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What is RR1?

The RR1 campaign is a simple yet powerful way to point America back to God’s Word! America needs to read God’s truth in Romans chapter one!

What’s going on in America?

Today most Believers can see that things are quickly changing for Christians in this country!

The tide has turned from the Bible defining sin, to the government redefining sin. Atheism and relativism are entrenched in our schools and government. As a result, Bible-believing Christians in America are now beginning to face downright hostility for their faith!

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;” Is. 5:20

What Can Believers Do?

Most Christians want to say SOMETHING, do SOMETHING, but what can a Believer do and not risk being thrown in jail? Here’s our answer:


Two things Believers can do today:

#1 Pray for opportunities to witness!

The only thing that really matters in this life is who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. The only thing we can take with us into the next life is salvation!

The reason we’re here, post-personal salvation, is to be used by the Lord as witnesses to His truths. With whatever time we have left on this earth, our priority should be to share God’s truth with a fallen world. We’re all sinners, but Jesus has provided a way of escape from eternal hell.

“praying... that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ,” Col. 4:3

#2 Point to the Bible for answers!

The only thing that matters in this life is what God says. In America the Bible has been taken from our schools, millions of children have been murdered for convenience and marriage is being destroyed on several fronts.

“...the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving.” 2Cor. 4:4

Our country needs a Biblical reawakening!

God’s not finished with us yet and turning to God’s Word is our only hope! So we’ve come up with a simple way to point people back to the fact that God’s rules matter and that God’s rules rule! So we’re just pointing people to God’s Word, the final authority.

“The word of God is living and active and sharper than any two- edged sword, and piercing...” Heb. 4:12

One person at a time

We obviously can’t get the entire nation to read or reread the entire Bible, but WE CAN TRY to get one person at a time to read one chapter! So, we’ve chosen a really powerful chapter that addresses almost everything we’re dealing with today. EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ, or REREAD, Romans 1!!

Consider all God’s truths found in this fascinating chapter:

Romans 1 includes these important truths:

  • That Jesus is both God and the Messiah v.1,9
  • The Bible is without error v.2
  • The Jews are chosen by God v.3
  • That Jesus was resurrected as Lord v.4,5
  • That salvation is by faith alone v. 5,8,16,17
  • That we should pray for God’s Will v.10
  • That we choose to be wise or foolish v.14
  • That God’s wrath is coming for sin v.18
  • The earth was created , not random v.20,25
  • That mankind is accountable to God v.20
  • That sin clouds your reasoning v.21,22
  • There ARE absolutes v.25
  • God calls homosexuality sin v.26,27
  • Sin leads to death v.28,32

We want to point everyone to Read Romans 1!

And to simplify our campaign, we’re calling it “ RR1 ” for short.

If you believe God’s not finished with us yet, take a stand and help us by supporting RR1! Pointing to the Bible is not a crime . At least not yet! And if someone doesn’t like what they read in Romans 1 then they can take it up with God!


You can make a difference! You don't have to sit idly while the world goes down the tubes... point people to God's truth -- RR1!


Pray about supporting the RR1 campaign!

  >>>Here are 5 ways to help us get the word out about RR1<<<

1) Add RR1 to your prayer list, that if it's God's Will, He will use RR1 for His glory. 

2) Tell your pastor, friends and family about RR1.

3) Put an RR1 bumper sticker on your car. ( Click here to get one for a buck.)

4) Wear a RR1 sticker or lapel pin to church, or wherever. Click here

5) Like and share RR1 via Facebook (after you "LIKE" it on Facebook, please "SHARE" it also!)LinkedIn and Twitter

6) Pray about helping us get the word out.  Click here to donate.

Thanks for helping us spread the word about RR1!


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