Scroll down for the awesome details on these great speakers and topics.
Prophecy Timeline — What's Dead Ahead - Prophecy
Andy Woods - President, Chafer Seminary, Texas
Any student of Bible prophecy loves to SEE a Biblically accurate timeline of what's coming. And none better at explaining what's coming than Andy Woods.
The Deep State: Past, Present & Prophesied - Signs of the Times
Brandon Holthaus - Tip of the Spear Ministry & Pastor of Rock Harbor Church, California
Who was the unseen hand behind the Biden administration, and how does it fit in Bible prophecy? Brandon will open a lot of eyes with this presentation!
The Relentless March of the New World Order - Signs of the Times
Alex Newman - Journalist & Founder of Liberty Sentinel - Florida
Alex travels the world to understand where we are on the Globalist/Satanist calendar in their quest to rule the world. Hear his latest update!
Understanding the Coming Beast System - Signs of the Times
Patrick Wood - Editor-in-Chief Technocracy News & Trends
AI control is coming full speed and Believers need to be aware that its reach has now exceeded human intelligence!
Scientific Evidences for the Age of the Earth - Apologetics
Russ Miller - Creation Ministries, Arizona
God's Word totally rejects evolution, so is the Bible correct of is "science" correct? Russ will give you a bucketful of info to pass along to your evolutionary-deceived friends and family.
God's Purpose for the Millennium - Israel
Dave Reagan - Lamb & Lion Ministries, Texas
With our preoccupation of the soon-coming Rapture of the Church and following 7-Year Tribulation, we sometimes forget we could be just over 7 years from Jesus reigning as King of the Earth for 1000 years. Dave takes us on a deep dive into this amazing time period.
Speaker Panel Q&A
Woods, Newman, Wood, Miller & Reagan
Like David & Goliath, Mike Lindell has faced giants in the past--and also today. How God has protected him is a mesmerizing story that will give you courage to face whatever obstacles God allows in your life between now and the Rapture.
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