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Bible Prophecy And Trump's Expanding Worldwide Influence

February 26, 2025

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 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Pro. 27:17

Saturday, March 15, 2025, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Invest a day, reap rewards for a lifetime... or until our memorable exit!

CLICK HERE for speakers, topics, times and registration

Dear Compass Supporters:

We have just a couple of slots left in our small group, one bus, Israel/Petra tour departing March 30. It's really two trips for the price of one, Israel PLUS Petra, Jordan. Join us if you have the time and the shekels. INFO HERE

And we just opened up registration for our Biblelands Cruise 2025, departing Oct. 15th. Oh boy, it's a good one! A fantastic New Testament cruise to six Pauline sites PLUS five days in Israel from the Valley of Armageddon in Galilee to Jerusalem/Bethlehem.

Never before have we been able to combine 5 days in Israel with a 12-day Mediterranean Cruise...on a 5-Star Celebrity ship, Infinity. Awesome!!

Hey, if we're not Raptured on Rosh Hashanah on September 23, this will be a great second place! 32 have registered so far, only 12 are still available. Get the INFO HERE.

The article this week is about how so much of what President Trump is doing is tied to ancient Bible prophecies. Enjoy!



For behold, the LORD is about to come out from His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; And the earth will reveal her bloodshed and will no longer cover her slain. Is. 26:21

The acquisition of treasures by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and the pursuit of death. Prov. 21:6 

Upcoming Events:

March 15 — Coeur d'Alene Idaho Click Here

Invest a day, reap rewards for a lifetime! Great speakers/tough topics!! Armor up to be used by Him in these last days! (FYI, lunches are sold out.)

March 30-April 10Israel/Petra Bible Study Mission Trip

Your Bible will come alive like never before! FYI: There are over 100 groups touring Israel THIS WEEK without problems! We have a window—go while you can go! (2 seats left) Join us!

May 29-June 1Grand Canyon South Rim and Raft

From Phoenix, AZ, learn scientific proofs of a global flood 4500 years ago! 8 seats left.


June 4-8 —  Grand Canyon North Grand Staircase

From Las Vegas, learn scientific proofs of a global flood 4500 years ago! (This date is sold out)


October 14-30, 2025 Compass Biblelands Cruise 2025

Join us for the cruise of a lifetime to Athens, Corinth, Thessalonica, Philippi, Santorini, Ephesus, Crete, Galilee and Jerusalem on the 5-Star Celebrity Cruise ship Infinity! This may be our best itinerary ever! And only one bus! Go while you can go!! ONLY 12 SPOTS LEFT!!!

Scroll down for our article and always informative Additional Resources!

Bible Prophecy And Trump’s Expanding Worldwide Influence

Last summer I, like most people, thought the USA was dying a slow death. Every facet of our government was in an unbiblical and unapologetic state of decline. 

I was hopeful Trump could get elected to slow down some of the Satanic influence and ungodly principles being shoved down our throats. I have to admit I prayed prayers that the Lord would give us a reprieve. 

In my wildest imagination I never dreamed the Lord would answer our prayers with this much happening so fast! We can only marvel at all the decisions President Trump is making. 

It’s almost surreal as it seems every day comes another pinch-me zinger. And much of what he’s accomplishing directly lines up with Biblical prophecy.

This is especially interesting as now President Trump is expanding the USA’s conservative turn, a rejection of Globalists/Satanists influence around the world. 

Germany just voted in a conservative government (4). Argentina is following the USA’s conservative path. Egypt wants to rebuild Gaza. Amazing.

Trump almost single-handedly stopped all the DEI and Transgender nonsense in its tracks. And countries around the world are following his lead. He’s basically saying, “Wake up, the [woke] king has no clothes.”

The Lord apparently felt the world was moving too fast toward world government, or at least toward Klaus Schwab’s New World Order. 

(To read more on Trump's Economic Revolution, more info is posted below in the "Additional Resources.")

Of course we don't know what's ahead economically for the USA. Trump has huge monetary obstacles to overcome (3). But based on his first few weeks...you have to say we have nothing to lose, if we don't do something, it WILL eventually collapse. So let him run with his plan.

Just to be clear, I am in no way implying President Trump could be the Antichrist. There’s zero chance of that because he doesn’t fit the description of being homosexual and from the Middle East.(2)

However, the New World Leader will probably have Trump-like appeal. Obama, of course, may still be in the running. 🤔

One of our most watched Steeling the Mind Bible Conference presentations of all time is by Andy Woods, entitled “Is 2 Thes. 2 Apostasy or Rapture?” 

Let no one in any way deceive you, for it [The Day of the Lord] will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, 2Th. 2:3b

Andy shows that the word “apostasy” means the “Rapture,” and that it must happen before the New World Leader/Antichrist will be revealed.(1)

Therefore, no one will know the identity of the NWL until after the Rapture. If you do figure it out, you’ve got bigger problems because you've missed the Rapture! 🙂

As I have often stated, there is no other nation on the earth that fits “latter-day Babylon” better than the USA. If you are new to Compass and have not heard this explained, CLICK HERE to see the verses that make the case. 

The most important thing to gain from the above article link is understanding “double reference” or “duel prophecy fulfillment.” One scripture may have two fulfillments. Sometimes you have to dig a little to figure out what a verse is saying. 

"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter..."   Prov. 25:2

So applying latter-day Babylon verses to the USA we see a rich and powerful nation that affects the entire globe…right up until the Rapture. 

If our hypothesis is correct, the USA will be successful with its worldwide influence, right up until we split the clouds. Then America dies a quick and horrible death.

in one day her plagues will come, pestilence and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; Rev. 18:8

Here are six verses that describe the USA’s world influence in the last days before our exciting skyward disappearing act. 

“…the [military] hammer of the whole earth Jer. 50:23   

The USA has some 750 foreign military bases worldwide spread across 80 nations. 

He says, “You are My war-club, My weapon of war; And with you I shatter nations, and with you I destroy kingdoms.” Jer. 51:20

The Hebrew definition of “war-club” is “shatterer.” The U.S. has shattered several nations through the years … Germany, Japan, Iraq, etc. 

Babylon has been a golden cup in the hand of the LORD, intoxicating all the earth. The nations have drunk of her wine; Jer. 51:7a

The meaning of this verse, applied to the USA, is that God has used America’s wealth and power as a cup of wrath, intoxicating nations worldwide. 

God is always in control and has allowed the USA much material success, as well as being an influential Christian base for worldwide missions. 

Scripture also describes the USA being a large trader of luxurious goods worldwide. We know that because this verse describes what was being traded just before the Rapture.

“And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargoes any more —cargoes of gold and silver and precious stones and pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet, and every kind of citron wood and every article of ivory and every article made from very costly wood and bronze and iron and marble, and cinnamon and spice and incense and perfume and frankincense and wine and olive oil and fine flour and wheat and cattle and sheep, and cargoes of horses and chariots and slaves and human lives." Rev. 18:11-13

But, unfortunately, a lot of the USA’s material success has grown dark through the years. That description above includes human lives being trafficked (Rev. 18:13). We’re also known worldwide for exporting massive amounts of pornographic material. And it’s all this darkness that intoxicates the whole earth.

all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality.” Rev. 18:3

But the biggest sin by the USA is her distributing “sorcery/drugs” worldwide—to all the nations.”

your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery [Greek=“drugs”]. Rev. 18:23b

The USA is destroyed post-Rapture in one hour. 

for in one hour such great wealth has been laid waste!’ Rev 18:17

The whole earth will mourn as her destruction reverberates over the whole earth. 

the kings of the earth, who committed acts of immorality and lived sensuously with her, will weep and lament over her Rev. 18:9a

all things that were luxurious and splendid have passed away from you and men will no longer find them. Rev 18:14b

the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargoes any more. Rev.18:11

So if we’re correct in our Babylon/USA hypothesis, the USA will be fully operational right up to the Rapture. Trump could very well set us on an amazing economic path until our dumbfounding exit.

Matt. 24 and Luke 17 promise the world will have a working economy, lights, food, drink, weddings and construction right up until the Rapture.

Then Revelation 18 explains after the Rapture the economy stops, the lights go out, food becomes scarce, construction and weddings cease. 

Here’s a chart that we’ve often used in the past: 

The point is—Trump and Vance taking their agenda to Europe and the Middle East is consistent with what the Bible says the USA will be doing at the time of the Rapture. So Trump's being used by God to slow down the latest attempt at global government, until His pre-determined perfect timing has arrived.

To me latter day Bible prophecy about events surrounding the days before and after the Rapture seems clear as a bell. But not everyone sees it. Jesus will come as a “thief in the night” to non-Believers.  

For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. 1Th. 5:2

Most people on the earth have no clue what’s dead ahead.  Or that what President Trump is doing here, in Europe and the Middle East was prophesied 2000 to 2600 years ago. 

In a split-second people’s lives who are not born again will be changed forever. Nothing will ever be the same again. 

But scripture tells us many Born-again Believers will see all the latter day Bible prophecies coming together.

But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; 1Th. 5:4-5

God has revealed last days’ truth in His Word. Believers have Holy Spirit illumination of scripture! PTL! 

For God has not destined us for wrath, 1Th. 5:9

Rather, He will rescue us prior to the horrible judgment coming on the world. 

Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come. 1Thes. 1:10

Therefore comfort one another with these words. 1Th. 4:18

God’s Word is comforting!!!!




  1. https://compass.org/tv/2-thessalonians-2-apostasy-or-rapture-andy-woods/

2)  https://compass.org/product/the-coming-anti-christ-who-what-where-and-how-thomas-ice/

3) See "The Cost of Living is Absolutely Crushing Most Americans." in Additional Resources below.

4) https://www.zerohedge.com/political/previewing-critical-german-election-all-you-need-know

5) Apple to invest $500 billion in USA factories CLICK HERE

Here's another Before and After the Rapture chart we've used in the past:

The links in the Additional Resources below are meant to help us be wise and aware as we live and make decisions living in the concluding moments of the Church Age.

So this section is to offer more insight into our adversary's worldwide actions to help us make good decisions between now and our exciting exit. Hey, a lot of nut-cases are still pushing the va((ines! And some deluded people are still taking them!


---Clicking on any fuzzy picture below usually clears it up---

Recent Interesting Vx Related Headlines:

    “Some people with this syndrome,” the Times reports, “appear to show distinct biological changes—among them differences in immune cells, reawakening of a dormant virus called Epstein-Barr, and the persistence of a coronavirus protein in their blood.”

In summary, the Yale study showed that the vaccines create immune-compromised people.
Notice this was in the New York Times... are we close to the cat being out of the bag?

Can you spot the trend?

This graphic illustrates how long $1 million along with Social Security benefits lasts in every state, according to data from GOBankingRates. It includes groceries, healthcare, housing, utilities, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses.

In three states—Massachusetts (19 years), California (16 years), and Hawaii (12 years)—$1 million would be completely spent in less than 20 years.

By contrast, the same amount could last over 70 years in five states: Oklahoma (71 years), Louisiana (76 years), Arkansas (76 years), Mississippi (87 years), and West Virginia (88 years).

In these states, a person would need less than $1,200 per month (after Social Security) to cover expenses.

In 36 states, $1 million, combined with Social Security, would be enough to fund at least 30 years of retirement.

Of course, often people retire and then die. Maybe it's because scripture says there is no such thing as retirement. Just the opposite...

Then to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it’; Cursed is the ground because of you; In toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; And you will eat the plants of the field; By the sweat of your face you will eat bread, till you return to the ground, because from it you were taken; For you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Gen. 3:17


We wrote an article about retirement a few years back:


While the mainstream media obsesses over doom and gloom, they’re missing the real story: President Trump’s bold economic vision could unleash the greatest wave of prosperity in American history.

“We’re going to bring back the American dream…. And we’re going to have an America that’s bigger, better, bolder, richer, safer, and stronger than ever before,” declared President Trump.

This isn’t just campaign rhetoric. After a recent meeting at Mar-a-Lago, even Bill O’Reilly came away convinced that Trump is “perhaps the best prepared new president in history” with a clear blueprint for unleashing American innovation.

According to Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist at The Oxford Club, this economic transformation could create up to 20 million new millionaires over the next four years. During Trump’s first term, the small-cap stocks saw come incredible top gains including:

  • TradeDesk, which soared over 2,500%
  • Digital Turbine, delivering gains of more than 8,000%
  • Enphase Energy, which rocketed up 9,700%

According to Green, Trump is following a proven historical blueprint that created the greatest period of prosperity in American history – the Roaring Twenties under President Calvin Coolidge.

Like Trump, Coolidge cut taxes, kept tariffs high, and drained the swamp. During his presidency, the U.S. saw:

  • Unemployment fell to 1.8%
  • The number of millionaires grew by over 2,000%
  • Manufacturing jumped 40%
  • Corporate profits soared by 62%
  • The stock market returned 265%


If this is where we're headed, we certainly don't deserve it. But none of us deserve to have our sins forgiven either. So don't stop praising the Lord for what He's doing and keep praying for President Trump—DAILY!

Courageous Discourse is reporting: 

Insurance Data Reveals U.S. Mortality Crisis Persists—Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Likely to Blame

The largest COVID-19 'vaccine' safety study ever conducted, involving 99 million 'vaccinated' individuals, found up to a 610% increased risk of myocarditis following mRNA va((ine injection.

As shown in our study, Risk Stratification for Future Cardiac Arrest after COVID-19 Vaccination, vaccine-induced myopericarditis may trigger reentrant ventricular tachycardia or spontaneous ventricular fibrillation, often precipitated by a surge in catecholamines during intense exercise or shortly after waking, leading to sudden cardiac death.

This explains the findings of our other study, Excess Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Mortality after COVID-19 Vaccination in King County, Washington, which found a 1,236% surge in excess cardiac arrest deaths following the COVID-19 vaccination campaign among a sample size of over 2 million.

Furthermore, Ethical Skeptic’s analysis of CDC data reveals that excess sudden cardiac deaths skyrocketed after the COVID-19 mRNA injection rollout.

C&C reported it this way:
In 2022, Dr. Iwasaki’s Yale study group formed a “long covid” research team, which followed 3,000 long-haul sufferers over the long-term. The project was acronymized ‘LISTEN.’ But fairly quickly, the team found that some of the syndrome’s victims had never gotten covid.
But they did get the shots.

So LISTEN created a separate category called PVS —post-vaccine syndrome— and started studying that group as well.

Iwasaki’s team compared PVS patients to healthy controls. What they found was concerning. In dry academic language, the team reported that PVS people “exhibited differences in immune profiles.”

Not good differences, either. Bad ones.

It’s another covid mystery. “The molecular mechanisms of PVS,” the researchers wrote, “remain largely unknown.” But “there is considerable overlap in self-reported symptoms between long COVID and PVS.” Their symptoms are nearly identical.

The most commonly reported symptoms were: “excessive fatigue (85%), tingling and numbness (80%), exercise intolerance (80%), brain fog (77.5%), difficulty concentrating or focusing (72.5%), trouble falling or staying asleep (70%), neuropathy (70%), muscle aches (70%), anxiety (65%), tinnitus (60%) and burning sensations (57.5%).”

“The general health status of the PVS participants,” the researchers said, “was far below the general US population average, indicative of lower quality of life.” Thanks again, experts.

Clinically, so far as I can tell, the only difference between LCS and PVS is that PVS patients never got covid. They can tell for sure, because of the absence of a certain type of blood antibody present after natural covid but not after the vaccines.

Read the Zerohedge article HERE

Another can you spot the trend?

It's almost as if Autism has increased right along side the increase in va((ines for kids... WAIT... IT DID!!!!  Article/info HERE

The Cost of Living is Absolutely Crushing Most Americans

PNW Reports:
At this stage, almost 70 percent of all single adults "struggle to afford their regular rent or mortgage payments"...
Nearly 70% of single, divorced or separated people struggle to afford their regular rent or mortgage payments, compared to just over half (52%) of married people, according to a recent Redfin-commissioned survey. 
More than three-quarters (76%) of respondents who live with their partner but aren't married struggle with housing payments, making them the group most likely to struggle.
Household debt in the United States has now crossed the 18 trillion dollar mark...
Americans' household debt -- including credit cards, mortgages, auto loans and student loans -- is at a new all-time high of $18.04 trillion, according to a report released Thursday by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
More than 26 trillion dollars has been added to the U.S. national debt since the start of 2009, and now we are spending more than a trillion dollars a year just in interest payments.
Therefore, no matter what Musk does, the USS Titanic is now more or less on autopilot because while a few billions in discretionary spending can be cut, interest on the debt can not be - without a default (it can however be inflated away... and it will be). 
In January, gross interest on the Federal debt hit a record $1.167 trillion in the past twelve months thanks to another $83.6 billion in interest spending.
The meltdown that so many of us warned about is happening right in front of our eyes.
I'm guessing Trump has something to stabilize our financial mess that he has yet to reveal. Hope so!!

NEW FBI To Investigate Comey's Infiltrating Trump's Staff 2016 With Sex-Pots



The FBI’s new leadership has initiated an investigation into the origins of an operation carried out nearly a decade ago, in which the agency deployed two female undercover agents to infiltrate Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
According to the whistleblower, two female FBI undercover agents were embedded within Trump’s 2016 campaign and were specifically instructed to operate as “honeypots” while traveling with the candidate and his team. According to the whistleblower, this operation was overseen by James Comey.
The FBI, now under the leadership of Director Kash Patel and Deputy Director Dan Bongino, is actively working to identify those operatives who were involved in the operation during Comey’s tenure.
I can't find a good definition of a female used as a "Honey-Pot" but... I can guess those two ladies were easy on the eyes.
BTW--Comey didn't get a pardon from Biden.

Global War Against God's Chosen

26-minute video
This is a frank discussion of what’s going on worldwide regarding the world’s hate of the Jews. Sadly, Israel was prophesied to be a heavy/burdensome stone in the last days. And don't forget, Believers are grafted into the Olive Tree.

“It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it." Zech. 12:3

you [non-Jewish Believer], being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree, ... Rom. 11:17b

Nut-Case Pastor Says The Word "Savior" Is A Stumbling Block



I guess if you're trying to talk someone into heaven, he may have a point, but that's not how it works!! I might run over people trying to get out of that church!

“For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;" Is. 43:3

...looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, Titus 2:13 

The Flyover Reports:

Article Icon 1Bezos Overhauls Washington Post Op-Ed Section To Be More Conservative 

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, owner of the liberal Washington Post, announced a major overhaul of The Post's opinion section Wednesday, stating it will now focus only on personal liberty and the free market. (No doubt due to the Trump effect-BP)

Post Opinion Editor David Shipley chose to resign after the announcement rather than continue under the new directive.

Bezos argued that the internet already provides a platform for diverse viewpoints on general political issues and that The Post should focus only on the "defense of two pillars: personal liberties and free markets." Here's his post on X.

Wireless AirPods Alert

1-minute video


This is a really really important warning. I see people daily with those AirPods hanging from their ears. But... "It's like having a small microwave strapped to your head." Watch the short video...

Volcanic Activity Rising Worldwide



38 volcanoes around the globe have recently erupted, and dozens more are showing signs of either unrest or minor activity.  
Scientists have warned that a massive volcano in Alaska has a 50-50 chance of erupting in the near future.
Experts say it is only a matter of time until Mount Rainier, one of the most dangerous volcanos in the US, unleashes itself upon the Pacific Northwest.
This huge, active stratovolcano looms over nearly 90,000 people living in cities such as Seattle, Tacoma, and Yakima in Washington as well as Portland, Oregon.
Most people living in Seattle and Tacoma have no idea how much danger they are in.

30 Million Ounces of Gold From Great Britain?

Someone in the US recently took possession of approximately 30 million ounces of physical gold—equal to over 11% of the US government’s reported gold reserves.

The gold market is typically dominated by paper trading, making large physical deliveries exceptionally rare. When they do occur, they often signal major shifts in the monetary system.

- Doug Casey Newsletter
(This may have something to do with Trump's threat of tariffs or maybe switching to a new gold-backed currency in the future. BP)

The Fort Knox Gold Audit

Observations by ZeroHedge:

Elon Musk and the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) have fired a shot across the bow: "Audit Fort Knox."

The U.S. claims to have 147.3 million troy ounces of gold locked inside, worth over $430 billion—but no one has done a full bar-by-bar verification in over 70 years. The most recent comprehensive audit of the U.S. gold reserves at Fort Knox occurred in 1953, shortly after President Dwight D. Eisenhower took office.

Could this be a quick spot check to calm the skeptics? Or are we talking about a full-scale audit that could take years? Let’s break it down.

How Much Gold Are We Talking About?

  • Total Number: 368,000 gold bars, each weighing 400 troy ounces (27.5 pounds). If you laid them flat, they would cover an entire football field in a single layer
  • Total weight: Over 4,500 metric tons—the equivalent of 113 fully loaded semi-trucks
  • Total value: Approximately $430 billion based on recent spot prices—more than the combined market cap of Boeing, General Motors, and Lockheed Martin – and the net worth of Elon Musk

This isn’t just a pile of gold—it’s an economic superpower locked behind steel and secrecy.

How Long Would an Audit Take?

A full audit would require every single bar to be:
✔️ Physically removed
✔️ Weighed
✔️ Checked for purity
✔️ Verified against outdated government records

But here’s the problem: Fort Knox isn’t one giant open space—it’s actually divided into 13 separate vault rooms. The bars aren’t neatly laid out for easy access either. They’re stacked six feet high and 4–5 bars deep, making it even harder to remove and verify each one.

The vault itself is about the size of two basketball courts, meaning only 25-30 auditorscould likely work inside at a time. Add in strict security clearances, multi-agency oversight, and chain-of-custody procedures, and things slow to a crawl.

Even with an ambitious 12 bars per hour per team, here’s what the audit timelines look like:

🔎 A 10% Spot Check (36,800 bars)

Estimated Time: 6 months
Why? A quick check to calm public fears—but it wouldn’t confirm if all the gold is there.

🧐 A 50% Audit (184,000 bars)

Estimated Time: 2 years
Why? This would give a much clearer picture but still leaves half the vault unverified.

A Full Audit (368,000 bars)

Estimated Time: 4 years
Why? The only way to truly confirm the entire gold supply.

And if even 5-10% of bars have record inconsistencies? Resolving those issues alone could add months, if not years.

Security & Logistical Challenges:🔸 Security Clearance: Every auditor needs background checks and security clearance before touching a bar
🔸 Physical Handling: Bars must be removed, inspected, and verified one by one
🔸 Problem Bars: Any discrepancies trigger forensic testing, adding even more delays

The takeaway? There’s no quick way to verify this much gold.

What If Some Gold Is Missing?

Skeptics have long speculated: Is all the Fort Knox gold really there? If even a fraction of bars were missing, swapped, or lower purity than claimed, the government would have serious explaining to do.

And if anything looked suspicious? Expect lengthy investigations, forensic testing, and even longer delays before the public got answers.

With gold rapidly moving from Western vaults and prices surging, skepticism is growing. Which make the price volatile. 

Risk Arrest In England Over Social Media Posts Back Home



Most of Europe is now an unsafe no-go zone. 'Even if it's just a statement about your Christian faith or your political stance.'

There long have been legitimate concerns when Americans travel to restrictive nations – those that don't accept the multitude of rights Americans enjoy – such as North Korea. Or China. Or even Islamic regimes like Iran, or Saudi Arabia.

Now, the American Center for Law and Justice is warning about travel to the United Kingdom. Know before you go.

Hmmm.... Seems to have escalated with the arrival of Barry.

Above--Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)

USAID Sent Millions To Ukraine In Secret Slush Funds

Epoch Times Reports:

‘We’re not just talking about waste, fraud, and abuse, this is a national security problem,’ Middle East Forum Executive Director Gregg Roman said.
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) officials repeatedly refused to allow investigators working for Senate DOGE Caucus Chairman Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) to examine documents related to U.S. tax dollars allegedly intended to help Ukraine combat the Russian invasion, investigators told The Epoch Times.

When the investigators were finally allowed to view the documents, it was “under surveillance in a highly secure room at USAID headquarters” even though “nothing USAID shared was classified,” said the investigators, who asked not to be named.

During their investigation, the Iowa Republican’s sleuths found millions of dollars of USAID programs “in secret slush funds being used to funnel millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars into Ukraine for questionable purposes unrelated to our own national interests,” they said.

Polio Va((ine Was A Sham

ICAN Reports:

They told you polio was eradicated. They said the polio vaccine saved the world. 
They showed you grainy black-and-white photos of children in iron lungs, terrified parents, and long lines of kids getting their shots.
They framed it as a historic victory for science—the ultimate proof that vaccines are mankind’s greatest invention. 
Only problem is, none of it is true.
We exposed the truth, and the medical establishment is doing everything it can to silence us.
The polio narrative–created by our government and amplified by the media and impressionable non-profits who had not reviewed the data or the science.
While the world was told the polio vaccine healed children, prevented polio, and was safe and effective, the truth is…
  • Paralysis didn’t disappear—it was reclassified under different names… 

  • The polio vaccine caused further outbreaks…and, more concerning– 

  • The FDA approved the currently-used polio vaccine after only a three-day safety trial. 
And now, because ICAN dared to file a petition exposing this dangerous oversight, the New York Times and the rest of the media are in a feeding frenzy. Their recent headline made it sound like ICAN wanted to bring polio back. 
But what they refuse to acknowledge is this: A polio vaccine injected into our children was never adequately tested.
Think about that. A vaccine injected into millions—billions—of children was approved based on a study that lasted just THREE DAYS! 
All adverse reactions after the first 72 hours were ignored. That’s not safety. Yet, it gets worse.
Before any polio vaccine, doctors classified all sorts of paralysis as “polio.” If a child lost the ability to walk or move their limbs, it was polio. If someone’s legs suddenly gave out, it was polio. 
Then, after the vaccine was introduced, the medical establishment did something truly devious: they split polio into multiple different conditions.
They stopped calling it polio and started calling it Acute Flaccid Paralysis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Transverse Myelitis, Bell’s Palsy, Enteroviral Encephalitis, and Traumatic Neuritis. 
They didn't cure the disease—they simply rebranded it!
And here’s the horrifying reality: Many of those same conditions are now listed as side effects of vaccines.
The “miracle” of the polio vaccine wasn’t a scientific breakthrough—it was a masterclass in public relations.
We’ve been called conspiracy theorists for saying this. We’ve been censored, ridiculed, and attacked. But here’s the truth. The iron lung never went away. It just got smaller. 
Today, vaccine-injured children rely on portable ventilators that they carry in backpacks, strapped around their necks, with a tube running straight into their throats. These are today’s “iron lungs.”
This is the part of the story they never tell you.
The mainstream media doesn’t care about these children. They don’t care that vaccine injuries are real, that lawsuits have been won against health agencies, or that ICAN has uncovered documents proving the entire vaccine program is a house of cards.
They only care about protecting the lie.
That’s why they’re attacking ICAN instead of investigating the three-day safety trial behind the polio vaccine that is the subject of ICAN’s petition. That’s why they’re trying to frame our petition as reckless. 
But here’s the question they won’t ask: Why is the FDA afraid of reviewing the evidence? If this vaccine is as safe and effective as it claims, what does it have to hide?
ICAN is taking on the entire vaccine establishment—the FDA, the CDC, the NIH—and demanding accountability. We are forcing them to answer the questions they don’t want to answer.
The truth is on our side. But exposing it requires relentless legal action, investigations, and lawsuits—all of which ICAN is leading. We believe this is a battle we can win.

Europe Approves COVID-19 Replicon mRNA Injections -- a Grave Mistake

With 90% of trial participants reporting adverse events, the reckless push for self-amplifying mRNA technology poses a serious public health risk.

During the clinical trials for KOSTAIVE (ARCT-154), 90% of injected participants experienced adverse events, with 74.5% reporting systemic reactions and 15.2% requiring medical attention after the first dose:

These products behave like a synthetic virus. The replicon mRNA is designed to encode not only the target antigen but also viral replicase, enabling the mRNA to replicate itself within the target cells. This replication machinery allows for an unknown period of toxic antigen production.
(So the only thing you can conclude is that the Globalists/Satanists are still on the population reduction train in countries where they control the government. BP)

All Roads Lead to Obama



Interesting article by Wayne Allyn Root. He says Obama is the shot caller, the communist traitor behind everything bad that has happened to America, the US economy, and President Trump.

He makes some great observations!!!

But, still, no one will talk about Big Mike. "You got to know when to hold 'em... know when to fold 'em..."

5-minute Video (watch the first 20 seconds)

This is a  video of Mark Zuckerberg  that was apparently recorded at a virtual Q&A meeting for Facebook staff that was streamed live on July 16, 2020.

In the video he states:

I do just want to make sure that I share some caution on this because we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA to directly code in a person’s DNA and RNA.

Basically the ability to produce those antibodies and whether that causes other mutations or other risks downstream. So there’s work on both paths of vaccine development.

For 45 Years The Medical System Has Been Rigged To Cover-Up Infant Deaths Due To Va((ines

3-minute video clip (the entire interview is 45 minutes, but the clip is already edited from the interview.)


Unreal. HHS redefined infant death due to vaccination as accidental suffocation, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), and even shaken-baby syndrome.

END, Compass eNews, February 27, 2025

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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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