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12 Prophecies Believers Today Will Probably See Fulfilled

March 6, 2025

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 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Pro. 27:17

Saturday, March 15, 2025, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Invest a day, reap rewards for a lifetime... or until our memorable exit!

CLICK HERE for speakers, topics, times and registration

Literally only a few tickets left available.... HOWEVER, if you're too late:

You can watch the


On March 15, go to compass.org/TV or youtube.com/@CQLJ (Click on "LIVE")

Dear Compass Supporters:

We have just one slot left in our small group, one bus, Israel/Petra Tour departing March 30—for a female. Join us if you're a female, have a passport, have the time and the shekels. INFO HERE

Our Biblelands Cruise 2025 is departing Oct. 15th. Oh boy, it's a good one! A fantastic New Testament cruise to six Pauline sites PLUS five days in Israel from the Valley of Armageddon in Galilee to Jerusalem/Bethlehem.

Never before have we been able to combine 5 days in Israel with a 12-day Mediterranean Cruise...on a 5-Star Celebrity ship, Infinity. Awesome!!

Hey, if we're not Raptured on Rosh Hashanah on September 23, this will be a great second place! 44 have registered so far, only 6 spots are still available. Get the INFO HERE.

The article this week is about how God uses Bible prophecy for evangelism. Enjoy!



For behold, the LORD is about to come out from His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; And the earth will reveal her bloodshed and will no longer cover her slain. Is. 26:21

Upcoming Events:

March 15 — Coeur d'Alene Idaho Click Here

Invest a day, reap rewards for a lifetime! Great speakers/tough topics!! Armor up to be used by Him in these last days!

593 Steeling tickets sold, 7 tickets still available at noon Thursday—legal capacity is 600. Lunches are sold out.

However, you can:


On your phone, tablet, computer or Smart TV.  To watch on Saturday, March 15, go to compass.org/TV or youtube.com/@CQLJ (Click on "LIVE"). The speaker times and topics are HERE

March 30-April 10Israel/Petra Bible Study Mission Trip

Sold Out!

May 29-June 1Grand Canyon South Rim and Raft

From Phoenix, AZ, learn scientific proofs of a global flood 4500 years ago! 4 seats left.


June 4-8 —  Grand Canyon North Grand Staircase

From Las Vegas, learn scientific proofs of a global flood 4500 years ago! (This date is sold out)


October 14-30, 2025 Compass Biblelands Cruise 2025

Join us for the cruise of a lifetime to Athens, Corinth, Thessalonica, Philippi, Santorini, Ephesus, Crete, Galilee and Jerusalem on the 5-Star Celebrity Cruise ship Infinity! This may be our best itinerary ever! And only one bus! Go while you can go!! ONLY 6 SPOTS LEFT!!!

Scroll down for our article and always informative Additional Resources!

12 Prophecies Believers Today Will Probably See Fulfilled

(On Earth or from Heaven!)

It's quite likely we're living so close to the end of the Church Age that you'll witness all 12 of these prophecies being fulfilled! How cool is that!

God gave us Bible prophecy as proof that the rest of the Bible is accurate. He's been 100% accurate in fulfilling past prophecies "literally."

Therefore, it's easy to conclude God will fulfill His future prophecies "literally."

Back in 1977, the Lord used Bible prophecy to get Susie and me interested in the Bible. We had been married two years and I was building houses in Birmingham.

One day, out of the blue, my secretary, Vicki, asked me if I ever read the Bible. 

The question seemed a bit personal, catching me a little off-guard, but being a “Methodist,” I could only answer, 

“Of course.” 

Not slowing down she pressed me further. 

“What do you like to read in the Bible?” 

Well, that was a problem because at the time in our Methodist church we didn’t read inside the Bible! Our family Bible sat on a shelf. 

So all I could think of was John 3:16, the one verse all Methodists know. But saying I liked to read John 3:16 seemed a bit lame. So I quickly searched my brain for what else I could say I liked in the Bible. The only thing I could think of was an experience I had in my college days. 

Back in the late 60s/early 70s our dates had to be back in their dorms at 11PM for curfew. Crazy things would then happen late at night at the fraternity house. 

As an example, one brother liked to put lighter fluid on his upper body, turn out the lights in the hall, light himself on fire and quickly run into a blanket to extinguish the flames. It was a sight to see. 

There was, of course, no YouTube or TikTok in those days, but if there had been, a lot of things we did would have gone “viral” for sure.

Another one of my fraternity brothers, with a flare for being dramatic, would turn off the lights in the living room late at night, put a flashlight under his chin making his face look like a demon while he read from the Book of Revelation. 

10 or 15 of us would sit around mesmerized by what sounded like the world coming to an end. And, sadly, that’s all I could think of when pressed about what I liked to read in the Bible.

So I responded to my secretary’s question,

“I like to read the Book of Revelation.”

Obviously astonished, she pressed me further… 

“What do you like to read in Revelation?” 

Trying my best to recall some of my fraternity brother’s booming sentences I said, 

“You know, all those things blowing up and people dying all over the place.” It was the best I could do. 

Vicky, obviously by then knowing I lacked any kind of Bible knowledge, questioned me further: 

“The Second Coming?” 

Well that was actually a relief because even a marginal Methodist had heard about the Second Coming of Christ. So I confidently and enthusiastically answered, 

“Yes! The Second Coming of Christ.”

But then came the question that rocked my world. In those days I was a VERY cocky guy (ask my wife). While a senior at Auburn I had purchased and operated four girl’s dormitories, then developed 30 townhouses, one in which Susie and I lived after we got married. 

Next I designed, developed and operated a large restaurant downtown Auburn next to campus—sorta like a “Fridays” before “Fridays.” I sold the restaurant and we moved to Birmingham (our hometown) and started a construction company building houses. 

So, as a non-Believer, I was living large and self-centered when all of a sudden I was faced with dealing point-blank with God and eternity. 

Vicky followed up her 2nd Coming question with the bombshell, 

“And the Rapture?” 

I had never heard that word in my life. I said, 

“What’s the Rapture?” 

She explained it was when the Lord returned and all the Christians disappear. 

I was dumbfounded. She then read me the two main Rapture verses, 1Cor. 15:52, 53 and 1Thes. 4:16,17. I was amazed something that interesting was in the Bible. 

I went home that night with a ton of questions in my head. I told Susie I wanted a Bible for Christmas. When she got up off the floor our lives changed forever. 

Often similar to what happened to Susie and me, the Lord many times uses Bible prophecy to draw people to Him. Knowing and understanding past, present and future Bible prophecies gives Believers great hope and expectation for the future. 

looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, Titus 2:13

I know many who read this were also enamored with Bible prophecy early in their Christian walk. The Rapture, the Tribulation, the Second Coming, and the Millennium are incredibly interesting to a large segment of the Christian population. They help make sense of so much of today’s events. And give us hope for the future.

Today Believers are fortunate to be living at the prophesied end of the Church Age when our loud and boisterous mass exit will occur. We are a special generation who will be favored by the Lord to escape an earthly death. 

One of the scriptures all good prophecy pundits know is Daniel 9:24-27. 

“And he [the New World Leader/future Antichrist] will make a firm covenant with the many for one week [7 years], Dan. 9:27a

From that anchor verse, and many others that are tied together, we see that on the heels of our mysterious disappearance and following worldwide chaos comes a 7-year peace treaty between Israel and 10 nations from the Old Roman Empire(1). 

So when I recently read an article covering an upcoming meeting to discuss a 7-year peace treaty that involves Israel, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Check out this remarkable sentence from the article:

You can read the entire article: CLICK HERE

MY, My, my...knock me over with a feather. That's amazing to read after first being taught about this Daniel 9 prophecy in 1977!

I've been watching Israel for 48 years. My mom got pregnant with me about a month after Israel became a nation again in 1948. We've sort of grown up together. And through Susie's and my 60+ trips taking groups to Israel, I've come to love with a passion God's special place on earth.

So if this meeting does take place in June, it sure does lean toward a possible September Rapture. Just saying! But, for what it’s worth, I do still LEAN toward a Rapture between 2026 and 2033. 

There's also Jared, a Bible prophecy teacher who believes Jesus died in 32 AD. He adds 2000 years for the church age and subtracts the 7-year Tribulation, which also gets you to 2025. However I disagree with some of his reasoning (he lost me on the "moons,") but if you're into Bible prophecy, he's fun to listen to on this 45-minute video! CLICK HERE 

Regardless of when the Rapture happens, we’ll continue to keep up with the all the major Bible prophecies still to be fulfilled. And they are very likely to commence in the next few years.

Here's a list of the big ones in the order I think they will occur:

1) The Rapture 1 Cor. 15:51-52; 1Thes. 4:15-17

2) Babylon Destroyed Rev. 18; Jer. 50-51, Is. 18

3) 7-year Peace—Israel and 10 Nations Dan. 9:24-27

4) The New World Leader Conquers With Drugs Rev. 6:2-12; 18:23

5) Millions Of Christians Saved In The Tribulation/Martyred Rev. 7:9-17

6) Russia/Iran/Turkey Invade Israel Ezek. 38-39

7) Abomination of Desolation Dan. 9:24

8) Jews Flee To Petra Rev. 11; Is. 2

9) 2nd Coming of Christ Rev. 19:11-16; Ps. 2:6; Zech. 14:5b

10) Armageddon Rev. 13:16-18

11) Earth's Mountains Flattened Rev. 16:20; Is 40:4; Is 54:10

12) Jesus Reign As King Of Earth Rev. 20:6; Is. 65:25; Joel 3:18: Mic. 4:1-2

Note, some of the scriptures cite chapters only... you'll have to dig a little if you're not familiar with the prophecy.



The links in the Additional Resources below are meant to help us be wise and aware as we live and make decisions living in the concluding moments of the Church Age.

So this section is to offer more insight into our adversary's worldwide actions to help us make good decisions between now and our exciting exit. Hey, a lot of nut-cases are still pushing the va((ines! And some deluded people are still taking them!


---Clicking on any fuzzy picture below usually clears it up---

22K Babies Born As A Result Of Pro-Life Protections

Great news!!! A new study has revealed that over 22,000 babies have been born thanks to pro-life protection laws that have been enacted in 14 states following the Dobbs Supreme Court decision in 2022 that reversed Roe v. Wade. 22K!!!!

To read article:


Honors Student Sues After Graduating Without Being Able to Read

By Alex Newman:
Despite graduating from high school with “honors” and being accepted into the University of Connecticut on a scholarship, 19-year-old government-school victim Aleysha Ortiz cannot read or write. At all. Literally. And she’s hardly alone. Now, with help from an attorney, Ortiz is suing the city and the school board. And the national media is paying attention.
To read more CLICK HERE

Schools Now Authorized to Lie To Parents

The First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Foote v. Ludlow School Committee that parents have no right to know if a school is steering their child toward gender dysphoria.
To read more- CLICK HERE

Senate Democrats, most of whom are female, blocked a bill on Monday that sought to ban biological men from competing in women’s sports.

The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, introduced by Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), would have ensured that “for purposes of determining compliance with title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 in athletics, sex shall be recognized based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.”

To read more CLICK HERE

Hawaii Kills Bill To End Va((ine Exemptions After Massive Pushback From Public

Hawaii’s religious exemption from vaccine mandates is safe. Rep. Diamond Garcia, House minority floor leader, who opposed the bill, told The Defender it was defeated because the “people of Hawai‘i sent a clear message: medical freedom is non-negotiable.”

More info HERE

Shutting Down the Department of Education



Trump is serious, he wants it shut down and control sent back to the states. Education Secretary Linda McMahon lays out the ‘Final Mission.’ PTL!

In our Constitution, education was to be controlled by the states. The only way the Federal government was able to control education was to set up funding for the states, and withhold that money if they didn't like what the states were doing.

The Truth About Measles

Mary Holland

While measles can have serious complications, especially among the malnourished and chronically ill, with a fatality rate of 1 in 10,000 cases, it is not a serious disease for the vast majority of children. Furthermore, vitamin A, vitamin C and treatments to support breathing are effective.

The measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine — the only measles vaccine available in the U.S. (a story unto itself) — is not as safe as it is being portrayed in the media. Its known side effects include brain inflammationseizures, autoimmune disorders, thrombocytopenia (low platelet count leading to bleeding disorders) and severe allergic reactions.

In healthy children, measles typically means a rash and a few days of rest with vitamin A.

Hawaii’s children are at risk of death — but it’s not from measles: They suffer high rates of death from accidents, homicide and suicide.

  • Children ages 1-4: 1,149 deaths from accidents, 284 deaths from homicide.
  • Children ages 5-9: 714 deaths from accidents, 155 deaths from homicide.
  • Children ages 10-14: 778 deaths from accidents, 534 deaths from suicide, 191 deaths from homicide.

"Measles natural immunity is superior to va((nation." Dr. Peter McCullough

Del Bigtree shows a shocking scientific equation comparing the number of individual deaths that would occur if the measles vaccine had never been introduced based on pre-vaccine stats to the number of deaths from MMR injury. 
49-minute video CLICK HERE
Truth is, had the measles va((ine never been used, measles would be a distant memory.
Translation: God's designed natural immunity doesn't need any help. 

Why Genesis Is Important To Take Literally

From the gap theory and theistic evolution to progressive creation, Christians have debated the interpretation of Genesis 1–11 for centuries.
But why are there so many different views? How did we end up with so many interpretations of the creation account? Ken Ham answers this question in this 4-minute video.

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The number of Americans who identify as Christian has declined steadily for years, but that drop shows signs of slowing, according to a new survey Wednesday from the Pew Research Center.

The Religious Landscape Study finds 62% of U.S. adults call themselves Christians. While a significant dip from 2007, when 78% of Americans identified as Christian, Pew found the Christian share of the population has remained relatively stable since 2019.

Of U.S. Christian adults, 40% are Protestant and 19% are Catholic. The remaining 3% in Pew’s survey include Latter-day Saints, Orthodox Christians, Jehovah’s Witnesses and smaller Christian groups.

By some measures, the U.S. remains overwhelmingly spiritual. Many Americans have a supernatural outlook, with 83% believing in God or a universal spirit and 86% believing that people have a soul or spirit. About seven in 10 Americans believe in heaven, hell or both.

Young adults are less religious than their elders

Despite this widespread spirituality, there are harbingers of future religious decline. Most notably, Pew found a huge age gap, with 46% of the youngest American adults identifying as Christian, compared to 80% of the oldest adults. The youngest adults are also three times more likely than the oldest group to be religiously unaffiliated.

“These kinds of generational differences are a big part of what’s driven the long-term declines in American religion,” Smith said. “As older cohorts of highly religious, older people have passed away, they have been replaced by new cohorts of young adults who are less religious than their parents and grandparents.”

I have only one question that no one seems to want to know the answer to—was she va((inated? I bet we never find out, they probably won't do an autopsy. Her trainer said he "thinks" her death was from dehydration.
I don't believe young people in tip-top shape usually die from heart attacks caused by dehydration. But since 2020 we do have young people dying of heart attacks, strokes and cancer all the time. What changed in 2020?? Hmmm...
Here's another one....

For every famous person who dies from you-know-what, probably 300 to 500 more are also dying from the same thing.

Has "Safe and effective" been replaced by "suddenly and unexpectedly?”

Hmmm… There are numerous ways he might have died, he had, shall we say, a unique lifestyle. But regardless, sudden excess deaths are still increasing worldwide, not slowing down. And almost always they say “cause of death is unknown,” which usually means they don’t want to say.

3 Major Problems For RFKjr  

And they must be exposed and confronted ASAP—before it’s too late!

  • Unprecedented Autism Rates: Autism once affected 1 in 10,000 children. Now it’s 1 in 36. Why? The medical establishment hasn’t asked the right questions and has looked for answers in all the wrong places.
  • Explosion in Chronic Illness: Childhood cancer rates have skyrocketed by over 40% since 1975, alongside an epidemic of autoimmune disorders, neurological conditions, and obesity.
  • Censorship & Pharma-Controlled Media: The pharmaceutical industry pours over $4 billion annually into TV ads, controlling the narrative and silencing dissent. RFK Jr. has pledged to challenge this stranglehold, but what will we do with this newfound culture shift?

Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)

Is RFK Pro-Vax?

There has been a lot of raised eyebrows due to some of RFK's recent comments about va((ines. But if you read between the lines, you can see where he's headed. He said:
“As healthcare providers, community leaders, and policymakers, we have a shared responsibility to protect public health. This includes ensuring that accurate information about vaccine safety and efficacy is disseminated. We must engage with communities to understand their concerns, provide culturally competent education, and make vaccines readily accessible for all those who want them.
Instead of trying to go directly to battle with Big Pharma, Kennedy seems to be willing to eat the elephant one bite at a time. Time will tell.
Jeff Childers summarizes:
If parents fully understood the real risks and relatively minor benefits when considering whether to vaccinate their healthy babies, they might think twice. They might hesitate.
“Here’s the Gardasil shot!” the pediatrician chirpily suggests, “which won’t prevent uterine cancer in your son— since, haha, he doesn’t have a uterus … that we know of! But under the crazy new HHS guidelines, I’m legally required to tell you there’s a tiny chance that he could, well, sort of die from it. Unlikely, but it’s possible!
Plus, we have no idea about the long-term risks, but who has time for that?
So—what do you say? Ready for that injection?”

More On What's Going On With Gold

Gold is vanishing from London at a record pace—over 64 million ounces flowing into the US since November 2024.

🔹 Gold delivery delays have stretched from 2 days to 2 months

🔹 The LBMA is struggling to meet obligations

🔹 Financial giants are questioning London’s stability

This isn’t speculation—it’s happening now.

And Trump’s economic team may be behind it. Since his election, gold outflows from Europe to America have surged.


Seth, Man In America:

Gold Imports: A Quarter Trillion Dollar Shift

So 2,000 metric tons?

They normally do 350 tons in a year. But in two and a half months, 2,000 metric tons changed hands, around 15 times normal!  

At 2,900 per troy ounce, you're approaching $200 billion worth of gold at 2,000 metric tons, almost a quarter trillion dollars worth of gold.

The evidence presented all points to Trump initiating a massive shift in the global financial system. Much of this ties into the city of London and the central banking system which has enslaved America since the inception of the Federal Reserve.

By the end of this interview I came to the understanding of how President Trump could literally be severing us from the city of London’s financial control. This is HUGE! The financial system that’s been enslaving America for over 100 years looks to be coming to an end.

The Gold At Fort Knox Was Stolen From Americans

The headline is a little bit misleading... with all the hoopla about auditing Fort Knox you would think it means that there’s no Gold at Fort Knox.

But the point of this article, which has lots of interesting information, is that the gold was stolen from Americans back in the 30s when everybody had to turn their gold into the government in return for $20.67 an ounce.

But, that's not all. Once it was all rounded up, Roosevelt, the president of the United States at the time, revalued Gold at $35 an ounce, so all Americans who turned in their gold were taken to the cleaners.

Read the article HERE

So with all President Trump is doing to save the American dream, it's unlikely he hasn't got a plan for the dollar and the debt. Fasten your seatbelts when this hits the news.

Next Gold Move Will Surprise The World—ZeroHedge

Trump to Sign Executive Order Declaring English The Official Language of United States

Joe Rogan/Elon Musk Interview Clip


Elon Musk says he can't tell us everything he's finding out about politicians and how they are acquiring money illegally ... because if he does, they'll kill him.
Musk says it’s more than just inside trading, apparently they are fixing the trades to make money if they will agree to vote a certain way.
1-minute video clip - CLICK HERE

Pharma Paid Billions to Physicians

U.S. medical specialists, from neurosurgeons to anesthesiologists and oncologists, received billions of dollars worth of individual payments not related to research from pharmaceutical and medical device industries in recent years, a series of new studies show.

The payments raise concerns among researchers and public health advocates about how industry influence may negatively impact patient care.

Some examples...


Nearly 8,000 neurosurgeons in the U.S. received roughly $479 million in general payments from pharmaceutical and surgical device companies between 2019 and 2023, including 45 payments exceeding $1 million each.

Medical Oncology

About 19,500 U.S.-based medical oncologists received more than two million general payments totaling more than $600 million from 2017 to 2023. Hematology-oncology received the highest total payment amount, and industry-sponsored conferences drove high-value transactions. Stock payments featured prominently in hematology.


Three-quarters of all actively practicing anesthesiologists in the U.S. received nearly $300 million in non-research industry payments from 2014 to 2023. The top 1% of anesthesiologists accounted for about three-quarters of total payments, with pain medicine specialists receiving median payments eight times higher than general anesthesiologists.


U.S. physicians in radiology received more than $100 million between 2017 and 2021 in royalties and ownership fees. Of roughly 3,000 neuroradiologists in another study, published in November last year, 48% received at least one payment from industry between 2016 and 2021, including research funds.

Endocrine Surgery

More than 400 members of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons received nearly $5.9 million in general payments between 2014 and 2020, with a median payment of $701 over that period.

Fauxi Tortured More Than Just Beagles

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, confirmed reports that over $241 million in taxpayer dollars were used for none other than transgender treatments and surgeries…on animals.

Guess who gave the green light for the “study”? You guessed it, former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases chief Anthony Fauxi.

According to reports, the hundreds of millions of dollars were used to “study transgender surgeries and treatments on animals.

Breitbart News reports on the testimony of taxpayer watchdog White Coat Waste Project (WCW). Earlier this month, senior Vice President of Advocacy and Public Policy at White Coat Waste Project Justin Goodman testified, declaring the $241 million spent on transgender animal testing is merely the “floor.” Reference HERE

(I wonder what the ceiling is? BP)

Well, this actually makes sense:

How To Unravel The Entire Climate-Change Hoax

"One fake-science theory underpins the entire green agenda."

The Trump administration may soon throw out a major piece of junk science that has served as the philosophical underpinning for the government wasting hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars on the climate-change hoax. In essence, they’ve robbed us blind while claiming to save us from ourselves, and they based it all on a lie.

The Daily Mail reports that EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin is lobbying for the White House to discard the so-called “endangerment finding.” This is a 2009 bureaucratic rule theorizing that greenhouse gases, created by burning “fossil fuels,” leads to global warming and allegedly poses a threat to public health.

More info HERE

Parents Beware Of Shots

The.Ethical.Scientist on Instagram posted these comments by Robert Malone:

Dr. Robert Malone, who invented the mRNA technology, warns parents about  the mRNA va((ines:

They’re rolling out mRNA in routine childhood shots starting in 2025.

Let that sink in. This is not the same childhood schedule we grew up with. It’s experimental, and the long-term effects are unknown.

What this means for your child:

>New technology and shots with no long-term safety studies.

>Lipid nanoparticles crossing into the blood brain barrier.

>Potential immune dysregulation and inflammatory responses.

What can you do?

Educate yourself, don’t blindly trust the system that profits off sick kids! Ask questions, what’s in the shots? What are the risks from taking the shots? Why are they doing this?

Support detox pathways and heavy metals adjuvants, plus toxins need to be flushed out.

The dream house features Trump's orders doing away with restrictions on appliances such as gas stoves, plastic straws, light bulbs, washing machines and shower heads.

"The Trump administration is giving consumers the freedom to choose the products that work best for their family," O.H. Skinner, the executive director of Alliance for Consumers, told Fox News Digital in a statement.

"These Executive Orders unleash consumer choice rather than forcing Progressive Lifestyle Choices onto consumers."

(Alliance for Consumers / Fox News)

 ICAN is starting a campaign to impeach the judge that blocked Trump’s order that blocks transitioning kids under the age of 18. Yay!

Why Did More Than 1 Million Bee Colonies Collapse?

Commercial beekeepers reported that, on average, they lost 62% of their colonies from June 2024 to February, according to a survey of 702 U.S. beekeepers.

Preliminary sampling of live and dead bees has failed to show a cause, and a team of at least 16 scientists from universities and the USDA are looking for answers.

For more info, CLICK HERE

Romania's Deep State Coup

Romania is fighting a Deep State coup as regime forces work to silence dissent and prevent anti-globalist Romanian presidential candidate Călin Georgescu from running for president—again.

While hardly covered in U.S. media, Romania’s plight illustrates the Deep State’s “battle from within” tactic to overthrow a nation’s sovereignty, and it has profound implications for the United States, Russia, and the world order.

Romanian Member of Parliament George Simion, president of the Alliance of the Union of Romanians (AUR), said the country is in "an ongoing coup d'état,” giving an explosive update on the ongoing story.

Simion, speaking on behalf of his conservative political faction, painted a picture of a nation in the grip of anti-democratic forces: "The globalists don't want to give up power, even if the Romanian people do not support them anymore."

According to Simion, powerful figures like George Soros have been instrumental in steering Romanian politics away from populism and national sovereignty. "We have the judicial system controlled by Soros forces… and we have a police state that is stopping us," he contends.

Simion explained that the Deep State is fighting Georgescu because he will support Trump’s agenda, is against the ongoing Ukraine war, and will not comply with the United Nations and Klaus Schwab’s Agenda 2030.

More info, 12-minute Alex Newman video, CLICK HERE

(Alex will be speaking at the Steeling the Mind Conference Saturday March 15—we have just a few tickets left! CLICK HERE for info. The conference will be available to watch for free on your phone, tablet, computer or smart tv— compass.org/TV or youtube.com/@CQLJ ...Click on "LIVE" March 15)

Most Infant Formula Brands Are Full of Added Sugars

Most infant formulas in the U.S. contain mostly added sugars instead of natural lactose, which experts say can harm early development. But the manufacturers don't have to disclose this fact.

Article info HERE

Good Grief—They Knew This!!!

By combining the BC CDC’s own data of Historic Flu AEFI rates with the rates of common and very common AEFIs from the V-Safe database, we see that within 7 days, with the COVID-19 vaccines, you were:

  • 1381 times more likely to experience pain, and/or,
  • 652 times more likely to experience fatigue, and/or,
  • 574 times more likely to experience headaches, and/or,
  • 445 times more likely to experience Myalgia, and/or,
  • 225 times more likely to experience Chills, and/or,
  • 223 times more likely to experience Fever, and/or,
  • 215 times more likely to experience Swelling, and/or,
  • 203 times more likely to experience Joint Pain, and/or,
  • 174 times more likely to experience pain than you were with a flu shot.

Would anyone have agreed to be injected with a substance, if they were aware it had the the above harm profile?


Conclusion to President Trump‘s Address To Congress

If you missed it, do read this, it will make your day!

Now it is our time to take up the righteous cause of American liberty, and it is our turn to take America’s destiny into our own hands and begin the most thrilling days in the history of our country.

This will be our greatest era. With God’s help, over the next four years, we are going to lead this nation even higher, and we are going to forge the freest, most advanced, most dynamic and most dominant civilization ever to exist on the face of this Earth.

We are going to create the highest quality of life, build the safest and wealthiest and healthiest and most vital communities anywhere in the world. We are going to conquer the vast frontiers of science, and we are going to lead humanity into space and plant the American flag on the planet Mars, and even far beyond.

Through it all, we are going to rediscover the unstoppable power of the American spirit. And we are going to renew unlimited promise of the American dream.

Every single day we will stand up and we will fight, fight, fight for the country our citizens believe in and for the country our people deserve. My fellow Americans, get ready for an incredible future, because the golden Age of America has only just begun.

It will be like nothing that has ever been seen before.

Thank you. God bless you and God bless America.

--President Donald Trump

END, Compass eNews, March 6, 2025

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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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