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7 Ironclad Proofs The USA Is In Scripture

January 8, 2025

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It's a privilege to plan a conference and four Bible trips this year to enhance your Biblical acumen! Please register early as all have limited openings!

March 15 — Steeling the Mind Bible Conference

March 30-April 10 — Israel/Petra Bible Study Mission Trip

May 29-June 1— Grand Canyon South Rim and Raft

June 4-8 —  Grand Canyon North Grand Staircase

October 14-30 — Compass Biblelands Cruise 2025

Scroll down for details or links.

It's time to Steel Your Mind!!

If you love the Lord, love your Bible and love to learn, join us in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho on March 15 for a great day of Biblical armoring!

Top speakers will hammer away on tough topics to Steel Your Mind with Biblical truths for these last days. And there's nothing better than rubbing elbows with a room full of like-minded Believers studying God's Word... a lot of Christian energy fills that room!

This year's speakers include Alex Newman, Andy Woods, Dave Reagan, Russ Miller and Patrick Wood. 

Patrick Wood is our most recent addition to this year's lineup. He'll explain AI... what it is and why Christians need to know where it's headed. Unreal!

For more information or to purchase tickets, CLICK HERE

Israel / Petra Mission Trip

If you want to turn your black and white Bible into living color, join us for one incredible small-group Bible study mission trip of Israel and Petra.

Whether it's where Jesus walked and taught in Galilee or the mind-blowing streets of Old Jerusalem, it'll add a dimension to your Biblical insight you never knew possible!

This is actually two trips in one...it includes Israel AND Jordan. Flying into Amman, we'll head to Galilee and then to Jerusalem seeing sites, smells and sounds that will be etched into your brain forever.

Then we'll head to the Dead Sea for a private tour of a special archeological dig hoping to find the long-hidden ashes of the red heifer—needed before sacrifices can be re-instituted on Mt. Moriah...and other possible ancient artifacts. 🙂

From there we'll head down to the Red Sea and then to photogenic Petra, Jordan in the Valley of Moses. It's the most likely place the Jews will reconnect with the Lord as they're protected from the Antichrist during the last half of the 7-year Tribulation.

We'll end up at Mt. Nebo to see the same first view Moses had of the land of milk and honey.

This is as good a trip as we've ever planned and if you have the time and the shekels, pray about joining us!

CLICK HERE for all the details!

And for this fall...

It's the cruise of a lifetime!!!!!!

Oh wow, the land of the Bible! You’ve read about it, now it’s time to see it with your own eyes! And once you do, you’ll simply never be the same. Come with us and see your Bible change from black and white to full living color!

We don’t send you to the Holyland, we take you!

Over 30 years of escorting groups through the magnificent Biblelands has given us in-depth knowledge and experience—critical in choosing the very best destinations, accommodations, schedules and guides to make your trip to God’s special place on earth the best it can be.

We’ve designed a fantastic itinerary on a remarkable 17-day trip that includes 9 fabulous cruise days. You’ll experience up-close the forever-impacting New Testament Mediterranean ports of Athens, Corinth, Santorini, Ephesus, Thessalonica, Philippi, Crete and Mykonos. Wow!

We’ll then fly from Athens to Israel for five nights and five days between Galilee and Jerusalem! Combine all those sites with STEEL-ON-STEEL at-sea Bible studies and there’s not a better Holyland itinerary!

It doesn’t get any better than this one! And it's limited to one bus... pray about joining us!!

CLICK HERE for more details.



Grand Canyon — Join us this May or June!

Two Compass Grand Canyon Trip Options For 2025!

This trip sells out each year, so if you want to really understand Noah's flood and evolution vs. creation from a Biblical perspective, and be taught by one of the top Biblical apologists on Grand Canyon, Russ Miller, register early for either the South Rim Tour (3 days) or North Rim Tour (4 days)!

Either tour is great. They are just two different perspectives that show God's visible proof of a global flood 4500 years ago.

Southern Rim From Phoenix, AZ

(Currently 29 of 50 seats sold)


South Rim And Raft — May 29 - June 1, 2025

$1295 PP, double occupancy

Arrive Thursday, depart Sunday, includes 15-mile raft trip up and down the Colorado River. Includes hotels, travel meals away from Phoenix, raft trip and entrance fees.

Northern Rim From Las Vegas, NV

(Currently 48 of 50 seats sold!)


North Rim and Grand Staircase — June 4 - June 8, 2025

$1595 PP, double occupancy

Arrive Wednesday, depart Sunday, includes ATV-off-road tour, hotels, transportation, travel meals away from Vegas, and entrance fees to Zion, Bryce and Grand Canyon National Parks.

Dear Compass Supporters:

It's going to be a wild year watching President Trump fend off the Globalists'/Satanists' New World Order agenda. We should pray daily for our leadership to make Godly decisions. Hey, it's a lot easier praying for President Trump than the last one. 

We published an article in early December that included information about the USA being in the Bible and have had several questions. This is apparently new info for a lot of people, including pastors who have been taught differently.

We began teaching that America is in Bible prophecy in the late 1990s and published articles and videos as early as 2002. Since there are many new people who have begun following us through the years, the purpose of today's article, "7 Ironclad Proofs The USA is in Scripture," is to make the case airtight.

If the USA IS in scripture, we should be boldly proclaiming it. Enjoy.

Use us, Lord!



Scroll down for our article and always edgy Additional Resources!


7 Ironclad Proofs The USA Is In Scripture

If we're near the heart-pounding Rapture-rescue of the Church Age Believers, then we're obviously living in the last days of this Biblical dispensation. It's the times of the signs!

Just after the Rapture, a 7-year peace deal is instituted between Israel and 10 nations. We may be seeing today the early stages of this peace agreement coming together.

Since the USA is the strongest and richest nation on the planet, and hugely used by God for protecting Israel and His worldwide missionary outreach, how do we know we're NOT one of the ten nations in the last-days 7-year peace covenant the New World leader orchestrates with Israel?

Reason #1

The Daniel 2 image's toes represent the 10 nations that, post-Rapture, guarantee Israel's peace and safety during the first 3 1/2 years of Tribulation.

The statue represents a quite accurate timeline from Babylon (head) to the end of the Tribulation (bottom of the feet) (see image graphic).

The toes connected to the two legs represent the east and west divisions of the Roman Empire, just like the arms represent the Median-Persian Empire.

The USA was not even existing at the time of the Roman Empire. So, since the Bible is 100% accurate, the U.S. is NOT part of the 7-year peace agreement.

Reason #2

The Bible says the U.S. is 100% destroyed in one day, even in one hour, immediately following the Rapture. So the U.S. can't be part of the 7-year peace deal.

To prove this you first must confirm that the U.S. is in the Bible. Here are 7 verses that are hard to argue with! All have to do with an end-time nation in existence just before the Rapture. Who is this nation?

(You should read our article HERE about why we know some verses have dual meanings or dual application.)

Proof #1

This nation has a mother nation . . . just like the U.S. has a mother nation—Great Britain. Neither Iran nor Italy have a mother nation.

“Your mother will be greatly ashamed, she who gave you birth will be humiliated. Jeremiah 50:12a

There is a border crossing between USA and Canada near Vancouver, Canada. On the border is a "Peace Arch" in a peace park with a large inscription on it: "Children of a common mother."

Proof #2

This nation is called the military hammer of the earth.

“How the hammer of the whole earth . . . has been cut off and broken!” Jeremiah 50:23

He says, “You are My war-club, My weapon of war;" Jeremiah 51:20

Say what you want about our military, but God used it in two world wars as His military hammer.

Proof #3

This nation is full of foreigners.

“A sword against . . . all the foreigners who are in the midst of her,” Jeremiah 50:37

This is obvious. Whether legal or illegal, foreigners by the millions are in our country.

Proof #4

This is a nation who is bordered by “many waters.”

“O you who dwell by many waters,” Jeremiah 51:13,42

The U.S. is bordered by three oceans and the five Great Lakes.

Proof #5

All the nations of the world got tricked by the drugs from this nation.

You will be thrown down with violence ....because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery [Greek = Pharmakia— drugs, vaccines]. Rev. 18:23c

Proof #6

This nation's merchants were most successful in business worldwide.

your merchants were the great men of the earth... Rev. 18:23b

Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Donald Trump... to name a few.

Proof #7

This nation mounts up to the heavens. Notice "heavens" is plural, so she ascends beyond the lower stratosphere where planes fly.

“Though Babylon should ascend to the heavens.” Jeremiah 51:53

So there you have it...not a lot of nations take space shots, have a mother nation, are bordered by many waters, distribute drugs worldwide, influence the world with their products, are full of foreigners, and could be called God's military hammer of the earth.

There's really no good argument that this nation could be any nation but the USA. The characteristics fit like a glove.

For those left behind, it's important to note that this nation is totally destroyed in one hour/one day, shortly after the Church's exhilarating exit.

'...in one hour she has been laid waste!’ Rev. 18:19c

“For this reason in one day her plagues will come, pestilence and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; Rev. 18:8 

(Yes, it says burned with fire, but the LA fires don't hold a candlelight to what's coming across the entire nation.)

Revelation 18 is an interesting read if you substitute "United States" for "Babylon." And do notice in verse 4 the Rapture comes before the fall. Only then does the music stop, the factories stop, the food distribution stops and the lights go out.

So the USA IS in scripture. And she's still strong right up until the Rapture... wiped out immediately after our booming exit. Who should you share these verses with? Asking for a friend...



The links in the Additional Resources below are meant to help us be wise and aware as we live and make decisions living in the concluding moments of the Church Age.

Because the bad guys continue to threaten to weaponize healthcare in order to force obedience, we continue to follow the problems with the v-shots.

Now, with RFKJr taking over the HHS, more eyes will be opened to the travesty of our Big Food and Big Pharma-controlled healthcare. But like Trump, he's up against a bevy of Satan's minions. 

So this section is to offer more insight into our adversary's worldwide actions to help us make good decisions in these last days. Hey, these nut-cases are still pushing the va((ines! And some deluded people are still taking them!


---Clicking on any fuzzy picture below usually clears it up---

LA Being Destroyed By Design?

59-minute video (watch at least the first 12-15 minutes)

(It's the 2nd video on the post, "Destroyed By Design")


With one exception (and many think he was set up for that one) Alex Jones "conspiracy theories" have turned out to be 100% true. So when he began talking LA Fires, even Elon Musk raised a lot of eyebrows with his one-word comment, "True."

Jones believes the fires are part of the overall plan to take down America. Here is a recap:

1. Governor Newsom Has Blocked The Release of Desperately Needed Water From Mountain Reservoirs To Fight The Historic Inferno.

2. For Over 20 Years, Democrats Have Blocked Attempts To Upkeep Fire Mitigation Systems And Clear Brush From Critical Areas.

3. Insurance Companies Now Confess To Pulling The Fire Policies Of Hundreds of Thousands Of Homes In The LA Area In The Last Few Months.

4. The Biden Administration Enacted A No Fly Zone Over LA, Blocking State And Local Firefighting Aircraft From Battling The Blaze.

5. The Palisades, The Hardest Hit Neighborhood, Is Slated To Be The Site Of The 2028 Olympics And Had Already Been Designated To Be Transformed Into A Model Smart City.

6. The New DEI Hire Fire Chief Told The National Press Last Year That Her Main Job Was Enforcing Diversity Quotas, Not Fighting Fires Or Providing Disaster Assistance. She Also Supported A 17.5 Million Dollar Cut In The Fire Department's Budget.

7. Mayor Bass, Out Of The Country On An African Junket, Refused To Give Her Sympathies To Those Displaced By The Epic Firestorm And Ran From The Press Upon Her Return.

8. Finally, Over The Last Two Years, The LA City Council Has Diverted A Large Portion Of The Firefighting Budget And “Surplus” Gear To Ukraine.

The Globalists Are Passive Aggressive Cowards And Are Assaulting Us Through Administrative Terrorism.

Donald Trump and Elon Musk Represent The Potential of Not Just An American Golden Age, But A New Renaissance For The Entire Planet!

The Leftists Plan For The Great Reset Represents The End of Human Civilization As We Know It, And Must Be Opposed!

How do you really feel Alex?



30-second video


So frustrated singer Iyah May lost her manager and label because she wouldn't change the lyrics to her new song. She seems to be seeing through the haze... fascinating lyrics for a young European!

Here are the unedited lyrics:

I open up my phone on a Monday morning Staring at my screen, I'm tired and a little lonely Mr. Musk, he said some sh..t, the left's are angry Twitter wars and Gaza, man, it's overwhelming

Maybe that's how life becomes when People less important than a profit line No one cares about your dreams, just pay your tax on time Keep scrolling

Hold me near to you now Gender, guns, religion, and abortion rights You better pick a tribe and hate the other side Keep scrolling (But did you see Taylor live?)

Man-made virus, watch the millions die Biggest profit of their lives Here's inflation, that's your prize This is Karmageddon

Turn on the news and eat their lies Kim or Kanye? Pick a side Cancel culture, what a vibe This is Karmageddon

Corporations swear they never lie Politicians bribed for life More than war, it's genocide This is Karmageddon

Welcome to the chaos of the times If you go left and I go right Pray we make it out alive This is Karmageddon

It's fashion week, celebs lose ribs Balenciaga, how's the kids? Just ask Drake, he's losing beef Kendrick killed him in his sleep

Diss tracks about beating up your queen While women dying doesn't cause a scene While we're fed all these distractions Kids are killed from Israel's actions [Well, she obviously missed that one!] 

I'm a speak my mind Sick to death of all these crazy lies A circus for humanity's decline We just want a peaceful life Give the people back their rights

And I've still got a beef 'Cause Fauci's laughing and we've been asleep And WHO's a liar and it's running deep Big pharma finna eat They a devil, make them weak

Man-made virus, watch the millions die Biggest profit of their lives Here's inflation, that's your prize This is Karmageddon

Turn on the news and eat their lies Kim or Kanye? Pick a side Cancel culture, what a vibe This is Karmageddon

Corporations swear they never lie Politicians bribed for life More than war, it's genocide This is Karmageddon

Welcome to the chaos of the times If you go left and I go right Pray we make it out alive This is Karmageddon

-David Stockton

The MAGA folks are going to be in for a rude awakening. That’s because Donald Trump has been taking to the public stage in recent weeks promising a new "golden age" of American prosperity upon his return to the Oval Office, but nearly the opposite is just around the corner.

What’s actually coming down the pike is the [Deep State’s] revenge— a financial and economic mess that is likely to dwarf all that has gone before.

There is no mystery as to why. The combination of the GOP’s addiction to tax cuts and Big Defense budgets and the Dem’s demagoguery about Social Security, Medicare and the rest of the Welfare State. This means that down on the banks of the Potomac there is virtually no one left in the camp of fiscal rectitude.

The 37-year free lunch interregnum is about ready to expire. The Fed has printed itself into a corner and is no longer in a position to resume monetizing the debt. Stubbornly embedded goods and services inflation will likely keep the Fed’s printing presses on idle for years to come.

$624 billion of red ink amounts to $10 billion of new borrowing each and every day—including weekends, holidays and adverse weather days.

That’s right. The US Treasury’s current cash burn rate is the real revenge of the UniParty. It ensures that whatever the Trump Administration and its DOGE advisors might have had in mind on the fiscal front will be quickly overtaken by the Mother of All Debt Ceiling Crises within months and weeks of the inauguration.

Moreover, without the Fed coming to the rescue, interest rates were already fixing to soar— even before the debt ceiling crisis was front and center after January 1st.



You have to be one short of a coaster set to sent your kids to public school in Vermont.

15 Facts About The Growth Of Crime In The USA



Tens of thousands of gangs are running wild in our major urban areas, and the growth of those gangs has been supercharged during the past four years thanks to the reckless border policies of the Biden administration...probably part of the Globalists/Satanists strategy. We know where it ends...

Who made the world like a wilderness and overthrew its cities, Is. 14:17 

FDA Lab Uncovers Contamination In Covid Va((ines



Explosive revelations as a study conducted at FDA's own lab found residual DNA levels exceeded safety limits by 6 to 470 times. Regulatory authorities had previously labeled concerns about excessive DNA contamination as baseless. Experts say it's a 'smoking gun.'

And there's yet another a new study out proving more mRNA shots you take makes you sicker, not better. CLICK HERE

Terrorists Confirmed Operating In U.S.

60-second video


House intel Chair Mike Turner confirms ISIS-linked terrorists are actively operating inside the U.S.

Here We Go Again...

—By Simone Gold

Government agencies are ramping up bird flu hysteria just in time to influence the narrative ahead of a new administration, reviving the same fear tactics used during the COVID-19 era to tighten their grip on power.

In California, Governor Gavin Newsom declared a State of Emergency for H5N1 Avian Flu to justify sweeping powers. The “crisis” includes 34 reported cases—all mild (pink eye) or asymptomatic—linked to dairy herds, along with a single severe case in Louisiana involving an elderly man with significant comorbidities who worked directly with sick and dead birds

Despite this, Newsom has framed the situation as a dire public health threat.

This emergency declaration isn’t about protecting public health—it’s about pushing an agenda. Consider the facts:

  • California leads the nation in reported H5N1 cases because of its aggressive testing, yet most cases are so mild they barely warrant notice. Asymptomatic or pink eye.
  • The CDC, in a blanket statement, advises against drinking raw milk, aligning perfectly with Newsom’s crackdown on “Raw Farm LLC,” whose products were “voluntarily” recalled. The farm itself calls this a politically motivated attack with no actual safety concerns.
  • The state is distributing protective gear and vaccines, even though the seasonal flu vaccine is irrelevant to H5N1 and its effectiveness is unproven in this context.

But the most egregious aspect? California is using this as an excuse to push hard for updated flu and COVID-19 vaccines for everyone over six months old, despite the lack of connection between these vaccines and bird flu prevention. 

This is nothing more than an opportunistic grab to stockpile and push vaccines for profit under the guise of public safety.

We’ve seen this playbook before:

1. Escalate fear.

2. Introduce rushed “solutions.”

3. Roll out rushed pharmaceutical "solutions" that enrich powerful players at the expense of everyday Americans.

Governor Newsom’s actions echo the disastrous COVID-19 policies that devastated businesses, eroded freedoms, and left Americans reeling from government overreach. This is medical tyranny at its finest—a manufactured crisis used to justify political power plays and corporate profiteering.

As those in power try to tighten their grip and control your life.

And Leo Lets Loose with an excellent analysis of the same topic: CLICK HERE

Va((ine Permanently Changes Genome In Less Than One Hour

90-second Facebook video


It's more bad news for the va((inated. Not only does the Covid va((ine embed and change your own DNA, it's also passed down to your kids.

Sadly, what's coming will be non-va((inated with mRNA persons not wanting to marry va((inated with mRNA persons. Ouch!

12-minute  video


Annette Vulpis explains what happened to her husband. Sad, but common.

YouTube Deletes Another Compass Video

Well, Youtube axed Russ Miller's video presentation "Our Divine Designer." But it's still on CompassTV. The part they objected to is between the 6 and 7 minute mark. What this tells us is what they don't want us to know. Watch video HERE

The graphic above and the one below are both in the 6 to 7 minute window. Could have been either or both that got their panties in a wad.

There certainly seems to be a connection, and RFKJr is all over this...

Va((inated Newborns Die Of SIDS

Randomized trial shows irrational immunization of preemies harmful, demonstrates mechanism of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

"Premature babies are at high risk for neurological and pulmonary complications in the neonatal ICU. They are not at risk for hospital-acquired Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, or Haemophilus Influenza B. Thus the wisdom of giving 7 vaccines to a frail and vulnerable preterm newborn should be challenged” - Peter McCullough

Read the full report HERE

I bet if you did a fair evaluation of all the SIDS cases, most, if not all, were va((inated.

When the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out, CDC provided a V-safe app where people could record their symptoms. The attorneys who represent ICAN sued CDC to release this data. The V-safe data revealed over 124,000 reports of rashes; 22,000 reports of hives; 11,000 reports of blisters; 3,000 reports of eczema; 2,500 reports of psoriasis; and 1,500 reports of lesions.

Some examples in the vaccine recipients’ own words:

  • “Severe hives. Started the morning of 1/11 went to urgent care 1/12 at 3am. Raised and red hives. Started on thighs and arms. Eventually covered 90% of my body.”
  • “Bullous lesions on hands. Slow healing process. Had a biopsy of one of the lesions.”
  • “6 silver dollar sized psoriasis like patches on my chest and ive [sic] never had any skin issues in my life”
  • “Had very unusual rapid growing lesion, biopsy done 1/15/21. Suspecting autoimmune process. Requires topical and systemic pain meds.”
  • “Painful blisters on my hands, feet, wrists and elbows as well as in my nostril.”
  • “Ulcers on roof of mouth and down throat (not something that has ever happened to me before)”
  • “Rash all over, hive like bumps on palms of feet and hands, back, stomach, legs, arms, its every where [sic] and very itchy.”

The truth keeps leaking out… I just don’t see how in the world they could demand peeps to take future va((ines…even non-covid va((ines. Go RFKJr!

Now if you have a godless billion dollar industry seeing the possibility of losing its main source of income...what will they do?

If you've read Trump's book, The Art Of The Deal, you know he's just negotiating with Mexico.


Eggs And Butter, Still Rising



Thanks to years of inflation and the fake bird flu causing 1/3 of the pigs, chickens and turkeys to be destroyed, the price of breakfast in America is continuing to skyrocket.

Interesting but the end of the article makes a few fear-based assertions of food shortages before offering to sell you a book. I personally believe that we will have a continued economy of food, drink, building and social events right up until the Rapture (Matt. 24/Luke 17). And that even though yes, the USA is judged/destroyed by God, it happens post-Rapture (Rev. 18). 

Excess Fluoride Exposure Associated with Lower IQ in Children



This systematic review and meta-analysis of 74 cross-sectional and prospective cohort studies found significant inverse associations between fluoride exposure and children’s IQ scores.
If your local water has fluoride added in any amount, you should forward this information to your elected officials and demand that the practice be halted. Just saying...

As is happening in other European countries, Germany is seeing a resurgence in patriotism and conservatism through the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, says Steven Kuhn, a strategic advisor and key insider who co-founded the populist phenomenon.

With supporters like Elon Musk, the party is growing rapidly, standing as a threat to the establishment in Germany.

From promises to close the border, being pro-family, and getting away from the European Union, Alex Newman and Steven Kuhn discuss how this is possible and why the establishment is absolutely freaking out trying to stop it.

CLICK HERE to watch 28-minute video

Over Half Of Black Babies Murdered In The Womb

Abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2024, according to new data published by Worldometer, which shows there were 45.1 million abortions globally last year. So sadly, abortions accounted for just over 42% of all human deaths in 2024.

So just because Roe vs. Wade was struck down, we're still sacrificing over 500,000 of our unborn and defenseless children to Satan each year.

Read more HERE

Beware—Lies Continuing ....

For over a decade, the CDC has mishandled flu mortality data, ignored the problem when confronted, and carried these same flawed methods into the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Internal emails reveal that the CDC was warned about major inconsistencies in flu mortality statistics but chose to ignore them. These same flawed processes appear to have shaped COVID-19 data and policies that upended lives and livelihoods. 

Analysis of CDC’s V-safe data revealed 12,000 reports of kidney-related injuries after COVID-19 vaccination—injuries the CDC refuses to acknowledge.

This isn’t just incompetence—it’s a systemic failure that has endangered lives.


(So despite everyone feeling better due to the national election, we have to continue our last-days' stand against the Globalists/Satanists.)

Drones Spray 'Self-Spreading' COVID-19 Vaccine for 'Large-Area Inoculation of Humans' in 'DEFUSE' EcoHealth/DARPA Project



Well, just reading the summary at the beginning of the article is quite uncomfortable. 
And being va((inated without permission is the least of the problem here….

Big Oil Scarcity Lies

Article and/or 20-minute video

Big Oil claims its product is a "fossil fuel" derived from compressed plants. WRONG. Oil is Earth's second most abundant liquid and will supply us indefinitely with clean power…a gift from God!


END, Compass eNews, January 9, 2025

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Bill Perkins
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Bill Perkins
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