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Pre-Trib Teachers Before Darby

August 7, 2024

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Pre-Trib Teachers Before Darby in 1830

I usually get two or three people a month who energetically explain to me that the doctrine of Pre-trib Rapture is a hoax.

These well-meaning people usually have been incorrectly taught that in 1830 John Darby was the one who came up with the Pre-tribulational Rapture doctrine.

So I decided to put into print a brief synopsis of why that is utterly ridiculous.

Usually, these objectors' root problem is that they're not viewing the Bible through a dispensational lens. Once you understand dispensations, a lot of things clear up—like the Pre-trib Rapture doctrine.

Dispensational theology demands a literal view of scripture.

By their very definition, dispensations can’t overlap. One has to stop before another can start. All past dispensations happened this way.

And when you divide the Bible into dispensations, it shows there’s a clear difference between Israel, the Church Age and the Tribulation. Each one stops, then the next one begins.

Israel in the future is often a stumbling block to non-dispensationalists. But God is NOT finished with Israel!

“Come, let us return to the LORD.
For He has torn us, but He will heal us;
He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.
He will revive us after two days;
He will raise us up on the third day,
That we may live before Him." Hos. 6:1-2

Using the Day/Age theory, that unfulfilled prophecy says that Israel will be torn and wounded for 2000 years. But then the Lord will raise them back up and they will live in His presence in the Millennium.

You can’t read Romans chapters 9, 10 and 11 and miss the fact God clearly will put Israel back as His primary focus in the future, after the Rapture. We’re seeing Him putting all the pieces in place today.

Viewing the Bible literally means we believe everything God said. We believe God created the heavens and the earth by speaking them into existence over six literal 24-hour days, 6000 years ago.(1)

This means any teaching that says the earth evolved over millions or billions of years is a myth from the pit of hell. The very first verse of the Bible says:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Gen. 1:1

The verses following describe the 6 days of God's creation and one day of rest.

Using a literal translation of the Bible means that in Noah’s time there was a literal flood of judgment of sin on the entire earth. The flood covered all the high mountains destroying all humans and animals… except eight members of Noah’s family. (Gen. 6:1-8:22)

And believing the Bible literally means Jonah survived three days and three nights in the belly of a fish before being vomited out to preach sin and repentance.

It’s interesting that Jesus Himself mentioned creation (Mark 10:6), the worldwide flood of Noah (Luke 17:26), and Jonah inside the big fish (Matt. 12:40). Jesus took the scriptures literally, and so should we.

And reading God’s infallible Word from a literal perspective, Daniel 9:24-27 tells us there are seven years of wrath coming, followed by Jesus’ 1000-year reign as King of the earth.

The Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Catholics, Lutherans and others don’t believe there's a 7-year period of God's wrath coming. But there is.

And they don't believe Jesus will literally reign on earth as King for 1000 years.

But when God says six times in six straight verses that Jesus will reign in the future as King of the Earth for 1000 years (Rev. 20:2-7), that means Jesus will literally reign as King of the Earth for 1000 years following His Second Coming. God said it; we believe it.

The Catholic Church has always taught a non-dispensational view of scripture. And they had a chokehold on church doctrine for about 1000 years—from roughly 500 AD to 1500 AD. This has become known as the Dark Ages.

The invention of the printing press in 1440 AD allowed the Bible to be widely read. And in 1517, when Martin Luther protested the Catholic doctrine of man's salvation being based on what you do or not do, the Dark Ages ended and the Age of Enlightenment began.

Recently Tucker Carlson, who attends a mainline denominational church (Episcopal), sadly allowed his show guest, country musician John Rich, to rail on about why he believed the Pre-trib position was ungodly.

(Interview and comments HERE)

Rich claimed the Pre-trib doctrine was first taught by J.N. Darby in 1830. He further opined that the word “Rapture” was not in the Bible.

Well, he's correct that the word “Rapture” is not in the Bible. But neither is the word "Trinity!" But, of course, the teaching is.  The word “Rapture,” like the word "Trinity," simply describes a doctrine clearly outlined in the Bible.

The word “Rapture” may not be in the English Bible but was coined from the word "rapturo" in the Latin Bible. It means “snatched up” or “caught up.”

The translation implies God is going to snatch away the Believers before He pours out His divine wrath on earth. And He will.

Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, ... 1Cor. 15:51a

The Bible promises that Believers in the Church Age will not receive God’s wrath coming on the earth. We may be individually persecuted, even to death, but we will not ever be the recipients of God’s wrath. Jesus paid it all.

For God has not destined us for wrath, 1Th. 5:9

Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come. 1Thes. 1:10a

Yes, Darby did a lot to popularize the Pre-trib position in the early 1800s. But he was not the first person—by a long shot.

According to Tommy Ice, Executive Director of the Pre-Trib Institute, they have identified 60 pre-Trib statements from 100 AD until Darby in 1830 with only minor differences. Here are just a few...

Paul of Tarsus (5-65AD), of course, taught the Pre-trib position in his God-inspired letters to the Churches in Corinth and Thessalonica. Realistically, that’s all anyone needs to know.

Justin Martyr (100-165 AD) held to a Pre-trib position. He taught five different dispensations.

Enoch to Noah

Irenaeus (130-203 AD) also taught five dispensations:

Adam to Noah
Noah to Moses
Moses to Christ
Christ to Millennium

Tertullian (155-220) was first to teach six dispensations.


Methodius (d. 311), and Victorinus of Petau (d. 304) also taught dispensational theology and Pre-trib Rapture.

The Dark Ages (500-1500 AD), when the Catholic Church controlled doctrine, dispensationalism was largely absent.

The Reformation
With the invention of the printing press in 1440, the Bible was the first book printed. Errors of Catholic Church doctrine were easily seen by born-again Believers and the Catholic Church choke-hold on Bible doctrine was broken.

In 1517 Martin Luther protested the doctrines of the Catholic Church and his followers became known as protesters. The protestors became know as the first Protestants.

But Luther had his hands full dealing with "saved by faith" not "by works." The Catholic Church was trying to kill him thinking he was an infidel. So he didn't have time to research any pre-millennial doctrines. Neither did Calvin or other early protestant teachers.

It was 100 years later when the first Believers began noticing other errors in the Catholic Church's doctrine. Later denominations like Baptists, Assemblies of God, Churches of God and today's Calvary Chapels and Bible Churches all hold to pre-millennial doctrines.

250 years before Darby (1580 AD), the doctrine of Covenant Theology was first introduced, dividing the Bible into two covenants (i.e. two dispensations), a forerunner of modern dispensationalism.

Pierre Poiret (1687) aligned 7 dispensations with human life:

I- Infancy—to the Deluge
2- Childhood—to Moses
3- Adolescence—to the prophets
4- Youth—to the coming of Christ
5- Manhood—"some time after that” (Church Age)
6- Old Age—"the time of man’s decay” (Church Age)
7- Renovation of all things—(Millennium)

Isaac Watts (1674 - 1748) wrote about dispensations in an essay entitled “The Harmony of all the Religions which God Prescribed to Men.”

I. The Dispensation of Innocence
2. Adam after the Fall
3. The Noahic Dispensation
4. The Abrahamic Dispensation
5. The Mosaic Dispensation
6. The Christian Dispensation

John Darby (1800-1882) was an English Clergyman who extensively promoted dispensationalism worldwide.

Cyrus Scofield (1843-1921) popularized dispensations through numerous books and publications.

Lewis Sperry Chafer (1871-1952) popularized dispensations through numerous books and publications.

Charles Ryrie (1925-2016) edited the majorly successful Ryrie Study Bible (over 2 million copies) that promoted classical dispensationalism.

Paul D. Van Noy (1960- ), Pastor and Bible prophecy teacher in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, was the first to popularize 7 Dispensations but has Israel as a single dispensation while adding Tribulation as a separate dispensation. (This is the model Compass uses.)

Andy Woods (1969- ), Pastor and President of Chafer Theological Seminary, gives the clearest doctrinal teaching on pre-tribulational Dispensational theology today.

Andy has the best 5-minute recap of why Pre-trib is the only possible way to understand scripture. CLICK HERE and stand up and yell! It's a great link for those pesky Mid-tribbers.

So there you have it. Proof Darby did NOT invent the Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib or Post-Trib doctrines. So give it a rest!

The Real Problem
Because dispensational theology takes a literal view of scripture and therefore teaches Jesus will reign for 1000 years from Jerusalem in the future, the main objection is really not Pre-Trib Rapture, it’s objecting to dispensational theology!




1) God didn’t really need six, 24-hour days to create the heavens and earth.

He could have created it all in a split second. But He did for a purpose—to give us a pattern. The six days of work and one day of rest was a model for us to use in our lives.

It's also a model of the 7000 years God created for human history. Each 24-hour day equals 1000 years.

But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. 2Pet. 3:8 

6,000 years of human history will transpire before 1000 years of Jesus' reign begins.

More info:

2 Days in Scripture

I feel sorry for anyone trying to understand what's going on in the world today without having the Bible as a guide!

But we know Who is really in control, and we know all things work together for us Believers in the long run.

The links below are to help us be wise and aware as we live and make decisions living in the concluding moments of the Church Age. Use us, Lord! BP

---Clicking on any fuzzy picture below usually clears it up---

Pi In The Bible

5-Minute Video


Well, this is a fun, 5-minute eye-opening video. Jewish scholars have discovered some fascinating insights regarding Pi. We all learned in school that the ratio for a circle's circumference to its diameter is 3.14. Turns out it's buried in Genesis 1:1, big time!

Something Evil Has Invaded Our Nation

2-minute video


She nails it. But realistically, it was not a recent invasion... just saying...

Peter McCullough's Assassination Observations



Couple of article quotes:

"...one Secret Service agent may have appeared to be clearing people out of the way for the kill shot—before he got himself out of the way."

"It’s ludicrous that we are now being asked to believe this young, disaffected person with mental problems somehow managed to defeat the Secret Service and the entire security team. Listen, that young person is not responsible for all these security lapses. Four minutes is way too long a period for no one to act while bystanders scream, 'There's a shooter on the roof.'"

"It's also ludicrous that no local police officer or Secret Service agent acted like there was an active shooter situation, which there clearly was. Instead, they failed to get Trump out of the way. That left Trump in harm's way. At this point, it looks intentional."

"Incredibly, it looks like they are just following the progression of what may have been a planned move. Their thinking seems to be: 'Is Crooks getting in position? Is he ready? He takes his shots. Let's double check now. Did Crooks take his shots? Okay, let's take the sniper out now.'"

And more observations by Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri:

Secret Service Whistleblowers Describe Butler Trump Rally as a "Free-for-All" Security Nightmare

Nobody was fired. The lead site agent responsible for the Trump security disaster continues to oversee security for political events.

Whistleblowers tell Sen. Josh Hawley that she, the lead site agent, was not enforcing normal security protocols and describe her as “inexperienced and incompetent.”

There was a failure to check IDs at the event, allowing unchecked access to secure areas.

Additionally, Homeland Security agents, many of whom had never worked a rally before, were primarily responsible for security instead of experienced Secret Service agents.

The Secret Service snipers communicated via text message without Wi-Fi, and the Secret Service itself was in a separate command center, far from the action.

Globalists In Maga Clothing—Will Trump Survive?

28-minute Video


Alex Newman interviews Peter Navarro, who is fresh out of prison due to the DOJ weaponization against anyone they can find who supports Trump. What Navarro says is at least hopeful.

From economic strategies and border security to addressing the weaponization of the justice system, Navarro provides a comprehensive overview of the path forward for the Trump administration. We all hope he's right.

I too am praying that Trump will be sworn in on January 25th (assuming the Lord doesn't come back before then).

But let's face the facts, Trump was elected in 2020 but didn't get to keep the job. Since his brazen adversaries just tried to murder him in plain sight, it shows they're willing to do WHATEVER THEY HAVE TO to keep him out of office.

They are trying to show evidence via fake polling that the race is close. That way the cheating doesn't look so obvious.

We face the hard reality of "President Harris." (That would put a new spin on "Working your way from the bottom up.")

Back at the ranch, God has us here for His purposes. We have soothing answers for a hurting world. So whether we win or lose in the political arena, we win big time for eternity. Use us, Lord!

Newsweek reported:

In recent years, however, early-onset cancer, meaning cancer diagnosed in adults between ages 18 and 49, is on the rise. This troubling trend means that adults should start being aware of their risks and screening for certain cancers earlier.

A recent study published by the American Cancer Society found that cancer patients in the U.S. are “increasingly shifting from older to middle-aged individuals.”

For example, cervical cancer is the second-leading cause of death in women aged 20 to 39, and colorectal and breast cancer are the leading causes of death for men and women, respectively, between ages 20 and 49.

-End of article-

What they're not telling you, of course, is that 96% of these new cancer cases are in those who were Covid va((inated. The beat goes on...

Imagine if you had a product that everyone on earth had to purchase... and when they used the product, 50% of the time it caused them need to buy more of your products. Point is, Big Pharma is not making money off getting people well.

Yet More Proof The Clot Shots Didn't Reduce Hospitalizations



Steve Kirsch: "It doesn’t get any more clear than this. The COVID va((ines didn’t provide any protection against hospitalization or death: they were nothing but death shots."

Well, he gets it.

1 In 9 Kids Have ADHD


In the U.S., 1 in 9 children between the ages of 3 and 17, or 7.1 million, have been diagnosed with ADHD. Among them, 58.1% had moderate or severe cases. And now there's evidence that it's not only the va((ines causing the problems.

There Was No Pandemic

The following is an excerpt from Canary in a Covid World:
-By Denis Rancourt

The presumed virus that caused synchronous mortality hot-spots in March, April, May 2020, such as New York, Madrid, London, Stockholm, and Northern Italy, did not spread beyond these hot-spots.

Person to person contact spreading of respiratory diseases cannot explain and is disapproved by the seasonal patterns of all cause mortality. Why the CDC etc., are not systematically ridiculed in this regard is beyond scientific comprehension.

Vicious new protocols killed patients. Many states imposed coercive social measures, which were contrary to individual health: fear, panic, paranoia induced, psychological stress, socialization, self victimization, loss of work and volunteer activity, loss of social status, loss of employment, business bankruptcy, loss of usefulness, loss of caretakers, loss of venues and mobility, suppression of freedom of expression, etc. 
Unfortunately, the medical establishment did not limit itself to assaulting and isolating vulnerable patients, hospitals and care facilities. It also systematically withdrew normal care and attacked physicians who refused to do so.
There is no evidence that there was any particular variant pathogen causing mortality. There was no public health reason to develop and deploy vaccines: not even if one accepted the tenuous proposition that any vaccine has ever been effective against a presumed viral, respiratory disease.
The vaccines contributed significantly to excess mortality everywhere that they were imposed.
The excess mortality was not caused by any particular variant new pathogen. The Covid so-called response in effect was a massive multi-prong attack against population and societal support structures which caused all the excess mortality in every jurisdiction.

Covid Rules Protested In Berlin

I'm guessing you didn't see this on the news. People in Germany are hopping mad over the lingering pandemic va((ine rules.
Several thousand demonstrators marched through Berlin on Saturday. Participants waved banners demanding a "reappraisal" of the government measures imposed in hopes of controlling the spread of the virus, as well as "consequences for those responsible."


A preliminary estimate by police put the crowd at the demonstration at around 9,000 people.

My [Steve Kirsch's] paper showing the COVID and flu vaccines do not work was published in PrePrints today.

The paper shows that the COVID and flu vaccines don’t reduce hospitalization at all. Zero. Zip. Nada.

It uses VA data published in JAMA by a top epidemiologist to expose the truth. No hospitalization benefit implies no death benefit because there is no precedent in medicine for no hospitalization benefit yielding a death benefit.

So they lied to us about the benefits. It was ALL downside risk with the shots.

Also, the Medicare data shows that the mortality rate of the shots depends on brand. This is statistically significant. Yet, nobody in the world is looking at this. Not at the local level, not the state level, not the national level. They all look the other way.

- Steve Kirsch

7th Circuit: Religious objections to COVID-19 vaccine may include secular reasons

Healthcare employees who were denied a vaccination exemption based on their Christian beliefs and concerns about the vaccine’s safety can sue the employer for violating Title VII.

Can you spot the trend?

World-Renowned Va((inologist Admits Va((ination Safety Studies Lacking

  • Dr. Stanley Plotkin co-authored a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) admitting significant gaps in vaccine safety research, contradicting decades of claims that vaccines are thoroughly studied and safe.
  • The paper acknowledges inadequacies in prelicensure clinical trials and reveals a lack of dedicated funding for post-approval vaccine safety studies in the U.S.
  • Over 76% of vaccine-related health outcomes examined by the Institute of Medicine lacked sufficient evidence to determine causality, challenging assertions that vaccine safety is a settled science.
  • A study by Dr. Paul Thomas found higher rates of various health issues in vaccinated children compared to unvaccinated children, highlighting the need for more independent research.
  • Critics argue the authors’ proposed solutions and motivations suggest an attempt to boost public confidence in vaccines rather than critically examine vaccine safety concerns.

Now the CDC changed it again...And it is not a small, inconsequential tweak. It is massive disinformation. 

The CDC’s new definition of vaccination is a deliberate attempt to radically redefine what it means to be "vaccinated" and to obscure the severe risks and evolving nature of current vaccine technologies. It changes the contents of the product. It changes the goals of the product. It changes everything except the name of the product. 

Per January 2024 Merriam-Webster: for the very first time, introducing a “preparation of genetic material (such as mRNA) is included in the definition of a vaccine."

It's a classic case of the frog sitting in hot water—gradual changes are made under the radar, hoping the public won't notice the implications until it's too late.

  1. Introduction of genetic material: The inclusion of mRNA technology as a part of the vaccination definition is perhaps the most dramatic shift of all. It signals a move towards a vaccine that requires a re-evaluation of safety, efficacy, legal and ethical implications. Under no circumstances should this new product have been given the same name as the old product.
  2. Misleading the American People: The CDC’s changes are not widely publicized, thus they leave nearly the entire US Population unaware that the purpose of vaccines has fundamentally changed.

The motives behind these changes are driven by the Medical Industrial Complex's sinister agenda to expand its power and profits at the expense of your health and your freedom.

- Simone Gold

Big Pharma Is Desperate For The Next Pandemic



The Globalists/Satanists want to use police and even NATO to force vaccination on people. Well, we know where this eventually leads...but not until after we're ejected out of here.

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Rev. 13:16-17

I wonder what "slaves" refers to...just curious. I know what a slave is, but could it be referring to those held in detention?

HHS Quietly Declares Emergency for Bird Flu



Attorney Ray Flores:

“This paves the way for more EUA vaccines, devices and products to possibly be effective against these new and unknown viruses,

“Just as EUA PCR tests exaggerated the COVID-19 pandemic, the detection of avian influenza and influenza A viruses with pandemic potential via unlicensed PCR tests is destined to justify lockdowns, masking, invasive nasal swabs, and wide-scale vaccination with experimental mRNA technology.

“The stage is set for RT-PCR tests to take the pivotal role of determining false positives with amped up cycle thresholds designed to declare asymptomatic, otherwise healthy people to be infected — just like last time.”

US Government Awards Billions in Contracts To Censorship Cartel



The World Federation of Advertisers (WFA), which includes global corporations like IBM, Mastercard, PepsiCo, AB InBev, Nestlé, and L'Oréal, forces media and other corporations to embrace woke narratives and ideologies.

It's just more proof the world is being run by Globalists/Satanists as they ready for world control.

Biden's $2.2 Billion For Power Grid Is To Increase Surveillance State

Article by Leo Hohmann


This project sounds good on the surface, but it has nothing to do with bulking up against an EMP attack by Russia or China. Rather, it will supply AI with the power needed to surveil everyone 24/7.


The real payrolls number is far worse than reported—what was the true shock in recent "data" released is the long overdue admission that the US is effectively in a recession because as the rule named for pro-Biden/Kamala socialist Claudia Sahm indicates, a recession has now been triggered.

The rule, for those who don't remember, is that a recession is effectively already underway if the unemployment rate (based on a three-month moving average) rises by half a percentage point from its low of the past year. And that's what just happened, with the unemployment rate surging 0.6% from the year's low.

  • The number of people employed part time for economic reasons rose by 346,000 to 4.6 million in July. These individuals, who would have preferred full-time employment, were working part time because their hours had been reduced or they were unable to find full-time jobs.
  • The number of people not in the labor force who currently want a job increased by 366,000 to 5.6 million in July, largely offsetting a decline in the previous month. These individuals were not counted as unemployed because they were not actively looking for work during the 4 weeks preceding the survey or were unavailable to take a job.
  • Among those not in the labor force who wanted a job, the number of people marginally attached to the labor force (at 1.6 million) was little changed in July. These individuals wanted and were available for work and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months but had not looked for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey. The number of discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached, believed that no jobs were available for them.

Zero Hedge

Colleges Across America Offer Witchcraft Courses



The wolves have control of the hen houses. Universities across America offer radical  courses on witchcraft and divination but won't allow the Bible to be taught.

Yale’s History of the Night course features “a cross-disciplinary approach to examine how the night became the abode of the ghost, the devil, the witch, and the dead.”

Duke University’s Radical Magic course culminates in making a personal “spell book” and includes students giving each other psychic readings.

One of Georgetown University’s courses is all about “rituals, symbols, shamanism, expanded states of consciousness, spirit possession, magic, divination and witchcraft.”

- Ken Ham, AIG

Scary State Of The Economy





Some believe the powers that be will hold up the American economy until after the national elections. Others think it's too late, the big one is coming.

Practicing the Red Heifer Ritual



A group of religious Israelis have been practicing the ritual of the red heifer, which is meant to herald the building of a new Jewish temple on the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

According to Jewish tradition, the ashes of a perfectly red heifer cow are needed for the ritual purification that would allow a third temple to be built in Jerusalem.

That temple, say Jewish religious groups, must be constructed on the raised plateau in Jerusalem’s Old City known as the Temple Mount, where Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock shrine stand today.

Isn't it interesting that the world is focused on one tiny spot, God's special place on earth—Mount Moriah! It's where Abraham offered Issac, the first two Jewish Temples were built, and where Jesus will reign as King of the Earth for 1000 years.

   They have no clue what's in store for them if they don't get saved.


The Sabotage Strategy Behind Walz's VP Pick?

By Mike Adams

The Dems' choice of Tim Walz as a VP pick is almost an admission that all hope is lost. It seems obvious they know they can't win, so they're doubling down on the planned riots, civil unrest and left-wing insurrection against America.

We anticipate massive sabotage operations carried out by radicalized leftists working in conjunction with the deep state to try to cripple America's economy, border and civility to the greatest extent possible before Trump takes office.


Hmmm… now that is interesting... his theory is that the Dems know they’re going to lose so they’re going to use the last six months in power to totally destroy as much of America as possible. Then they'll come after Trump, again, from all sides.
You have to admit, that’s one of the few things that makes any sense about choosing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz as their best candidates. It just doesn't pass the sniff test.
Or maybe they have one or two more things up their sleeve that are still to come before elections. Like 2000, just when we think we have something, Lucy pulls the football away.
I personally don't think there's a snowball's chance in Hades that the Deep State will allow Trump to get back into power. But I hope and pray he does. Hey, God can do anything.

For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. Is. 55:8

Biden Says Regardless Of Who Wins, Transfer Of Power Won't Be Easy



If the Rapture doesn't happen in October, it's going to be a wild ride.

Most Israelis support hostage deal to end Gaza war

Poll done Aug. 7, 2024

97% Of All FACE Prosecutions Target Christians

Department of Justice (DOJ) data reveals how the Biden administration has used the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act to specifically target pro-life activists, despite the statute’s original intent of protecting abortion clinics as well as pro-life pregnancy centers and houses of worship.


END, Compass eNews, August 8, 2024

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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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