than 100 countries through the road and shipping routes.

BRI will follow the old trading routes between east and west (The “Belt”), and ocean routes (The “Road”—yes a bit of a translation problem as it’s not a road but an ocean route!).

And wouldn’t you know it, the road just happens to go straight through Afghanistan. What a coincidence!

So when we pulled out of Afghanistan, we not only heavily armored the Muslims to fight against Israel, we also helped Hunter Biden keep his promise to President Xi Jinping by giving China access to build their "Belt."

I wonder how much that was worth? Probably a lot.





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As we've often stated, what's going on in the world makes zero sense unless you look at it from a Biblical perspective—which in this case is from Satan's side. He seems to believe his time has arrived to get ready to rule and destroy the earth.

You [Satan] who have weakened the nations! Is. 14:12b

‘Is this the man [Satan] who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, who made the world like a wilderness and overthrew its cities..." Is. 14:16b-17a

It sure seems like he's got his cult-followers pulling out all the stops. After all, he's got a killer va((ine that has the whole world clamoring to take it to their own doom.

These Globalists/Satanists have to keep people's eyes off the fact it's killing people so they fill their controlled news releases with other distraction issues like Afghanistan, border crises, parents as domestic terrorists, hiring new IRS agents to come after Republicans, debate over how many sexes there are, va((inate or lose your job, can't work or travel without the va((ine, etc. Whatever it takes.

A good friend of Compass, who was well-connected with the inside workings of the U.S. Government, once told me, "It's not what they're putting out in the news that's important...rather...it's what they're not saying that you should be wary of."

So don't fall for the fake news and keep your eyes up not down!

Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Col. 3:2


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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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