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Israel Travel Tips

“Must” reading for your trip of a lifetime!
Please review these overseas travel tips now and 30 days prior to departure. Many require some pre-trip planning and shopping.

Packing for the trip of a lifetime

Extras To Bring
It is always a good idea when traveling to bring along an extra
pair of your prescription glasses and/or sunglasses and
prescription medicines (with original prescription and generic
name for drug). These items are available overseas, but are
generally time-consuming to locate and may make you miss a
day of sightseeing. Also, while items such as camera batteries and
film are readily available, they are generally much less expensive
in the U.S.

Helpful items to bring from home . . .
o Small binoculars
o Kleenex
o Packaged snacks
o Hand sanitizer
o Small calculator
o Melatonin (sleep aid)
o Travel blow dryer (low wattage, less than 500)
o Travel umbrella
o Cold medicine
o Copies of all prescriptions
o Nylon gym bag for return trip
o Lots of digital memory!
o Extra pair of glasses or contacts
o Laptop for email and pic downloads

Fanny packs/Backpacks
Many past tour attendees have found it convenient to wear a
“fanny pack” or backpack for carrying such items as your
camera, wallet, film, pen, sunscreen, fold-up umbrella, compact
Bible, passport, binoculars, etc. Other people use camera or
athletic-type bags. The buses in Israel are safe and locked when
you get off at each stop, so leaving things on the seat is safe and
ok. It is also a good idea to bring a few small packages of Kleenex
for bathroom stops there is a good chance you will need them!

For the site tours comfort before fashion is the key! The weather
varies from day to day at this time of the year in Israel. Generally,
layered clothing works best as you may need a jacket early in the
day and short sleeves in the afternoon. A jacket, sweaters, and
shirts (long or short sleeved) seem to work the best. Wrinkle free
clothes are a must! Check the weather forecast each evening for
the next day's suggested clothing.

Women must cover their shoulders and knees for Holy sites-at
Capernaum in Galilee and the Temple Mount area in Jerusalem.
They've even banned very tight-fitting jeans and/or leggings in
the past. Leggings or tight-fitting stretch pants are not allowed on
the Holy sites unless knees are covered by a skirt. Specific dress
requirements will be announced the night before touring.

Always wear comfortable walking shoes for the day tours. There
is no reason to bring dress shoes or dress clothing. Think casual!

Quick Tip
Many internet sites (Yahoo, Excite, etc.) have a section where you
can look up international weather forecasts. We recommend
bookmarking these pages and checking periodically before
departure. This will give you a good idea of what to expect
weather-wise and help with your packing decisions. Looking at a
ten day forecast a couple of days prior to departure is incredibly
valuable in determining your clothes selection! If you don’t do
Internet, ask a family member to give you the information.

Money Local Currency
Dollars are widely accepted in Israel and it's easy to exchange
currency if necessary. You will pay a small charge for conversion,
which makes little difference in changing small amounts like $20
dollar bills but you should always compare several exchange
rates before converting large amounts of dollars, to be certain
you are getting a fair rate of exchange.

Many tour participants find it's good to have 100 or so one-dollar
bills and several five-dollar bills on their tour. They come in
handy for small purchases and you can keep $10 or $20 in your
pocket while leaving your wallet and/or purse in the bus. You
can use larger bills, but if you want to get change for a $100 bill,
you will get local currency, not dollars. In Israel the currency is
called the Shekel. It is currently trading at approximately four
shekels to one dollar.

Credit Cards
Many people prefer to charge purchases on a credit card rather
than carry a large amount of cash. The benefit to this is that the
conversion rate is the actual rate of exchange for that day (+ 2 %
fee from the company). If, for instance, you purchase an item with
your MasterCard in Israel for 125 shekels, the charge will come
out in dollars on your statement-at the current international
exchange rate, which is the best rate of exchange available.
However, you generally will find the need to have a few dollars
or shekels in your possession for small purchases like Cokes,
newspapers, postcards, etc. Visa is the most accepted credit card,
then MasterCard, American Express, and Diners Club. Others,
such as Discover, are more difficult to use.

Travelers Checks and ATMs
Travelers checks are encouraged over large amounts of cash, but
when you cash your travelers checks, your change will be in local
currency. ATM machines are available but not usually easy to
find. They work like machines in the US, in English, but they
dispense the local currency, not dollars.

Personal Checks
Always bring a few preprinted personal checks from your local
bank-a number of places accept them for merchandise, especially
for large items like oriental rugs or nice jewelry. Apparently they
figure that if you can afford the $3,000 trip, your check will clear.
Sometimes a check is accepted when a credit card isn't!

Obtaining a Passport

By now you should have a valid passport that is good through
six months past your date of return.
If you don't yet have a
passport, you need to start the process as soon as possible. You
can pick up an application at either the post office or county
courthouse (varies by area). Applications can also be
downloaded off the internet
(http://travel.state.gov/download_applications.html). You will
need a certified copy of your birth certificate (the one with the
footprints doesn't qualify grin to submit with the application. If you
don't have a certified copy, you can request one by calling the
department of records at the capital of the state in which you
were born. There is usually a fee for this and it can take several
weeks to receive it.

Traveling with Your Passport
Rule #1, always keep your passport with you (not in your
luggage) while traveling unless it is locked in a secure place, such
as the hotel's safe.

Before leaving home, make two photocopies of the main page of
your passport. Leave one with someone you could easily contact
while you are on your trip and take the other with you (keep it in
a separate location than your original passport). Remember, you
will need to be able to produce your original passport at all
airports in the U.S. and abroad, along with your plane tickets.

Always keep your passport and plane tickets with you while
traveling. Never pack them in a suitcase that will be checked. This
means you will need to decide where to keep them on your
body. Some people purchase safety pockets that attach to your
belt and hang inside your pants. Others simple keep them in their
front or back pockets, or a well-guarded purse. If you lose your
passport, it's impossible to leave a foreign country or get past
customs in the U.S. until you get a new one.


Sleep Aids
We recommend that you consider purchasing some items that
will help you sleep on the long flights to and from Israel, as well
as through the night for the first few nights overseas. Ask your
doctor if he thinks sleeping pills are appropriate.

A neck pillow that allows you to sleep sitting-up without hurting
your neck. Some of the larger planes have them built in to the
seat. Other suggestions are sleeping shades (cloth eye covers that
block light) and ear plugs. Noise cancellation headphones and an
iPod with some smooth music are excellent if you can afford

Blankets and small pillows are provided. Wear comfortable and
loose shoes on the overseas plane ride (shoes that tie are best).
Your feet will retain fluids over the course of the flight but will
return to normal after landing. If you can locate them, “No Jet Lag”
pills really help.

Many people believe that the less you eat, the better you sleep.
And we encourage you to sleep as best you can. Even short naps
are helpful. Bring a toothbrush, deodorant, wash cloth, make-up,
etc., as well as a change of clothes, in your carryon bag to use on
the plane the next morning.

How You Can Beat Jet Lag
   1. Eat sparingly, less is better!
   2. Eat cautiously if turbulence is predicted.
   3. Minimize food intake to get maximum rest. You'll doze off
faster & sleep more soundly if your stomach is not stuffed.
   4. Avoid gas-forming foods, i.e. beans, cabbage, onions, raw
apples, cucumber, melons, foods cooked in grease.
   5. Try to match your eating time with your “stomach clock.”
For instance, if dinner on the plane is going to be significantly
later than your regular time, eat something at the airport before
boarding, then pass up the in-flight feast.

Drink lots of water on the plane!
Dr. F. S. Preston of British Airways advises crew members to
drink between 4-5 pints of fluid, preferably water, when they fly
to prevent dehydration. The ventilation system tends to remove
moisture from the cabin and body tissues, causing dehydration
sufficient to cause fatigue and irritability. When passengers get
dehydrated and feel thirsty, they tend to replenish their fluid
deficits with the wrong fluids-liquor, soft drinks, coffee and tea.

   o Liquor is almost twice as potent at high altitude.
   o Soft drinks cause abdominal discomfort. At 35,000 feet,
gases in the stomach and intestines increase approximately 20%
because of the decrease in atmospheric pressure. Soft drinks
worsen this condition.
   o Coffee and tea are mild diuretics and speed up the loss of
liquids through the kidneys.
   o The best fluids to drink are water and fruit juices.

   1. Get out of your seat and move around the cabin from time
to time.
   2. Try some isometric exercises while you are in your seat.
   3. Do a few calisthenics and stretches in the aisle or lavatory
to get your circulation going.

   1. Recline your seat back.
   2. Put a pillow behind your head-it's a good psychological
   3. Cover yourself with a blanket-it will trap body heat, keep
you warm, and help you fall asleep faster.
   4. When you arrive in Israel, don't go to bed (not even for a
nap) until well after dinner. This will help you adjust to the time
change much more quickly.

Important Note!!!
You are provided luggage tags that must be attached to the
handles of your luggage before you check your luggage in at
your home airport. This insures that your luggage will be
handled with our group at both airports and hotels. It also
speeds up customs as identifying you as part of a tour group. An
extra tag is given for purse or camera bag.

You must limit your luggage to one checked piece and one
carryon per person - this is due to limited luggage space on the

In addition to make-up, toiletries, medicine, and two good books
(a gripping novel by Frank Peretti is suggested grin, pack at least
one change of clothing and two changes of underwear in your
carryon. In the unlikely event your luggage is lost or delayed,
this can be a life saver. If your luggage is lost, you may not see it
for a few days. Pray now that your luggage won't get lost!

Carry-on Dimensions & Restrictions
Your carryon should not be larger than 45 inches in
circumference and under 18 pounds. Because airlines are getting
very sticky about this, we recommend that you accurately
measure your carryon to make sure it does not exceed the limit
even if you have used it before without a problem.

Going through customs into foreign countries is generally slow.
When arriving in Israel, if you have lost a suitcase, tell a Compass
staff member and they will show you where to go to fill out the
forms. We usually have about one out of every 100 people that
don't have all their luggage make it. Usually the lost luggage is
back to you in two days to four days. Again, remember to pack
an extra change of clothes and two changes of underwear in your

Always include necessities such as make-up, camera, valuables,
medicine, etc. in your carryon. Before leaving, pray that the Lord
will allow all of your bags to arrive with your flight, and, if God
allows your bag to be delayed or lost, that you will have a Christcentered
response as the “chosen one.”

You are allowed to bring back to the United States up to $400.00
of foreign goods per person in most countries, but for Israel, it
has “Favored Nation“ status. So you have no limit as long as it’s
not for resale. You will receive a stamped form when you arrive
in Israel regarding customs-keep it with your passport-you will
need it when you leave the country.

Many times, going through customs will try your ability to be a
Christian witness. Tip: Always remember that you are in a foreign
country and things are not like the U.S. So, be flexible and pray a

First Day of Trip
The first day of your trip is a long one as most will depart a North
American city and continue on to Israel. Since we are traveling
against the time zone we will arrive in Tel Aviv the next day. With
this in mind, it is important to be organized enough to get a good
night's sleep the day before you depart. That way, as the little
world travel problems crop up, you are rested and better able to
properly respond to any situation that God allows.

Get to the airport two hours prior to departure for international
flights. This insures you have time to deal with check-in and any
problems that might crop up.

If for some reason you don't get seated next to your spouse or
travel mate, ask the gate agent to try to find seats together. You
can usually work it out before getting on the plane but once or
twice we have had to do some seat trading after we boarded the

Dietary Concerns

The water in Israel is of the same quality as the U.S. and is
unlikely to cause you any problems. However, it is always safer
to drink bottled water whenever possible. Your bus will have an
ample supply of bottled water at very reasonable prices, usually
$1 per bottle. The bus drivers sell them as a side business. Soft
drinks are usually available at food stands at most sites.

Special diet requests
Special meals are also available from the airlines. Once you have
received your tickets, call the airline direct and they will help you
with your request.

Meals-breakfast, lunch and dinner-are included in the trip except
for during your free day in Jerusalem or Eilat, and any airport
layovers. Ice tea and water are provided at lunches and dinners,
juices and coffee for breakfast. Soft drinks and wine may be
purchased as well as bottled water for most meals.

Laundry service is available at most of the hotels. A few items are
not too costly but before you send a large number of items to be
cleaned, check the total costs (usually a laundry list is left in your
room). The clothes are returned to your room.

Name Badges
You will be sent a Compass tour name badge prior to your
departure from home. You are required to wear your badge
during all day trips for both security and admission to sites, as
well as your meal ticket. If you lose your badge, see a Compass
staff member for a replacement.

You will need to purchase a converter for shavers, hair dryers,
curling irons, etc. These are usually available at any Radio Shack
or Wal-Mart. Electricity in Israel and Jordan is 220 volts/50

Phone Calls
Direct calls to the U.S. are simple and work best dialing direct
from a pay phone using a calling card or prepaid phone card.
You can call from the hotels using their system, but they charge
extra-a lot extra. The time difference is ten hours for the West
Coast, seven for the East Coast.

Most hotels have Internet access. Some for a log-on fee, some free
of charge. So you can bring a laptop and stay in touch by email.

Tips in Israel are prepaid. Your bus captain may collect an
additional tip for your guide and driver at the end of the tour for
a job well done.

Guides, Buses & Tours
For larger groups, you will be assigned a bus number and a
corresponding color (#1-Blue, #2-Red, #3 Green, etc.). This will
be your bus assignment for all day trips. You will receive your
bus assignment 2-3 weeks prior to departure, When you receive
your assignment, if you are not assigned a bus with your travel
mate(s) or group, please call Compass immediately.

Israeli Guides
Your Israeli guide and bus driver usually work together as a
team. They are Jewish, and rarely Christian, but will become like
family to you by the time you leave Israel. In crowded places like
the Old City of Jerusalem, always be aware of where your
guide/flag is as it is very easy to get lost. You'll ride the same
bus each day.

The guides also receive income, in the form of a small
commission, from several gift shops at some of the sites that we
will visit. This is part of the culture in Israel and is considered
part of the guides' income. The gift shops know the guides can
stop anywhere along the route and this encourages them to stop
at their place. The souvenir prices at these “bathroom stops” are
very similar to other shops and the guides usually choose the
locations based on cleanliness of rest rooms, acceptance and
security of credit cards, broadness of stock, price, etc. So you
generally don't pay more even though the guide is getting a
commission. For major purchases, always offer less!

A word to the wise . . .
If you think you may want to purchase items from the many
roving souvenir salesman at a site, put a few dollars in your
pocket before you get off the bus so you don't have to open your
wallet in front of them. Although rare, there have been instances
of pick-pocketing.

Bus Etiquette
Always be considerate of your fellow passengers while the
guides are talking. If you are talking to your seat mate it makes it
harder for those nearby to hear the guide clearly. Also, with the
obvious exception of the guide, the seats toward the front with
the best view should be rotated each day. When given a few
minutes for bathroom stops, shopping or free time, please return
to the bus promptly so we can continue without delay. The 5-10
minutes spent gathering stray passengers at a site can add up to
shortened site time or Bible studies later.

Most of all . . .
> Pray for God's blessing on this trip and that He will use our
interaction with the Jewish people to His glory.

Questions Compass (800) 977-2177


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