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November 15, 2022

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Election Results
Well, as we feared, the cheating in the last election was huge. For example, in Pennsylvania they’re saying the big Red Wave was cancelled out by a big White Wave…referring to the tens of thousands of early votes that came in by mail—80% for Fetterman to only 20% for Oz.(1)

And that’s the difference in the race. Without that ridiculous number of mail-in votes, Oz would have easily won.

And of course they explain this by saying the Dems did a better job at getting the early vote out. Really?

I’m betting that if they closely examined those mail-in ballots they would find most of them to be fake. But we’ll never know…it’s Amerika.

(And I don't use America substituting a "k" for a "c" lightly. I love this place. I love the life God allowed me to live for 73+ years. I just see our republic obviously slipping away. Or should it be our democracy is slipping away? Maybe our Socialist state? In worse case, our Communist state is slipping into control by something outside our borders? And we're losing our nuclear edge to Russia and China. (5) Jeepers!)

However, despite their unscrupulous ways, by the grace of God we should ultimately secure slim control of the House—but not until they're seated Jan 20, 2023. No telling what they'll do between now and then.

Something similar to the Pennsylvania Senate race happened in the Arizona Governor’s race. The longer they stretched out the counting, the worse it got for Carrie Lake.

There's an old expression, “Possession is 9/10 of the law.” So Lake has about as much chance to overturn the election as Trump did. But maybe she'll open some eyes with her protests and lawsuits. Should be interesting to follow.

You do have to be careful. If you’re an "election denier" you're labeled a domestic terrorist and could go to jail for a long time... without the possibility of a bond or a trial…like the Jan. 6 people still in jail almost two years later. Because we live in Amerika.


By now you have probably heard about a company called FTX declaring bankruptcy last week! There are a couple of interesting twists you don't want to miss.

In a nutshell, the Biden Regime sent billions of dollars to Ukraine to pay for the war against Russia.

But as it turns out, millions, maybe billions, were then sent back to the U.S. and directed into FTX and other companies run by Sam Bankman-Fried.

Bankman-Fried in turn gave millions to finance the 2022 Democrats' election needs. He was the Dems’ #2 donor, following George Soros of course. (See Chart)

Sam Bankman-Fried was on the cover of Fortune magazine just a few months ago being compared to Warren Buffett. They said his net worth was $16 billion.

Somehow FTX went from zero revenue in 2018 to trading $2.4 trillion a month in worldwide derivatives. And it attracted over one million customers!

It’s being reported that the FBI wanted to investigate FTX but was stymied by the DOJ. Hmmmm….

So last week FTX went belly-up, filing for bankruptcy just after the mid-term elections were over. Interesting timing. And billions of dollars of investors’ money is missing.

Now Bankman-Fried is being compared to Bernie Madoff and has fled the country. Some say they tracked him as far as Argentina. Who knows? If he is connected to the CIA, he’s probably safe, sort of. Like Jeffrey Epstein was safe in jail.

Hey, they have to blame someone. So did this nincompoop Bankman-Fried, who admittedly never reads anything, really take a corporation from nothing to multi-billions in revenue in 3 years? Or did he have inside help. I bet Mr. Zuckerberg could answer that one.

Should we be surprised if we find out that the Biden Regime knowingly gave billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine, to give to Bankman, who gave them back to the Democrats for their mid-term election effort? Hmmm...

If that does turn out to be true, no wonder Biden was begging for a war in Ukraine. And if it's true, do you think the Dems will have to give back those donations? I’m guessing not since we’re living in Amerika.

Adding more to this strange story is Janet Yellon. She's using the implosion of FTX to call for controls over crypto exchanges like Bitcoin. The upside to cryptocurrencies is that they're totally private. No government involvement, period.

Can't have that! With the world moving toward the Mark of the Beast, you certainly can't have the freedom of anonymous crypto coins floating around!

So what a perfect set-up for something she's been asking for since she took office. It's like she knew that all she had to do was just wait for something big to happen in the crypto world. Amerika.


Next week is when our nation gives thanks to God for all the wonderful things we share in the country in which we live. It’s truly a uniquely American holiday.

Our once-great nation is struggling now and needs our prayers more than ever. Actually, despite our recent political challenges, it’s still the best place in the world to live. So we continue to ask the Lord to change the leadership's direction.

… I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 1Tim. 2:1

Lastly, in order that we can all enjoy our families at Thanksgiving, there will be no Compass eNews next week.

Enjoy the Resources below and have a great Thanksgiving. CLICK HERE for a previous eNews on the history of Thanksgiving. It’s a good one to read to the kids/grand-kids on Thanksgiving!



The king gives stability to the land by justice,
But a man who takes bribes overthrows it. Prov. 29:4 


(1) https://www.ntd.com/white-wave-of-mail-in-ballots-slammed-oz-other-republicans_880547.html

(2) https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/California-election-results-Democrats-House-17583314.php

(3) Jeff Childers/Covid and Coffee, Nov. 13 & 15, 2023

(4) https://compass.org/the-first-thanksgiving-2/

(5) https://www.jpost.com/international/article-721579

BLC 2023

Check out our fall cruise to Israel, Egyptian Pyramids, Ephesus, Corinth, Athens, Rome, Santorini, Venice and more. CLICK HERE for details

NY Election Fraud Explained

2-minute video


The fraud taking place is countrywide.


The Va((ine / Excess Death Connection

40-second video:


A different 2-minute video:


More and more people are scratching their heads trying to understand the huge number of worldwide excess deaths. You and I know the roots of this mystery are Luciferian, but the secular world is slow to catch on. Are they blinded?

For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. 2Th. 2:11-12

We're not 100% sure if this verse is referring to people pre- or post-Rapture. I'm starting to believe it's both.


Amazing Immune Imprinting

Article (Don't pay to read)


The above link may make you sign up to read it, don't do it, not worth it! The interesting article basically says if you got infected with Omicron at any time, a third vaccine dose actually doubles your risk of reinfection compared to 2 doses only. It was written by Dr. Daniele Focosi, who specializes in hematology and works at Pisa University Hospital in Italy, wrote on Twitter in response to the findings. “Amazing immune imprinting at work.”


Will CERN Open A Portal To Hell?

50-Minute Video


This is really interesting background and info regarding something going on that few are keeping up with.  Intelligence was growing so fast during the Tower of Babel that God had to mix the earth's languages to slow things down...this may be what He didn't want humans doing.

Sperm Counts Down 50% Worldwide



This is amazing...and seems to perfectly fit with the Globalists'/Satanists' world depopulation agenda. When you combine the low sperm count with today's abortions and 80% of babies being terminated in the womb if the mom is vaxxed, it won't be long til they reach their goals.

Pills and Pregnancy



Babies from moms who took Tylenol have now been linked to ADHD and autism. And there are major lawsuits against the manufacturers of acetaminophen (Tylenol) for compensation for the cost of neuro-developmental disorders that follow due to its use during pregnancy.

Teaching Porn In Third Grade—Happening Now!

2-minute video


If they're doing this in Idaho, they're doing it in your state too. If your kids or grandkids are in public school, watch this short video! Satan wants your kids. Consider home schooling, regardless of the costs. Search on Duckduckgo.com "Benefits of Home School" and read the testimonials. It's always better to be broke home schooling than to have plenty of money with your kids in public school. Just saying...


Medical Tyranny In America

40-Minute Video


This is an amazing interview. You'll be blown away by what our government tried to do to this guy behind the scenes. Amerika.


Cancer Cure Cover Up

2-Minute Trailer


I was mesmerized by this documentary. But they want you to sign up to watch it. Therefore, here's a recap

So there's this doc in Houston, Dr. Burzynski, who has saved around 50% of his cancer patients who were told by their attending physicians to go home and die from their cancer. Naturally, the FDA tries to shut him down.

Now that we know so much more about the FDA, that they actually work for and are controlled by Big Pharma, it makes sense they don't want a drug to cure 50% of the really bad cancer patients because that would wreak havoc on the worldwide cancer revenue—a trillion-dollar business. Remember, the drugs you take today are meant to manage symptoms, not get you well. The last thing they want is everybody well.

Click Here to get info on Dr. Burzynski's clinic in Houston. It's a 5-minute video with Dr. Burzynski explaining how his treatment works. If someone you know is battling a losing battle with cancer, take the free 30-day trial offered on the above trailer and watch the video.

The Fake Meat Scam



Turns out that all the fake meat you hear about is ultra-processed food, basically just like nitrates in meat are basically poison. You're nuts to eat any meat with nitrates added and you're nuts if you eat fake meat.

Face Masks Cause Cancer



Well, no wonder the Globalists/Satanists wanted everyone to wear face masks! Not surprisingly, in a study of 12 typical face masks, every mask contained cancer-causing titanium dioxide (TiO2) at levels that exceed FDA recommendations.


Doc Executed For Giving Covid Shots

5-minute video


Dr. Betsy Eads reports that a Malaysian doctor was recently executed under the Nuremberg Code for giving people the Covid va((ine. She recaps the reasons all docs in the world should wake up and take notice in this fiery 5-minute video.


Fake Emergency Causes Race For Va((ine Profits


Orange County in California declares emergency for respiratory infections in kids... yet no one will admit all the cases are in va((inated kids. And that RSV is really just a close cousin to the common cold.

RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus and the last time they tried to make a va((ine to combat it in kids, 80% of the trial participants were hospitalized and two died. They stopped the trials when TWO died-think about that!

This new RSV va((ine is actually a combo vax supposedly targeting 1) RSV, 2) influenza and 3) Covid. Yep, it has the Covid vax in the RSV vax. Children shouldn't be taking any va((ines, much less this one.


The Worst Is Yet To Come



Some of the poisons in the va((ine may take a while to kill people. These global population reducers who are pushing the jab have designed several ways to depopulate the earth over time. It would be a mess to take out 4/5ths of the world population all at once. Better to do it slowly, preserving their lifestyle, etc. The information in this article is an example.

"Since hormones can have slow and systemic actions, a dysfunctional or damaged endocrine system will generally be slow in its symptom onset and recovery," warns Dr. Flavio Cadegiani, a Brazilian endocrinologist.

But the Globalists who are following Satan, knowingly or unknowingly, will live their worst nightmare post-Rapture. Just saying.

(No links below, just info pics)

(if blurry, click on pic)





This is terrible!! According to reports, Big Pharma is basically trying to get another va((ine to sell to guard against RSV... the common cold.

(Click on image if blurry)


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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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